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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1912)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IRA L. BARK, Publisher. TERMS, U.25 IN ADVANCE. JORTH PLATTE, . . NEBRASKA WHOM WE CALL MERE MAN. An nvorago man of ICO pounds con-i tains tho constituents found In 1,200 eggs. Thoro Is enough gas In him to fill a gasometer of 3,040 cubic feet. Ho contains enough Iron to mako four tenpenny nails. Ills fat would mako sovcnty-flvo candles and a good sized enko of soap. His phosphato content would mako 8.0C4 boxos of matches. There lo enough hydrogon In him In combination to fill a ballroom and car ry him abovo tho cloud3. Tho remain Ing constituents of a man would yield, ft utilised, six tcaBpoonfuls of salt, n bowl of sugar and ten gallons of jwuter. A man has COO muscles, 1,000, (000,000 colls, 200 different bones, four pallons of blood, several hundred feet of arteries and veins, moro than twen-ty-fivo feet of Intestines, and mtlllons ot pores. His heart weighs from eight to twelvo ounces, Its capacity from four to six ounces In oach vontrlclo. and Its slzo Is C by 3 by 2& Inches. It Is a hollow, muscular organ, and pumpB twenty-two and one-half pounds pt blood every mlnuto. -In twenty-four fiours tho heart pumps sixteen tons. It beats about seventy-two times a mlnuto. In ono year an avcrago man's heart pumps 11,080.000 pounds of blood. Tho heart 1b a willing slave, but It sometimes strikes and It al ways wins. Commenting on tho cost of books, a Harvard man remarks that while modern reprints of standard literary works can bo obtained at moderato prices, volumes of moro strictly con temporaneous Interest aro now habi tually held at an unduly hlgh-prico. As n consequonco collego studontB and others of moderato means nro de ferred from owning, asldo from pre scribed textbooks, such volumes as jhoy need most, says tho Rochester )PoBt-BxpresB. It Is explained that with tho exception of a prospective "best Heller," or school textbook, tho pub lisher argues that no moro than, say, 8,000 copies could bo sold, however low tho price, whereas thoro aro at least 800 municipal nnd collegiate libraries, which "muBt havo" a copy; nnd It will bo better business, In his opinion, to sell 800 copies at $G each than 3,000 copies at ?1.25. Slzo of typo, page, margins and thickrfess of binding do much toward giving tho appearanco of value. It Is also obsorved that tho publisher docs not overlook In his cal culations tho wealthy amatour who Is "completing" his collection on a cer tain topic. Wild gamo birds aro tho property of all citizens, under tho Roman nnd con tinental law. On this prlnclplo of com mon ownership tho statos of th,ls coun try havo cnactod their laws. Dut what of birds that alight but a short tlmo within ono stnto, then fly to nn other, nnd to yot other statos? Aro they not tho property of tho people of tho Union? Bccnuso no stnto caros for them, tho migratory birds of tho United States aro going tho way ot tho great auk, tho passenger pigeon nnd tho parrokcot, says tho New York Times. William 8. Saskell of tho American Qamo Protection and Propagation nssoclnUon argued before tho sonato commlttco that, though tho tltlo to tho migratory birds has never been adjudicated, common eonse would suggest that It bolonga to the federal government, nnd tho authori ties at Washington should glvo ample protection to this fast vanishing wild life. The population of Ireland on April 2, 1911, was 4,381,951 persons, showing a decrenso of 70,824 slnco 1910. An lncreaso ot 7 per cent, was shown In the province ot Lolnster nnd decreases In tho other throo provinces. Tho number ot families in 1911 waB 912, 711, nn increnso ot 2,455 slnco 1901, and tho nverago number of persons per fnmlly was 4.8, against 4.9 in tho earlier year. Belfust Increased from j340,180 to 385,492 in tho 10 years from ,1901 to 1911; Dublin from 290,638 to 309,272 nnd Cork from 70,122 to 76,032. The emigrants leaving Irish ports numbered 30,573 in 1911, a decreaso ot 11,884 from tho 1910 figures, Ot those "16,671 wero malo and 13,902 females. Most of tho emigrants went to the United States nnd Canada, tho former taking moro than half of tho total. A University ot Chicago scientist has reassembled tho skeleton of a nako supposed to bo 10,000,000 years pld, nnd has called it tho opbiacodon