The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 13, 1912, Image 8

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    Semi - Weekly Tribune
Ira L Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail in advance P'
Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.60
Enterod at North Platte. Nebraska, Post
olllco as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 1912.
I herewith announce my candi
dacy for county commissioner on the
republican ticket anil ask the support
of all citizens nntl pledge to conduct
the county affairs in an economical
and business way if elected.
Iha L. Miltoniierger.
According to the nnnunl report of
the county superintendent, the pnstycar
the expenditures for school purposes
wore 1.11,321.27 Total enrollment was
3,872 botwecn five nnd twenty-one
yeaars of ago. Total number of teach
ers vn3 20- Total wages paid teachers
.' Political conditions in the state of
Maine were overturned on last
Monday when the republicans won back
the governorship, secured three of the
four congressmen, and the legislature
on joint ballot will elect i a republican
United Stntqs senator. Two years ngo
Plaisted.llemocrat, wnsclected governor
by a plurality of 8,000. The Taftites
believe that the Maine results will serve
to keep in line many republicans who
were wavering toward the progressiva
Congressman Norris, republican can
didate for U. S. senator, ha3 issued a
statement to the voters of Nebraska
In which he rejects tho candidate nnd
platform of his party, pledges allegiance
to Roosevelt and declares he .willftbe
bound by no party. He is therefore a
political maverick, and invites the sup
port of everybody who has confidence
in him. Mr. Norris evidently behoves
that the republican mix-up in Nebras
ka will result in losing the state to tho
democrats, and in assuming tho rolo of
nn independent hopes to ride into ollico
by the Bupport of democrats who aro
opposed to Shallenborgcr. It is prob
able, however, that Shallenberger will
receive lis heavy republican support as
that received by Norris from democratic
Local and Personal.
Volley Schnrman returned froinKear
noy Monday whore ho visited rela
tives for a couplo of days.
M"r. and Mrs. Charles Bogue nnd child
ren, v)io had been visiting in Oklahoma,
returned tho first of the week,
Quimby Tobin returned to Denver
Wednesday having upont a few days
with his cousin Charles Herrod.
Dr. 0. II. Cresslor will return Sun
day from Los Angeles whore ho accom
panied his family two weeks ago.
Miss Mary McGoveri and Omar Huff
will be married on Wednosdny morning,
Sept. 18th, at the residence of Rov P.
Roy. Christie, pastor-oloct of the
Presbytorian church, will arrive in time
to conduct his initial services next Sun
day. For Snlo 139 acres of liny and al
falfa land, ono and ono-hnlf miles south
of North Platte. Inquiro of Owen
Jones, North Platte. Gl-2
Rov and Mrs. Wilson, of Gothenburg,
visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Lnngford
Monday and left Tuosday morning for
tho Methodist Conforonco at Scott
Tim Bantist Ladles Aid will hold a
Hocinl on tho parsonage lawn "Friday
evening. Special program will bo given
nnd n luncn sorvod. Those having
onvolopos with names will turn them in
n't this tiimo.
Word was received Monday from
Allianco that Miss Dailv a sister of
Mrs. George Dolph. died suddenly of
heart disease. Miss Dalv attended tho
Junior Normal during the summer and
wns well known in the city.
"Naked truth" must compel the con
viction that it is the height of extravag
ance to drive a heavy car at a cost of
forty cents a mile when a Ford will
take you "yonder
and comfortably
tenth the cost.
"75,000 Ford enra already sold this BonBon one-third
of America's product. Flvo pnssengor touring car
$G90 threo posBongor roadster $590 torpedo run
ubout ?590-dcllvory enr $700 town cur $900-f. o.
1). Detroit, complete with nil equipment. Got
catalogue from Ford Motor Conipuny. Michigan and
Fourteenth Street or from Dotroit direct.
Nortjx Platte, Neb.
Local and Personal.
Bert Reynolds nnd wife visited in
Hershcy Tuesday.
Dick- Rannio, of Greeley, is visiting
relatives in town.
Attornev J. G. Beoler transacted
business in Sidney this week.
William Yost has, returned from a
business visit in Kansas City.
Jess Kunkle purchnsed a Fordctr of
the Hendy garage Wednesday.
Earl Calhoun began work nt the
Tramp grocery Wednesday morning..
W. J. Tiley left at noon Wednesday
for Lexington to spend a couple of days.
Mrs. Anna Church will leave shortly
for California to spend several weeks.
Odn Sebastian left Wednesday for
Gnndy to spent several days on busi
ness. Carl Simons returned Wednesday
from Staploton where ho spent ten days
on business.
