The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 20, 1912, Image 2

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IRA Li. BARE, Publisher.
National, Political, Peroonal and Other
Matters In Brief Form for All
Classes of Readers.
Political Notes.
Mnitto turned n political somersault,
landing on tho republican side.
South Dakota republicans and
progressives may work In harmony.
Tho appeal of Taft men In tho Kan
eaH electoral case has been perfected.
Govornor Johnson mado tho predic
tion that progressives will carry
Tho candidacy of Colonel Roosevelt
was attacked by Senator Sutherland
of Utah.
Colonol Roosevelt regards Govern
nor Wilson as something of a novlco
In practical things.
Colonel Hoosovelt mid tho progress
ive movonient was spreading over tho
country llko wlldllro.
In an address at Now York Wood
row Wilson said democracy repre
sented tho ark of safety.
Colonol Roosovolt marked tho div
iding lino between progressive and
reactionary voters.
Tho treasurer of tho progressive
party has mado public tho contribu
tions to tho causo to date.
Roosevelt, principal speaker at tho
Missouri progreBslvo convention, as
Balled Wilson and Archbold.
Thcro was no majority for govornor
In tho Vermont election and tho log
in laturo will have to decide It.
Governor Hiram W. Johnson of Cal
ifornia mado five speeches In Wiscon
sin In ono day In favor of tho pro
Grcsslvo party, but did not mention
Senator La Follotto by name.
The Maryland republican state con.
ventlon reassembled at Baltimore
rovoked the list of presidential elec
tors chosen laBt May and named a
now ticket of out and out Taft men.
Washington dispatch: Fred II. Ab
bott of Nebraska, assistant Indian
commissioner, Is oxpected t!o succeed
Commissioner Robert G. Valentino,
whoso resignation has boon submit
ted. Increase organized labor'fl represen
tation In congress Is tho koynoto of
tho 1912 political program to bo of
ficially announced in tho Washington
weekly nows letter of tho Amorlcan
Federation of Labor, which Bounds la
bor's campaign cry.
Tho Itinerary or William J. Bryan's
western stumping tour has boon mado
public. Starting from Donvcr, Mr.
Bryan will closo his wcBtom trip Sep
tember 30 In Wyoming, In tlmo to re
turn to Lincoln by October C, when
bo Is schodulod to dollver an address
from tho Bamo platform as Governor
Genera!. i
Govornor Hadloy declared hlo loy
alty to tho Missouri republican tickot.
Government and stato veterinarians
disagree as to horso dlBoaso but ask
owners to oxcorciso care In choice of
Tho strlko ot tho ore dock men on
tho Great Northern systom at Allouoz
Bay, Manitoba, was sottlod on terms
proposed by tho company.
RogontB of tho Unlvorslty of Min
nesota rejected tho proposition of the
Stato Board of Health to establish a
lepor colony on tho campus. '
Tho eighth death as tho remilt of
Eddlo Haslm'tt rldo Into a crowd ot
spectators at tho .motorcyclo races In
Nowark, N. J occurred Sunday.
Tho American Association of Gen
eral Passenger and Ticket Agonts
concluded Its fifty-seventh annual con
vention In Soattlo with eloctlon of
Springfield, Mass., was elected as
' next year's meeting place of tho Na
tional Association of Stationary Engl
neers, which haB boon In conventloon
in KnnsaB City.
Tho second day of tho powor boat
races on tho Niagara river wbb
marked by two accidents In which two
of tho hydroplanes wont to the bot
tom and the crow of ono was Borlously
A Boml-oIIlclal statement has boon
Issued denouncing as absolutely un
founded various nowspapor roports
that an agroomont had been reached
respecting tho conclusion ot peaco bo
twoen Italy and Turkey.
Mario La Sullo-Kablnoff, an Ameri
can opora singer and tho wife of Max
Rablnoff, tho Russian imprcssarlo,
died in a hospital in London after an
operation. She was formerly Miss
Jessie Richmond of Boatrlco, Neb,
At Rcleigh, N. C. Wm. Relchmann,
of tho Btao university, was killed
whllo being hazed, Ho was placed in a
barrel and whon surrounded by his
tormentors foil off and gasped, "My
neck Is broken," and died a moment
Seventy European scientists who
aro making a tour of tho United
States In a special train arrived in
Eoattlo from eastern Washington.
