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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1912)
y i f; - 1 ' 1 u i i f H u I I ! a f-i Eft 1'-, -?;H (. ta nmyjff"'m Wo make a specialty o repairing high grade rail read watches. When your watch goes wrong let our watch expert look it over and you can depend on it keeping correct time. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician! i.fcttt-fr6-W3-3-83 frC-J-C-tfrOl iF i IV y k UY lb For PHONE 4 OB 8 Your Drugo. Orders Do llverod promptly. REXALL and DRUG STORES m NYAL ? M tj-jm-a-a-jac-ffm-j-s-aa-s-i-a f itf Local and Personal Rev. McDl'M spent Saturday and Sunday in Candy. Alvin Elias has accepted a position in the Marti meat market. returned the last trip to visiting , Miller Frank UdruH afid UaUffMer t Saturday ttflgFROOn ff9ffi OmanA. Dr. D. T. Quigley loft the lasl of tho Week for Chicago to spend a week or longer. W. W. Birgo transactor business in Omaha lnatwock and oamo home Sat urday. F, L. Moonoy and party will go to Lexington today to attend tho Dawson oounty fair. Mrs. J. D. Gwin, of Ovorton, who was the guest of Mrs. P. J. Norris, left a few days ago. The Ladies of the Macubees.held an ice cream social at tho Dickey parlors Friday and' netted $29.00. William Turpie returned Saturday afternoon from Omaha where he spent last week on business. Henry Rcbhausen wont to Denver Sunday night to attend tho Great Wes tern handicap shooting tournament. Dr. A. J. Ames is nursing a couple of broken fingers, which ho sustained in n fall due to tripping on a bicycle. Shirley 'Wilson, who married Miss Noll Ziebert formerly of this city, has purchnsed a $16,000 residence in Omaha. Mrs. J. V. Finley, of LaFayotte, Ind., is tho guest of her daughter Mrs. W. T. Green, having arrived Saturday even ing. -" Mrs. W. T. Green and daughter, who apont sdveral months visiting relativos in Indiana, returned Saturday after noon. Miss Alico Miller, of Kearney, ar rived Saturday afternoon to spend a fortnight ;vith Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Troupe. Misses Both Cunningham and Ger tmdo Baker loft Friday afternoon for Gothenburg to take up their duties as tcachors. Fred Tobas came home from Grand Island Saturday ovening. He spent tho latter part of tho week with his daughter. Tho double track is now in service as far west us Chappell, and the romain ing twonty-eight mileB to Sidney will soon bo cut-in. In the amateur shootrat Holdrege i last week Henry Rcbhauson wpn first place brenking 283 out of 300. There were twenty-five entries. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vollmor form erly of this city visitod in town Satur day while onroute to Wyoming from eastern cities. They were guests of Arthur Rush. George Young, who was up from Medicine precinct Saturday, says tho corn crop in that precinct is much bet ter this year than last uenson. He thinks tho total yield will bo twice as much ns in 1911. John Bonner roturnod Saturday after noon from Kansas City where he visited Mrs. Bonner and son Dell. Tho. latter, will como homo the last of tho "Week, having recovered from his recent operation. Posters nre out announcing tho first Annual Harvest Festival of Frontier Sports which will bo held at Stapleton from Sept. 25th to 28th inclusive. $1,000 will bo oirercd in prizes. Tho population, of tho new town has reached C00 in four months. Arthur Ward Archer of this city, and Miss Noll,, Boawoll will bo married at the homii'of the bride in Memphis, Tenn., on Yednoiday ovening of next weak. They will arrive in North Platto a few days later and remain until Mr. Archor concludes his work on the federal building. Local and Personal. Max McGrow returned Saturday from n week's visit in Omaha. Mrs. E. M. Smith returned Saturdny from a short visit in Sterling Gilbert Peters will nttend the Dawson County Fair in Lexington this week. Mrs. Gardner, of Kearney, is spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Troup. A. P. Kelly and wife returned Fri day evening from the State Fair in Lincoln. Russell Bedell, who had been spend ing some time in Omaha returned Sun tiny evening. Mrs. Fred E. Payne will entertain the members of tho Nevita Club to morrow evening. F. E. Barber came over from Staple ton Saturday to transact business for a couple of weeks. Switch engine 1239, in service in tho Sidney yanft, ha been brought to tho shops for repairs. Charles Martini, Jr., who spent the past week with his parents returned to T Misses Lola and Inez Huntington ara guests of Miss Pearl Koontz. W. T. Banks and son Dick returned Saturday from the Lincoln state fair. Miss Julia Nolcn has returned from a short visit in Wood River with relatives. Attorney Shumftn returned of the week from a business Omaha. ' Mrs. McKay, of