WtiSmSt. . Vi VV . WM-FceWi Tn TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. " NORTH PLATEi'&EB., JULY :o, 1912. No. 50 J!KU Wt 4. f MMth uUte IW'WtI . 2 -'n ? ' . "I- 1 ... ,. ... . 1 Vn ,m , A 1 TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS uvumniuiJiiMaif uumm Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ratio wore made happy Wednesday by the birth of a son. Richie Ugai returned Wednesday afternoon from a trip to Denver in his automobile. A ten pound boy was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Saggersen of the Second ward. Miner Hinman came home Wednes day evening from Denver where he spent tho past ten days. Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker returned last evening from their honeymoon trip to Omnlm and Beatrice. Miss Tyrone Winklemnn returned Wednesday from a short visit in Sidney with the Limeburg family. Miss E. J. Ridgway has returned to Lckington nfter a visit with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franftlin Peale. i A number of young ladies held a picnic dinner in the hills south of town Tuesday evening. The trip was mBde by auto. Mrs; Fred Lathrop will return to Chicago tomorrow after a three weeks' visit at the home of hersister, Mrs. W. J. Stuart. Mrs. Bonney, of Kansas City, is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGuire, having arrived here Wednesday evening. Miss Ruth McGuire, of Chicago, ar rived Wednesday evening to visit her parents Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Mc Guire until Sept. 1st. Mrs. F. W. Miller and daughter Winifred, formerly of this city, carqe up yesterday afternoon to visit the former's mother Mrs. Dick Cox. 01 One of thc noticeable improvements on Second street is the remodeling and enlargement of the J. I, Smith house, which whonjcompjeted will be one of the mostcommodibusandbest arranged homes in the city. tj Two carloads of material for the ex tension of the mains have been received ana aismmuea. t As soQn as pe re mainder of the pipe arrives the conw pany having the contract for the trench work will begin operations. Charley HaydenjvJio came 6ver f ronr Wallace yesterday, said that section received a very light shower Wednes day night. It was not until he reached twelve miles rorthof Wallace that th ground indicated 6. heavy rain. , Messrs. Dick Baker and Lewis Tobin entertained fifteen gentlemen friends at a steak fry Wednesday evening at the Country Club. An elaborate menu was prepared under the direction of the hosts and all present report a pleasant evening. fi Franklin Peale who 'had been laid up for the past seven'months with blood poisoning resulting j from gunshot wounds received tin- the civil war, is now able to go about the house with the aid of crutch and cane He hopes to be able to attend to business mat ters in the near futune. Will Artz, of Denver, has been visit ing relatives and friends for several days past. George Adamson went Jo Omaha ycB terday where he will enter the Union Pacific hospital and submit to an opera tion. t The Twentieth Century club will hold a kenslngton at tho home 'of Mrs. R. J. Mnlmsten next Thursday afternoon. A full attendance of rrembers is de sired. Miss Helon Davidson who has been a faithful employee of the local telephone ofllce for a number of yeats resigned this week She is succeeded by Misjs Carrie Frye. 0. C. Swan, manager of the GrAnd Island sngai factory, and known to( many Lincoln county people, has been transfoircd to the factory at LoV Animas, Col. ' Weather forecast for Noith Plalte and vicinity: fair tonight and Saturday., Highest temperature yesterday 07, year ago 81: lowest temperature last night GO, n year ago 55. Mrs. Edward Rebhausen entertained a number of ladies yesterday afternoon'; in honor of Mrs. Joseph Herrod of, Columbus who is her guost. Nicely prepared refreshments were served. Wanted Man and wife at once to work on farm. Phone A76. 