The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 10, 1912, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bnrc, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail in advance $1.23
Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.00
Untorod at North I'latte, Nebraska, Post
oflice as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, SEPT. 10 1912.
A Slam at North Platte.
The last issue of tho Ogalalla Ncw3
in spoaking of a cessation in tho build
ing boom in neighboring towns, said:
"Particularly is this true of North
Platto where lfoveral olegant residences
that were built during tho good times
of n year or so ago are being sold and
disposed of at a great sacrifice, several
of thorn haveing been sold for less
than half what It cost to erect therr.."
This statement by tho News is bo
grossly wrong as to be actually funny.
During the pnst two yenrs not an
"elegant residence" other than the
old liarton property has been sold, und
the last sale was at an advance in price
over the former sale. On the othor
hnnd seven residences costing upwards
of $6,000 each havo been erected this
season; if housos built a year or two
ago wore boing oh"orcd at less than
half what they cost, would not these
builders have purchased instead of
building' For instance there is C. W.
Iloxic, of Ogalalla, who is now building
a $7,000 residence in this city and wjll
move his family here. He attempted
to purchase sovoral residences but con
cluded the prices were too high. Then
ngain, vacant fcoidenco lots 06x132
feet, fivo blocks from tho main street,
soil for $1,500 to$2,000; is that evidence
of cheap property?
The fact is, thcro has been more new
residences erected in North Platto this
year thaji for several years past; there
aro very few vacant houses; there
in not 'a vacunt business room in tho
city, nnd tho general prosperity of
North Platto was never greater.
Wo will excuse Colonel Morgan's
Btatement on tho grounds of ignorance
rather than maliciousness, but if he. has
doubt as to the truthfulness of our
statements, wo invito him to corro
down and wc "will show him."
The Nebraska atnto fair last week
has been pronounced tho greatest yot
held, not only in point of attendance,
but in exhibits, and especially the ex
hibition of live stock. Tho total at
tendance was 166,69-1, or nearly -1,000
more than last year. I
Efficiency That Should Count.
Under Rooievelt, tho expenditures
of tho government for oridnary running
oxpensos increased each year, until the
aggregate total reached the highest in
history, $602,000,000. At the same time,
a surplus of $90,000,000 in 1902 became
a deficit of $58,000,000 in 1909. During
that period of seven years the ordinary
expenditures of the government in
increased $191,000,000 or 40 por cent.
Mr. Taft might havo acquiesced in
this Increase, relying on the precedent
of twenty years, but he did not. He
set himself about to put tho business
afFairs of tho government on a more
economical basis. Without in anyway
interfering with tho efficiency of tho
administration, the president, haB
not only checked the annual in
crease in expense of about $35,000,000,
but has brought about an actual reduc
tion, the cost of running the govern
ment having been cut down from $602,
000,000 to $654,000,000. And the deficit
of $58,000,000 in the Inst year of tho
Roosevelt administration hns been
turned to a surplus of $36,000,000 in the
last year of Mr. Taft's first term.
'Iheso figuros ought to appeal to the
intelligent voters of the United States,
no matter of what party, for they rep
resent efficiency in the conduct of pub
lic business Omaha Bee.
'-sfMi1' 'i p '! S'
U i , i.--J it. ssS . fe
It hardly seems possible, yet statistics
provo that the drink bill of this country
por year is ninety-one dollars per
family. That is one month's tmlnry
out of twolvo for tho average mechanic,
and six weeks Balary for a laborer. Of
course tho big spenders for drink are
ths wealthy, whoso liquor bill during a
year runs into the thousands, yet there
is not one in a hundred drinkers who
can afford to spend tho money they do
for beer and whiskey.
Myrtle and Vicinity.
Gngo Holloway sold twenty-four head
of cattle to Wm. Turpio tho first of
the week.
Carl McGrew and family spent Sunday
and Monday with frionds.
Goorgo Stearns and family and Mrs.
Jas. Anderson were the guests of Wel
manStearns tho first of tho week.
