The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 20, 1912, Image 1

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    flttft Htetottoal SocUty
Mttlh Wvibunt
No. 67
.a? c
Will Votaw left last night for Lin:
coin to attend the university.
C. A. Howe returned to Oshkosh this
morning after spending several days in
Mrs. Seth Sherwood left yesterday
afternoon for Ogalalla to visit her sister
Mrs. William Finney.
Contracter Campbell and wife left
yesterday for Sutherland after residing
here for several months.
S. B. Greeson returned to St. Louis
Wednesday after visiting his wife who
spent the summer in the city.
Christian Science Society Sunday 11:
00 A. M. Subject "Matter" Sunday
School 12 m. K. P. hall DeweyJSt.
For late red plums, phone 379.
Mrs. J. Flynn .
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason returned
Wednesday from mes, la., where they
spent three weeks with their daughter.
Leave your orders with Mrs. A. D.
Jacobs for spring fries, also cucumber
pickles, cakes and cookies. Phone
Black 461.
The Catholic Girls club will hold a
. social and entertainment in St. Pat
rick's convent on Thursday evening of
next week.
Mrs. Bean and son Walter Clinton,
of Denver, are expected this evening,
being called here by the death of the
late J. S. Clinton.
Martin Michelson, a former Hershey
merchant now living at Oakland, Cal.,
visited friends in town yesterday, and
left for his home last night.
Miss Lucy Dunn who has been visit
ing relatives in Omaha and Grand
Island for three weeks is expected
home the first of next week.
Reports of death Irom the horse dis
ease continue to come iri, notwithstand
ing it was predicted that wet and cooler
weather would arrest the progress of
the disease. Nearly every horse owner
who has not lost by the disease is
liberally using preventatives of differ
ent kinds.
The movement of cars though the
local yards for the first eighteen days
of this month exceeded in number any
similar period in the history of the
road. Owing to the increased tonnage
per train, the number of irains were
somewhat less but tro number of cars
has never before been equaled, not
even in 1907, when all previous records
were badly smashed.
According to the heads of the veter
inary department of the Kansas agri
cultural college $6,000,000 will not cover
the loss in western Kansas alone by the
horse plague. These experts estimate
that over 20,000 horses have already
died in the western counties of Kansas
from the disease and the plaguo is still
spreading at an alarming rate evon
into other states. It is figured that not
less than 110,000 or 120.000 horses have
died in Kansas and Nebraska, making
the total financial loss to the farmers
of the two states not far from $10,000,
000 to $12,000,000.
Death of J. S. Clinton.
J. S. Clinton died at the home of his
s)fi Charles Clinton, at 4 o'clock this
morning after a short illness.
For a number of years Mr. Clintori
had been suffering with stomach trou
blo and ailments customary to advanced
years, but his condition was not con
sidered serious until Saturday evening.
Shortly after retiring his condition
became more serious nnd from that
time he grew gradually weaker and
and for several days no hope
for his recovery was held out by the
attending physician. Early this morn
ing he fell into a deep sleep during
which he peacefully passed away.
Mr. Clinton camo here in 1886 and
was one of the most respected citizens
of the city, and during his residence
always took nn active part in the
betterment of local conditions. For a
number of years he lived on his ranch
near the city, and later was employed
in the local shops. For five years his
health had been such that he was un
able to engage in active employment
and he divided his time with his sons
in different cities, hoping to be bene
fitted by the change of climate. N
Mr. Clinton was eighty years of agp.
He was born at New Haven, Conn.,
and after his marriage moved to Grand
Rapids, Mich., and later about ten
years ago, he became a resident of Den
ver until the death of his wife when
he returned to this city to make it his
To mourn him are left two sons,
Charles S. Clinton of this city, and Ben
Clinton, of St. Paul, Nebr.
The funeral will be held trom the
Episcopal church on Sunday afternoon
at 4 o'clock and will be in charge of
Robert Cary Passes Away.
North Platte people were shocked
last night to learn of the death of
Robort Cary, which occurred at Mis
soula, Mont., yesterday morning. Death
was duo to kidney trouble, which devel
oped about a year ago, nnd though
treatment was taken from specialists
during tho summer, not much hope was
held out for ultimate recovery, though
the end was not so soon expected.
Robert, who had been physical in
structor of tho university of Montana,
was up to a year or so ago an athlete,
a robust spocimen of manhood, and
while at Yale college had gained prom
inence ns a track runner. Following
his graduation he went to the northwest
and later accepted the positionat tho
Montana university. When ho came
home to spend the summer vacation his
kidneys were badly troubling him nnd
ho went east for treatment. Tempor
ary relief was given him and a couple
of weeks ago he returned to Missoula.
