The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 06, 1912, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bore, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mail in advance $J.2o
One Year by Carrier in advancd $1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nobraskn, Tost
oflico as Second Class Matter.
I. herewith announce my enndi
dacvfor county commissioner on the
republican ticket and ask the support
of all citizonB and pledge to conduct
the' county affairs in nn economical
and business way if elected.
New Party Same Old Methods.
Despite its idol's fierce denunciation
of the old parties, the projected new
party is employing the very same
method, and the very same machinery.
Hdre wo see the new third party con
vention being organized by a nntional
committeo made up of one member
from each state, this national committeo
b'cing absolutely self-constituted with
out even pretense of n popular commis
sion. "'Hero we see this committee claiming
Co typify reform and emancipation start
ing out with closed doors and secret
sossions to avoid the publicity accorded
by the old parties.
Hercfwo see contesting delegations
coming up from the southern states
whoso electoral votes are already fore
closed. Hero we see the negro question again
rising as a propetual puzzel inescapable
by any party promising equal rights to
' Hero we see this self-constituted
national committee rolieving the con
tention of the necessity of selecting its
tomporary chairman and other officers.
And above all, we see the convontion
mado up of delegates choson, not by
direct primary, but hand-picked, .find
.often in direct violation of the prirtiary
laws of the states they are supposed to
In a nutshell wo seo n convention
built oh oxcoriation of tiie bosses, yet
with its own program prearranged and
itsnction in every detail fore-ordained
without leaving delegates the slightest
f roedom of choice. '
Down with the old boss-ridden pUrttosJ
Up with the new party of thopepplol
Omaha Bee.
Bryan's Estimate of Roosevelt. ,
(An analysis by W. J. Bryan in "The
"Ho criticises our tariff; of course
he does this, because ho stands for tho
doctrine of taxation of the many for
tho benefit of tho few, and ho has done
nothing to relieve the peoplo of the ox
tortioh now being practised upon thorn
through high tariff schedules.
"On tho trust question his position
is radically wrong and probably ac
counts for tho support which he is re
ceiving from some of the trusts.
"Corporations engaged in legitimate
business can and should bo regulated.
but a private monopoly Is different it
should not be permitted to exist. Reg
ulation was tried under Mr. Roosovelt
hlmsolf and trusts grow and fattenod
under mm, Ono trust, tho stool trust
the worst of all secured from him
1 permission to swallow up its largest
rival, and his most consplcious suppor
tor, Mr. Perkins, is connected with
aovejral trusts.
Vj!Mr, ' Roosevelt has recominondod
federal incorporation the vory thing
that.trustB desire. Tho trusts want
rcliof from atato laws and Mr. Rooso
yelt is tho first president to join them
in advocating this legislation. On tho
trut question Mr. Roosevelt is hand-In-hand
with predatory wealth. His policy
on thfs subject is not only not progres
sivo but is reactionary and dangerous.
"But Mr. RooBovolt'a errors aro not
wondbred at His wholo bias is wrong,
Ho is moro Hamiltonian than Ham
ilton himself. No public man since tho
government was formed has treated
constitutional limitations so contempt
uouisly. He conculdea his Outlook edi
torial with these significant words: The
progressive would discard those limita
tions surviving from the past that
qamper and interfere with the progress
of tho peoplo, and turning forward
would insist that ninety million peoplo
of the nation should bo permitted to do
whatever ja necessary for the wolfare
of tho nation and for securing social
Away with tho constitution and lot
us decide what tho people need and
thenrdo it for them I That is the
Roosevelt program. He has a passion
for power such a passion as no othor
president ovor had. No other president
over felt so reholious ngainst the re
strictions which our forefathers thought
it wise to throw about tho oxecutivo
' "In his Osawatomio speech, as inter
preted afterwards in tho Outlook,yJio
outlined his policy, first, tho absorption
by tho general government of much of
the powornow oxerclscdby tho states;
B3Cond, tho absorption by the federal
executive of much of tho power now
exercised by all by other departments,
nd, third, a president who will bo
overlooked to as the stcwart of the
people. This is not popular govern
ment; it is despotism. Add to this
centralization of government a man of
Mr. Rooscvelt'B temjwrament and you
have the man on horseback."
