IK I I THE SEMI-WEEKLY TMBUHE IRA L. BARD, Publlahor. TERMS, $1.25 IN ADVANCE. AlORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA THE RATS SHOULD GO. A single rat that Is "auspicious look ing" among many examined for signs of plaguo Is nothing alarming. It ap pears, howovor, sufllclent reason for taking precautions ngalnst Imported rats. Tho bubonic plague has appear ed at several points In tho tropics and vessels which came here from thoso points may bring Infected rats. Where tho disease Is known such ves nets will bo quarantined and presum ably tho rats will bo killed, says tho Philadelphia Press. Nevertheless, tho danger of plaguo gaining a foothtrid will always exist so long as there are casos of plaguo in countries with which wo liavo commercial relations and rats find toleranco within tho city limit. Now Orleans has discovered a plague-infected rat and wo presume it will take precautions suggested by that fact. It suppressed yellow fever by exterminating tho yellow fover mosquito and we have no doubt it will rid Itself of rats If convinced that It is the only way to bar tho bubonlo plague from that very suscoptiblo city. San Francisco warred upon Its rats with thoroughness and success and practically suppressed tho plague which Is always threatening It through Its trado with Asia. We do not sup pose tho plaguo would nppcar hero in any caso in its severo form, but never theless we should tako no chances. Tho rats should go. Every etudont of economic condi tions in tho United States knows thnt moro farmers arc needed to make ag rlculturo keep pace with other indus tries. Tho project to divert to tho farms immigrants coming to Chicago, by establishing on tho lake front near Vwenty-socond stroot nn agricultural and Industrial exposition building with fpeclal foaturcs for tho Instruction o( ho noweqmers in tho possibilities of bountry life, Is ono that should Inter est tho public greatly. Too many of our Immigrants, oven thoso bred in tho country and capablo of becoming Im mediately useful on farms, settle In our largo cities. The country districts need them, tho cities do not, Bays tho Chicago Record-Herald. In tho citlos thoro ore now few chances for them compared with thoso that existed a few years ago. Tho newcomers can hotter themselves and tho nation by becoming producers Instead of consum, crs of farm products. Immigrants who are soun J physically, mentally and mor ally, will bo valuable to the United States for a long tlmo to come, if they can bo turned to supplying tho real needs of tho country. Tho problem of thus placing workors whoro they aro needed Is rightly receiving much at tention. A Chicago Judgo who is entitled to rank with Solomon has doclded that the idea about beauty unadorned is out of dnte, and that a man who marries n beautiful woman is obliged to supply Ub adornments to tho boat of his abll Ity, This decision ought to add to tho market valuo of tho plain girl as a moro economical matrimonial invest ment. Again it 1b announced that tho days of the hobblo skirt aro numberod. Tho announcomont is mado bo often, and tho hobblo skirt is so apparently unconcerned, that tho public, who hall any hint of tho abolition of this abom ination, aro boginnlng to fcol a trifle uneasy. Eighty-one womon In Seattle want to bo pollcowomon, for that number took tho examination which Is to add four of tho fairer box to tho local forco. This number may bo explained by tho answer of ono na to her occupation: "To support myself and my husband." This Is a cynical, mercenary ago. Tho same nowa Item t,hat told us how a young man proponed to his sweet heart in Detroit by telephoning from Chicago ndded that it cost $4.85, Just as if tho expenditure might not have been Justified. Whero tho hydro-acroplnne has an advantngo over tho plain aeroplane Is that It may hit the water instead of hard ground when it cornea down too soon. On tho other hand, It has tc carry Us name. "Convention of women in Boston adjourned becauso 'It waB too hot to talk.'" This Ib tho flrst notification that Boston has broken tho world'i heat record. Prof. Smith of tho University ol Minneapolis says there ought to be a law to prevent feeble-minded women from marrying Why women? Will tho feoblo-mlnded men bo retained to pass on tho question whether tho fem inine aspirants ave feeble-minded or not? Pennsylvania man locked up his daughter and prevented hor wedding. Love does not always laugh at locksmiths. EVENING IMiotn, Copyright, by t'nitrrwood & l nilenrom, N. Y. An odd hat of black tullo trimmed