l S I Serai -Weekly Tribune Ira L Bare, Editor and Publihf r SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year by Mail in advance $1.23 One Year by Carrier in advance. ....... $1.60 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Ppst oflice as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, JULY 23. 19 12. Announcement I herewith announco my candi dacy for county commissioner on tho republican ticket and ask tiie support of nil-citizens and pledge to conduct the' county ' afTaira in an economical and business way if elected. " Iiia L. MlLTONiiElionu. Republican County Convention. Pursuant to the call of the Republi can State' Convention called to meet at Lincoln, Nebraska, on July 30th, 1912, for tiie purpose of adopting a platform and selecting a state contrnl committee, tho republican county convention for Lincoln county is hereby called to meet at North Platte, on July 25th, 1912, at 2p.,m., for the purpose of electing ton delogates to attend said state conven tion and for the selecting of n county central committee nnd for such other business as may come before the con vention. The basis of representation from tho scyero.1 precincts is based on the voto cps,t for Francis G. Hamer forjudge of tho Buprerpo court in 1911, general election allowing one delegate for every 20 votes or major fraction 'thereof is-ns follows: North I'lotto No. 1 North" IMatto No. 2. North I'latta No. a North Matte No. 4 Antelope Tablo 1 I,emon 1 Maxwell ,..... 3 Medicine 3 Miller. . 1 Myrtle .t 1 Nlcholi 3 Nowi'll 1 Oagood .1 Sutherland 1 I'ccham ..-5 Plant 1 Itosedalo 1 ScIUm-r ,, 1 Homeraet ...l Sunshine. .,....V. .,1 lllriiwoocl Hrady 2 Iluchanan .. ...... 1 Cottonwood 1 ' Cox 1 l'ayno ... 1 Deer Creek 1 ,JJIken 2 Jeffrey 1 Fox Creek 1 Garfield . Gaslln... HrtV, Harrison Hlnmuif.. Hooker ... Kem vrnmnii 1 Walker 1 Wallace ...i 2 weii :,.. .1 Whlttlcr....... 1 Willow . ..1 E. H. Evans, 'r Secretary. E. Elder, 0. Chairman Republican Central ""' ' Committee. Quite a number of republican county conventions wore held in tho state last week', ,8ome of which endorsed the'faft administration, others declared for Roosevelt and still others wore silent as betwoon the two candidates, preferring to hnvo tho stato convention settlo, as nearly as possible, the vexatious ques tion. It looks as though tho state con vention will bq almost as exciting as the Chicago convention. Our Farming Possibilities. One is simply lost in n forest of figures when .bo undertakes to computo the, value- of American farm products. uere tor inatnnce, is a llnnncinl paper estimating that our six loading crop's Cornt wheat, oats, barley, potatoos and hay this year will amount to$765,000, 000 more than thoy came to last year. Wo no longer speak of tho toal valuos, but the cxcpsboj. Not what did laBt year's crops bring, but how much more or less-will tho crops of this year bring is tho question. Y.ot in spito of all this tremendous in creasejn tho production of new wealth, wo nccuso ourselves of consuming faster than wo produce, Then with wha rapacious groed wo must consume! But thp criticism is not wholly unfound ed. Qur balances at the end of tho year prove that wo must enlarge our productive area and increase our ncroage yield. And the extent nnd chnracterof our soil permit us to do both. When it is possiblq to increase our output of six crops by moro than $750,000,000 with only tho beneficence of u moro propitious season as the cause, what could we do with this plus a general application of tho principles of intensive agriculture? Omaha Bee. Never Owned Watch. Sutherland, Neb., July 20, 1912. . I am pleased to noto that the Te)e graph credits mo with being a stand pattor to the extent that I do not back up on any proposition; but it seems to mo that it might bo well to explain; though we aro told never to explain your friends need no explanations; your enimies will not believe the explana tion that so far in this life I have never been able to own a watch, have never boon auio to iuko irom my pocket the pear-gold time piece and point with