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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1912)
mi-WLtMi SrUhmr ltoxlcl SoclW TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 17, 1912. No. 66 Wht Mmth & r jgViWfckk,'W' TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS The Methodist aid society will meet with Mrs. Ray Largford Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. F. D. Thompson will entertain the Lutheran Aid Society Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Baker left this morning for Portland, Ind., to visit until Christmas with her sister. Mrs. Orra DeFord and daughter re turned this morning from a viiit with relatives in the east. Major White returned Sunday even ing from Grand Island where he visited his grandparents. Dr. H. C. Brock will leave in the near future for Colorado points to spend a couple of weeks. Geo. M. Graham, of" Omaha, is in town today visiting friends and soliciting shoo orders from our dealers. Miss Mary Craigie hus accepted a position as cashier of the Wilcox Dept. store and'began work yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John Burgner returned yesterday afternoon from Omaha where they had been visiting relatives. Miss Edna Weinhoeber will arrive from Chicago today and 'will visit at the home of her uncle, F. W. Rincker. New line of, fancy hand painted and burnt leather goods just received. Rinckeu Book & Dkug Co. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Howard will leave the latter part ofr this week for Los Angeles, where thoy expect to make their future home. W. J. Tiley and several others went to Wellfleet Saturday and in the even instituted a Yeoman lodge with seven teen beneficiary members and several social members. The visitors were met by the band and had other courteous consideration shown them. Mr. Tiley goes to Arnold today to institute a lodge. Our corset department is always com plete with a full line of models to fit each individual, The Henderson fashion form corset. E. T. Tramp & Son. Walter B. McNcel, living ten miles west of town, sent to this office Friday thiee of the vSears grown on his ranch this vear. The three weighed two and one-fourth pounds, and were finer than any we have seen shipped in from the muchly advertized fruit-growing sec tions of California. ' Past Grand Master Robt. E. French, gran 1 custodian of the grand lodge of Freemasons in Nebraska will hold a school of instruction in Platte Valley lodge Wednesday and Thursday, to which all brothers are invited. The sessions will be practically continuous beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. each day. Vantine's Kutch, Sandalwood and Oriental odors are the best perfume and toilet luxuries. Rinckeu Book & Drug Co. The board of directors of the Y M. C A. will hold a public reception at the Odd Fellows hall tomorrow evening for O. H. Fawern, of Mt. Carmel, 111., who will arrive today to take charge of the association work, for which he comes highly recommended. It is the earnest desire of the committee to have a large attendance of citizens to welcome the new secretary. Light refreshments will be served. Methodist Change. i At the Methodistconference atScotts Bluffs last week, Rev. Gaither, who has been stationed at Lexington was selected as superintendent of the North Platte district, vice Supt. Chamberlain who had served the maximum time and was assigned the pastorato at c-rd. j Rev. W. S. Porter, who had served his allotted tune here, was assigned to Orleans, nnd Rev. Cram, who was stationed at Orleans, Jcomes to North Platte as the r.sident pastor. J, It is understood that Supt-elect Gaither will make North Platte his headquarters. "A Romance of the Underworld." "A Romance of the Underworld," will be presented at the Keith next Friday evening, with Holbrook Blinn in the star role. The story deals with the refusal of Richard, Elliott, a park inspector for the city of New York, to accept a bribe from a city contractor, that a crooked deal may go through and the consequent attempt to railroad the young man to Sinjr Sine for this refusal, as well as for his denunciation of the contractor for daring to aspire to the hand of his sister, Dora Elliot. The brother believes that justice must triumph and therefore does not heed the threat thatdnanates fromO'Leary, the contractor, but when arrested, sent to prison and nearing sentence, he real izes how yain was his trust. Through the efforts of a young newspaper roan, an aspiring lawyer, who takes the case through his love for Doris, Elliott is finally given his liberty, his good name cleared and his enemy sent o the tombs where he is detained for perjury. That the situations are stirring goes without saying. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE Bratt & Goodman have a few extra good safe mortgage loans ranging from $200 upwards, netting 7 per cent semi annual interest. Nothing better nor safer for your idle money. School Rooms Crowded. The unusually crowded conditition of the schools of this city has resulted in a somewhat complex situation which is causing the school authorities consider able worry and annoyance. At a spec ial meqting of tho board of education, Superintendent Tout gaye a report as to the number of students in tho most crowded grades and prompt action was taken to relieve conjestion. In the small building-of, tho east bchuol as found the greatest difficulty for these small pupils could not go far from their owa school to attend any other, In some cases where pupils had to sit on tho front seats without desks, parents sent cracker boxes to school and these yvere utilized for desks, In some cases nearly sixty pupils were crowded into a room designed for thirty. In the high school auditorium there are 1G4 seats. We have 230 enrolled. Every seat in room "K" has been taken and extra chairs have been placed in the icar of the room. The remainder of the high school students are seated in the commercial room in the basement. On the second floor thore arc two grade rooms and these each have over fifty in attendance. By sending the eighth grade from the central sehool to tho Washington building and bringing the fifth grade from the east school to the central we have taken care of all of the pupils in the first ward. In the Washington school the assembly room was divided and another teacher was added, making eight in that building. Even now tho eight rooms of this build ing are crowded to the limit. In tho Lincoln school the enrollment is about normal with new pupils coming in every day. Supt. Tout is doing his.bcst to getevery child a desk and expoctc to reach this end before the week is over, -OUSINE33 MEtf are ihr JJJ "ftlimus Men" of to-da. They Ueep their engage ment? on the minute and meas ure their time by a WALTHAM yATCH The Walllmm is the most de pendable of time-pieces. That h Avhy we make it our leader and why "It's Time You Oivncd a IValthatit." We have a wide nsnortment of Wal tbam Watclicj nt wide price range In thin models: plain and ancy cases. Sco ui about u VaU tnam to-day. Sold by Dixon. Mrs. T. W, Austin will leave tomorrow for Sebatha, Kans., to visit relatives for a couple of weeks. The Leader has received tho most complete line of ladies', misso3' nnd children's ready-to-wear garments over displayed in North Platte. Everything of the latest design in suits, cloaks, Ureases and waists. You are invited to come and examine the lino. North Platte, Nob.,S.'pt. M, 1912. To the Insuring Public: In justice to Bratt & Goodman, who are agents for the St. Paul Fire & Marino Insurance Co., of St. Paul; Minn., I"wish to state that I insured my automobile with said agonts, which I recently lost by fire, and without a word or question I was paid $1000 for total loss, being tho amount of my policy, and for the prompt and satisfac tory manner in which Bratt & Goodman have settled this loss and other losses I have sustained, I most choorfully rec ommend them ai the beat insurance agents I have ever known to hnve pro perty insured with. This statement was unsolicited on the part of Bratt & Goodman. J. Gamuhul. For Rent. Furnished Rooms for rent. 304 west 9th Street. Inquire &mm?,. 'izzmmi .--. jm. j w m WMML :mF JeafurlnmS ' ijmmmv&m f i 111 W Mk" j i in JHli i iflRnlHil ' Mi ' , 11 ' f I I Mill t 'If yy vPR 3y aft t Printzess Garments $ Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks are Now on Display. ATTRACTIVE MODELS. The Printzess garment has the key to the secret of style. Styles that will appeal to those who appreciate distinction in dress. Each style has ' " ' . I I !. Ill , .. ...... . -.,, ., M J. individuality of its own. t Unusual Values and Qualities that Cannot be Surpassed. You owe yourself the satisfaction of knowing what the new styles are to be. Visit our Cloa Deportment which is complete with a full line of the Printzess garments. One of the best and most reliable garments of today. 4 i p niSTTHCTIOH in dress THIS IS THE BEST TIME to buy vacant lots in North Platte, see Bratt & Goodman. Local and Personal. IS RAILROAD NOTES AND PERSONALS Mrs. Henry Mylander, of Curtis, visiting her sister Mrs. Clms. Haner. For Rent 5 room furnished houso with bath. 414 West 3rd St. Gli-2 Henry Yost leaves tomorrow for Sycamoro Springs, Kans., to spend several weeks taking medical treatment. Dell Bonner returned Sunday even ing from Kansas, City, where he sub mitted to a delicato operation on the ear. A very beautiful assortment of ladies' kimonas just arrived. Durable crepe kimonas, also tho dainty silk ones. All colors. E. T. Tramp & Son. A baby girl was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Faun, of Denver. Mrs. Fflun was formerly Miss Georgia Frieburg of this city. Charles A. Howe, of Oshkosh, is spending a few days hero on business relative to his interests in tho Howo A Malonoy store. Mr. and Mis. William Howe, of Albany Co. who wore gueat of O. A. Howe nnd wife at Oshkosh