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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1912)
ii THE SEMUWEEKLY TRIBUNE IRA,L. DARE, PubllBhor. TERMS, ;i.2B IN ADVANCE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRA8KA VALUE OF NEATNESS. Tho fixed linblt of presenting al ways a nent and cleanly nppearance to tho world Is sure of a double reward. Jt not only creates n favorabln Impres sion but bpgots n sustaining self-respect. It Is scarcely rcasonnblo of ii man who doos not respect himself to look for much consideration from others. It Is not tho cost of clothing but tho scrupulous caro of It that counts. The man of slender means ohould bo neither "toppy" nor "sloppy," but always tidy and neat In his attire, seeing himself with tho coldly criti cal eyo of a posslblo employer, who Is bound to remark the significance of a soiled shirt front, a wilted collar, and to whom an applicant's dress may mean much moreKthan his address or politest deportment. Stylo In writing, as defined by tho fastidious Chester field, Is tho dress of thoughts; bo tho truo stylo of the overage man tnay bo correctly surmised from tho caro ho takes of his poraonal appearance. Ho needs not bo finicky but should always bo freo of greaBo spots and dust! bo fihould ,llko his bath, even If It has to bo taken by means of a bucket; he should uover neglect to brush his batr, his shoeB, his teeth, his coat, trousers nnd hat; If ho can't afford a pressing Iron ho should put coat and trousers over tho mattress and sleep upon them; if laundry Is serious Item he fihould wash his own hundkerchlefs, dry thorn on tho window panes and novor, by any chance, bo seen with a soiled ono. It appears to bo tho decree of fash ion that a considerable amount of falso hair shall bo worn by women during tho coming season, and It Is perhaps nvell that thoro should bo a clear un- deratandlng of whero tho hair comes from. It oppoars to Tie admitted that almost any Atnorlcan woman combs out enough hair from hor own head to meet all requirements, but she will not tako tho trouble to save tho comb ings, says tho Manchester Union, An expert in tho batr business stated In Chicago rcconjtty that "Americans live oo fast to save tholr combings." Probably ho wan correct, but it is al so probablo that tho averago American 'woman gives no thought as to whero br supplementary supply of hair comes from. It appears that America Imports Its falso hair from Europe and Asia. Tho European hair Is rated as first class, although thoro may bo some misgivings as to Its source In somo cases, but 70 per cent, of It comes from Chlnn, from tho heads of Bavlng Chjneso women, who aro eager to swap tholr tressos for copper coins. It Is worth while to savo hair from combings In China, which tho average American woman totally Ignores until sho pays a good price In tho market. Tho- old palaco in St. Petersburg which burned recently should not bo confounded with tho Peterhofy It was n log structure, on an Island, tho great czar's first homo in hlsnew capital, but hndbeon long UBod as a Greek chapel, Europeans do not pull down buildings as ruthlessly as Is tho prac tice In tho United States; so this prim Itivo historic structure, Its interior rich with bojowoled ikons, remained, a link between tho past nnd tho present, re ligious services bolng hold In It sev eral times n day, and many of these services being largely attended. Its destruction will romovo an Interesting landmark of tho groat Czar Peter. In tho American quarter of tho city of Dorlln n musical conservatory Is to bo erected with sound-proof walls, so that pupils undergoing Instruction In the art of plano-playlng shall not drlvo tho neighbors crazy with tholr din. Pooplo tho world over who nrq norvously sensitive to dissonant Bounds will hoartlly approvo the idea and hope for its general adoption. Much has been said and written In prnlso of tho soothing Influenco of music, but thoro are many Individuals bo constituted that It is the reverse of delightful to thorn to hear hour utter hour BometlmcB at the time ot night when thoy would woo Bleep tho din of a neighbor's piano. There may bo a soothing Influence of music, tfut It 1b not brought out by beginners practicing tho scales nor by convivial parties playing ragtlmo. Verily, tho