prido nor view with alarm the indications shown there, so that the schedule referred to by tho Tele graph as sotting forth an Ingonol watch as valued at one hundred dollars Could not have beon my porsonal sched ule, and tho informant of the Telegraph must havo jangled tho name as well as the fl cured In the wronc column, simply showing' his life time experience in IfiBt lineW'Wprk. I presume that the Telegraph rofened tola watchmade by thelngersol Watch Co,,, though thoro nre, or wero, other Ingorsols. I would bo pleased indeed did I own a watch, even though it were one made by the Ingersol Watch Co. Henry Fulk. Local and Personal. Ed Bonher, of Gothenburg, visited in town Friday and attended Chautauqua. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Guyman Saturday morning. . Miss Fern Lawlcr, of Paxton, is visiting Miss Mario LeDioyt this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Garman moved into the former Marti house on tho corner of 2nd and Dewey St. Sat urday. Mrs. Patrick Ruddy wentto Keystone Saturday to spend a few days with re latives. Mrs. Arthur North, of Overton, is spending thiw week with her sister Mrs. Will Lanning. Mrs. Wnrren Hogg returned the last of the week from a short visit with friends in Dickens. A social dance was held at the K. P. hall Saturday evoning. Tho attendance wns larger than usual. t Miss Cecilia Monahan returned last evening from a short visit with rela tives in Broadwater. . Ray Murray, of Lincoln, spent the end of the week with his mother and trnnsneted business. Mrs. C. P. Carson left Saturday morning for Lexington to visit her husband who Is employed there'. Miss Francis Christ went to Paxton Saturday morning to visit her mother who resides on a farm near that towri. Miss Freda Hammer left tho last of tho week for Sidney to visit her sister Mrs. Ed. Aherns for a week or longer. Gene Combs came up from Lincoln tho last of the week to visit his Bister Mrs. W. T. Banks and trnnsact busi ness. Mrs. Major, of Alabama, arrived here hero Friday evening to make an .ex tended visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Graham. Mrs. William Johnson, of Ord, re turned home Saturday morning after a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Vans coy. Miss Elaino Bundy left Sunday morn ing for Kearney to visit her aunt Miss Ella Blake, who is attending the Kear ney normal. Mr. and Mrs. Nanos and John Polous, of the North Platte Kandy Kitchen, are moving into the Barraclough house on eaBt 3rd street. Mrs. Cook nnd son Roland, of Colum bus, left for homo Saturday morning after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bowen. Meadnmes Fred Rassmussen and DorBcy Lepold, of Hershey, returned homo yesterday after visiting friends nnd attending Chnutauqua. After spending three weeks with her aunt Mrs. Hugh Bird, Miss Mnrie Buddo returned to her home in Mt. Union, In., Saturday morning. Stove McDonnld, of Los. Vegas, N. M., who has been tho guest of his sister Mrs. L. L. Greeno for some time, re turned homo Saturday morning. Mrs. Nisloy, of Hotchkiss, Colo., loft Saturdny morning liaving termi nated a visit with her sister Mrs. Jack Palmer. Mrs. Nisley was formerly Miss Ethel Harrow, of this city. The social dance at the Lloyd opera house on Friday evening was a very ploauant one to ail attonding. The evening was cool, music good and a number of line dancers present. It was givon under tho direction of P. H. Lonorgan who intends giving one every Fridny evening. Myrtle and Vicinity. This section was viaitcd by a soaking rain Wednesday night. W. S. Ross Is hauling lumber for a new grainary. J. N. Waltz has his house almost ready for the plasterers. J. II. Edmiston, Fred Warren. E. W. Crane, and Carl McGrew, Sr., camo out from North Platte Sunday and held n Sunday school convention at tho red school house. A goodly crowd was present and listened to the dis cussions of the various phases of Sun day school and all went to their respec tive homes feeling that it had been time well and profitably spent. W. S. Iloss marketed cattlo and and hogs