The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 06, 1912, Image 8

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    ,' .1
Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mail in advance $1.23
Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.60
Entered at Nortli Platte, Nebraska, Post
ollico as Second Class Matter.
Senator Cummins, of Iowa, has
finally announced whom ho is "at."
While ho says he will vote for Roose
vojt ho docs not favor a third party.
This is n somewhat peculiar condition
to bo in for how can lie voto for Roose
volt without assisting in the destruc
tion of the republican party. Looks ns
though the Senator is trying to carry
water on both shoulders.
The progressive stute convention was
held at Lincoln on Tuesday and resulted
in the nomination of Gov. Aldrich and
the entire republican state ticket nnd
tho nomination of Congressman Norris
for U. S. senator. The six Roosevelt
electors' were nominated, nnd W, 0.
Henry, of Omnhn, and 0. J. Smith, of
Ktjhrney wore nominated to take the
place of tho two electors on the repub
lican ticket who will voto for Tnft in
stead of Roosevelt.
Tho state election held in Vermont
Tuesday is supposed to suit overyhody.
Tho regular republicans polled twice ns
many votes as the bull moosera, tho lat
ter claim to feel satisfied with the show
ing they made, while tho democrats
mado substantial gains in their total
voto. However, tho regular republican
nominee failed to get a majority of all
votes cast and the election of a gover
nor will bo made by the legislature. As
this body is republican, the governor to
bo selected will bo a republican.
Temporary Homes Wanted.
To tho Editor:
There will bo quito n number of
young men nnd young women in tho
city during the Inst of this week nnd
tho fir3t of next, who will bo arranging
for accomodations for attending school
this winter. A number have Hpokon
to mo before this und tliero will bo
more who will need some help in get
ting through tho year. Most of those
boys and girls aro from tho farm
homes of tho community and they aro
accustomed to hard work and plenty of
it. When they como to school they
usually do well with their studies if
they have some good hard work to ex
haust tho surplus energy. They are
most of thorn steady boya nnd girls
because' usually that is tho typo who
complete the rural schools nnd pass the
examinations. Their education must
atop unless thoy can find a place where
, this ability to work will count in help
ing them through school. They are
willing to work at any kind of labor
about tho house, yard or barn, out of
school hours in return for their board
and room. Some aro especially good
with children, others make agreeable
companions during tho long hours when
tho mon nro nwny on tho "run," some
7San attend to horses, othors caro for
automobiles, or a furnace or a kitchen.
Most of our best homes have at one
- time cared for ono of thc30 school boys
nnd girls and now they nre proud of
them nnd tho advancement thoy have
made. If any of your readers can tako
a boy or girl for tho winter and will
lot me know I will nrrango for n con
ference with them and thnnk thorn for
their intorest.
Wilson Tout, Supt.
W. C. T. U. Notes.
Tho W. C. T. U. had an election of
officer- at thoir mooting Sept. ad, as
follows: Mrs. Stella Banks, president;
Mrs. Ella Hnrtmnn, vico-prosident;
Mrs. Emma VanCleave, secretary;
Mrs. Minnie Perkins, trensurcr; Mrs.
Mnblo Howard, recording secrotnry.
Supoiintendonts of deportments Evan
gelistic, Mrs. EfTie Favoright; ilower
mission, Mrs. Minnie Perkins; jail and
prison, Mrs. A. P. Kelly; modal con
tost, Mrs. Alphia Loon; mothora'
meetings, Mrs. Mary F. Mooney; pross,
Mrs. J. L. Loudon; Socinl nnd red
letter days Mrs. T. T. Ovormon and
Mrs, Bello Mortis; Systematic living,
Mrs. Stella Banks; mercy and roliof,
Mrs. Lilly Deun; literature, Mrs. Emma
VanCleave; scientific temporanco in
struction, Mrs. II. L. Groeson. Tho
won-ono plan has been successfully
tried. Each momber is to got at least
ono now member. Tho won-ono ribbon
at our Inst meeting was given to three
and the three now members aro Mrs.
Overman, Mrs. Stiltz and Mrs. Dean.