Hfo of tho weather man is not a happy ono. A few months ngo the farmers were kicking about floods and now thoy aro complaining about the drought. Oil on tho roads is a blessing In that Jt lays tho dust, but It has Its draw backs. Residents of Montclalr, N, J., and surrounding towns say that robins, bluebirds, starlings and even tho hardy sparrows are dying at an unprecedent ed rate this summer, and tho "mortal ity Is attributed to thirst, occasioned by the Aversion of the birds to drink ing water tainted by tho oil useU on the road. Perhaps the situation can be redeemed by a system of drinking trough! for the feathered tribes. Tale of Treasure Trove; TTvriAV rrrTP- jVonnKK NEW YORK. Here 1b a tale of treas uro trovo. Not the treasure trovo of pirates bold, but a yarn of tho sea, Just the same. Tho good ship Cincinnati set sail nt one o'clock tho other afternoon, from her pier at Hoboken. On the second class deck at tho rail stood a comely German woman. Sho was Mrs. Annn Luepp of Wllkosbarrc, Pa. On tho dock stood Rudolph, her husband. Fifteen years ago they enmo to this country, and by their thrift nnd Industry amaBsed a snug in come, and now tho wife was returning for a visit to tho homo of her girlhood. Tholr happy union had not'bcuii bless ed with any branches of tho family treo. Longing for prattling babes at tho hearth, they compromised on the adoption of a green parrot. They called thu big bird Hans, and that he Is a bird, all right, all right, you shall see. Mrs. Anna couldn't think of part ing with Hans, so It was decid ed that sho would take Hans across tho sea. As sho stood at the rail, a wot handkerchief In her right hand, sho Hwung Hans over tho rail In a newly gilded cage. John Yonker Is Official CHICAGO. Hamilton park, one ot the prettiest public playgrounds on tho extreme south side, claims among Hh other attractions a model police man. His namo Is John Yonker, and nil tho boys and girls of that section of tho city swear by him. A police man who Is popular among children has a pretty good certltlcato of effi ciency. Although nominally a patrolman, Yonker really hus half a dozen other jobs. ' Ho Is arbiter In chief of all tho youngsters' disputes ot tho neigh borhood, director general of tholr sports and umplro and court of last resort to tholr gnmos. Hut tho Job which requires the most tact and diplomacy and which has won him his chief fame is that of official neighbor hood chaperon. Rules of tho park require that no children remain there after 0 o'clock In tho evening. It Is Yonkor's duty to bpo that this Is enforced. The busi ness of getting children to go homo to bed Is a dollcato ono, but Yonker suc ceeds at It without oxcltlng enmity. Little girls aro prone to llngor In tho park after hours just as much as boys. If the night Is dark or rainy and the little girl lives a long wny off in a lonely neighborhood, Yonker takes Athletic Cat Visits an CLEVELAND, O. A Malteso cat. with a mangy, rat-bitten tall and n hankering for tho beautiful In art and architecture, entcrod nnd upset tho tranquillity of tho county's $5,000, 000 courthouse tho other day. Tho cat mndo a hasty but complete tour of tho building, led Custodian Clay's guldos and subguldos a morry chaso through mnrblo corridors and cloBed tho performance with a "lenp of death" act from tho mnrblo railing which overlooks tho forum In tho cen ter of tho building. The guides dared not follow, . How tho cat entered the building Is a mystery. Guldos on tho lower lloor and at tho entrances denied that Pop Bottle Answers to DETROIT, MICH. To inculcate mil bIq Into unresponsive souls of somo of the folks ot Cork town Is a thank less, If not hopclcBs task, as Ixuls Fuchs, who plays tho bass llddlo In the German band experienced tho oth er night. Thoro ho was, und his four follow artists poured forth their sweetest utralnB nt Sixth and Abbott streets. With dreamy eyes Fuchs had Just finished tho intricate movements ot MnBcagnt's Immortal Intermezzo and had with ecstatic mien guno Into tho depths of Ucothoveu's divine Moon light Sonata, when nhoutB ot deri sion uunerved his aesthetic ' ear. Even that brllllauU little musical gem. "Oh. You Beautiful Doll," which ja Bald to have moved Mozart to tears oven in his grave, struck an unresponsive chord in that unmu sical crowd. And when the little follow with tho second fiddle passed the hat, ho col ; 1 1 0 9 Tifo Eft i. Mans Sure Was a Bird "Goodby, papa," sho cried, nnd waved to Herr Leu pp. "Goodby, papa," repeated Hans, who talks English with a slight German ac cent. Ab they wore about to cast off the stem line, Frau Anna got mixed In hor gesticulations. Her right 'band was raised to her eyes to dash tho tears'awny. Sho forgot that sho hold tho parrot, and disengaged hor left hand from tho cago to help her right hand out. With fluttering feathcra and Indignant screams Hans went tumbling to tho dock In his gilded cago. 