The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 17, 1912, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mail in advance $1.25
Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1 .50
Entorod nt North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofllce as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, SEPT. 17, 1912.
I herewith announce my candi
dacy for county commissioner on the
republican ticket and ask the support
of alLcitizcns nnd pledge to conduct
the county affairs in an oconomicnl
and business way if elected.
The enpitn distribution of automobiles
in Nebraska is one for every forty-five
persons, and this state is only equalled
by South Dakota, whore the distribu
tion is the same. This distribution holds
good in North Platte, the number of
enrs exceeding one hundred. From
July 1, 15)11, to July 1, 1912, tho manu
facturers of this country produced
252,GQ9 cars of all classes. Tho average
price of each car was $1,089.30.
The republican party wreckers, more
familiarly known as tho bull moosers,
held a meeting in Kearney Saturday
and nominated P. L. Armstrong, of
Elm Creek, as candidato for congress
in opposition to Congressman Kinkaid
While this is not likely to result in
the defeat of Judge Kinkaid, it is evi
dence that tho only purpose of the so
called progressives is to divide the voto
and elect the democratic nominee, for
no sane man believes that Armstrong
stands a ghost of a show of election.
Maine and Colorado. .
Charles F. Scott, of the republican
headqunrters at Chicago,in a letter to the
press, snys in part: "As Maine goes, so
gocB tho Union."
If the old ndage holds good this year,
tho election in November will bo a
sweeping republican victory.
For there is no doubt that Maine has
gone republican. The ntato which gave
James G. Blaine, Thomas Ii. Reed,
Nelson Dingley and other great repub
lican lenders to the nation has returned
to the republican column. The victory
was both decisive and significant. Two
years ago Maine elected a democratic
govornor by a plurnlity of nearly 9,000.
This year, with the govcrnocsoeking
re-election, Maine elected a republican
governor by a plurnlity of between
3,000 and 4,000. This, too, despite of
tie fact that the third termers
obeyed instructions and voted for the
democratic ticket in order to defeat the
republican candidate, if possible, nnd
thus give Mr. Roosevelt an opportunity
to do some more shouting.
Second only to the significance of the
Maine returns is tho result of the Colo
rado primary, where the regular re
publicans show a long lead over the
followers of the "Hull Moose." It may
be rcmombcrod that when Colorado
sent a solid delegation for Taft to the
national convention last spring, Colonel
Roosevelt cried out with a loud voico
that tho state hnd been stolen from him
by machine methods nnd that a state
wide primary would havo shown un en
tirely different result. Tho state-wide
primary has now been held and tho re
sult is the snmc. It is perfectly ap
parent thnt the Centennial state is not
yet ready to throw the republican party
into the discard.
When the officers of this bank see a depositor mak
ing steady gains in his balances, our confidence in
him grows.
When n depositor who has won our confidence re
quires money with which to develop his business our
large resources enable us to give him all the credit
his financial condition warrants.
The merchant, the manufacturer, the builder, the
farmer who does business at this bank, receives its
financial support when he needs it.
We invite all who want the co-operation of a strong
resourceful bank to become depositors of the
McDonald State Bank
frrrnmmmu. m jl. l.Trmj p 1TB
Wmnnmijn,"flu- i. Miiuwijwiaiw jmu Jj.i?mrjaifff van lv.i.t.11!. jimjniOBHmniHJiu.
H i
i i
1 I
9 i
prwirrgroTniCTmgTgTmj wBTOgwsrogggm
That drastic action will be taken
tho republican national committee
its meeting in Chicago Wednesday
oUBtfrom membership men with leaning
toward Colonel Roosevelt, lias been an
nounced by William Barnes, Jr., chair
man of tho national advisory committee.
"Every membor of tho committee,"
said Mr. Barnes, "will bo required to
declare himsolf for the republican nat
ional ticket and every one who fails to
do so will bo expelled from tho committee."
Dine here Today. This Cafe
is the one that will please
your fancy in cleanliness, good
food and service. Prices
Plumbing Repairs
are a specialty of ours, but repair work
is n rare occurrenco in your home or
place of business if
We Install Your Plumbing.
We are particular aboutplumbing work
and use judicious care in selecting only
the most durable of approved muterials
for our work .
Shop Phone 3G9. Res. Phone
Corner Sixth nnd Dewey.
