The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 19, 1912, Image 7

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-rt.Aa. - .
When the anniversaries
there is no more delightfully personal gift to receive
than the gift of jewelry. And remember that this is
the place,. to buy jewelry -if .you want the kind that is
guaranteed. . You 'will .find here a big assortment com
prising things combining usefulness withi beauty. We
invite -your inspection.' - ' - ' i
DIXOT;' . .'.
U. P. Watch Inspector.
Graduate Denlisl.
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
Local and Personal.
Howard Dolson left Tuesday evening
for Omaha to remain several week.
Hiney Landgraf went to Salt Lake
City Tuesday evening to spend a month
or more.
Jack Evans left Wednesday evening
for Ogden where he has accepted a
Firemen Roy Lannin and Hotchkiss
left Wednesday evening for Ogden to
Bpend about two weeks.
Charles Barr left the first of the
week for Ogden,, $5alt Lake" and other
points wot to spend several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham, of
Trunbell, arrived the frst of tto week
to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elliott.
Mrs. W. S. Dolson and niece Miss
Cecilia Monahan-will feave shortly lor'
Oakland, Cal., to spend several weeks
E. Jl Maunin and brother expect to
leave in the near future for Kansas
City to spend n couple of weeks With
relatives. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John " Davis of the
Second ward are rejoicing ovar the ar
rival of a baby boy at their home Tues
day evening.
Mrs. F. H. Lortgley left at noon
Wednesday for Foi Pu.Lac, Wis., to
make an extended visit with her son
Dr. Rhodes Longloy.
W. P. Snyder, of the Experimental
station, is enjoying a visit from his
cousin Mr. Braham, of Sidney, who
arrived the first of the week.
Mrs i C. C. McGee, of Sutherland, -I
spent yesterday in town whjle onroute
home from a visit with her husband
who is taking car treaking "at the
Omaha hospital.
John Cole of the United States Agri
cultural Department spent the first of
the week at the experimental station,
having come down from Denver to in
spect the crops. i
Mrs. Fred Barracjough and 'daughter
Irma will leave Monday for Kansas
City to spend several weeks after
which they will visit in Denver, expect
ing to be absent about ninoty days.
A. P. Anderson, who lives twelve
miles south of Maxwell was in town
Wednesday transacting business. He
reports corn in that section in good
condition, some iielda standing waiBt
Ice For Sale.
150 tons, 18 inches thick.
W. Conger, Loup City,
Write J.
Neb., for
Men's Princeton Suits at less than xuholc-
Men's Straw Hats one-half price. , .
Men's Oxford Shoes oue-half price.
Everything else for men at a great reduction.
See us first.
Everything for Men.
McDonald Bank Building. North Platte.
approach remember that'
Walter Owens left Wednesday after
noon for Denver to spend several weeks.
Mrs. John Wolback will loave shortly
for Oakland, Cal., to spend sovera
Miss Lenona Marvish, of Cody, Wyo. ,
is the guest of her sister Mrs. A. J.
Frazier this week.
Wednesday the Marovish property on
East 3rd street was sold to E. A. Boyd
who will take possession at once.
Emil, Erricson will leave this week
for Topeka, Kan., via Denver, to sperd
a half month with relatives.
Mrs. Joseph Herrod, of Columbus,
who has been visiting local friends for
couple of weeks, will leave Sunday.
Lost On July 4th, a baby's white'
slipper. Finder please return to this
office. '
Oscar Smith and Misslsdora Fordmer,
of Flats", Wo-e married in this city
Wednesday evening by Rev. W. S.
Porter, '
Mrs. Kate Daly returned Tuesday
evening from Grand Island yhere she
visiteddier sister Mrs.-Thonias Gorham
for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs H. M. y Johnson and
daughters' returned Wednesday after
noon from a two weeks' visit in Tren-
Uon,- Ia.y-a'nd-othcr points east.
Mrs. Roland Malmstein and, baby
who have made their home in Grand
Jslandrforevernl weks, returned to
this city Wednesday afternoon.
John E. Snyder; of Freeport, 111.,
and Miss Margaret A. Wilson, of this
city were quitely married by Rev. B.