'Dormer and!" yelled the en. raged bird. Two longshoremon put a pole through tho ring in the top of tho cago and hoisted It to a porthole, .lust as somebody was about to drag tho cage through tho portholo the cago slipped and down came tho bird to tho longshoremen. "You turn fools," roared Hans. "Don ner und blitzun!" A rope was thrown from the ship, a knot was passed through tho ring of tho cago and tho latter wont crash ing against tho ship's Bldo as the stern line was cast off. "Donner und blltzen!" yelled the bird again as the cage was dented In ngalnst tho ship's side. "Pretty Hans," cooed Frau Leupp, stretching forth hor hundB. "Pretty h !" returned the plout bird. "Donner und blltzen! Goodby, papa! Goodby papa!" "Goodby, Hans," shouted Rudolph "Goodby, Mamma." r Neighborhood Chaperon THAT ROUCH HCH) CaTTQH -HFAD ' KOHU.TRIto 1SK KICK nt sinrs m AN' STUCK HIS KffOB k IH ME MMI hor home. This often keeps hire working over hours, but tho "model policeman" seems to do It cheerfully as part of tho day's work. There are six baseball diamonds at Hamilton park. On a Saturday after noon teams of boys are playing all day on theso diamonds. Yonkers pro sides over these activities. Ho knows the baseball rules as well as Johnny Evers, and when n dispute arises that proves too much for tho boys -Yonkera settles It by tho book. Incidentally, Y'onker Is a bureau of Information. Ho answers a thousand questions a day. How he stands It without becoming a confirmed grouch no ono knows. His good humor is perennial. However, there aro occa sions when Yonker has to make It known that ho 1b "a limb of tho law." Many a "tough" boy has felt tho weight of Yonker's hand and learned not only to respect It but nfterward to Ilka Its owner. Ohio Temple of Justice It passed them. Chief Watchman O'Connor found It reclining against n hunch of grapes which form part of tho $00,000 decorations on tho upper floors of tho building. Ho nppronched with caution and a volumo of 'Ohio stato reports. The latter ho hold behind his back. Tho cat sconted trouble and vanished. O'Connor spread tho alarm. Guides responded from nil sections ot the building. Tho chase was on. It took in offices and courtrooms, in terrupted trials, scattered Jurors nnd frightened court witnesses. Then pussy, after touring tho two upper floors, decided to parade around the marble railroad which overlooks tlieJ forum. It was high and dangerous. Tho guides called foul, but the cat paid no heed. O'Connor volunteered to crnwl out and capture It. Ho traveled with more caution than speed. Tho cat travoled ten foot ahead of him for n while, then leaped to the floor below and disappeared. "Oh, You Beautiful Doll" lected Jeers instead of shokcls. Truly, the lot of a wandorlng mln strolls n thankless ono In this twen tieth century, Tho orchestra moved away, Booking moro congenial audiences. Just then somebody hurled a pop bottle. It struck Louis Fuchs' bass violin In Its vital part, smashing It In tho region of tho bridge. Thoro wna an .uproar In a minute. Orpheus soothed and tamed the wild beaBts with his lyro, but to calm this crowd with evon a hand organ was qulto Impossible. And so the street urtlstB beat a hasty retreat. C$fyh If feoa mtmk c-X Hft u( xvKPMh. W rssa. ' fy wJBM p1- a w IRRIGATION BY ROW METHOD Every Farmer Experiences Some Diffi culty In Controlling Water Sup ply to Reach All Roots. inj- K. H. IIOU8U. Colorado ARrlcultural ColleKe.) The difficulty that every farmer ex perlencon In ordlnnry row Irrigation Is to so control his supply that tho water flows down each row at tho same rate and with sufficient velocity so that when tho wnter reaches tho lower end of