Two resolutions looking to tho
world-wide safety of buildings woro
adopted at the" ttnal session ot tho
congresB of tho International Asso
ciation for TostlnK Materials,
A serious situation exists In Mon
golia, according to a Poking dlspatc.
to tho Dally Mall In London.
Secretary Wilson of tho Depart
ment of Agriculture has decided to
establish an experiment station on tho
Mantl natlonol forest near Bpralum,
Senator Fall favors recognizing tho
belligerency of Mexican rebels.
Wisconsin progressives at their
convention did not nominate a stato
Prosldont Yuan Shi Kal of China Is
credited with uhrewd political ma
neuvering. ,
A final order of cancellation has
been issued In tho Cunningham
Alnskn coal land claims,
Colonel Itoosevelt was roundly
scored at tho Connecticut democratic
stato convention.
Chicago was chosen for tho next
biennial meeting of tho general fedor.
atlon of women's clubs,
Commissioner of Indian Affairs Va
lentino tendered his resignation to
Join tho progresolvo party.
Discrimination against Iowa Is
charged In a Biilt filed with tho Inter
state commerce commission.
Kansas City, Mo., and July 8 wore
selected by tho National Dental as
sociation for next year's meeting.
Joseph F. Haas or Chicago resigned
bb clork of tho Illinois Pardon board
and his resignation was accepted.
Chicago was chosen for . tho oioxt
biennial meeting of the Ooneral Fed
eration of Women's clubs by the
board of directors.
Rov. George It. Cross, paBtor of one
of tho leading Methodist Episcopal
churches of Baltimore, has been elect
ed president of Depauw university
Tho Washington progressive Btato
convention nominated a stato ticket
headed by Robert T. Hodgo of Seattlo
for tho governorship and named can
didates for congrcsB.
Tho yield of tho Klondike gold
placer mlncB for 1912 waB $5,000,000,
an Incrcaso of $1,000,000 over 1911.
Tho increase was duo to tho employ
ment of moro dredgors.
Tho Investment of tho Right Rov.
Reginald Heber Weber, successor as
Episcopal bishop of Fond Du Lac,
Wis., to Bishop Grafton, will probably
tako place Sunday, October C.
That tho strike situation In tho
Knawhahi'valloy coal IlcldB In West
Virginia, which has been under mar
tial law for tho last fow days, Is grow
ing moro complex Is reported.
Dr. A. O. Zwlck, cnndldato of Iho
third partyy for "Nick" Longworth's
Bent In congress Is gojng to mako a
hot fight. Ills campaign will bo
largely a storcoptlcnn campaign.
Director Mulvano at national repub
lican headquarters announced that
John M. Harlan of Chicago would fol
low Colopel RooBovolt through Oro
gon and other Pacific coast states.
Government ownership of public
utilities and the conservation of tho
country's natural resources were
urged by Dr. Elwood Mead, chairman
of the stuto rivers and water supply
commission of Victoria.
Argument was begun at Chicago be
foro Examiner Eider, of tho interstate
commerce commission of suspended
increases in coal rates on tho Chicago
Burlington and Qulncy railroad from
Sprlugflold, 111., to Clinton, la.
Governor-elect William T. Haines
received tho following tolegram of
congratulation from President Taft:
"Hon William T. Halnos. I congrat
ulate you on redeoming Mnino. It Is
a notablo and significant victory."
Charges that Robert G. Valentino,
who resigned as commissioner of In
dian nrfalrB, took liquor with him on
an official visit to an Indlnn reserva
tion in Oklahoma, will bo Investigated
by tho department of Justice.
Tho good ofllceB of tho United
States ns 'intermediary in tho Turko
American war would bo welcomed by
both nations It Is understood. The
Tiro United States Is regarded as tho
only disinterested one of the powers.