pints. Ho wouldn't havo dared to call It that when it was nllvo. Two monthB ugo a Boston girl saved a man from drowning. The othor day ithey were married. But it is rather Shard, if this is a precedent, that, in addition to tho exceptional chances ot leap year, women nowadays havo to be Hfo-savers into the bargnln. A German tencher was tried and convicted ot hypnotizing his pupils In to good manners and truth-telllug. It was probably thought the results In the Average child were dangerously abnormal. &LXEEE zmrujjLJLrD fcs rssr Tailored Hat Designed for the Modish Black Velour tfrpiftroco avAormwo fioro Pbolo, Copj right, by 1'ndinvood & Underwood, N. Y. A velour hat has been deemed moBt serviceable by fashion for outings. Tho hat In tho picture has tho Uo cravat bow of stiff gros-graln ribbon as a side decoration. Tho hats will bo worn very much this summer. ELABORATE BAGS FOR BRIDGE All Klndn of Ornamentation Are Sanc tioned for These Up-to-Date Accessories. Tho wrist bag which tho bridge ox pert carries Is becoming a very splon dld nffalr of silk or satin, embroider ed with floss or closely encrusted with tiny beads of crystal, pearl or metal. Not Infrequently It Is of heavy lace, lined with a silken material or with a metallic gauzo. Ono modol Is n very ong and slcndor nffalr of lilac np pllquod with gonulno Irish lace moi tlfs. About Us mouth Is a narrow edg ing of tho laco and below that Is a pocket through which inns a cording of mauvo silk nnd silver thrends, Silk nnd wool fancy mixture is used hero, tho color of a bolt shado ot grecfn. Tho skirt is trimmed nt foot with wide band of black satin, standing up in deep tabs each side; two rows ot flno silk braid edgo tho satin. Tho smart llttlo coat 1h cut Magyar, it Joins In front to waist and is trim med each sldo with satin which la car ried round tho basque. A satin band about 114 Inches wldo finishes tho waist. Hnt of Tagel to match dresB, trim med with ribbon bowB nnd a wreath of email flowers. Materials required for tho dress: 4 yards 40 inches wide, J yards satin 22 Inches wide. SMART COSTUME ri SWvw'aM(i;!':'':''i'i'''!5i lift "' W III v ' 7 $g5 f ' i 'AM m wimw flfjf ms which, when drawn taut, firmly closes the bag. At Its baso, wheio tho re coptaclo is gathered over a small ring, Is n long tassel of the same ma terials as tho hanger. Tho other model, of roso velvet elaborately em broidered with seed pearls, is in sad dle bag Bhape nnd has mouths opening under huge rings of mother of pearl. Edging both ends and running up the sides ns far as tho rings Is a fringe of poarl beads and at tho corners nro balls of seed pearls. COAT SETS OF ULTRA DESIGI Very Smart Are Those of Crash Which Have Suddenly Become So Popular. Ultra smart are tho coat sets in heavy crash. Whllo n fow of them aro entirely of a creamy hue, tho most ef fective nro in old rose, delft blue, pas tol green or khaki, embroidered with whlto or black linen floss. This needle work, which Is in a bold design and done in a close, solid Btltch, runs from tho inner to tho outer edgo of both collar nnd cuffs, whero the hem stltched border Is very coarse nnd ef fective. Tho collars nre flvo pointed and so extremely broad that ono Van Dyko terminates at tho center of the backf two Van Dykes fall over tho top of tho arm, nnd tho remnlnlng pair extend almost half, way to tho waist lino. Tho cuffB hnvo three sharp Van Dykes, n deep ono running backward to tho elbow, nnd two shorter ones pointing, toward tho inner side of tho arm. Theso coat sets aro now worn with plainly tailored serges of dark huf, but they Will bo equally smart looking with tho tnllored frocks In white, gray or tan. Llngcrlo Gowns Popular. As the season advances and out door functions become moro general, somo delightful llngcrlo dresses will bo seen; for In tho warmer weather thoro Is always a great wave In favor of white, It will not bo unrelieved purity, however, for tho note of color will occur In sunshade, shoo and waist belt, whllo In tho silk or nlnon frock tho llngcrlo collar nnd tho flounce will glvo it tho simple touch and charm which is so characteristic of tho artis tic creations ot tho moment. Huts of renl pannma with .contrast ing underbrlms nro the most appropri ate and delightful for wear with dninty muslin frocks, and they nro quite smart enough for most functions. For the Sick Room. To sweeton tho air