The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 17, 1912, Image 3

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III II I I I , , ,
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From Mew England Women
Trlotograph by Underwood & Underwood,
Tho steamer shawl will be utilized
for automobile coats the coming win
ter. Tug material is of different col
ered Scotch wool, with plaid collar
Postilion Hat la Sure to Be Copied
Though No Longer In the
Greatest Vogue.
The fancy for the postilion hat has
boon short-lived so far as Paris is con
cerned, and London never greatly
cares for millinery which tho Paris
lenno accepts as blen amusante. More
or less curly of brim, and with tall
stiff crown, these hats trimmed with
a feather en fantalslo or a floral
aigretto had n .brief furore, and cer
tainly when new they were most ap
pealing. They could not, however,
bear repetition, and sinco people have
taken to wearing them they have lost
their attraction. For onco the French--woman.
seems to have forgotten that
the fact of a hat being chic when worn
by a woman of ono typo may make
it impossible, for thoso who belong to
This style of hat is, however, being
made . for autumn, and milliners are
looking favorably upon its possibilities
In beaver felt and plush.
This is for veiling or dolalne, and
has the fronts trimmed with groups
of fine tucks, between which strips of
insertion aro sown; tho back is trim
med to match. Tucks are made down
tho outside of sleove, and tho cuffs
and collar aro of entirely tucked ma
terial. Materials required: 2 yards 40
Inches wide, 2 yards insertion.
Lace and Pearls.
An original headdress 1b a simple
mob cap of lace, encircled with a
string of priceless pearls, and with
ono of the new straight feather aig
rettes standing erect in tho front.'
For tho girl whoso hat is not ono of
her best points these caps aro a god
send; but it always seems to mo a
pity to cover up bo completely a real
ly pretty head of hair.
Table Decoration.
An Inexpensive tablo decoration
noted by Harpers Bazar is as follows:
A crepe papor roso is hung from tho
chandelier, ribbons coming to each
plato. Tho conterpleco is a large vase
of roses with roses nround the base,
The bonbon dishes are tall glasses,
and the favors are roses painted on
cardboard. Baskets of roses are on
either tide of the table.
N. Y.
and cuffs. The original shawl frlngt
encircles tho bottom of the coat
which Is of three-quarter length. A
white felt hat completes tho costumo
Revival la a Natural Result of the
Fad That Calls for the Pan
nier Draperies.
With tho revival of tho pannier
draperies conies back a decided em
phasis on drcsden silks, with all the
exquisite colorings that wo associate
with the Dresden shepherdesses. Pinks
and blue, yellows and pale green, aro
tho backgrounds on which aro
sprinkled fascinating bouquetd, gar
lands and even baskets of flowers.
The dresden silks and waUns aro
particularly adapted to suit tho
coatees that uro incorporaced on after
noon and evening frocks for summer.
They aro not so Btrlking in contrast
with a plain, thin fabric and there is
great scope for color combinations and
flower effects.
Tho rose seasoil, 60 noticeable in
fashions for tho summer, is a timely
one for flowered mulls, organdies, mus
lins, voiles and chiffons with which the
dresden silks effectively combine.
Hats covered with dresden taffeta
are decidedly chic. Bridesmaids now
are favoring hats of this type to con
tinue tho idea of tho drcsden coateo
thrown over simple and usable frocks
of white or plain colors.
Little dresden silk slippers for the
rest hour add a new touch to tho
negligee set, .especially if bindings or
trimmings of drcsden silk bo used on
tho gown.
Dresden sashes, with -an extra lino
of the ribbon quilling trailing in and
out among tho bunches of flowers, nro
accepted by womankind aij an Idea
that makes tho assurance of beauty
doubly suro.
It is undeniable that tho dresden col
orings in designs that aro varied and
Inexpensive are a factor in the general
beauty of summer styles. Aro you
using them?
Fascinating Lingerie.
For evening wear throughout the
winter underskirts will remain as
they aro tills summer, and some of
tho clinrming bargains so dear to tho
heart of womankind may bo picked
up at present, as, for instance, a pet
ticoat of tho finest satin mpssallno in
tho palest bluo, with a kneo-deop
frill of kilted transparent lawn ovor
a pleated frill of silk, slashed at in
tervals and held together by narrow
bands of palo blue ribbon.
To Keep on Pumps.
When pumps slip at tho heels and
are too loose, pasto a piece of volvot
In tho back, with tho nap side out.