51-3 The Brotherhood of Railroad Train men and their families will hold a pic nic at Blrdwood grove on Thursday, July 26th. Conveyances will atand,1 north of the Central school house. All are requested to meet there not later than 9 o'clock a. m. COMMITTEE. Field Manager Bryan, of the Ameri can Beet Sugar Co., of Grand Island, states the beets in this section are far ahead of last year. With 1700 acres, this year as against 1000 last year he' says there should be a remarkably showing made this fall in this nock-o-. woods. Hershey Times. The Gothenburg,ball team will arrive onNo 11 today and at four this after-' noon -will try conclusion with the local bailv,team. Precedingthe- arrival of the' team is the report that the Gothenburg Jjpore.real ball player3 and that the; JocaJ team will need,gingertip In Order to win the game. A young man who arrived in town a iewrdays ago and fSlgned lack of hear ing and speech, was arrested last even ing on the charge of entering the room I of J. E. Smith at the Vienna and.taking a cpat therefrom, famlth, following! thetheftt found the fellow on the street wearing the coat. Wednesday evening the city county placed placed an order for a compound, condensing pump with a maximum capacity of 3,000, QOOgallons per day, a a cost of $5,915. Th'e pumpvis to bd'ln-t stalled and ready for service within. nine weeks. This particular- type of pump is vory economical in the use of steam, and nine-tenths of the condensed, steam is returned to the boilers as dis tilled water free from solids, thus add ing life to the boilers. The pump wijl be placed in a pit which will be exca vated at the south side of the building. Final Notice to Water Consumers. 31 Ip justice to tho many good citizens who ore strictly complying with the rules for sprinkling lawns and giving tho water dpartmont their loyesup port, 1 hereby give final notice tnt on and after Sunday, July 21st, any, con sumer found sprinkling on the wronfc days, running wntor without a nuzzle or anyone that does not shut oft Ja,tr at 9 p. m will be shut off without further, notice and wnter will not, be turnca on again except on the paynicnt of $1 and agreement to abide by hp rules ns published. ' The days for sprinkling are" as fol lows! a Monday, Wednesday and Friday for cpnsumcr3 living east of the center line of Locust street. ( Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for consumers living west of the center Hue of Locust street. , No sprinkling at all on Sunday. Hekshey S. Welch, j, Water Commissioned. LKUAUaUBUmaUm V - - - &J - .& - -itotti U'et: U rii U ri U eii. Li -ii fitt v ;v - - . r MAKE OUR STORE YOUR BARTER Look for the Loom-End Bargains'. Our Loom End Sale Continues Until Saturday Evening, iliine 20th, 1912 f Hi: Everything reduced during this sale. It will pay you to investigate and take advantage r of the bargains. A FEW OF THE BARJAN PRICES LISTED BElOW: v v -lu Grocery Special SATURDAY ONLY. New Potatoes per ..peck 09 C Swifts Premium Hams per lb.'.X .;...... I O2C Swifts Empire Bacon per' lb ' f s C ' l- 7 r Corn per can , Corn Flakes 4 packages .',..'.-..... j C Gallon Apples 2 cans ' )) C Crackers, all 5c packages 6 packages for.. ) C Crackers all 10c packages 3 for ) C Soda Crackers, 22-lb ,bqxes per lb 0C Mica Axle Grease, 3-lb' pail '. 0 C Rex Axle Grease 3-lb pail iJj Q Wilcox Department Store Miss Genevieve Woods, of Walla is spending this week with the KnWc family- j Miss Evelyn Daly accepted a posi tion in the local telephone oftico thip morning. Gus Freetand J. H. Howe, of Wal lace, are among the visitors in the city this week. '' Attorney James Mothorsaid is transl ating business in Tryon and Gandjf this we'ek, J, D. Bake"r, of Elsie, who spent thf past week here returned to Elsie yester day morning. ' 4 Mrs. A. L. Davis, of Brookings, jf. D is expected today to visit her son John Davis and family. Harold McKinley returned to hi home In York