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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1912)
state Historical SooUtr r Wxt cy? - rtte oiu TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 13, 1912. No. 56 Jjtortft fettt I kfcL TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS J . wjrr m jr r ' ksm Attorney W. V. Hoagland transacted business in Lexington yestorday. W, D. Joder vill leave tonight for Cheyenne to attend the Frontier cele bration. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. O'Connel return ed this morning from a visit in the oast part of the state. Charley Reynolds is the latest pur chaser of a Ford car, devoting last evening to a tryout. Wanted- Girl for general housework. Apply at once 320 west 3rd St., phone 132. Miss Margaret Kocken, of Omaha, is visiting her parents, having arrived Sunday evening. Leaye orders for Siberian Crab Apples at Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. C. W. Keyes, of Council Bluffs, is visiting North Platte friends, having arrived last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Si. Russell have as their guests the letter's parents who came up a few days ago from Omaha. Mrs. Homer Handley is assisting in the Tramp Dry Goods department dur ing the absence of Miss Comfort Con way. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duke are enjoying a visit from the latter's cousin M. A. Scmer, of Los Vegas, N. M., who ar rived Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. T. B. Greenlee, of Omaha, who had spending a vacation in in Colorado, arrived last evening and will visit friends for a few days. Leave orders for Plums at Wilcox Department Store. The Campbell Brothers circus, which showed here ten days ago, is now stranded at Fairbury, which is the home of the proprietors. The show is heavily in debt to one of the Fairbury banks, and owing to poor business the debt has been increasing to such an extent that it was useless to continuo on the road. The show had been on the coad since 1893. Your corn crop is safe if insured against hail with Bratt & Goodman. Mrs. S. S. Dean and daughter Grace, of Sandusky, Ohio, who have been spending the past month with their son and brother Rush Dean and family, left last night for San Diego to visit Mrs. Dean's brother J as. Belton and her son Earl and family. They expect to remain a year and jf they like it may locate there. Rush Dean and family accompanied them as far as Ogden, expecting to be absent about ten days, returning by way of Denver. Bratt & Goodman have a few gilt edge first mortgage loans of $500.00 and upwards netting seven per cent and eight per cent semi-annual interests not taxable. Nothing safer nor better for our idle money. The Episcopal guild will meet with Mrs. H. E. Welsh Thursday after noon. Miss Sadie Trovillo left Saturday morning for Hastings to spend a week or more with friends. Mrs. William Dolson is spending this, week with her sister-in-law Mrs. D. Monyhan at Broadwater. Miss Helen Davidson and mother re turned Saturday evening. They spent the greater part of last week in Omaha, Potatoes 20c a peck, 75c a bushel at Wilcox Department Storo. Mrs. Sam Morant is expected the last of the week from Lamoni, la., to spend a couple' of weeks with her mother Mrs. Richards. Henry Waltemath has about re covered from his four weeks' siege of rheumatism and is able to come down to his placo of business. C. S. Clinton is expected home Thurs day from a business visit in Chicago. While away he attended the Jewelero Convention at Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Pnssmore are enjoying a visit from the latter's brother who came from Kansas City a few days ago and will spend two weeks. Homer Mussleman left last night for Kansas City to visit his sister for two weeks. Enroute he will spend several days at Omaha, Fall City and St Joe. D. T. Oliver is ready to clean your party gowns or suits on short notice. Jiist phone the Star Clothing House and he will call for them. Work guar anteed. The wardrobe tailors and cleaners. Two engineering corps are now at work surveying and setting grade stakes for the new Union Pacific line from Gibbon to Hastings and it is expected that grading will begin at an early date,. Hardly a day passes that does not bring us lightning losses on live stock. If without this protection, Mr. Farmer, instruct Bratt & Goodman to write you one pf, their square deal policies. Under the management of Messrs. Corbin Jones and MUlege Bullard, a social dance 'was held at the Masonic hall last evening, good muaic and con genial people made the affair a very pleasant one. New Fall Dresa Goods at Wilcox Department Store. During the ' storm in the north part of the country Tuesday evening of last week hail stones six inches in circum ference fell, and with such force as to literally mow off the corn stalks. The coin fields of a number of farmers in Myrtle precinct and in southern Mc Pherson county were practically ruined. The storm traveled in a southwesterly direction and its track was about two miles wide. FOR RENT. FNe room flat close in, houses, storage room and safe deposit boxes. Bratt & Goodman. fBBggS!i&s'" vv Offi