of a sick room for a patient who Is tired of the usual perfumes, burn n few drops of oil of sandalwood on n shovel. Eau do Co logno dropped on n hot shovel also gives n most agrccablo odor. It per fumes nro not nt hand an ndmlrnblo substitute may bo found in camphor, a plcco of which may bo burned by tho application of a hot poker. The strong smell of tho camphor quickly disappears, taking with it nil tho closo nnd disagreeable odors of tho sick room. Summer Luncheon 8ets. For summer luncheon tables espe cially there aro cream crash center piece, napkin nnd dolly sets embroi dered in black and blue, black and red, or black nnd green. The pioces are nil scalloped. crrrrmrrrrr an. yurix!ixrK&gWtfvixxrrzx'tt'VTSC " I Boy Scouts at Work on New Task HIA-W1 ( TMT j.0o3 KE SOME Mid op ah ItiSECr-j WASHINGTON. Boy Scouts of America nro doing a plcco of real nnd extremely useful scouting. They nro searching for trees that aro af flicted with disease or insects. This work wa3 started in Pennsylvania, whero a dlseaso is destroying thou sands of chestnut trees. Tho boys havo been of grent help to tho forestry department In defecting this disease and reporting tho trees thus afflicted lo the-department of for estry. That work afforded an excellent plcco of scouting for boys and tho re sult has been thnt boy scouts through out the country have written to James E. West, chief scout executive of tho Boy Scouts of America, asking for in formation about other diseases and in sects that affect trees and shrubs. They wanted something flellnlto to look for in their hikes. As a result. George H. Merritt, ono of the secretaries employed by tho Boy Scouts of America, is compiling with tho aid of Glfford Pinchot, former Emblem of Church CHURCH flag Is tho emblem and standard of God, and to place it abovo tho flag of tho United States during religious services aboard n vessel is but little enough recognition of God, it was asserted the other day by Dr. E. M. Blackwell, of tho navy. "I havo noticed that certain parties object to tho church pennant being hoisted above the national flag on board ship of tho navy during dlvlno services, stating in effect that there is nothing paramount to tho national flag," Dr. Blackwell .said. "As regards other nations and flags and other human organizations, I fully agree that there Is nothing para mount to tho United States or Its flag, but there is a Supremo Power or Force that is parnmount to every thing earthly, and tho emblem of that Supremo Power or Force, when hoist ed, should bo hoisted abovo every other flag or emblem. "As I understand It, the church flag, whether Christian, Jew, Budd hist, Brahman, Confucian, Mahomme dan, or what not, is the emblem and standard of God to that religion nnd not of tho religion Itself. "Different nations and peoples havo conflicting ideas of God. Somo re gard Him as a Supreme Being, others ns tho great Force or Power of tho uni verso or nature; but, however we regard Him, wo should recognize Him AYr t u t i ' I i! vx ' d?iroL WWNVVVWVVV U. S. Treasury Department ' Greatest w THERE is no institution on enrth that handles as much money nB tho treasury department of tho Unit ed States government. It collects and expends nil moneys authorized to bo collected and expended by congress. It advises congress as to the amount of. money necessary to run tho gov ernment for each fiscal year. It mints tho coin, prints tho paper money as well as tho postage and revenue stamps. Among tho other activities of this grent department of government is tho protection of tho people from counterfeiters; tho mnlntennnco of vessels to suppress smuggling nnd to enforco quarantine regulations, to save life, to conserve tho public WAftMSAAAAAAMVVVVVWt Illicit Distilling Is MOONSHINING tho act of manu facturing distilled liquors in vio lation of tho internal revenue law is on tho increnso all over tho country, according to experts of the treasury department. Of course, tho depart ment never concerns Itself with ques tions of public policy, and consequent ly Jt has nothing to do or say about tho increaso or decrenso of prohibi tion throughout tho United States. Nevertheless tho work of tho bureau of Internal rcvenuo is immediately con cerned with this question of public policy, because it has been found that wherever prohibition lawB exist there also is afforded tho greatest possible