Wednesday after visiting relatives for several days. Mrs. Boax, of Pittsburg, Pa., re-? turned home today after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fenwick. MVs. Howard Adam3,J of Sidney, is expected this week to visit Mr. and" Mrs. Clyde Cook for a couple of weeks'. Mr, nd Mrs, ,. Sebastian .Schwaiger returned yesterday morning from Chicago where they spent T.s?veral weeks. Mrs. Dye and daugter Nell, oVsalina, Kansas, returned home tojday , after spending a month with Mr and Mrs. Yfn R Maloney. if it. viui&ic uuu uuuii u;ki: icil (list avanlng for Silver, 111.. kwhere .they 'hayo -accepted positions' as -roachinutsJ in, me spops more. , ' ffie" Nebraska Telephone Company have completed their lines' to the east- Hfrn part of town and are installing a number of phone,s jn the residences of the Trustee's addition. Genuine double bristle ideal, hair brush for $1.00. Rincker Book and Drug Co. Up in Denel county wheat is running from twenty to forty bushels per acre. That county was fortunate in having considerable more rain in May and June than did Lincoln county. Anyone having flowers which they would like to send to hospitals through the Eastern Star Flower Mission please ph.one Mesdames Claubaugh or Hosier and they will be called for Tuesdays of each week. A local railroad official informs us that the freight tonnage west of this terminal in June was considerably heavier than in June, 1911. There were a less number of trains, but the tonnage per train was much greater. Having sold my homg at C20 east Third street, I offer for salo all my household goods including lawn hoie and mower, as we expect to leave North Platte about August 1st J. W. VanDeuhoof. Detroit Vapor Stove Simple, clean and safe, two-wick cookers and bakers at reduced prices at Hershey's. Calico all colors per yd. . l!Y Lawqs and Batistes per yd American Percales 6 inch Reg .2$ 3k: Tic ular i2jc values. Kanton Cheviots iaj values. ... 2Q, $1 Bleached Outings 36 inch alwaysTl ip I2jc, during his tsale .f. . 2 Amoskeog A. C. A. Ticking "J Best brand on the market. ... 1 OC Kimona Crepe a goodly assort-1 , 'hient of natterns per yd 1 1 C 'Lawn and Dimities Full piece ll 142 Regular price 25c'dtiring sale , "fe 1. ' 27 inch wide fulL t: '! JVlessalines, 27 inch wide fuHTl price, All shade? price on saleOtiG Genuine Renfrew colors per vd . . . pamask All ! bargains in bleachedA' t 57V Wonderful bath towels sold alwavs at 41. '!. Fine bargains in 'Linen sample Tels; 35and'5oc values at - 1'0.1 ,.i7candOC r 1 1 R IT SRBCIAL FO!E " j rs i-- Q A rnTpro,TI A r Ladies Hose allsizes, regular 10c values Entire lot to ho sold at per pair , . '5c- k 1 E.T. Tramp & Sod 11 MMMMMSSSMMli Ice. Pure distilled water ice can now be secured. Wo are prepared to make daily delivery to all parts of the city. Pistilled water ice is manufactured under the most sanitary conditions and absolutely pure and clean. This pure ice costs no more than other kinds, last longer in the refrigerator and is more satisfactory every way. Phone us your order. Price 50 cents a 100 pounds. E. T. Keliheb Ico Company. For Sale. Five Doublo Standard Polled Hereford Bull Calves 10 to 16 months old good quality. Call at our ranch or address Slutts & Couse, Seneca, Nebr., or see J. W. Slutts for the next four weeks' at 123 W. 11th North Platte, Nebr. 47-4 Engineers .Under' Constant Strain. In the hearing before the arbitration committee whicE is hearing the demand of eastern locomotive engineers for more pay, Dean Wood engineer op the twentieth century limited on the New York Central said he makes the run be tween Syracuse and Albany, 148 miles, in 162 minutes, including slowdowns. He added that he made as high as seventy-five miles an hour on straight track. In that 148 miles, ho said he passed 151 block signals, all of which he had to see. Wood said he was not on the fast train through choice, but because he was assigned to it. He said he worked twelve hours every other day and was paid $186 per month. Asked by Chief Stone what danger he most feared .