Tho expectations of tho stato de
ment have been fully Justified' In tho
complete collapse of the effort of cer
tain prlvvato Interests to concludo a
$50,000,000 loan to China in tho face of
tho known disapproval of tho great
While therols a disposition to ns
slst in overy proper restoration of
peaco between Italy and Turkey, ofll
claln of tho stato dopartment wero ob
liged to confess that so far tho Uni
ted States had mado no move what
ever In that direction.
Tho Amorlcan ombaBsy has been
Informed by John Dovlne.wrltlng from
Ceurnovaca, Mexico, and claiming to
bo an Amorlcan enlisted In tho Mexi
can army, that ho has boon sentenced
to death by tho federals and that ho
is Ignorant of tho chargo against him.
With returns from eight small count
Iob missing, tho Tuft republican head
quarters In Denver issued a state
ment claiming tho gubernatorial
nomination in Tuesday's primaries
for C. C. ParkB by 1,500. P. B
Stewart, progressive, and his munagei
refused to admit defeat.
Now York's proposed Broadwaj
curfew, othorwlso a crusado against
"maaherB and kindred nuisances" ro
eelved support from tho bench today
whon Magistrato Cornell sentenced
to tho workhouse for indeterminate
terms ten mon who had been arrested
for looaflng after midnight.
Government veterinarians havo ar
rived In Nebraska to aid In cxtermln
ntlug tho doadly dlseasa among hors
Moxlcnn rebel Goneral Rojas sent
a noto of dellance to Americans.
Tho kaiser favors a grant ot land
on Luko arolbultz for u golf courso.
W. F. Wallace, wldoly known as a
circus, man, died at Hot Springs, Ark
Congressman Norris has arrived In
Nebraska and will make tho Bei'ator
lnl campalga
City cf Ojinaga Taken, the Federals
Driving Rebels Away After
Severe Fighting.
EI PttBO. Ojinaga, tho Mexican bor
dor town opposite Presidio, Tex., was
taken away by federal troops after
brisk fighting at daybreak, according
to advices receivevd at Fort BHbb by
General E. Z. Steever, commanding
tho Pepartment of Texas.
General Steever also received a re
port from army ofllcors at Presidio,
Tex., opposite Ojinaga, Moxico, hat
Colonol Pascual Orozco, sr., father of
tho rebel leader, was captured and 1b
held by United States troops at Pro
sidio, together with Colonel P. G.
Whether General Pascual Orozco,
Jr., the rebel commandor.ln-chief, was
lighting at Ojinaga or escaped over
tho International lino into tho United
States is not known.
Federal forces numbering .ICO, under
command of Colonel Manuel Landa,
entered Ojinaga proper, driving tho
robels beforo them.
Tho rebels took refuge in San Fran
cisco, a suburb to the south and away
from tho American side of tho line,
and at last roports fighting continued.
Roports of tho number of tho rebels
defending Ojinaga vary to a large do
gree. Colonel P. G. Orozco, who was
roported captured, is no relation of
tho rebel leader.
Will Hold Orozco.
Washington. The United States
will hold Colonol Pascutl Orozco, sr.,
father of the rebel general, and Col
onol P. G. Orozco, with any other
captured Mexican robels, probably for
deportation to Mexico. No charges of
violations of the neutrality lawB aro
pending against either and tholr posi
tion is the snmu as that of any of
tholr men.
General Orozco, however, If cap
"turcd, will bo held for tho Mexican
government, which Is prepared to ask
for hia extradition to face charges of
embezzlement j)f funds In his care
while inspector general of rurales, of
murder and brigandage.
El Tlgre Captured.
Douglas, Ariz. Inez Salazar and his
rebel band captured El Tigre, tho
American gold mining camp, twice at
tacked by him. In the lighting several
federals wero killed and a dozen
wounded. Only one American was
wounded. Ho was Gilbert McNeill,
but his wound is not serious.
Horse Plague Loss.
Sallna, Kas. Six million dollars
will not cover the loss caused by tho
horso plague In Kansas during tho
last month, according to estimates
mado by Dr. F. S. Schoenletzer, liead
of tho veterinary department, and Dr.