Tho Sidney Tolegraph looks at it this
way; "Tho man who cnlls himself a re
publican .and yet supports the now
party movement may deceive himself,
but cannot fool othors. No service he
may have rendered tho republican party
can give him any claim to the recogni
tion of republicans if in this exigency
he gives countenance to and joins hands
with those who are planning tho over
throw of the party. The citizen who
renounces his republicanism and enters
the democratic ranks enn bo respected.
But there can bo no respect for tho one
who while professing to be u republican
unites with conspirators against the
party ho had been affiliated with. The
time is at hand for every citizen to de
cide under which flag ho will sorvo and
to declare his decision without qualifi
cation or reservation. In the impend
ing conflict thero must be no trimmers
or temporizers. "
Cattle at South Omaha firmed up
last week and sold from 25 to
GO cents higher than the preceding
week. The best beef cattle sold as high
as $9.75 and feeders as high
as $7.00. The week closed with top
notch hogs selling nt $8.15. The re
ceipts of cattle nt South Ompha last
week were less than half tho number
In tho corresponding week last year.
There is no evidunco of n reduction in
the price of meat, on the contrary
higher prices may bo expected.
"Let tho people rule." That has been
Roosevelt's cry. Yet ho approves a
plan to seize republican organizations
wherever possible, having republican
electors who arc willing to betray their
party vote for him instead of for the
republican nominee for president, and
preventing "tho people" from having
any opportunity to voto for Taft, even
though they desire to do so. Consistency
Is a jewel not recognized by tho bul1
Lucius Stebbins, candidate by peti
tion for congressman in tho sixth con
gressional district, doclurcs that as ho
cannot got the uso of tho Carnegie
library hall for independent political
action, ho will hold his headquarters on
Dewoy street in the interest of all
parties and candidates, including Bull
Moosers. All interested are invited to
The Roosevelt men now nominated as
republican candidates for" presidential
electors from Nebraska should cither
resign or declare their intention of vot
ing for Taft. If thoy resign their places
can bo filled by men who are republicans,
and tho bull moosers can name their
own electoral ticket. This acjtion would
bo honest and regular, and thero would
be no masquerading in false disguise.
In tho majority report filed bv the
congressional committee appointed to
investigate the United States steel cor
poration, an indictment is made against
former President Roosevelt for mnking
tho control of tho steel trust absolute
and is charged with being responsible
for tho gigantic stature which tho trust
has attained.
Myrtle and Vicinity.
Mrs. Ralph Belcher, of North Platte,
in visiting the home folks.
Mrs. C. L. and W. S. Ross were
North Platte visitors Monday.
James Bowors left for North Platto
Wednesday and later will go to Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Jumos Adamson, who
have been visiting relatives for tho past
two weeks, went to North Platto Sun
day. Chas. Rose, of Grand Island, is the
guest of J. C. Askwig.
Mrs. E. C. Allison visited her brother
and wifo at North Platto the first of
the week.
North Platte People Are Shown the
Way Out.
SSKidney diseases are very dangerous.
Thoy come on silently, gain ground
rapidly, and cause thousands of deaths
that could have been prevented by
proper treatment in the beginning.
Nature givos early warnings of kidney
disease backache, twinges of pain
when stooping or lifting, headaches
and urinary disorders. If these symp
toms axe unheeded, there is grave
danger of dropsy or possible Bright's
disease Donn's Kidney Pills have
earned a reputation for their effec
tiveness in kidney troublos, nnd are
known and recommended tho world
over. The Tribune readers should find
convincing proof in tho following state
ment. It's from a citizen of this lo
cality. Mrs. U. K. Smith, Elsio, Nobr., "For
about five years I endured great agony
from kidney disease. I could not rest
well, felt weak and tired nnd was all
worn out. Dark spots appeared before
my oyes nnd I ofton thought I was go
ing to smother. My limbs swelled and
I becamo so bad that I could hardly
got around. This remedy did such
good work that I consider it worthy of
my endorsement, "
For sale by all dealers. Price B0
cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo.