tic row, tho upper end has had time to bo sufficiently mois tened fcr thor water to reach the roots of tho plants. In order to accomplish this, every field should have a ditch running along Its highest part, prop erly laid out. This will ho best ac complished by making openings through the side of this ditch through which the water runs into tho rows, level; that Is to say, fixing them so that when a dam is put In, which brings the water over tho bank and forces It through the openings, tho wa ter will run through each opening with tho same velocity and therefore have the same head. It will, therefore, bo a paying proposition to make theso openings permnnont. A box made of lumber or concrete with openings In tho side, each sec tion set level, with n drop at the end of each section so that by placing the dam at tho end of the section tho same quantity of water Is discharged through each opening and finds Its way to each row and is sent down each with the same velocity and the same quantity of water is supplied to each row. This quantity can bo regu lated by Increasing or decreasing tho head on each opening, and with this arrangement it will be found that labor, tirco and wnter will be saved. Another thing, after an irrigation by means of tho row method, many farm ers have found It advisable and profit able to harrow across tho rows. This fills tho ditches and the ground that Is saturated with loose earth, which forms a "dust mulch" and thereby prevents excessive evaporation from the rows, while if this Is' not done the bottom and sides of the ditches tako on a crust, the particles become pack ed together nnd excessive evaporation takes place. For the next Irrigation It will bo necessary to again run the cultivator through tho rows In order to form the ditches for another appli cation of water, and by the time this second Irrlgntlon occurs vthe plants will bo so far. advanced that it will be Impossible to hnrrow a second time, but tho first harrowing can bo done with very llttfe damage to the crop, In fact It is a benefit to the crop even though some of the plants are destroyed. SOME GOOD CROPS TO GROW Whero Water Supply Is Limited Most Desirable Are Those Grown In Garden and Orchard. The most deslrnblo crops to grow with a limited water supply aro those grown In the vegetable and flower gar dens, lawns, shnde nnd fruit trees Whero an ample water supply can be developed such Held crops as bring tho largest returns per acre should bo planted. To gain the maximum returns for money invested in tho wnter supply and pumping equipment, winter Irri gation should be practiced. On this portion field crops, tho hardier vege tables, fruit ees and small fruits can bo grown .very successfully. In the summer Irrigated plots from which the hardier crops havo been ro moved, strawberries ami dewberries can be grown If protected In some way . In soils that move during the high winds, the strawberries and dewber ries can be protected by a mulch that has been grown between tho rows dur ing the fall, a sowing of oatB or bar ley. This will freeze down nnd form a good mulch for the plants which cannot blow nway. Gall Cure. Try this as a gall cure: Wash the place with water at nlghtnnd put flour on it; It will bo nearly well by morning. Tigs cannot bo raised with proill without a good pasture. Sell tho fattening lambs as soon at fit, and give the remaining ones a better chance. in nn egg of 1,000 grains, COO be longs to the white, 300 to the yolk and 100 to tlje sholl. A good llockmaster will not fall to havo every sheep on tho place to past under his own eyes every day. As long ns the breeding of a.sow if profltnblo sho should be brod. It Ii not. advisable to sell off a good brood animal. Tho most notable growth of the duck Is between tho third and fourth week of Its age. when It often doublej Its weight. Pigs fed on dirty, musty floors are apt to contract lung trouble through Inhaling dust, chaff and other clog ging material. Sheep-farming has been practiced since the earliest times, and la one of the most profitable branches of the live stock industry. v Don't lot a bungler shoo your horses. Go to the Intelligent ahoot who knows ho'w, If you have to drive ten miles or more. Pasturing grass too Boon or too hard 1b nn expensive way of saving