The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 30, 1912, Image 1

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No. 6 1
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The stork deposited a girl baby
Wednesday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dorr Tarkington.
Miss Quigley, who has been the
guest of Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Quigley,
will return to her home in Sioux City
Lena Wilson entertained about fifty
of her little friends Wednesday after
noon on the occasion of her sixth birth
Express Agent Max Honsolt re
turned Wednesday from u vacation
spent at St. Joe, Mo., and other points
south and east.
Mrs. D. T. Quigley entertained the
Saturday afternoon bridge club yester
day. Miss Quigley of Sioux City, was
the honor guest.
12 Disc Pres3 Drills, $70 at Hershey 's.
160 acres of well improved land 7
miles southeast of North Platte. Inquire
of Jos. Hershey.
Mrs. Hans Hansen, living nort,h of
the river, has been in a serious condi
tion for several day3 at an Omaha
hospital following an operation.
Fred Frye leaves tomorrow for Little
Rock, Ark., theuco to Kansas City,
where he will meet Ben Hartman and
the two wil journey to Denver and
other Colorado points.
Field Manager Bryan has received
orders to begin sampling sugar beets on
Monday of next week. On that day he
will receive samples from Birdwood,
Nichols, Hershey and O'Fullons.
Lack of wind to propel windmills has
caused much inconvenience to Lincoln
county tanners and stockmen for a
couple of weeks past. Those who own
gasoline engines have attached them to
the pumps.
sl3 Notice.
No trespassing on northeast quarter
section 15, town 12, range 30, Lincoln'
county, Nebraska. Gottfred Wiesel.
Y Dentistry Y
Call and see Dr. F. W. Crook, (Dentist) if you
have loose teeth, same will be extracted and
replaced by artificial ones the same day, either
by plates or bridge work. All work is perma
nent. . W. F. CROOK, Dentist.
Office McDonald State Bank Building.
Phone 130 for Appointments.
With all its exclusive features may be
seen at THE HINMAN GARAGE. . . .
An improved edition of previous mod
els including demountable rims, air
starter, tire inflator, full-floating axle,
nicklQ trimmings 4-in. tires. A car
with every feature of the $4,000
S05 Dewey St.,
Mm. W. T. Aldcn left last evening
for a visit with relatives at Lodge Pole.
Mrs. D. C. Congdon is expected home
today from a visit with relatives in
Miss Villa Whittaker, who had been
in Chicago and other points for several
weeks, returned home this mornings
For Rent After September 30th my
house furnished; 317 east Fourth street.
J. H. Cunningham,
Christian Scienco Service Sunday at
11:00 a. m'. Subject "Christ Jesus"
Sunday school 12:00 m. K. P. hall,
Dewey St.
Mrs. Will Tanner and Miss Florence
Banks, of Lexington, arrived last even
ing and will visit relatives and friond3
for a few days.
Phone 77 and our auto will call for
your laundry.
Dickey's Sanitary Laundry.
Miss Elizabeth Baer, of Lehigh, Pa.,
who has been the guest of Miss Alma
Waltematli, will return homo the early
part of next week.
A daughter was born Tuesday to Mr.
and Mrs. C. Fredrickson, of Oswego,
Kan. Mrs. Fredrickson was formerly
Miss Julia Edmonds, of this city.
For Sale My property, 114 South
Sycamore St., sewerage, city water,
electric lights, bath, etc. Inquire at
residence o"rof mo at Ginn, White &
Schatz store. E. R. Plummor.
The fur.oral of the late Jacob Meyers
was held from the Lutheran church
Thursday morning, Rev. Cressler con
ducting the services. Interment was
made in the Ellis cemetery northwest
of town.
William Robb, of Dawson county,
was in town this morning with 250
head of cattle which he transferred
from his ranch in that county to his
pasture south of Sutherland. Ho says
there is a strip of country east of Lex
ington six by twelve miles in area that
is .completely burned out by the dry
North Platte
Order Modified.