New York, solo agents for the United
Remember the name Doun's and
take no other,
Local and Personal.
Mrs. Fred Warren and children leave
tomorrow for a month's visit in Fair
bury and other points in the east part
of the stato.
Jason Sawyer, who has been em
ployed as freight brakeman at Rawlins
for some time, arrived Saturday for
a visit with relatives and friends.
Tho national convention of tho Knights
of Columbus will be heldthis week at
Colorado Springs. Several members of
the local lodge are planning to 'attend.
Several companies of tho Nebraska
National guards that had been taking
part in the maneuvers atl'olo mountain,
north of Cheyenne, passed east- today.
Wm. Ebright, of the south side, who
has 150 acres in corn, says the prospects
for n big crop arc bettor than in any
previous year. Naturally.Jhe feels jubi-
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sumner, Mrs.
Sumners sister and Attorney Dorsey,
of Bioomington, stopped .ojertiriiJtown
yesterday to visit at the Federhoof
home while enrouto to Ogdon in an
The Hendy-Ogier garage have four
teen Ford cars enrouto from tho fac
tory. Seven of these will be delivered !
in North Platto and seven at Staple-1
ton. Iho two cars driven up from
Omaha by Mr. Hendy Saturday have
been sold, one going to Thos. Peterson,
who lives soutli of Maxwell.
Tho grub-worm has destroyed much
corn in northeastern Iowa in the last
few days. - Entire fields are infested
by worms. The worms aro found in
such groat numbers that newly stirred
ground appears as though it was cov
ered with snow. The worm is pro
nounced by. scientists to be the larva
ot tho Juno bug.
Goo. W. Perkins, Jato of the steel
trust and a leader of the bull moo3es,
informs the public that there will bo
no lack of money for tho Roosevelt
campaign. If some trust celebrity
like Perkins should say that there is
plenty of money for the Taft cam
paign tho bull moosers would 'at once
yell "trust candidate."
Demands. j ;
Knlcker What's tho matter with
SJtnlth? Bocker Ills baby wants the
moon, and his wifo wants the 'earth.
Mjw York Sun.
Of Course.
Little Boy (tit ticket o-fllcoi 1 want a
return ticket, please. Ticket Agent
Whoro to? Little Buy-Why. hack hero,
if course;
Doubt of all kinds can be removed by
lotliluu hiitnorinn.
Bale Your Hay and Sell It
THERE is always a ready market at a good
price for baled hay. It can be handled
easily. It prevents waste. Baling is
most profitable when you use I H C pull power
presses requiring either one or two horses;
or I H C motor, presses using 3, 4, or 6-horse
power I H C engiries. Both styles have three
separate bale chamber sizes, 14 x 18 inches,
16 x 18 inches, 17 x 32 inches. Many farmers
feed their own stpek silage and shredded corn
stover and sell their High-priced hay. A big
majority of them
Use I H C Hay Presses
The I H C pull power press has a greater
capacity than any other horse press of its size.
The stepover is the lowest and narrowest made.
An adjustable bale tension insures compact
bales. A roller tucker makes each bale neat
and smooth in appearance.
The I H C motor press consists of a bale
chamber and an I H C engine, mounted to
gether on substantial trucks. When not bal
ing hay you have a portable IHC engine,
which can be used to saw wood, pump water,
shell corn, grind feed, separate cream, or to
run any farm machine for which its power
makes it suitable. Two perfect machines in one.
Call on the IHC local dealer in your town,
or, write for an I H C hay press catalogue.
International Harvester Company of America
Crawford Neb,
- IMC Servlca tiureau
, Tho purpose of this Uurcau Is to furnish, free
of cliarco to nil, the best Information obtainable
"4 on butter fnrmliit. If you have any worthy ques-
110ns concerning sous, crops, innu Drainage, trrl.
cation, fertilizers, etc.j makuyourlnqulrlos specific
. . aiulsuniUkcni to 1 II C Service Uureau, Harvester
UutliUnc, Chicago, USA
Seven Days In a Year.