Jas. Wardrobe will hold n public
sale Sopt. 18th.
J. C. Askwig and family are state
fair visitors this week.
Clifton Nealehas rented the Holloway
D. McNicol sold three head of cattle
to Wm. Csleman.
Trust the Drummer
He Knows Good Telephone Service 3
From every first-class hotel
in the country, the drummer
should be able to .telephone
his customers and make
appointments with distant
Traveling men know the
value of good telephone ser
vice. The drummer will tell
you he can always hear over
the Bell Telephone-
Telephone Convenience far Excoatla Its Cost.
Nebraska Telephone Co
Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly
Woman's suffrage, which is one of
tho pet planks in the bull moose national
platform, was not treated kindly by the
Ohio votors in the constitutional amend
ment election held last wook, that par
ticular amendment paving lost out by n
mnjority of 50,000 votes agninBt. And
.Ohio is supposed to bo a very progres
siva state.
Tho Standard Oil Co. will file an in
junction suit against tho Npbraska
stato officials to prevent them from en
forcing that portion of tho oil in
inspetttion law that prohibits the sale of
gtsolino testing lower than sixty-two
degiees. The Standard company wnnts
to soil gasoline testing fifty-oight de
grees, which they say is suitable for
gasoline engines and automobiles, and
which they can Bull at from ono to
two cents per gallon loss. It is claimed
that by udmitting tho sale of this fifty
eight degree gasoline tho people of tho
state will bo saved $150,000 a year.
A report comes from Lincoln to the
effect that Governor Aldrich has suc
ceeded in winning tho support of tho
brewers, an influonce that is to be
reckoned with in Nebraska politics. Two
years ago tho govornor was strong for
county option and in this stand was op
posed by tho brewers and their follow
ers, but tho temperance people camo to
his,rescuo and offset tho strength of
tho ueer men. Now that tho support
of tho brewers has been promised it
ought to bo easy sailing for Aldrich, as
tho tomporanco people will support him
in preference to Moorohead, even
though thoir enemy, tho liquor inter
ests', ure for him. In socurlng tho sup
port of tho browors the governor has
nude a smooth political deal.
The Names of North Platte Persons
Familiar Jo All.
Who aro tho witnesses?
Thoy are North Platte people.
Residents of North Platto who have
had kidney backache, kidnoy ills,
bladder ills; who have used Doan's
Kidnoy Pills. These witnesses endorse
Ono North Platto resident whospenks
is North Platte. I
J. M. Harper, 409 DoWey St. 'North
Platte, Nebr., says: "I had occasion to
use Doan's Kidney Pills for kidney
trouble when living in Creston, Iowa,
a,nd found them to bo a splendid kidney
remedy Thoy removed pains across
my back which had troubled mo
greatly. They also strengthened my
kidneys and regulated the passages of
tho kidnoy secretions. I do not hesi
toto to recommend Doan's Kidnoy Pills
procured at McDonell & Graves' Drug
storo (now Schiller Co's. Drug store.)
For sale by all dealers. Price 0
cents, Foster-Milburn Co., BuiFalo,
Now York, sole agents for the United
Remember tho name Doan's and tako
on othor.
I horowith nnnounco my candi
dacy for county commissioner on tho
republican ticket and ask tho support
of nil citizens and pledgo to conduct
the county affairs in an economical
and business way if olected.
Tho disoaso which hns resulted in the
death of 5,000 head of horsos in western
Kansas and probably 2,000 in south
western Nebraska is pronounced
spinal meningitis. Thoro soema to
be no cure for the troublo, and
In describing tho diseaso ono farmor
living near Holdrego Bays: Aftor the
disease becomes apparent thu animal
may livo a week, but more frequently
not to exceed three days and often
death comes within twelve hours. Tho
firat sign ia when tho horso gets off its
feed. For a few hours it Btands uround
; sort of dumpish and then it is attacked
by a stiff neck. Frequently tho head
wilHio drawn until tho nose of tho nnl
inal points out almost horizontal with
tho body. Almost immediately tho
Bpine seems to become tho seat of tho
diseaso and tho smnimal will hardly be
bl to movo. In many instances thcro
is a)light running at tho nostrils nnd
occasionally a hacking cough.