with rows of black pearlB and cov ered with a huge drooping bunch of bird of paradise feathers, as tho latest creation of the Paris milliner. Tho feathers are placed in such a manner ns to fall gracefully about tho side of tho wearer's face. TWO NEAT COTTON DRESSES Costumes Easy to Wash, and May Be Made Up in Almost Any Kind of Thin Material. Either of these simple dfesscB would o found easy to wash, and might bo nado in any cotton material. Tho one on tho left is In palo pink :otton voile with a ring spot of a larker shade. The skirt is mado with i front pnnel and bnnd at foot cut in nc, and set on with n piping of pink nercerlzed lawn: scallops aro cut in tides of pnnel, In which buttons aro town. Tho bodice also hns n panel 'ront, trimmed to match; a laco col or nnd black Batln bow add a amart- 1CBB. Materials required: 4 yards voile 10 inches wide, 1 dozen buttons, fard lawn 40 inches wide for piping. Gray and whjto Btrlprd gingham Ib jsed for tho other design. It is undo with a deep band at foot of iklrt, set on with a piping of material :ut on tho cross, and bended at sides and back with material cut bo that iho strlpcB run horizontally. Tho bodice Ib Magyar, and has a yoke of laco with a strip of Insertion oencath; material in tho cross out lines tho yoke. Lnco Is used for the luffs. Materials required: 5 yards ging ham 32 Inches wide. V yard Insertion, 9 yard lace, 1 dozen buttons. i "pto Trimmings. Veiy llltlo trimming Is requited for the school frock This little may be applied In the shapo of a llttlo handwork, ornamenting tho yoke, tho collar and the cuffs, or perhaps tho little strap which marks the side closing It should be sparingly used, howovor, and tho design should be of tho simplest Next to tho touch of handwork comes braid, and very llt tlo, again, of this is used It adds. a trig, tailored finish to many a collar, and loops of It aro certainly easier to mako than buttonholes. Tho largo bound buttonholes aro used ns deco ration features In connection with but tons. A fow well-chosen buttons will often ndd all tho trimming that may bo desired. More Black and White. Tho black chnrmouso or fine cloth skirt with tho short cutaway "Dlrec tolro" coat In whlto charmeuse, is pe culiarly smart, especially when it has large black buttons and Ib worn with a folded Jabot of corresponding period. ThU has certainly been the best class of modol this season, and rumor tells us that "Dlrectolro" modes are in no sense moribund. ig&ifyF0' r3KJtjP HAT FOR EARLY FALL OUTINGS White Felt Hat It One of tho Necessi ties In Wardrobe of the Smart Woman. , Havo a white felt hat for early au tumn outings If you wish to prove to tho hoi pollol that you know what's what in tho great world of fashion. One of tho smartest shapes is the high and square-crowned sailor with a flat brim of nearly nn Inch on tho upper side. Thero is another sailor so called although It has a sombrero crown which must bo carelessly dent ed. This has tho familiar rolling brim that la crushed against tho crown at front, back or ono Bide, and never la set quite squarely upon tho head. Truth to say, it's a bit rowdylsh un less trimmed, ns It should bo, with a broad band of silk or velvet ribbon ending under a doublo pump bow. Lastly, there 1b the hat of softest felt with brim very narrow all around, save along the left side, where It rolls boldly against a high rounding crown that is banded with an inch-wide length of corded ribbon going twlco around nnd ending with a true lovers' knot. This ribbon 1b dull green, red, gray, mauve anything savo white, ajid its huo is repeated in the tlo which fastens tho whlto cotton, or flan nel outing shirt, and tho border on tho handkerchief which peeps from tho breast pocket of this shirt. To Revive Flowers. Tho fashion for wearing tho small, compact nosegays, with their hold era of lace paper, la a pretty ono Many women despair of tho fact that flowers quickly fado when worn by thorn. An nmnteur gnrdener confldod tliq secret which kopt her bunch of vio lets fresh during an entire evening Tho simple method was this: About tho stem of tho bouquet had been wrapped a piece of waxod sand j wich paper and tied with Btring Over this was placed tho tinfoil used for flowers. They kopt beautifully fresh, and this fact Is well worth knowing. Dc this immediately when taking the noacgay from tho water. Valuo of Percale. Not ovory woman appreciates the qualities of puro white percale foi summer gowns. This fabric Is much used by trained nurses for lightweight uniforms which may be laundered to