Mrs. Thomas AxMI returned Wed
nesday afternoon from a month's visit
in Lincoln with relatives.
L. E. Mohlmnnn will return tomorrow
evening from Lincoln and cities in Iowa
whore lie spent two weeks.
Miss Nora Jcffera is expected home
tomorrow from Lincoln where she spent
two weeks wifch friends.
Mr. and Mrs. York Ilinman left tho
first of the week for Lexington to attend
the Dawson county fair.
Lester Walkor has returned from
Omaha where he combined business and
pleasure for a few dayB.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
August 20th, 1912.
Bonrd met pursuant to adjournment:
present Streitz, Roberts, anil White and
county clerk. The bonrd proceeded to
allow the following claims on the 1912
general fund, to-wit:
A. J. Salisbury, services State vs.
Bailey and Ferguson, twoclnims, $8.50.
M. Kuhns, merchandise for county
poor. $6.85.
Schiller & Co., drugs nnd medicine
for county hospital, 11.05.
Sundry persons, canvassing primary
election, two dnys, 30.00.
Sundry persons, surveying road No.
02, 33.G0.
North Platte Telephone Co., phono
rent for July and toll charges, 29.00.
O. O. Anderson, damages road No.
334. 7.").00.
Wilcox Department store, merchan
dise for county poor, 31.59
C M Reynolds, publishing notice, 2.80
Sundry persons, appraising road 350,
Dr E T Carr, medical services county
charges, 3G.50
H L Cochran, surveying roads, 5.00
w a Unit, services state vs.
Mrs. G M Baker, damages for colt,
The Lawyers Co-operative company,
book for judge 7.50
Sunday persons, appraising road3 354
ami 357, 31.80
J. W. Abbott, special commissioner
roads 354 nnd 357, 20.00
Goorgo B Dent salary county physi
cian nnd medicine, disallowed for 25.00
allowed for 139.55
Sophin Anderson, care of Mrs. Clark,
Sophia Anderson, enre of Emma
Anderson, 30.00
T F Watts, salary for August, 75.00
J Salisbury, salary for August,
Jos. M Wilon, salury for August and
cash items G5.50
Cleo R Chappell, salary for August,
Nona Mai'cott salary for August, 40.00
C W Yost, salary for August, 137.50
C W Yost, olllco expenses for Aug
ust 7.G5
A N Durbin, redemption taxes on
northoast quarter section 18-1G-27, 41.05
Mario Dovonbargor, damages road
292J, 1G2.00
L Walker, salary as poormaBtor,
April 1, 1912, to Scptembor 1, 1912,
A LaBounty, damages road 319J 90.
10 J J Green, damages road 819J 90.10
Damages on rond 341 allowed as
Estimato of Andrew Bratten, 150.00,
disallowed for 100.00 and allowed for
August Elander, 30.00. disallowed for
17.85 and allowed for, 12.15
George A Leaf, 60.00 disallowed for
35.70 und allowed for 24.30
Gust Ed. Slyvan, 200.00 disallowed for
1G9.40 and allowed for GO. GO
Klnns Cross, 80.00, disallowed for 5.70
and allowed for 24.30
Nols Olson, 200.00, disallowed for
151.40 and allowed for 48. GO
back as quickly
and at less than one-
Emil Youngberg, 125.00 disallowed
for 51.40 and allowed fer 73.G0
William Younghnns, 702.00, disallowed
for G09.50 and allowed for 92 50
Allowed on bndgo fund as follows
Emil Tollefsen, Lumber company,
lumber nnd cement, 108.30
J. S. Hatcher & Co. lumber, two
clnims, 4G.95 and 30.30
George B. Garrard, bridgo work
North Platte, 9.00
A W Hughes, bridge work North
Platte, 9.00
Cnrl Lunkwitz, bridge work Suther
land. 90.00
John Von Arsdale, bridge work Suth
erland, 22.00
F L Summer bridge work Sutherland
2.00 . .
George Hoover, bridge work Suther
land, 11.00
Chnrle3 Cockle, Jr., bridge work
Sutherland 4.00
Charles Cockle Sr., bridgo work
Sutherland, 17.00
W K Bcauchnmp, bridgo work, 11.00
W J Shinkle bridge work, 9.00
II Linnemeyer, lumber for bridges
and culverts, 141.30 1
E C Hostetter, bridge work Maxwell,
R L Cochran, surveying for bridges.