apont yest erday here while enrouto hame. On account of next Saturday being tho Jewish Atonement Day, Th Loader will be closed until six o'clock in the evening. Patrons will pleiue re member this. The Rebekah Lodge will celebrate their sixty first anniversary at the I. O. O. F. Ilall on Frid.'ty evening with appropriate exercises; all memb-era are urged to be present. Cool nighta are now hen:, and to pro vide the nccosaary warmth on the bod, The Leader has received an unusually largo lino of fine blankets and quilts. See the line before making your pur- cnuscs. Weather forcast: fair tonight and Wednesday; probably frost tonight. Maximum temperature yesterday CA, n year ago 89; minimum last night 37, a year ago 53, Precipitation last night one ono-hundredth of an inch. An extra train of stock in charge of Conductor Ray Snyder was 'brought down over the North River branch Sun day. C A. Reiger, agent for the P. F. E. Co., iced thirteen cars in thirteen min utes with thirteen men from ice houso No. 13 iast Friday the thirteenth of the month. P. F. Kisler has sent in his resigna tion in tho Western Union oflic; and will leave in ten days for Los Angeles to reside. Mrs. Kisler will remain in town a month or longer. Ed. G. Weston, former conductor and yard foreman, who has been living in Pennsylvania for a couple of years, is in town visiting friend?, having arrived yesterday. It would not bo surprising if Ed would conclude to return to North Platte to live. While at work on an engine in the local yards Saturday afternoon Andrew Anderson was struck on tho head by a largo pieco of iron which fell from tho the cab. His injuries will keep him confinod to the houso for some time. The CoTumbus Telegram tells of a record run for a train between Omaha and Grand Island, made recently by Union Pncific No. 15, pulled by one ( of the monster now engines just put into service. Tho train left Omaha at 5:10 p. in. one hour and twenty minutes lulu, with fifteen heavily loaded cars. If schedule provides that it shall ui nve at Grand Island at 8:02 p. m., after being on tho road four hours and liftesn minutes, an average of thirty lour miles an hour. On this occasion No. 15 clipped of tho 146 milos in two hours and and fifty-two minutes, ar riving in Grand Island three minutes ahead of schedule. The average speed was fifty milos an hour, including time taken for stops at Fromont, Col umbus and Central City, Local and Personal Mrs. H. C. Brock leaves this week fir a visit with relatives in Fnirburg. Miss Cecilia Monahan went to Lisco this morning to remain a month with the home folic a. S. B. Gleason arrived last evening from St. Louis to visit his wife, who is the guest of her mother Mrs. vonTrot- Andy Murrin, of Moline, 111., is vis iting his uncleHarry Murrin and fami ly while enrouto homo from the west. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LoDioyt returned Saturday afternoon from Broadwater where tho former spent a couple of days hunting nnd the lattor visited friends. Fidelity and surety Donds: written for tho Maryland Casually Company of Bartimore, Md. I have power of nt tornev and executo vour bond while you wait. C. F. TllMPLE. How About that New Car. Have you had it insured? If not. vnn should phono or seo Temple at once. It is ono ol the most hazardous risks could carry. you John Tigho received word last even ing of the death of his sister Mrs. Mc Guire, at Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Margaret Millingor, of Kearney, arrived Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyle for a week. Miss Ethel Fryo and brother Lawrence left lnstnight for Grand Island, whore the latter will take medical treatment. The gentlemen of tho Baptist church will hold a social at the residencojof Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Loudon on Thurs day ovening. , , Duroc-Jersey Boars for sale $15 to $25. Experimental Sub-station MR. HOME BUILDER. We can loan you money out of our State Building & Loan Association and you can return it in monthly payments same as rent. Bratt & Goodman. wmmwrMimtxajjLMnim2AJLiAKjatJu !SfiZ A k. I'll k &&, LIFE INSURANCE. If looking for the most liberal policy ever written by old line companies, see Bratt & Goodman. The Ladles Guild of tho Episcopal church will hold u Bale of pies, oakes, cookies, etc., nt the Schatz store Sat urday afternoon. yW. five bijjf m Mi into a l;onl and you have a fair load Uut many a heavy car unloaded has more weight to carry and no more power to carry it. The low priced Vanadium built Ford is minimumly light and maximumly powerful. 75,000 Ford cars already sold this soason-one-third of America's product. Five passenger touring car $090 three passongor roadstor $51)0 torpedo run about IGOO-delivery car $700 town car $900-1'. o. b, Detroit, complete with nil equipment. Got cataloguo from Ford Motor Company. Michigan and Fourteenth Street or from Detroit direct. HENDY-OGIER GARAGE, Agent, North Platte, Neb. V r i