epic and spanuess with much lest labor than linen requires. Pcrcajo is also cooler than linen nnd Is much lighter In weight. It may bo trimmed, with stitching and buttons In very smnrt style. A young woman who ai ways looks na though sho had stepped out of a bandbox always wears white pcrcalo frocks In summer time. A looso blouso with nn open collar is trimly belted above a short, straight skirt, and buttoned boots of whlto complcto the costume. Collars and Cuffs. Detachable collar and cuffs are nl ways a good Idea. These may be made from linen, plquo, or any of tho llngorlo mnterlnls. Sometimes a plold or striped fabric Is corralled for this purpose A llttlo of tho plaid or striped ellk can bo used most effec tively to glvo the desired touch of color to an otherwise sombre blue sorgo dress. It may be added as a hem, with tho yoko and sleeves of the plaid In true kimono style, or It may only appear as a binding to tho dress, with perhaps a perky llttlo tie of It to hold together tho collar. It will provo a useful adjunct in either direction. TMxiEmmm espial " - " KH nlr had a meaning. movi?mfintn ft crnrn: leu turned front the fairest to Raze on her face, And when you had once seen her fore head nnd mouth, Tou suw as distinctly her soul nnd her truth-My Kato. E. B. Browninff. HELPFUL HINTS. Coro apples without peeling, slice in rather thick slices and fry in hot fat, turning carefully to keep the shape un broken. Season with a Bprinkllng of calt and sugar and place around the platter of pork chops. Another protty and appetizing ac companiment to pork chops or roasts are potato nests, buttered and browned in tho oven and filled with' Bmall creamed onions. Servo beefsteak, for a change, well buttered and sprinkled generously with parsley. Try a peanut stuffing In your roast duck. Tako three-fourths of a cup of cracker crumbs, half a cup of pea- nutB and half a cup of thick cream, two tablospoonfula of melted butter, salt, cayenne and onion Juice to taste. Pear Honey. Grato four medium sized pears, add a pint of water and two pounds of BUgar. Doll until the ihlxturo drops from the spoon like honoy. Pcuff Into glasses and seal. This is delicious on griddle cakes or makes a fine filling to ndd to bolted frosting and uso on cake. Lemon and salt makes a fine cleaner for brass and copper. A mixture of chloride of lime and baking soda rubbed into the stains mado by hard water on the enamel in tho bathroom will remove obstinato stains. A stick with a 'swab should bo used as it is too strong a substanco to put tho hands in. Uso brass tacks to fasten tho sheet on the Ironing board, as thoy are more easily removed. A pretty and rather unusual salad la this: Sliced oranges with a spoon ful of sour cream, sweetened with a little sugar on each slice. A half cup of sour cream to two tablespoonfuls of sugar. HEAP things aro not good. good things aro not cheap. Chinese Proverb. SOUR CREAM DISHES. An unusual, but very delicious, way of serving codfish gravy is to use sour cream for the white sauco. Tho flavor Ib most appetizing if tho cream is not too sour. A half cup of sour cream and a cup of brown sugar cooked together until thick Is a dainty filling for a cake. ,Nuts mako it still finer. Old-Fashioned Sugar Cookies. One cup of sour cream, a cup of butter, two cups of sugar, a teaspoonful of soda, nutmeg, threo eggs well beaten and flour to roll. Horseradish Sauce. To a half cup of sour cream add a half cup of grated horseradish. Add salt and sugar to taste. Seed onloiiB, when too small to eat, aro a dainty morsel cut up fine, tops and all, and served with sour cream, n little vinegar, salt and pepper. Sour Cream Pie. For tho filling uso tho yolks of four woll-beaten eggs, a cup of sour cream, a cup of sugar and half a cup of raisins. Flavor with a dusting of cloves. Use tho whites for a meringue, adding a few tablespoon fuls of powdered sugar. Kidney Beans With Sour Cream. Soak the beans over night and cook ns usual. Then ndd tho cream to mois ten thoroughly, nnd simmer for an hour. ' Buttermilk and thick sour milk is recommended for stomach trouble, and If the cure Is persistently followed health will be restored, as haB been proved In many cases. Brown Nut Bread. Two cups of buttermilk, two cups of graham flour, on cup of whlto flour, a half cup of molasses, n tablespoonful of vinegar, a teaspoonful of soda, half a teaspoonful of salt, ono cup of raisins and n hand ful of walnut meats. HELPFUL HINTS AND SEASONA BLE RECIPES. When straining fruit for Jelly, if it Is flrst put through tho