The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 06, 1912, Image 1

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    - mWf1-'
oitu iilutorioal Sooltt
No. 63-.
Jjteii -Slatte
k: , Q:
I New Goods are Arrifig Daily, f
Come in asid inspect our fail lines merchandise
Everything to complete the wardrobe.
Silks, Two tone Mcssalinc and jackquard
silks, In all the now colors, a large assortment
to choose from. Prices
85c and $1 per yard.
Silk Messalines in all shades-make the pretty
evening gowns-width 27-in price y
75c per yard.
Wool Dress Goods. In the fancy mixtures
Beautiful combinations, 50-inch materials $1
per yd. Also 36-inch
50c per yard.
Serges. The plain and fancy diagonal
stripes. All wool serges sponged, shrunk and
spot proof, which means a great deal to the
purchaser, if they take into consideration,
the vast importance of sponged and shrunk
materials. Sure to give perfect satisfaction in
every respect, Shown in all prices from
50c to $1.50 per yard.
Blazer Flannel. Fancy Stripes for the New
Blazer jacket. Have you seen them, they. are
new and nifty
85c per yard.
Star Skirts For Ladies, A very complete
line of ladies skirts just arrived. One of the.
best line of skirts ever offered to the public
for style and workmanship they cannot be
surpassed? Fancy whipcords and serges arc
mainly featured. Inspect this elegant line of
skirts. Prices ranging from
' $3.j0 to $7.50.
Sweater Coat, Novelties, made up in the
Norfolk Jacket, Blazer styles and the plain
sweater coats'.
All kinds of colors, combiuntions, popular
priced so all can afford one. For Ladies, Misses ,
and children. All Prices.
Henderson Fashion Form
For corrct style, full com
fort and big value, in
every model either front
or back lace,
The Henderson Corset.
These corsets mould the
form to conform to fash
ion's latest edicts but
with comfort to the
wearer. They have the
durability, which is an
inducement to every
Visit our corset depart
ment before purchasing.
We are sure to please
you with quality, style
and price.
1 1 I
4 my
Specials for Saturday, September 7th
Notice to Water Consumer.!.
Thu water mains in any part of the
city may be shut oft Sunday afternoon
for an hour or so, in ordorthat wo may
bo able to raise the pressure high
enough to test the now extensions.
Consumers will therefore kindly draw
on" suflicient water before 2:30 p. in.
to last them two hours or so.
HniisiiBY S. Welch,
Water Commissioner.
Children's Hose, veg. 25c valued
Geneva Silk Lisle per pair. .
''Turkish Towels, extra
bargain at 25c
all sizes,
best qual
Buttons, good quality pearl, all
sizes, go at per dozen
4kh mf mmHm
t r
mm,f m
Arthur Carroll left a few days ago
for Denver to spend a couple of
M. Campbell has just purchased a
second-hand Ford of the J. S. Davis
Auto Co.
Carl Abrahamson, now traveling
for a lumber company, spent yes
terday in town.
Mrs. Dimmick, formerly a trimmer
of Lincoln, will assist in the Parlor
millinery this season.
Mrs. John Lincoln leturned the first
of the week from a visit in eastern
points with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. A P. Kelly left Wed
nesday evening for Linoln to attond the
State Fair and visit with relatives.
Mrs. Warren Kelly nnd mother Mrs.
Franzen returned Wednesday afternoon
from a visit with relatives in western
Miss Viola Do Noo, of Denver, spent
several days this week with Miss Mabel
Duke while enroute to Sargent to teach
in the schools of that city.
Mrs. Fred Warren and children, of
Tampa, Fla., who had beon visiting in
Willow Springs, Mo., with her mother
Mrs. Bullard, arrived here Wednesday
For Sale My property, 114 South
Sycamore St., sewerage, city water,
electric lights, bath, etc. Inquire at
residence orof me at Ginn, White &
Schatz store. E. R. Plummer.
