The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 10, 1912, Image 2

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IRA L. BARE, Publlsbor.
'lill I
Humnnlty Ib afflicted with boido cx
cccdlngly bad habits, ono of tho
worst of which Is that of borrowing
money In small sums. It 1b as dot
moralizing as Intemperance Indeed,
It 1b often an accompaniment of that
vice, perhaps tho causo of It or pen
baps tho effect A man who lacks
business perception, who Is deficient
in tho matter of making adoquato pro
vision for his necdB, who does not
calculato carefully, and who spends
unwlBely on luxurieB, starts to raisins
funds by appealing to IiIb friends.
Tho lending of money Is ono of tho
vital factors In business, which Is
largely done on credit Dut tho lend
ing of money Individually, without se
curity, without Interest, Just . as a
porsonal accommodation between
friends, Is ono of tho most unbusi
nesslike and demoralizing of prac
tices. At first tboso loans aro repaid
conscientiously, sayB tho Washington
Star. Then tho tlmo goes by and the
borrower Is slow about refunding.
Aftor a whllo ho grows accustomed
to asking, loses his shamo, gets cal
lous to tho thought of non-payment
and thus drifts info tho habit of petty
borrowing. Now It is porhaps a quar
ter or a half dollar, or soma other
trifling sum that the lender would be
perfectly willing to glvo In a good
can ho to moot a real emergency,
without hopo of return. But thoro 1b
always tho suspicion that tho money
Is not really needed, Bavo for somo
pelf-Indulgence. Tho averago man
will hesitate about giving In this way
when ho fools that tho money Is go
ing for drink, and that Is why or
jarilzed charity has como to bo so
cncrally supported in theso times.
' In Now En eland. Now Jorsoy nnd
iomo other thickly Bottled sections ol
fho castorn part of tho United Statoa
What aro known ob farm colonies aro
multiplying. Those agricultural col
bnlcs aro generally mado up of for
clgn-born peoples who como from the
fcamo district In Italy, Russia or Hun
gary. Farming nrons of 1,000, 2,000
and sometimes 3,000 acres aro pun
chased nnd dlvfdod up into ton and
twenty aero nllotmonts. On each of
theso Bmall farmB a family settles
and engages In tho growing of fruits
and gardon vegotablos for tho supply
of tho larger castorn cltlos, says tho
Baltimoro American. Many aban
doned Now England farmB aro thus
boing restored to productive usage
Quito recently a 1,000-acro tract of
land In Cecil county, located along
tho Chosapcako and Delaware Canal,
near Clieuapcako City, has boon pur
chased for a Polish farm colony. Thin
land is to bo, cut up into ton-acro al
lotments, or Into about ono hundred
small farms, .upon which as many
famlllos will locate Tho colony, it
will bo obBorYod, is about midway bo
tweon Baltimoro and Philadelphia,
nnd is in easy communication with
both cities by water routo, as well aa
by rail. Maryland has Inviting Induce
ments for many such colonics. In
southern Maryland largo areas suit
ablo for cutting Into small farms may
bo obtained nt comparatively low coBt.
Thlii land, In most instances, Is splen
didly adapted to tho growlug of fruits
and vegetables. Tho soli Is of far hot
ter avorago quality than tho sandy
boll of Now Jersoy. Upon ton acros
of land farmod intensively not only a
living can bo mado, but ultimata af
fluenco may bo'nttnlncd.
.' A woman in Philadelphia Is boing
sued for breach of promlao, her loss
being nppralsod at $5,000. Whon it is
known that sho Ib nn exceptionally
good cook, particularly of tho dlBhet
so loved of tho Fatherland, It Is not tc
bo wondorcd nt that tho Jilted ono'i
anguish 1b not to bo assuaged at o
iower flguro in theso tlmoB when good
cooks aro go oxpenslvo, not to eny
rare and hard to koep.
Tho shaving of pet dogs and cats
in hot weather by solicitous owners,
na reported to bo a fad this Bummor
will doubtless bring tho usual storm
of sarcasm and protests from th
critical contingency who think that
consideration for animals Is logically
Incompatible with sympathy foi
human suffering.
"A widower of sixty-two with $8,
T00.000 seokB n brido of twenty, with
blond hair, bluo oyeo nnd rosj
chook8." Being n wldowor and thoro
fore wlso, it will bo useless for any
of tho chemical vnrloty to apply.