Alroady n numbor of matters are un
der consideration which promise that
tho convention to bo held nt Central
City, September 24th to 27th,
of unusual excellence.
The meeting plnqo is auspicious, nsar
the central part of the stnto and on
both great railroad lines, with a corps
of women intelligent and loyal making
early nnd detailed plans for every con
venience and hospitality. This yonr in a
much more accessible city wo may ex
pect a large convention and u spirit of
' earnestness and uplift that will ncceloV
ateU8 along the next year's route. Tho
delegates from our local union to tho
state convention aro Mrs. Stella
Banks, Mrs. Ella Hartman and Mrs;
Minnlo Perkins. M. P.
is ' ' '
Commissioners' Proceedings.
August" 2G, 1912.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Streitz, Roberts, White nnd
county clork. Tho board proceeded to
allow the following claims on the 1912
general fund, to-wlt:
J W Abbott, special commissioner on
road 351 and 357, two claims 15.00
Brady Vindicator, printing notico
boandof equalization 2.40
G W Brown, mdso for county poor
three claims, 21.21
A F Becler, merchandise for county
poor, 23,30
A F Heeler, hall rent for election,
W W Blrge coal for county poor and
jail, 103.50
W W Birgo coal for county poor,
289. 5G
Harry Carothcrs meat for county
poor two cloims, totnl 22.10
Win Conklin witness fees state vs
Morgan, 4.10
A D Clinton repairs on clpck; 1.50
R L Douglas damages fdf co!t,i35.00
E II Evans services ns attorney state
vs Elm, 40.00
O E Elder special commissioner rond
107, 4.00
J F Fillion plumbing at court house
nnd juil four claims, 45.90
Field & Dick coal for jail, 02.70
Field&Dick coal forcounty poor, 41.90
Field & Dick coal for court house,
Field & Dick coal for jail, 20.00
Field & Dick coal for surveyor, 7.80
The Hub, mdso 7.40
Howe & Maloney caskets for paupors
four claims, 115.00
Howe & Maloney office for surveyor,
Howe & Maloney furnituro for jail
three claims, total 17.15
C F Iddings Co coal for court house,
James Jensen auto hire state vs
Harshfield ct al, 15.00
M. Kuhns mdso for county poor, 19.40
A P Kelly printing and supplies three
claims, total 139G.00
Ben E. Lay ton services state vs
Jensen, 8.00
J D Lincoln opening grave, 5.00
W L Lano assessing Whittier precinct
1911, 39.00
W L Lano assessing Whiticr precinct
1912, 51.00
W It Maloney services as coroner un
known mnn killed at Gannett, 12.00
Mncomber & Lnnnin mdso for county
poor 25. 50
Maxwell Lodge No. 202 I. O. O. F.
use of hall for primary and general
election 8.00
Mrs. EliznMugdridge house rent 20.
00 Paul G. Meyer, special commissioner
road 01, COO
I. L. MUtonbergcr jailers fees second
quarter 1910, 130.50
I. L. Miltonberger jailors fees from
Jan. 1, 1911 to Jan. 5, 1912, 531.00
M. II. McDermott, special commiss
ioner road 335, 3.75
North Platte Lumber Co., coal and
lumber for jail 45.85
North Platte Lumber Co., lumber
for couit house G.OO
Nortli Plotto Lumber Co., coal for
county poor 37. 15
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
Mabio W. Turpic and William Turpio,
defendants, will tako notice that on tho
31st day of August, 1912, William W.
Birge.plaintiff herein, filed a petition in
thodistnet court of Lincoln county,
Ncbrnska, against said defendants
Mnblo W. Turpio and William Turpio,
the object and prayer of which is to re
cover from said Mablo W. Turpio and
William Turpio the sum of $099.52 duo
the said plaintiff from said defendants
on account of goods and building
materials' sold and delivered to said de
fendants by tho plaintiff at the defen
dants' request, botwoen October, 1907,
and Soptomber 8, 1908. There is now
duo upon said account tho sum of
$099.52 with interest thereon at 7 per
ecnt per annum from AugUBt 31, 1912.