Wednesday Mr. Cary received a letter
that hi3 son was in bad shape and ho
was advised to start for Missoula,which
he and Mrs. Cary did, but they only
had reached Alliance when word of his
death was received.
The remains will be taken to Webster
Grovo, Mo., for interment.
the Masonic lodge.
Fancy Elberta Peaches.
These are the peaches that you have
been waiting for. Car just received
direct from the grower. Per crate 75c.
Rush Mercantile Co.
Grapes at $1.25 per bushel at the M.
B. Spurrier farm west of town.
Mrs. J. R. Carroll left last evening
for Sidney to spend a week with
Mrs. "Charles, Perkins intends to
leave soon for Lincoln to upend
John Oestreich, of the Derryberry &
Forbes Company, iritertds to -leave to
morrow for his home in Germany to
remain indefinitely.
I have some exceptional bargains in
town property. If you are figuring on
building or buying this fall, call and let
me show you what I have. I can save
your money. C. F. Temple.
Presbyterian church Rev. J. C.
Christie, pastor. Themes for next Sun
day 11:00 a. m. "Prayers offered in ig
norance answered in love." 7:30 p. m.
"The power of a noble life." You are
cordially invited to these services.
Secretary of State Wait yesterday
morning decided that the candidates
nominated by the "progressives" or
bull moose party are entitled to places
on the state ballot. The contention of
A. M. Morrissey, democratic candidate
for attorney general, that the primary
law of 1909 ropealed the election act
of 1906 was held by the secretary of
state to be without merit. Tho affida
vit that tho petition is inadequate was
also rejected. Attorneys for Mr. Mor
risey announced that they would ask
the district court of Lancaster county
for an order restraining the secretary
of state from putting tho progressive
ticket on tho official ballot and will
take the matter to the supreme court
on appeal.
Congressman Kinkaid in Town.
Congressman Kinkaid is spending to
day in town, having arrived last even
ing from Flats, where he attended the
fall festival. Tho Judge, who is a
candidate for re-election, is here for
the purpose of meetingfriends and in
quiring into political conditions, By
reason of his wonderful activity in
lookinc after the wants of his constit
uents, and the many measures he has
introduced and had passed effecting
homestead and irrigation matters, he
has made himself very popular.
A very successful and cnjoyablo
social was held by the gentlemen of the
Baptist chnrch at thc?home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Loudon last evening. An
interesting and amusing program of
games was provided by the committee.
Lefreshmenta were served late in tho
evening. Thev attendance 'was gratijy
ing to those in charge.
A social dance will be held at the
Kelso home west of town tomorrow
evening which a number of young
people from town will attend.
Ben Clinton, of St. Paul, will arrive
tomorrow to attend the funeral of his
father, the late J. S. Clinton.
Twolve Disc Grain Drills $70.00 at
Hershey's, Corner 5th and Locust Sts.
Phone 15.
Mrs. Charles Edwards and' Mrs.
York Hinman will entertain the Q. T.
club this afternoon.
Attornoy Theodore F. Barnes, of
Holdrege, transacted business in town
Mrs. P. A. Norton will leavo shortly
for Omaha to visit relatives for a couple
of weeks.
i Kirccbbaum Gothcs. m
h AllHflCL MANfl TAtlDRFtt Uj
' ' 1
Mmm N
B kP' 5! ilil&OCi frill
fvfiyhsAt, IQI. A. B. Kirschbaum Co.
I '& T
1 1 A
naiviaimucv in
ATURALLY, because perfect good taste in tailoring
is linked up with richness of weave unequaled any
where at these prices
20 and 25.
Kirscbaum Clothes ior men give exclusiveness without
expensiveness. They ar,e cut along lines of comfor as
well as style. Each model bears the stamp of author
itative approval. The acid-boiling-pot guarantees every
thread to be "all-wool." The extreme pare in tailoring
each important detail by hand promises a fit and finish,
perfectly satisfactory. While permanency of shape is
assured by cold water shrinking before cutting.
Men seeking the greatest all-Vound clothes value invest
their money in Kirschbaum Clothes. Sold with the
official Kirschbaum Guaranty. Money back should there
be the slightest detect in fabric or finish.
Washing right is one of the great
advantages of the modern laundry.
You reap the benefit of a world of ex
perience. Our Washman has had 15
years experience, let him do yeur
drudgery. Phone 77.
"Your Bosom Friend."
Wright Here Friday Sept. 26th.
