SISTERS AND NIECE OF POPE PIUS X- God Demands Recognition By Rev. J. H. Ralston, Secretary of Corrapondenca Deptrtment cl Moody Bible Itulilulo, Qiicigo THE photograph shows tho threo slstors of Pope Plus X., nnd his niece, visit to tho Pontiff at Home. Tho popo always looks forward with great of bis family. TROPHIES Rainey Collection of Animals Ar rives at Washington. Many New Species Are Found by Hunter In African Trip Edmund HoHer Will Aid In Preparing Specimens. Washington. The final shipment of tho oxtensivo natural history collec tion made by tho Paul J. Rainoy expedition in British East Africa, num bering some fourteen barrels and thir teen cases, has just been received at the United States National museum, and is being unpacked in tho taxider my shops. The collection is of im mense size, including some 4,000 specl mpnB, more than eoven hundred of which are thoso of large game. Edmund Heller has been the guest of Mr. Rainey on his African hunting trip, and accompanied the expedition for tho purposo of preserving the ani mals obtainod. Mr. Rainey has do nated tho entlro collection to tho Smlth Bonlan institution and tho National museum. While Mr. Heller had charge of tho preservation of mom- mals in general, he paid special atten tion to collecting carnivores and ungu lates. In a Smithsonian publication, now In press, Mr. Heller describes twenty four4 new Bpecies of African rodents found in tho collection. During the trip Mr. Rainoy grantod Mr. Heller every opportunity to make a complete survey of mammals. His assistants, twenty or thirty trained negro skin ners, porters, etc., were employed by the safari. 9 Among tho, material obtainod Is tho famous series of lions captured by Mr. 0 Ralney's American bear houndB, as de scribed in his well-known lectures. There are also many specimens of dif ferent kinds of antelopes, including the hartobeestes, wlldeboestes and wa terbucks, aa well as buffaloes, zebras, cheetahs, monkeys and rodents. A few hippo skulls and rhino skins and one elephant wero also collected. A large number of birds wero se cured, including some of the rarest spocles. Many are game birds, among Jury Frees Slayer K Californians Uphold Killing of Home Invader. Twelve Men Declare Husband Was Justified In Shooting Dcspoller Prisoner Admitted Deed and Did Not Plead Insanity. Oakland, Cal. An Alraeda county jury applied tho unwritten law to Harry F. Prescott and Justified his act in having shot down tho dcspoller of bis home. Prescott's second trial for having killed Ralph Thompson in tho Prescott homo on tho night of Febru ary 28 last, ended two hours after tho jury had received the court's instruc tions. Tbero was llttlo deliberation. Tho big room was crowded with mon, but thero was a breathless still nesB ns Louis Rudolph, clerk, took tho folded slip from the foreman of tho Jury and read: "Wo, tho Jury, find tho prisoner at tho bar not guilty." The vordlct waa a direct application of ttyj "unwritten law." There was no quostlon ns to the killing of Thompson. Prescott admitted It, and did not pload insanity. Ho was a married man with u wife ho had sworn to protect and In Ills own home bo had shot dead tho man who had come between them. On that ground ho went before 11 Jury of his fellow mou, who Justified tho net. On tho stand Prescott told of his having no trad9 other than that of fur nituro salcsjnun, of bis HI health and being out of work, of filing on a gov ARE HERE - them guinea fowls and francollns (which resemble our partridges), and plantain eators, crows, bustards, vul tures, vulturlno guinea fowl, owls, hawks, kites, secretary birds, horn bills, pigeons, parrots, sunbirds, fly catchers, etc., aro represented. There are also four ostrich eggs. Tho party remained in the field nearly a year, having sailed from Now York for Mombasa on Fobruary 18, 1911, not dispersing until February 15, 1912, at Nairobi. The territory traversed was mostly to the north and cast of that covered by Colonel Roosevelt on tho earlier Smithsonian expedition, and included tho country