The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 19, 1912, Image 12

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira Li Brc, Editor and Publisher,
Ono Year by Mail in ndvaaco , . . .$).'
Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.50
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofllco as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, JULY. 19. 1912.
With beef cattle selling ns .higH' as
$8.85 per hundred and BtOckcf a ot $G;00,;
ft ir unfortunate that the number of
cftttljHn" Lincoln county U' 18000 lew
this' year; than two ytars ago. If wc
had those 18,000 head now we -would be
aboWSSOO.OOO richer.
c-)Farmers in the castorn ond central
parts of the atatc have begun thrilling
wheat, nrid the yield ranges from Aftbon
to, forty bushels per ncrc, with n
average so vfnr reported of at least
twenty-two bushels. That isn't half
bad, 'especially when It was reported ot
ono time that the yield would not be a
ono.-,third crop.
Tho.atraw vote conducted by papers
ntDes Moines, which had . just cloied,
g.ayg'Taft a vote equal, to, all otKers
c'ftnibinod. While straw votes arc not
always, hccijrato, the hoavy vote rof
cclvcd.'by Taft is evidence that thp
Iowa republicans believe that more
good can can be accomplished by stay
ing with the party thun Ijy following
oft strange gods. ..,
The (3em6cratB propose' to' open the
campaign with a jack pot of brie million
dollars Una -much aa n starter. As
August . Belmont testified beforo flic
the senate committee that! ho contrib
uted $250,000 to the Parker campaign
in.1904, he will probably "be satisfied to
raise 'that figure when it conies to con
tributing to the Wilson .campaign this
brnska, are'ailbject to regulation by the
Btnto railway commission, and under
the law such rates can neither be low
ered or raised without the consent of
the rnilway commission.
The matter of rates, under the .laws
of the state, arc beyond the jurisdiction
pf either the council or the yoters of
the city.
I hold no brief for any corporation or
persons and in laying this statement
before the voters I am actuated solely
by a desire to conserve the best Inter
ests of the city and its people.
T. C. Patterson.
The Telephone Franchise,
""Editor of The Trlbdno .
As there arc two propositions pending
bofor'ekho voters, a referendum, and
initiative, which if decided in th'eVsftl'rm
atiye''hro Intended by the promotorV to
put'the present telephone system" out
of commission arid deprive its patrdns
of tho'ben'eflt of fts' services'; arid be
lieving that ft plain-statement of fact
m"lgh'fdiiobl6 the voters 'to c0md to'fln
Intelligent conclusion I submit the. fob
lowing: Th'b first tblephdne 'system
erected in the' city was built Utfder
, the provisions of op ordinance, tho
granting part of 'which reads' hsfbllows:
"ThatUn North Pl'atte 'Tolophdne
Company M urid hereby ''are gi'and'
right of way for the erection of'.Ntyd
maihteriarico of r6le9' arid wircg"iind
other nfcpurtcnancdsHli$rHd for'Xtho
purpose of transacting u general tplo-
phone 'arid telegraph businoss through,-!
upon ilud.bVer the streets, alloys .and
pub'liP ground of tho city of North
tWldbr this ordinance George T. Field
and his, associates built and operated a
locfil "telephone system for several
years, when ho sold hisplant to " Eben-I
WrncAandaason&tfl whooperated the
r'fi r ' ' ,. ' Jit. ,,'t.ii
pinni ior some lira? unii inen soiu ine
plant tff the Nebraska Telephone Com
pany t who arc n6w operating t under
tlio above original grant.
"Since tlio nurchase. of tlie clant the
Nebraska Telcghone Company has on-j
tlrely rebuilt the plant and given the
city a first class up to dato plant and
fi'ave put North Platto on tho map by
giving ns direct connection from our
homce and places of business with their
nation wide long distance Bystem. A
service such as this company glvsj ut
"is an indispensable necessity and' is' a
(jervjee that no other agency could
supply until such times us the general
government shall tako over and operate
B nation wideiielephpne system.