F' D. Sullivan, of Brady, spent Sa-.
uruuy in lown.wniiu enrouio ngmo irom
W. R. Drooks, of Hershoy, waa in
town yestorday enrouto homo from a
business trip to Wisconsin. Ho say
crops in that stato aro in lino condition,
twenty inches of rain having fallen
since May 1st.
Axle Grease
The best axle grease
you can use on your
It protects spindle
and box from friction.
Saves horses ; saves
wear ; keeps down re
pair bills.
In convenient
packages of all
sizes ; dealers
IImii) oar " F.rn,li..
i (r.prtptli. Cull or write, D7,ntr,
S Standard Oil Company
rtCTiw.Krniniimn urn m mj
rWrZTJFTTt'A J :AL "?W .
We have a cure for rupture without resorting to the danger, pain and
discomfort of a surgical operation. We are the only reputable physicians
in this line of work who will take auch cases upon a guarantee to cure,
or make no charge. You may deposit the money in the bank in your
own name and when you aro well you instruct the bank to pay us. Wc
have adopted this method because so many have been swindled by quacks
and fakirs. Not one of them will allow the patient to put the money int
the bank and pay when a cure has been made. When taking" our treat
ment patients must come tb our office once a week they can return home
the same day attend to theSr business or occupation without loss of time.
In order to give the people of this vicinity an opportunity to tuke our
treatment without tho expense of going to Omaha, one of us will bo in
North Platte every Thursday. Writo to or call on
Homo OHIce 300, Boo Blibj, Omahn, Neb. Hotel Tlmmerman, Nortli Platte, Neb.
rressBsssrasresjrerroag am arflgEggasg
Plumbing Repairs
are a specialty of ours, but repair work
is n rare occurrence in your homo or
place of business if
We Install Your Plumbing.
We are particular aboutplumbing work
and use judicious care in selecting only
tho most durable of approved mnterials
for our work .
Shop Phone 3G9. Res. Phono 683
Corner Sixth and Dowey.
I n " House of Good Show
When in North Platte.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Dr Infield Fedfield,
Physiciansond Surgeons.
JOE B. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. . Hospital . .
PHONE 012.
? '
Doctors Ames & Ames,
ii Physicians and Surgeons,
Office over Stone Drug Co.
3 Phones i2fR??273 H-
5 rnones f Residence 273 0
Bale Your Hay and Sell It
THERE is always a ready market at a good
price for baled hay. It can be handled
easily. It prevents waste. Baling is
most profitable when you use I H C pull power
presses requiring either one or two horses;
or I H C motor presses using 3, 4, or 6-horse
power I H C engines. Both styles have three
separate bale chamber sizes, 14 x 18 inches,
16 x 18 inches, 17 x 22 inches. Many farmers
feed their own stock silage and shredded corn
stover and sell their high-priced hay. A big
majority of them
Use I H C Hay Presses
The I H C pull power press has a greater
capacity than any other horse press of its size.
- The stepover is.the lowest and narrowest made.
An adjustable bale tension insures compact
bales. A roller tucker makes each bale neat
and smooth in appearance.
The I H C motor press consists of a bale
chamber and an I H C engine, mounted to
gether on substantial trucks. When not bal
ing hay you have a portable I PI C engine,
which can bo used to saw wood, pump water,
shell corn, grind feed, separate cream, or to
run any farm machine for which its power
makes it suitable. Two perfect machines in one.
Can on the I H C local dealer in your town,
or, write for an I H C hay press catalogue.
