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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1912)
MANY ROSES IN MIDSUMMER HATS of whipped cream. Mix half the bu gar with the flour, bring the milk to the boiling point, add the sugar and Hour and cook ten minutes. Heat tho egg yolks, add tho remaining nugai nml cook all togethor until smooth. Fill a tumbler half full of this mixture and fill It with sweetened whippet' cream. ANY families owo their pros tiorliv ns much to tho cnro- fulntsa of tlio housewife's management us to the activity of the lutsband. 00? KSEz T I. A i A hat, recently designed, la made entirely of chiffon and Bilk roseB In the most exquisite shadings of palo pink and roso color. It Is a along these tones of pink in which thero 1b a hint of lavender and which gradual ly mergo into American Beauty reds, through an enchanting range of color. Tho shape is odd and new a point ed turhan high in front. Tho frame, made of wire, is edged with a fold of satin in deep roso color and a how of ribbon in tho same shade finishes the back. The shape fits the head closely and Is rather small. Tho roses are crowd ed in rows about tho top and sides and they cover every inch of space except a narrow border where tho satfn outlines tho shape about tho lace. This is ono of thoso useful turbans that aro worn at any season of the DRESS FOR A GIRL A pretty little dreBs this In palo blue cotton foulard; it is cut Magyar, and tho skirt also in with tho bodice; the yoko is In soft silk of tho color of the spot. The material is tucked in sets of throes whero It joins this. Turn-up cuffs of tho same. A auedo belt to match tho silk is worn bolow waist; it is kept in position by being pressed through little slits at tho side Ecatn. White straw hat, trimmed with a bluo feather mount. Materials required: 2V& yards 40 Inches wide, Vz yard silk 22 Inches wldo. Corded Weaves. It Is Bald on good authority that corded weavoB will bo popular in tho autumn. These new ribbed fabrics will Include material bo light in weight as to be suitable for dress draperies and heavier ones adapted for suits, outer wraps and trimmings. year and come in handy for nny num ber of occasions. It is a hat not too dressy for very informal wear, but which lends itself to thoso that re quire high-style also. It Is Ideal for tho tourist who wants to go about without much baggage and still be prepared to dress for state occasions. Another very new model, In which rosea aro wonderfully placed, shows a largo hemp shape with concavo un- derhrlm Oiled in with very large full , bloom roses. They are mounted flat agalnBt the underbrim, forming an en chanting frarno for tho face. Tho crown 1b trimmed with full ruche of lace and that finishes the design. The shape is made with special roferenco to this method of trimming. This is distinctly midsummer model, that Is, it is meant for summer weath er and is therefore not as useful as the turban. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. PRESENT FOR ENGAGED GIRL An Apron to Slip on When Bride Does Housework Is AlwayB Ac ceptable. A useful and attractlvo gift for an engaged girl is an apron that may be slipped on when tho brldo does housework, and wishes to keep pre sentable. Just this typo of apron is hard to buy, bo Is doubly acceptable. Probably tho most useful kind Is a studio apron, such as Is used by tho woman artist. Get a good pattern with sleeveB reaching to tho wrists and cut without too much "'fullness. Chooso a pink glnghnm of lino quality or a clear black and whito stripe, which always washes well. For tho former trim tho neck which should bo cut slightly square and sleeves with a two-Inch insertion of white embroidery, and fasten at tho back with white pearl buttons. Tho black and white npron may bo trimmed with black bias bands, or with white cotton bands embroidered in a cross-stitch design in black. A somewhat dressier apron, though not bo useful for protection, Is mado llko a waitress' apron, with straps over tho shoulders. A pretty effect is had with ecru or palo pink percale, the straps embroidered In a cross stitch hand that is carried on each side to tho bottom of tho apron. Tho hem at bottom and sides is finished with a row of two-chain stitch-bands. Ubo soveral tones of brovs'n or red mercerized cotton on tho ecru npron, and white or black on the pink one. Two New Ideas. If you wish to give your lingerie frock tho very latest whim of tho fash Ion realm add narrow bands of brown fur. These bands of fur edging floun ces and drapery of the most transpa rent and filmy net and chiffon dresses wero ono of tho most marked features of the drag race at Auteull. It is ono of thoso curious combinations In which tho French revel, but at tho samo tlmo it is effective. Another popular