Opposite Depot
The refuspl of congress to agree to
tho workmen's compensation bill,
pushed by the administration, has
made President Taf t determined to ap
ply tho bill's principles in tho Panama
canal zone, where his authority docs
not nccu tno iurtncr sanction ot con
gress. Under tho Panama canal act
the president was given nuthority to
mnko tho laws for tho zone by execu
tive ordof. Within the next few weeks
he expects to proclaim us law for tho
cannl zone a workmen's compensation
act, greatly similar to that which at
last session passed tho scnnlo, but
which failed in tho house.
If tho farmers and atockmon are re
ceiving Iho highest prices evor pnid for
thoir products; if manufacturers nre
finding it fill their orders;
if workingmon nre receiving their own
prices for their labor; if business of all
kindB is booming as it novor boomed
before nnd these are tho conditions at
tho present time what is tho' matter
with tho times? Surely thero is no
foundation for tho bowlings of tho ir
responsible "Progressives," vho aro
simply preying upon tho projudicos of
tho public in tho hope thnt in tho con
fusion they may bo boosted in to office.
Aro tho pooplo of western Nebraska
ready to voto away the good times they
now havo for tho vagaries promised
them by the so-called Progressives?
Stop nnd think It oyer Mr. Voter! You
have yet nearly eight weeks boforoJ
election. uriUgeport mode.
Myrtle and Vicinity. ,
Threshing has been delayed the past
week on nccount of wot weather.
Wm. Pittman is hauling material for
a new house which ho will build this
York McGue delivered potatoes at
North Platte Wednesday.
Quite a number of our people ore
planning to attend the frontier day ex
ercises at Stapleton, Sept. 25th, 26th
and 27th.
Mrs. W. S. Ross and son Jack mado
a trip to Stapleton after a load of coul
Goo. Moran is making preparations
to movo his family to Staploton in the
near future.
George Richards spent tho past week
at Stapleton working at his trade.
Miss Addio Chambers, of North
Platto, Sunday ed with Wm. Patterson
and family.
I Mrs. D. McNicol nnd Mrs.,. James
Hudson visited friends and transacted
business in North Platto Thursday nnd
Gago Hnlloway left Thursdny for
While returning from North Platto
Thursday a team driven by Miss Ilnzel
Morritt became frightened at some
children playing by the roadside and up
set tho buggy throwing her out and
bruising her up and scaUoring her
groceries about. The buggy was only
slightly damaged.
Robt. Bcattio lost n horso Saturday
with what was supposed to bo the horso
epidemic that is raging. It is reported
that horses aro dying on tho Garfield
Union Realty and Investment Company.
Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00.
1 ill ' House of Good Show in I
I When in North Platte.
9 Motion Pictures. Runs Every M
Night. Matineo Saturday After- B
I noon nt 2:30 O'clock. S
We make a specialty of
Dairy Products and can
furnish the best in large .
or small quantities direct
from our own Dairy Farm
evory morning,
Phone your order in
and it will be dolivered.
Doolittle Bakery.
C. PATTERSON. President, B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Treas.
First Mortgages on Real Estate Bought, Sold and Negotiated.
This company is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort
gages on real estate, amply secured ana drawing eight per cent semi
annual interest. Money so invested will be exempt from taxation.
Di Rdfield Infield,
Physiclana'and Surgeons.
JOE B. REDFIELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. . Hospital . .
Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Office over Stone Drug Co.
Phones ln
) ncoiucum &to
Editor Taylor, of the Central City
Nonpuriel, who is tho republican nom
ineeo for railway commissioner and a
radical insurgent, has tho quality of
being fnir. In tho last issue of his
paper ho says: After all is said that can
be said on tho question it will havo to
be admitted that there in no equity or
fairness for tho Roosovolt electors to
usurp n placo on the republican tickot
nnd thus deprivo tho Taft supportora
in Nobrnskn of a chance to vote their
sentiments. If the progratuivo party
really boliovos in the ommnndmont,
"Thou shalt not atoal" it will have to
relinquish tho advantage it has with
regard to tho elector nnd form a
ticket ot its own. Tho California pro
gressives have set u splendid oxamplo
by surrendering their advantage and
accepting tho fortunos of a p.
tition ticket nlong with the Taft
mon. Lot the Nobrnikn progressives
mnnifoBt the Hifmo spirit and ''thus jue
tify thoir right to tho claim that tliuy
uro tho real oxpononts of the square
Genoral Count Mnresuko Nogi, su
premo counsellor of tho J upnnose ompiro
and his wife, tho Coutitess Nogi, com
mitted suicide Friday in accordance
witH an ancient Jupanoso custom as a
final trlbuto to their departed emporor
and friend, Mutauhi to.
