Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year by Mail in advance $1.25 Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.00 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, AUGUST 13. 1912. Announcement I horowltli announce my candi dacy for county commissioner on tho republican ticket and ask the support of all citizens and pledgo to conduct the county affairs in an economical nnd business wny if elected. IltA L. MlLTONIIEUGKR. Sioux City Tribune: Prohibition through tho demands of business nnd industriul life continues to make great headway. Tho Lackawanna railway has issued an order lhatnonc of its employes who have to do with the handling of trains may use intoxicnting liquors either on or off duty. New York Sun: For a generation Theodore Roosevelt has been gorged with honors by the republican party, He is now bound to dontroy it because it refuses him that third doniod Grant nnd by long prescription nnd tradition held to be dangerous and , forbidden. A now religious organization, non sectarian and undenominational, with the avowed purposo of purging Colo rado's politics of all uncleanlincss and and of raising tho standard of every day living through "Christ's teachings ns they apply to practical problems and teachings of life," has been given birth in Donyer. Roosevelt claims that a panacea for all our finnncinl, commercial and social ills is found in tho platform of the so called progressive party. If wo re momber correctly this claim was made by tho populist party and later by tho democratic platform of 1890, both of which wore rejected by the pcorjleahd passed into oblivion. History will' re peat itself. Chicago Tribune: When a meat eat ing nation finds its population increas ing and its cattle production decreasing, it can only hope that its statesmanship may bo wise enough to offset tho forces which nro increasing its demand and lessening its supply. Otherwise there will bo nothing loft to do but to follow Dr. Doolittlo's advice and substituto beans for beof. Tho United States is beginning perceptibly to suffer from growing pains. California will be tho original La Toi lette statu in tho presidential cam paign of 1916, for a committee acting in the interest of the Wisconsin man has been formed and within u few days tho first literatim) bearing tho slogan "Robert M. La Folletto for president in 1916" will bo .sent out; from Its hoadquarturs. Tho com mittee consists of Rudolph Spreck leB, tho Ban Francisco sugar magnate; Wm. E. Smytho of San Diego and living Rartln of Stockton. Notwithstanding his reiterated will ingness to stop aside in favor of any other more desired standard bearer, the nomination of Colonel Roosovelt by tho third party convention at Chicago was foreordained, and will therefor sur prise no ono. What it really does is to accentuate beyond misapprehension the the fact that Colonel Roosevelt has abandoned thu republican party after having uchleved all his high honors through it, and with his associates has undertaken to destroy the historic political party tho party of Lincoln, Grant, Gnrfioid and McKinley and to supplant it with one of his own making. At one time it was tho supposed ambi tion of Colonel Roosovelt to refuso a third torm whon It was within his grasp. Later it seemed to be his ambi tion to bo tho only president nominated by hia party for a third torm. Having failed to accomplish that object, after foreswearing his renunciation of a third term, his ambition seems now to bo to Identify his nnmo with tho founding of a now political party built, not up on any great national crisis or upon any vital issue, but upon his own personality. His self forced nomination to head the first ticket of that party is but ono in an ambition program which bo fast unfolded as tho campaign grosses. Omaha Bee. atop will prc- Bull Moose Program. Tho political wlso onus are looking for n call to bo iisued for tho organization of a 8traightout bull mooso party Irti Nebraska. The bull mooso con vention that mot in Lincoln two weeks ago did not do anything but choose delegates to tho convention at Chicago, making everything else dopondont upon action to bo taken thoro. It is said now that tho convention did not adjourn but merely took n recess, subject to call of tho chair, and that instead of having a brand now convention tho old bno will bo reconvened, taking no chances on having intruders got control. This convention name a set of eight presidontal electors for tho Roosevelt ticket, presumably flvo or six of those already nominated, with two or three names added. What it will do on the rest of tho ticket is uncertain, but the assumption is that it will endorse those candidates that take oath to support Roosevelt and join the third party and either ,pass up the others or put in new nominations. This bull moose convention will prob ably be held in Omaha tho first part of September in hope of making a better showing thnn was made in Lincoln, where it drew less than 100 delegates and spectators all told, and it is pos sible some big-gun speaker may bo sent in to hep drum up a crowd.