A careful reading of the granting
partpf the so-called telephone franchise,
quoted above discloses. tbAf act ltmare)y
grants to the telephone company a right
jQvay through and over the streets,
alleys and public grounds for their poles
. juw -wires, just the same rights as are
given to tho telegraph companies and
rnore,Y - .
.. iNo exclusive rights are wanted. No
rpSupply. Tho dty'is'atillberty to grant
the same rights to any other person or'
company or to establish a telephone.
System of Its own.
At the election to be hold August 0th,
the yoters are asked to reject the res
olution passed by the city council,
without a dissenting vote, consenting
to trje transfer of the rights under said
vlght of -way ordinance from the JJprh.
Platte Telephone Compiny, the former
owner, to the Nebraska Telephone Com
pany, the present owner. This reso
lution as will be seen by a careful
reading of It In tho n6tlco of election, in
another celumn does not add anything'
to the original grant.
The transfer of tho rights of the
Nqrth Tlatte Telephone Co. to tho Ne-
.brask& Telepone Co. docs not in any
jjway prejudice, tho rights of the city or.
of the patrons of the'Tclophonejwwtom.
"""' The rates of all common carriers In'
tluding telephone companies, ; whether
pwed and controlled by a domestic or
foreign corporation, on all business be-
' tween points within the state of- Ne-
City Council Meets in Regular
July 10th, 1912: City council met In
regular session with the following
members present, Mayor Patterson,
Councilmen Brock, Crosby, Herming-'
hfiusen,, Hoaglnnd, Owens and'Sullfvan.
Also Clerk Temple, Engineer Meyer hnd
Water Commissioner Welch.
A communication front Bratt & Good
man asking the city council toj,movo
the walk in fr6nt of 13, ,$ock 18,
Peniston's addition for tWe reason that
the walk had been laid according to
the survey of the city engineer at the
time that it was laid, and now the pres
ent city engineer is having the walks
on that street laid on another line,
throwing this walk out of. lino. The
communication was laid on the table,
as the council hnd so much othor busi
ness to attend to. , '
This being the timo nnd place that
the council was to open bids for a new
pump a'nd there .being about seven bidB
on file and four representatives, of
pump .companies here, the bids .were
opened and considered. It was found
thnt the jpb of tabulating wub going to
take considerable time, so the council
instructed the water commissioner to
tabulate the bids and bring before the
council tomorrow evening at 7:30.
Council then adjourned until 7:30'
Wednesday evening,
July 17th, 1912: Council met in ad
journed aessipn w,ith the. foljowlng
members present, Mayor' atersori,
Councilmen Brock, Crosby, Frozier,
Hcrminghausen, Hoagland, Owens,
Sullivan and Tracy. Also Clerk Temple,
Engineer Meyer and Water Commis
sioner Welch.
The different representatives ap
peared beforo tho council, and des
cribed their pumps and after considera
tion, it was moved by Tracy, seconded
by Frazier, that the bid of the Inter
national "Pump Company, of Denver,
Colorado, bo accepted for one Ludlow
Gordon steam fly-wheel pump of a ca
pacity 6? from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000
gallon daily capacity fit n price 6f $&,-
915.00; Sole? pump to bo Installed and
tested for thii prjee,
htAH bills' i rorlabor on file allowed.
'Thfe city1 atlorhey was instructed to
drftW ordinances ordering sidewalk in
the '"northwest part of 'the city. -
Thero being no further business,' the
cbuncil adjourned.
Republican .County. Convention.
I ursUHOl UJ Ml'- vnu ui mv u-iuui:-f
can State Canypnticn called to mec'l nt ,
Lincoln, N6b"raskft, on Jtily 30th,- 7012, (
for thv purpose or aqoptmg a piattorm
and selecting a state central committee.
the republican county convention for,
Lincoln county is hereby Called to meet
at North Platte, on-July 25tji, 1912, at
2 p. m., for the purpose of dectlng'tcn
Hon and for the; selecting of al poiintjr;
central committee and for auchj,othei;
business n3 may come befortf,tb con-;'
vention. . '
The basis of representation f rprn the
several pre.cinct3 is based on the vote
cast for Francis G. Hamer for judg of
the Biinrome court in 1911. firtiieal
election allowing oncd'elegate'fiifijvt'ifyji
zu vpies or major, irauuun, munjoi is pst
.Tale.. i. ,,.. . ' 1
LcSoS... l.,-. -. 1
MaxlVclt . .'? 3
'M:M--:S ?