Kansas, is with hor daughter Mrs. C. E, this week. L. W. Walker returned today from Omaha where he transacted business last week. Dr. Walter Crook left Saturday even- !ng 10 r "v" " a""'" c"c"" ulVi on businoss. Frank Herrcii, 5f cJgaiaiia. spent thd Ual Of the week with his mother, Mrs. Rcglna Herrod. Mrs. Frank Buchanan, who submitted to an operation yesterday, is reported to bo doing nicely. Dr. Foote, of Omnha, spont the last of tho week assisting Dr. Twinem in surgical work. All the new snappy styles at the Pnrlor Millinery. A baby boy was born Saturdny morn ing to Mr. and Mrs. George Dolph, of tho first wnrd. Mrs. John Day returned Snturdny evening from a short visit in Arapnhoo with relatives. Mrt. N. McCabe and family-returned Saturday by auto from a pleasnnt visit in Omaha with relatives. ' Master Marcel Keliher and sister Miss Edwina returned Saturday after noon from Cheyenne. Mesdamea Fljnt nnd Maloney, of Den ver, who visiteii tno jjonegnn inmuy last week, have returned home. Mrs. W. H. Munger returned to Omaha yoaterday after visiting for a week at the home of her son Horton There will bo choir rehearsal nt the Presbyterian church Thursday, Sept. 12 ac 8 p. m. All members please attend. Mrs. Harry Osborne, of Valley Junc tion, arrived the last of tho week to visit at the homo of P. L. VanCleavo. Whilo in Omahe tho last of the week Mrs. W. S. Dolson was taken soriously ill and was brought home Friday ovon ing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLean and family returned Saturday afternoon from a two weeks' visit in western cities. B. C. Clinton, of visited his brother C. whilo enrouto on a Broadwnter. Mrs. William Tanner nnd Miss Florenco Banks returned to Lexington Sunday nf tor spending two weeks at tho Redmond home, Call at the Parlor Millinery and see the beautiful line of Fiske hats. Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Fent nnd child ren, of Omnha, who spont lastwoekwith her mothor Mrs. Mary Bnkor, loft for home Saturday afternoon. M(ssis Florence Stnmp'will lonvo this week for Chicago, Rossville and Kansas City to visit relatives. Sho expects to bo absent two months or more. Mrs. .Anthony Jelfora nnd daughter, of Green River, are visiting nt tho Dunn and Whalen homos tins week, having arrived Saturday. Mrs. Hamilton nnd daughter, of Ogalalln, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Plummer while enrouto to Lin coln where Miss Hamilton, will enter the University. About n half inch of rein fell last niglit, tho first precipitation wo have had m threo weeks. Tho ground had becomo vory dry in fnct to o dry to permit of fall plowing. Charles Tighe, Ernest Rinckor, Francis Sandall, Roy Banks and Don Clabnugh loft Saturday evening on a two weeks hunting trip to tho Lnko country north of Tryon. The North Plntto stoam laundry will shortly add n dry cleaning department to its equipment, with n thoroughly competont man in chargo. A specinlty will bo mndo of out-of-town ordors. St. Pnul, Neb., S. Clinton Sunday business trip to Omnhn Sunday morning, Miss Louise Ottenstein will leave the last of the veek for St. Marys Academy at Notre Dame to finish her course. Mrs. Cnrrie Hart, of Omaha, visitod her son Harry Hart laBt week while enroute to Ogden and Salt Lake. George Scott, Fred Tetro and Mr. Middleton, living south of Brady, are each erecting a silo of 100 tons capacity. Mcssers Neville, Dunn, Watkins and Robhanaon returned Saturday morning from tho Gun Club Tournament in Hol drego. Miss Anceline Herrod left Saturdny for Denver to spend a few days before going to Concordia, Knns., to attend school. Mrs. Fred BarrAcloUgh and daughter Irma returned tho laBt of the week ft'Otn a visit In Kansas City, Omaha and Denver, Mrs. M. J. Boardmnn who had boen visiting her son M. E. Boardman and wife forfcomc time went to Lexington Saturday. Miss Viola Eves, of tho telephone office, who had been spending her va cation in Wollfleet, returned . Saturday afternoon. ' Mrs. Norman Edwards, of Brady, returned home the last of tho week aftor a week's visit with her mother Mrs. W. T. Banks. Storage room and safe deposit boxes for rent by Bratt & Goodman. Mrs. Irving VanDoran and sister Misa Margaret Wnugh left Friday evening for Denver and other Colorado cities to spend several weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Voseipka and Mrs. John Voseipka returned Saturday from Kearney where they, were called by the illness of a relative. Fiftoen thousand dollars worth of cattle were shipped out of Dickens last- Saturday night which had been pur chased of farmers in that section. Our former townsman Arthur Mc Nnmara has invested in a fine home in Oaklnnd, which can be taken ns evidence that he will make that city his abiding