Clyde J. Wright, the candidate for
( vernor of Nebraska on the Socialist
ticket, will give a political address at
the Lloyd opera house on Friday even
ing Sept. 2Gth, at at 8 p. m. This will
be a speech on political economy and
industrial democracy, such as you will
not have another opportunity to hear
again, this year, and overy one should
hear him. Mr. Wright is a studont and
thinker of wonderful ability, and as a
philosopher has no equal in Uhe stato
of Nebraska. Tho campaign of 1912 is
on and there are some vital political
issues that every voter should hear dis
cussed before going to the polls on
election day. ,
He will tell you something about the
high cost of living, and what the ills of
society are and suggest a remedy.
This will bo a good opportunity for
Teddy's bull moosers and all progres
sives, to get some more thunder, ' and
the stand patters should come out and
hear how it is done.
Every one come out and hear this
learnecf politicnn explain tho political
problems which are perplaining tho
American people today. Ladlos espec
ially invited. KSsEoOMMITTKl".
Wm. It. Peck, advance agent of the
Barnes circus, which will exhibit here
October 4th, was in town yesterday
making tho necessary contracts with
local people.
Two score of little folks were guests
of Master Charles Hays Wednesday
afternoon on the occasion of his eighth
birthday. Games nnd a nice lunch made
the afternoon a pleasant ono for tho
little people.
J. L. McBiien, former state superin
tendent of instruction, now dovoting
his thno to tho candidacy of Roosevojt,
spent a day in town this week inquiring
into the political conditions. He loft
for the east last evening.
Quite n number of cur people will go
to Stapleton next week to tit lend tho
fall festival,, which will continue for
three days.
The Old Relink
When your clothes neuu" pressing,
cleaning and repairing, let the Old Re
liable Tailor do it nnd do it light Wo
hnve been doing this work jn North
Platto for thirty years, know how to
do it and do it the way it should be
That moans satisfaction to you
Entrnnco north of the Nyal drug store.
Pile five big men into a Ford and i Be DlSap.5M)IntCd V I 1 IlS -B
you have a fair load. But many a g HK -J jfl ipf' fBXMff -SS
HI heavy car unloaded has more K bv mldv jellies nnd pre- - fSrJr' ' SSKm&fiC . SR
SI weight to carry and no more 8 Ik serves if you seal them with I ''""iSSHBIB
1 power to carry it. The low priced B it y i
II Vanadium built Cordis minimumiy BIN l gJPAAt!$MfJ&v in
j light and maximumly powerful. I I JT!L iued ww J 1
I .... .,i El V Absolutely alr-tlQbt. , ... Ztllillllllllllllll
HI 75,000 Ford cars'already sold this season one-third 1 I b Kaay to handle (W&SsiMZiM I
l of America's product. Five passenger touring car Jj ! IJK Inexpensive UTIVl
I J090 three passenger roadster $590 -torpedo run- : n .. , . ,. . . p.m. liuIfTTH?Ji
B i ,i ernn ,1K,,. ,. 7fin tmon enr Wdfl-f n I fl X Pound nnd hnlf-pound HintorM. Eacll HCJ.,w41
about $590 delivery car $700 town car $JUU t. o. R J mi t package lias the Vuro rxi guvontee. 7w2mSli
llll b. Dotroit, complete with all equipment. Get I 1 Ik iiil
IB catalogue from Ford Motor Company. Michigan and S HK STANDARD OIL COMPANY fiSJZZJsSfc IWffif I
llll Fourteenth Street or from Detroit direct. . yt NEBRASKA Omtht Hlriilf ML -frm I lllllllllllllll
III I III II llll llllllll k' At Grocer 1H IlKljf tt$f m RllilH lllllll
HENDY-OGIER GARAGE, Agent, 8 Jf Eirf. 11 iKk JH 111111111111111
III R 119 111 X 's:9fC!'iS'! Evarvwhar 111 uHlr jfiffi H U J
North Blatte, Neb. BSffiL KW OTiJBjll
77io best pliicc to hido monoy Is wlicvo tlioy i
Juivo riufs for snfoly irotu(jtinir it. JSvory --oeJc ,'
wo .see nowspiipui' iiooiiimts oi" pooplo Iinvliifr j
boon riibbotl'. Siiirur bowls, riiir!jiitr&, uudov tho ,
our pot y boh 1 nil jiiottiros, tintf nil oJ' thoso othoi'
jtlnoos wlioro pooplo oonoonl tholr monoy, nro
woll known to burglars. HUlo It In OUR. JiANIv, i
thon yon know you onn got It M'hon you a-jjI It. 4
Do YOUR bunking witi
The Kirst National Bank,
Tho Lttn'gost Jinnk In "Wostorn JXohi'iisku.