lying between tho north ern part of British East Africa and southern Abyssinia. PREDICT DOOM TO SOCIETY Time Coming When All Will Be Under the Influence of Ether or Morphia. Rome. A posthumous work by Cesare Lombroso has Just been dis covered in Italy. Tho subject Is "State of Society In tho Next Century." As usual, he takes a very pessimis tic view and especially of tho Inhabi tants of tho United States, who, he de clares to bo all suffering from nou rasthenln. He calculates that mad ness Increases in tho Stntes with threo times tho rapidity of tho In crease of population, and that this malady will Increase for divers rea sons. He considers that tho human brain will become larger, but that tho abuse of alcohol will become worse and thnt this in turn will be abandoned for stimulants of greater power. Ho pre dicts a time whon all will bo under tho influence of ether or morphia. Diamonds In Rat's Nest. Neenah, Wis. Seven years ago Mrs. Charles Delong lost trace of two diamond earrings valued at $200. Carpenters remodeling the house found the Jowels in a partition whore rats had a nest Incidentally an apology was made to a servant who had been Indirectly accused of the theft. ernment claim In the mountains of Trinity county and of his going up thore alone and working In the hope of making n home for himself and wife; tho hardships he suffered during tho winter; the sudden coldness of the Infrequent letters of the woman for whom ho was working aroused his suspicions and he returned homo unan nounced; how be hid behind the por tieros until his wife returned with Thompson at midnight, and what ho saw that caused him to whip his re volver from his pocket nnd confront tho pair has been told. Character wit nesses testified as to his honesty, good habits and desire for a home. His at torney overlooked no point in his de fense and the Jury agreed with him. Prescott's wife was not in court when tho verdict was given. WEDDING ENDS AN ESCAPADE Son of Retired Officer of Marine Corps Asks That Marriage With Actress Be Annulled. New York. John D. Smyser, Jr., a student at the Baltimore Medi cal college and a son of Capt. John D. Smyser, a retired ofTlcer of tho United States Marino corps, played tho leading rolo in a trial for annulment of marriage in tho chancery chambers before Vtce-Chanoellor How ell. t Smyser testified that ho wound up a night's escapade on August 10, 1906, by marrying Edna Anna Leader, a young actress then playing in tho "Cherry Blossoms." Ho said that ho Gildn, (standing up) utter a recent Joy to the presence of tho monibor9 WERE MARRIED BY BLUNDER Greenwich Pair Encountered Justice, Looking for Priest Marrlngo Still Holds. Greenwich, Conn. Anna Marano and Antonio Calanzo wore marriod by Justice of tho Peace Slophen L. Rad ford by an error, so they declare, and tho Jubtlco cannot until tho knot, al though ho was urged to do so whon tho error was discovered. Tho bride 1b twenty and tho bride grouinMB twenty-one years old. They applied to Town Clerk Wellstood for a license. Tho clerk said ho gavo them one, explaining that they should givo it to tho priest. Ho says tho bridegroom then asked it ho couldn't bo married right away. Justice Radford was present, and ho obliged them by performing tho le gal iservlcos. Then tho couplo visited Rev. Father Ryan at St. Mary's rec tory. They asked to bo married.and when Father Ryan inquired for tho licenso they showed him a marriage certifi cate. The priest accompanied them back to Town Clerk Wellstood, who showed tho marriage roturn of tho luatlce. Tho clerk was asked to Issue another license, bo they could bo re married by the priest. It was a knotty problem, and ho evaded It, saying tho brldo was under ago and her parents wero not present to givo their consent. Justico Rad ford was willing to return tho two dol lar marrlnco fee. but ho could not un- I tie the marriago knot. Tho question was noxt referred to Town Attorney Wright, but ho said ho coul1 do noth ing. Tho pair wero finally told that they wero married for keeps, and that, after