The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 13, 1912, Image 5

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"I Have Been Advised to
Buy My Diamonds at
.. 3Wi
S- -AmI
9 9
m 1 hJb
'1 M"
t: m r . -
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This was the statement of a gentlemen who pur
chased a hundred and twenty-five dollar diamond on
Thursday of last week. He came to us because he
said he knew nothing about a diamond himself but did
know of our reliability. It took less than twenty min
utes to make the sale and our rew customer went away
not only delighted but perfectly secure that he had
gotten the fullest value possible.
As a matter ot fact it was not only the protection
against poor value the customer received here, but we
doubt if he could have purchased the same diamond
elsewhere for anywhere near the the same price. We
buy our diamonds direct from the cutters thus getting
the very lowest prices obtainable. We want every
sale to make new friends and new confidence for us.
Under no ciroumstances will anyone purchase a dia
mond without knowing absolutely the truth about it,
Whether it is a $10 diamond or a $500 one you can de
pend on our diamond stock and our reliability to give
you perfect satisfaction. We invite you to inspect
our superb stock of loose and mounted diamonds. Re
membering we do our own diamond mounting in our
own shop.
J rM"l ---1
I (frocery Special
1 Saturday and Monday,
Two Days Only
I ll n I
Swifts Premium Hams per lb $ 2,
m Swift Premium Bacon per lb . . . '. .,-; J i
I Potatoes per peck. .......... r fl J C 1
I Corn Flakes 4 pkgs '.,.. I . . Jjj Q f
Bj . ' .'' r 9
U rink Salmon per can .. , $ z
m )'"., r
I Calumet IBakmg Powder 16 o?can?-.V ZD C I
m Toilet Soap 5c quality 7 bars jj
I Wilcox Department Store
000 oocooeocjoo 000c o
1 DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, 3
s s
Graduate Dentist. S
0 e
? Office over the McDonald 5
e State Bank.
a o
Local and Personal.
Porter Russell, of Chicago, is visiting
his sister, Mrs. J L. Dick.
W. H. C. Woodhurst went to Broad
water this morning to adjust an insur
ance'Ioss. Wanted A girl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. W. H. McDonald,
407 west Fourth.
C. M. Newton and son Donald re
turned Wednesday from New York
where they spent three weeks with
The enrollment in the schools of
Sutherland on the opening day was 194,
nnd this number is expected to be in
creased to 225.
Mr. and Mrs. Gtrlick. of Cincinatti,
arrived the early part of the week for
a two weeks' visit with their daughter
Mrs. C. H. Chapman.
Henry Rebhausen and Ralph Starkoy,
who with other North Platte shooters
aro attonding the tournament at Denver,
are making nintey-six and ninety-seven
per cent scorcsv
Another rain fell last night, which
with the one of tho early part of the
week, has well moistened the ground
and put it in good shape for fall plowing
and putting in winter wheat.
Miss Cynthia Chamberlain, ot North
Platte, spent Wednesday night in the
city visiting friends and this morning
left for the eastern part of tho state
where she will teach school this year.
Koarnoy Hub.
W. T. Wilcox was In Omaha Wed
nesday attending a meoting of tho re
publican state central committoe. The
committee decided to nominate six loyal
Tnft men to tkc the place of tho six
Bull Moosers.
The yield of sugar beet3 in Lincoln
county is placed at an average of ten
tons per acre by field agent Bryan.
There arc 1300 ncres of beets in this
county or a total crop of 13,000 tons.
The prico is fivo dollars per ton, making
a total valuation of $05,000.
Claudo Delanoy was down from
Northport last evening purchasing
nrnvontatives for the horse di9ease.
Claudo owns a good-sized bunch of
horses and is therefore somewhat anx
ious as to the outcome. Tho disease
has not appeared at Northport.
4f vlli
1 mWffll w
..imjfe wttKM. .asl. 2S3 m m
fyfinteess Garments
Ladies, Misses and Children's
Cloaks are Now on Display.