ffiJSBMB 7 If a good businoss ohanoo aumo your way, in tho shape of a piece of property or a sliare in a thriving business, it would lie vary nloo to -write out n olidok for tho nmount. Jf sickness or firo Invaded your homo, it would hu nice to hnvo monoy in in tlio bank, ft would ho nloo to hnvo f jnonoy in thalamic, no matter what might happen, hooauso it is ji safe-guard against possible ohl age or sickness and POVnitTY. IDo YOUlt banking with The First National Bank, OF XOIZTII PLA.TT1S, XJSMZASIC. Tho Targost Hank In "Western "Nebraska. Notice to Water Consumers. Work on tho now extensions starts today and water consumers living on Second street and south of said stroet in Peniston's. Miller's, Banks' and South Park additions vwill bo put to somo inconvenience for tho next two or three weeks, as it will bo necessary to shut the water off at times in order to connoct the new extensions to tho old system. One long blast of the fire whistle will bo. given each time one half hour before water is shut off so that consumers may draw sufficient water to last them until water is turned on again. Water will bo shut off only when absolutely necessary and as for as short a time as possible. Any one having n hot fire in tho range when water i3 shut off should open the hot water faucot and allow the fire to die down n's soon as possible to avoid injury to the water back. Hershey S. Welch, Water Commissioner. Ford Assembling Plant at Denver. Chas. Hendy, Jr.. general agent for the Ford Motor Co., at Denver, who is now traveling ovor Nebraska inspect ing all Ford agencies, and placing more for 1913 whore they are needed, is or dered to be in Denver Thursday, Aug 15th, to mpet Mr. CouBins, secretary of tho Ford Motor Co., who has the plans for a largo assembling plant in that city and purahase a site for same. This means that all Ford doalers east of tho Missouri river will mako ship ment from Denver, making deliveries much more quickly than heretofore. This should make people see that the rumor that John D. Rockefeller had purchased the Ford factory or that tho Ford would not be sold through agents in 1913 is incorrect and without foundation. Nov Open. Dickey's Sanitary Laundry. Let the auto call for your bundle. Phono 77, easy to remember. We use nothing bu soft water and pure sonp to wash your clothes. Prompt service and courteous treatment. Give us a trial. Dickey's Sanitary Laundry. The Cattle Famine. The scarcity of cattle has thoroughly alarmed tho officers of tho South Omaha Live Stock company and also the pack ers, and a few days ago the manager for the Cudahys said thoy might be compelled to close their cattlej killing houses entirely. He pictured a very pessimistic picture of the future if the farmers did not pay more attention the production of cattle. General Manager Buckingham of the stock yards also talked in severe terms of tho beef shortage, of its consequences to trade and labor and of possible nieans of correcting the evil. Ho advocates tho' passage of laws prohibiting the saje of cows and hoifors and providing a.penalty for it for a number of years. He criticises tho public, which he holds responsible for some"of the shortage. He says the public demands veal and will have nothing else for months lot a time, and says the country needs a lesson or two in the matter of conversation. Price Record Smashed. All local previous high records for beef cattle sales were smashed at South Omaha yesterday when a shipment of forty-six steers from tho farm of J. Thorman, Elgin, Neb., wns sold by J. M. Cook of theJ'.Great Western Cummission comnanv at IS10.00 ner hundred, or 35 cents a hundred more than the previous top price. The record herd was made up of histh grade Durhams and has been on full pasture for the last ten months. They tipped the scales as three and 4-vear olds at an average of 1.5C9 pounds each, costing the packing company $15G.G0 a head or a total of $7,217 for tho forty-six. J 3 ' .ii'"" i-" -' v,,!, 3 YW V ir . . $ Royal Society Packages " 'AW V and Flosses in all Colors and Sizes? Have you ever used the Royal Society Packages. If 80,ybu will know how easy it is to beautify your home with a few pieced of artistic fancy work. Each and every package is complete, stamped on linen, including flosses and full directions for working. Have You Property For Sale. I have buyers for property in the east part of town and north side, wanting about five room houses. If you have such property you want to soli, see me. C. F. Tkmple. 5C2 Railroad men agree that tho freight car shortage is rapidly reaching tho critical stage, but a good many of them are looking for,roleif in favorablo weathor conditions. All over Nebraska and Kansas the elevators aro filled to overflowing with wheat and thero nie not enough cars to haul it away to the murkets. John Fritzinger, of Valpariso, has accepted a position in tho Stono Drug Store succeeding Claude Macomberwho resigned. tfSTwr.WSSF 641 Necktie Rack Everything to complete the Rack, price REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Nice homes, cottages, vacant lots, improved farms and farm land. Bratt & Goodman. 