doing ponanco as provided by tho church, they would bo rocognized ns married by stato and church. New York .to Have "Fly Squad." Now York. A picked squad of Now York policemen will hereafter be known aB tho "fly squad," being as signed to duty with the city health department to mako war on tho house fly. The "fly squad" will not kill flics, but will turn attention rather against breeding places, such as ref use heaps, uncovered garbage cans and other sources of the fly nuisance. had not seen her since and saw her only twice beforo tho marriage. Smyser .testified that ho mado tho acquaintance of the nctress while walking along Sixth avenue, Manhat tan, one night. He wnB eighteen years old at that timo. Ho said he repre sented himself to be the son of a rich man. , Tho second time they met they mado an engagement for August 10. Smyser said that the two visited sev oral Newark cafes, and tho last that ho remembers they wero In Electric park, a pleasure resort on the out skirts of Newark. According to one of tho witnesses, tho young womnn asked Smyser whllo seated at a table; "Jack, will you marry mo?" "Suro, I'll marry everybody." was the reply young Smyser wub alleged to have made. Smyser said that ho had a hazy rec ollectiou of sitting in a rocking chair In somebody's house, nnd that a man whom he did not know was standing before him.- Ho said thnt nt 5 n. m. tho next morning tho girl told him that they had been married. Asked what he then did, Smyser answered: "I took tho first train 1 could get out of Newark and beat It for New York." Tho young woman was not in court. Sho learned that Captain Smyser wan not wealthy and sho decided not to op poso her husbnnd'B application. Clrcua Elephant Kills Third Man. Toronto, Ont. Frank Johnson, a clr cua performer, was killed by an ele phant. The elephant stepped on his head while In tho ring. This is his third victim claimed tills acnsoii. TUXT-Psalm 46:10-"I3o still, and know that I am God." Whllo wo rnroly find a professed" ieist nowndays, low men recognlzo God as ho mani fests hlmsolf. Yet, whllo men do noti rocognlzo God who hns revealed him Bolf, thoy aro con stantly manufac turing gods to suit themselves, and thcao are as nu merous us thoso of Egypt In tho dajs of tho Pha raohs. In tho t o x t, thoro is tho call on God to givo atten tion to himself "Bo still, and know that I am God." Ilod is Intensely interested that man thouhl recognize him, nbt only becausoj aian would thus greatly blosB himself, but God'domnndB this recognition bo-, causo ho la sonsltlvo to tho apprecia tion of thoso whom ho Has created in his own likeness nnd imago. Wo must maintain this, notwithstanding the spe-! :lous ploa that it would be lgnoblo in God to demand such recognition. TuIb matter can only bo Bottled by, 3n appeal to authority, and multitudes1 bcllovo that tho Blblo is such author ity. In ExoduB 34:14, wo read: "Thou! shalt worship no other God, for tho Lord whoso nuino is Jealous, Is n jeal ous God." Joshua called tho attention of Israel to tho same characteristic in, God when ho wiBhcd Israel to roturn to God, to tho enjoyment of their dlvliio horltago. ' In tho toxt God docs not ask man to know him; ho simply nsks that wo rec ognlzo him ns God, and nppeals in the 8th and 0th verses of this chapter for tho uso of tho physical senses: "Como, behold tho works of tho Lord, what desolation ho has wrought in. tho earth; ho mnkcth wara to coaBo unto tho end of tho earth, ho break eth tho bow and cutteth tho Bpear In Bunder; ho burnetii tho chariot in tho fire." Our attention is nlso called to what wo havo heard with our ears, and our fathers have told us what ho has dono in tho timo of old. Wore not God'B dealings with tho Egyptians to prove that ho wbb God? WaB not God back of tho blessing of Is rael by Balaam, whilo Balaam's purpoao was to curse? Has God not set up ono and put down another? Has he not despoiled tho do vices of tho crafty that their hands cannot perform their enterprise, and has ho not taken tho wiso in their own crnftluoss, and io not tho