E. II. Webster, director of tho experi
ment station of the-Kansas Agricul
tural college, who havo been visiting
tho plagpo infested district.
Last of Allen Clan Captured.
Des Molnea. Sldna Allen, loader ot
tho Allen clan which Bhot up tho Car
roll county court house at Hlllvllle,
Vn., March 14, and his nephew, Wes
ley Edwards, aro en route to Virginia
In tho custody of detectives, having
been started on tho homeward trip
within an hour after the arrest of Ed
wards In this city.
Naval Apprentices Drowned.
Chicago. -Five naval apprentices
wero drowned In Lake Michigan and
flvo moro aro missing and probably
will bo added to tho list of dead as
tho result of a pleasure Ball under
taken by a boatload of young recruits
from tho naval training station at
Lake Bluff, 111.
Shoots Wife and Self.
Nebraska City. John LowIb, n
palntor, fatally wounded his wife, and
shot and killed himself following a
quarrel upon his return homo at 7:30
o'clock in tho ovonlng. Lewis had
drinking heavily. Mrs. LowIb was
taken to tho hospital. Sho was shot
Will Fire All Moosers.
New YorkThat drastic action will
bo taken by tho republican national
committee at Its meeting hero Wed
nesday to ouBt from Us momborshlp
mon with leanings toward Colonel
HooBovolt wub announced by William
Barnes, Jr., chairman of tho national
udvlsory commlttco.
Coming to America.
Dublin. William H. K. Redmond,
M.NP., for Claro, East, and brother
of John E. Redmond, tho Irish na
tionalist loador, left for tho United
States on tho steamer Baltic.
Accident in Auto Races.
Mason City, la. Flvo woro hurt,
two Borlously, during tho final event
at tho North Iowa fair whon tho rac
ing auto, Green Goblin, of tho Mar
shall flying squadron, Chicago, throw
a whool at tho first turn of tho track
and wont Into tho crowd.
Boys Make Confession.
Butte, Mont. Fifteen boys, ranging
from 12 to 15 years of age, confessed
In tho Juvenile court that they at
tempted to lynch Josoph Meyers, a
chicken farmor.
Death is announced of Rov. S. J.
Beach of Nellgh.
Falrbury schools opened with in
creased attendance.
Tho Omaha Commercial club has
declared in favor of a new state capl
tol building and will work for the
In many places where tho schools
openod for tho new term it was found
that additional teachers wero required
on account of more pupils.
Commissioners of Douglas county
prepare to move Into the new court
house in October, although, the build
ing Is far from being finished.
Mr. Rowen, f. brother of Mrs. Ida
Wlltse, was arrested at Lyons and ta
ken to jail in Tekamah on account of
alleged misconduct toward her daugh
ter. Sioux county, In the extrome north
eastern portion of the state, held its
fair recently, with a good attendance.
Exhibits Bhown were exceptionally
The state banking board has issued
a call for a statement from stato and
private banks showing their condi
tion nt the closo of business Septem
ber 4.
The village board of trustetes of
Eustis has instructed the clerk, C. E.
Crist, to advertise for bidB for the
complete construction of -a system of
water works, the bids to be opened
October 4.
Gage County. The German Nation
al bank which waB established In
Beatrice in 1889 by William Wolfe
and tho late A. W. NIckell, was sold
to the Union Stato bank of that city,
which was organized in 1905.
Felix McShane, sheriff of Douglas
county, has brought suit against the
stato of Nebraska In the district court
of Lancaster county for $12.30, costs
of boarding and bringing Walter Will-,
lams to the state penitentiary.
County Assessor Miller of Lancaster
county has located over $1,000,000
worth of personal property which waB
missed at tho April assessment and
has. placed It on the assessment roll.
Something over one-half of this comes
from estateB and guardianships.
Colonel W. F. Cody, whose wild west
show was playing a farewell engage
ment, entertained about 100 prominent
Nebraskans nt dinner In tho big dining
tent at Fremont. Among the guests
were Governor Aldrlch, Mayor Mahl
man of Omaha, and Mayor Wolz of
An electrical storm passed over the
eastern portion of Howard county, ac
companied by light rainfall. Mr.