Tho funeral of tho lato Mrs. Dorothy
Rowland was hold Wednesday after
noon from tho Lutheran church. Rev.
Creasler conducted tho services which
wore attended by a largo number of
sorrowing friends. Acting as pall
bearers were Messrs. Chas. McDonald,
Jos. Fillion, John Bratt, D. W. Baker,
Major Walkor and John Evans. Inter
ment was made in the North Platte
Wm. SoweleB, of Somerset, has just
purchased a second-hand Buick of the
J. S. Davis Auto Co.
Joseph B. Redflcld, of Omaha, is
spending this week with his nephews
Doctors W. J. jind J. B. Redfield.
Mrs. Mary Thornburg will leave
shortly for Abiline, Kans., to spend a
couple of weeks with her mother.
Mrs. Dell Huntington returned'yes
terday afternoon from Palmer and
Grand Island having spent ten days
with relatives.
Miss Susie Campbell returned the
first of the week from her vacation
spent in Shelton and other cities of
eastern Nebraska.
R. L. Graves spent yesterday fore
noon in town while enroute to Denver.
He expects to return here about October
1st and will remain a few days.
Mrs. Laughlin, daughter Edna and
sons Robert and Lewis, who came
down for the Davidson-Laughlin wed
ding, returned home last evening.
Weather forecast: Fair tonight and
Saturday, somewhat warmer Saturday.
Highest temperature yesterday 88, a
year ago 90; lowest temperature last
night 54, a year ago 50.
The Parlor Millinery will open Sept,
9th with a swell line of Fisk's Hats in
the newest designs and colors. Fuschia
Brass and Taupe.
Judge T. C. Munger, of Lincoln, ac
companied by Clerk R. C. Hoyt and
Marshal Sammons, opened federal
court in this city Tuesday morning.
The session lasted but for tho day and
no cases were tried. The officials left
for the cast Tuesday night.
Miss Omega McNamara, who grad
uated in eleocution from the North
western University at Chicago and
later took a post graduate course, has
been elected teacher in a girls'
college at Fayotto, Mo. Tho friends of
tho young lady in this, her former
home, will be pleased to learn of her
Mrs. E.-F. Seeberger returned Tues
day night from a ten-day visit in Chey
enno and Denver.
The Elks gave a pleasant dancing
party in their hall Tuesday evening.
Twenty-five couples attended.
Lost A key ring with ten keys at
tached. Leave at Huffman's.
Christian Science Service Sunday
11:00 a. m. Subject "man" Sunday
school 12 m. K. P. hall Dewey St.
J. W, McGee, of Washington, insnec-
tor of land offices, spent yesterday in
town invatigating the local office.
Mr. and Mrs. ErneBt Taamp and Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Tramp took possess
ion of their new home on west Fourth
St. yesterday.
Charles Whelan and son Kenneth re
turned this morning from Waddington
N. Y., where they spent a month very
Miss Anna Miller, of Omaha, re
turned home Wednesday evening, having
come up to visit friends and attend tho
Davidson-Laughlin nuptials.
Mrs. Roscoe Zimmer, of Sidney,
spent yesterday with Mrs. W. H. Le
Dioyt whilo enroute homo from Cozad.
whero she attended the wedding of her
Harry Meyers, of this city and Miss
Anna Carlson, of Oleno, III., were
quietly married Tuesday afternoon at
tho Methodist parsonage by Rev. W.
S. Porter.
12 Disc Press Drills, $70atHorshey's.
M. S. Rebhauaon loft a few days ago
for McPhorson county to kill a few
chickens and also look over tho forest
reserve which is to In. rm0,i
time in tho futuro with tho view of
locating a homestead.
A paity of young folks were delight
fully entertained at the country club
Inst evening by Messrs. Bakor, Tobin
and McDonald. Tho groater part of
the evening was devoted to dancing.