On road district funds as follows:
Aaron Knin. cash to bo usedvln road
district 25, 200.00 ' "
W S Ross, cash to be used in rond
district 41, 100.00 '
H B Sanderson, cash to be in road
district 7. 150.00
W R Weakly, cash to bo used in road
district 24, 50.00
Allowed on commissioners' district as
Geo E Hardin, road work in district
40, two claims, nllowed on commission
ers' district 2, 120.00
A petition of 5G0 voters representing
23 precincts being more than two-fifths
of total precincts in tho county, nnd
one-tenth of the totnl vote cast at the
last general election, asking tho board
to submit the proposition to thaelectors
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, according
to Chapter 77, article 1,4910 section 17
compiled statutes for 1911. to be voted
upon at the next general election to be
hold November 5. 1912, whether Lin
coln county, Nebraska, shall or shall not
elect a county assessor. Tho county
clerk i hereby instructed to have the
above proposition submitted by having
same placed on the ballots at tho next
general election.
Request of Ellen Murphy, adminis
tratrix of estnte of Diniel Murphy, in
competent, to soil real estate, yiz: lot
1. block 104 and lot 6. block 41, of the
city of North Platte, Nebraska, to pay
indebtedness and for support of her
self as wife of Daniel Murphy is here
by granted.
County treasurer is hereby authorized
to refund Peter Young thd sum of l.Gn
for the reason that he is not liable for
city tax for Hershey for year 1910
School district 98. use of school house
I fr election, 9.00
ounury persons, buuo vs ivnway, in
sane, 39.90
Sundry persons, canvassing special
election, 4.50
Sundry persons, appraising rond No
355, 9.75
Sundry persons, appraising road No
107, 11.80
Sundry jiersons, state vs Mnrgeleth,
insane, 29.50
Sundry persons, report of births,
deaths, second quarter 1912, 16.50
Sundry persons, surveying roads, 19.70
Sundry persons, surveying and plat of
Sutherland, 4li.UU
bundry persons, witness fees Union
Pucific railroad vs county of Lincoln,
I E Trout, fees state vs Foster et al,
J II VunClenve, blacksmith work, two
cluims, 11.25 and 4.75, 1G.00
m i
Dine here Today. This Cafe
is the one that will please
your fancy in cleanliness, good
food and service. Prices
I Opposite Depot
Union Realty and Investment Company.
Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00.
T. C. PATTERSON, President, B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Treas.
First Mortgages on Real Estnte Bought, Sold and Negotiated.
This company is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort
gages on real estate, amply secured and drawing eight per cent semi
annual interest. Money so invested will bo exempt from taxation.
"Wo havo a cure for rupturo without resorting to tho danger, pain nnd
discomfort of a aurgicul operation. We aro tho only reputable physicians
in this lino of work who will tnko such cases updn a guarantee to cure,
or mako no charge. You may deposit the money in tho bank in your
own name and whon you aro well you instruct the bank to pay us. Wo
havo adopted thii method because so many have been swindled byquaoks
and fakirs. Not one of them will allow the pafiont to put the money in
tho bank and pny when a cure has been mado. Whon taking our treat
ment pationts must como to our office onco a woek they can return homo
tho same day attend to thair business or occupation without loss of time.
In order to givo tho people of this vicinity an opportunity to tnke our
treatment without tho exponio of going to Omaha, ono of us will bo in
North Platto every Thursday. Writo to or call On
Homo Olllce 300, Ilea Bluf, Omyht, Neb. Hotel Tlmmerman, North PUtte, Neb.
D B White, services as tommissioner
and mileage
Claim of C S Kilmer for 7.00 extra
fees assessordisollowed
The four claims of Jennie M. Milton
berger as guard at jail during 1910 and
1911 are hereby disallowed for 112.50
The following claims wore allowcu on
1912 bridge fund, to-wit:
Wm Dvmond, work on Hershey
bridge, 127.00
Field & Dick, lumber for bridges,
J W Greene, balance on claim for
lumber, 133.58
W W Hogg, unloading car of lumber,
S S Hatcher & Co, lumber, G5.25
C F Iddings Co, lumber, 21.10
Mnxwell LumberCo, two cars of lum
ber, 871.57
Murphy & Johnson, car of lumber,
Nebraska Culvert nnd Manufacturing
company, culverts, 44.10
North Platte Lumber Co, lumber for
bridges, two clnims, 79.85
J R Ritner. bridge work, 70.85
Sundry persons, surveying Moran
canyon bridge. 21.25
W W Young, bridge lumber. 139.52
The following claims were allowed on
commissioners' district, to-wit:
J D Adams & Co, rond grader, al
lowed on commissioners' district 1
J D Adams & Co, road grader, al
lowed on commissioners' district 2
Wm Dymond, rond work road district
4 allowed on commissioners' district 2,
Claim of William Dymond, cash for
road work district 4 allowed on said
district, 75.00
Whereupon the board adjourns to
September 3, 1912
C. W. Yost, County Clerk
Sept. 3. 1912
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Streitz, Roberts, White and
county clerk.
