The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 17, 1912, Image 5

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Provides a charming means of making a
Fudge, Newburg, Rarebit or any dainty
bite in the rmutt ot a gathering.
Most convenient and economical (or
frying a steak, warming a soup or pre
paring a light menl. "llochester
(-haling Duties possess style and hmsh
that distinguish them Irom all others.
. and the most practical and economic
al lamp ever invented. We are
now showing some very new and
attractive designs and invite
.. . . ii --j .
jruu iu tun auu Z t 1
sec them.
w it
This Recipe Book wlln
every Rochester Chat
ing Diih. c
o Graduate Dcnlisi.
2 Offce over the McDonald 2
i State Hank, e
u e
Local and Personal.
Miss Bessie Porter left Saturday for
Kearney to attend the normal.
Miss Alice Fitzpatrick left Friday
morning for the Kearney normal.
Miss Elizabeth Cramer has been en
gaged to direct the Lutheran choir.
Miss Helen Kisler left Friday even
ing for Kearney to attend the normal.
Photographer Alex Brooks left Sat
urday for Jtilesburg to visit relatives.
Mrs. M. E. Graham returned Satur
day morning from a short visit in Denver.
W. J. and Hiney Landgraf returned
the last of the week from the Dawson
county fair.
Mrs. George Finn will leave tomorrow
for St. Jo to visit with relatives for a
couple of weeks. '
Gilbert Peters, who spent the past
week with friends in Lexington, return
ed Saturday.
Miss Grace Adams left for Hastings
Saturday after spending a week with
Miss Mabel Day.
A baby girl was b'orn to Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Gorham at Grand Island
the last of tho week.
Wanted Apprentice girl at Mrs.
G. S. Huffman's millinery.
Keith Neyille returned Saturday
morning from Denver, where he at
tended the shooting tournament.
Mrs. Edgar Chapman, of Aurora,
who had been visiting- her sister Mrs.
Perry Buchanan for two weeks, left for
home Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Beatty, of Brady, who
spent several weeks touring England
and Ireland, have returned home. They
had a very enjoyable trip.
Tho new engines recently received
are now in service between lorth
Platte and Grand Island on trains No.
9, 13, 15, 2, 12, and 18 and aro said to
be doing excellent work.
1G0 acres of well improved land 7
miles southeast of North Platte. Inquire
of Jos. Hershey.
The lady members of the 500 club
held a meeting Friday afternoon and
organized for the coming season. Mrs.
Geo. B. Dent was elected secrotary,
and tho initial session will be held at
tho Halligan home on Tuesday evening
of next week. The club has a member
ship of forty.
For Rent 4 room house on East 10th.
W. B. Ellis 520 E. 11th St. 63-4
Last Tuesday forenoon a thief en
tered tho residenco of A. E. Romine at
Maxwell and took $700 in bills and
several notes from beneath a pillow on
the bed. Just auhe was crawling out
the window a girl caught him by tho
coat tails and ho dropped tho money
nml mmin his eBcano. A search was
mado for tho thief but he could not bo
Effective last Friday train No. 13
now comes into this terminal in two
sections, instead of being split at this
point. Train No. 12 is now split hero
and runs as two sections to Omfha.
This makos an additional train each way
between North Platto and Omaha. In
creased traffic mado those trains neces
sary. This adds two engine and three
train crews oast of here.
Miss Pearl Howland loft Saturday
morning for Paxton to take chnrge of
her school.
Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Lute,, of Paxton,
spent tho week end in tho city with
Miss Laura Shilver. of Oahkosh.
visited local fiiunds tho, last of the
1 Mrs. Harry Mooro returned Friday
from n two weeks' visit in Colorado
and Utah.
Miss Margaret Jones returned Satur
day from Lexington after a pleasant
I visit of two weeks.
i D. E. Morrill and W. J. O'Connell
spent Friday at the Dawson county
fair in Lexington.
Mn and Mrs, O'Keefe, of Kearney,
are expected soon to visit their son Tim
O'Keefe and family. v
I Photographer Alex Brooks dislocated
, his shoulder in a fall in his gallery the
latter part of last week.
Mr. and Mis. John Wolback will
leave tomorrow for Colorado cities to
spend several weeks.
Mis Etta Clark left Sunday evening
for Chadron to take charge of the tele-
phono office in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Ncls Rasmussen and
children returned Sunday from a two
weeks' visit with Lincoln relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hosier returned
Saturday from Denver where the for
mer attended the shooting contest.