incentive for violations of tho internal revenue laws by "moonshiners." It will bo somo weeks yet beforo tho report of tho work of internal revenue agontB with respect to the enforce ment of tho lawB against "moonbhin Ing" will bo compiled for the last fiscal year, but enough is known to warrant tho statement that there haB not only been a great increase, but a great spread of that industry in tho laBt fis cal year. United Stntes forester and member of tho National Council of the Boy Scouts of America, n chapter for tho manual and for tho scoutmasters outlining dif ferent diseases of tho most significant trees. Boys also nro being taught what dis eases of tho trees nnd what plants aro likely to prove harmful to themselves. This work will train tho observation powers of the boys by keeping them alert. They will wntch the trees and tho shrubs more closely, nnd through alertness they will nppreciato beauty of tho trees and of tho surroundings, and they will gain many beneficial ' results from that work. "Among the most destructivo in sects," said Merritt, "must be enumer ated the bark Hco or scale Insects, plant lice, wood borers, coddling moth, San Jose scale, tent caterpillars, can ker worms, tussockmoths, leaf-mining beetles, gall-forming Insects, chinch bugs, army worms, weevils and lo custs. Aside from this army of destruc tion to forest and orchard tree alike, nnd to the lesser plants, there are also causes of loss duo to such agcntB as fungus, animals, weather conditions, etc. "Tho boy scouts, iUhlnk, can be of material service In doing real scouting In locating cases of blighted trees or of those badly affected by inBectsj feeders and parasites." Should Be First ns the great immeasurable, overmas tering, all powerful, Irresistible Force that rules, governs and directs tho universe, and should willingly sub mit to His laws. No matter how grand n personage, or great a nation may be, they havo got to succumb to tho lnws of nature, which are tho laws of God. "Men and nations at various times havo arrogated to themselves that they wero supremo over earth, and havo had their answers by being wiped out of existence, so that there is not a vestige left of them, and in destruction by earthquakes, floods, famines, flre, and pestilence and, by tho foundering of the Titanic and other marine disnsters. "As n great majority o! tho people of this country acknowledge tho Christian faith, nnd ns Christian peo ple practically rule tho world, tho church pennant is certainly tho ono wo should use as representing that great Being to whom wo owe allegi ance." health, construct and mnlntaln pub-, lie buildings all over tho country, and nudlt and pay tho accounts of all tho other departments of tho govern ment. It nlso controls nnd supervises tho national banking system, compris ing some 8,000 banks, with a capital of a billion dollars nnd a surplus of $700,000,000. In short every flnnnclal function of the United States comcG in contact with this department. Slnco the administration of Presi dent Washington tho treasury port folio has been held by 44 individuals. Seventeen states havo furnished nil tho men who hnvo presided over the treasury department down to nnd In cluding tho present Incumbent. They have come from various sections of tho country. Geographically the north Atlantic division of states sup plied nearly one-half; 21 came from tho states embraced in that division. Tho north central division of states was represented by 12; the south centrnl by 6 and tho south Atlantic by 5. The western division of states, as yet, have not been called upon for a treasurer. on the Increase The greatest increase in this illegal business in recent years has been noted in Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia nnd Tennessee. While the internal revenue officers havo been constantly raiding tho districts whero the Illicit Industry has been known to exist for half a century or more, a bnckflre has sprung up in tho settled districts of those states which has necessitated an in creaso in tho forco of inspectors and agents and great diligence and energy all along tho line. Furthermore, tho "moonshinlng" in dustry has begun to Invade tho north, and particularly somo of the larger cities of the north, where tho possi bility of hiding Is excellent df r(TSSSk Patience Is No Virtue! Do Impatient With Dackachot Too patiently