That in said action tho plaintiff has
caused an attachment writ to issue and
levyjupon the interest of tho defendants
in the south half and tho northwest
quarter (si and nwj) of section 14,
township 13, north of rango 30 west of
tho 0th P. M. in Lincoln county, Ne
braska. ThoJTplaintiff prays for judgment
against tho dofendants for tho sum of
$099.52 and interest thereon from Au
gust 31, 1912, at tho rnto of 7 per cent
per annum, and for decreo requiring the
dofendants to tiny the snme or that tho
attached promises may bo sold to satisfy
tho amount duo the plaintiff.
You aro required to answer said peti
tion on or boioro tho 14th day of Octo
ber, 1912.
Dated Sopt. 3rd, 1912.
William W. Bikge. Plaintiff",
By Hongland& Hoagland, hisnttornoys.
Tslophonu Rod A BOSH Dow iy St.
North l'latto, Nebraska.
ji WlMrVilVMMlWiX'M .
Signet Chapter O. E. S.,
NO. 35
Mtwtll 2nil nnil Jtli ThnrAlnu nt nvnrv
month (it Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m. I
' 111 Hi
"Naked truth" must compel the con- If
viction that it is the height of extravag- H jl
I ance to drive a heavy car at a cost of By
Iji forty cents a mile when a Ford will B
take you "yonder "and back as quickly
and comfortably and at less than one- 3 1
t-pnt-Vi tho rrict. ills
I Jill 75,000 Ford enrs already sold this season -one-third &
imh oi ivmencu s produce, r ivc iiuaHungui- luunii uai b,
III I $G90 thrt'e passenger roadster $590 torpedo run- 1,
I about $590-delivery car $700 town car $900-f. o. .'
Illl 1). Detroit, rnmnli'tn with all enuinment. Get t.
I catalogue from Ford Motor Company. Michigan and j K
Illl Fourteenth Street or from Detroit direct. U h
II ' ' It I
North Platte, Neb.
I Dine here Today. This Cafe 1
I is the one that will please I
' your fancy in cleanliness, good 1
I , food and service. Prices i
I reasonable.
1 Opposite Depot . r .Li AUb tAr Jb g
Union Realty and
Paid up Capitaf $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00.
T. C. PATTERSON, President, B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Treas.
First Mortgages on Real Estate Bought, Sold and Negotiated.
This company is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort
gages on real estate, amply secured ana (hawing eight per cent semi
annual interest. Money so invested will be exempt from taxation.
An Ordinance.
(continued from fourth page)
line on tho south side thereof; nnd be
ginning at tho curb lino on the north
side of block 13 Penniston's addition to
North Platte, thence south alonfi. tho
west side of said block to the curb line
on tho south side thereof: and
beginning at the curb lino grin the
nortli side of block 4 A. C. Taylor's
addition to tho city of North Platte,
thence south along' tho west aido of
said block to tho curb lino on the south
side thereof; and beginning nt tho curb
lino on the north side of blockrB A. 'C.