I w
I Jliil vivwililiwv uuivt i
J J ? I
. .. M
North' Platte Nn. 1
"North -Platte Nq. .
rtcirm i'ihiiv no.
North I'lnltc Ni. 4
Ant!or .',.
Ouchiinan ..
Dncr'.Creck 1-
DlcWn 2'
JflTrcy 1
Fox tireck 1
Oarfielil 1
Gtnlln 1
Hall. 1
Harrison 1
Hlnmnn 2-
Hooker 1
Kern I
Nowell.... ..... '...I
Oteood ... J
HullicrlamJ... . .
Pccham;,.i. J
Plailt -j K.t
vrojnnrt,. ..-WolHtf.SSttfc'UV
Well ,yI;-
iv "W?S'5
. . 6
.'. I
it.. 1
It is recommended that .tISj -precinct
caucuses be held in thcsev'ernfrecinCts
on Saturday, July 20th, 1912,. a'nd, that
at said meeting' precinct committeemen'
be chosen for the .ensuing year, tit the
same mooting that delogntefc are. chosen
to attend-the county conVttfititJ'i.y &H
delegates should be furnished with
proper credentials' certified .to by .-the
Chairman and-Secretary of the meeting
at which they are chosen.
, - : E. 11. Evans,
. " ' .0. E". Eldkk,
Chairman Republican Central
- Committee.
For Sale,
For sole on easy terms the ne cp- sec
tion 6-13-31, sixty acres in sec 2"-iS-31i
and block 3, South Park addition to
North Platte, Address, H. E. Nichols,
Storling, Cplo.
NoUce to.Biddcrs.
Sealed bids will be received tit tho
office of county clerk of Lincoln county
un to 12:00 o'clock noon. '"August 1st.
1912. for replacing stringers per unit
quantity'artd replankitig j)p lineal ft,
South Platte river bridge at "North
Platte, all material to bej.furnished by
Lincoln CQUnty:- .C W. Yost,
bounty Ulerk.
I herewith' announco my candi
dacy for County commissioner on the
republican ticket and ask the support
pf, ail citizens and pledge to conduct
tle' county affairs in an economical
and, business way if elected.
Commissionera' Procee'dings.
July 10, 1912
Tho foUowlng claims were allowed on
the bridge fund:
Henry Linemeyer, lumber-for bridges
In road district 21, 78.55
Maxwell lumber and grain company,
pne car of lumber 520.99 i
John W. Greeno, part payment on
lumber. 150.00
Checked and approved books of county
clerk for past six months, and find a
balance of feqs earned and on hand 861.
25. Total amount of fees earned 1,920.
40 Whereupon the board adjourns to
July 11, 1912
C. W. Yost, County Clerk.
July 11, 1912 Board met pursuant
to adjournment, Present Streltz,
uonorts, wmte ana county clerk
Checked and approve tlibookii df clerk
of district court and find' fees earned
for first and second quarter, 1.472.53
Checked and approved books of
sheriff and find balance of fees earned
first and second quarter, 352.93
Whereupon board adjourns to July
14, 1912
Repair Work
isn't necessary if .You have us in.
, . stall your plumbing. 'If jyou are
thinking of.aterations, ive us
the l - ' - - - -
First Opportunity
of estimating, as we recqrapiend
all of our work, which iaTalways
performed by first-class 'skilled
mecnanics. consult us.
Shop Phone 3G9. Res. Phone 683
217 Eaat Sixth Street, . -
Miss Julia Nolen will return tomorrow
from an extended visit In Wood Rivet
With her brother and other rolativat.
Messrs. Harry Burroughs, of Scotta)!
