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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1912)
HONORING THE OLYMPIC ATHLETES A VARIATION. German Farmer Good business Man. Under n Beemlngly generous odor of hospitality, a North German farm cr has innuaged to lncludo a good stroke of business for himself. In a Hanovor paper recently appeared an an advertisement that from fifteen to twenty women nnd girls (not under twclvo years of ago) who noeded re cuperation could have frco board and lodging on n country cstnto. But In exchnnge they would bo required to pick peaso from eight to ten hours dally. Industrious pickers might also bo paid cash for their labor. CURE MY BACK? Common sense will do moro to euro backache than anything else. 'Twill tell you whether the kidneys aro sore, swollen nnd aching. It will tell you in that enso that thoro Is no use trying to cu,ro it with a plaster. If tho passages nro scant or too frequent, proof that thero 1b kidney troublo is complete. Then common sense will tell you to uho Doan'B Kidney Pills, tho best rec ommended special kidney ronicdy. An Arllnnsas Cms J. i)itiVO . yC rO'I fllEN tho victorious Olympic athletes returned to America they were given a great reception In New York. Our photograph shows a part of their national costumes. ODD CLUB Queer Brotherhood Founded Af ter the Gold Rush. Requirement of Admission Is ExpsrU ence Above the Fifty-Eighth Parallel of Latitude Skagway Is Chief Headquarters. Skagway, Alaska. To havo traveled Into tho northern regions above tho flfty-olghth parallel sometime during one's career is the Initial requirement for membership in the Arctic Brother hood, unique among fraternal organ izations. The Arctic Brotherhood was formed shortly after tho gold rush to the Klondike in 1898, and now includes in the northern regions several hundred active members. The first requirement einco its organization has been an ex tended residence above tho fifty-eighth parallel, with tho exception of a few distinguished citizens from the United States and other countries who upon their arrival In Alaska havo been made honorary members. Among its members "above tho flfty elchth parallel" tho Arctic Brother hood takes precedent over every civil court If a matter of dispute of any nature nrlBos between Arctic brothers, the question is carried before the membership of the local lodge at one of Its weekly meetings. All parties to tho dispute present their arguments and then all tho brothers not involved in the question cast a vote which determines the set tlement of the issue. Various plans are conceived and ex ecuted by the brotherhood from time to time for tho furtherance of the In terests of the northwest. Strangers to the country are entertained at tho lodges of the organization, and If they nre prospectors they are supplied with the most reliable information at hand. Tho main body of the organization is located at Skagway, Alaska. There are others at Dawson, Nome, Fair banks, Cordoda nnd Seward. The lodgehouse at Skagway is declared to be one of the most distinctive build ings of its kind in the world. Tho In terior is decorated with trophies of the nrctic regions, of every description. The motto of tho organization Is "No Boundary Line," and Its insignia fs a miniature gold miner's pan, em bossed with the IuIUrIs A. B., with three small gold nuggets beneath the letters. The name of the fraternity has an MAN KEEPS Holds His Sister Over an Alpine Precipice for Eight Hours Until Rescuers Arrive, Grenoble. In the Haute-Garonne, not far from Toulouse, a terrible ex perience has just befallen a brother and sister, named VanQoethen, as the result of which the woman lies in the hospital dying, with a fractured skull, while her brother is In the same placo desperately overcome by shock and exposure. The story of their ad venturo addB another to tho long list of Alpine tragedies. I. M. Van Goothen, who is an en gineer in a paper mill, and his sister, accompanied by a friend, M. Bombar dier, son of the director of the mill, sot out to climb Mt. Saurousse. They made the ascent, but In returning they took tho pathway leading to tho gla cier Domenon. As they crossed a dangerous part of the path Mile. Goothen slipped and slid down an ice incline toward the edge of a deep precipice. Her brother, in endeavoring to save her, also slip ped, but was able to stop himself by clutching hold of a boulder. At the same time ho grasped his sister's eklrts just as she was sliding over thb edge. M. Sombardier crawlod down to tho boulder and endeavored to assist the brother to drag his sister back to if ik ' 5 IS wk : jt.ES, NjjW))h tho parade, the Swedish Society of Now IN ARCTIC interesting origin. The main lodge, lo cated at Skagway, nestles