Under date of August 33, following
the first assistant's order of August 24,
it is stated that Postmaster General
Hitchcock has completed plans where
by tho new postofflco bill will not in
terfere with the handling of
important mail on Sunday. The post
master general states that holddra of
lock boxes in first and second class
offices will have access to them, but no
deliveries will be made by carriers or
at postoffice windows. Hotel guests
and dally newspapors will receive their
mail at postoffice boxes, the mail being
sorted on trains.
Postmaster Davis snys that for the
present the rule3 which have governed
the local office will bo continued.
Cottage For Sale.
In the west end near the Washing
ton school a nice, nearly new seven
room cottage, all modern except heat,
fine big shade trees and lawn. Owner
is leaving city and must sell. If you
want to stop paying rent and get a
dandy nice h6me come and let us
show you this bargain. Buchanan &
Patterson, Sole Agents. 61-2
Cy Russell, of this city, has purchased
the grain separator lately operated by
Mont Ware of Hershey.
Willllendy and party returned last
evening from their auto .trip to Chey
enne, Denver and Estes Park.
For Rent Nicely furnished front
room for lady. 800 East Gth St. 59-4
Mrs. J. R. McWilliams will entertain
tho Altar Society next Tuesday after
noon at her home at 323 West Gth
A. R. Christiansen living ten miles
south of Hershey, has received a sixty
horse power tractor engine which he
will use for plowing. The engine weighs
1S.800 pounds and in fording the South
Platte river it was necessary to lay
planks the entire distance.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Apply to Mrs. W. H. McDonald, 407
west Fifth St.
The Nprth Platte Produce Co. made
a shipment of thirty-seven hundred
pounds of dressed poultry to Denver
a few days ago that topped tho market
two cents a pound. Evidently western
Nebraska poultry ' when prepared by
the local (inn is considered prime.
Wanted Girl for general housework
by Mrs. Thomas Healey.
The report that attorney JimMother
sead would go to Missouri and wed an
Ozark mountain girl, is incorrect. How
over, he will leave Sunday for Denver
and other Colorado points on a two
weeks' vacation. The fact that he is
not soon to becomo a benedict is a re
lief to a number of North Platte girls.
A new line of Diamond goods, just
in. Diamond stick pins, gonuino cut
stones, solid gold mounting, $1.50 up.
Diamond neck chains and pendants
$7.50 up. Diamond Rings, Ear Screws
nnd the new long Diamond pins at sur
prisingly low prices. Clinton,
Jeweler & Optician.
The postmaster general says tho law
relating to Sunday closing of postoffices
has been misconstrued, but his explan
ation seems to be oppoaito to the circu-
Jar issued by his department. Under
his interpretation of tho law those who
have boxes can secure their mail on
Duroc-Jersey Boars for
sale $15 to $25.
Experimental Sub-station.
Albert Harshfiold, who was brought
down from Belle Fourche, S. D., the
early part of the week by Sheriff
Salisbury, was released on bail yester
day and will have a hearing Tuesday of
next week. The complaint against
Harshfiold is that of placing obstruc
tions on tho Union Pacific track, but
this may be changed to a different
You can buy a hotter pocket book at
our store at our aalo for $2.00 than you
can buy elsewhere for $4.00 call and bo
convinced. Dixon, The Jeweler.
Last Sunday in some unaccountable
manner a team of valuable mares be
longing to A. W. Arnett that he had
in S. J. Koch's pasture south of town,
fell in the old irrigation ditch that runs
through it and wore injured to such an
extent that they died from tho effects
of the fall. It is thought the horses
began running and as theso mares
wero strangers to tho lay of 'the land
ran over the bankH of the ditch. Roth
mares had colts by their sides which
woio uninjured. This is quite a loss
to Mr. Arnett as we understand just
recently he was offered close to $100
for the team. Hershey Timos.