Miss Anna Kramph returned Friday
evening from Hastings where she
visited friends for a couple of days.
Sec the line of Fisk Hats at the
Parlor Millinery.
Edward Burgner and Harold Duke
left Saturduy evening for Ogden and
Salt Lake to spend a couplo of weeks.
P. H. Lonergan manager of the
"Pat" transacted business in Grand
Island and Kearney the last of last
George McMinn and Miss Birdie
Evans, of 'Sutherland, were quietly
married in this city yesterday by
Judge Grant.
Charles Schneringer, of Tryon, and
Miss Mary Gerken, of Gothenburg,
were quietly married Friday by County
Judge Grant.
Wm. N. Wood, of Cozad, and Miss
Anna Ditman, of Gothenburg, were
married the last of last week by County
Judge Grant.
Mrs. J. E. Posey and baby arrived
Friday evening from Omaha to join
Mr. Posey who is -i charge of the
Union Pacific hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E.Jackson and baby.
of Chicago, arrived here Saturday to
visit tho former's brother Floyd Jack
son and wife for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wood, of Wallace,
spent tho last of last week with town
friends while on their way home from
the fair at Lexington.
After spending two weeks with
Joseph Schwaiger, Messrs. James
Connors and William Kenna, of Omaha,
returned home Friday evening.
County Superintendent Cleo Chappell
is sending out letters to the teachers of
the rural schools iru-which is enclosed a
list of tho text books to bo used.
C. H. Tully, of Alliance, has ordered
the J. S. Davis Auto Co., to ship him a
carload ofjnew Buick touring cars direct
to Alliance to be used on his various
Everybody buying hats at the Par
lor Millinery, where you will find the
prettiest line at the lowest prices.
Mrs. Kate Connelly , of Cheyenne,
for many years a resident of this sec
tion, visited friends in town yesterday.
She has been a guest of her daughter
Mrs. A. B. Yates, of Sutherland.
Rev. Christie began his work as
pastor of the local Presbyterian church
Sunday, delivering sermons both morn
ing and evoning. Ho was accorded a
hearty welcome by the large congrega
tion at tho morning service.
For Rent Two front rooms for light
housekeeping. 514 East 3rd St.
Mrs. Susan, Bennett, Frank Bennett
and Merritt Bennett, of Dickens, woro
in towrf Friday making final proof on
their respectivo homesteads. Thev
were accompanied by T. T. Padgett and
J. M. Fristo as witnossses.
While wo were having a sizzle-sozzlo
rain in North Platte Saturday, the peo
ple of eastern Wyoming and Colorado
had the novelty of n September snow
storm which covered the ground to the
depth of three inches. Following Sat
urday's rain the temperature fell con
siderably and frost was predicted for
Saturday and Sunday nights, but none
was visible in North Platte. The lowest
temperature Sunday night was thirty
nine degrees.
Mrs. P. M. Sbrcnson will entertain
tho Mothers' club tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. Albort Schatz will entertain the
Indian Card Club on Friday afternoon.
Mrs. H. M. Grimes will entertain to
morrow afternoon in favor of Mrs. V.
T. Berry.
The Study Club woro entertained
very pleasantly by Mrs. Ray Cunnings
last evening.
Mis3 Grace Payne has issued invita
tions for a kentdngton at her homo on
Thursday afternoon.
In honor of Miss Hilma Anderson
Mrs. John B. Murphy will entertain n
number of friends at, cards Thursday
Corbin Jones entertained six
couples at dinner Sunday in honor of
Porter Russell, of Chicago,who is vis
iting local relaives.
Mrs. C. R. Osgood is entertaining n
number of ladies this afternoon in favor
of Mrs. Kelso, of Nebraska City, who is
a guest of friends in town. -
Miss Adele LcDoyt entertained the
members of tho Merry Makers club nt
a pretty partyon Saturday afternoon.
Refreshments were served
Miss Janet McDonald entertained
sixteen of her young lady friends Fri
day evening in honor of her sixteenth
birthday. Refreshments were served.
Misses Anna Flynn, Kathleen Flynn,
Evelyn Daly, Efile Christ and Blanche
Fonda will entertain the Catholic
Girls' club this evening at the home of
the former. Miss Mary McGovern
will be guest of honor.