P. Favoright on Tuesday evening.
Miss Lillian Eaton, of .Denver, who
who has been the guest of her sister
Mrs. Verne Mann for two months, will
return home next week.
Mr. Baton and family of three, of
Bangor, Me., passed through Wednes
day in a Flanders 20 car enrqute to
Pacific coast points. From Maine to Cali
fornia in an autombb'jhjiis quite a jaunt.
Mrs. Elizaboth Cramer entert,ainod
ten friends at a six o'clock dinner Tues
day evening complimentary to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Miller and daughter, of
Lincoln. -Mr. Miller is platform mana
ger of the Chautauqua.
Wanted A good girl for general
housework. Mrs. Arthur Hoaglar.d.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wood, of Suther
land, were visitors in town Wednesday.
Mr. Wood, who was one of the losers
in the Sutherland fire, informed us that
the insurance company adjusted his loss
Monday and he'ia getting ready to re
pair the building, order a new stock
and re-engage in the hardware busi
ness. $50 Reward.
The above reward will be paid for
the return of a diamond brooch lost be
tween the Edwards home on west
Fourth and the First National Bank.
Mit3. Chas. Edwauds.
9 m
9 9
City Finances;
It will be of interest to our citizens
to learn tha,t not for n number of years
hns the financial condition of the city
be en so satisfactory. There is not
only not an unpaid outstanding warrant
against the city, but in the strong box
of the treasury hero reposes about
$30,000, representing balances in the
S"Vcrpl funds. This has been accom
plished with a levy of four mills loss in
1911 than in 1910. It is evident that the
men who are in charge of the city's
affairs the mayor and council as well
as other officials are not lax in busi
ness methods, but rather that they are
conducting the city's business with the
snmc carefulness that, they conduct
their private affairs.
That the city is on n cash basis is of
b?nefit to everyone who has claims for
labor or merchandise; it means that
when the claim is presented, if correct,
is promptly allowed and the claimant
receives a warrant which he is not com
pclled to discount. This is different
than in former yenrs when a cash war
rant was an exception nnd not the rule.
This satisfactory condition of the
treasury follows unusual improvements
in the streets in the way of grading
and crosswalks and culverts; there has
been no robbing of Peter t pay Paul.
Having thus proven themselves ef
ficient as well as painstaking servants,
i3 not Mayor Patterson and the mem
bers of the council entitled to more con
fidence and commendation than we, as
a people, givo them? They are working
for our beat interests not by reason of
the meagre salary they receive but be
cause they arc interested in the welfare
of the town.
The New Garage.
The new nuto gnrage erected on the
corner of Fourth and Locust by A. M.
Lock and leased for a period of years
by the Davis, Auto Co., is now com
pleted and the Davis Co. has taken
formal possession. The building is a thj; town' in fact those who
have visited the Omaha garages, say
there is none in that city that is so well
and nicely finished. In dimensions it is
60x126 constructed of hollow tile covered
with stucco. Partitioned off in the rear
end is a repair shop 20x66 supplied with
power drills, lathes and other machinery
and on the northwest corner is an office
and store room 22x40. The remnlnderJ
of the .floor is used for the storage of
autos, there1 being sufficient room for
fifty or sixty cars.
The interior is nicelyfinished; steel
ceiliilg, cement floor throughout, and
the woodwork painted a dark oakt In
the basement Is a. large heating plant,
and the radiators, which aro placed
on the walls, arc bronzed as are
all the eKposed steam pipes.
The system of electric lighting
is very complete, including a large
overhead sign on the southwest corner
of the building. The room is well
lighted and ventilated by windows and
there are entrances on both tho west
front and south side. The system pro
vided for washing cars is very com
plete. Toilet rooms for both men and
women are provided; in fact it woulu"
appear Jd the casual observor that
nothing that would add to tho con
venience of a garage has been omitted.
The building complete cost nearly
eleven thousand dollars. In putting up
such a modern building, Mr. Lock has
done a credit to himself and the town.
Had he less enterprise and pride, he
might have expended five instead of
eleven thousand.
Some Wheat.
C. E. Francis, who lives on the
Samuels ranch south of Sutherland,
completed the harvest of his wheat yes
terday. Mr. Francis cut over five
hundred acres, and judges who examined
the wheat, say it will average better
than twenty-five bushels to the acre, or
a total yield of about thirteen thousand
bushels. In the harvest five binders
were kept running steadily.