If tho shoej still spread, tako thorn
to a shoemaker and havo him put in
a casing for a draw, string, or a piece
of clastic which Is tightly fastonpd.
Overshoes that clip at tho heel and
aro too big may bo made more com
fortable by glueing n thick piece of
chamois up tho back of tho heel. Use
a glue that stands water.
Silk Apples on Hats.
Tho black hat is amazingly popular
at the moment in London. Whito
tho favorito trimming, but yellow
makes a very close rival. A black
hat that I admired Immensely had
tho rather low crown completely cov
ered with bunches of small silkap
pies in varying . shades of yelTow,
brown and palo green. A few npplo
leaveB, very yellow ones, wero mixed
In between, and both fruit and learei
were kept as flat as possiblo,
F YOU lieiir a uiae sentence or
mi apt pltrnnp, commit It to
ynur niHinory. Sir Henry blclney.
To Prepare Grape Jelly. Pick ovor
tho grapes, wash and romovo tho
stouiB. Put In a preserving kettle,
heat gradually to the boiling point,
mash thoroughly and let cool thirty
minutes. Strain through a coarso
strulnor, then through a Jelly bog.
Measure the Juice, bring to-tho boiling
point and boll flvo minutes. Add an
equal measure of sugar. Boll five min
utes, skim, pour Into glassos and placo
In a Bunny window to stand for. a day.
Game Jelly. This is n mo3t deli
cious jelly to servo with venison or
game of any kind. Prepare a peck of
wild grapes. Put Into tho kottle with'
a quart of vinegar (It not too acid), a
fourth of a cup of whole cloves aad
tho same of stick cinnamon. Bring to
tho boiling point and cook until tho
grapes aro soft. Strain through a Jelly
bag, and add six pounds of heatod
sugar, then boil seven minutes.
Pear Chips. Wipe eight pounds of
pears, remove the stems, quarter and
core, then cut In small pleceB. Cover
and let stand over night with four
poundB.of granulated sugar and a
fourth of a pound of Canton ginger
cut In bits. In tho morning -simmer
threo hours. Put into a stono jur.
Damson Preserves. Wipo damson
plums with a piece or damp cloth and
prick each fruit fivo times with a sil
ver fork. Make a sirup of throe
fourths their weight In sugar, allow
ing a cup of water to each pound of
sugar. As soon aB tho sirup is boil
ing, skim and add tho plums, a fow
at a time. Cook until soft. Placo in
stono Jars.
Quince Jelly. Wipo quinces, remove
stem and blossom and cut in quarters
and remove tho seeds. Put tho
quinces In a kettle, add cold water to
come nearly to the top of the fruit,
and simmer until soft. Mash and
strain through a sieve, then through a
Jelly bag. Boll twenty mlnutoB and
add an equal quantity of BUgar. Boll
seven minutes and pour into glassos.
Water melon pickles are vreParon'
by soaking In salt water over night,
then boll in a little water with a pinch
of alum to toughen them, and then
plump in ico water" and aplco with
vinegar, brown sugar and spices as
for peaches.
DIFFICULTY Is never an
obstacle unless you ninke It
so AH difficulties are soluble In brains,
courage and Bllek-to-lt-lvcncsa.
Sweetbread Salad. Mix equal parts
of parboiled sveetbreads cut in half
inch pieces with celery llnely cut
Moisten with Delmonico dressing and
arrange on lettuce leaves.
Delmonico Dressing. Mix a half ta
blespoon of mustard, three-fourths of
a tablespoon of sugar, then add an
egg well beaten, two and a half table
spoonfuls of melted butter, threo
fourths of a cup of cream and a
fourth of a cup of vinegar. Cook ovor
hot water, stirring constantly. Strain
and cool.
Celery With Roquefort. Cut nnd
trim short, crisp stalks of celery
Cream two tablespoonfuls of Roque
fort with two of cream choeso, sea
son with popper and fill tho hollows of
tho celery stalks with tho cheese
Servo surrounded with chopped tec
Fairmont Sandwiches. Cut snnd
wlch bread into one-fourth-inch slices
butter sparingly on both' sides and put
botween slices some finely rut red
and green peppers. Remove the mois
turo by wringing the poppers in u
choeso cloth, moisten with mayonnaist
dressing. There should bo two layer.1
of green nnd ono of red or, If pie
ferred, just tho re verso. Fold In
choeso cloth and press under a wolght
Cut In thin slices for serving.