counsel of tho froward carried headlong? And what shall ho said of tho occurrences of modern history,? Had God any thing to do with tho earthquake in San Francisco; tho burning of tho Gen eral Schofiold, and tho sinking of tho Titanic? Of tho latter ovent it la Bald that In tho last momonts of that fated vesscl'fl remaining afloat, all classeB of people prayed, and tho band played until tho very end, "Noarer, My God, to Thee." And what waa this but recognition of God, and possibly with many, too late? To say that God has nothing to do with theso things on tho ground of that it would bo vlolenco to tho reign of law, dishonoring to him. aB nn in finite being, and entirely rollovo man of moral responsibility, is really not .worthy of serious consideration. Tho consciousness of God's immanence in all such things would bo a deterrent from sin on tho part of some, and would bo an inceutlvo to good on tho part of others. How are men to know God? Simply hv hnlflC ntlll llv aAnrithlni. M.nn nn.. t ..-. .... mi.m. t,ii, mull ;uu- not find out God. As David would Ho' In tho fields at night nnd look up Into tho starry heavens, It would not bo for tho purposo of finding out God, but ns ho gazed ho could not holp but exclaim: "When I consldor tho heavens, tho work of thy flngorB, tho moon nnd tho Btars, which thou haBt created, what is man that thou art mindful of him, or tho son of man that thou viBltost him?" As Mobcb would havo Israel to recognlzo God, ho aald: ''Stand still, and soo tho Balvation of God." As Isaiah would havo iBrncl eco wherein their strength lay, ho Bald thoy should sit still. So tho method of knowing God is to just koop the oyoa nnd earB open, to atop, look, lis tenGod is horo, thero, everywhere. Tho results of this will bo a moro serious consideration of ono's obliga tion to God. Tho lifo of tho Christian will bo mado richer, nnd na tho dark ness of tho heroaftor is approached, thoro will bo a preparation to moot God, with whom, whothor ho will or will not, mnn has much to lo. To know God, nnd him whom ho liai is sent. 1b overrating life. Whon tho dust of business so fills your room that It threatens to choko you, sprlnklo it with tho water of prayer, and then you enn clean it out with comfort and expedition. James Stalker. Only in a world where thero is Buf fering could God prove that ho ia love. Tho man who buries his talent might as well bury biinsolf. Jrf 7 DR. PRICES Cream BAKING POWDER IS ABSOLUTELY HEALTHFUL Its active principle solely grape acid and baking soda. It makes the food more delicious and whole some. The low priced, low grade powders put alum or lime phosphates in the food. Ask Your Doctor About That STATES AWAKING TO DANGER Additional Hospital Beds for the Treatment of tho Tuberculous Aro Delna Established. Nearly 4,000 additional hospital beds for consumptives in 29 states were provided during tho year ending Juno 1, according to a statement issuod by tho National Association for tho Study and Provontlon of Tuberculosis. This mnkes a total of over 30,000 beds, but only about ono for ovory lndlgont tuberculosis pationt In this country. In tho last flvo years, tho hospital provision for consumptives has in creased from 14,428 in 1907, to over 30,000 in 1912, or over 10 per cent. Now York state loads in tho numbor of beds, having 8,350 on Juno 1; Man BachuBotts comes noxt with 2,800; and Pennsylvania a close third with 2,700. Alabama Bhowed tho greatest porcont ngo of increaso In tho IaBt year by add ing 57 now beds to its 42 a year ago. Georgia comos next with 109 beds add ed to 240 a year ago. Now York has tho greatest numerical Increase, hav ing provided over 1,800 additional bods in tho year. WAS SORRY FOR HIM. Janitor Stop playing that trom bono; tho man in tho noxt room says ho can't read. Dlnkholmor Ach, vot ignorance nossl I could road ven I vas fife years oldtl Mixture of Caution and Economy. At tho Union dopot a fow evenings ago a mother who had gono to soo hor daughter, a miss of about eighteen ycara, safely started on a journey, was hoard to give