International Harvester Company of America
Crawford Neb,
IHl! Servlcd liureftu
. The purpose of this' Bureau Is to furnish, free
of charco to all, tho bot Information obtainable
mi li.ritr fanti nil Tf vrMi Imtvn ni nor!.. ..A
tltms tnnnjrnlntf cnti4. 6rotw. land i ralnnnn trrt.
ration. IWtllUers. atc.,nuiko your Inquirly specific
Telephone Hod 456 D05H Dewey St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
jt rfWjmmvirKawAiannjA toswwtaw ,
ignet Chapter O. E. S.,
NO. 55-
Meeta 2nd .nnd 1th Thursday of everv
t month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m.
iwht. f uwm wiTwa i)vum ,t, ijumwf
ml mmiu them to I u c bcrvica Uureau, Harvester
UUIIUIU5, VlllCU)iU, U O 4
Bugicido for bed bugs the best
insect destroyer known. A large
bottle for 25c.
Dry Cleans for cleaning silk
Zb ana 50c
and delicate fabrics,
a box
Chinamel furniture polish, a
full i pt for 25c.
Chinamel varnish 20c a can up
to 3.50. Covers scrathes.
Insect powder. For lice on
chickens, 10, 15 and 25c cans.
Lee's lice killer 35c qt. Lee's
insect powder 25c can.
Remember wo will deliver any
thing you need in our line.
Stone Drug Co.,
Did you get a box of our 25c In
itial Stationery. Usually sells for
50 cents.
We make a specialty of
Dairy Products and can
furnish the best in large
or small quantitios direct
from our own Dairy Farm
every morning,
Phone your order .in
and it will be delivered.
Doolittle Bakery.
No hunting or tresspassing allowed
on land owned or controlled by the un
dersigned residing in Dickens precinct.
P. K Hoffman John Anderson
Peter Sunnuist McCnimbs Bro.
W. A. Latimer C. A. Anderson
W. P. Fletcher ' B. J. Brown
F. S. Stalz H. A. Latimer
Fred Griffiths Philip Hcil
C. A. Porter M. N. Hanan
Estray Notice.
Taken up by tho undersignedon
Section 12, Town 12, Range 31, Lincoln
county, Nebr., by the undersigned who
there resides, on or about July 15,
1912, one brown horse, seven or eight
years old, weight about 700 pounds.
Had on a halter. Owner can have
same by proving property and paying
GO-6 J. L. Hakdin.
Order of Hearing,
In the county court of Lincoln county,
In the matter of the eststo of Frank
or Franklin Griffith, deceased.
This case coming on for hearing upon
the petition of the administrator for
his final discharge, and for final account
ing and decree of distribution and upon
the final report of safd adminstrator, it
is ordered that said petition for discharge
and final distribution and said final re
port be heard in the office of the County
Judge of Nflrth Platte, Nebraska, on
the 24th day of Sept., 1912, at 10 o'clock
a. m. and notice to all parties interested
be given by publication of this order
in the North Platte Semi-Weekly Tri
bune three successive weeks prior to
such hearing.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this
29th day of August, 1912o
(S3) John Guant, County Judge.
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S3
In the County Court.
In tho matter of tho estate of Jacob Meyer,
OnreadlnK nnd fillnft the petition of Mary
. iuouu.v,n. iJiayntti umi uuiiui isvraiion ot said
estate may bo granted to Karl Brodbeck as ad-
Ordered, That Sept. 2-1 A. D, 1912. at 9 o'clock
a. m.isassijuied forhearintr said petition, when
nil liornnnn intiratvl In en 1.1 mn..nH ...
at a county court to bo held in and for raid
county, ana snow cause why prayer of petitioner
should not be Kranted; and that notice of tho
be Riven to all persona interested in said matter
uJ I'uuii-muiK uupy ui huh oraer in tne XNortn
Tlatte Tribune a lejral semi-weekly newspaper
tr ntful In cnlrl nni.n.t. Th .1. 1 t
..........1. ... ,.w vi.uiti.jr .ui uiiruBULXl'SSIVU WCCK8
prior to said day of hearing.
uatcu ou, iuj.
s3-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judeo
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtuo of an order of Bale issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a desreo of foreclosure rendered in said court
wherein Emil W. Ziebcrt Is plaintiff, and VaiiKhn
E Hinmun, Minnie D. H'nman and Emma
Pulver are defendants, and to me directed, I
will on the 2Sth day of September, 1912, at 2
o'clock p. m at the cast fiont door of tho court
house in North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interests
and costs, the following described property,
to-wit: All of fractional block number 192 in tho
Original town, now city of North Platto.