Grinder had two horses killed by
lightning during tho Btorm and other
losses of stock are reported. Tho
corn crop haB been seriously Injured
by continued drouth and the heat.
Sick In bed with typhoid fever, Ed
Hllty and son of Shclton, narrowly
escaped being burned to death when
tholr house vas completely destroyed
by flro. When discovered the fire had
already made good headway and tho
place was a mass of flameB. Little ef
forts wero mado to save tho property
until after volunteer firemen rushed
into tho flames and carried the fathei
and child to safety.
Tho South Omaha Drover's Journal
Stockman said of tho state fair: "To
day tho Nebraska stato fair passes In
to history as tho biggest and best as
well as the most largely attended fair
of tho kind hold by tho stato. Whllo
Kansas on tho south and tho Dakotas
on tho north havo been ovorboomed
at times, Nebraska has boon making
This stato haB never had any public
ity bureau and It ought to havo onp.
One-half of tho business portion of
tho town ot Funk, seven miles east of
Holdrege, waB consumed by an early
morning fire. Tho lire originated In
the rear of H. H. Funk's drug store.
Tho town has no flro protection and
chemical apparatus rushod to tho
scono from Holdrege was of sorvlco
In confining the fire to certain limits.
The total loss 1b about $18;000. The
heaviest loser Is L. T. Brooking,
three buildings, $3,000; Insurance,
State Fire Commissioner C. A. Ran
dall haB again notified county super
intendents to seo that the law requir
ing tho teaching of flro prevention In
public schools is enforced. He lias
sent enough of his text books to sup
ply every teacher In tho stato and h
asks county superintendents to dls.
tribute thom.
Tho city commissioners of Beatrice
havo purchased tho conduits and ca
ble for tho now electrolier lighting
syBtem from tho Illinois Electric
company. Their bid of $1,825.07 wns
tho lowest submitted. The proposed
electrolle-rs will bo placed six In a
block, or threo on each Bide of the
MomberB of tho board of managers
of the state fair hold a meeting at
which routine business of the big
- n exhibition was disposed of. War
rants for prizes woro made out and
approved and arrangements wero
mndo to begin preparations for ask
ing tho legislature for money enough
to orect a now agricultural hall at the
grounds. Tho offlcluls Bay that this
year's exhibits woro entirely too nu
merous for tho building and that tho
old Btructuro lints been outgrown.
Tho Falrbury Commercial club has
arranged for a fall festival to be held
In that city the Beoond week In Octo
ber. A subscription committee has
been uppolntcd to collect $3,400 for
this festival. Much Interest 1b belug
Tho legality of tho action of tho Lin.
Coin school board, awarding a contract
for buildings representing an nmount
In excess of the bond Issue, Is ques
tioned In Injunction proceedings
brought before Judge P. J. Coagrave
of tho district court. A temporary re
straining order was allowed by tho
court, and a hearing will be held sogn.
Green Forage Is Suspected Cause, As
Many Agree That Those on Dry
Forage Escape.
Moro than a hundred veterinarians
cf tho atato In addition to several
from Iowa and Missouri attended a
conference held at tho stato house,
Bays tho Lincoln Journal, looking to
tho adoption of somo means of com
batting tho dlsoaso which haB caused
tho death of hundreds of horses in
Nebraska. No definite conclusion no
to the treatment to bo followed was
arrived at by the veterinarians but In
tho main thoy agreed as to the Bymp
toms and as to tho gonoral conditions
Biirroundlng the appearance of tho
Every phaso of tho malady was dis
cussed during the meeting and tho
different speakors brought out a num
ber of Ideas and theories which they
have been working upon since thoy
first came in contact with tho trouble.
With 'only a few exceptions those
present decided that the trouble
originates from tho feeding of green
grass, hay or woods and that horses
conllned to dry feed stand little
chanco of contracting tho disease.