The gentlemen distinguished themselves
us hosts and all present spent an enjoy
ablo evoning.
Band Concert Tonight.
The following, program will bo ten
dered at court house park by the
Jforth Platte Military. Hand," Earl
Stamp, director, at their concert this
evening, commencing at 8 o'clock:
March "Montello" Morris
Ovorture-,,Llght Cavalry". . . .Suppl
Morccan Mignon "Salut D'Amour"
Tho Stcp-"l)ag of Rags".McKanless
Itunioieske "Tho Onlv Tune tho
Baud Could Plav Was 'AuUl Lane
Syne' Hayes
Walt "Hrldes and Butterlles". . . .
March -"American Ideal" Swift
Gregg-Merrick Wedding. .
A quiot nnd pretty homo wedding
was solemnized at- the homo of Mr.
arid Mrs. Erin Gregg, ton miles south
east of of town last evening when their
daughter Rosa was married to Arthur
Merrick of Maxwell, by Rev. W.
S. Porter.
The ceremony took place at 8:30 and
Was witnessed by thirty-five friends
and relatives. The brido woro whito
messaline with timmings of point lace
and was unattended. A sumptuous
wedding supper was served after the
ceremony and tho bridal party left by
auto for Kearney from whero they will
take the train and visit in several large
cities of tho east.
Both are well nnd favorably known
and deserve all the happiness Jthat life
holds. The groom is a successful Imor
chant of Maxwell and the brido was
one of tho most efficient country school
Jacob J. Myers Passes Away.
Jacob. I. Myers, a pioneer citizen ol
this city passed to tho great beyond
at 1C:40 AVedncsday evening. Death
was duo to ailments customary to
advanced years, although "until re
cently Mr. Myers was unusually
actlvo for a, man of his years anil
devoted his time to his largo garden
For a couple of weeks his-conditlon
had been critical and relatives woio
summoned, Ills last hours wcro
cheered by the administration of a
loing family and kind friends.
'MrjOIyors was one of the most re
spected and charitable' men of the
city and a staunch member of tho
Secnth Day Adventists church. Ho
belonged to the G. a7 Tt. having
sened his tlmo in the army.
Jacob J. Meyers was born in Now
York, July :t, 18:$2, and February 15,
1857, was married to Sarah Jano Sevoy,
who still survives him, To this
union six children woro born, four of
whom a-ro living. They aro Eugene,
of Ft. Worth, Texas, W. It. of Col
orado Mrs.Ueens, of, and Mrs,
Thos. Itowley, of this city. There
aie also seventeen grand children and
secn great grand children.
Tho deceased was a veteran of tho
civil war, having seen service In Co.
II Second N. Y. Cavalry,
He came to Nebraska in 1871 and
foi more than a quarter of a century
had resided In or near tho city.
The funeral will be held from tho
residence at 2:;J0 o'clock this afternoon.
Spring chickens 40c, in dozen lots 35c
A. A. Schatz.
A Permanent
That's What Every Man
Wants in His Fall Suit.
CtfyAght, tQj. A. B. Kirsthbaum Co.
HpHAT'S what every mnn gets
who buys his clothes here.
We know the importance to you of
style, fit, finish nnd fabric.
But we also know that these
qualities won't stay by you if the
clothes don't keep their shape.
That's why wo are offering you
Clothes ....
Every yard of fabric that goes
into a Kirschbaum suit (and it is
absolutely "All-Wool") is shrunk and
reshrunk. The expensive London
Cold-Wafer Process is used, which
is the only method that insures
thorough shrinking.
Tho fabric is run between blan
kets in clean, cold water until every
part of the cloth is thoroughly
and evenly Wet. It is kept in this
condition until there's no shrink
left! Ask the women folk at homo
about it. They will tell yoult
wonder that these
$15, $18, $20 and
$25 Suits.
keep their shape. Shape-keeping is
just one of many qualities you get
,when you purchase a Kirschbavm fall
suit Every gunnent is hand tail
ored, guaranteed "All Wool" fabric
nnd cut in style above criticism.