Roast Duck With Peanut Stuffing.
Wild ducks should bo cooked about
half as long ni the tamo variety
Placo thin slices of salt pork over the
breast to basto and bake a half hour
basting ovory' live minutes with la'
from tho pan. For stuffing, add a la!'
cup of chopped peanuts to thte.
fourths of a cup of crumbs, one-hulf
cup of heavy cream and two table
hpoonfuls of -melted button beacon
with salt, pepper, cayenne and a ft
drops of onion Juice
Conserve. A delicious preserve
similar to marmalade Is propared In
Frederic Mistral's Hearth.
Fortunately tho alarming rumors
curront concerning tho health of
Frederic Mistral provo to. havo been
exaggerated, if not unfounded. Tho
vetorau poet had been sufforing from
a slight indisposition, doubtless duo to
the heat. A visitor found him in tho
early afternoon, whon his ago and
tho hour might well have counseled a
siesta, seated at his desk correcting
tho proofsof his latest volumo, at
prosont in tho press, ''Lch Ollvades."
Already tho poet, greatly to his
this way: Cook In a steamer threo
pounds of carrots until tender; ndd
the Juice and rind of six lemons, four
pounds of BUgar nnd a quarter of it
pound of shelled almotidB. Cook to
gether for an hour .
e6 S$pQ8F
S T1IK sot-d HtruKKlos crnnipod
mill In the liul
Up mwuil tlio llgliti up toward tlia per
fect How or.
So hp, toward light and knowledge, lovo
and power.
Fixing our cyi on rnnio llvlner mark."
Frederick Peterson.
When boiling cauliflower, placo It In
the boiling water, head down; It will
conio out much whiter than If oxposcd
to tho air.
In giving an alcohol bath to a pa
tient, an old toilet water bottle Is
useful to hold -the alcohol, as tho shak
er cork allows only n fow drops to fall
at a time, and the other hand Is free
to massago.
A nice salad dressing nnd ono easy
to preparo is this: Mix a tablespoon
ful of sugar with two of mllk-or
cream; add two tablespoonfuls of vin
egar a pinch of salt and popper. A
little celery salt Ib an addition whon
used with cabbage.
Tho care of pillow cases, towols,
napkins and sheets. Whon putting
away tho freshly-ironed ones, put
them at tho bottom of the pile, nnd in
this way, as they are used from the
top they will got equal wear.
When washing unbleached muslin,
do not rinso in bluing water, aB it
will nmko it dark.
Cook prunes, peaches, apricots and
al dried fruits In a bean pot with
sugar and water while baking. Tho
long slow cooking dovolops flavor.
Tho skins of dried peaches aro eas
ily removod after tlioy aro soft.
Sandwich bread Is so much nicer if
baked in pound baking powder cans.
Thero Is no crust and they need no
Nicely browned rollB hollowed out
make good receptacles to hold any
cream chicken, oyBtors or vegetables.
"WKLL rooked nnd 11 well
onpuiwi niHnl lmnllpft. on the
part of tlio ptitcrt.ilnet, a senso of renpoct
ho owes to his guests, whoso comfort nnd
happiness ho controls while they nro un
der his roof.
The following recipes may bo fol
lowed or modified to suit tho taste of
the hostoBs:
Plmlento Bisque. Cook a half cup
of rico in threo parts of chicken stock,
ltoib through a sieve and ndd tho pulp
of six red peppers rubbed through a
sieve. Tho poppers, if fresh, will
need to bo cooked beforo using; tho
canned variety can bo used without
cooking. -Add two teaBpoonfuls of
salt, a half teaspoon of tabasco sauco.
Hring to the boiling point and add half
a cup of whipped cream JubI beforo
serving. Servo with croutons.
Spanish Chops. Gash bI.x thick
French chops nearly to tho bone and
stuff with tho following: To six ta
blespoonfuls of bread crumbs add
threo tablespoonfuls of chopped
cooked ham, two tablospoonfulB each
of chopped mushrooms and melted
butter, season with salt and cayenne.
Dip tho chops In crumbs, egg and
crumbs, and fry In deep fat.
Tomato Salad. Peel small-sized
tomatoes and cut In clght3 without
severing tho sections, open out llko
tho potals of a flower, and In tho cen
ter place a tcuspoonful of pearl onlonB
with a touch of rlced hard-cooked ogg
volk. Servo on lettuce with French
dressing, to which is added llnely-
chopped parsley nnd green pepper.