colander, then only tho Juice need bo put In tho bag. Often tho pulp maybe used for mar malade. A chilled banana, with ono side of Inventions by Women. It Is believed that silk weaving was Invented by tho wife of the fourth Chinese emperor; bronzo work by a Japaneso lady; cashmere shawls by the women of an East Indian hnrem, and Venetian point laco by some Italian ladles. Editor's Idea of Heaven. Tho editor's Idea of heaven Is n place whero tho Incoming subscrip tions outnumber tho contributions. Satire. mmr the akin removed and eaten with a teaspoon, Is a good beginning for breakfast. Veal Chops With Soubloe Sauce. Wipe bIx loin chops nnd put In a stew pan with one-half an onion, eight slices of carrot, two stalks of celery, a half tcaspoonful of pepper corns, four cloves, two tablespoonfuls of butter; cover with boiling water and cook un til tender. Drain, dip In egg, Bprlnklo with salt and pepper, dip In flour and fry in deep fat. Surround with boiled macaroni to which has been added tho following sauce: Cook two cupfuls of onions until tender, put through a sieve and ndd to a white sauco mado. of chicken stock thickened with two", tablespoonfuls each of butter andi flour, then add a half cup of cream. Heidelberg Cabbage. Try out two slices of bacon cut In dice, add a head of shredded cabbage, half a cup of vinegar, a toaspoonful of minced onion and peppor; slmmor under cover for two hours. Add aB little water as pos sible to keep from burning. A pear salad covered with a cream dressing and garnished with strips of red pepper is a very attractlvo salad. Apple and pineapple preserve la very good and can hardly be told from all pineapple. Use three pounds of ap ple to one of plneapplo, and equal weight of sugar. , Pears as a salad may be garnished with a few preserved or spiced cher ries. Tho color and combination of flavor are both acceptable Rice Cakes. Cook a cupful of rice. When cold, add two cups of milk, the beaten yolks of four eggs and flour to make a stiff batter. Add a tablespoon ful of melted butter, a teaspoonful of soda, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar and a pinch of salt. Beat tho whites of the eggs very stiff and fold In last. Bako on a hot griddle. EZD 4 JGSJSEL nHnBTT iwr"",lmi I TO & w WH HAT If the bread Is bitter In thine Inn. and thou unshod To meet tho flints? At least ll may be said, Because tho way Is short, I thank thee, God. K. B. Browning. COMPANY DISHES. A nlco luncheon dish, which provides a vegetable with the moro substantial egg, Is tho following: Cover a plat ter with finely-chopped, hot, seasoned spinach, well cooked. Cook a cup and a half of tomatoes with two teaspoon fuls of sugar. Boll five minutes, add six eggs beaten slightly, salt and pep per to taste and pour Into an omelet pan and cook until creamy. Pour over tho spinach and garnish with toasted bread points browned in butter. Cream cheeso softened with cream, add a few tablespoonfuls of chopped green pepper, makes a change in serv ing cheeso, or may bo used as sand wich filling. Salmon Souffle. Tako ono can of salmon, flake and season with salt and lemon Juice. Cook a half cup of bread crumbs In one-half cup of milk ten minutes, add to tho salmon with tho yolkB of three eggs beaten until thick; cut and fold In tho whites of threo eggs beaten stiff. Bako in but tered molds set In water. .Serve with Pimento Sauce. Melt three table spoonfuls of butter, add threo of flour and stir ufftll well blended, then pour on gradually one cup of milk, a halt cup of cream and half a cup of canned plmentoea that havo been forced through a sieve. Season with salt and popper. Placo a thin slice of cream cheeso on saltlnes, leaving room for tho cheese to spread when heated. Press into the cheese several pecan meats and placo In tho oven. As soon aa the cheeso begins to run romovo from tho oven. A delicious way of serving cabbage Is to parboil It, then place In layers with white sauce in an Edam cheeso shell nnd bake. v,. ., . Mm&mw VERY needless expense Is nn unJuHtlflnblo extravagance. Live well within your Income, nnd save something no matter how little It Is. Oth ct wise no Ufa can be n successful one, a hnppy one, or nn honest one. The Main Desideratum. "I hear you havo a most interesting family." 