-iri' making fast runs he said the great danger lies in the buckling of a freight train on an adjoining track. C. N. Gallagher, engineer of a fast passenger train on the Boston & Maine, said he ran from White River junction to Springfield, Uasa., and that there were 270 signals on the 123 miles of track. He said he was prid $5.12 1-12 per trip, or about $163 a month. Cattle Shortage Everywhere. Lincoln Journal: It is as J H. Ed misten writes from Lincoln county, the price of cattle is going up and the number going down. Tho average value of per head of all American cattle in 1900 was $21.78, while in 1910 it had climbed to 26.81. Meanwhile the jium ber in the country had fallen nearly nine per cent. It is not a Lincoln county or a Nebraska or a range county phenomenon, this decrease in cattle. Missouri lost more heavily than Ne braska, The west as a whole lost more heavily than the cast. The country is going qut of the cattle business and beef Is apparently not long for the family of small means. Yet because of the cost of grain, of the power of ine pacKers or ior some other reason there is no sign that higher prices are tempting people back to the land and the cattle growing .Mr, Edmisten pleads i Wanted Woman cook in restaurant will pay well for right woman. Address orinqulreJl. J. Clark, Box 255, Brady, Neb. tf , One on the Proofroom. There aro few words 111 an unabridg ed dictionary that linro not at somo time invaded tho proofroom of this otllce, but ono camo in tho other day, an utter stranger. It wad In tho body of an astronomical article. -This beats mc," said proofreader No. 1 to the copyholder. "Let's sco tho copy." JS There lfc 3vas written in with A heavy m hand in tho blackest of black Inkr "It's, got more logs than a--spider," said tho proofreader "onJyBli letters In tho word and flvcof 'em below tho lino." Thero it was ,vzvffV--throo of tho six letters are Vs. "What " does tho blooming word mean?'' asked tho copyholdfet. Tho proofreader for tho first timo in many moons declined to givo an opinion. Toe Actlonnry was consulted: "Byrygy tho point of anyorblt, as oC tho moon or a planet at which it is In conjunc tion or opposition." The word is pronounced Ehu-e-gbo. "Sounds like tho cracker to a collego yen? sold tho proofreader as he closed tho bootIndianapolis Nowk t v . About a Pair of "Pants." Alu)trolt man who had, contributed a bundlo of his costotf clothing for tho relief of the victims of a great flro re ceived from one of the salfferexa tho following flbto i Tho commltty man giv mo omungst other things wat be called a pare of pants, and twoald ma'iiv mo .pant somo to wore 'em. I found your namo and where you live on, ono of he.poklts. My wife batted so when I shodo 'em to her that I thot she wood have & conipishun-Qt Boo wants to no If tbero lives and brethes a man who has legs no blfgec than that Sho sed if there was ho ortcr bo taken up for vagrancy, for bavin' no vislblo means -of support I couldont get 'em on my oldest boy, bo I used 'em for gun cases. If -you hav another pnro to spare, my wlfo would llko to get 'em to hang up by tho stdo of tho flreplaco to keep tho tongs In." Spofford'a Library of Wit and Humor. WOMEN I have n wondorful money maker. If you can give all or part time ton clean, good-paying-, permanent business, write. Bryne, West Phllada; Pa. tf The Aifdomel 8 LU .... 4-9. VI m. m. r- m . To-MUftt . H X ttMl & ft'. and Saturday- ' j. r.v ' kX- , PictURES..: Pathes Weekly. The Greater Love Katatsnjammor Kids '.VAUDEVILLE HitMony Singing 1 r ! I and 10 and MILK m Gil We moke a specialty pjtt Dairy Products ancanJ5!J furnish the best In'ltogirH or small quantities direcj from ou;r own Dair$Faritfrt every morning, 2LCT p P hone your ordr ifr& and it will be delivered, J- K iik. ar 1 T . ... ' 5.