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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1912)
I v '1J i" r N-.j News of Town and County, Mrs. John Carroll baa bean seriously ill for several days past. A picked nine will go to Willow Iiland Sunday to play ball with the teamthero. Frank Stuart returned Wednesday from a two weeks' visit in Des Moines. Attorney George Gibbs transacted business up the branch the first of the week. George Zentmoycr went to Denver Wednesday to spend several days on business. Miss Gertrude Baker has returned from Kearney, where she visited friends for ton days. Mrs. Harry Lantz left Wednesday morning for Paxton to visit relatives for a week or longer. A petition for divorco was filed by Arthur James Peters asking a separa tion from Mae Peters. Mrs. Joseph Gould left Tuesday for Grand Island to make her home at tho Soldiers home. Mrs. John Lincoln returned Tuesday evening from a two weeks' visit in Cozad with relatives. Miss Thca Hansen submitted to an operation at her home the first of the week and is doing nicely. Misses Katherine and Etta Clark will lnv ihortlv for an extended visit at western points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Tagader went to Osgood, Ind., Tuesday morning to spend several weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howard and children went to Lodgepolc Tuesday evening for a short visit with relatives. Sheriff Salisbury returned Wednes day evening from Lincoln where he attended th$ state sheriffs' association. Mrs. Perry Buchanan and daughter returned last evening from a month's visit with her sister Mrs. Ed Chapman. Mrs. H. C. Peck, of Denver, arrived Wednesday morning to visit her daugh ter Mrs. Charlos Saunders for several days. Mrs. A. S. Chamberlain left Wed nesday afternoon for Ogalalla where ha will visit her daughter for some time. Mrs. Isaman. of Aurora, who had been a guest of the Salisbury families for two weeks, returned home Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Baird McMullen left Wednesday afternoon for Cincinatti to visit the former's father for several weeks. ?Jake Ryan, who has been employed at Laramie for several months, returned "Wednesday to make an extended visit with his mother. Howard Graham came up from Coun cil Bluffs the first of the week to move "his household goods there. Mrs. Graham will leave this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. VanDerhoof will leave the last of the month for Grants Pass, Ore., to make their home with their daughter Mrs. Pritchard. A social dance under the management of Messrs. Raymond Tighe and Carl Brodbeck will be held at the Masonic hall tonight after the band concert. Misses Irene and Marie Stuart enter tained the Girls' Friendly Society Tues day evening. Amusing games were played and a delicious lunch served. A very enjoyable moonlight picnic under the leadership of Messrs. Weir nnd Langford was held at Doolittle's grove Tuesday evening, me uoskui lunch was a pleasant feature of the evening. W. R. Howard, republican candidate for the state auditor, arrived from Omaha Monday night and accompanied the irrigation special to Goring and re turn. Manager Swan, of tho Grand Island sugar factory, was also a membor of the party.- Maurico Fowler, who had been at Excelsior Springs, Mo., returned yes terday, but will return in a few days. "His wife and child, who are also at the springs, are doing nicely. They are doing light housekeeping and will re main indefinitely. Marion Carrier, of Clarks, formerly of North Platte, has been in town for a few days looking after business. He has traded his hardware store at Clarks for a farm near Edgar, Neb. He will go to Flerida, and if he finds conditions satisfactory may decide to locate In that state. A Koffee Klasch Club held a birth day surprise party on Mesdames Jesenh Fillion, Sr., andT. M. Cohagen at tho home of the former Wednesday afternoon. The ladies were presonted with several useful gifts. After spend ing a couple of hours in sewing and social conversation a fine lunch was served. The nulling out of a drawbar between two cars and dropping on the track caused a wreck on the Union Pacific shortly before noon Wednesday in tho vicinity of Silver Creek, delaying traffic several hours. The train having this accident was eastbound freight No. 1902, in charge of Conductor Leslie