Dated North Platte, Neb.. Aug. 24. 1912. .
a27-6 A. J. SALISHURY.
International Harvester Co., Crawford, Neb.
A Merchant of Brady
camo into our store the othor day and
purchased 2,000 cigars for his trade.
Though ha is a new customer, it didn't
require any talking to sell him tho
goods; he knew tho name of J. F.
Schmalzriod on a cigar box means
quality; a woll made cigar from the
best brands of tobacco. Certain brands
of our cigars havo been on tho market
for twonty-five years if they were
not good, smokers would havo declined
years ago to buy them. They havo
been tested by critical smokers and
not found wanting in any particular.
Serial No. 0(376.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Offlco at North Platte, Nebr.
Aug 26, 1912.
Notice U hereby given that Cogal S.
Bethel, of North Platte, Nebr., who, on Oct. 23,
1908, made II. E. entry No. OG76. for NE H. Sec.
32, twp. 12. N. rge. 30, west of the Gth Principal
Meridian, hns filed notice of intention to make
final three year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the register and
receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 22nd
day of Oct. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: William V.
Hunter, Arthur J. Connor, George B. Single,
Francis Montague, all of North Platte, Nebr.
a30-6 J. E. Evans, Register.
Notlco is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of sale issued from tho District Court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said court wherein W. II.
Merrick & Co., is plaiutftf, and Hans P. Thompson
is defendant. nnd to me directed,
I will on tho 28th day of September, 1912, at
two o'clock, p. in., at the cast front door of the
court house of said county, In tho city of North
Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree.
Interest nnd costs, the following decscribed
property, to-wit:
Tho undivided one-half interest of section
thirty-five (35), township ' twelve (12), rango
twenty-nine (29), west of tho 6th P. M. Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated at North Platte, Neb.. Aug. 27, 1912.
a27-C A. J. Salisdury, Sheriff.
State of Nebraska Lincoln County, S. S.
In the. County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Edward
Blankenburg, deceased.
On readlngand filing thopctltion of Wllhelmlnla
Blankenburg, praying that administration of said
cstato may be granted to Tillie S. Blankenburg
ns administratrix.
Ordered, That Sept. 12, A, D 1912, at 9 o'clock
a. m. is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persons Interested in said matter may nppear
at a county court to bo held In nnd for said coun
ty, and show cause why tho prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; nnd that notlco of pen
dency of said petition and tho hearing thereof
bo glN en to all persons Interested In said matter
by publishing a copy of this order in tho North
Platte Tribune, n semi-weekly nowspapcr printed
in said county for three successive weeks prior
to said day of hearing.
Dated August 15. 1912.
al7-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
SorUl No. UHS4.
Department of tho lntnrlor,
U. S. Land Olllco at Nortli I'ltm. Noh.
Julv ffl. 191
Notlco Is ;iiortjby given that Klrnor
uah'Kiui, ui nurui riaue, aon, wiiu. on A hit,
ll,lW7.madoliorno6teal entry No. 2110, serial
No, OilSl for Houtlioast M. Station
UH "llllf J 11 IL,IIIL-H UI
V. or tho 0th Principal Meridian, has
filed notice of lntuntlon to raalco II nnl live
year proof, to iwtablUh claim to tho land
abovo described, boforo tho KetrUtor and Ro
celvurat Nortli Platte, Nebraska, on tuoMd
dar of Sept, W12.
Claimant names as witnesses! Arthur
Connor. Joseph Shaw. Carl Sounoman.
Orv 11 ot North Platte, Neb
JJO-0 J. E. EtUKS. Ueirtater.