-1 Hand Bag and Leather Goods Sale All This Week v V vW t I Every lady in North Platte' and vicinity should avail herself of the opportunity to secure one of our fine all leather Hand Bags at half the regular price. Sale CIosesSatiirday Night at 9 o'clock. A & A 5 Jeweler. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER. I 9 s S Graduate Ocnlisl. e a e Oftce over the McDonald State Bank. 9 S a cetocoesetfiooaeflflBtficooo Local and Personal. Miss Isabella Doran will leave the first of the week for Kearney to attend the normal. - V. H. C. Woodhurst transacted busi: ness in Big Springs the first of the week. Mrs.Josephine Bresnaham, who has been seriously ill, is greatly improved today. Mrs. Norman Edwards, of Brady, is visiting her parents "Mrs. W. T. Banks this week. Miss Nell Bratt returned "Wednesday ..vpnin'tr from a 'two weeks visit" with her sister in Denver. Messrs. John and Paul Harrington, of Denver visited their cousin Louis Tobin Wednesday while enroute to Omaha. There is no question about the crank ing of the new Hudson 37. An electric motor cranks for you as long as you want. Mrs. Mary Maloney-and daughter Mrs. Fint, of Denver, are visiting Mrs. J. H. Donegan while enroute home from Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Chapman, of Aurora, who spent the first of the week at the Buchanan home, left yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Brown came home the first of the wCek from a pleasant visit in Portland, Seattle and Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Haner, living near Bignell, will leave soon for Ore gon, where they will visit lnenUs lor several months. Mr. and Mrs. George Weinberger entertained about forty friends at a social dance last evening. Refreshments were served at midnight. Miss Mabel Duke, who spent the summer vacation with the home folks will leave tonight for Columbus t6 re sumo her duties as teacher. Mesdames Ella Huxoll and Harry York and children will return tomorrow from a week's visit with Mrs. York's mother near Hershey. Charley Burklund, of Sutherland, soent Wednesday in town with friends while enronto homo from a business trip to Omaha and Lincoln. Miss Francis Bailey, formerly a steno grapher of this city, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kestler this week wluie enrouie from Chicago to San Francisco with her sister. Mrs. W. P.i Beery was hostess to thirty-two friends on Tuesday after noon at a konsington. A couple of hours wore spent in sewing and a nicely pre pared lunch was served. Now is your opportunity to secure a fine hand bag at half the regular price. Sale this week only. Dixon, The Jeweler. AwoodJ.pile, several counters and largo boxes in the Charles Stamp yard burned atJ3 o'clock Wednesday morn ing. The origin of the fire is unknown. The blaze was extinguished shortly after the alarm was sent in. Will Yost left yesterday morning for Kansas City on busines regarding the settlement of his case against the Union PacificJCompnny which lias been In the courts for nine years. Mr. Yost will receive 20,000 for injuries received while in service. Mrs. George Voseipkawas called to Kearney Wednesday by the illness of a relative. Mrs. P. H. Lonergan and Miss Irene VonTrot spent yesterday in Sutherland with friends. Mis,s Vaunita Margton returned Wed nesday from Chicago where she spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Haws, of Columbus, are visiting at the Sheedy home.having arrived the first of the week. Mrs. John N. Bonner, who had been visiting in Kansas City for several weeks is expected home this week. Prof. Leonhardt, who has been in town this week, recently submitted to an operation for cancer on his face. Misses Perkins, of Madison, Me., ar rived yesterday morning to visit their uncle William Dickerson and family. Miss Tyrone Winkleman returned yesterday afternoon from Fremont, where she had been visiting relatives. 1 Miss Ililma Anderson, formerly of this city, is expected from tho east to day to visit friends for a couple of weelts. Twenty-five dollars a month for com petent girl, family of three West 5th street. 03-3 Mrs. Harry Cramer who has been visiting her husbandin Carpenter, Wyo., for several weeks is expected home this week. Mis" Mary Tighe will leave Sunday night for an extended visit in New Orleans, Galveston, Texas, and other points with relatives. When choosing a car see that you get a 1913 Model not a "made over" 1912 model. J. S. Davis Auto Co. Miss Lena Baskins, brother Leslie and Miss Leah Jenkins, of Milton, Pa., who is their guest, left yesterday morning for Denver to spend a few days. Even tho headlights on the new Hudson 37 are electric. Power fur nished from a' generator designed especially to light a car uped in con nection with storage battery lights never fickernor grow dim as in cheaper construcion. We are the real headquarters for children's clothing the kind that wear, that fit, that give all around satisfac tion. Bring the boy to us and let us RAILROAD NOTES AND PERSONALS Cars Handled. ! During tho month of August 50,000 cars- in round numbers were handled through the local yards, which is an ; increase of 4,000 over August of last year. Theso figures include both in coming and outgoingTnrs, and as theso means a double handling, tho nctual number of cars passing through this terminal was therefore 28,000. So far this season '125 fruit trains have passed east. Any train that has fifteen or more cars of fruit is desig nated as a fruit train. These trains averaged about thirty cars of fruit to the train, qr a total of 12750 cars. Tho stock trains so far this season has numbered 275. Five rais or more of stock on any one trnin designates it ns a stock train. These trains have run from five to fifty cars of cattle, horses and sheep. , Frank Rorkhns returned from ashort visit in Hot Springs, S' D. Night Yardmaster VnnCleavc will leave in a few days for a week's visit in tho central part of the state. ' Night Foreman Crissler returned this week from n two weeks' visit in Salt Lake and other western points. Ho was accompanied by Mrs. Crissler. Mrs. E. II. Hnrriman and party who spent the Summer on her ranch in Idaho' went thru yesterday afternoon to Chicago on her special train of four cars. Nine cars of grading equipment con sisting of horses and scrapers belong ing to the Kilpatrick company passed east Wednesday and will bo put in-service on the new road between Hastings and Gibbon. Freight receipts this week included two cars of Kansas grapes, one car of Colorado peaches and one car of Utah peaches. This makes nine cars of peaches received so far this season at this station, about three times ns many as received in any past year. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Austin expect to leave about September 20th for a visit in Fall River, Mass., in which there resides a sister of Mrs. Austin whom she has not seen for fifty yc'nrs. They will be absent several weeks and anticipate a very pleasant trip. Engineer T. N. Mann, who has a run out of Fremont on tho Hastings-Superior line, has a remarkable record as a passenger engineer, having made one million seven hundred miles in passen ger service without injury to a passen ger or an employe. He has been run ning a pessenger engine since 1875 and is iow sixty-three years old. Specials For Saturday. Shoes. Men's Furnishings. Men's Tan Klkskin Shoes Bluchor style $2.29 Men's Tan Outing Shoes j jn soft flcxable leather.. LL) Boy's Vici Shoes Blucli er style, sizes 2J to 5. 1,18 Ladies' Vici Shoes, lace or button, made on nn stylish lasts 1 .75 Fancy Silk Neckties 19C Keep Cool Underwear, -jn shirts and drnwers . ... j"C Men's Balhriggan shirts en nnd drnwers 17C Men's Suppondors fancy i(-, webs, nicely trimmed.. J7C Dry Goods. Children's Hose, a vory good 1 and 1 rib slocking n black only .( 7C Boy Scout Hose, a good medium heavy hose for ifi- boys or girls wear 1 7C Ladies' Vesta good quality taped neck and sleeves. 7C Children's M Waist Union -yn Suits SVC WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. outfit him for winter, Weingand, The Quality Place. Award Contracts. At a meeting of tho city council Tues day evening a contract for supplying a fire department with five hundred feet of hose, a dozen rubber coats, a dozen pair of boots and two stop nozzels was awarded to C. J. Anderson of Omaha for $595.10. They were five bidders, A. A. Schatz, C. K. Martini, J. Q. Wilcox, ClarK Buchanan, representing a Chicago firm, and the successful bid der,' the latter being tho lowest. Bids for excavating the pit at the pump house and cementing the pit were opened, there being three bidders, Ed. Walker, A. G. Hultman and N. E. Louden. Walker's bid was the lowest and ho was awarded tho contract. A lengthly sidewalk ordinance was read tho third time nnd passed and is published elsewhcro in this issue. B. A. Wilson made application for the position of fireman at the water works when such a vacancy occurred. An electric light was ordered placed at the corner of Oak and Tenth streets. SOCIETY NOTES. Miss Alice Cunninghamt entertained a number of triendsTuesday evening at a kensington. A nice lunch was served. Miss Kate Spies entertained the members of the J. D. Club Wednesday evening at cards. "After the games a dainty lunch was served in two courses. The Girls' Friendly Society woro en entertained at the parish houso Tues day evening by Misses Bessie "and Elaine Bundy. Refreshments were served. A social dance was held in the Masonic hall last evening under the management of Messrs. Millcge Bullard and Corbin Jones. Tho affair was greatly enjoyed by all present. The social dance in the Lloyd opera house on Tuesday ovening was an en joyable one to the large number who attend. Stamps orchestra furnished the music. Mrs. James Cunningham was tendered a farewell surprise party the first of the week by her Sunday school class who presented her with" several pieces of hand painted china. Refreshments were served. " Rev. and Mrs. Charles Chapman were given a surprise tin shower Tuesday evening by a number of friends and neighbors who remembered that it was their tenth wedding anniversary. The invaders wero most heartily welcomed and spent a enjoyable evening. Refresh ments were served. A pretty morning function wns given today by Miss Laura Murray when sho entertained a party of sixteen atbroak fast, her guest including tho teachers of the Lincoln school, the principals, superintendent nnd county superinten dent. Morning glories wero used in decorating tho table and places, wero fonud by hand painted cards. A pleasant meeting of tho Catholic Girls Club was held at the homo of Miss Ethel Donegan Wednesday ovening. 