place. Now line of fancy hand paintod and burnt leather goods just received. Rincker Book & Drug Co. An extra train of stock cars was sent west from this terminal Sunday even ing to bo used in transporting cavalry troops from Ft. Russell to the Mexican border. Small grain in tho irrigated section west of tho city is turning out well. N. B. Spurrier's wheat averaged forty-five bushels to tho acre and his oats sixty eight bushols. Edgar Schiller has inyestedin a thirty Chalmers car and in devoting his spare time to learning to drive it. He and members of his family will find tho car a plensnnt mode of recreation. Tho wrecking crew with P. H. Mc Evoy in chargo wero cnlled to Jules burg Friday to pick up three dcrailod cars of automobiles nnd merchnndise. The damaged amounted to nbout $75.00. Homer Rector is on" duty at the post office nursing injuries received in a fall the Inst of last week. While ho was painting the house the ladder fell, throwing him to the ground. For Sale -My property, 114 South Sycamore St., sewerage, city wator, electric lights, bath, otc. Inquire at residence orof mo at Ginn, White & Schatz store. E. R. Plummer. Mr. DuCoin, advance agent for Oflicor GGG spent ye3torday with Mana ger Stnmp completing arrangements for tho appearance of the play nt tho Keith theatre on Monday Sopt., lGth. A tost of the now water mains that have boen connected was made Sunday, thi3 test being mndo bofore tho open trenches wero covered. Thet test was made undor sixty pound pressuro, and sorno of the joints wore found defective, but thoy will bo mndo tight and then nnother tost mnde. m ii' Oft h to ft to $ t i& tti itf $ to il'i HENRY SON'NEDORN, Who makes 'cm in Baltimore. VAN, Tho Clothing Man. Who scll3 'cm in North Plntto. (The $25 kind) for $17 and you put the other $8 in yourpocket. You pay $25 elsewhere and get none better and put the $8 in the other fellow's pocket. Made in Men's and Young Men's Suits and Over coats. In blue serges, blacks and all new and popular shndes and fabrics. They are guaranteed to us, we pass it along to you. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, North n, Neb. saasaaaaasssaaaaasafsssa'a w w u m m m m ( m m m m m Teacher, of Yoice Culture. Elizabeth Kaar-Lancston will be in , North Platte, Friday, Sept. 20, begin ning her second year's work as teacher! of singing. Prospective pupils leave address at Dixon's Jewelry store. Ask for leaflet. Mrs. Jenkins, of Herahey, spent the Week end with town friends. W. A. Skinner, an employe of the North Platte steam laundry, has gone to Now Mexico to accompany his family to this city, which will be their future home. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Tollefsen, of ; Sutherland, are visiting the latter'sj parents Mr. and Mrs. George Done- j hower, having come down in their car. j Robert Dick, who had been in the forest reserve service at Laramie, has returned to town to remain a few day3 : prior to resuming his duties at the state university. To show their appreciation of the ; weekly band concerts given by the North Platto band on Friday evenings, the members of the girls' ilower mission j of St. Patrick's church presented each member with a bouquet of fiowers Fri day evening during the concert in the court yard. Duroc-Jersey Boars for sale $15 to $25. Experimental Sub-station 1 Hi ililllHimTmilTmfBITHiiii whhhh! in i I H I 1 1 A Car Desigmed by 48 1 M Ti B k DMiineers. BR H fl Next week we wiU show a ''Hudson 37," the crank- i less car. No crank whatever on car. Starts by electricity. It is a beautiful car in every way a wonder for quietness. We will be glad to give a demonstration tohose interested. 5. DaYis Auto North Platte Nh. STUCCO T Sw8 GARAGE SS2E3raESS2ESS223SSSSKSSaBffl XKKSJSSXSaaUGHERSSSBll Charter No. 349G. Report of the Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at 38,S.4.B8 50.COO.00 1,000.00 21.000.00 1,000.00 37,C09.!UJ 21.P0O.0O 1.M0.0U ut North 1'lattp. In tho State of Nebraska, the closo of buslnosa. Sept. 4, 1912, KKSUUICUKS: Loans and discounts. .. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured U. S. bonds to secure circulation U. S. bonds to secure U. B. donoMts Other bonds to socura U. S. deposits Premiums on U. S. Ixmds Iiorxls. securities, otc. . llanklnc house, furni ture and llxtures Other real estate owned Due from National Hanks (not reserve aKents) 100,00 Due from mate and private hanks and bank ers, truiit compaules, and suvhuM banks. .i... 3, 117. '.Hi Due from approved re serve atronts 124,027.51 Checks and other cash Items 1,751.88 Notes of other national banks 6.WO0 Fractional papercurren cy nickels and cents.. 1.12. Wi Lawful Money Reserve In Hank,' viz; Specie 27.PO0.95 Lcal-tondor notei 2345.001018(G.22 Kodomptlon fund with U. H. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation).... 2.500.00 m?i STEP IjSN I 1 Dine here Today. This Cafe i I is the one that will please I I your fancy in cleanliness, good I ' food and service. Prices I 1 reasonable. I I Opposite Depot PALACE CAFE I Total 835.914.23 LIAWLITIES. Capital stock paid In . . . $100,000.00 Surplus fund 50.000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid .. .- 0.381.80 National hank notes oMatamllnir 50,000.00 Dnetostatu and prlvatu banks and bankers 22.315.73 Individual deposits sub ject to check 318.880 M Demand certificates of . deposit U,466rta Tlmu certificates of de posit H3.PfiG.13 Gertltled chocks 300.00 Cashier's checks out KtniKllntr 3.051.12 United States deposits.. . l'ostal Havings Deposit. 10.657.08-479,532.51 Union Realty and Investment Company. Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00. -OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS- T. C. PATTERSON, President, B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Treas. First Mortgages on Real Estate Bought, Sold and Negotiated. This company is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort gages on real estate, amply secured and drawing eight per cent semi annual interest. Money so invested will be exempt from taxation. eAPl&B pr- Total Jtlf6.9l4.23 Statu of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, ss: I, V. L. Mooney. Cashier of the nbove s&med bank, do solemnly swear that tho abovo stntemeut Is true to tho host of my knowl ocik'u ami belief. V. L. Mooxev. Cashlor. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 7th day of Sept. 191!. T. O IVattkuson. Notary Public. Correct Attest: K P. SKKnmtnmt. I M.Kkith Nkvii.i.k. Directors JtAV C. LAN(ll'OUI) 1 INSURANCE. Fire, lighlniuc, tornado, etc., also the best and cheapest life insurance in old standard company at lowest rates. See Bratt & Goodman. aooaooti8oo0eciooeaa DR. J. S. TWINEM, 2 Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Hospital ncccminolutlona. Medical nnd surnlcnl attention Klvun obstetrical enio. Otllco Phono 183 lies. Phono 2KJ Olllco McDonald Stato Hank llldV f 4 -'!&$ The name alone stands out in tadinnt splendor ns a bencon light in the manu facturing world. The name alone is a symbol of Hon esty, Integrity and Quality. The name alone when pneo realized amonir ranchmen and farmers to be tho same Studebaker whose product for tho past sixty years have been best known as the Studebaker Wngon and Carriage needs no introduction, no smooth guy agents, no coaxing, no treating over tho bar or any old way to lead them to becomo the owner of an automobile. No car is more despised, moro hated, more misrepresented HY ITS COMPETITORS than tho Studebaker and "Thorc is n Reason." It is taking the lead every where it geti established and soon to tako tho lead here. Investigation and comparison to all other make of cars is all that could be asked v Its tho car for hill climbs, sandy and rough roads. Sold by J. L. Burko local dealer, North Platte, Nobr. All county customers will bo taken care of free of charge as to garage room whilo in town. Phono Black G27. n(tts(09oetnoeotto8noeo3iii S. J. Swanson, of Wallace, spent the last of tho week in town on business. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Mable W. Turpie and William Turpie, defendants, will take notice that on the 31st day of August, 1912, William V. Birge.plaintifT herein, filed a petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said defendants Mable W. Turpie and William Turpie, the object and prayer of which is to re cover from said Mable W. Turpio and William Turpie the sum of $099.52 due the said plaintiff from said defendants on account ot goods nnu building materials sold and delivered to said de fendants by the plaintiff at the defen dants' request, between October, 1907 and September 8, 1908. There is now due upon said account the sum of $699.52 with interest thereon at 7 per cent per annum from August 31, 1912. That in said action tho plaintiff has caused an attachment writ to issue and levy upon the interest of the defendants in the south half and tho northwest quarter (sj and nwj) of section 14, ownship 13, north of range SO west of the Gth P. M. in Lincoln county, Ne braska. The plaintiff prays for judgment against the defendants for the sum of $G99.52 and interest thereon from Au gust 31, 1912, nt the rate of 7 per cent per annum, and for decree requiring the defendants to pay the same or that the attached promises may be sold to satisfy tho amount due tho plaintiff. You nro required to answor said peti tion on or before tho 14th day of Octo ber, 1912. Dated Sept. 3rd, 1912. William W. Birge, Plaintiff, ByIIoagland& Hoagland, his attorneys. - j