at North Platte Thursday. Robt. Beattie delivored cattlo at North Platte Thursday. Georgo Richard is entertaining a niece who came from Lexington Thursday, C. L. Apptegarth and brother-in-law, Mr. Ohnstesd, are canvassing this community in the interest of the Plum fleld nursery of Fremont. Mrs. C. L. Applegarth has returned from a visit with rolatives in eastern Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. James Adamion whose home is in New Mexico, are visiting rel atives. Mrs. Adamson was formerly Miss Martha Stearns. Thero will be a barn dance at tho Welman Stearns ranch July 27th. Everybody invited. Notice to Bidders. Sealed bids will be received at the oflice of county clerk of Lincoln county up to 12:00 o'clock noon, August 1st, 1912, for replacing stringers per unit Suantity and replanking per lineal ft, outh Platte river bridge ut North Platte, all material to bo furnished by Lincoln county. C. W. Yost, County Clerk. Wnrren Lanig and family arevipiting relatives in Hershey. MIrh Mabel Kemnlin left Saturday for Lcwellen to spend a few days with tho homo folks. Miss Marion Spicoruleft Saturday, morning for Keystone to spend aiveral days with her sister Mrs. T. C. Ilecht. Mrs. L. L. Greeno and son Loverne went to Ashley, Mich., Saturday morn ing to make a two months' visit with relatives. For Sale Two good rcgistered'Heri ford bulls, 4 years old, also two year lings. Inquire of Wm. Edis, North" Platte, Neb. - tfv Mrs. Jens Sillisen and daughter, of Keystone, who spent the pnst week with her sister Mrs. Fred Frederfckson, left yesterday morning. . Ben Mathpws and niece Miss (Doris Sillisen of Keystone, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fredrickson dur- ing Chautauqua, left Saturday mpjning. DANGERIN DELAY. J Kidney Diseases Are Too Danger;,, ous For North Platte People io Neglect. "'' The great danger of kidney troubles is that they so often get a firjtji lftrtd before tho sufferer recognizes them Health will bo gradually undermined. ' of nacKaciie, neauncne, nervousness, , troubles, dropsy, gravel and Bright's f disease may follow as tho kidneys get, t, ,. . . , :, ' worse. Don t neglect your kidneys, i Help tho kidneys with Doan's Kidney I Pills, which are so 3trongly recom-! mended right here in North Platte. I George W. Weinberger, 109 West Ninth St., North Platte, Nebr., savs:i soys: i "Two years ago I became afflicted' with kidney trouble and suffered with agonizing pains through my back. I gradually grew worse, became all run down. My kidneys did not perform their functions properly. Learning of Doan's Kidney Pills, I procured them from McDonell & Graves' Drug store (now Schiller & Co.) and after I had taken tho contents of six boxes, I was entirely cured. Prior to using Doan's Kidney Pills, I had to lay oft . from work for several months, but after taking this remedy only one "month I was able to resume work." For salo by all dealers . .Price 50 cents. Foster-Miiburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, sble agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no othjr. DR. HARRY- MITCHELL, GRADUATE DENTJf. Teiephonu Rod 458 60554 Dbwej ft. North I'lntte, Nebraska. A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. Doctors Ames & Ames, 1 I 8 Physicians and Surgeons, S3 Oflkf over Stone Duig Co. Plmnw lOffiiv i.'73 1 MlntM r fk , .inn I ItCMIUtMlC 270 Repair Work isn't neeessary if you have us in. stall your plumbing. If you are thinking of aterations, give us tho First Opportunity of estimating, as wo recommend all of our work, which is always performed by first-class skilled mecnanics. consult us. R. F. STUART, Shop Phone 369. Res. Phone 217 East Sixth Street. G83 Estimate of Expenses. -r : I, Chits. F. Temple, city clerk in and for the city of North Platte. Lincoln county, Nebraska, hereby certify tho following estimate of expenses was made by the mayor and city council of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, for tho fiscal year 1912 the 2d day of July, 1912. BONDS AND INTEREST. To pay interest on $1000.000.00 water bonds j, 2500.00 To pay interest on $29,000.00 sewor bonds .. 