feed; It costB several times the amount of feed saved. -fEN-EgAL MOST EFFECTIVE AND SAFEST CONTACT INSECTICIDE FOR GRAPE LEAF-H0PPERI Spraying Must Be Done at Proper Time in Order to Thoroughly Eradicate Pestiferous Sucking InsectAdults Hibernate Among Leaves and Rubbish. (Dy P. Z. HAItTZELL.) Tho grape leaf hopper is an Im portant pest Qf tho grape and during tho past two years it has been on tho Increase in Bomo sections. In many vineyards tho necessity for efficient methoda of control haB been apparent. The Insect weakens tho vines by pierc ing the epidermis of tho under side of tho lent and Bucking tho cell Bap, thus injuring tho cellB and exposing them to the drying action of tho air. This Injury results In nidecreaso In tho amount of wood, and It also affects tho quantity and quality of the fruit. Fruit from badly infested vines Is poorly ripened. Tho leuf hopper Is a sucking Insect and lives on the under sides of tho grapo leaves. Eggs aro laid' during June by tho overwintering adults, nnd by the beginning of July the young nymphs nro on the vinos In abundance. These nymphs pass through five stages or inBtars before becoming adults. Nymphs of the first brood mature dur ing tho latter part of July and early part of August, and during normal reasons many of them'lay eggs from which develops a partial second brood. During 1911 a completo.second brood was observed. Young nymphs of the first Instar were- found as late as October 1. Most of these nymphs become adults before the leaves drop from the grape vine. The adults hi bernnto among rubbish, grass, weeds and fallen leaves. They aro active during the warmer dayB of the hiber nating period and feed ,pn various grasses, preferring the leaveB of bush fruits during tho spring before return ing to the young foliage of the grape vines. During tho summer the adults are of a yellowish appearance, being cov ered with darker yellow lines. These darker areas turn salmon before the Insects leavo the vines In the fall and they-become dark red., when the In sects aro In their winter quarters. As soon as they havo fed again upon grape foliage In the spring these areas become yejlow. Experiments have proven that a spray containing 2-100 of one per cent, nicotine is the most effective und safest contact lnsectlcldo for tho con trol of the grapo leaf hopper. This must bo directed against tho nymphs, which are hit by applying the spray to the under sides of the leaves. , Tho application of the spray for this Insect can be done by the usual hand spraying with trailing Iioeo or by nn automatic leaf hoppor sprayer. The grape hopper, being a suck ing insect, secures its food by insert ing its proboscis or benk through the epidermis or skin of the leaf, piercing the underlying tissue and sucking up the cell snp. Having satisfied its hun ger It withdraws Its beak and wanders bout the leaf. With the withdrawal of the proboscis the injured, leaf tissue Is exposed to tho drying action of the air, which not only completes the de struction of the Injured cells but dries out the surrounding cells, thus causing n small portion oflhe leaf to die. This area Is small but the accumulative ef fect Is of Importance In the economy of the plant. ' Theso Injured parts turn yellow and, ns the Injuries In crease by tho feeding of the Insects Nature Leaf Hopper. the leaves become dotted with spots until by September these areas are bo numerous as to causo the leaves to have a decidedly yellow appearance when contrasted with healthy foliage. It Is notyunuBunl to find 100 leaf hopper nyraphB on a single leaf. Jf each Insect should feed only twice each day and remain on the leaf for a period of two months we would find Hint there had accumulated on tho leaf 12,000 Injured areas. This would bo a moderate damage; for counts show that leaves of average size. If badly Infested, may have as many ns 20,000 such injured nreas. Thus thoro are two factors In the work of the leaf hopper; tho removal of the cell snp by the leaf hoppers as food, and the destruction of tlssuo by the drying out and death of tho cells surrounding those pierced by the Insects. The latter is tho moro Im portant factor. The death of these cells menus a lessening of the growth of wood und a decrease In the yield of fruit. To obtain efficient