At tho examination of pupils In nn
English primary bcIiooI tho Inspector
put questions nt random to tho schol
ars. Among tho latter was a tow
headed lad who, on being nsked how
mnny days thero arc In a year, an
swered, "Seven." When tho Uttering
of tho rest of tho class subsided tho In
spector remarked: "I said a year, not a
week. Now try It again. How many
days are there In a year?" Tho lad
appeared nonplused nnd vexed for a
moment, thon ejaculated: "Monday.
Tuosdny. Wednesday, Thursday. Fri
day. Saturday, Sunday Just seven. If
there's othors I never heard of 'cm.'"
Tho Clever Osteopath.
A certain osteopath was treating a
young lady who had very weak ankles
and wrists. As she lived in a town
quite n distance from his own city he
was forced to leave the city Saturday
of ouch week and go to the town in
which tho young lady lived, give her
the treatment on Sundny und return to
the ofilce on Monday. A friend oiice
asked the osteopath how he had ar
ranged to give the young lady the
treatments for her ankles nnd wrists
when h1u lived at such n distance, and
the osteopath replied. "Oh, I go out
and troat her week ends." LIpplncott's
Moisture and Temperature.
A cubic foot of air nt the tompern
turc of zero (F.) can obtain only .5 of
n grain of water vapor, nt 32 degeesv
It can hold 2.13 gains, at G5 It can
contain (J.8 grains, and at 1)8 It can.
hold 18.00 grains of moisture In bus-'
pension. These figures go to show
Unit sumtne nlr can hold at least nine
times tho quantity of dampness that
air enn when reduced to the tempera
ture of freezing.
Medical Etiquette.
Medical etiquette. Instead of being
kept up. as peoplo so often imagine, in
the Interests of the doctors. Is main
tained In tho Interests of tho public.
It is thoy, not the doctors, who would
suffer most were it done away with.
London Spectator.
The Remainder.!
Dear Snapshot) Can you tell me
what Is the remainder of, the quota
tion beginning "Man proposes?"- Cer
tainly. Man proposes; woman op
poses. Buffalo Times.
Easily Answered.
Wife The doctor has advised me to
go south for a month's rest Tho ques
tion now is whero to go.
Husband Go to another doctor.
Fllegendo Blatter.
Not 80 Bad.
"A rTenny for your thoughts," chirp
ed tho young lady.
"Well, I've had worse offers from
publishers," responded the poet Kan
sas City Journal.
. ,1a.
For Sale.
For sale on easy terms the no qr sec
tion 6-13-31, sixty acres in sec 2-13-31,
and block 3, South Park addition to
North Platte. Address, H. E. Nichols,
Sterling, Colo.
House of Coot! fhow
When in Norlh Plane.
.Motion Pictures, Runs Kvory
Night. Matinee Saturday Alter
noon nt 2:J0 O'clock.
Qllke plioi.o 211. Res. phone 217
U . C . DROPT,
Osteopathic Phyalclan.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Repair Work
isn't neessary if vou have us in.
stall your plumbing. If you are
thinking of aterations, give us
First Opportunity
of estimating, as we recommend
all of our work, which is always
performed by first-class skilled
mecnanics. consult us.
Shop Phone 3G9. Res. Phone 683
217 East Sixth Street.
Telephone Red 456 B0o!4 Dewey St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Doctors m8S & Ames, 5
?: Physicians and Surgeons, j;
; Office over Stone Drug Co.
ll Phones lOffiCH273
6 rnonea f Residence 273
Homeopathic Physician andSurgeon
m Hospital accommodations, Medical and 2
tt surgical attention eh en obstetrical cases. J
Office Phone 18:i Ilus. Phone 263 A
Office McDonald State Rank Rld'g
2 Physician and Suroeon,
9 Office over McDonald Bank.
Ph. .Office 130
PhQqeB (Residence 116
Di Idfield edfield,
JOE B. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. . Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
Statement of the Condition
or THK
of North Platte, Nebraska; on tke 30th
day of June, 1912.