The stnte county superintendents
who attended the meeting of the west
ern Nebraska superintendents on Tues
day and Wednesday of this week were
Mesdames Richmond, of Ogalalla,
Starr of Sidney, Belian of Banner,
Thompson, of Morrill and Messrs T. C.
McKce of Garfield, L. A. Olinger of
Dawson, J. S. Elliott of Buffalo, W.
D. Paul of Logan and Miss Clco
Chappell of Lincoln. A conference was
held at the high school auditoriumTucs
day morning and all attended Chautau
qua in the afternoon and evening and
were entertained at supper Tuesday by
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Tout at the Chau
tauqua grounds. Wednesday morning
they were met nt the high school by
state superintendent J. E. Delzell, of
Lincoln, who addressed them on school
management and methods of advance
ment. A vi3it was made to the experi
mental sub station and several rural
schools on Wednesday.
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Pough, who were married recently,
Mrs. Arthur Artz entertained a number
of friends Wednesday evening at a mis
cellaneous shower. The evening was
spent in games. At midnight a dainty
lunch was served.
For Sale.
Fremorit county, Wyo., ranches with
stock or not. Irrigated; good .water;
improved. Near Cora and Kendall. For
particulars write me. Chas. I. Voll
ner, Suite 527, Wellington Block,
ummia, iNeu.
'y""- "- - i inn llfff tin i iliiwuli . ...,-. n . iii ii n - - ii -Yi ii M in- -.ii . i i i 'I -rtrr f -rT-rTtTJ
Bargains a Plenty for Everybody in Our Big
Every department of this big store beckons to you with dozens of the MOST REMARKABLE
VALUES we have ever placed nt your disposal. Goods of every description seasonable goods
dependable, fashionable goods all offered at CONSIDERABLY LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES.
PRICES? Here's your chance. We've $tt0'get ready for fall at a time when summer hns just
begun in earnest, You see our season and your season are yery much at variance. Thus it
hoppens that we offer these splendid goods at MUCH LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES, at a time,
when from your point of view,
wnru your coming
Lace Curtains.
Odd Lots at Attractive Prices.
Ecru Net Curtains, nicely made with
insertion and lace border, reg-
ular- $1.50 quality, per rt j j a
pair. Ai.IV
Ecru Net Curtains, finer quality,
our 2.00 Curtains, clear- r in
ance price pl.U7
Alsp several odd lots of from one to
five curtains in each lot, prices cut
deep for quick clearance.
. ' Parasols.
One Lot Ladies Parasols, regular
l.zb anu .1.70 goous, July
Fro"h samples of fine velvet and Ax
minister Carpets, 54 q j a
inches long, Choico at. . J I . I
Tiber Matting, the regular 40c grade
wo have two pieces to close ia
outat , lye
One lot heavy turkish towels
good size, each t
Mens Straw Hats,
Otie Lot all nice fine braids, includ
ing uatsup to 8.00 qualities, 7ft
all, at one price! iVC
To Automobilists.
The Scarborough Co., of Indianopolist
have issued a now census map of Ne
braska which shews tho Omaha-Denver
automobile routo through Lincoln,
Hastings nnd McCook, but does not
show the Platto Valley route, and auto
owners, aro requested to refuse to pur
chase tho same until the Platte Valley
route js placed on the map.
Plattk Vallky Ahsn.
For Sale.
My bungalow on north Locust street
with all modern conveniences; good
barn and chicken house; half block of
fine sandy soil free from nlkali in bear
ing orchard. Also eight city lots south
of the house in fruit and shade trees.
Plan to Unearth Prairie Dogs.
Henry Tschudy, residingnt Archer,
Nt'br., thinks he has a system for
bnnging.prairio dogs out of their holes
that should bring him a fortune.
While driving his nutomobilo through
the hills recently he saw a prairie dog
disappear. He backed tho car up to tho
hole and put a piece of hos on tho ex
haust pipe. Then he shoved the hose in
the hole and started the engine. Soon
out came three prairie dogs, ono skunk
and a screech owl. Mr. Tschudy says
the poorer the lubricating oil the
quicker the work is done.