The Degree of Honor gave Mrs.
James Cunningham a farewell surprise
party last evening at which they pre
sented her with a beautiful gold lodge
pin. A pleasant evening was spent by
the ladies who regret very much that
so faithful a member of their order is
leaving the city.
Seventy-five friends and neighbors
spent several hours very pleasantly Fri
day evening at the home of Rev. and
Mrs. R. B. Favoright. Various games
were enjoyed and a splendid program
of vocal and piano solos and readings
rendered. At a meeting of the Baptist
aid society some time ago it was sug
gested by Mrs. Perkins that envelopes
to members and others asking that they
write their name on the envelopes and
enclose one penny for each lettor in
their full name. Tho envelopes wore
turned in at the social and the total
amount was $34.30. Refieshmentswerc
served at the close of this pleasant
evening, Mrs. Favoright being assisted
by Mrs. J. L. Louden and Mrs. Hansen.
Horse Disease Spreading.
The fatal horse disease is spreading
in Lincoln county, and has made its ap
pearance in all sections. Up to yester
day Dr. Park, of this city, had learned
of twenty-one cases, and of these but
ono had recovered, this exception being
a colt owned by Fred Payne south of
tawn. The 'disease seems to affect
animals differently, same living for a
week after tho disease develops, others
die within twenty-four to thirty hours.
Some of tho ' animals dying have beon
kept in tho stable and fed grain and
hay, so their contraction of the diseaso
was not due to the condition of the
Among the losers iff J. W. Payne who
had a brood mare and two colts die.
Does the high cost of living worry
you? You can reduce it by Ietttng us
wash your clothes with pure soap and
soft water.
"Your Bosom Friend."
Throngs of Enthusiastic and Appreciative Style-Devotees
Attended this Suberb Style Exhibition Yesterday
THATTHK CRITICAL dressers of this section regard our openings as
style events of utmost importance, has been demonstrated time and again, but
never so emphatically as yesterday. The throngs that attended yesterday were by
far the largest we have ever entertained and on all sides were heard exclamations,
of admiration and gratifying praise.
i A HIGHLY SIGNIFICANT feature was the libiral purchasing of the new.
goods. Although there is usually very little business transacted on Opening Days,
the prices we placed on the new styles proved so tempting that most of those
-who came only to look remained to buy and bought liberallv.
IT IS THE best we have ever held this Fall Openings is. It is COM
thousands -of dollar's worth of fresh, beautiful new Fall pierchandise is on display.?
Every dollar's worth carefully selected by our own buyers, from the productions'
of the leading manufacturers and importers in the trade market?. The style for
Fall are strikingly attractive and we have been careful to select only the latest,
most correct and most practical modes of all.
IF YOU COULD not come before, come now and be our guest, you are sure
to enjoy yourself immensely and you will gain "a fund of style information that will
prove very valuable indeed.
We Again Extend a Very Cordial Invitation to You to Attend.
William Waltemath has accepted a
position in the Electric Light office.
Miss Edith Wendeborn left yesterday
morning for Brady to spend a week.
The Presbytonan Aid Society will
meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. C.
M. Newton.
Teacher of Voice Culture.
Elizabeth Kalhr-Langston will be in'
North Platte, Friday, Sept. 20, begin
ning her second year's work as teacher
of singing. Prospective pupils leave
address at Dixon's Jewelry store. Ask
for leaflet.
Leonard Redmond has returned from
n week's visit with his sister in Lexing
ton. Mrs. Harry Fleishman will lcaye in a
few days for Omaha to spend a couplo
of weeks.
Mrs. John States returned tho last
of last week from ashqrt visit in Jules-
burg with friends.
Miss Nora Jeffers, who spent the
past two weeks in Lincoln and Grand
Island, returned homo Saturday.
n .
A Dandy In Fiji.
Tho stylos In FIJI may not concern
us deeply, and of courso wo may not
copy any or tncin excepi m a swim
ming tank. Still, they have styles. A
returning traveler, Interviewed In Lou
don, says tho prevailing modo Is two
yards of blue Jeans combined with a
chintz pattern this for tho men. Tho
real pacemakers among the women
wear silk pinafores "In town" (mean
lng Suva), whereas In tho country
there Is no silk and possibly no plna
Tho bench Is the proinenndo In the
Polynesian Islands, andthorotho trav
eler found tho Fijian Uerry Wall. Ho
wore trousers and boots, a collar (but
no shirt) and a top hat. Naturally, on
account of the topper, the observation
was mado late In the dny. Chicago
A Good Enter.