For a frozen dish a parfalt or rasp
berry ico cream will bo appropilato.
The raspberries, olther fresh or pre
served, are used for a garnish. In tho
cream tho fruit julco is ndded to tho
cream before lrco7lng.
Small Cake6. Make a cup cako, or
npongc, If preferred, baked in small
pans. Cut a hole in tho top when
cold and fill with sweetened whipped
cream. Put back the small lid and
rover tho cake with frosting or choco
lato Icing. If the wholn of tho top of
tho nako Is off It Is not so easy to
handle, as it la npt to be lifted oIT
Rolls may bo baked In shallow cur
cako pans, three In a pan, nnd v hen
Forved, 11 small nnd well made 00k
liko-tfirec-lenf clovers
amusement, has read of his owe
death In tho papers Ho says tha
such promaturo announcements ur
so many certificates of longevity Yes
torday an Italian journal published 1
long and eulogistic obituary, which
the poet will doubtless read with hu
morous relish. Paris correspondent
London Telegraph.
Fashion Note.
The fashions have conn under seas,
Or so ono summer man asserts,
Ha says the mermaids. If you please,
Are all attired In hobble sklrU.
Prove that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound Does Restore the Health of Ailing Women.
Boston, Mass. "I was passing through tho Change of Life and suffered
frorahemorrhagc8(somotimes lasting for weeks), and could get nothing to
check them. I began taklnff Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
(tablet form) on Tuesdny, nnd tho following Saturday morning the hem
orrhages stopped. 1 havo taken them regularly over since and am Btcadlly
"I certainly think that ovory ono who is troubled as I was should give
your Compound Tablets a faithful trial, and they will find relief." Mrs.
Ukouqk Juiiy, 803 Fifth Strcot, South Boston, Mass.
Letter from Mrs. Julia King, Phoenix, R.I.
Thronlx, R.I. "I worked steady In tho mill from tho tlmo I was 12 yearn
eld until I had been married a year, nnd I think that catibcd my bad feel
ings. I had soreness In my bUIo near my left hip that went around to my
back, and sometimes I would have to Ho In bed for two or three days. I
was not nblo to do my housework.
"Lydia Ii Pinkham's Vogetablo Compound has helped mo wonderfully in
every wny. You may uso my letter for tho good of others. I nra only too
glnd to do anything within my power to recommend your medicine." Mrs.
JUUA. KlNU, Iloi 283, Phoenix. U.I.
Letter from Mrs. Etta Donovan.Willimantic, Conn.
Wllllmantic, Conn." For fivo years I suffered untold ngony from female
troubles causing bnckacho, irregularities, dizziness, and nervous prostra
tion. It was impossiblo for mo to walk up stairs without stopping on tho
way. I was all run down In ovory wny.
"I tried three doctors and each told mo something different. I received
no benefit from any of them bub seemed to suffer more. Tho last doctor
Bald It was no uso for mo to tako anything as nothing would restore mo to
health again. So I began taking Lydia E. Piukhnm's Vogetablo Compound
to sco what it would do, and by taking soven bottles of tho Compound and
other treatment you advised, I nm restored to my natural health." Mrs.
ErrA Donovan, 7U3 Main Strcot, Wllllmantic, Conn.
Letter from Mrs..WinfieId Dana, Augusta, Me.
Augusta, Me. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured tho
backacherhcndnchc, and tho bad pain I liad in my right side, and I am
perfectly well." Mrs. Winfield Dana, 1LF.D. No. 2, Augusta, Mo.
Letter from Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Newport, Vt.
Newport, Vt. " I thank you for tho great benefit Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable, Compound has dono mo. I took eight bottles and it did wonders
for me, as I was a nervous wreck whon I began taking it. I shall always
sneak a good word for it to my friends."-Mrs. JoiiN A. Thomtbon, Vox 3,
Newport Center, VcrmonL
Letter from Miss Grace Dodds, Bethlehem, N.H.
Iicthlohcm, N-H. " Uy working very hnrd, sweeping carpets, washing1,
ironing, lifting heavy baskets of clothes, etc., I got all run down. I. was
sick In bed every month.
