The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 10, 1912, Image 5

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"I Hove Been Advised to
Buy My Diamonds at
This was the statement of n gentlemen who pur
chased n hundred and twenty-five dollar diamond on
Thursduy of last week. He came to us hecausc lie
said he knew nothing about a diamond himself but did
know of our reliability. It took less than twenty min
utes to make the sale and our new customer went nway
not only delighted but perfectly secure that he had
gotten the fullest value possible.
As a matter of fact it was not only the protection
against poor value the customer received here, but we
doubt if he could have purchased the same diamond
elsewhere for anywhere near the the same price. We
buy our diamonds direct from the cutters thus getting
the very lowest prices obtainable. We want every
sale to make new friends and new confidence for us.
Under no circumstances will any one purchase a dia
mond without knowing absolutely the truth about it,
Whether it is a $10 diamond or a $500 one you can de
pend on our diamond stock and our rel iability to give
you perfect satisfaction. We invite you to inspect
our superb stock of loose and mounted diamonds. Re
membering wq do our own diamond mounting in our
own shop.
e - x
DR. 0. 11. CRESSLER. Z
o o
Graduate Dentist. o
Office over the' McDonald
State Bank.
a w.
Dr. Phihp Miller spent Sunday in
Grand Island.
F. T. Redmond and son Leonard,
spent Sunday In Denver.
Mrs. Hubert Kildare, of Paxton, spent
last week with town friends.
Walter Cronin left this morning for
Grand Island to spend several weeks.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Apply at 412 W. 4th St.
Mrs. Earl Carpenter, of Roosevelt,
Ariz., is visiting her aunt Mrs. A. P.
Miss Edna Elliott, of the Hub, is
spending her fall vacation in Grand
Will Rowland -left yesterday for a
three weeks' visit in Gran J Island, Lin
coln and Omaha.
Jack Pember, formerly of this city,
came over Sunday from Haiglor with a
party of tourists.
Twenty-five dollars a month for cbm
petent girl, family of three West 5th
street. 63-3
Miss Effie Christ returned Sunday
from Lexington after spending a week
with her sister. """
Miss Margaret McFaddin, of Paxton,
is expected the first of the week to visit
Miss Mary McGovern.
Manager Stamp has booked Holbrook
Blinn in "A Romance of the Under
World" for Sept. 20th.
Leo Tighe returned Saturday from
Lincoln where he visited his cousins and
attended the State Fair.
Mr. Frank Winkleman returned Sun
day evening from an extended visit
with relatives in Fremont.
Charles Young, of Sterling, is visit
ing his brother J. S. Young, having ar
rived the "last of the week.
A Morman special went thru from
Salt Lake the last of the week enrouto
to a convention in the east.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ralston, of Far
nam, visited in town yesterday while
enroute home from Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Rourke, of Brady,
are visiting Mrs. Mary Noary while en
route home from Hot Springs, S. D.
Jay Peck formerly of tho Hartman
cigar factory came up from Kearney
yesterday to spend a couple of days.
Mrs. Mitchell, of Council Bluffs, who
had been the guest of her son Dr. Harry
Mitchell for some time, left yesterday.
160 acres of well improved land 7
miles southeast of North Platte. Inquire
of Joa. Hershey.
County Treasurer Albert Durbin and
family and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kunkle
will loave this week for the mountains
to spend a fortnight.
Messrs. Herminghauson, Emory
Loudon, Carbaugh arid Charles Walter
loft yesterduy for Badger Lake to
tpend two weeks hunting.
Miss Violet Steel is visiting her aunt
Mrs. William Finney in Ogalalla.
Dr. Smith, of Grand Island, visited
Dr. Phil Miller Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Schatz left yes
terday for their new home in Ogden.
For Rent 4 room house on East 10th.
W. B. Ellis 520 E. 11th St. G3-4
Frank Prace, of Omaha, spent the
weeK end at the guest of Charles
Martini, Jr.
Mrs. -Mary Nenry returned yester
day morning from a week's stay in Hot
Springs, S. D.
Tho Rebekih kensington will meet
with Mrs. Fred WeBtenfeld. Every
body welcome.
Charles Thompson returned the last
of.the week from Omaha where ho
visited relatives.
Gene Combs came up from Lincoln
the last of the week to visit, his" sister
Mrs. W. T. Banks.
Miss Margaret Jonesv left Sunday
morning for Lexington to visit Mr. and
Mrs. William Tanner.
Corbin Jones will leave Thursday for
Lexington to visit friends and attend
the Dawson county fair.
Vantine's Kutch, Sandalwood and
Oriental odors are the best perfume
and toilet luxuries.
Rincker Book & Dkug Co.
The Lady Forresters held a social
meeting at the home of Miss Josephine
O'Haro Sunday evening.