Bluffs, and Jack Boyer, ot Goring, ar
rived here Wednesday and will accept
employment in the Davis garage.
J, H. Stafford,, of Omaha, general
store keeper of the Union Pacific, spent
a few days here this week on business
while enrouto west,
State Superintendent Jas. E. Dclzoll
who attended tho district convention of
superintendents this week, left for Lin
coln Wednesday.
For Sale Two good registered Here
ford bulls, 4 years old, alio two year
lings. Inquire of Wm. Edis, North
Platte, Neb. tf
Long Line to be Opened.
The main line pf the Burlington road
from Pugot Sound to the Gulf of Mexico
will be opened for business about Octo
ber next, according to an announce
ment made by Vlco President By ram.
Arrangements havo been made for an
enlargement of the Burlington shops
In Denver.
headache, biliousness; in-'
digestion, rheumatism,
pimples, blotches, yellow
complexion, etc., are all
signs of poisons in your
blood. These, poisons
should be driven put, or
serious lmess may result
To get rid of them, use
(he old, reliable, purely
vegetable, liver medicine;
The merchandise lin&s .numerated below are offered to the public
at the following loss: $'.w
One lot 15 cent French Ginghams at 10 cents per yard.
All our 60 and 70 cent Wash Goods to close out at 39 cents per yd.
... .......
One lot 60 and 6p, ent Silk Mulle, all shades, to close out at 25
cents per yard. ' r .
One lot of 25 and: 50 cent Washt goods to close at 15 cents per yd.
.; ,11: St, '' ' '.
Ready-toWear Department. v
, ,,JU1. oSr washable Drosses washable SkirtswaghabJetV
Coats, washable Suits aud washable Waists at '? j-
'. a.';'A.
";' ''' :
OnexThird Off
'''' ' ....
-TbiS'ia'earis that a; dollars worth of merchandise cos
' '- ' ' ' ' i ' d
you 66 ceu'ts. These ;' prices are for cash only. . '
We must clean "out ourentire summer stock' in order
to niake roo'm for our mammoth fall stock. v v ,
, Those inducecnents are not made on trashy goods, but
on -thatjliigli class of .i)aerchandise. which The Leader has,
reputation pf carrjing, Do not 'delay too long; you need
these goQaBOsn.1'10 s tae m-e t0 U.Y-
Manyher Qes .arejjofered at reduced prices; to
qaote. all would require top much space.
- . .
II Hi' JLl JD jtL J Jli K. '
J. PIZER, Proprietor.
The only store "that offers the public real bargains, in first-class "merchandise.
" - -V A
k Vmrall 'IWoiiJii VrS M
t CT 7 1 af-RA 2 1
II . " by moldejlie&Tcncl pre- f J
u 1 serva 11 uu ciu.wiciu "w itii niimiiiimi
jjlr Mv (km) . jllllllllllllllll
IllllllllllliV" KbsoleMlr Ir4lQV eS5i)lllill!lllillll
llllll ! r Eayto haadle iSitofiaBUI Mill I 1 !
lllllllllllllK Inexpensive... IlLflTKll 1 i
)itJM v FSffHFUlttlilDlllfiDI
lilt III !l K Pound ond halfrwcnd civtefA Txx& IwlKiR III llllll II
II I V lck4c hM U Pnre Food euwU. V ( tt-i j It II )
l( STANB'ASD Oil C0MPANT (CSSftflyil
L NEBRASKA O&fim llrfBtfHS lllllllllilllll
II llllll lllllli At Gjrtc&rt B Hl JTaHII lllllllllilllll
IllllllllJlUmlu' J Drarrttft 111 .IMHJI 1 I I
PHMMHgB csrykt9 illl IIkHWI Hill IIIIIIIIJ
Graduate Dentist.
Telephone Red 456 BOSVi Dewey St.
r North Platte, Nebraska.
S Special attention glVon to conflno- S
s mentH jkti.d children's diseases, J
Office. Pllono 133 Res. Phone 263
Office McDonald State Bank Dld'c
m M-Jhj(M frefcth
mm -
H .... ..