" This last Spring my mother got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgotablo Com
pound for me, and already I feel llko another girl. I am regular and do
not havo tho pains that I did, and do not havo to go to bed. I will tell all
my friends what tho Compound Ib doing for me." Miss Ghacik B. Dodds,
Uos 133, Bethlehem, 'N.1I.
For 30 yenrs Lydia E. Pinklinm's Vcffctablo
Compound Ims locn tho standard remedy for fo
mulo ills. No ono sick with womnn's ailments
docs justice to herself who will not try this fa
mous medicine, nmdo from roots and herbs, it
has restored so many suffering women tohcnlth.
Your letter will bo opened, read and answered
by a woman and held in strict confidence.
At First Universal Symbol WasToken
of Submission and Respect
for Enemy.
Perhaps you have notico that when
ever a prominent person dies, espe
cially if ho Is connected with tho gov
ernment, tho flngs on public build
ings nro hoisted only part of tho way
xop, remarks tho Toronto Mall and Ex
press. This Ib called "hnlf mast."
Did you over stop to think what con
nection tlioro could bo botween a flag
that warf not properly hoisted and tho
death of a great man? '
Ever since flags wero used in war It
has boon tho custom to havo tho Hag
of tho superior or conquering nation
abovo that of tho inferior itself hopo
lessly beaton cmf rlnifwymfw pppppp
abovo that of the Inferior or vanquish
ed. Whon nn army found itself hope
lessly beaten It hnuled its Hag down
far enough for tlio flag of tho victors
to bo placed above It on tho samo
polo. This was n token not only of
submission, but of respect.
In thoso dnyB when a famous sol
dier died flags wero lowered out of
respect to his memory. Tho custom
long ago passed from purely mili
tary usago to public llfo of all kinds,
the flug flying at half mast being a
sign thnt tho dead man was worthy
of universal respect. Tho space loft
abovo it Is for tho flag of tho great
conqueror of all tho angel of death.
Best Books for Children.
Eugono Field, asked for tho best
ten books for young people under six
teen years of ago, Is said to liuvo
given this list: "Pilgrim's Hrogross,"
"Robinson Ciuboo," Andersen's Fairy
Tales, Grimm's Fairy Tales, "Scottish
ChlorB," "Black llcauty," "Tho- Ara
bian Nlghtn," "Swiss Family Robin
son," "Llttlo Lord Fauntloroy," "Tom
liiown's School Days," for boys, or
for girls, "Llttlo Women."
His Weapon.
"Did you seo where an escaping ma
niac somewhere struck down his pur
biiors with a cako of soap?"
"Then I suppose ho made a clean
(.ntnwny "
Faultless Starch Twin Dolls
'U.V' x raiiiuiiy nue ana
If joa will wo tho bout starch made both of the.
rtidnlU, earh 121.2 Inchoa blub toil ready to eat oat
and 11011, will bo Hint to an adJpM, postpaid, on re.
or twelve fronU of 6 cant r.ultlOM Btarsh paokiaoa
nd 8 oonts In stamp to oarer pottage and parking:.
iir oitneraou him io acne on receipt 01 mreeiucrni
rout, or all 6 font fronts aad rents in atamna. Oat
ont this ad. It will be accepted in place vt on 10
wni liuuh ur i.u v vga.injHW, uui UBV au wilt
beaooepted with oaeh application.
" " .'
MASS., for advice.
Ho (at tho muslcalo) That singer
seems to be echoing our feelings.
She How bo?
He SIio'b singing "No Ono Knows
How Sad I Feel."
In Gotham.
"I know a policeman who always
puts by something every wook of wrnrt
ho earns."
"Humph! I know ono who always
puts by ovory week mora than ho
Uy uslnit Cole's Curbollaalvo. It is a most
effective remedy. All dnurillsU. 25 and 60c.
Cuba -Market for Canada Stone.
Cuba imports most of its stono from
LKWIS' 81NOI.K HINDEit Is tho host
quality, and beat Bulling Co clar oa the
If you would win life's ba.ttlo you
miiBt bo a hard hitter and a poor quit
ter. He thrifty on llttlo things llko blulnp.
Don't urropt watur for bluing. Ask for Ked
Cross hull llluo, tho extra good value bluo.
Tho faster n chap is, tlio quicker he
overtakes troublo.
It's well enough to hope, but don't
loaf on tho job whlln doing It.
is &
wii 1 notoe j nam.
CO., Kcstu City, H,
- -. . Wi ' " " I