It may bavo boon noticed that wltb
tho usual courage of masculinity nt
tacking a femlnlno stronghold the
broadsides on tho hobblo skirt opened
up flro aftor It had boon announced
that tho target Itself was going out
of fashion, anyhow.
In nplte of tho udvnnco of science, It
will bo some tlmo beforo flying as a
means of travel becomes general. The
averago citizen does not relish flirting
with tho undertaker.
MWHfMWl i. ' uWH in mm iiiiiln in -
Dr. H. Bolte of Sapulpa,
THEtt Ftg-tpS
NEW YORK. Dr II Uolto of Sapul
pa, Okln . may find somo satisfac
tion In a notice sent to him the othp
day by Deputy Police Commissioner
Dougherty to the effect that Thomns
Drown Is under arrest hero and will
bo held for Dr. Holto's Identification.
Mr. Brown said his arrest was an out
rage and that ho never swindled a
dentist or anybody else out of $1,600
by a variation of the good old wire
tapping game.
This was the talo of tho dentist:
Ho enmo from Oklahoma to Now York
to get to Europe. Ho had over $G00 In
rash and a chock for $1,000. Ho met
a nice fellow In a Broadway bar room
who called himself Walter Sims and
said ho was a planter from Jackson,
MIbb. Sims introduced tho doctor to
J. W. WalBh, a "millionaire grain
speculator of Buffalo." The two took
Dr. Bolto to a "club" at 128 West
Forty-fifth street, where ono might bet
on tho races.
Millionaire Walsh pried a wallet
from his pocket, unstrapped the same
nnd produced $20,000 In cash and a
certified check for $20,000. Ho hot
Woe Confronts Women
CHICAGO. Tho French heel, the
military hocl, the Cuban and all
tho other leather prongs of fashion
have been discriminated against by
tho South Park commissioners In fa
vor of tho low- squat, broad, common
place heel that la, on tho Jackson
Park golf course.
Hundreds of women are complain
ing of tho now rule. But tho neigh
boring cobblers regard It as a dis
pensation of Providence nnd aro writ
ing for catalogues of tho 1913 model
The park commissioners, who bavo
no bouI for art and no eyes for beau
tiful heels, are enforcing this rule only
for tho sako of tholr horrid old golf
links, sny the women.
Six hundred owners of fancy heels
the other day were refused admission
to tho course, and almost every ono of
thorn went to tho nearest cobbler to
liavo tho offending three Inches or so
of leather cut down to the regula
tion three-quarters of an Inch.
There woro many protests from
women who hesitated between their
love for tho game- nnd appearance.
"But I can't woar low heels," com
plained one. "You see, I have such' a
patrician Instep, nnd those squat heels
might cripple me."
"Ib this too high," Inquired nnothcr
golf fan, exhibiting nn Inch of heel
Bhnpcd on tho general order of a tooth
pick. "I've had it cut down already,
4 Jw yttv &
When Is a Lap Dog? Owner Solves the Question
LOS ANGELES, CAL. When is a lnp
dog? Lap dogs nro carried free
of chnrgo on Los Angeles strcot cars,
and tho rulo dollnes tho limits and
boundaries of such a caulno as "ono
which may bo carried In tho arms and
kept In tho lnp in such a way that
pthor passengers will not bo unnoped,"
or .words to that offoct.
"Sho" caino from somowhero out
yonder nnd when tho Arcado station
wns clear of her ample bulk thoro was
bo much room loft that tho waiting
room looked like a church on Tuesdny
Sho hnd a dog with her. A dog
built upon good, old-fashiouod sub
stantial lines, long, low and rnklsh
and a leg on each corner; a zoologi
cal specimen weighing perhaps 60
Preacher Aids Bashful
MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. "If any poor,
bashful man in my audience baa
fallen In lovo with somo worthy wom
an, and wants to meet her for a wlfo, I
will seo that ho Is Introduced, has a
placo to court, will help him get his
license, pay for it If nocessary, marry
him freo of charge, and furnish him
with n wedding certlllcnto which ho
may hang ovor thamotto, 'God' Bless
Our Homo.' "
Tills Ib tho offer mado tho other
Sunday by Rov. G. L. Morrill, a prom
inent Mlnnonpolls pastor, in his ser
mo non "Tho MnBher Mashed."
Mr. Morrill termod a masher "n bi
ded who roosts on tho corner and by
look, gesture and speech takes fa
miliar advantages of women who
paBB by."