Moore, Engineer Hodgson and Fireman Wallender. None of the trainmen were hurt, though ten cars were piled up over the two tracks, west and east 'bound. W. T. Green transacted business in Maxwell Wednesday. Frank Jacobs has accepted a position in the Dickey ice cream parlor. The enrollment at the Junior Normal has reached one hundred and twenty five. Bugicide for Bed Bugs, alargebottlo for 26c. Stone Dnuo Co. The Junior Normal students are hold ing a picnic at the Experimental station today. Earl Lambert left last evening for Hastings to spend a fortnight with rel atives. Little Josephine Ouimette substained a broken arm Wednesday evening while riding a wheel. Mrs, Warren Hogg left Wednesday afternoon for Dickens to spend a week with relatives. Luther McKec, of Evanston, III., ar rived yesterday to visit his neice Mrs. William Morris. Mrs. Leirk was called to Brady Wed nesday evening by the illness of her mother Mrs. Anderson. Rev. L. Lorimer, of Wood River, arrived yesterday to visit frionds and attend the Chautauqua. In the district court Matilda Paulson asks for a divorce from Lewis Paulson on the grounds of desertion. Wanted A good girl for general housework, Mrs. H. G. Fleishman, 408 E. 5th St. Phone 533. tf Mrs. Frank Lawrence expocts to go to Denver tomorrow aftornoon to visit relatives for a couple of weeks. R. D. Gaston, of Lincoln, and a party of twelve spent yesterday in town while enroute home from Colorado by auto. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ottenstein, who have been visiting in California for several months, arrived home last evening. Mrs. Roy Miner, of Cheyenne, left for home this morning after spending a week with her mother Mrs. Margaret Post. Mrs. Patrick McGraw and daughter Beulah left Wednesday evening for Portland to spend several weeks with relatives. Mrs. Ruland, of Denver, who has bee'nth e guest'of her sister Mrs Frank Lawrence for a week, will leave tomor row afternoon. Mrs. John Day and daughter Elva, who have been visiting Mr. Day in Alliance for a week past, are expected home tomorrow. Miis Marie Troupe, of Kearney, will will return home tonight after spending two weeks at the home of her brother H. T. Troupe and wife. Miss Blanche Hindman a trained nurse, of Philadelphia, arrived here yesterday afternoon to accept a position in the St. Luke hospital. Mesdames McGee and Morris, of Galesburg, 111., are expected next week to visit their nieco Mrs. William Morris during Chautauqua week. Mesdames Angenna and Soderdid, of Elyoia, Ohio, are visiting at theGarman home while enroute home from Denver where they spent the past week. Lost A small gold cross and tan ribbon rosette. Return to this office Miss Zita Worlemont, of Cheyene, returned home last evening after spend ing two weeks with her cousins the Misses Irene and Dorothy Hubbard. Harry Smith, who has been studying medicine in Chicago for. a couple of years, has beon appointed assistant in structor of gymnasium work in West Park for the summer. Mrs. Wilson Tout entertained the ladies of the Junior Normal faculty at dinner Wednesday evening. Later in the evening the gentlemen surprised them and a pleasant evening was spent by all. Tho result J of a quarrel between a cowboy and an Indian of the Yankee Robinson circus which played Wednes day in Gothenburg, was the death of the latter whom the cowboy shot down. The trouble began in one of tho dress ing rooms as the men were making up for their port in the performance. The body of the Indian will be held there for a day or two and the cowboy awaits his trial in the jail. Mrs. Harry S. Johnson extended her hospitality to the Coterie Club Wednes day afternoon. A couple of hours were pleasantly spent in social conversation and kensington work and a pretty hand painted plate was presented to the hostess. It was decided to discontinue meeting during the summer months. Guests of the club were Miss Hammond, of Pittsburg, Pa., Miss Stegal, of Omaha, Miss Johnson, of Brady, and Miss Kate Spies. Mrs. J. B. Hayes entertained the Indian card club at cards on Wednes day afternoon. The first prize was awarded to Mrs. Will Hawley and second honors to Miss Nell Bratt. A dainty lunch in two courses were served by the hostesses, Mesdames E. F. See bergor, A. B. Hoagland, J. B. Hayes and Miss Hannah Keliher. Guests of the ladies were Miss Emily Baker, of