'Yes; a wife and two grown daugh ters." "Fine, fine. Just the right number for bridge." Truly Good Man. A good man is happy within him self, and Independent upon fortune; kind to his friend, temperate to his en emy, religiously Just, indofatigably la borious, and ho discharges all duties with a constancy and congrutty of ac tions. Much Required of Farmer Boy. A farmor boy Isn't considered ol much account unless ho can do tin work of four ordinary men. Exchange. ?M --JMr,t?r3S'i Syri c2r8 M-?5. ,1-vr.J T ". " cnfHW)) MADE fHE WflONG QUOTATION Nervous Swain Meant Well, but Wat Not Likely He Won Love of Fair Maiden. It Ho was dimdont and unversed In so clety's Aays, but he was badly smitten with a reigning bello, nnd had nerved himself to woo and win.- So ho so cured an introduction, and in duo course went to pay his flrst call. Ho thought It would holp him out a bit If he took her soino flowers, so ho bought a superb bouquet for her. As he readied tho houso, howover, ho re membered that she had a splendid con servatory, and ho tried to think of a way out of tho difficulty. Suddenly ho recollected tho saying ancnt "taking coals to Newcastle," and determined to mako uso of it. But he was dread fully nervous. Ho broko Into a cold sweat as ho rang the bell, and when tho divinity nppenred in tho recep tion room he didn't know whether he stood on his head or on his heels. "I I thought," ho stammered, "that I would b bring you a bouquet L bub it's like casting p p pearls before swlnol" HOW TO TREAT PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS For pimples and blackheads tho fol lowing Is a most effective nnd eco nomical treatment: Gently smear tho affected parts with Cutlcura Oint ment, on tho end of tho flngor, but do not rub. Wash off tho Cutlcura Ointment In five minutes with Cutl cura Soap nnd hot water and continue bathing for some minutes. This treat ment 13 best on rising and retiring. At other times use Cutlcura Soap freely for tho toilet and bath, to as sist In preventing Inflammation, irri tation and clogging of tho pores, tho , common cause of pimples, blackheads, redness and roughness, yellow, oily, mothy and other unwholesorao condi tions of the skin. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." Cutlcura Soap and Ointment Bold throughout tho world. Samplo of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, DepL L, Boston.' Adv. i Not What Sho Feared. "Gcorgo has told mo all tho secrets of his past." "Mercy! What did you think of thorn?" "I was awfully disappointed." LEWIS' Single Binder ciftnr is omoked by more men who have been smoking 10a cu.ir :hnn nny other 5c cigar on th market. Adv. Heredity never fails to works out in tho matter of red hair, but it fre quently falls down when it comos to brain. Sim. Wlmlow's Sootbtnrf Bjrtip fur Children tectbiug, softens the gums, reduce InHiimma tlou, allas pain, cures wind colic, 23c a buttle. &dr. Where lgnoranco Is blVss It la folly to cultivate tho acquaintkuco of a chap that knows it all. .VERYTH1N For Fourteen Years. Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Elgin, 111. "After fourteen years of Buffering everything from female com plaints, I am at last restored to health. "I employed th best doctors and even went to tho hospital for treat ment and was told thero was no help for mo. But while tak ing Lydia E. Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound I began to improve and I continued its U3o until I was mado well." Mrs. Henry LEiSEBrRG,743 Adams St Kearneysvillo, W. Va. "I feel it my duty to write and say what Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound baa done for me. I suffered from female weakness nnd at times felt bo miserable I could hardly enduro being on my feet "After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and following your special directions, my trouble is gone. Words fail to express my thankfulness. I recommend your medicine to all my friends." Mrs. G. B. Wihttington. Tho above are only two of tho thou sands of grateful letters which are con stantly being roceived by tho Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn,Mass.,whicb show clearly what great things Lydia E. Pinkham'B Vegetablo Compound docs for thoso who suffer from woman's ilia. If you want special advlco wrlto to Lydia 12. Plnkham Sicdlclno Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will bo opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. DADICUIU CUatuci and txaatlflej lh haU rtamotci a IsxarUnt povrth. rlaTBP 7nll tn T1.fnM n- ; Hale to Its Yout&ful Color. nv-ruvB ukir tailing, I fir m1 tlfOtt faiiit. I HOTEL Omaha. Ntbrtiki CMDnucu n. rnS Rooms (rom 11.00 up single, TO oents up double. CAFE PRICES KEASONAHLZ TOR ALL EYE PAINS 6 GL J 8 ft I CV V2 rt l If JfVrsB I'lM SOFFEREO ii in i ii rwckssmzi W&v H&TO-$ Irr Wiaf 7 THE PAXTON