The genoral cut his throat with, a
short oword and tho countess commited
Following a Somurl custom tho couple
had carefully prepared plans for killing
'themselves and timed. thorn. so. tnoy
YOuld be coincident with the departure
forever from Tokyo pf tho dead em-
Should Convince Every Tribune
Tho frnnk statement of a neighbor,
telling tho merits of n remedy,
Bids you pause nnd believe.
The same endorsement.
By some strnngor far away.
Commands no belief nt,all.
Hero's a North Platto case.
North Platto citizen testifies.
Read and be convinced.
August Ackerman, 221 So. Walnut
St., North Platte, Neb., says: "I still
hold a very high opinion of Doan's Kid
ney Pills. I used them for backacho,
arising from disordored kidneys and re
ceived tho bos t results. It is over
threo years since I havo had occassion
to use Doan's Kidney Pills but my
health hus been splendid, not a symptom
of kidnoy trouble having bothered me,
1 can endorse this excellent remedy. '
Forsaloby all dealers. Price 50
cents, Foator-Milbuvn Co., Buffalo,
Now Yoik, solo agents for the United
Remember tho name Doan's nnd tako
on other.
We have a cure for rupture without resorting to the danger, pain and
discomfort of a surgicnl operation. Wo nre tho only reputable physicians
in this line of woik who will take such cases upon n guarantee to cure,
or make no chnrge. You may deposit tho money in the bank in your
own name and wnon you are well you instruct the bank to pay us. We
havo adopted this method because so many have been swindled by quacks
and fakirs. Not ono of them will allow the patient to put the money in
tho bank and pay when a cure has been made. When taking our treat
ment pntients must como to ouroffico once a week they can roturn home
the same day attend to their business or occupation without loss of time.
In order to givo tho people of this vicinity an opportunity to take our
treatment without the expense of going to Omaha, one of us will bo in
North Platte every Thursday. Write to or call on
Homo Office 300, Deo llldf, Omaha, Neb. Hotel Tlmmerman, North Platte, Neb.
Telephone Red 4SG D05V4 Dewey St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Signet Chapter O. E. S., I
I NO. 55 I
Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every
month at Masonic Hall af 7J0 p. in.
OCT. 5, 1912
faflSP ,
SL )
I take this opportunity of expressing
my upprociatlou to the Altnr Society of
St. Patricks church and tho Knights of
Columbus for tho beautiful flowers sent
to me during my illness in the P. & S.
hospital in your city. Maiitin Scott,
Ogallala, Nobr.
County Supt. Cloo Chappoll loft yos
terday in her nuto to visit a number of
schools in the southeast part of tho
Stito of Nebraska. Lincoln County, S. S.
In the County Court, September G. 1012.
In the Matter of tho Estate of Dorothy
How Ian J, deceased.
On ruAdinir and filing tho petition of Holier t E,
ltuwlnrul, praying that th instrument filed on tho
Uthdny of September, 1012, and purporting to be
tho last will and testament of tho said deceased,
may bo proved, approved, probated allowed ami
recorded as the last will nnd testament of tho
said Dorothy Kowlund, doceased.and that tho oxo.
cutlon of said Instrument may bo committed nnd
the administration of said twtuto may bo granted
to John W, Rowland as executor.
Ordered, That October 8th. 1912. nt U o'clock a
in. la assigned for hearing said petition when all
persons Interested In said matter may appear at a
county court to be.held in and for said county and
show cause why tho prayer of petitioner should
not bo vranted. A copy of this order to bo pub
lished In the North Platto Tribune, a legal semi
weekly newspaper for threo successlvo weeks
prior to raid date of hearing.
17-C County Judge.
jSwV sstosa?
mdmm& V:
MnmiT f
m. imimMffl
raflPR 'F-T -" TSTCHB
Xvrarj ,(v
make arrangements to too
or more ot toe uiacnlfice
Aulomolilla floral Pnrndo,
TucsAny of ternoon. Oot. 1st.
Elect! Icat Pcrndo,
AVcCncidr.y nii.-at, Oot. Snrt.
Dedication Psratlo,
Thursdny at toruoon, Oot. Ord.