fnncy Is tho scarf of mallno attached to tho gown on ono shoulder and thrown around the figure in artistic abandon. In fact, malino will bo found surprisingly useful In re freshing slightly worn gowns, whethor used as scarf, neck ruche, sash or fin ishing tho sleeves. There is now a waterproof mallno on tho market which neither tho dampness of tho ehoro nor an unexpected shower cau wilt. " HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Rub hlngcB with a feather dipped In oil and they will not squeak. A sllco of lomon or a sprig of pars ley eatqn after onions will destroy the odor. Ponnyroynl will keep oft mosqui toes. Use a dothe3 pin to handle a screw tvhon putting it into hard wood. To froshon tho nlr In a sick room, put a few drops of oil of lavender into hot water. It leaves n most agreeable ador. Place a piece of glass over tho cook book when using It. It serves two purposes, holds tho book open and keeps It clean. To save a child from slipping in the bath tub, lay a turklsh towel in tho bottom of tho tub. The moment you nre prompted to rub your eyes, that moment stop using them. When ranking cream of tomato aoup, add tho hot tomatoos to tho milk in ntead of milk to tho tomatoes, as It Is not so apt to curdle. When camping, and a rolling pin Jb needed, a large round bottle serves very well. Do not try to tost mushrooms for a dark color with a silver spoon, for It Is not a good test Jor a poisonous va riety. Clean tho meat chopper by running dry bread or crackers through It. Fried apples with fried onions, both cooked together, aro excellent with pork chops. To remove stains of iodine from the hands, use ammonia. Keep tho fingers covered with salt when cleaning n fowl, ns it prevents tho fingers from slipping. Ivory is cleaned with lemon and salt; alterwards wash in soap suds. To improve tough meat, rub it well with a cut lemon. This acid softens tho fibers. When a loaf of bread has become stale, dip It in water and place in a paper bag in a hot oven. When picking flowers In tho woods, provide yourself with a papor bag to put them in. Fold over the top to keep them from the air, and thoy will be fresh when you arrive at home. UK tender morsels on tho tmluto melt. And all the force of cookery Is felt. INVALID DISHES. The greatest importance is to be at tached to the preparation of food for the sick. Oftentimes tho diet Is of much more Importance than tho drug. Wholesome, dainty food, with prompt and nice service, are very es sential. Do not consult tho patient as to his .'ood; surprises are a great pleasure to ono who Is HI. Prepare tho tray with a, spotless sloth, select tho prettiest china and bo careful to arrange the dishes In a convenient placo for tho sick one to reach them. All hot footls should be served on hot dlshefl, and cold foods on cold dishes. For feverish patients, cold water and fruit Juices are most refreshing Hot lemonade with hot milk and egg are good hot drlnkB and aro albo nourishing. A raw egg can bo easily taken In lemonade when it otherwise might be objectionable. Almond Soup. Blanch nnd pound In n mortar a half pound of almonds Gradually add a pint of milk. When tho almonds are a smooth paste and tho milk Is all used, strain by squeez ing through n cheese cloth. To a pint of scalded milk add two tablespoon fuls of sugar and n half teaBpoonful of salt. Now add to tho almond mixture and bring to tho boiling point. Soro hot Chicken Custard. Take the crumbs from tho center of tho loaf, half cup ful, ndd to thoso two tablespoonfuls of chopped breast of chicken, a pinch of Bait, celery salt and a cup of mill.: add tho yolks of two eggs nnd bako in a custard oup set In hot water. Son e hot Syllabub. Take four ogg yolks, n tableepoonful of flour, a toaspoonful of flavoring, a pint of milk, three fourths of a cup of sugar and a pint Real Zealot. "What Is a misdirected realnt Un do William?" "A misdirected zea lot. Georgle, is a man who, when his Iioubo Is burning, is bo determined to keep the flames from being fanned that he kicks his dog for wagging ItB tall." His Job. Visitor (Beeklng Information) "Kx cuse me, but aro you the oldest in habitant?" Native "No, sir; I bo only the village Idiot." Punch. ttliBIi ns a liulder from r.trtli ta icaven. not an altnr to tiny teed Hut slmplp sirle simply River t her own kind In their common nted. SOMETHING TO EAT. When a novel and unufiual filling foT a cake Is desired, try this Hako the. cake in two lnyors and frost them both Beparatoly. Take a cup of rais ins nnd simmer gently for an hour or more with a few lenspoonfuls of lem on Juice Spread this, well drained, oer tho frosted layer, thon turn tho other layer, frosting Bluo down, over this, and put together. Cover with frosting. When cut, the ralsitiB will be between the two layers of