Miss Maud Thompson, of Garfield,
came in yesterday and accepted a posi
tion in the Hub Millinery.
Miss Grace Adams, of Julesburg,
came down last evening to visit Miss
Mabel Day for a week or longer.
Misses Mabel Sawyer, Roxy Murphy
and Lillian Ritner left Sunday for
Sutherland' to open their schools.
Wanted to rent a house before Oct.
10th. Call red 160. Mrs. H. B. Hus
band. 64-2
A. B. Holt returned Sunday evening
from a two weeks' visit in Cheyenne
and resumed his duties as baggageman.
Attorney W. V. Hoaglandand family
returned Sunday in their automobile
from Lincoln where they visited friends
last week.
Otto Weil has been combining busi
ness with pleasure in Donver for sev
eral days.Jhaving left for that city Sat
urday night.
Mrs. Valentine Scharman returned
the last of the week from Missoula,
Mont., where she visited her daughter
Mrs. J. C. Orr.
rt$ rAKsi-V VvMf5 1
Have You ''Seen the Season's
Newest Coat Fashions?
An Interesting and Comprehensive Gath
ering of them Awaits You at This Store.
You have rarely, if ever before, had offered to you in this city such
a complete assemblage of new Fall Conts; nor have you ever seen
such effective styles and such altogether charming models as we now
offer for your selection.
Of course, it isn't our faultlthat the season's coat styles are so
becoming and so fascinating; that is due to the Fashion-creators and
designers. But we do take credit to ourselves for having nssombled
here the handsomest and best of the season's fashions and for
having excluded from our assortments tho style-impostors which
falsely claim authority and correctness.
You will find thin collection of the new Fall Coats to be one of the
most interesting you have ever had the pleasure of viewing. And
our remarkable piices will certainly win your favor!
Department Store.
Mrs. Oda Holladay, of Missouri, N.M.,
arrived a few days ago to spend a few
days ago to spend a month with Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Mann.
Wanted A gtrl for general house
work. Mrs. Ed Ogier, 218 South
Dewey. 63-3
Arthur Plumer and LeoTobin arrived
from Denver yesterday in tho former's
car. They camo via Cheyenne and ex
perienced no trouble on the trip.
J. E. Pilo has started work on a now
residonce which he will erect on one of
tae lots he recently purchased of Clark
Buchanan on west Fourth street.
J . F. Foeney, of Brady, is transact
ing business in town.
Leslie Fristo, of Dickens, is visiting
his brother Clyde this week.
Fred Frye left last evening forOmaha
and Kansas City to spend six weeks.
Ray West, of Wood River, is visiting
Guy Drake this week having nrrivod
Sunday evening.
Miss Eva O'Connor returned to Omaha
Sunday after spending a few days with
Mrs. F. McCabe.
Mrs. O. Holliduy, of Mexico, Mo., is
the guest of Mrs. E. W. Mann, having
arrived Sunday.
William Soula and W. H,. Sowle, of
Somerset, are transacting business in
town this week.
Mr. Louis Glynn, of Omaha, who had
been visiting Dr. and Mrs. N. McCabo
left yesterday aftemoon.-
Emil Voseipka returned yesterday
from Lincoln whore he attended the
state fair last week.
Misses Lena Baskins, Lea Jenkins
and Leslie Baskins returned yesterday
morning from a short visit in Denver.
A dozen ladies wore entertained at
a theatre party at the Keith Saturday
evening in honor of Mrs. W. T. Berry.
Joseph Millor, of Chappell, visited
his sister Miss Maud Miller yesterday
while enroute home from tho state
Walker Bush, of Grand Island, came
up Saturday aftornon to visit his grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. Tobas for a couple
of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garlow and child
ren and Mrs. VV. F. Cody left yesterday
aftornoon for Fremont to meet Col
onel Cody.
Miss Mary White, of St. Peters,
Minn., formerly of this city who has
been visiting her mother, will leave to
morrow evening.
Mrs. Maggie Hall and daughters
Katherine and Gladys returned yester
day from Walla Walla, Wash., where
they spent the past year.
Mcsdames George Tekulve and Ed
ward Rebhausen will go to Kearney
this week to attend the opening of the
Kauffman-Wernett store.
Miss Mildred Burgnor, of Grand
Island, who spent tho past two weeks
with local friends, returned to herhome
yesterday afternoon.
Tho Meston homo on west First street
was sold yesterday for $3,000 to Mr.
Michoal who resides five miles from
town. The sale was made thru D. E.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. ;IIoaglnnd re
turned Sunday from an auto trip to Lin
coln, having been absent a week. Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Tiley, who were also
in Lincoln, returned with them.
Miss Alfa McKinley who had been
pianist at tho Crystal for several
months left yesterday afternoon for her
homo in York. Sho is succeeded by
Miss Maymo McMicheal.