Taylor's addition to tho city of North
Platte, thenco south along the west
side of said block to tho curb line on
the south side thereof; and beginning
at tho curb line on the north sido of
block 173 of tho original town of North
Platto, thonco south along tho westlino
of said block 173 to tho curb line on the
south sido of said block; and beginning
at the curb line on the north side of
block 3 of Penniston's addition, running
south to tho curb lino of said blopk
3 on tho south ; nnd beginning at
curb lino on the north sido of block G
Penniston's addition to the city of
North Platte, thence south along the
the west side of said block G to the curb
lino on the south sido of "said block;
and beginning at tho curb lino on tho
north sido of block 11 Ponniston's ad
dition to tho city of North Platte,
thence south along tho west sido of
said block 11 to to tho curb line on tho
south sido of said block; and beginning
nt tho curb line on tho north side of
block 14 Penniston's addition to tho
city of North Platte, thence south
along the wost sido of said block 14, to
the curb line of the south side of said
block: and beginning at the curb lino
on tho north sido of block 3 A. C. Tay
lor's addition to tho city of North
Platto, thonco south along tho west
side of said block 3 to the curb lino on
the south side of said block; and begin
ning nt the curb lino on tho north side
of block G A. C. Taylor's addition to tho
city of North Platto, thence south along
tho west sido of said block to tho curb
lino on the south sido of said block; and
beginning nt the curb lino on tho
west sido of block 2 Penniston's
addition to the city of North
Platte, thenco south along the west
Bide of said block to the curb lino on
the south side of said block; and begin
ning at the curb lino on the west sido
of block 7 Penniston's addition to the
city of North Platte, thence south
along the wost side of said block to tho
euib line on tho south Mo of snid
block; and beginning at tho curb line
on north side of block 10 Ponniston's
addition to the city of North Platte,
thenco south along tho west side of
mid block to the curb lino on the soulli
Fide of snid block; and boginning at the
curb line on tho north side orbjod&w
Ponniston's addition to tho city' of
North Platte, thenco south along tho
west sido of said block to the curb line
on the south side of said block; and be
ginning at tho curb lino on the north
sido of block 2 A. C. Taylor's addition
to the city of North Plutte, thenoo
Investment Company.
regEr-swu Attn raavt??i
south along the west side of said block
to the south sido of said block;
and beginning at the curb lino on tho
north sido ot block 7 A. C. TayloV's
addition to tho city of North Platte,
thence south along the west sido of
said block to tho curb line on tho south
side thereof; and boginning at tho north
curb line on tho east side of block 1!
Penniston's addition to said city, thence
along tne east side of saut block to tho
Curb line on the south side of said
"block; and beginning at the north curb
lim nf hlnnk 9. A C. Tnirlnr'o n.lrlitinn
the city of North Platto, thence along
tho enst Bido of said block to the south
curb line thereof; and beginning at the
north curb lino of block 7 A. C. Tay
lor's addition to the city of North
Platte, thence along the east side of
said block to the south curb lino there
of; and beginning at the curb lino on
tho north sideof block 1G inPenniston'3
addition, thence south along the west
lino of said block to tho curb line on
tho south side thereof; and beginning
at tho curb lino on tho north sido of
block 1 of A. C. Taylor's nddition,
thonco south plong the west lino vof
snid block to the curb line on tho south
sido thereof; and beginning at the curb
lino on tho north sido of block 8 A. C.
Taylor's addition to the city of North
Platte, thenco south along tho west
lino of said block to the curb lino on
tho south side thereof; and beginning
nt the curb line on tho west side of
block 5 of A. C. Taylor's nddition to
tho city of North Platte thenco east
along tho north side of said block
to tho curb lino on the east sido
thereof: nnd beginning at tho curb lino
on the west sido of block G A. C. Tay
lor's addition totho city of North Platte,
thence east along tho north sido of said
block to the curb lino on the west side
thereof: and becinnintr at the curb line
Lon tbe east sido of block 7 A. C. Tay
lor's addition to the city of North Platte,
thonce east along the north sido of sido
block to the curb line on tho cast side
thereof; and beginning at tho curb lino
on tho west side of block 8 A. C. Tay
lor's addition to the city of North Platte,
thenco ea3t along the north sido of said
block to tho curb line on the oast side
All .of which side walks shall be
constructed on a lino and on a grade
provided for in the gonoral side walk
ordinance of said city, and all of said
sido walks shall be constructed of hard
brick, stono (lagging or brick, stone and
coarse gravel and cement, and shall bo
boarded nt tho edges with permano nt
material in the manner provided by tho
general side-wnlk ordinance of said
Soc. 2. Tho owners of the lot or lots
along whicltheso side-walks so specifiod
by tiiis ordinance, and described in sec
tion 1 hereon are hereby required to
construcj. Bldewnlks without dalay and
have tho snmo completed within thirty
days from tbe publication or sarvico of
notice as prdvldod by the general side
walk ordinance and if any of the owners
shall fail to comnlv with this ordinance
and notico when given tho city author
ities shall proceed with the construction
of snid aide walks at tho expense of
'''", r
the delinquent owners of said lot or lots,
ns provided by said general side-walk
ordinance, and the amount of costs and
expense for tho construction of said
Bide walks and collection of the same
shall be collected by a special assess
ment or tax levied against the lot or
lots, along which said city is required to
construct the same.