at the foot of the A. B. mountain, which takes Its name from a peculiar natural for mation of crevasses in tho snow and ice at tho crest of the mountain, which accurately mark the letters A. B. These letters were orlglnallly taken by the organization and later evolved Into the name Arctic Brother hood. Several of tho most prominent phil anthropic enterprises In the north country are conducted under tho auspleces of tho brotherhood. The principal one takes place at Christmas, time, when children of tho poorer classes of every nationality and sect are Invited to the nearest lodge, whore entertainment is provided, together with presents nnd food. DANGER Disease Germs Lurking in Most Swimming Tanks. Tests Made by Scientists Show That Abundance of Microbes Even in Natjiorlums of Wealthy Clubs Make Them Cesspools. NcWYork. Tho average man who stands at the edge of a swimming pool ready to take tho plungo which for him means refreshment and delightful relief docs not realize that he is about to exposo himself to the attack of mil lions upon millions of dlseaso germs lurking in tho tempting water before him. It matters little whero this swim ming pool happens to be, whether In a fashionable clubhouso or In tho base ment of an Kast Side tenement houso; almost everywhere, owing to lnofll cient supervision and ignorance of the dangers Involved. thse pools are de clared by certain investigators to bo a menace to health. So grave, In fact, do these Investi gators consider the danger of. dlseaso from this sourco that It has been thought necessary to call an Interna tional conference of bath officials to convene at The Hague thlB summer, and in Now York City a meeting of public bath officials was held recently and tho American Association for Pro moting Hygiene and Public Baths was formed. The forming of this assocla- AWFUL VIGIL safety. Their united efforts, how ever, wore of no avail, as tho woman, being unconscious, could not help her self. Tho two men shouted 'for help for several mlnutos. Then M. Sombar dier Bet off to seok rescuers, leaving the brother and sister In their peril ous position. It was throe hours he fore M. Sombardier reached Revel, and eight hours had elapsed before the rescue party returned to tho glacier There they found M VanGoethon still supporting tho body of his sister on the incline and only relieving the ter rible strain by twlBting her skirts round a rock. Then tho rescue party got to work and succeeded in draw Ing his sister over the edgo Into safe ty. Tho brother fainted and had to bo carried to Bevel. Perfect Girls to Get Prizes. ChanburyT Franco. Garret, an ec centric hermit, formerly a member of the chamber of deputies, has left a will providing for a gift of $2,000 ev ery year to the most perfect girl morally and physically. Doo'a Funeral Costs $1,000, New York. Blondy, a small Boston bull dog owned by the late John W. Gates, has just died here. It was given a funeral costing 1,000. ork, whose members appeared In RATS GNAW GIRL'S FACE Proprietor of Rooming House Breaks Open Door and' Finds Body of Missing Lodger. Omaha, Neb. Tho face gnawed by rats, the body of Miss Mamie Cajter was found lu her room. The young woman had been missing since Saturday, and Christ Kalmpach, proprietor of the rooming houso whero she had lived for six years, decided to force open the door of her room. Tho faco of tho dead girl was so badly mutilated that it was at first believed the wounds hati resulted from a gunshot. Death Is thought to have been duo to heart failure. A letter found In tho room, ad dressed to a younger sister In Cuba, 111., leads to the belief that Miss Car ter was formerly a resident of that place. IN POOLS tlon Is a preliminary step to tho Inter national conference. "Swimming pools," says H. F. J. Por ter, dlscubsing the matter in a recent issue of the Survey, "are. little more than cesspools." Tho public generally regards them as refreshing, Invigorat ing and beneficial, and few have ever dreamed that they may be breeders of disease. There aro hundreds of such pools all over tho city. Recently in the Interest of tho department of bac teriology of tho University of Chicago, K. N. Atkins mado a careful study of five pools whoso water supply was supposed to be clean. Investigation proved that they caused allmentB of eye, ear and throat and Intestinal dis ease. Investigations in Hamburg and In Purdue, Brown, Chicago and Yale unl versltles showed that tho impurities aro bacterial and chemical foreign matter, and all detected tho presence of danfic-rous dlseaso microbes. This condition existed in places where tho details of hygiene nnd sanitation nre otherwise scrupulously looked after. Examination of tho Hamburg poole showed that water fresh from tho tap