frosting Chopped nuts aro an addition to this filling. Irish Stew Take two or three pounds from tho neck, cut Into small pieces, add enough water to cover, and simmer for nn hour, then add po tatoes, carrotB, onions nnd turnips cut In small pieces, and cook for several flours at tho simmering point. Servo hot after seasoning well with salt. Peach Pie. Lino n pie plato with crust, than lay In peeled, stoned and sliced peaches, sprinkling sugar liber ally over them In proportion to their sweetness. Allow three peach kernels chopped flno to every pie. Pour in n very llttlo water and hako with cross bars of pastry for a top crust. Rice Pudding. Placo In a buttored pudding dish n layer of cold boiled rice, season with cream, nutmeg and sugar. Cover this with a layer of quince or applo preserves, then add another layer of rlco and fruit, and over ktjie top placo a merlnguo mado of tho whites of two egge beaten stiff nnd four tablespoonfuls of Bugnr add ed Hake in a slow oven and Bervo cold with cream. Sponge Bananas. Cover tho bottom of a baking dish with small spongo cakes or lady fingers Upon this put a layer of peeled banannB wholo. Sprlnklo with Bugnr, add bits of butter nnd tho Juice of a lomon, cover with chopped nuts and hako fifteen minutcB In a moderate oven Serve with a cus tard or cream. ITT us treat these hodles with us much consideration as wo would a Rood machine, slvlnjc them prop er care, food and rest. I "Of a Rood beginning cometh a Kood end " HELPFUL HINTS. When suffering from a nervous headache, try walking slowly back ward for about ten minutes, placing tirat tho ball of the foot on tho floor and then the heel, A teaBpoonful of turpnntlno udded to tho boiler of clothes will greatly aid In the whitening process. In sudden attacks of IlInesH, when a fire must bo built and not a quicker remedy is at hand, take tho stove lid, wrap It In paper and a cloth and use It to apply bent. Newspaper UBed to rub windows will keep them bright; nlso they mnko a fino polisher for the kltchon rango. Always have a folded paper and wax to rub tho flat Irons, nnd a bundle of newspapers makes a good rest for the foot when Ironing. Saturate palls and tubs with glyc erine and thoy will not shrink. Often a tight shoo my bo stretched by applying a cloth wrung out of boil ing water. A small fire in a clean grnto Is tho best of ventilators. A spoonful of vinegar put Into wa ter that fowls nro cooked" In maken them more tender. An old bedspread makeB a good si lence cloth, nnd tho small pieces aro fino for wash cloths. When preparing meat for satiBnge, time Is snved If the salt and spices nro mixed and ndded before grinding. Layer cakes will not stick to tho pan If after they are greased a little Hour 1b dusted over them. Cream a little old will not curdle In coffee If beaten boforo tiblng. True Charity. Thinkers of tho most different schools and Beets would probably agree that true charity demands of us money, hut ulto somothlng more than money; personal service, sacri fice of time and thought. Sir Leslie Stephen. Holland's Flag, v Holland's flag Is alto the emblem of liberty; but nobody knows how dur ing tho long centuries tho orange be came changed to red. I NXIOT JL h MatAAWRa?' Sflsv HStftrJMRifc A Picture of Contentment 11 va k 2 All men look pleased when they smoke this choiec tobnceo for all men like the rich quality and true, natural taste of Smoked in pipes by thousands of men- known to smokers ns the innkitirs." We take unusual pride in IJggctt & Myers Duke's Mixture. It is our lending brand of granulated tobnceo nnd every sack we make is a challenge to all other tobacco manufacturers. Every 5c sack of tills famous tobacco contains one and a half ounces of choice granulated tobacco, in every way equal to the best you can buy. If you have not smoked Duke's Mixture, made by the Liggett 13 Myers Tobacco Co. at Durham', N. C, try it now. Get a Camera with the Coupons Bnvc the coupons. With them you can get nil sorts of valu S Jk W7I .jjmxmk. SsSsrattfiMMsSl V will tend October kTS!j'?'Jfa.'i,4aftS v&szsLmBEP:- a WTMik s4 &smmi W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES -3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 AND $5.00 FOR MEN AND WOMEN Boys all woar W. I. Douglas $2,00, $2.50 and $3mQO School Shoos. Dost In tho world W.L. Douglas makes and sells more (hoes than any other manufacturer Uiey look better, fit better, and wear nary shoes. CAUTION. When you buy shoes bo name is stamped on the bottom. interior snoei. ueware or suusututes. w. L- uougtas shoes are sold in 78 own store in large cities and retail shoe dealers everywhere. Fast Color EyiliU, Write for Catalog, W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mais. True Worth. Visitor: "I camo all the way from tho city to commit