Certificate NX 82.
Flrt mortgage loans t4M 000 00
stock loans l 800 oo
Cash 7 410 M
Iiellnnuent interest, premiums and
nne 707 50
Expense ana taxes paiu iroJO
Total ?4o0 113 IS
Capital stock paid up $IM i3a 31
Reserve fund 8 400 oo
Undivided pronts ,. is 630 is
Other liabilities U SO
Total ri48a lis 42
Halance on band July 1.1911 1 3 3-12 00
Dues 'Ml 4HJ 50
Interest, and tines 38 129 HO
Loans repaid 41 sua 07
Miscellaneous Keiw SOU 00
Taxes and Insuranco 130 as
Total 182 778J1
Loans , 79 600 00
Expenses 1 799 as
Stock redeemed 93 Hill irt
Cash on band 7 4ia Mi
Taxes and Insurance 101 75
Total., 162 778 71
State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, m.
I, Batnuul Goozee, sec rotary of tlio above
named Association, do solemnly swear that
tlio toroirolnif statement ot tlio condition of
said Association Is true and correct to tlio
best of my knowledge and bullet.
Samuei. Goozee. Secretary,
Subscribed and sworn to beforu mo Ibis j!s(
day of July. 1912.
Guakk IlDCiiANAN. Notary Public.
P. T., -Directors.
V. vonOoetz. I
A Merchant of Brady
came into cur store the other day nnd
purchased 2,000 cigars for his trade.
require any talkinir to soil' him the
oods; he knev tho name of J. F.
jclimulzried on n mrrnr linv tnnnno
quality; n well mude cigar frorn the
best brands of tobneco. Certain brands
of our cigars have been on the markqt
for twenty-five years if they were
not good, smokers would have declined
years' aero to buv thrfm. Thnu Vinv,
been tested by criticnl' smokers nnd
not found wanting in any particular.
. Serial No. 07;w.
ricnartmentof I'm Interior.
1'. S. Land Olllco at Nortb Platte. Nob.
.Ill III) ZJth. 1U12.
llailtro 31. Y. of the Utli Prlnflnnl M.iVilinr,
lias tiled notlcof Intention toniako final three
year proof to establish claim to tho land
abovqilescrlbed. boforo tho Register and Ro
crlvcrat Nortli I'latto. Nh.. nn tim iiti, ri..
Of Auir.1912.
(Jlalmant nampi as witnesses: Clyde C.
Master. Orlln L. AVatkins, Thomas P, 7,1m
iiiHrman. and Louis Uefior all of Ntirth
Platte. Neb,
J2li .1. n. Evans. Register.
. TX0 State f Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
In the County Court.
In tho matter of tho HBt.irn nf m a
Morrow, deceased. '
lotne creditors, heirs, legatees, and others in
terested in tho estate of HI rim A M,. .i-
ceased. '
Take notice, that Harry L.Morrow, adminis
trator, has filed in the counly court a report of
hiB doings as administrator of said estate, and it
is ordered that the samo tcr knarin .i.
13th day of Aunust, A. D 1912. before the court
at the hour of 9 o clock, a. m., at which time any
person interested may appear and except to and
contest the same And notico of this proceeding is
ordered given in the North Platto Tribune, a
auriii weeKiy paper, ior tnree successive weeks
prior to said date of hearing.
Wltnces mv hand and thn nral nt !,, ,....
court at North Platte, Nebraska, this 23d aay of
Till.. A . T" into w
J23-3 .1Q1IN GRANT. County .Tudeo.
In die Coiintv Court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. July 9, 1912.
In the -natter ut the estate of Hans J.
Hanson, deceased.
Notice n imretiy (.vtn, that, the creditors
of said deceased will meet tho Execu
trix oi salu estate, boforo the County Judge
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county
court room In said county. on the 13tb day of
Aug. wvi, and on tho 13tli day of Peb.