1 1
The Printzess garment has tho ftey to tho secret
o style. Styles that will appeal to those who
appreciate distinction in dress. Each stylejias
individuality of its own.
Unusual Values and Qualities that Cannot be Surpassed.
You owe yourself the satisfaction of knowing
what the new styles are to be. Visit our Cloak
Dapartment which is complete with a ull line of
the Printzess garments. One of the best and
most reliable garments o today.
Mrs. Warren Hogg left this morning
"" a uAiun 10 visit reiuuves.
Mr. and Mrs. Bealons of Wallace, are
among the out of town visitors in town
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayden, of
Wallace are spending a few days with
town friends.
Mrs Andy Scharmann left this morn
ing for Grand Island to visit her sister
Mrs. Kanoff.
Miss Merle Thornburg will leave in a
few days for Abilene, Kans., to spend
two weeks with relatives.
The Twentieth Century club will
meet with Mrs. A. F. Garman Tuesday
instead of Mrs. Clark Buchanan.
Will Lannin has sold his interest in
the northside grocery to Mecomber and
accepted a position in Herrod and Son's
Mrs. Newhall, a resident of this city
fourteen years ago, is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Cunningham having arrived
last evening from Axtell.
While enroute home from a visit in
Pacific coast cities, Mr. and Mrs.
George Carter, of Lincoln, are guests
or the latter s sister Mrs. L. E. Koach.
Mrs. Fred Payne entertained the
Novita Club on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Will Lewis won the prize in the
contest. A dainty two course lunch
closed the afternoon entertainment.
Mrs. W. H. Skinner, of Gothenburg,
came up last evening to make her home,
Mr. Skinner having accepted the man
agement of the North Platte Laundry.
They will reside in the Votaw house on
west i'ourth Btreet.
The D. K. Club met last evening
with Adolph and Ralph Hanson on west
2nd street an election of oflicers was
held and after the business meeting en
joyable games were played. Canteloupe
sundaes were seryed.
To Presbyterians: There will be ser
vices at tho Piesbyterian church Sunday
morning, tho loth inst., at 11 o clock.
Let every member of tho church and
congregation be present and greet Rev.
J. C. Christie with a full house.
The Christian biblo school will hold its
semi-annual rally next Sunday at the
regular school hour. This is done to
revive tho intorest of the school work
in all departments. The school of
North Platte ranks among the first of
the state in modern biblo school
There nre many contradictory reports
01 me number 01 norses that have died
of the lately developed disease, one
man on the streets last evening claim
ed that he know of soventeen that had
died south of the river. We havo failed
10 auinonuveiy learn ot thoUeathofi
that many animals. '
Prenuptial Shower.
An elaborate social function was held
at the Masonic hull last evening when
Misses Edna Sullivan, Anna and Jose
phine O'Hare entertained tho members
of the Catholic girls' club and a number
of other friends at a prenuptial mis
cellaneous shower for Mis3 Mary Mc
Govern, a September bride.
The sixty guests Were received at the
head of the stairs by Miss Anna O'Hare
and conducted to the dressing room by
Mosdames Joseph Roddy and Harry
Murrin after which they were received
in tho main hall by Misses Josephine
O'Hare and Edna Sullivan. Miss Alice
Sullivan presided over the fortune
bowl and gave each lady a heart con
taining the date ol her weuuing.
The hall and reception room was dec
orated with cut flowers, Japanese par
asols, bells, paper hearts, streamers
and candles in colors of red and white
and the same colors predominated in the
refreshments, favors and umbrella
tally cards. Progressive high five was
played until 10:30, the winners of each
game being presented with white motto
hearts, an amusing man hunt following
the card games. The beautiful collec
tion of shower gifts were displayed on
decorated tables in the reception hall.
Dancing was indulged in until midnight
when lunch was served on a large dec
orated table which extended the length
of the hall. The affair closed with a
toast and shower of rice on the guest
of honor.