Crab Apples for Sale.
Fine Whitney crabapples for 50cts
per bushel at the farm. N. B. Sl'cnniEH.
Al Dicner Passed Away,
Al Diener passed away at ten o'clock
last night at the home of his sister,
Mrs. P. Lloyd, death being due to
tuberculosis of the spine, with which he
had been afflicted for about two years.
Tho deceased had lived in Lincoln
county for a number of years, but in
1WM moved to Ohio. Two years ngo,
when his health began failing ho re
turned to North Platto and since then
had practically been nn mvnlid.
To mourn his loss thero is a mother,
two sisters and eight brothers. At
this time funeral arrangements had not
bion made.
Rooming House For Sale.
One of the best and oldest estab
lished rooming houses in the city of
North Platte. 22 rooms, all well
furnished and doing a good paying
business. Must be sold at a big sac
rifice. Apply to Buchanan & Patter
son, Sole Agents. 61-2
Miss Elsie Johnson left yesterday for
Bartloy, where sho has been employed
to teach school.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chamberlain re
turned Wednesday from a month's
visit at Bert's old homo in Vermont.
Mlas Mabel Burke, book-keeper in
the water commissioner's offico, has
returned from a vacation spent in
With Color ido peaches selling in tho
local market at sixty-five cent3 a crate,
there are none no poor but can occasion
ally have peaches and cream.
J. G. Beeler transacted business in
Wallace yesterday. He brought back
withnim a watermelon grown on his
old homestead which he vacated twenty
six years ago.
Weather-forecast Fair and much
cooler tonight, Saturday fair. Maxi
mum temperature yesterday 93; a year
ago 84. Minimum temperature yester
day 64; a year ago 55.
Burr Johnson, a thirteen year old
boy, -was arrested toay for Wealing a
gun from,,a coach onVa. tMorjPnclflc
train The gun was rdcoveredjarid "tho
hearing before tho county judgo -continued
until tomorrow.
Something now to remove sunburn
nnd tan. Cocoa Nut Butter Cold Cream.
Sold only at The Rexall and Nyal Drug
Stores. 5j.,j
North Platte nnd Lincoln county
promises to be well represented at the
state fair at Lincoln next week. It is
really too bad that wo cannot get up
enough enthusiasm to make a Lincoln
county exhibit at the fair.
The Hall county sheriff came up yes
tordny and took into custody a woman
named Nichols, her daughter and her
son. Tho woman is wanted on a chargo
of dosertion, a warrant having been
issued by the husband and father of tho
Cut glass, bright, sparkling cuttings,
new shapes, a very large lino this year
and prices right. Clinton,
Jeweler & Optician.
Lrnd seekers who nre now visiting
Lincoln county all agree that our crop
conditions are considerably ahead of
thoso in the eastern part of tho state.
They say we have better small grain,
better corn and better alfalfa than is
found on $150-acre land in the eastern
For Sale Ten fine residence lots
in Taylor Addition R. B. Reid.
Among the east bound freight yes
terday was a car containing tho
Cheyenne county exhibit to be mado
at tho state fair. Crops are fine in
Cheyenne county this season, and the
Sidnoy people do not believe in hiding
their light under a bushol they want
tho world to known that thero is a
Cheyenne county and it is some pump
kins in the agricultural line.
Apples For Sale.
I have COO or 700 bushels of trood
(fall apples for sale. Prices right. Ad-
urcos uavm nunier, auinerianu JNonr.
Fielding and Batting.
"What do you think of Fielding?"
asked a young lady of a graduato ol
odo of our universities with whom she
bad been talking about tho oarly Eng
lish novelists.
"Ob," was tho answer, "It's Impor
tant, of course, but It Isn't worth mucb
jnless thero Is good batting."
Too Much Horticulture.
"Sho had violet eyes, rosy cheeks and
n lily wlilto throat"
"Yes, sho'd bo all right If she dldn'l
have a voice llko a raspberry bush."