Detroit, Mesdames Harry Fleishman, Geo. Austin, EdwinaSchatz and Arthur McNamara. While Traveling It is unsafe to carry large sums of money on the person. You can procure at this bank American Bankors Association Travelers' Checks in denominations of $10, $20 and $50, which can be cashed as needed in all parts of the world. We also have safety deposit boxes in which you can place your Valuable papers for a very small rental charge of $1.00 and up per year. Call and see us. McDonald State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. RAZOR SALE. An opportunity to get an outfit for for what you would ordinarily pay for one articles. One hand-forged hollow-ground raior 93.00 One double genuine horse-hlds strop 1.60 One imported German hone 1.00 Regular Price $5.80. Special Sale Price $1.50. Money refunded if not satisfactory. See our show window. Notice ts Cwtroctitfi. Concrete; Dam and Hbadoatks Hershey. Nebraska. Sealed proposals will be received by tho Board of Directors of the Platte Valley Irrigation District of Hershey, Nebraska, until 12 o'clock noon, on the 30th day of July, 1912, for the con structlon of ono concrete head- f;ate, one slulco gate, about 660 meal feet of concrete dam and about 1800 lineal feet of earth dam in the North Platte river. Bids will be re ceived for tho concrete work and em bankment separately. Plans and specifications may bo seen at the office of W. H. Jenkins, Secre tary, Hershey, Ncbr., Adna Dobson, consulting engineer, Lincoln, Nobr., Robt. II. Willis, engineer, Bridgeport, Nebraska. The Board reserves and has the right to accept or reject any pro posals to contract with other than the lowest bidder, or to reject all proposals nnd advertise acaln. as in its best judgment may bo for tho interests of the district. Bonds satisfactory to board in amount nnd sureties will bo required of those to whom contracts may bo awarded. Surety company bonds are preferred. A certified check made payable to the order of the secretary of the Platte Valley Irrigation District to the amount of $1000 must bo deposited by the bidder for the general contract ana accompany his bid as a guarantee that in caso the contract is awarded him, he will, withiri seven days after award, execute tho contract Bids must bo sealed and ad dress to H. W. Jenkins Secretary, Her shey. Nobr.. and marked on tho outside of tho enclosing envelopo "proposals for concreto dam and head works.' Dated July 3rd, 1912. W. H. Jenkins Secretary. PUT RONIZE THE Hettie of Geee! Shaw PAT When In Nsrth Platte. Motion Pictures. Buns Every Night Matineo Saturday After noon at 2:30 O'clock. 10 CENTS. ' CEO. D. DENT, j PhysictoQ and Surfcea, ' Office over McDonald Bank. 1 ni. - tomceiao JHHK frft llfcfr 1MHM J Residence 116 DR. J. S. TWINEM, HomeopathloPhyiloUn andSuieon Bpoclsl attention given to monts and children's diseases, Onico Phone 183 Kos. Phono 283 Offlce McDonald Bute Itanlc Bid's STONE DRUG CO. NOTICE KOIt POnUOATION. Serial No. 0730. Department of tho Interior. D. 8. Land Oflico at North Platto. Neb, Juno .3tb, 1812. Notice U liorubr kIvoii that Frank M. Welch, of North Platto. Nob., who. on Oct. Slut. 1008, mado II. R. No. 0718. tor lot 4. hoc. 4 twp. is reo. si ana no h, non nw . wM swU, wM nU, Boo 34, Township 13, north Itamre 31, W. of tho Bth Principal Meridian, has tiled notlco of Intention tomako final three year proof to establish claim to tho land aboTo described, before tho Ueelstor and He crlror at. North Platto, Nob., on tho 15th day of Aub.IUIS. Claimant names as wltnotsost Clyde O, Mastor. Orlln L, Watklns, Thomas F, Zim merman, and Louis Reflor all of North Platte, Nob-, , .. ji-0 J. E. Evans. IlogSstor. PROBATE NOTICE. In tho County Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska. July 9 , 1912. In tho matter of the estate of nans X Hanson, docoasnd, Notlco In hereby Riven, that tho creditors of said docoasod will moot the Execu trix or said estate, before tho County Judge of Lincoln county. Nebraska,afctho county court room In said county.on Tho"13th day of Aucr, 1012. and on the 13th day of Feb. 19U, at 9 o'clock a. ni. osch day. for the pur pose of presenting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance Six month are allowed for creditor to present their claims and one year for tho Executrix to settle said estate, from tho 9th day of July. 1912. A copy of this order to