Sec, 3. This ordinance shall take
effect and bo in force from and after
its passage and approval according to
Passed and approved by the mayyr
and city council this 3rd day of Septem
ber 1912.
Thos. C. Patterson
Attest: Chas. F. Temple
(Seal) City Clerk.
i fiat
" House of Good SI
llflinn In U..II. nl-.4..
g n..6 .......... !-......
jj Motion Pictures. Runs Every
iNigni. maunee ouuiraay viier
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Dift fydfield Infield.
Physlclans'nnd Surgeons.
JOE B. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. . Hospital . .
PHONE 642.'
uuciurs mihus a Mines, &;
"3 "
j; Physicians and Surgeons, tt
Office over Stone Drug Co. J
f- Dnoo Office 273 il
(: Phones Residence 273 Y,
- t r r m . m w r
Km m m
Plumbing Repairs
are a specialty of ours, but repair work
is a rare occurrence in your homo or
place of business if
We Install Your Plumbing.
We are particular about plumbing work
and use judicious cara in selecting only
the most durable of approved materials
for our work .
Shop Phone 3G9. "4s. Phono
Corner Sixth and
Bugicide for bed bugs the best
insect destroyer known. A large
bottle for 25c.
Dry Cleans for cleaning silk
and uejicate fabrics. 25 and 50c
a box.
Chinamel furniture polish, a
full i pt for 25c.
Chinamel varnish 20c a can up
to 3.50. Covers scrathes.
Insect powder. For lice on
chickens, 10, 15 and 25c cans.
Lqe'a lice killer 35c qt. Lee's
insect powder 25c can.
Remembor wo will deliver any
thing you need In our line.
Stone Drug Co.,
Did you fjot a box of our 25c In
itial Stationery. Usually sells for
50 cents.
A Merchant of JJrady
cam into our store tho other day and
purchased 2,000 cignrs for his trade.
Though he is a now customer, it didn't
require any talking to sell him tho
goods; he knew the name of J. F.
Schmalzried on a cigar box means
niinlitv! n well mndo cicar from the
1 best brands of tobacco. Certain brands
of our cignrs have been on the market
for twenty-five yearsif they were
I not good, smokers would have tloelined
I years ago to buy thorn. They have
been tested by critical smokers and
not found wanting in any particular.
Is wrTliT)$!d i'"''
We mnke a specialty of
Dairy Products and can
furnish the best in large
or small quantities direct
from our own Dairy Form
every morning,
Phone your order in
and it will be delivered.
Doolittle Bakery.
No hunting or tresspassing allowed
on land owned or controlled by the un
dersigned residing in Dickens precinct.
P. K Hoffman John Anderson
Peter Sunquist McCrumbs Bro.
W. A. Latimer C. A. Anderson
W. P. Fletcher B. J. Brown
F. S. Stalz H. A. Latimer
Fred Griffiths Philip Heil
C. A. Porter M. N. Hanan
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the undersigned on
Section 12, Town 12. Rango 31, Lincoln
county, Nebr., by tho undersigned who
there resides, on or nbout July 15,
1912, one brown horse, soven or eight
years old, weight about 700 pounds.
Had on a halter. Owner can have
same by proving property and paying
oo-o j. L. Hardin.
Order of Hearing,
In the county court of Lincoln county,
In the matter of the estste of Frank
or Franklin Griffith, deceased.
This case coming on for hearing upon
the petition of the administrator for
his final discharge, and for final account
ing and decree of distribution and upon
the final report of said adminstrator, it
is ordered that said petition for discharge
and final distribution and said final re
port be heard in the office of the County
Judge or North Platte, Nebraska, on
the 24th day of Sqpt., 1912, at 10 o'clock
a. m. and notice to all parties interested
be given by publication of this order
in tho North Platte Semi-Weekly Tri
bune three successive weeks prior to
such hearing.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this
29th day of August, 1912o
(S3) John Grant, County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, 6S.