"And if tho fellow seems to want a
hot time, girls," tho pastor advised,
"wallop him with your bag and then
throw red pepper in ula oyes."
Okla., Is Still Waiting.
th whole $10,000 on ono racctrango
to sny, bo won $30,000. Dcsplto thei
warning and caution of Dr. Bolto he
hot $70,000 on another race and won
again, at oven money. Dr. Bolte's!
oyes almost bulged out of his bond..
Millionaire Walsh sauntered ovor to.
tho cashlor to collect his $140,000.
"Sorry," Enid tho cashier, "but we)
will have to Investigate that f20,000
check before wo pay your bet."
Mr. Walsh was much put out. He.
took Dr. Bolto and tho planter over
In the corner and confided In thorn.
"That blamed check Is not good,"
ho Informed them. "There Is only:
$6,000 back of It. I have- got to get It'
back before they look It up. If you
fellows can lend mo enough to take.
It up I will pay you $20,000 bonus
Planter Sims produced $500 In cash
and a check for $12,000. Dr. Bolte.
thinking of what he could do with
that $20,000 In gay Pareo nnd in tho
concert halls of Vienna, could not con-i
trlbuto his $G00 and his check quick)
enough. Millionaire Walsh put in a;
check f6r $6,000, representing his actu-v
al cash balanco.
Tho dangerous ' overdrawn check
was withdrawn.
"But," said tho cashier, "of course
you must wait until wo have heard
from theso checks. That will take a
Dr. Bolto Is stlir waiting.
Golfers With High Heels
and I simply won't -wear them any
Tho attendant took ono hasty
glanco nnd explained that It was tho
small, dainty heel that did the most
damage to the links, especially when'
tho rain had softened the grounds.
Tho "common-sense" heel, as tho at
tendants Insisted on calling It, dcsplto,
feminine pouts aud frowns and "I justi
don't cares," Is not liable to do any;
damage, while any other kind will cut)
up tho turf.
So it was that many wore angry
when turned away from tho grounds,;
but a glanco at tho sign convinced,
them that their only recourse was to
tho cobbler. Tho sign reads as fol
lows :
Men and women may not use tills golf
course while wearliifr hlgh-hcel shoes.
Only low and broad heels such as are.
commonly ubcJ In tho practice of sports,
wll) 0 permitted.
Grimes attendants nro Instructed to en
force this rule.
"Just about one-third of tho would-,
bo players have tho right heel," said;
an attendant.
pounds. All know every dog has his
day. Tho animal' had a kindly, open
countonnnco It was open anyway
and tho glittering array of teeth would,
bavo been tho prldo of any dentist.
"Sho" and tho dog started to mount,
tho cabin deck of a seagoing street
car. Tho conductor obligingly throw,
out a llfo lino to tho struggling pas-,'
songor, and then aimed a well-meaning
kick at tho dog which was blight-,
ly climbing nboartl,
"Howdaroyou doathingllkothnt? I'll
roport youtothocompany. Neverheard
ofsuchaihlngthevorylden," said "Sho."
"Como Romeo," this to tho dog.
Romeo "came," snapping happily at
tho open work sox on tho street car
Then tho "dog" rule was explained
to "Sho." "Oh. very woll," was tho
response with a Laura Joan Llbby In
flection. "I shall hold nomeo upon
my lnp,' 'and hold Romeo sho did, al
though tho effort used up seats in:
tended for four persous.
Which brings us back to tho
original proposition, "when is a lap
to Meet Future Wives.
Regardiug ougonlcs, Rev. Mr. Mor
rill said:
"Woman wns mado to marry, and
not bo a religious rocluso, old maid
or stenographer, unless sho possoBses
Boino defect of mind or body which
would result In degenerato offspring."
Following tho Bormon Itov. Mr. Mor
rill wns approached by several young
men of his nudionco, who sought him
to Introduco them to womon they
thouKht"worthy.,, Unhosltatlngly, tholr
request wns granted, and they were
told to go ahead "with tholr courting
and then como back for their mArriago
UMBERTO, the future king of Italy, is hero seen playing In the park of tho
sisters, left to right tho Princesses Jolando, Mafaldaet and Giovauna.
Motor Car With Wings Is Latest
in French Capital.
Successful Experiments Have Been
Made With Machines That Combine
the Principles of the Automo
bile and the Aeroplane.