Coronation Roll,
Friday nlsht, Oot. 4th.
will bo brought horo so everyone can
soo tho ifreateat "Wild West
Show In tho world, nucltlng
llronobos-.Rouifli Riders In
dians. Como and aoo tho
real Clieventto Show. Ererv
nitcrnooo iroui se-pt. -a to uoc o, iuoiumvo.
In addition to all this thoro will bo tho
Parades and Performances Daily
nt. 25 to Oct. , 1913
For Sale My property, 114 South
Sycamore St. sewerage, city water,
electric lights, bath, etc. Inquire at
residence orof mo at Ginn, White &
Schntz store. I. R. Plummor.
In the matter of tho estato of Edward Jllanken
bunt, deceased.
In the county court of Lincoln county, No
braska. September 12th. 1012.
Nottco Is hereby srlveu. that tho creditors of
said deceased will meet the ndminlsttatrix of said
estate, Itoforo the county judtroof Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court room, in said coun
ty, on tho lfith day of Octolier, 1U12, and on tho
15th day ofApril. 11)13. at 9 o'clock a. m. each day,
for tho purposuof presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months nro allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and onu year for the administrator to
settle said iwtate.from the 12th day of September,
1912. A copy of this order tq published In tho
North I'latto Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper,
published in said -county for four successive
weeks prior to said date.
B17-4 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
No hunting or tresspassing allowed
on land owned or controlled by the un
doraigned residing in Dickens precinct.
P. K. Iloffmnn John Anderson
Peter Sunmiist McCrumbs Bro.
W. A. Latimer C. A. Anderson
W. P. Fletchor B. J. Brown
F. S. SUlz II. A. Latimer
Fred Griffiths Philip Heil
C. A. Porter M. N. Hanan
Bugicido for bed bugs the best
insect destroyer known. A large
bottle for 25c.
Dry Cleans for cleaning silk
and delicate fabrics. 25 and 50c
a box.
Chinamel furnituro polish, a
full J pt for 25c.
Chinamel varnish 20c a can up
to 3.50. Covers scrathes. -
Insect powder. For lice on
chickens, 10, 15 and 25c cans.
Lee's lice killer 35c qt. Lee's
insect powder 25c can.
Remember wo will deliver any
thing you need in our line.
-Stone Drug Co.,
Did you get a box of our 25c In
' itial Stationery. Usually sells for
50 cents.
Order of Hearing.
In the county court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska. '
In the matter of the estste of Frank
or Franklin Griffith, deceased.
This case coming on for hearing upon
tho petition of the administrator for
his final discharge, and for final account
ing and decree of distribution and upon
the final report of said ndminstrator, it
lauruuiuu uiuiHuiu petition ioruiscnargc
and final distribution and said final re
port be heard in the office of the County
Judge of North Platte, Nebraska, on
the 24th day of Sept., 1912, nt 10 o'clock
a. m. and notice to all parties interested
be. given by publication of this order
in the North Patte Semi-Weekly Tri
bune three successive weeks prior to
such hearing.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this
29th day of August, 1912o
(S3) John Grant, County Judge. .
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
in tho County Court.
In- tho matter of the cstnto of Jacob Meyer,
On rendlnR and filing tho petition of Mary
Broadbeck prayinir thnt administration of said
estate may be granted to Karl 1! rod beck as ad
ministrator. Ordered, That Sept. 21 A. D, 1912, at 9 o'clock
a. m. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter may appear
at a county court to be held In and for said
county, nnd show cause why prayer of petitioner
Bhould not bo granted; and that notice of tho
pendency of said petition nnd the hearing thereof
be given to nil persons interested In said matter
by publishing a copy of this order in the North
Platte Tribune a legal semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county for three successive weeks
prior to Bald day of hearing.
Dated August 30, 1912.
3-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge
Sheriff's Sale.
Ily virtue of nn order of Bale issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a degree of foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein Emil W. Zlebert is plain till", nnd Vaughn
E Hinman, Minnie D. Hinman and Emma
Pulver are defendants, and to me directed, I
will on the 23th day of September, 1912, nt 2
o'clock p. m., at the east front door of tho court
house in North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interests
and costs, tho following described property,
to-w it: Ali of fractional block number 192 In the
Original town, now city of North Platte.
Dated North Platte, Neb.. Aug. 24. 1912.
n27-6 A. J. SALISBURY,
Serial No. 0675.
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Nebr.
Aug 20, 1912.