Tho mooting was opened by Gover
nor Aldrlch who stated tho purpose
of the call and who gavo assurance
that overy thing possible would bo
done by tho stato to co-operato In
seeking a method to exterminate the
scourge. Dr. Bostrom, stato veterina
rian, took charge of tho meeting, fol
lowing tho governor's address, and
called upon Dr. Walto, bacteriologist
of tho stato university, for a talk.
Tho latter declared that ho had been
present and assisted in tho post mor
tem examination of twelve horses and
that ho had taken fluids from the
brains of several of tho animals.
These ho declared bore dlpplococcus
germs which he believed to bo tho
cause of tho malady. He declared that
the disease, as far as he had ob
served its ravages, is like many of
tho Infectious diseases which attack
tho human family as far as its method
Df spreading Is concerned. Ho Bald
that ho had examined the blood of a
number of the animals but that as
ret he was uncertain whether this or
ganism existed thero or not. Several
cultures had been made, ho said, buty
ineso nan tnus iar revcaieu iiuio mai
would aid In determining tho causo of
Iho scourge.
Dr. Reager of Edgar asserted that
he had been treating for forage poi
soning and that his success had been
about on a par with tho results at
tained by other veterinarians who fol
lowed different courses. He raised the
question aB to the contagious and in
fectious characteristics of tho disease
declaring that he and others with
whom ho had talked wero unable to
decide upon this. Most of tho cases
which camo to his attention, ho de
clared, had boon horses which had
roamod tho pastures either all or a
part of tho tlmo.
Dr. J. S. Anderson of Seward as
serted that tho disease had been
found mostly In horses which had
been worked regularly and which
upon Sundays or at nights were
turned out to graze on stubble ground
or upon pasture land. Most of these
cases he Bald originated in poorly
drained lands. Ho did not suggest
any specific treatment declaring that
ho had not fixed upon "anything thus
far which ho believed could bo
termed oven partially successful. Dr.
Iloylman of Franklin called attention
to tho likelihood of worms and In
testinal parasites reciting his experi
ences in connection with tho battle
against tho disease Ho declared that
It had first showed all symptoms of
auto-Intoxication but that further In
vestigation would not bear out any
definite theory elthor as to tho causo
or tho treatment. Ho read a letter
from Dr. Klngsloy of Kansas City
whom ho had called to Franklin to
aid him in tho work. 'The communl
nation suggested that all horses
Bhould bo barred from pastures and
access to green feod and that medi
cine, particularly purgatives, should
bo given freely when tho first symp
toms appeared. Dr. Klngsley stated
that It was very doubtful If moro than
20 per cent of tho animals uttacked,
could recover. He advocated the
employment of drastic moans for
eliminating tho contents of the
Pr. Nichols of Ravonna declared
that tho belief that horses of weaken
ed systems wero the only ones to suc
cumb to tho disease had been dissi
pated in his vicinity. Strong "ntlweak
horses alike, he asserted had fallen
before tho scourge.
May Get a Pardon.
Ono of tho Interesting cases beforo
tho nnrdoninE board Is that of W. L.
Wltliams, sent up from Douglas county
on a statutory charge. Williams has
proven to be an expert In tho Installa
tion of boilers and In tho six years he
haB served ho has saved tho state
hundreds of dollars, not only by hls
work, but by tho valuablo suggestions
im tins mndo the board whenover now
boilers havo been put In nt the dif
ferent Institutions. Governor Aldrlch
has recommended his application for
a pardon to the board.
Otherwise Nebraska Farmers Will bo
tho Losers.
"Wo havo In Nebraska no surplus
Beed corn op hand thta year", says
Prof. C. W. Pugsloy, ot tho Extension
Department of the Nebraska Experi
ment Station. "If Nebraska does not
havo good seed from this year's crop,
It will bo necessary for Nebraskana
to depend upon seed brought from
other states. Seod brought In from
other states docs not ylold as well ns
homo grown seed.