500 was the principal feature of tho evening, eight tables being used. First prize awarded to Miss Kathleen Flynn. Pink and white flowers were used in decorating tho tabies and tho color scheme was carried out in the refresh ments. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Harry Gutherless, Misses Ethel Frye, Alice Fitzpntrick and Sadie Sheedy. Out of town guests were Mesdames Haws of Columbus and Flint of Denver. Laughlin-Davidson Wedding. At llo-tlilrty Wednesday afternoon Miss Helen Davidson wat married at tlib home of her mother, Mrs. Gallic Davidson, on west. Sixth street, to Frank Laiighlin. The ceremony was performed in the large reception room by Rev. V. S. Porter in the presence of sixty lolatlves and friends of the contracting parties. "White and yellow Mowers, ferns, streamers and small white bells were profuselj used In decorating the stairway. reception hall and archways. In the parlor and dining room the color scheme was carried out In autumn Mowers. Butler Miltonberger,a cousin of the brldo played Lohengrin's bridal chorus and the bridal party descended tho stairway to the beautifully decor ated arch at each side of which stood large palms. Tho bride wore a hand some' and becoming gown of embroid ered silk voile over whito messaline, with trimming of real lace. Her bou quet was a large cluster of Killarney roses and fern leaves. She was un attended. Following the ceremony the guests were sewed with a three course din ner on small tables which were dec orated with yellow asters, gladiolus, golden rod and ferns. Each course was serVcd in yellow and white. Asslstlnc In serving were Misses Marie KoDoyt, Lucille Wilcox, Flor ence McKay and Rachael Scott. Among the largo collection of cost ly wedding gifts were cut glass sets, linen, hand painted china, silver and furniture. Mr. and Mrs.'Lauglilin left on the evening train on a honeymoon trip to Portland, Vancouver, Seattle and cities of California. Upon their re turn they will lccelve their friends in thefr" new home 'on west Fifth street, (. For several years the brldo has re sided here, live of which she was em ployed in tho local telephone olllce and at the timo of her resignation had risen to assistant manager. Her engaging manner, cheerful disposition and generosity made her popular with all in social or business circles. The groom came to this city six years ago from Sutherland and Is one of the best and trusted young conductors In the service. Best wishes, are extended to the worthy young couple. T A0 for Duroc-Jersev Boars saleI$15 to $25. Experimental Sub-station. The Parlor Millinery will close at 6.3fJ P- m. week nights, 9 p, m. Satur day night. Any one wishing to call about business after these hours will please make an arrangement. Phone red 537. Court reporter E. A. Cary returned last evening from a business trip in Eastern Ntoiraska. The name alone stands out in radiant splendor as a beacon light in the manu facturing world. The name alone is a symbol of Hon esty, Integrity and Quality. Tho name alone when once realized amonir ranchmen and farmors to be the same Studebnker whose product for tho past sixty' years have been best known as tho Studebaker Wagon and Carriage needs no introduction, no smooth guy ngefits, no coaxing, no treating over tho bar or any old way to lead them to become tho owner of an automobile. No car is more despised, more hated, more misrepresented than the Stude baker and "There is a Roason." It is taking the lead everywhere it gets es tablished and soon to take the lead hore. Investigation and comparison to nil other make of cars is all that could be asked. Its tho car for hill climbs, sandy and rough roads. Sold by J. L. Burke local dealer, North Platto, Nebr. All county customors will bo takon caro of free of chargo ns to garage room while in town . Phono Black 027. Card of Thanks. Wo vish to sincerelv thank tho many frionds and neighbors nlso the different lodges for tho tloral tributes ancj many kindnesses extended to us during tho recent illness and death of our deadly beloved mother. Mrs. J. W. Rowland. It. E. Rowland. Addio Breternitz. w wnF.'j.irjimiMisE WMrrh vtfM t wnn HHaaxEaasanmw 9 GETTING AHEAD. When the officers of this bank sec a depositor mak ing steady gains in his balances, our confidence in him grows. When a depositor who has won our confidence re quires money with which to develop his business our large resources enable us to give him nil the credit his financial condition warrants. The merchant, the manufacturer, the ljuilder, the farmer who does business at this bank, receives its financial support when he needs it. We invite all who want the co-operation of a strong resourceful bank to become depositors of the McDonald State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Call and see Dr. F. W. Crook, (Dentist) if you have loose teeth, same will be extracted and replaced by artificial ones the same day, either by plates or bridge work. All work is perma nent. DR. W. F. CROOK, Dentist. Office McDonald State Bank Building. Phone 130 for Appointments. 1913 CHALMERS r -d With all its exclusive features may be seen at THE HINMAN GARAGE. . . . An improved edition of previous mod els including demountable1 rims, air starter, tire inflator, full-floating axle, nickle trimmings 4-in. tires. A car with every feature of the $4,000 variety. 8 MINER HINMAN, Dealer, 50S Dewey St., North Platte BrrowMBr'ssHiMiuiM! ' ; I