Paris. Paris is gossiping over tho
latest typo of motor car ono with
wings. M. Bertrand do Lessops re
cently drove somo distance from tho
capital in a machine thus equipped.
M. Filippl is another searcher in the
same field, who has been even more
successful. Filippl based his trials on
tho principle of tho bird's wing and
allied at producing a propeller which
should realize tho same effect as tho
beat of a bird's wings in tho air. Tho
propollor evolvod is not a screw, but
a bride of wood, broader and thicker
in the center than at tho cxtromitioB,
ono of which taDcrs off nearly to n
point. Tho other is comparatively
wide, looking like a wing, concave on
one sldo and convex on the other.
Furthormoro, both ends aro curved
backward, forming nn obtUBe angle.
Tho whole is Inclosed in a cage and
measures only about C5 inches in dia
meter, not projecting beyond tho
gauge of the car in any direction. Tho
maximum speed is 2,200 revolutions
a minute. This nlr propelling system
enablos tho constructor to dispense
with the most delicate and compli
cated parts of tho machinery at pres
ent employed no more gear boxeB are
required, aB a change In tho num
ber of rotations Is substituted for a
change of gear, while progress back
ward Is obtained by reversing tho
movement of the wing. This backward
rotation also serves as n powerful
brake when going downhill, and does
away with "differentials" and back
In traveling tho friction Ib reduced
to a minimum, and tho car seems
hardly to touch tho ground, raising
no appreciable dust, and consequently
Inflicting but slight wear and tear on
tho tires, whllo tho comfort of tho
passengers Is Improved. In general
appearance tho car used recently re
Bombled an ordinary torpedo type, but
tho rear part forms an extension,
from which projects tho axle carrying
tho wing. Tho 40 horse-power motor
Is In front, nnd connects with tho
wing by transmission chains. Thoro
is no othe mechanism, and tho wheels
all run froo like tho front wheels of an
Young Woman Hurries to the Place
and Hears Shot Man Will
South Orange, N. J. Writing a note
to tho girl ho loved but cojild not mar
ry because ho has a wife living, and
stating therein that he iirtondod to kill
himself) Julian Dillon, twenty-two
years old, senl a bullet Into his Bhoul
dcr. The note, which was written to
Miss Marie Blanchet, advised her of
the place he hnd chosen to end his
life, bo 'sho, with Miss Mario Don
nelly, a companion, hurried to tho
place in order to prevent the act.
As tho two young women approach
ed, Dillon waved his band from a dls
tanco and disappeared into tho woods.
Then they heard n shot. Charles
BtiaBtny of Vobo avenue happened
along, and discovered Dillon lying in
tho bushes. He Bent for the police.
Tho wounded man was taken to tho
Orongo Memorial hospital, where the
bullet was extracted with Uttlo trou
ble. Ho la expected to recover. Ho
told tho police it was an accident, but
he will probably bo placod under ar
rest on Ida recovery.
Dillon Is the son of wealthy parents,
J both of whom are dead, but he never
ordinary automobile. One lever only
Is used to start, and move forward
or backward, by reserving tho rota
tion of tho wing, and there Is one
pedal by which ex tra brake power is
put on.
Tho whole car weighs about 1,320
pounds, or, with its three passengers
and tho necessary equipment, about
2,000 poundB. A start was made about
4 o'clock in tho morning, in the pres
ence of several spectators, and after
showing off its capabilities in various
preliminary maneuvers tho car went
off on its Journey of 300-odd miles
amidst cheerB. Tho travelers sent
telegrams reporting progress from dif
ferent points on tho way, and arrived
safely at Lyons. The future 'trade in
terests involved in this experience
may prove of immenso Importance,
and tho new typo of wing may turn
out superior to the screws so com
monly used In the aeroplane. In tho
trials made by M. Filippl with a view
J to finding the best shape for tho wing
tno present moaoi gave o per cent,
of power, which is at least 10 per
cent, more than has yet been pro
duced by the best known screw propel
ler of the usual type.
Dared by Companion, Young Woman
Braves the Waves With Bruin
at Venice, Cal.
Los Angeles, Cal. MIbb Anna Fred
ericks, a pretty beach girl, went swim
ming through the breakers at Venice-
accompanied by a half-grown cinna
mon bear.
For a whllo it looked as if tho great
seal of California had como to llfo
and had gone forth for a paddle In tho
Miss Fredericks was ono of tho
thousands of bathers along the ocean
front. She wns clad In an attractive
silk bathing suit and was accampa
nled by several frlonds, when R. I.