1200.00 To-payprincipal on ono sewer bond $1000.00 .' 1000.00 GENERAL FUND. To pay tho salary of city officers. ..'..., 2500 00 For streets and alleys, sidowalksj crossings etc 5000.00 For sewer maintenance and flushing... ,....., 1000.00 For lichtincr streets and allevs -'y ' sKnn'nn For incidental expenses of the city ... POLICE; FUND, To pay salaries nnd incidcntlal expensed, , . , , , . . , 2500.00 FIREFUN.D, ' To .pay salaries, incidental expens.es, hydrant rental and for supplies.... 5000.00 LIBRARY FUND,, To pay salaries,, aupplios and incidental, expenses .....,.,,,.. 2000.00 WATER FUND, To pay salaries, repairs, extensions nndjlmprovflments and incidental oxponaes for operating tho water plant, Ta-v v ' 30,000.00 ... CHAS. F. TEMPLE. City Clerk, North Platte, Neb,, July 8, 1912. - PATRONIZE THEDRT In ' House of Good Show In I When in Norlh Plalle. Motion Pictures. Runs Every Night. Matinee Saturday After noon at 2:30 O'clock. 10 CENTS. (MaflMe6it DR. J. S. TWINEM, Homeopathic I'hyilclan and Surgeon Hospital accommodation! Medical and sunrlcal attention given opstetrlcal cases, Ofllco Phono 183 Kes. Phono 283 Olllcn McDonald Stato Hank Wd'g 4---K 4- -M H K-4-4 V 4 4 - ir 2 GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surncon, & Office over McDonald Bank. fc ) ntTinn I'M I'honcs j; Rosidenco 115 - Jit .V- St (WM ft t Statement of the Condition 01 TIIK LOAN ASSOCIATION, North Platte. Nebraska, on the 30th day of Juno. 1912. Certificate No.iW. assets. F'rst mortgage loans..'...! m',j ikwoo Stock loans 1 W0 IX) cash 7 4i M DfAen?f "hl.?.t.cr.5:.1!Tf.,r1"?!1 707 50 Hxpensea'aiid taxes paid'. .'".'.'.'.'.'.'.', l iu 88 Total ms m 42 0anl.ai Htock nMd"'T1ES: ...... ..,-. ,-u ,. "csf.rXe. fyml 8 too oo Undivided orollts 2J 630 28 Other liabilities 41 (0 Total .w..., relets lis 12 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1912, HKCKIl'TH Balance on hand Jul' 1, 1011 t 3 .Ti2 09 Dues 9 4S2 R0 Interest, and lines 38 129 SO Loan repaid 41 sun 07 Miscellaneous Fees notion Taxes and Insurance 13023 Total $182 778 71 KAfRHUITUKES. Loans !...$ 79 COO 00 Expenses 1799 31 Stock redeemed iu 8il 05 Cash on hand 7 41(1 Jj(l Taxes and Insurance lOlhi Total $182 7787l Stato of Nebraska. Lincoln county, ss. I, Samuel Goozee. secretary of the above named Association, do solemnly swear that the foresfolnsr statement of tho condition of said Association Is true and correct to tho best of my knowledge and belief. samuki. goozee, Sccrotary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1,'st day of July, 1912. Otitic HuTiiANAN. Notary Public. C. O. Wki VOANII, ) F. T. Redmond. Directors. V. vonQortz. 1 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OK NORTH PLATTE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. Notice Is hereby niven.that Articles I, IV, VI, VIII anil VII of tho Articles of Inconroration of North Platte Gas nnd Electric Company have been amended to read respectively as follows: AJITICLE 1. NAME. 'The name of this Corporation shall be "North Platto Electric Company." ARTICLE IV AMOUNT OF CAPITAL STOCK. The amount of capital stock of this corporation shall he one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) divided into one thousand shares of tho par value of ono hundred dollars ($100.00) each, to Ims fully paid when Issued and to lie non-assessable. All of said capital stock shall be subscribed and paid for, cither in cash or In property, at the com mencement of tho business of said corporation. ARTICLE VI. INDEBTEDNESS. "The highest amount of indebtedness which this corporation may at any time subject Itself shall not exceed a sum equal to two-thirds of Its paid up capital stock. ARTICLE VII. BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS. Tho airairs of the corporation shall be managed by a lioard of five (5) directors elected by the stockholders from among their number. Tho board of directors shall elect or appoint a presi dent, vice-president, . secretary and treasurer, and such other officers as may