contained 57 microbes a cubic Qentl meter. After 74 persons had bathed In the water thoro were 1,800 microbes In the same quantity of water. When 494 persona had entered tho pool the number had increased to 64,400, and after 829 bathers had been in contact with the water there were 1G4.000 ml crobes present to tho cubic centl meter. The last figures are Interesting In that they Bhow no proportionate In crenso in the number of microbes, and In that way illustrato the septic tank theory; that Is, after a certain point of development the septic condition of water either kills tho microbes or they devour each other when they have become too numerous, thuB main tainlng a maximum of impurity. CHAUFFEUR GIVEN $100,000 Says He Will Stick to His Job Until He Thinks of Some Way of Using Fortune. Bay Shore, N Y. Frank Knight, a chauffeur employed by J. P. Beules, a wealthy summer resident, was notified that through the death of an undo he had been left an inheritance) of $100,000. "1 suppose you will be leaving me now, Frank," said Mr. Beales. after congratulating his driver. "Not unless you don't want me any more," said Knight. "I like this job and I'm going to stick to it." Knight says ho will put the money in a savings bank until ho can think of somo way to spend It. To Give Animals as Gifts. New York. Mrs. Percy Proctor, wife of the Ohio soap manufacturer, has returned from Europo with one parrot, one whito guinea-pig, ninety five dogs and cats and a monitor, to be distributed as gifts among friends. (s Y(fl (A v zjy "Your husband frequently misses his dinner." "Yes. Whenever there Is a ball gntno lu town ho devotes himself to finding fault with the umplro instead of with tho cook." ERUPTION LIKE PIMPLES Wathena, Kan. "My child's scalp troublo became so bad that I was ashamed to havo anyono sro him. Ills head had a solid scab on it. He nlso had a terrible breaking out on his faco which wnB gradually growing worse. Tho eruption was like ptmrleB which developed Into sores when ho scratch ed, which he did almost constantly. Baby would almost scratch himself raw. "I had used several different klndB of salve, none of them helping In tho least bit, when I saw tho Cutlcura ad vertisement In tho paper anil It mnde mo think of the good results my bister had when eho used It for her children. I had only used Cutlcura Soap and Ointment about two weeks before I noticed that tho sores wero almost en tirely gone, nnd it must hnvo been a month or six weeks ho Mas troubled beforo I began tho treatment. Ho would get easy when I would put tho Cutlcura Ointment on him. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment completely cured him nnd ho has a clear complexion now." (Signed) Mrs. W. H. Hughes, Dec. 31, 1911. Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment sold throughout tho world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, Dep't. L, Boston." Electric Fans In India. A Norwegian expedition will study In India for men to wave fans to keep tho air circulating in houses, they nro gradually being replaced by electric fans as cheaper and moro reliable If tho clinging typo of woman could only hang onto cash! Don't Poison Baby. pORTY YEAES AGO almost every motto thought her child musst have PAEEG0EJ0 or laudanum to make it sleep. These tags will produoo sleep, and A FEW DE0PS TOO MANY will produce tho SLEEP PE0M TOICH THERE IS NO WAOTG. Many are the children who have heen MM or whose health has heen ruined for life hy paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them poison." The definition of "narcotio" is. "Amedicinoivldchrelicvespain, andproduoes sleep, dut ivliich in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul sions and death" The taste and smell ofmedicines containing opium are disguised, and Bold under the names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," eto. You should not permit any medicine to be givon to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed. 0AST0EIA DOES NOT CON TAIN NAE00TI0S, if it bears the signature of Ohas. H. Fletcher. ALCOHOL .1 PPtl riiiiln iSfnWelVcparalbrirorAs. stmllaibigibenHxfamlRedija ling Uic S loraachs wulBowlsor PromolesDigcslionJChfpruJ ncss and Itest.ConlaIns neiiiw Opium.Morphiric norMiamL Hi WOTJSAnCOTIC. KtcOfdlkSMJEUmiM JhcMttMt Aahtfitd WOrBntikUii. IHnaSrtif- Aperfect Remedy for Consfip t llon,SourStoraacli,Dlarrhca Worms ,Convulslons.reveri$fr ncss anil LOSS OF SLEEP. IfccSimHe SlgnafnreoC NEW YORK. RtSfflKoaiffl .'Guaranteed under JUbKw Exact Copy of Wrapper, Collective Housekeeping. An English paper tells of an experi ment in collective housekeeping In what Is known as Brent Gardon vil lage. Tho dwelling houses contain all Improvements except a kltchon. Menls for everybody aro cooked at a cen