The Kirschbaum guaranty given with
every suit.
iAFF MiP A "WlVd
returned Ust evoning
Roy Cockran
from Maxwell.
Paul Tobin, of Creighton college, of
Omnha, is visiting in town while on his
way to Denver to visit his mother.
For Rent Two rooms
5th. Phono blk 182.
419 west
Magnolia Duko was granted a divorce
from Thomas Duko in tho district court
this week on the grounds of drunken
Fit out your boy with winter clothes
at our storo. Nobby suitu, splendid
overcoats, nice shirts, ties, etc.
Cards havo been recoived announcing
the marriage of Marguorito Wads
worth to Theodoro Meade Railoy at
Lake Okaboji, Iowa, Sept. 3rd. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
S. D. Wadsworth, foimerly of this
Vantino's Kutch, Sandalwood nnd
Oriental odors aro tho best perfume
nnd toilet luxuries.
Kinckur Hook & Drug Co.
Local and Personal.
Attend our hand bag Bale; see our
window display.
Dixon, The Jeweler.
A number of young peoplo of tho city
arc planning to attend a social dance
to-morrow evening at tho Johnson home
nine miles from town.
Detroit Vapor Stoves at half price at
Hershey's, corner 6th nnd Locust,
Phono 15.
Tho social given at tho Mc Williams
home Tuesday afternoon by tho IndieB
of St Patricks Alter Society was avory
successful one and th Iadios appreciato
the patronage given them.
Chic New Styles at the Parlor
millinery for early fall wear.
Deputy Sheriff Watts found two
pralrio chickens in tho possesion of Lem
Bailey and E. II. Durns, bofore tho
season opened tho last of last week.
They were fined $10.50.
C. E. King's largo field of wheat has
been threshed and it yielded well. The
average was better than 23 bushels per
acre. Portions threshed as high as 30
bushels and some as low as 17. Mr.
King raised over 500 acres. Sutherland
Free Lance.
Tho third case of children getting
noiu 01 poison lias been called to our
attention, an tnree .qases occunng in
tho short space ofabout six weeks. The
last case was at the, homo of R W.
Hackbarth, living south of Horshey.
His five yoar old daughter was playing
in thu barn Monday, presumably hunting
birds eggs or something near tho roof
when she ran across u bottle of strych
nine. She drank some of tho contents,
and then ran to the houso and told hur
mothor. who immediately called in medi
cal aid. When tho doctor arrived he ad
ministered a strong emetic, and this
probably saved the childs life. At this
writing tho chiled is getting on nicely.
Hershoy Times.
Tho case of tho Rtato of Nebraska vs
Albprt Harahfiold and Harry Hrownor
was on trial In the county court Wed
nesday. Tho defendants boing charged
with placing obstructions on the railroad
track in the neighborhood of Horshey
last February. Aftor henring tho
evidence the court discharged tho defendants.
and Saturday.
Billy and the Butler.
On the Pupil of His Eye,
Pathes Weekly.
Tracy and Tracy.
Snappy Entertaining, Cle
ver Artistic Songs and
10 and 15C
Office phono 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platto, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bnnk Building.
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
g Hospital (icccmmodntloiiB, Mod leal nnd
s HurKlcal attention tdven obstetrical cases,
S Olllco I'hono 183 No. Phone 23
Olllco McDonald State Hank IlldV
I herewith nnnounco my candi
dacy for county commissioner on the
republican tickot and ask tho support
of all citizens nnd pledgo to conduct
tho county affairs In an economical
and businoss wny if elected.
Ira L. Mii.tonuergkr.
$ Physicion nnd Suracon,
f Olllco over McDonald Bank.
Phones tOfllcolS0 "
4 fResidencollC
Mt ft-frfr .1-Mrfri5v!)r!M!