50 Cent?. 647 Necktie Rack with card GJ9 22-in Center Piece -A very board form, wooden rod and full simple yet artistic pattern instructions included, price stamped on tho natural linen, prico 50 Cents. 80 Cents 349Pillow Top -Stamped on tinted linen. An exquisite de sign. Price 50 Cents. 645-Libtgry, ScarfA very effectiyevpattern stamped on the natural linen. Tinted ready for the outline work. Price One Dollar. 685 Punch Work and Em broidery Waist Samples on the finest flaxon, full directions for working, price 50 Cents. 9 E. T. TRAMP If DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. h.' ."K r-i - m , mr " " mr u A Definition. An amusing Illustration of giving n definition that Itself needed to bo do fined a frequent occurrence, by tho way Is Instanced In tho case of n southern witness and a lawyer. Some matter of boundary was In question, and n certain witness, nnlmnted with n lnudablo desire to mako things smooth, turned to tho Judgo with tho confiden tial remark: "You see, your honor, that there house always was cattawampus." "What did tho witness say?" nsltcd tho lenrned Judge, not quite ccrtnln (lint he had beard aright. Whereupon n smart young lawyer Jumped up and explained with a pat ionizing nlr. half for the Judge who couldn't understand plain English, half for tho Ignorant witness who couldn't mora ologant languago: "Your honor, tho witness said catta wampus, but what ho meant to signify was that tho house was built snatch wise." St Louis rost-Dlspatcli. Heart and Lurtgs. The notion of tin henrt, lunpi und di Bt'stlw system I Involuntary, for the reason tlnit It N Indispensable to life and must l ctui'lcd on iiudi'i' all fir cunwtnui-iw ir a mail lind to tliluU f tils lion it or liad to reiiieiiilici ilmt lit1 must tirentlii or that tils food hum dl Kest he would have no time to ilo tiny thiiiK else, mid If by cliiiucc lie tinulij fotjret to koep Ids lifiirt pilir or I I lunH hi opi'intlnti lie would fall dead on the Hpot, Oriental Justice. A youtiR man going a Journey In trusted a hundred dinars to an old man. When ho came back the old man denied having had any money deposit ed with him, and ho was had up boforo tho Khazeo. "Where were you. young man, when you delivered this money?" "Under a tree." "Take my seal and summon that tree," said tho Judge. "Go. young man, and toll tho trco to como hither, and tho tree will obey you when you show It my seal." Tho young man went In wonder. After ho had been gone somo tlmo tho Khazeo said to tho old man, "Ho Is long do you think ho has got thero yet?" "No," said tho old man; "It Is atiomo dis tance, no has not got thoro yet." "How knowest thou, old man," cried tho Khazeo, "whero that treo Is?" Tho young man returned and said tho trco would not come, "no has boon hero, young man, and given his evidence. Tho monoy la thlno." Oriental. Moat Important Event. "What do you ronsldi-r the most mi portant event In the lilstoiy or Purls? "Well." replied the tourist who Inul grown weary of distributing tips, "so fur ns fluunclnl ijrospi'ilty Is isiinvrii nd, 1 should nay the discovery of Anier lea was the making of this town." Wiishlngtou Herald. Good News, Cashier Have you heard, sir, that John .Tones Is bankrupt? Rnuker Well. that's good news, We will now get a little of what he owes us, where as. If he had remained In business, we never would have got a cent. File gende Itlnttcr. Flanders "20" Lcadi. Galveston, Tex., Aur. 9, 1912. Studebaker Corpn. Dotrolt, Mich. Driving tho Studebaker "O" which last fall set a now list 6f stock car records for tho class, Douglas Christie today competed in three con secutivo races against tho heaviest cars at the beach meeting. Tho distance totaled a hundred miles and tho Studo baker outflnishod two Nationals, twp Cases, a Simplex 90, Lozier, Mercer, Stutz and Mason Special. Some of them twico. Cljristie never left Wb seat between the rucest his feat wab sensation of days sport. Bhuske. Phone 627 J, L. Burke, Local Dealer. As tho season approaches the end tho ball teams In the Nebraska league are haying pretty hard financial sled ding, and thoro will bo more or less gloom for the baqkers from now until the finish. Starting with a salary limit of $800 it has been expanded to 81,200. An Egotist. Tommy Pop, what Is an egotist? Tommy Pop An egotist, my son, Is a man who thinks ho can form an lm partial opinion of lilmsolf. Phlladel phlr llword. A High Testimonial. Lndy (engaging n maid) Wns your last mistress sntlslled with you7 Mnld Well, mum, she said sho was very pleased when I left. Victor Halligan returned Saturday from Oshkosh whore ho had been employed for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilbert spent Sunday in Cozad with rolatives. Money to loan on real estate. Bratt & Goodman. Many u mnn's vices hnvo at first been nothing worso than good quali ties run wild. Hiiro Tom Green enmo up from Grand Island yestorday and will romain for some timo transacting business. Wo understand Mr. Green will dispose of his billiard hall in this city, Little Kathcrine Ami Drandt has issued invitations to a birthday party at her home on Thursday, August 15th. The Airdome. To -Night PICTURES Family Jars. His Master Piece. The Unwilling Bride. VAUDEVILLE 10 and 15C