The following claims were allowed on
tho 1912 general fund, to-wit:
Sundry persons, state vs Swingholm,
insane, 42.80
Sundry persons, state vs Elm, 96.40
Sundry persons, stato vs Gerkin, in
sane, 27.50
Sundry persons, inquest of E. Harris,
F. D. Westenfeld,. merchandise for
the county poor, 53.10
P M Sorenson, cabinet for county
clerk, 8.00
The Star, clothing for county poor,
E T Tramp, merchandise for county
poor, 79.50
A J Snlisbury, office expenses, 31.45
M Kuhns, merchandise for county
poor, 22.35
A J Salisbury.'repairs at jail, 3.00
A J Salisbury, board ot prisoners,
second quarter 1912, 62.45
A J Salisbury, jailers fees, second
quarter, 1912, 136.50
No hunting or tresspassing allowed
on land owned or controlled by the un
dersigned residing in Dickens precinct
P. K Hoffman
Peter Sunquist
John Anderson
McCrumbb Bro.
C. A. Anderson
B. J. Brown
H. A. Latimer
Philip Heil
M. N. Hanan
w. i. ijaiimcr
W. P. Fletcher
F. S. Stnlz
Fred Griffiths
C. A. Porter
Estray Nolicc.
Taken up by the undersigned on
Section 12, Town 12, Range 31, Lincoln
county, Nebr., by the undersigned who
there resides, on or about July 15,
1912, ono brown horse, seven or eight
tars old, weight about 700 pounds.
Had on a halter. Owner can have
same by proving property and paying
60-0 J. L. H.MIDIN.
Plumbing Repairs
are a specialty of ours, but repair work
is a rare occurrence in your home or
place of business if
Wc Install Your Plumbing.
We nre particular about plumbing work
and use judicious Care In selecting only
the most durable of approved materials
tor our work.
Shop Phone 369. Res. Phone
Corner Sixth and Dewey.
When in North Plallc.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Dr edfield Iedfield,
Physlciansjind Surfjcons.
JOE 11. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. . Hospital . .
THONE 642.
Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Office over Stone Drug Co.
Office 273
f Residence 273
Telephono Red -15U Euj'i Dewey St.
Ninth PUttt, Nebrasl a.
I Signet Chapter O. E. S.,
I NO. 55
8 Meets 2nd nnd 4th Thursday of every
3 month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m.
fv KVhvrPHtminvtmfxtwiattf
Bugicide for bed bugs the best
insect destroyer known. A large
bottle for 25c.
Dry Cleans for cleaning silk
nnd delicate fabrics. 25 and 50c
a box.
Chinamel furniture polish, a
full J pt for 25c.
Chinamel varnish 20c a can up
to 3.50. Covers scrathes.
Insect powder. For lice on
chickens, 10, 15 and 25c cans.
Lee's lice killer 35c qt. Lee's
insect powder 25c can.
Remember we will deliver any
thing you need in our line.
Stone Drug Co.,
Did you get a box of our 25c In
itial Stationery. Usually sells for
50 cents.
A Merchant of Brady
camo into our store the other day and
purchased 2,000 cigars for his trade.
Though he is a new customer, it didn't
require any talking to sell him the
goods; he knew tho name of J. F.
Schmalzried on a cigar box means
qunlity; n well made cigar from the
best brands of tobacco. Certain brands
of our cigars have been on tho market
for twenty-five years if thoy were
not good, smokers would hav uoclined
years ago to buy thorn. They havo
been tested by critical Bmokors and
not found wanting in any particular.
;j lH 'House of Good Show Hi I $
We make a specialty of
Dairy Products and can
furnish the best in large
or small quantities direct
from our own Dairy Farm
every morning;
Phone your order in
and it will be delivered.
Doolittle Bakery.
Order of Hearing,
In tho county courtof Lincoln county,
In the mnttor of tho cstste of Frank
or Franklin Griffith, deceased.
This case coming on for henring upon
the petition of the administrator for
his final discharge, and for final account
ing and decree of distribution and upon
the final report of said adminstrator, it
is ordered that said petition for discharge
and final distribution and said final re
port be heard in the office of the County
Judge or' North Platte, Nebraska, on
the 24th day of Sept., 1912, nt 10 o'clock
a. m. and notice to all parties interested
be given by publication of this order
in tho North Platte Semi-Weekly Tri
bune three successive weeks prior to
sucn neanng.
Dnted at North Platte, Nebraska, this
29th day of August, 1912o
(S3) John Grant, County Judge.