Leo Mulling, of Denver, arrived the
first of tho week and is making pre
parations to open a cafe in tho room
west of the Hendy garage. Mr. Mulling
is a nephew of Max Beer who formerly
lived hero.
Harrington Wants to be Congressman.
The Denver Times Sunday contained
a full page write-up and a large por
trait of our former citizen M. C. Har
rington, who is a candidate for the
democratic nomination for congrosman
in tho First Colorado district. Tho
primary election will be held today, and
here's hoping that Mike will win.
Makes Appearance in this County.
Spinal meningitis, which hns caused
the death of so many horses in western
Kansas nndJ.HOuth western Nebraska,
has made its appearance in Lincoln
county, Wm.JEbright living south-west
of town hnving lost two head and ono
!b sick on tho Fred Payne plnce. Steps
were taken; yesterday to notify the
state veterinarian at Lincoln, and tho
county commissioners will probably
take some measure toward establishing
a quarantine.
Sturges Breaks Ribs.
Under tho new nostoffice law re
ducing labor in the locnl office Deputy
Postmaster Sturges was enabled to ob
serve Siin'day as a day of rest and rec
reation, the first Sunday to be so ob
served in several years t Freedom from
work brought out the exurberance of
his went up spirit and in his f riskiness
he fell and fractured a couple of ribs.
Sturges now threatens to get out an in
junction against the government re
straining it from granting him n holiday
on Sunday on the grounds that is it de
trimental to his health.
The Parlor Millinery will close at
When the officers of this bank see a depositor mak
ing steady gains in his balances, our confidence in
him grows.
When a depositor who has won our confidence re
quires money with which to develop his business our
,lnrge resources enable us to give him all the credit
his financial condition warrants.
The merchant, the manufacturer, the builder, the
farmer who does business at this bank, receives its
financial support when ho needs it.
We invite all who want the co-operntion of a strong
resourceful bank to become depositors of the
McDonald State Bank.
6:30 p. m. on week nights and 9:00
p. m. on Saturday night and anyone
wishing to call after these hours will
please make engagements. Phone red
537, 300 East Third street.
Westgard Arrives in Town.
Tho "Pathfinder" car in chnrgo of A.
L. Westgard traveling eastward on the
"Overland Trail" stopped in our city
Sunday. Mr. Westgard was well
pleased with road conditions and was
making good time through this locality.
He however criticized the officers
of the local association in per
mitting the premiscuous use of road
markers claiming that our city resem
bled a "Mystic Maze" to the traveler
and reauested that they mark tho
official route with larger and more dis
tinguishing markers. Mr. Westgard
expects to arrive in New York late in
September, preparatory to starting
west again on the third leg of the triple
transcontinental tour arranged earlier
in the year.
For Rent
Six room house with bath, light and
shade. Close in, $22. Other houses,
furnished and unfurnished rooms.
Bratt & Goodman.
Y Dentistry 8
Call and see Dr. F. W. Crook, (Dentist) if you
have loose teeth, same will be extracted and
replaced by artificial ones the same day, either
by plates or bridge work. All work is perma
nent. DR. W. F. CROOK, Dentist.
Office McDonald State Bank Building.
Phono 130 for Appointments.
rantmiwamwnm,i"'M j"nMiaMn.finMmmftM
A very enjoyable dance was held at
the Johnson home nine miles south of
town Saturday evening under the mun
agemont of Ralph Kelso. About fifty
young people who live in thnt vicinity
attended and a dozen or more went out
from town. Tho music was good nnd
dancing continued until tho wee small
hours. Refreshments were served.
Misses Joscphino nnd Anna O'Hnre
and Miss Edna Sullivan will entertain
sixty young ladies ut a pronuptial mis
cellaneous shower for Miss Mary Mc
Govern at the Masonic hall Thursday
Effective September 1st train No. 11
began carrying mail from Omaha and
other enstern points and is known as
the Omaha-North Platte-Donverservice.
This service lightens1 to some extent
tho service on train No. 9.
II. A Latimer, E. S. Brown and C.
A Anderson, of Dickons, spent tho first
of the week here proying up on their
! Ill i
Naked truth" must compel the con
viction that it is the height of extravag
ance to drive a heavy car at a cost of
fort' cents a mile when a Ford will
take you "yonder "and back as quickly
and comfortably and at less than one
tenth the cost.
75,000 Ford cars already sold this season one-third
of America's product. Fivo passenger touring car
$090 three passenger roadster $590 torpedo run
about $590-delivery car $700 town car 900-f. o.
b. Detroit, complete with all equipment. Gut
catalogue from Ford Motor Company, Michigan and
Fourteenth Streot or from Detroit direct.
North Platte, Neb.