"If overy ono concerned will select
tholr seed early and then properly
euro It, Nebraska will not experlenco
such a Bcedr corn famtno as that
which threatened tho stato this
spring. Not only will wo havo plenty
of seed, but we will got greater
yields, for experiments at tho Btation'
havo proved that well selected seed
corn will produce from four to six
bushels more than corn not carefully
"Tho fields this year wero planted
late. Immediately after planting,
considerable unseasonable weather
followed and In many Holds the corn
which was planted did not havo
strong germinating powers. Thoso
conditions must bo borno in mind to
get good seed for next year's crop."
Arrangements havo been mndo by
tho Bureau of Publicity of tho Com
mercial club of Omaha, whereby bul
letins, prepared by Prof. Pugsley, will
bo furnished, freo ot cost, either by
the Bureau or by the Extension De
partment of tho Stato Farm. Tho
bulletins deal with tho selection and
caro of seed corn.
The week of September 30 to Octo
ber G has been designated as "SEED
one is urged to select his corn that
week so that Nebraska will have plen
ty of Beed corn in 1913.
Letter from Delzell.
Stato Superintendent Delzell haB is,
sued the following circular letter to,
county superintendents: "The law
definitely requires each teacher In tho
otato to spend thirty minutes each
month on tho subject of 'Fire Dan
gers.' Please call your teacher's at
tention to this matter. Urgo them to
attend to this. Thirty minutes a
month 1b a very limited time to de
vote to leaching lessons concerning
loss by lire and showing that by care
fulness much suffering may be avoid,
ed and thousands of dollars' worth of
property saved. Do not let It bo said
by ono pupil In your county, at tho,
end of this school year, that 'Flro Pre-,
ventlon and 'Fire Drill' wan not'
taught In Bchool."
New Capitol Building.
Definite and earnest steps looking
toward tho construction of a new
state house at Lincoln wore taken
by tho oxecutlvo committee of tho
Omaha Commercial club. The present
capltol building is entirely Inadcqunto
and in some reBpects unsafe; a build
ing of which no Nebraskan can feel
proud. Details of proceduro have not
been mapped out but tho Commercial
club is determined to create tho prop
er sentiment for a building that will
be creditable to tho state.
Lancaster Appeals.
Tho county of Lancaster has ap
pealed to the supremo court in a easel
In which the First Trust company of
Lincoln objected to tho taxing of
mortgages to the company wherein
the mortgagor had agreed to pay the
taxeB on the mortgage.
Prominent Speakers Coming.
For the month of September two
prominent speakers have been se
cured for addresses by the Lincoln
Commercial club, ono of them being
Baroness Von Stuttner, who will bo
In Lincoln two days in the interest of
the International peace movement. On
tho 28th, E. F. Trefz, of Chicago, field;
secretary of tho Chamber ot Com
merce of tho United States of Amor,
ica, will speak.
State Fair Receipts.
State fair receipts for the first time
In tho history of that Institution ex
ceeded $100,000 this year. The exact
total is not known at present but will
be announced just as soon as tho
board of managers has had time to
check over tho reports. Tho grand
stand and bleacher receipts for tho
week wore $17,811 as compared to
$13,000, tho best previous record,
mado last year. Tho total cash re
ceipts of tho fair from concessions,
gate and grandstand will exceed thoso
of any provious year by moro than
$12,500, according to the officials.
Big Apple Show in January.
Tho stato board of horticulture has
decided to give a big apple show,
wliich is to bo given the third week
in January at the Lincoln city audi
torlum. Tho applo show will com
prise 1,000 boxos and a display of ap
ples on platos. Tho applo show
alono will fill half tho floor spaco In
tho auditorium. Theso two shows to
gether promlso to bo tho best of tho
kind ever seen In Nebraska.
Douglas Ccunty Support.
Tho stato agricultural board la
feeling exceptionally good over tho
loyal support given tho fair by tho
people of Douglas county and express
ed themselves as fully satisfied with
tho result of the get-together spirit
between tho commercial organiza
tions pf tho two big cltlos of tho state.
On Omaha day Omaha people woro In
evidence everywhere and on South
Omaha day, whllo tho rain of tha
night before prevented tho automo
bile excursion from the stock yards
city, yet 500 wero present.