- Bee. Would Give Coal Fields to Cities. Secretary Fisher, of the Interor de partment, has a plan to nllot govern ment coal lands to cities, which in turn may operate them under certain regula tions to suoply municipal needs ns well as those of citizens. As n first step in the plan, Secretary Fisher has recommended that congress pass a bill granting G40 acres of coal land to the city of Grand Junction, Colo., and mean while tho Interior de partment has withdrawn from entry the land the city desires. Cities in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Idaho and other public land states west of tho Missouri river would bo most vitnlly affected by Secretary Fisher's plan. Tho general bill ho offers would au thorize the secretary of the Interior in his discretion to patent 640 ncros of government coal land for ench city and 100 for ench town undor conditions providing for prompt and continuous development of tho coal, tho prevention of nny assignment or transfer of the land, the safeguarding of the health and safety of laborers mining or handling the coal, the prevention of undue waste of mineral resources and other restric tions. Flanders Wins Cup. Terro Haute, Ind., Aug. 8, 1912. Studebaker Corpn., Detroit. Flnndors "twenty" won cup in event two class A, stock cars listed at six hundred to one thousand dollars, de feating Ford, Buick, Maxwell, and two Detamble at Newport hill climb today. Car driven by W. A. Engle, Mgr. Centum. Auto Co. Phone 627 J. L. Burke. Local Dealer. Myrtle and Vicinity. Stnnrns and Reynolls commenced threshing this week. Messrs. Hccht nnd Rose and son Leo who hnve been tho guests of J. C. Askwig and family, returned to Grand Island Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Belcher returned to North Platte Friday. Joe Richards returned to Lexingnon Saturday. Abput sixty people gathered at tho J. C. Askwig homo last Saturday night whero they tripped tho light fantastic until tho "weo sma" hours when tho crowd dispersed, voting Mr. nnd Mrs. Askwig capital entertainers. There will bo a barn dance nt the Holloway ranch Snturduy night, August 17th. A cordial invitation is extended to all. A hail storm passed thru this section of tho country last Tuesday leaving ruin in its wake. The storm covered anaren two milos wide and miles in length. Reports from McPhorson county that tho crops are ruined ns far ns Ringgold. MAKE WORK EASIER. North Platte People Are Pleased to Learn How It Has Been Done. It is pretty hard to attend to duties, With a constantly aching back; With annoying urinary disorders. Doan's Kidnoy Pills havo mado work easior. So thousands hayo gratefully tes tified. They're for bad backs. They're for weak kidneys. North Platte peoplu gratefully recom mend Doan's. J. C. McGowan, 321 S. Chestnut St, North Platto, says: "Six months ago I had an attack of kidney troublo and suffered from all tho achos and pains that accompany this disease. I began using Doan's Kidney Pills, procured McDonell & Graves' Drag Store (Now Schiller & Go's) and it required only one box to rid mo of evory symptom of tho trouble. Tho cure has proved per manent. I havo also given Doan's Kidnoy Pills to our little girl who suf fered from backocho and a kidney weakness and they proved equally sat isfactory." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agonts for the United States. Remember tho name Doan's and take no other. SHERIFF'S SALK. Hy virtue of an order of Halo Issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, Utton ft decrutt of furwlnsurfi rftmitri!(l In mild Kiel court, wherein; Glnn, White & Schatx Is plalntllf and Hugh llranson ami May llranson uro defend ants, and to me directed, 1 will on the 14th day of Sent., 1012, nt 2 o'clock, p. m., at tho cast front door of the court houso In North Platte, Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution and transcript. Interest and costs, the following described property to-wlt: Southwest quarter of tho northeast quarter, the south half of the northwest quarter and thu northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 24, township 16, rangu 33 north, west of the Cth 1. M In Lin coln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nob., August 13th. 1912. al3- A.J.Sausuuuy, Sheriff. Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: fair tonight and Wednesday, not much chango in temperature. High est temperature yesterday 87, a year ago 88; lowest temperature last night 60, a year ago 68. J. F. Donahey, of Omaha, visited John Burke todny enroute home from his homestead in Colorado. r Df7 'LVW, ZfllWA. i Mr Iff msti Telephone Your Friend And Get an Instant R8ply . v The long distance lines of the Bell Telephone System bridge space and bring friends from everywhere within the range of personal communica Maybe never again dur ing your lifetime will there be such a time for newspaper reading. You want a paper that dares print the truth about things as they happen. The State Journal is that sort of a paper, and just as a trial offer will be mailed to any ad dress outside of Lincoln, both daily and Sunday from now until January 1, 1913, for only $1 50 feend in your order now and the paper will start at once. CUT THIS OUT ' STATE JOURNAL, LINCOLN, NEB. bncloscd rind l.bU tor wnicn send me J the Daily and Sunday State Journah until Jan. 1, 1913 at tfhich time the paper is to be stopped. NAME. ADDRESS Union Realty and Investment Company. Paid up Capital $50,000, Surplus 50,000.00. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS T. C. PATTERSON. President, B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Treas. First Mortgages on Real Estate Bought, Sold and Negotiated. This company is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort gages on real estate, amply secured and drawing eight percent semi annual interest. Money so invested will be exempt from taxation. Km Estimate of Expenses. I, Chas. F. Temple, city clerk in and for the city of North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, hereby certify tho following estimate of expenses was mado by the mayor and city council of tho city of North Platto, Nebraska, for tho fiscal year 1012 tho 2d day of July, 1912. BONDS AND INTEREST. To pay interest on $100,000.00 water bonds .4, 2500.00 To pay interest on $29,000.00 sewer bonds ". , . . 1200.00 To pay principal on ono sower bond $1000.00 -?. 1000.00 GENERAL FUND. To pay tho salary of city officers .,1& 2500.00 For streots and alleys, sidewalks, crossings otc JJ 5000.00 For sower maintenance and flushing .V..m" 1000.00 For lighting streets and alleys 3500.00 For incidental expenses of the city '. 2500.00 POLICE FUND. , ., , To pay salaries and incidential expenses , , 2500.00 FIRE FUND.' M, , To pay salaries, incidental exponsos, hydrant roptal and for'supplles.... 5000.00 LIBRARY FUND. To pay salaries, supply and incidental expenses, . ..,,.,., i.7!' 2000.00 1 ,t WATER FUND. To pay salarlosrenairs, extensions and improverrjentsjand incidental exponsos for operating tho water plant . , 30,000.00 CHAS. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk North Platte, Neb,, July 3, 1912. At a called meeting of tho North Platte Esperanto Association it was de cided to dispense with the regular meet ings during the second and third weeks of this month of August. (Signed) Bort M. Reynolds, Pros. The city council met last evoning in the library lecture room and canvassed the votes of the recent election. A Bell Telephone in the home is essential to every woman's convenience and pleasure. It banishes loneli ness and brings a feeling of comfort and security. Telephono Convenience far Exceeds Its Cost. Nebraska Telephone Co Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere. ! v -' Notice. No hunting or tresspassing allowed on land owned or controlled by the un dersigned residing in Dickens precinct. P. K Hoffman Peter Sunquist W. A. Latimer W. P. Flotcher F. S. Stalz Fred Griffiths C. A. Porter John Anderson McCrumbs Bro. C. A. Anderson B. J. Brown H. A. Latimer Philip Heil M. N. Hanan PJTRONIZE' THEDJT iH ' House of Good Show ifi I , When in North Plalle. Motion Pictures. Runs Every Night. Matineo Saturday After noon at 2:30 O'clock. 10 CENTS. I ''l ("WBW lpanl 4rWPWBA,(i"(P1"lBW jl Signet Chapter O. E. S 5 NO. 55- Meets 2nd nnd 4th Thursday of every month at Masonic Hull at T'SU p. m. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L . C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte. - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. IMWHBHI'M""VMMQnMMBmMHeWVMBMNam Repair Work isn't neessary if vou have us in. stall your plumbing. If you are thinking of aterations, give us the First Opportunity of estimating, as we recommend all of our work, which is always performed by first-class skilled mecnanics. consult us. R. F. STUART, Shop Phone 369. Res. Phone 683 217 East Sixth Street. DR. HARRY MITCHELL, GRADUATE DENTIST. Telephone Red 456 50514 Dewey St. North Platte, Nebraskn. tx .... ... ?; A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. Doctors Ames & Ames, 8 - , 6 Physicians and Surgeons, U Office over Stone Drug Co. i : punno ) Office 273 ; Phones Re8idence 273 fj tltfV '" asset) sfo))0soeosa DR. J. S. TWINEM, HomeopathlcPhyslclanandSurgeon Hospital acccrnmodatlons. Medical and 5 0 Burglcal attention given obstetrical cases, n Olllco Phono 183 Res. Phone 283 Ofllco McDonald State Rank Bld'g GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, Office over McDonald Bank. Pha I Office 130 Phones Residencell5 i&rSIHfrJIt JJt'frfltJc'flJft'fr frtrifrfrt-jffJfiT'JJi Dty. IedfiBld edfield, Phyaiciansland Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD, Surfreon. JOE B. REDFIELD, Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons , . Hospital . . PHONE 642. We make a specialty of Dairy Products and can furnish the best in large or small quantities direct from our own Dairy Farm every morning, Phone your order in and it will be delivered. Doolittle Bakery. MILK m&BEMBB&z A Merchant of Brady came into our store tho other day and purchased 2,000 cigars for his trade. Though he is a new customer, it didn't require any talking to sell him the goods; he knew tho name of J. F. Schmalzricd on a cigar box means quality; a well made cigar from the best brands of tobacco. Certain brands of our cigars havo been on tho market for twenty-five years if they were not good, smokers would have declined years ago to buy them. They hove been tested by critical smokers and not found wanting in any particular. J. F. SCHNALZRIED, NOTICE FOR I'UHLICATION. Serial No. OVi-i. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land OfUco at North Plana. Nob. Juno 23tb. 19)2. Notice Is horoby given that Fiank M. Welch, of North Platte, Nob., who. on Oct. Slut, lii08, made 11. K. No 078". for lot 4, sec. 4 two. 1- rgo. 31 and no H, w'.i nw '4. wH swk. wK nwM. Sec Sl.Township 13. north Range 31. W. of tho 6th Principal Meridian, lias filed notice of Intention to in alio llnal three year proof to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo tho Register and Ro colver at North Platte, Nob., on tho 15th day of Aug, 1912. (llaituant names as witnesses: Clyde C, Master, Orlln L. Walking. Thomas V, Zim merman, and Louis Heflor all of North Platte. Nob , J2-0 J. E. Evans. Register. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, 83. In tho County Court. In tho matter of the estate of Hiram A, Morrow, deceased. To the creditors, heirs, legatees, and others In terested In the estate of Hiram A. Morrow, de ceased. Take notice, that Harry L. Morrow, adminis trator, has filed In the county court a report of his iloliiKS as administrator of said estate, and it Is ordered that the same stand for hearing the 13th day of August, A. D., 1912, before the court at the hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., at which time any person interested may appear and except to and contest the same And notico of this nropppdlno- la ordered given in the North Platte Tribune, a semi-weeKiy paper, ror three successive weeks prior to said date of hearing. Wltnees my hand and the seal of the county court at North Platte, Nebraska, this 23d aay of July. A D.. 1912. J23-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judgo- PRORATE" NOTICE. In tho County Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska. July 0, 11)12. In the mattoi of the estate of Hans J. Hanson, deceased. Notice in tieroby given, that tho creditors of Bald deceased will meet the Execu trix of said estate, bofore tho County Judgo of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county court room In said county.on tho 1:1th day of Aug, ll'U, and on tho 13th day of Tob, 1918, at 9 o'clock a ni. each day. for tho pur pose of uresentlnsr tholrclaltns for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims and ono year for tho Executrix to settle said estate, from tho Vth day of July, 1U1J. A copy of this order to be pub lished In tho North Platte Tribune a legal semi weekly newspaper publ'shed In said county for four successive weeUs prior to said datoof hearing. Aug 13, 1912. J9-4 JOHN OKANT. Couritr .Tudgo NOTICE FOR PUIILIOATION Sorial No. 0JIS4. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land OQIce at North Platte. Neb. Julyi), 1912 Notice Is "horeby given that Elmer Daggett, ot North Platte. Neb., who. on Aug. ll,1907,mado homestead entry No. 2J31. serial No. 0.MSI for southeast M. Section ID. Township 12 N, Range 30 W. of tho 6th Principal Merldlau. has tiled notice of Intention to make Itnal live year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before tho Register and Re ceiver at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho 23d day of Sopt, 1012. Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur Connor, Joseph Shaw, Carl Sonneman. Orvlll Matson.lall ot North Platto, Neb. J30.B J. E. Evans. Register. An Ordinance. An ordinance declar ng it necessary to appropriate the west one-half of lot four of block eighty-seven of the city of North Platte for the use of the water works plant of the city of North Platte, appropriating said land above described and appointing appraisers to assess tho damages for such appropriation and fixing the time for the assessing of said damages. Bo it ordained y the mayor and city council of the city of North Platte, Nebraska: Sec. 1. It is necessary for the use of the city of North Platte, for its water works plant to appropriate the west one-half of lot four of block eighty seven of the original town of the city of North Platte, Nebraska; said land being within the corporate limits of said city of North Platte, and lying contig ious to tho pumping plant of the water works of said city of North PI itto. Sec. 2. All of the west one-half of lot four of block eighty-seven of the original town of the city of North Platto, Nebraska, is hereby appro priated to the use of the city of North Platte for its waterworks'. Sec 3. O. E. Elder, Joseph Her shey and J. Q. Wilcox: three disinter ested free-holders and residents of the city of North Platte are hereby ap pointed to assess the damages which occur'by'i'eason of the appropriation of the land here-ln-before described by the city of North Platte, Neb. Sec, 4. Tho persons named in sec tion 3 to assess at the olllco of the city clerk of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, damages shall meet on the second day of September, 1912, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. and proceed to view said land and assess the damages, resulting from the appropriation of the. land hore-in-before described and shall make return in writing to the city clerk of said city of the amount of said damages. Sec. 5. Upon return of the report of the appraisement of damages and upon approval of said report by the mayor and council the amount of said damages shall be paid to the persons owning said proporty and damaged by said appro priation, according to their respective rights in said property. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in forco.from and after its passage approval and publication according to law. , Passed and approyo'd this 2Ph day of of July, 1912. Thos; C. Patterson, Mayor. Attest ,.ivrt,r-nJ. C. Holman, (Seal)' ,-JActihg City Clerk.