The tables were arranged'in the order
of a romance and light was furnished
during lunch from red shaded candles.
The funeral of the late AnnaSimants
Bagget was held from the residence
Wednesday afternoon. Many friends
testified their sympathy for the be
reaved family by their floral oiferings
and presence. Ieterment was made in
the North Platte cemetery.
Weather forecast Fair tonight and
Saturday, cooler tonight. Maximum
temperature yesterday 69; a year ago
89. Minimum temperature yesterday 53;
a year ago 75. Rainfall in the past 21
hours 78 one hundredths of an inch.
Notice lo Water Consumers.
Owing to the fact that certain valves
of the old system do not work properly
it will he necessaiy to shu off the
water mains on 5th street west of
Locust street and , those on Locust
street south of the Union Pacicfic rail
road (about throe (3) o'clock today for
a few hours while connection is made
with the old system at 3rd and Locust,
Shortly after (i p. m. water will be shut
otr from the entire city south of the
Union Pacific railroad whilo connection
is made on east 4th street.
The (ire Whistle will be blown about
one-half hour before each connection is
made so that consumers will have time
to provide themselves with suihcient
water to last until mains nre turned on
Stark Kraiftifii fvalp
and Saturday.
Who to Win.
Her Convict Brother.
Pathe Weekly.
Scranton's Marionctts.
10 and 15C
1 pi X
! a
When the officers of this bank see a depositor mak
ing steady gains in his balances, our confidence in
him grows.
When a depositor who has won our confidence re
quires money witli which to develop his business our
large 'resources ennble us to give him all the credit
his financial condition warrants.
The merchant, the manufacturer, the builder, the
farmer who does business at this bank, receives its
financial support when he needs it.
We invite all who want the co-operation of a strong
resourceful bank to become depositors of the
McDonald State Bank,
In order to make room for our future orders of
canned goods which will soon begin to arrive, we
vill sell for the next fifteen days beginning
Saturday, September 14,
Cane Sugar 16-lbs $1.00
Standard Tomatoes 12 cans 1.25
Standard Corn 12 cans .85
Sifted Early June Peas (reg. 15c) 12 cans 1.40
Red Kidney Beans (reg. 2 for 25c) 12 cans 1.10
Bunker Hill Pork and Beans (25c size). 6 cans 1.00
Fancy Red Salmon (reg, 20c) 6 cans 1.00
Blackberries 3cans .50
Black Raspberries ". 3 cans .50
Oil Sardines ...7 cans .25
Calumet Baking Powder 1 lb. can .18
Corn Flakes 3 pkgs .25
Good Japan Tea 1 lb .35
Lover's Lane Coffee reg. 35c 2 lb .55
Dinner Party Coffee reg. 30c 4 lb 1.00
Lenox Soap 8 bars .25
Twenty per cent discount on all Granite, Tin and
Galvani.ed Ware during sale,
Anticipate your wants and take advantage of these
extremely low prices while they last.
"EFJI n -r ir k - ON 0 Wha B VU? rff I W
First door south of postoffiee. North Platte, Neb
The Parlor Millinery will close at
6:30 p. m. on week nights and 9:00
p. m. on Saturday night and anyone
wishing to call after these hours will
please make engagements. Phone red
537, 300 East Third street.
Homeopathic Physician andSurgcon
s lloapltal accommodations, Mullcal uml 5
a HiirKlcal attention tsvun obstetrical ciuea, Z
m Olllco 1'liono 183 Itos. 1'hono 2o3
OfHoo McDonald Statu Hank IHdV
I taeoooeoeataaon0oa
Office phone 241. Ros. phono 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, . - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
'k PflVSininn nnil Qnrnnnn ft
Office over McDonald Bank.
$ Phonos I 0mce 130
4 t nones J Ke8ldonco 11B
'r-!M , JMi Hcf ft.frfrfl.ft.frfrft