results against the leaf hopper It Is necessary to ob serve certain rules. The spraying must be done at the proper time. This time will vary with the season, but the spraying must be done when the maximum number ot nymphs are present, thus killing the largest number of Insects, will usually confine the number of apraylnga to one. One must Judge the time by ml pVfeJfI M if Uf Ih It Jr foil watching tho development of tho In sects. The proper contact Insecticide must bo used and nt the proper strength. Forty per cent, nlcotino Bhould bo used ono part to 1.G00 parts of water, and 2.7 per cent, nlcotino should be used ono part to 150 parts of water. Sufficient Bpray mixture must be . used to drench the Insects. A pressure of from 12G to 150 pounds per square Inch Is necessary. Tho under sIiIob of the leaves must ha thoroughly hit by the 'spray. The height of tho vines, the manner of Fruit on Damaged Vines. trimming and tho direction of the wind muat nil be taken Into consider ation. One should examine tho under sides of the sprayed leaves from time to time to seo that tho nozzles are properly adjusted. Spraying as directed, one would use nearly 150 gallons of spray material per aero where tho foliage Ib dense. Where vines are weak or young nnd the foliage Is not denBe, ono "can se cure good results by using discs with slightly smaller apertures, thus using less spray per acre. One's Judgment must govern him In tho use of mate rial economically. With the use of 150 gallons' of ma terial per acre, using the nicotine preparations at the present prices, It would cost about $1.25 per acre for material to control tho grape leaf hopper for a season. QUAIL PROVEN AS A FRIEND OF FARMER Description of This Industrious Little Bird, Commonly Called Bob White. The quail, the "bob-white" whose call floats softly up from the meadows In cool twllIghtB and dewy summer mornings, Is almost too well known to need description. Nearly every boy and girl who can whistle has re turned his salute and heard it again and again, as the bird seems to search in bewilderment for that new noto which ho does not quite understand. "Moro rain" grandfather Is likely to say, when ho hears tho call in tho morning. "Ilob-whlto is calling for moro rain." But though you may hoar him it doos not follow that you may sco him oaslly,(unles8 your neigh borhood Is friendly or there are good game laws rigidly enforced. The quail has suffered much at the hands of tho man with the gun. nnd the man at the plow has suffered too, for when the quail Is gone grasshoppers and many other Insect enemies of grow ing" crops havo things nil their own way. A clean, white throat ns full and fluffy as a lace Jabot, Is one of bob white's first recognition marks, and tho W(hlto or lemon-colored lines that run back over his head from beak to shoulders aro another. This leaves him a neat little brown cap in the middle of his head and gives him a somewhat saucy apoparance. No bird can boast as largo a' family as the quail, and It requires tho sharpest of eyes to find the nest, hidden as it Is in grasB and sometimes covered entirely, with a side entrance which looks as Innocent as a mero tuft of straw lifted by field mice. Thero nro sometimes as many as threo tiers of eggs, piled upon each other, and how so small a bird can cover so many 1b a mystery. It Is related In "Tho Girds of Ohio," that one winter a family of quail came regularly every evening to a feeding place whero grain was kept for them, and nfterward slept under an evergreen treo In tho yard. Hero they were seen, ono very stormy af ternon when they had to soek shelter early, huddled Into a perfect circle, heads out, feathers fluffed up and ev ery tall helping to shelter Its neigh bor. There aro few birds, Indeed, that cannot be brought near by keeping feed and water ready for them. Pigs' Rations. Tho moro variety that you can put into tho pigs' ration tho moro valuable every pound of every different feed Is. Always let your variety bo made by feeding a number or feeds at tho same time, and not by changing to a differ ent feed every time. Foe of Codling Moth, A parasite with a long and unpro-' nouneenble name has been introduced Into California to fight the codling moth. It 1b said to e making good and hat begun the destruction. S