bo subscribed by the by-laws. One person may hold more than one olllco when tho duties thereof do not conflict. The board of directors shall have power to adopt by-laws for the management and control of the alTidrs of tho corporation, not inconsistent with law, anil to amend, add to or repeal the same at pleasure. ARTICLE VIII. AMENDMENTS. These articles may be amended by an affirma tive majority voto of the capital stock at any regular annual meeting of tho stockholders, or at any special meeting duly called in accordance with the by-laws of the corporation for that purpose. In witness whereof, we, the undersigned stock holders and directors of said company ha vo here unto set our hands this 31st day of May. 1912. I W.Walker. PRORATE NOTICE. In the matter of tho estate of Claus Erickson, deceased. in the county court of Lincoln county, Ne- urasKa, June i. iviz. Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before the county judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room. In said county, on the 23d day of July. 1912, and on the 23d da of Jan.1913, at 0 o'clock a. m. each day. lor tne purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Si months are allowed for creditors to present their Claims, ana one year ror thtf administrator U settle said estate, from the 16th day of June. 19U. A copy of this order to be published in the North . Platte, Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper published in said county for four successive weens prior to salt date. J25-4 JOHN GRANT, County Judge, ,v v. , , . . , -, . 250o!o0 DCff. tdfiBld red,ield, Phyaiclaas'and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD, Surgeon. JOS V. REDFIELD, Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons , . Hospital . . PHONE 042. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska McDonald Bank Building. A Merchant of Brady came into our store the other day and purchased 2,000 cigars for his trade'. Though ho is a now customer, it didn't require any talking to sell him the goods; ho knev the name of J. F. Schmalzried on a cigar box means quality; a well made cigar from the best brands of tobacco. Certain brands of our cigars have been on the market for twenty-five yearsif they were not good, smokers would have declined years ago to "buy them. They have been tested by critical smokers and not found wanting in any particular. J. F. SCHIYIALZRIED, ICE. Frozen from water pumped from a good depth, and the lake has been re-cemented thus insuring the best and purest ice possible to obtain. Price 50 Cents Per 100 Lbs. We solicit your orders and insure prompt delivery. L. W. EDIS. Notice of Election. To tho electors of the city of North Platte, Nebraska: Notice is hereby given that on the Gth day of August, 1912, in the city of North Platte, Nebraska, an election will be held at which the approval or disapproval of the following resolution of the city council of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, passed May 22d, 1912, shall be submitted, said resol ution being as fdllowa: "RESOLUTION" "Whoreas, on or about the 1st dy of Mar. A. D., 1897, this council passed an ordinance conferring certain rights and franchises upon the North Platte Telephone Company, and Whereas, said North Platte Telephone Company desires to assign and sell said franchise and rights to the Nebraska Telephone Company, and Whereas, it would be to the benefit of tho people to have the telephone exchange located in this city become and be a part of the telephone system owned and operated by the Nebraska Telephono Company, Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the sale and assignment by the North Platte Telephone Company to the Ne braska Telephone Company of all rights and franchises conferred upon the North Platto Telephone Company by the aforesaid ordinance be and the same is here,by approved, ratified and confirmed.