IH1 J. at U o'clock a. m. each day, for the pur
po3e of presentlnc thelrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six mouths
aie allowed for creditors to present their
claims nnd ono year for tho Executrix to
snttlu said estate, from the Uth day of
Iiily, 1912. A copy of this order to bo pub
lished In the North Platte Tribune a legal
semlweeklv newspaper puhl'shed in said
roiintvforfour successive weeks prior to
paid date of hearing. Aug, 13, 1912.
jl)-4 JOHN ORANT. County Judge
Serial No. 0MS4.
Department of the Interior.
U. S Land Oillce at North Platto, Nob.
.TiilyJK, 1912.
Notice Is .hereby given that Elmer
Daegctt, ot Nortb Platto, Neb., who. on Aug.
ll,1907,mado homestead entry No. 23310. sorlal
No, 0.W84 for southeast W. Section
10, Township 12 N, Range 30
H. or tho dth Principal Meridian, has
fl.u.l Hn, I. .r. n. I ..... I ... . I .. . I.
in-i ,iulii:u ui ifuiiiLiuu vo mane nnai live
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
above des'rlbed. before tho Register and Re
ceiver at North Platto. Nebraska, on tho 23d
day of Sept, 1912,
uiaimant names as witnesses: Arthur
Connor. JoQph fchaw. Carl Sonneman.
Ilrvill MatwmA nil nt lTli Tlln,.,. xrnK
J30-H J. E. Evans. Register.
An Ordinance.
An ordinance declaring it necessary
to appropriate the west ono-half of lot
four of block eighty-seven of the city
of North Platte for the use of the water
works plant of the city of North Platte,
appropriating said land above described
and appointing appraisers to assess the
damages for such appropriation and
fixing the time for the assessing of
said damages.
Bo it ordained by the mayor and city
council of the city of North Platte,
Soc. 1. It is necessary for the use of
the city of North Platte, for its water
works plant to appropriate the west
one-half of lot four of block eighty
seven of the original town of tho .city
of North Platte, Nebraska; said land
being within the corporate limits of said
city of North Platte, and lying contig
ious to the pumping plant of the water
works of said city.of North Plutto.
Sec. 2 All of the west one-half of
lot four of block dighty-seven of the
original town of the city of North
Platte, Nebraska, is hereby appro
priated to the uso, of the city of North
Platte for its waterworks.
Sec, a O. E. Elder, Joseph Her
shey nnd J. 0. Wilcox Jthree disinter
ested f re'o-holdera? and residents of the
city of Norths Platte are hereby ap
pointed tbMses3' the damages which
occur, by reason of the appropriation of
the land here-in-before described by
the city of North Platte, Neb.
Sec, 4. The persons named in sec
tion 3 to assess at the ofilce of the city
clerk of the city of North
Platto, Nebraska, damages shall meet
on the second day of September, 1912,
at 10:00 o'clock a. m. and proceed to
view said land and assess the damages,
resulting from the appropriation of the
land hcre-in-bofore described and shall
make return in writing to the city
clerk of said city of tho amount, of
said damages.
Sec. 5. Upon return of tho report of
the appraisoment of damages and upon
npproval of said report by the mayor
and council the amount of said damages
shall be paid to tho persons owning said
property and damaged by said appro
priation, according to thoir respective
rights in said property.
Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take
efFqct and be in force from and after
its passage, approval nnd publication
according to lawj
Passed and approved this 29th day of
of July, 1912. THOS. C, PATTERSON,
Attest: J. C. Holman,
(Seal) Acting City Clerk.
Notice Is liorobv Klven that Prank M.
.;),'.ll"!:,Qof 'N,,,,c- Nob- w,1. on Oct.
3Ir Hws. mado II. n. No 073. for lot4.sec 4
twp. 1J rce. 31 and ni, neK nw .
WV. SW'j. W IIW1-. Slc. tfl.Tnnrni.tiln IS nn.n,