tho young lady tho fol lowing words of advlco Just boforo the train started: "Now, goodby, my dear. Take good caro of yoursolf and re member not to bo too freo with Btrang era on tho train. But If a nico looking roan should speak to you bo .polito to him ho may buy your aupper for you." Kansas City Star. No Social Tact At a club dance an enthusiastic momber approachod a rather dull member and said to him: "Say, for hoavon'a sake go over and talk to Miss Pryto. She la aitting all by horaolf." "ButJ-but what ahall I say to her?" "Toll hor how pretty she ia." "But aho ain't protty." "Well, thon, toll her how ugly tho other girls are. Ain't you got no so cial tact?" Getting Rid of It Tyros I toll you the man who takes caro of his own motor car has a good deal on bla hands. Byres Well, soap is cheap. Living Up to Its Name. "How do peoplo seem to like your new song, 'The Aeroplane?' " "Just carried away by It" H F "He bit the hand that fed him" said Teddy of Big BUI. 'And didn't tell us if the bite had made the biter ill. Now had Toasties been the subject of Bill's voracious bite He'd have come back for another with a keener appetite. Written by 'WILLIAM T. UINOKB, WJ7 btuto at., Urldi-eport, Conn. Ono of tti CO Jloclrs for which the Poetum Co., Duttle Creek, Mlcb., paid I10UO.0O tu May, Tho humor of somo people Is so dot lcato thoy ought to tako a tonic for it. OarHoM Tea is a fine Inxntlvo being com puted wholly of pura, buullh-fflvloi; limb. The Worrier. Knlcker Dooa Jack worry? Eookor Yea; ho wauta to pastour lze split milk. Judgo. Stop the Pain. The hurt of a burn or a cut stops when Colo's Carbollsalvo la applied. It heal 3ulckly and prevents scars. S5o and Wo by rugijlsts. For free anmplo wrlto to J. W. Cote & Co.. Ulack IUvor I'alls, WU. In the Suburbs. "Ia MrB. Glllot a woll-lnformcd wom an?" "Well, she'a on a party wire."- Life. Sho Knew It Stolla This la tho presidential year. Bella I know. Tho farmer we board with keeps eight bull moost, that chaBo you ovory timo you go out. The Moon'a Offspring. Looking out of tho window one eve ning, llttlo Mario saw tho bright, full moon In tho eastorn sky, and, appar. ontly, only a fow inches from It, the beautiful Jupiter, shining nlmoat as brightly na tho moon itaolf. Marie gazed Intently at tho spectacle for a moment, and thon, turning to hor mother, exclaimed: "Oh, mother, lookl The moon has laid an egg!" They Are Overworked Now, Four-year-old Dick had mado an Imi portant discovery that his hair would pull out if enough force was oxertod, and was absorbod In proving tho fas clnatlng find on his forolock. HIa al tor aged sovon noted tho proceed, tags with round-oyod horror, "iMcklot Dickie I flbo cried, "yon. mustn't do that!" "Why?" demanded Dickie, with tL cynicism of childhood. "Oecauso tho Blblo says that all your hairs aro numbered and if you pull any out you'll mako a lot of extra bookkeeping for the angels." Shock for a Brother. "John," said an ominont physician, wearily, entoring hia homo aftor a hard day's work, "John, if anyone calls excuse me." "Yea, sub," agreed John, the old family darkoy. "Just say," explained the doctor, "that the masseur is with mo." A llttlo later the doctor's brother called called and rocelvcd tho shock of his Ufo. "I want tp see tho doctor at once," said bo. "Yuh can't do it sur," aolomnly an nounced tho old darkey, turning up his eyes till the whltos nlono showed. "Yuh can't do it, auh. Tho doctor, auh, am wld do MeoBlah." Now York Evening Sun. She Was a Duster. Mra. Sutton advertised for a woman to do general housework, and in an swer a colored girl called, announcing that sho had como for tho position. "Are you a good cook?" aakod Mra. Sutton. "No, indeed, I don't cook," was the reply. "Aro you a good laundrcaa?" "I wouldn't do wnshln' and ironln't it's too hard on tho hands." "Can you sweep?" aaked Mrs. Sut ton. "No," was tho positive anawer. "I'm not strong enough." "Well," said tho lady of the house, Quito exasperated, "may I ask what you can do?" "I dusta," came tho placid reply. Kvorybody'a.