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of tho estate of Jacob Meyer,
On reading and filing tho petition of Mary
Broadbeck praying that administration of said
estate may be granted to Karl Rrodbeck as ad
ministrator. Ordered. That Kept. 24 A. D, 1912. at 9 o'clock
a. m, is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter may appear
at a county court to bo hejd in and for said
county, and Bhow causa why prayer of petitioner
should not bo granted: and that notice of tho
pendency of said petition nnd the hearing thereof
oe givui to all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order In the North
Platte Tribune a legal semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated August 30, 1912.
s3-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a degree of foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein Emil W. Ziebert is plaintiff, and Vaughn
E Ilinman, Minnie D. Ilinman nnd Emma
Pulver are defendants, nnd to me directed, I
will on the 2Sth day of September, 1912, nt 2
o'clock p. m., at the east front door of tho court
house in North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell nt public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interests
and costs, the following described property,
tn-wifr" All nf hlrwl: nnmhpv 1W t.i flu.
I Original town, now city of North Platte.
Dated North Platte, Neb.. Aug. 24. 1912.
Serml No. 0675.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Olllcu nt North Platte, Nebr.
Aug 2G, 1U12.
Notice it hereby Riven that Cogal S.
Ilethel, of North Platte, Nebr.. who, on Oct. 23,
190S, mitde H. E. entry No. 0375, for NE M, Sec.
32, twp. 12, N. rgo. 30, west of the Cth Principal
Meridian, ha 3 tiled notice of intention to make
llnal threo year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before tho resistor and
recoil er, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 22nd
day of Oct. 1912.
Claimant names us witnesses: William W.
Hunter, Arthur J. Connor, Georjro II. Single,
Francis Montague, all of North Platte, Nebr.
a30-6 .1. E. Evans, Register.
Notice is hereby Riven that by virtue of an
order of sale issued from the DUtrict Court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said court wherein V. H.
Merrick & Co., IsplalutilT, and Hans P. Thompson
Is ' defendant. and to mo directed,
I will on tho 28th day of September. 1912, at
two o'clock, p. m nt tho east front door of the
court houso of said county, in tho city of North
Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to tho
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree,
interest and costs, tho following decscrlbed
property, Ui-wit:
The undivided one-hnlf Interest of section
thirty-five (35), toivnship twelve (12), range
twenty-nine (29), west of tho Cth P.M.Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated at North Platte, Neb., Aug. 27, 1912,
a27-5 A. J. Salisdury, Sheriff.
Serial No. OJ184.
Department of tho Interior,
O. S- Land Olllce at North Platte, Neb.
July 28, 1012.
Notlco Is thereby given that Elmer
Daet'fltt. ot North I'latto, Neb., who. on Auir.
H.lW'.madohomostoadontryNo. 23J10, serial
No, O.USt for southeast H, Section
10, Township 12 N. Haneo 30
W. of tho rtth Principal Meridian, has
filed notice of Intuition to mako llnal five
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
abovo described, before tho Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 23d
day of Sept. 1012.
Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur
Connor, Joseph Shaw, Carl Sonneman,
Orvlll Matson. all ot North Platte, Neb.
J30-B J. K. Kvanb. Register.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
Mable W. Turpie and William Turpie,
defendants, will take notice that on the
31st day of August, 1912, William V.
Birge, plaintiff herein, filed a petition in
the district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, against said defendants
Mable W. Turpje and William Turpie,
the object and prayer of which is to re
cover frorn said Mable W. Turpio and
William Turpio the sum of $099.52 due
the said plaintiff from said defendants
on account of goods and building
materials sold and delivered to said de
fendants by tho plaintiff at the defen
dants' request, between October, 1907
and September 8, 1908. There is now
due upon said account tho sum of
$G99.52 with interest thereon at 7 per
cent per annum from August 31, 1912.
That in said notion the plaintiff has
cnused an attachment writ to issue and
levy upon the interest of the defendants
in the south half and tho northwest
quartor (sj and nwj) of section M,
ownship 13, north of range 30 west of
tho 0th P. M. in Lincoln county, Ne
braska. The plaintiff prays for judgment
against the defendants for tho sum of
$699.52 nnd interest thereon from Au
gust 31, 1912, nt the rate of 7 per cent
per annum, and for decreo requiring the
defendants to pay the samo or that tho
nttached promises may be sold to satisfy
tho amount duo the plaintiff.
You aro required to npswer said peti
tion on or before tho 14th day of Octo
ber, 1912.
Dated Sept. 3rd. 1912.
William W. Birge, Plaintiff,
By Hoagland & Hoagland, his attorneys.