'- A. J. AWt3
'3 nAJiimaa Mmm 0 JH Mm
uubiura Hiues et rtnidb, (
ot vi
Mrs. J. H. Easier,
SDartanburcr. b. u. savs
"I had sick headache, for "
years. I teit oaa most of
the time, I tried Tjied
ford's Black-Draught, and ;
nnw I fpl hHr 4hnri
when I was 16 years old."
Your arugcist sens it, tn
25 cent packages.
Insist on Thedford's
Estimate ofExpinses.
I. Chas. F. Temple, cltr clerk In and for tho cltv of North Platte. Lincoln
county, Nebraska, hereby certify the following estimate of expenses was
made by the mayor and city council of the city of North PJatte, Nebraska, for
the fiscal year 1912 "the 2d day of July, 1912,
To pay interest on $1000.000.00 water bonds... , 2500.00
To pay interest on $29,000.00 sewer bonds. . f ' 1200.00
To pay principal on one sewer bond $1000,W '. . . 1000.00
To pay the salary of city officers i . , 2500.00
Tor streets and alleys, sidewalks, crossings etc. . ...."....'... .V. .,. ."i . . 5000.00
For Hewttr mnlntonanrA nnrl fltuhlnor " 1fWl M
For Hjchting streets and alleys L .... J. x. . . , .. . 3500.00
For Incidental expenses of the city , t . . .'. ,, ,.f(. 2500.00
POLICE FUN.D. .."'..
To pay salaries mi Incidental expenses. . , . r,,. ' 2500.00
. . V! " FIRE FUD. ;
To jjay ialrjes, incidental expenses, hydrant rental and-for supplies.... 5000.00
To pajaries, supplies and Incidental expenses., ,.,.,.,...,. r -2000.00
J "WATER FUND, ' ''"
To pay salaries, repairs, extensions and improvements and Incidental expenses
, for operating tho water plant ?. 30,000.00
v ' ' U CHAS. F. TEMPLE."City ClorC!
North Platte,- Neb, j July 3, 1912. f . '
Physicians and Surgeons,
y. umce over Stone Drug Co. . J.
H Phones I Office 273 g
p rnones Residence 273 p
r FIT "N w0 rJf
Statement of the Condition
or THE
MUllUAL "building s
ot North Platte, Nebraska, on. the 30th
day ot June, 1012.
Certificate N. 82.
First mortgage loans..... t .000 00
Stock loans.i , , l too oo
Cash..., i.. 7 4to so
Deunqttentlnterest, premiums and
B.w&a"?.1,..Z.i'.! ,,., 707 60
Erpeniea aWtaxea paid 1 189 so
fffur&rU. tm in
Capital stock paid up m m 3i
Eeserretund... , 8 400 00
Undivided profits , 22 630 28
Other liabilities 44 (0
ilea us 42
Balance on hand July 1, 1911 t s 3S2 09
Dues........... , 69 48S 50
Interest, and lines , 89 129 60
Loans repaid... s9 07
Miscellaneous Fees 309 00
Taxes and Insurance 13d 35
Total 1182 773 U
Loans , ,,,; ( 79 600 00
Expenses ,1 7H9 35
Stock redeemed 03 Ml 05
Cash oo. hand 7 419 sa
Taxes and Insurance-, , 101 73
Total 8l627787i
Stnto'of Nebraska. Lincoln comity, ss.
I, Samuel Gooiee, secretary of the almvo
named Aoclatlou. .do'Eolciunly swear that
the toreeolnc btatemenff, iho coiiclltlon of
said Association' lsuco8)rt correcft to the
best of toy knowlcdpo ctil,5fllcf.
. Kujuci,&'oozee, Secretary.
Pubscrllied and swum to before me this list
day pf July.lDl. . .
Clihk itonuNAi. Notary Public.
F. T. Beduokd, J-Dlrectore.
V. voxQoetz. 1
, AiSrw
iyiyry.t mil n.ii.n)j
tim-wr. mm)wfm, mfmtWmlrim
WMkJIfiM tMKii