In tho County Court.
In the matter of tho estate of Jacob Meyer
deceased, '
On reading and filinjr tho petition of Mary
Broadbeck praj injr that administration of said
estate may bo granted to Karl Brodbcckaa ad
ministrator. Ordered, That Sept. 2 A. D, 1912, at 9 o'clock
a. m.isassimcd for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested In said matter may appear
at a county court to bo held In nnd for snid
county, nnd show cause why prayer of petitioner
should not ho (frapted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof
be given to all persons interested in said mntter
by publishing a copy of this order in the North
Platto Tribune n legal semi-weekly newspaper
printed in caid county for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated August 30, 1912.
s3-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho
district court of Llrtcoln county, Nebraska, upon
a degreo of foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein Emil W. Ziebert Is plaintiff, nnd Vaughn
E Hinman, Minnie D. Hinmnn and Emma
Pulver are defendants, nnd to tno directed, I
will on the 28th day of Seiitemher. 1fl12. nt
o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of tho court
houso In North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interests
and costs, the following described property,
to-wlt: All of fractional block numlicr 192 in tho
Original town, now city of North Platte.
Dated North Platte, Neb., Aug. 24. 1012.
a27-6 A. J. SALISBURY.
Serial No. 0675.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Olllce ut North Platte, Nebr.
Aug 26, 1912.
Notico Is hereby given that Cogal S,
Bethel, of North Platte, Nebr.. who, on Oct. 23,
1908, mado II. E. entry No. 0C76. for NE H. Sec.
32, twp. 12, N. rge. 30, west of tho 6th Principal
Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to mako
finnl three year proof, to establish claim to the
land abovo described, beforo tho register nnd
receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 22nd
day of Oct. 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: William V.
Hunter, Arthur J. Connor, George B. Single,
Francis Montague, nil of North Platto, Nebr.
a30-6 J. E. Evans, Register.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of salo issued from tho District Court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said court wherein W. If,
Merrick & Co., is plaiutilT, and Hans P. Thompson
Is defendant. and to me directed,
I will on tho 28th day of September, 1912, at
two o'clock, p. m., at tho cast front door of the
court house of said county, in the city of North
Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree,
interest, and costs, tho following decscribed
property, to-wlt:
The undivided one-half interest of section
thirty-five (35), township twelve (12), rango
twenty-nine (29), west of tho 6th P.M.Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated at North Platte, Neb., Aug. 27. 1912,
a27-5 A. J. Salisdury, Sheriff.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S. S.
In tho County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Edward
Blankenburg, deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition of Wilhelmlnla
Blankenburg, praying that administration of said
estate may be granted to Tillle S. Blankenburg
ns administratrix.
Ordered, That Sept. 12, A, D., 1912, nt 9 o'clock
a. m. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persons Interested In said matter may appear
at a county court to be held In and for said coun
ty, and show cause why tho prayer of petitioner
should not bo granted; and that notice of pen
dency of said petition and tho hearing theieof
be given to all pcrbojis Interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order In tho North
Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper printed
In paid county for threo successive weeks prior
to said day of hearing.
Dated August 15. 1912.
nl7-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
Sorlal No. 0.1(81.
Department of the Interior.
U. S Land Otllco at North Platte. Nob.
-J July tl. 1912.
Notico Is ""horoliy srlvou that Elrnor
Dacffi'tt. ot North Platto, Nnh., who. on Aue.
ll.UK)7,tnarto homestead ontrr No. 2J310, sorial
No, 03111 for fcouthoast H. Section
10, Township 12 N lianeo 30
W. of tho dth Principal Meridian, has
filed nollcn of Intention to make final live
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
abovo clrs.'rlbou, noforo tho Register and Re
ceiver at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho Mil
day of Sopt, 1V1-.
Claimant names as wltnossos: Arthur
Connor. Joseph .Shaw. Carl t Sonnemaii.
Orvlll Marhon, all ot Nortli Platte. Neb
JM-a J. E. Eva.s. Register.
i-'k. j.