Simon Brogan, of Pnxton, is spending
I this week with town friends.
I The Misses Wetzell, of Sutherland,
' are visiting Mrs. Fred Ouimette this
I Mrs. Leopard Cornott and daughter
Edith wont to Hershoy Wednesday
I morning to visit relatives.
, Will Carroll, of Mc Cook, will arrive
I this evening to visit his mother Mrs.
i Boyle for a couple of weeks.
l Miss Jessie Rouse returned to Cozad
Wednesday evening after spending a
week with her sister Mrs. E. A. Boyd.
. Keep out the Flies Screen doors and
screen wire cloth at Hershey's, corner
5th and Locust, Phone 15.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Young and daugh
ter; Florence loft Wednesday evening
for Seattle, Portland and cities of
iK$L 03 TiuffJ Yj$.
HWOW4B SESeJ - I.UsSSSRvrfW in ,
HittK-jsr.T.; ii. jmr yvHxiiffl ijar-f :th irrr;wi .iu t i.. vjw-
luiitra rtf"mtj5S5CLc4i' s?n iinrTi -ii i nM"?.
they are nt the height of their usefulness.
Out-of-the-ordinary values, such as
Laces and Embroideries
" at great savings.
Here's your chance to secure stylish
pretty laces and embroideries at a
small fraction of their real worth.
Here's the way we will make it
worth your while to buy now
American Val Laces, the bestwear
ing val lnce made, Regular 5 and
10c laces, all at ono price, -j3
per yd '. J4C
Cotton Cluney laces, 24 to J -j
inches wide, per yd. JC
Shadow Laces up to 5 inches q
wide, per yd. ............ v.. . iC
Embroidery in regular 5c line, j
during gale at JC
Embroideries on tfood cambric,
medium width, regular 10c 1
quality, per yd 2C
Corset Cover Embroidery, good
patterns, cheap at 25c per f a -
Corset Cover Embroideries some of
, the best 50c goous we hnVe
'.! 39c
had at
Fine-, Swiss- Hands, good f'liv,
width, nice patterns. ,,.k. Li,2,
Flouncing 17 inchin beautiful lHn
patterns, our 75c line. at.. 4C
Union Realty and Investment Company.
Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00.
T.C. PATTERSON, President, B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Trens.
First Mortgages on Real Estatq Bought, Sold and Negotiated.
This company is prepared to loan money of investors on first mort
gages on real estate, amply secured ana "drawing eight per cent semi
annual Interest. Money so invested will bo exempt from taxation.
Up and in not "down and out" -is
he' who conserves his resources. We
are selling1 thousands of Fords to men
who could own many more expensi-ve
cars, but who prefer the Ford because
of its lightness, itsget-akout-ability and
its economy. - y
More than 75,000 new Fords into service this season
proof that they must be right. Three passenger
Roadster $590 five passenger touring car $090
delivering car $700 f. o. b. Detroit, with all equip
ment. Catalogue from Ford Motor Company, Mich
igan and Fourteenth street or from Detroit.
North Platte, Neb.
the following, will richly re-
Boys Wash Suits. (
All nice ncwtylos. '. ,
' Lot 1 regular 1,00 grade ,VC
Lot 2 regular 1.25 grade VOC
Lot 3 regular 1. 50 grade . . $1,1'
Lot4 regular 1.75" and $2.00 V in
B"'de 1.07
Silk Petticoats.
One lot of about thirty petticoats, in
all colors, regular ?2. 75 $ aq
quality, sale price..,.,. $l.VO
- Aprons. ,q
One Lot Ladies White Aprons, made
from nice cloth trimmed with
narrow embroidery, sale a
iprice M'...t. IVC
Ladies Shoes.
ItonU forget that lot of ladies, ao
Oxfords at - VoC
these are shots worth 3.50 and "400
a ,pair, but in size up to 41 only, llf
you have small feet take advantage
of It. J
'. , " ' ' ' ' '
. ' Ladies Skirts. 7 . .,
'Don't forget these skirt's at' ?2.48,''-!'
, , $:.48, $M8 nrooall newigpods in flne
, .cloths every oqeAu bargain.
,s ' , . r -Assortments.
' arr "still g6tid on ihariy things and
wo put out neW articled every day.
r ,pi
' -. .;