When Gustavus of Sweden waa be
sieging Praguo a boor of extraordinary
nspect gained admittance to his tent
and offered, by way of amusing his
majesty, to devour a largo hog In his
prcseuco. Old General Konlgsmarck.
who was In attendance, at once sug
gostcd that the man with tho Gargan
tuan appetite should bo burned as a
witch, whereupon the boor, whose feel
lugs were hurt by this observation, ex
claimed, "If your majesty wilt but
make that old gentleman take off his
sword and spurs I will eat him heroic
1 begin the pig" This was acconipa-
nlod by such a "hideous expansion of
the Jnws and mouth" that the general,
though he had given his "proofs" on
many a Held, turned pain and lied In
continently to his tent.
Dempster Co. 'at Beatrice Buys Buicks.
The Dempster Mill and Manufacturing Co. of Beatrice haye
purchased ten Buick cars for the use of their salesmen and dem
onstrators throughout the country. Two years ago they bought
soveral different cars of popular make and maintained an accur
ate expense account l)f ench. The test was very fair as they did
not specialize on any particular item but kept? account of the
gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, and labor bill and the number of miles
"each car run. As Mr. Dempster says1 "Wc know what we are
talking about, we have tried them out, the Buick has the lowest
upkeep expense of them all. Now wo are using ten Buick cars and
they are giving very satisfactory service."
The most wonderful car in America.
More car for your money than any other
automobile on earth.
Nino times out of ten you would buy
a Studebaker if full investigation were
mado and that's no josh cithor.
Tha Lock Gear Steerage System
alono is worth its weight in gold as to
safety in comparison to most all other
cars in tho market. For sale by J. L.
BunKE, Local Dealer. Phono Black 627.
Aunty's Romance.
On the Brink of the
Pennsylvania State Police
Troop "B"
White Co.
10 and 15C
An Odd Moorith Custom.
As a people the Moors aro alretul)
well Inclined to anything that gilds
life. A correspondent hiijh: "Nothing
delights them more as a menus of
agreeably spending an hour or two
than squatting on their heels In tho
streets or on homo door stoop, gazing
at the piiHxorsby. exchanging compll
ini'iitH with their actiualntanecs Na
tlve wells' consequently piomcnudo
with a ploce of felt under their anus
on whle'i to Hit when they wish."
lliounlng had completed a whole
volume of by tho tlmo he was
twelve, but his earliest artistic effort
was a ilntlng of a cottage and rocks,
which ho pnliited at tho ago of two In
lead pencil and black currant Jam
Plenty of Reason.
"I don't hoo why that tuno haunts
mo constantly," complained a dull man
who wiih always humming.
"Uocauso you are fororur immleilng
IU" camo Iho epilck reply from Footo
Ignorance Is a blank sheet on which
wo may write, hut error Is a scribbled
ono from wbl"h wo must craso.
Ej; In order to make room for our future orders of
canned goods which will soon begin to arrive, we
will sell for the next fifteen days beginning
Saturday, September -14,
w,.- cAgH QNLY
Cane Sujrar 16-lbs $1.00
Standard Tomatoes 12 cans 1.25
Standard Corn 12 cans .85
Sifted Early June Peas (reg. 15c) 12 cans 1.40
Red Kidney Beans (reg. 2 for 25c) 12 cans 1.10
Bunker Hill Pork and Beans (25c size). 6 cans 1.00
Fancy Red Salmon (reg, 20c) 6 cans 1.00
Blackberries 3 cans .50
Black Raspberries 3 cans . 50
Oil Sardines 7 cans .25
Calumet Baking Powder 1 lb, can .18
Corn Flakes 3 pkgs .25
Good Japan Tea 1 lb .35
Lover's Lane Coffee reg. 35c 2 lb .55
Dinner Party Coffee reg, 30c 4 lb 1.00
Lenox Soap 8 bars . .25
Twenty per cent discount on all Granite, Tin and
Galvanized Ware during sale,
Anticipate your wants and take advantage of these
extremely low prices while they last.
First door south of postoffiee. North Platte, Neb.
aswggmaretKicvs liiL-mjgagg?