Notice is hereby given thnt Cogal S.
Bethel, of North Platte. Nebr., who. on Oct. 23,
1DQS, made H. E. entry No. 0G75, for NE ii, Sec.
32, twp. 12, N. rge. 30, west of the Cth Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make
final thiee year proof, to establish claim to the
land nbovo described, before tho register and
receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on tho 22nd
day of Oct. 1912.
Claimant names as Witncsss: William V.
Hunter, Arthur J. Conndr, Georgo B. Single,
Francis Montague, all of North Platte, Nebr.
a.10-6 J. E. Evans, Register.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of Balo issued from tho District Court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in snid court wherein W. II.
Merrick & Co., Is plalutilT, and Hans P. Thompson
is defendant. and to mo directed,
I will on tho 28th day of September, 1912, at
two o'clock, p. m., at tho east frontdoor of the
court house of said county, in tho city of North
Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to tho
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree.
Interest and costs, tho following decscribed
property, to-wlt:
Tho undivided one-half Interest of section
thlrty-fivo (35), township twelve (12), range
twenty-nine (29), west of tho 6th 'P. M. Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated at North Platte, Neb., Aug. 27, 1912,
a27-5 A. J. SAuanimv, Sheriff.
Serial No. 031S4.
Pcpartmpnt of the Interior,
U. S. Land Olllco at North Plattn, Nob.
July it). 1912,
Notlco Is Hhoroby given that Elinor
Daggett, ot North Platto, Nob., who. on Autr.
1 1, lW.mudo homestead entry No. S331B. serial
No, 0JJ8I for southeast H. Section
10, Township 12 N, Ranee 30
W. ot the tlth Principal Meridian, lias
filed notlco of Intention to make final live
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
above desjrlbod. before tho Resistor arid Ro
coivorat North Platte, Nebraska, on tho2Jd
day of Sept. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses! Arthur
uonnor, .JOhCpn Sliaw. Uurl bonnemati,
Orvlll Matson, all ot North Platte, Neb.
J30-0 J. E.Evans. Rctrlster.
Eylray Notice.
Taken up ty tho undorsigned on
Section 12, Town 12, Rnng 31, Lincoln
county, Nebr., .by the untUndgned who
there roaides, on or about July 15,
1912, one brown horso, soven or eight
years old, . weight about 700 pounds.
Had on a halter. Owner can have
same by proving property and paying
CO-c J. L. Hardin.
A Merchant of Brady
came into our store the other day and I
purchased 2,000 cigars for his trade.
Though ho is a now customer, it didn't
require any talking to sell him tho
goods; ho knerv tho name of J. F.
Schmalzried on a cigar box means
quality; a well mado cigar from tho
best brands of tobacco. Certain brands
of our cigars have ben on the market
for twenty-five yeitrs if they were
not good7 smokers would have declined
years ago to buy them. Thoy have
been tested by critical smokers and
not found wanting in any particular.
Notice" to Non-Resident Defendants.
Mnblo W. Turpio and William Turpio,
defendants, will take notice that on the
31st day of August, 1912, William W,
Birge.plaintifF herein, filed a petition in
the district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, against said defendants
Mablo W. Turpie and William Turpie,
the object nnd prayer of which is to re
cover from said Mablc W. Turpie and
William Turpie the sum of $099.52 due
the said plaintiff from said defendants
on account of goods and building
materials sold and delivered to said de
fendants by the plaintiff at the defen
dants' requost, between October, 1907
and September 8. 1908. There is now
duo upon said account tho sum of
$G99.52 with interest thereon at 7 per
cent per annum from August 31, 1912.
That in-said action tho plnintiff has
caused an attachment writ to issue nnd
levy upon the interest of the defendants
in the south half and tho northwest
quarter (s and nwj) of section 14,
ownship 13, north of rnngo 30 west of
tho 0th P. M. in Lincoln county, Ne
braska. The plaintiff prays for judgment
against the defendants for tho sum of
$099.52 and interest thereon from Au
gust 31, 1912, at the rate of 7 per cent
per annum, nnd for decreorequiring the
defendants to pay the same, or that tho
attached promises may bo sold to satisfy
the amount duo the plaintiff.
You aro required to answer said peti
tion on or betoro the 14th day of Octo
ber, 1912.
Dated Sept. 3rd, 1912.
. William W. Birge, Plaintiff,
By Hoagland & Hoagland, his attorneys.