(Jhleogo Uecord-rierahi.
A Dluffar.
"Mv ilc.if u'n-1. Mini tier mother in
law, "im vsoiikiii would lie MitlrflM
with what ,Inhi sav. lie Ivih voii.'
"So would I " - I'lii-lt.
r ,t t
I Is f
Hi' 11
hit, wool mNtTAiioprr
Ctyright tQi. A B, Kirschbaum C
OPTIMISM is a tre
mendous help to
Personal appearance is
another big- factor.
A i.
:i .' i.
The Quality Place.
K .
r '. -.
jam tr '1. -tBJwJ-i'iliw
A Bid TIME For r.torybody-A SOOD TIME
Parados and Porformanoes Dally
Glided Pets.
"Riches." said tbo ready mado phi
losophor, "Imvo wings, disturb our rest
and require constrtnt care."
"I supposo bo," replied Mr. Dustln
Stax, "but hurnnu nnturo la human
nature, and wo will Iteop on wanting
dollars tbo samo as women want dogs
and canary birds." Washington Star.
A Mah of His Word.
"Well, old man, did tiinks keen his
word mid sharo his last dollar with
you?" asked Ilodgklns.
"yes," sighed Downnnout. "IIo did,
but lio'd mado tbo muno promise to
twenty others, and all 1 got was u
nlckol." Ilnrper's.
Culinary Ignorance.
Airs. Ivaller Cooks are such Ignorant
tilings nowadays. Mrs. Justwed
Aren't they? They can't do tho sim
plest tilings 1 asked mine W make
bo mo sweetbreads the other day, and
she said sho couldn't. McCiiU'b Muga
nine. Sensitive.
Dentist Wo must Kill the nerve
3 or
lu'nt tooth. Patient Then I will go
)f tho room. I'm too tender hearted
to witness it. Meggeudorfer Blatter
New line of fancy hand painted nnd
burnt leather goods just received.
UiNCKEit Book & Dnuc Co.
Wear clothes that won't
get in your way; that
don't keep you down. fjfi
Fashionably cut of
cpurse. But more par
ticularly, clothes that re
flect the thorough ele
gance of high-grade ' ma
terials and high-skilled
tailoring; clothes that not
only have style, but' will
keep it.
Let us show you our
Kirschbaun Clothes.
They illustrate exactly
what we mean.
Kirschbaum fabrics are
guaranteed all-wool.
Kirschbaum suits and
overcoats arc strictly
hand-tailored. They are
the quality clothes; the
clothes to give mental
Special values at
$15 $20 and $25
that are unsurpassable
anywhere by anybody.
We guarantee this on vl
money-back basis. So
does the maker--Look
for the Kirschbaum label.
The Kirschbaum Spec
ial Serge at s 18.00 is
the most satisfactory
serge value in America.
Full Wjnter weight.
Absolutely color fast.
A new suit for any that
OCT. 5, 1912
I6 JJfMICS males arrangements to see ono
IB& iJ(r - or moro of tho tniiolficttt;
Automnliila Floral Parade.
Tucbdny nf tornoon, Out. 1st.
Electrical Parade,
WcCncwIty nlcht. Oot. 2nd.
Dedication Paredo,
Thursday attanioon, Oat. Cnt
Coronation Doll, fn AtU
tv 111 bo brouirut hero bo everyone can
sua tbo woatost Wild West
fanow jn tuo worm. Iiucumir
bronchos Houuh Klders In
dians. Coma and th
rsnl Chatanna Show. 1-vnro
uuuiuuuu iruui avti. so 10 uou 0, inclusive.
In addition to all this thoro will be tho
25 to Oct. 3, 191S
To -Night
and Saturday.
"Miss Wrooged" Com
edy. Pathe's Weekly.
"For Valour" Drama.
Ansel and Dorian Hand and
Head Balancers.
10 and 15C