your lawyer Jones here. He's a good man, Isn't ho?" Undo Ebcn: "Nope; wo don't con elder him ono, two, three with Smith. Why Smith's been Intrusted with tho local agency of tho Knott Knitting Needle, tho dispensing of Daggett's Drugless dope, and tho demonstrating of Fassct's Flreless Cooker. That not only shows that he's got tho confi dence of buch big fellowB as thom, but ho don't have to depend on his law hardly nt all to mako a living." Lip plncott'8 Magazine Important to Mothora Examlno carefully every bottlo of CASTOItl A, a safe nnd sure remedy for infantB and children, and bco that it Bears tho -W5ST Slgnnturo In Uso For Over 30 Years, Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria An Overslpht. "Thero hao certainly been n serious miscalculation about this year." "What's that?" "So many drendful things nio hap pening, and they forgot nil about pre saging thom by a comet." A very successful remedy for pelvic catarrh Is hot douches of Paxtlno An tiseptic, at druggists, 26c a box or sent postpaid on receipt of prlco by Tho Paxton Toilet. Co., Boston, Mass. Not With Him. . Mack Has Sklqly any conscience? Jack It could easily prove an alibi. -Judge. The rich mellow quality of LEWIS' Single Hinder To clicur glvis the hlflient jileuKiirc in smoking. It takps more thnn a fur-Ilned over coat to protect a would-bo actor In tho ball of fame. Rod Crosf Hall IMufi trill wash double at muay clothes h any other bluo. Don't put your money Into uoy other. 1 Better a pavement made of goo dt In tentions than no pavemuut at all. A Picture of Contentment i everywhere BS w2 able presents articles sultnula for young nnd old ; men, women, boys and girls. You 11 bo delighted to ceo what you can get frco with out ono ccnt,of cost to you. Get our now illustrated catalog. Ataipeclaloffer, we it free durinsr September and only. Your n.-uuo and address on a postal will bring It to you. Coupons from Duke't Mixture may be iu sorted with tost from HORSE SHOE. J.T., TINSLEY'S NATUltAL LEAK. GltAN- CER TWIST, coupons from FOUR HOSES (10c tin double ronton), PICK PLUO CUT, PIEDMONT CIGAR ETTES, CUX CIGARETTES, and other tact or coupons issued by us. Address Premium Dept. ST. LOUIS. MO. ZZSXSJESSEEk istofo is? $3.00, .$3.50 and $4.00 I in the world because longer than ordi sure W. L. DoUcIas ! It guarantees protection to you against Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out catliartlcs ond purcatlves. They art oruiai, nnrsii, unnecessary, i oP CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act i Kenny on tno liver, eliminate uuc, ana. coollir tue dolicatcj memurancofthe bowel. Cure. Conitlpalion, Bllloujnejj, Sick Heid. iche and Iadigeilloa, it millions know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must hear Signature , A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. In DihHKoof rrtoarchnnd nirflrlmoiil, all nature liransarked bjrtliaBvlrnUncfortliecumfortBndbsp. lnenKof man. Hclemo has Indeed made gtantatrldas In the pant century, and among t)m by no means lyaat Important-discoveries In wrdlclne ft Umtpi 'l neruplnn, wlili It tm been uwdnlth great aucceuJti French Hospital and that It Is vtortlgr trae attention of thoie who auffer from kidney, tiludder, nenrons dlieae,t-hronlu wenkneasen. ulcers, ekln eruption, Plica, Ac, there la no doubt. In fucthaeemaevlJenl from the big atlr created anionic specialists, thai TMERAPION la destined to cast IntooblWlonali those ntiestlnnable remedies' tbat were formorljr tba aoln rrlluneo of mcdlcul men. Jt l of course Impos sible to tell MjHerors all wo should llko to teM tiiem In thla short article, but thoan who would Ilka to know more about this roincdjr that hn cfToctcd bo nianr we mlaht utmost ar, mlrnciilnns cuist, MiouldM-nd uddresKed enrelopn for k'UKU book to I)r.I.oClHrc Mod. Co .Harei-stock Koad.llampntead. Uindnn, Knir. and decide ffirthomsoWcH vyTieUier tho New trench Iteuiedr "TMERAPION" No. l.No.3 pr No. i Is what thoy require ana hae been. seeling Invaln dnrlnxallfn of misery, sutTertnu-, 111 beaitS and unhupplni ss. Theranlnnlanold by drmurlsts of mall tt.UO. Ir'ousera Co., X llaekman ttu, Now York. isgflnrawaaiTOaTO ICK RELIEF RE EYES W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 36-1912. Nebraska Directory attention All fuipllea for the Amateur mtrlcUy frt-Hh. Semi for i-utrUofrue and llulaliinit prices. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO. 1013 Fornnm Stroot, Omaha. Hdbr. 0 y On Deposits from $1.00 O to $5,000.00 Scud Your Money to tho Bankers Savings & Loan Ass'n 10th and DodgoSts,, OMAHA, NEB. SAKE CONBKRVATIVK ilEMAI)Uf Uuder Control of State Uunklucr Board. 5a"2HS!ii,Jr7 ZtetoJmrA Jtsmfya Iysw'uI yj tjKjni g y ur j(iE JsWsWPflnTirn'c 4sWW KITTLE WiJtKW HIVIIK UlAllsmJX PILLS. flP QfeT i.. ', i SS i V