tral hall, and mny either bo eaten thcro or Bent home. A four-course dinner costs only 1 shilling and G pence. Servants aro supplied, when needed, from tho central hall at a cost of about ten cents an hour. Golfer's Grand Army Score, A golfer playing his first gamo of tho season reported downtown tho next day that ho had mado a Grand Army score ho went out In 01 and came back in G5. Chicago Evening Post. Instead of liquid antiseptics, tablets ami peroxide, for toilet and medicinal uses, many peoplo profer Paxtlne, which Is cheaper and better. At drug gists, 25c a box or sent postpaid on re ceipt of price by Tho Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. Filial. "I thought your father looked very handsome with his gray hairs." "Yes, doar old chap. I gavo him those." London Opinion. Nino times out of ten when a lover tells his betrothed that he's not half good enough for her he speaks only half tho truth. CUKES ITCHING SKIN DISKARI'S. Colc'n Carbolisulvn stops Itclilnir nml makes tho skin smooth. All dructrfsU. U5 and 60c. Soda to Brighten China. Soda will brighten china that Iisb boon burned or darkened by long use. Hrs. Wln.low's Soothing f.yrup for Children leethlui;. Moften.i the Kimn, reduce luHuniinu lion, iilluj imiii, uureH wind colic. 25o u bottle. Ancient Idea of Dancing. Dancing was originally a means of expressing religious feeling. Red Cross hall Tt!ue gives double value for your money, goei twice as far as any other. Ask jour giocer. Tho pnlmlst can read your future off-hand. Letters from Prominent Physicians oacsressed to xms HI. r Setcher. DI J. W. DlnsdalO. Of Chicaco. Bdvloo its uso in. all families whero thoro aro children." Dr. Alexander E. Mintio, of Clovoland, Ohio, Bays: "I havo frequently proscribed your Ca3toria and liavo found It a reliable and pleasant rem-. ody for children." Dr. Agnca V. Swotland, of Omaha, Nobr., nays: ''Your Castoria la tho beat remedy in tho world for children and tho only ono X me and recornmond." Dr. J. A. McClcllan, of Buffalo. N. Y., Bays: "I havo frequently proscribed! your Castoria for children and always got good results. In fact Z usa Castoria for my own children." Dr. J. W. Allen, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I heartily ondorso your Cas torla. I havo frequently prescribed it la my medical practice, and hava always found it to do all that Is claimed for It." Dr. C. II. Gliddon, of Si. Taul, Minn., says: "My experlenco as a prac. tltlonor with your Castoria has been highly eatlsfactory, and I consider Iti an excellent remedy for tho young." Dr. II. D. Bcnner, of Philadelphia, Ia., says: "I havo usod your Cas toria as a purgattvo in tho cases of children for years past with tho mo3C happy effect, and fully ondorso it as a safo remedy." Dr. J. A. Boarman, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria la a splen did remedy for chlldron, known tho world over. I uso it in my practico and havo no hesitancy la rocommondlng it for tho complaint of infanta And children." Dr. J. J. Mackey. of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I consider your Castoria au excellent preparation for children, being composed of reliablo medicines nnd pleasant to tho tasto. A cood romody for all disturbances of tba digcstlvo organs." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS UQara tno The Kind You Have Always Mgtt In Use For Over 430 Years. ,- v.n,HwWw-MNT it Hnry White. m N 3rd t , Trtry Jltiure 7WM Btvry'' rt Smith, Arlt , n. "I sufftnM t v v rythlnR but il e a t li frnm ttrrllilo kidney trou ble I hml nwful hrad- itchc nnd dlzxy prlli urine ncaiu ed and my brick nrhed com lantly. Donn'i Kid irv V 1 I I cured inn ttunplrtelr nnd Ihavolind no Sign of kidney troublo lino." Get Bonn's at any Drue Store, 50c a Box D . t Kidney oan s Pins Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure- CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surer but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner distress-cure ' iiuliccstlon. improve the complexion, brighten tficcyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature DEMCinilC Write Mllo II. Storms & Oo., AUjt-. rtnolUrjOMli-bU, VViublnU)U. Bslab. 14. 1 W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 37-1912. Nebraska Directory THF PRYTHN HOTEL Omiha, Nebraska B 1 1 fin B EiB 1U11 EUROPEAN PLAN rtoomn from f 1.00 up single, 75 cents up double. CAVE PRICES REASONABLE 0 On Deposits from $1.00 VO to $5,000.00 Bend Your Money to tho Bankers Savings & Loan Ass'n 16th and DodgoSts., OMAHA, NEB. SAKIC CONSKUVATtVE KULIAULH 'Under Control of State Hanking Uunrd. 111., savs; "t lien vnur rjnafnrlfi anI Bignaturo of VNHTTirKT WW VON CfTY, J -4k stfJlffP E5La y Jmmr nvrcQi: jMSM mi-rTi r mm ivcrv dBVni BflkkS, W Mi I 6