do many women enduro backache, languor, d 1 z z i -ness and urinary Ills, thinking them part of woman's lot "Eftrr Retort ttltt t stonr." "infton It is onlv weak kidneys nnd Doau's Kid ney Pills would euro tho case A California Case Mrs. 3. WnlsK, 1819 Tenth Ave.. San Frundsco, Cnl., Bays: "I had such sharp, Bliootlns pains through my kid neys that It seemed nt If a knlfo wero being thrust Into mc My buck was bo Inmo nnd sore I could hardly stoop. Donn's Kidney Pills cured ina after doctors failed, and I havo had no trouble Blnce." Get Doan's ot any Drug Store, 50c a Box -. ,-, Kidney oan s puis i ttii ii iw nwwi puf UJ-'J'. VyA- PsZTLJC &&ms? ar jsutjdZAzsTi ATRES HOUSEHOLD EXTRACT TOR MAKINO OLD FASHIONED nanfMAPE nooTBEER Every homo should make root- beer in springtime fot its deli ciousnesB and its fine tonic properties. Os paektc inAti S etJloni. If yonx f roctr lin't tapplltil. w mil sn&ll yoa packu on rc1pt of 30o. Flein It hl mraf . Writ for premium nuzzle. TUB CHARLES E. HIRES CO. 255 N. Dro&d St., Philadelphia, Pn. Allen's UlcurlnocjalTnciirobCliruillcL.lrnrs.Jtona Ulcurs.crofuloiiBUlcors.Vurlroso UlcerH.In ilolont lllrern, MorciirhillJlriii-H.WIiltoNM fll nc.Mllk l.otr,l'tver8ire!i,illlWorr. H;mallSOc. tiuukld fiT.. J. p. ALLUH. J)t-pt. A9, St. Paul, Mlna. W. N. U.( OMAHA, NO. 30-1912. PATHOS IN CHILD'S BRAVERY Fortitude Shown by Little Sufferer In Hospital Touched Lady Henry Somerset. Lady Henry Somctset, whdse labors in behalf of tho children of the Lon don slums nre constant and earnest, tells this affecting story of the way In which her Interest in these little ones was aroused: I was moved In that direction by tho rare patience and Imagination of one llttlo boy. His example convinced mo that patience was one of tho qualities I needed most, and in seeking It I grew Into that work. I was in a hospital on visiting day, while the doctors were changing a plaster cast which held tho crippled boy's limb. Tho operation was ex ceedingly painful, I was told. To my surpilso, tho little sufferer neither stirred nor winced, but made a curi ous buzzing sound with his mouth. After the doctors left 1 said to him: "How could you possibly Btand it?" "That's nothing," ho answered. "Why, I just made believe that a boo was stlngln' me. Bees don't hurt very ( much, you know. And I kept buzzin because I was afraid I'd forget about it being a beo If I didn't" Youth'fl Companion. Two Enough for Her. Ho was a small boy with a dark, eager face nnd ho wns waiting at tho end of tho lino of eight or ten per sons for n chance to make his wants known to tho librarian. When his turn came ho inquired briefly: "Have you got 'Twenty Thousand Legs Un der the sea?' " "No," responded tho librarian a lit tle snapplly, for sho was tired, "I'm thankful to say I'vo only got two. They're not under tho sea!" Keeping Mice From Pianos. To prevent mice entering pianos there has been invented a simple sliding plato to bo mounted on a pedal so that it covers its opening. A WINNING START A Perfectly Digested Breakfast Makei Nervo Force for the Day. Everything goeB wrong if tho break fast lies in your stomach like a mud plo. What you eat does harm if you can't digest it it turns to poison. A bright lady teacher found this to be true, even of an ordinary light breakfast of eggs and toast. Shi says: "Two years ago I contracted a very annoying form of indigestion. My stom ach was in such condition that a sim ple breakfast1 of fruit, toast and egg gave mo great distress. "I was slow to believe that trouble could come from such a simple diet, but finally had to give it up, and found a great change upon a cup of hot Postura and Grape-Nuts with cream, for my morning meal. For moro than a year I havo held to this course and have not suffered except when injudi ciously varying my diet. "I havo been a teacher for several years and find that my easily digest ed breakfast means a saving of nerv oub forco for tho-entire day. My gain of ten pounds in weight also causes mo to want to testify to tho valuo of Grape-Nuts. "Grapo-Nuts holds fir,st rank at our table " Name given by Postum Co., Battlo Creek, Mich. "There's a reason." Read the llttlo book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkg. IStrr rend liv nliove lrtterf A new one npprnm from lime to time. They nre crnulne, true, nnd full ot liumaa Interest. jg 7 ji . riVjT, K) i r m