Plerco of Pasadena strolled by leading
two half-grown cinnamon bears which
ho secured in northern California
when the bears were only a few
weeks old.
"I daro you to tako ono of tho bears
in swimming," snld a friend to Miss
The young woman took tho dare.
Her escort, after futile attempts at
dissuasion, secured ono the bears. Tho
little animal was quite tnrae and trot
shared in the estnte because ho mar
ried, n few years ngo, a chorus girl.
It Is roporUd here that hlB wlfo de
serted him when she found that ho
would not have wealth. He has been
living nt tho Hotel Belmont. New
York, maklug frequent trips to South
Orange and pnying attention to Miss
Blanchet. f
Society Woman Does This as a Pro
test Aaalnst Petty Graft
of employees.
Newport R. 1. Mrs. O. H. P. Bel
mont Ib doing her own marketing this
Bummer bb a protest against a sys
tem of petty graft, which sho BayB has
become wcll-nlgh universal in the
households of tho wealthy summer
colonists hero. .
"This system of graft, by which em
ployees profit at tho expenBo of em
ployers, Is all wrong," says Mrs. Bel
mot "We pay our aids good wnges,
for which they are expected to do a
certain service. It Is certainly unfair
for them to expect to make a largo
sum of money on commlsklons that
arc bound to come out of the pockets
of their employers.-
royal palaco at Rocconlgi, with his
People of Brockvllle, Ont, Laud tho
Memory of Commander Who Won
Detroit In War of 1812.
Brockvllle, Ont A monument in
honor of the memory of Gen. Sir
Isaac Brock, who was in command of
the Canadian forces against the Amer
icans in the war of 1812, was unveiled
in this city with interesting but mod
est ceremonies. Tho local chapter of
the Daughters of the Empire, to whoso
efforts the erection of tho monument
Is due, was in charge of the ceremo
nies. Tho principal address was de
livered by Col. Samuel Hughes, tho
Canadian minister of militia and de
fense. ' ,
The date for the unveiling of tho
memorial was appropriately chosen,
since It was Just 100 years since tho
surrender of Detroit, with which
event the name of General Brock Is
most closely associated in American
General Brock was born in tno
island of Guernsey In 1769 and had
a brilliant military career in tho Brit
ish service beforo ho was sent to Can
ada. He was made a knight of the
Bath for his victory at Detroit, but
he survived his honors less than two
ted down to tho surf lino with Miss
Thousands of beach visitors throng
ed the water front to watch tho novel
performance. At first the little bear
snorted add fussed as the spray
splashed over his nose, but finally
with a little grunt, ho ducked into tho
breakers and followed the leash which
Miss Fredericks carried.
Chinese Who Take Ship Passengers
Clothes Make Odd Mistakes In
Returning Them.
San Franolsco, Cal. Tho Chineso
aro assimilating Caucasian customs
fast, but their inability to differentiate
between masculine and feminine garb
or to understand why half hoso aro
worn only by men caused sixty-two
cabin passengers of the liner Man
churia much inconvenience at Shang
hai threo weeks ago.
Tho Manchria, which arrived from
tho orient recently, was ordered into
quarantine at Shanghai because of tho
death of a steerage passenger from a
communicable disease, and all pas
sengers were ordered ashore to tako
a plungo In a germ-kllllng solution.
Each was assigned a bathroom and
the clothing of each was taken away
for fumigation. Tho Chineso neglect
ed to mark the clothing. A sedate
man of sixty received a corset in lieu
of his waistcoat. Many or the women
received men's socks, others no stock
ings at all, whllo many garments
went astray, never to bo restored to
rightful owners.
Captain Dixon, veteran of many a
storm, fled to his cabin when the wom
en appealed to him.
Police Hold 500 Bottles for Bashful
Claimant at Wilmington, North
Wilmington, N. C Five hundred
bottles of "Turkey Mountain" corn
whisky, neatly pneked away in gunny
sucks, await an owner nt the local po
lice station. A wagon ostensibly
loaded with hay broke down in tho
street and when tho pollco, "seeing the
trouble from afar," arrived on tho
8.eno tho negro river took to bis
heels, leaving tho property without a
claimant Following a senatorial cam
paign against "blind tigers" here a
week ago, no one has the temerity to
1 claim the goods. "
"fT.tZJir-fpi.Jgi && t.