-'' Tho polling places for said election shall bo: in. the First ward at the hose house in said ward; in the Second ward in the commissioners' room on" the second floor of the court house in said ward; in the Third ward at the hoso house in said ward, and in the Fourth ward atithe hose house in said ward. The ballots to be issued at said elec tion shall have printed thereon: For tho resolution passed by the city council of the city of North Platte, May 22nd, 1912, approving, ratifying anu connrming tne salo oi tne rights and the f renchises of the North Platte Telephone Company to the Nebraska Telphone Company. Against the resolution passed by the city council of the city ot North Platte, May 22nd, 1912, approving, ratifying and confirming the sale of the rights and the franchises of the North Platte Telephono Company to the Nebraska Telephone Company. Those voting in favor of the resolu tion of the city council shall mark their ballots with a cross opposite the para graph beginning: l?!,. fna rann1lirtrn nnuaafl liw tho city councp" and thoso voting against said resolution shall mark thoir ballots with n cross opposite the paragraph beginning: "Against tho resolution passed by the city council." Said election shall be opened at 9 o'clock a. m. and remain open until 7 o'clock p. m. of Enid state. Copies of above resolution and or dinance can be obtained at the city clerk's office. In witness where I have hereunto subscribed my name this first day of July, 1912, Chas. F. Temple, "(Seal) Citv Clerk. PROBATE NOTICE. In tho matter of tho estate of Carl E. ShacfTer, deceased. In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne braika, June 18th, 1912. Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before tho county Judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room, In said coun ty, on the 23d day of July. 1912, and on the 23d day of Jan. 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the administrator to settle said estate, from tho 15th day of June, 1912. A copy of this order to published In the North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper, published In said county for four successive weeks prior to said date. J25-4 JOHN GRANT, County Judge. PRORATE NOTICE. In the Count.r Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska. July I), 1912. In the matter of the estate of Hans J. Hanson, deceased. Notlco N heroby given, that tho creditors of Nalrt deceased will meet tho Execu trix of said estate, hoforo tho County Judge of Lincoln county, Nobraska, at the cou'tW court rKru In said county. on thu 13th day of Aug, IUI2, and on the 13th day of Feb, 1913, at 9 o'clock a- m. each day, for the pur po3oof liresentlm, thelrclalins for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months ore allowed for creditors to present their claims and ono year for tho Executrix to settle said estate, from the i'tli day of July, -1912. A copy of this order to bo, pub lished tho North Platte Tribune a legal semi weekly nowspapor publ'uhed In said county for four successive 'weults prior to said (Into of hearing. Aug 13, 1DJ2 J9-4 .JOHN OKA NT. Count,y Judge NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 07:n. Doprtmen&of the Intortor. U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte. Nob. Juno 23th. 112. Notlco Is horoby given that Frank M. Welch, of North Platte, Nob., who, on Oct. 31st. 1WH. mado H. E. No U7S for lot 4, sec 4 twp. Yi rge.. 31 and no)li neW nw 'i, wV4 sw'.i, wH nwf, Pec-iU. Township 13, north Itanco 81. W. of the ilth Principal Meridian, has Hied notion of Intention tomaku final three year proof to establish claim to the land abovo described, beforo tho Register and Re ceiver at North Platte, Nob., on tho 15th day of Aug. 1912 Claimant names as witnesses: Clyde C, Master. Orlln L. Watklns. Thomas F, Zim merman, and Louis Reflor all of North Platte. Neb, JM .1. E. Evans. Register. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. In the district court of Lincoln county Nebraska. John M. Stewart, plaintiff, vs Isaac Deardorf, et a), defendants. The defendants J. Q. Adams, first and full name unknown, and Adams his wife, first and full name un known, Joseph H. Bean nnd Bean his wife first and full name unknown, Harry D. Copeland and Emma Amelia Copeland, his wife, Fred G. Babcock and Babcock, his wife, first and real name unknown, William G. Parker and - Parker his wife, first and real name unknown. Frank M. Hawkins and Chloe M. Hawkins his wife, Coke W. Ballard and Nannie G. BaWard his wife, R. H. Davis, first and full name un known and Davis his wife, firstand full name unknown and George D. Leach and Bertha B.Leach, his wife,and Walter M Cowell will take notice that on the 22nd day of August, 1911, John M. Stewart, the plaintiff, filed his petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against the above named de fendants, except R. H. Davis, first and full name unknown and Davis his wife, first and full name unknown, George D. Leach and Bertha B. Leach his wife and Walter M. Cowell who were subsequently on June 24th, 1912, by order of court mado parties defen dant to said action, and Isaac Dear dorf, Edith L. Deardorf, the Grand Dry Goods Company, David F. DeTar, J. Q. Adams, first and real name un known and Adams his wife, first and real name unknown, Joseph H. Bean and r Bean his wife, first and real name unknown, John Buck, Stella A. Dowd and James L. Dowd, R. F. Swanson, first and real name unknown, Harry D. Copeland and Emma Amelia Copeland, his wife, William E. A. Aul and Anna Aul His wife, Frank M. Hawkins and Chloe M. Hawkins his wife. That subsequently thereto on June 24, 1912, R. H. Davis, first and real name unknown and Davis his wife, first and real name unknown, Nannie G. Ballard, Lottie Swanson, John Therkelsen and Carrie C. Therkel sen his wife, George D. Leach and Bertha B. Leach, Thomas B. Heskett and Walter M. Cowell were made parties defendant by order of court. The object and prayer of said petition are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex ecuted by the defendants Isac Deardorf and Edith L. Deardorf to David F. De Tar and assigned to the plaintiff upon the followingdescribed premises, to-wit: All of sections twenty-nine (29) , twenty seven (27), twenty-five (25) thirty-five (35), thirty-three (33), thirty-one (31) and south half of southeast quarter (S J S E J) of twenty-six (26) northeast quarter (N E J) of thirty-four (34) all in township sixteen (16) range twenty nine (29), northeast quarter and south west quarter (N E J and S W J) of sec tion thirty (30) and north half and southeast quarter fN J-and S E J) of section thirty-one (31) township sixteen (16) range twenty-eight (28), all of section seven (7), five (5), three (3). one (1) , and northwest quarter (N W i) section two (2) all in township fiftgpn (15), range twenty-nine (29). All of section ono (1) in township fifteen (15), range thirty (80), north half of north half and south half of south half aad southeast quarter (S E J) of north east quarter (N E J) and northeast quarter of southeast quarter (N EJ of S E i) and noribfaest quarter of the southwpst qu,arter'(N, W J of S W j) and southwest quarter of northwest Quarter (SWi of N W i) of section thirty (30), township sixteen (16), range twenty-nina (29), all in Lincoln county, Nebraska, containing eight thousand seven hundred twenty acres (8720) more or less according to govern ment survey. Subject to one first mort gage of eighteen thousand dollars ($18, 000.00), to secure the payment of a promissory note dated December 1st 1910, for tho sum of forty-five hundred dollars ($4500.00) and due and payable on the 1st day of December, 1911; or on default of payment of interest whon due at option of mortagagee which option mortgagee has exercised by reason of the interest due Juno 1, 1911 being unpaid; that there is now due and unpaid upon said note and mortgage the 752L.2JL fPy-five hundred dollars ($4500.00) with interest from December 1st, 1910, at six percent perannums for which sum the plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and sale of said premises. You aro required to answer said petition on or before the 19th dav f August, 1912. y m Dated this Gth day of July 1912 John M. Stewart, By William E. Sbuman, MofkStt' wd Peterson his Attornoys. J9.4 u