bo pub lished In tho North Platte Trlbuno a legal soml weekly nowspapor published In said county for four successlvo wooUs prior to said date of hearlntr, Aug. 13, 1912. J9-4 JOHf UKANT. County Judge Wanted Woman cook in restaurant will pay well for right woman. Address orinquire R. J. Clark. Box 255, Brady, Neb. " Playing Crde For a Treaty Tears ago I was In America and went down with tho English minister In the United States to a small Inn In Virginia where we wcro to meet Mr. Marcy, the then United States secre tary of state, and a reciprocity treaty between Canada and tho United States was to bo quietly discussed. Mr. Mar cy, tho most genial of men, was an cross aa a bear. Ho would ngrco to nothing. "What on earth is tho matter with your chief r I sold to a secretary who accompanied him. "Ho does not havo his rubber of whist" answered tho secretary. After this every night the minister and I played at whist with Mr. Marcy and hla secretary, and every night wo lost Tho stakes wero very trifling, but Mr. Marcy felt flat tered by beating tho Britishers at what ho called their own game. His good humor returned, nnd every morn ing when tho details of tho treaty wcro being discussed wo had our revenge nnd scored a few points for Cannda. Henry Laboucbero In London Truth, April 12, 1877. Genuine double bristle ideal hair brush for $1.00. Rincker Book and Drug Co. a4aBBBBBB9fli3ngiwPfii2t Cost of Floral Decorations. Millions of dollars aro spent on floral decorations in America every year. It is said that tho amount spent for deco ratlvo purposes each year is sufficient to build threo battleships and place them in commission. It is considered nothing unusual for $1,000 to bo charg ed by florists for decorating a banquet hall, whilo as much as $15,000 has been paid for homo decorations. Tho deco rator has to go through a hard and long school of experlenco beforo ho Is ablo to command tho Balnry of an expert, for tho materials at his command aro of a frngllo nature, nnd it Is next to im possible to experiment with them. Cer tain set forms aro known and prescrib ed for certain occasions, but when a carlo blancbo order is "given then the art of the decorator comes into play, and hla artistic sense Is well tested, for it depends upon him to pleaso bis pa trons in an artistic way, and also by the wondefful blending of aa flowers. New York Sun. A Merchant of Brady came into our store the other day and purchased 2,000 cigars for his trade. Though he is a new customer, it didn't require any talking to sell him tho' goods; he knew the name of J. F. Schmalzricd on a cigar box means quality; a well made cigar from the best brands of tobacco. Certain brands of our cigars havo been on the market for twenty-five years if they wore not good, smokers would have declined years ago to buy them. They have been tested by critical smokers and not found wanting in any particular. J. F. SCHMALZRIED, ATTENTION Farmers Bring us in Your Sweet Cream Wo are paying 30c per lb. Butter. Fat test for Pure Sweet Cream. DICKEY'S Confectionery. Di redfield edfield, Physlclana'and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD, Surgeon. JOE B. REDFIELD, Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . . Hospital . . THONE 642. Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Phyalcan. North Platto, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Notice of ElcctioK. To tho electors of the city of North Platte, Nebraska: Notlco is hereby given that on the 6th day of August, 1912, in the city of North fiatte, Nebraska, an election will he hold at which the approval or disapproval of the following resolution of the city council of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, passed May 22d, 1912, shall bo submitted, said resol ution being as follows: "RESOLUTION" "Whereas, on or about the 1st day of Mar. A. D., 1897, this council passed an ordinance conferring certnin rights and franchises upon the North Platte TeloDhone ComDanv. and Whereas, said North Platte Telephone Company desires to assign and sell said franchise and rights to the Nebraska Telephone Company, and Whereas, It would bo to the oenont of the people to have the telephone exchange located in this city become and be a part of the telephone system owned and operated by the Nebraska Telephone Company, Now, Therefore, bo it resolved that the sale and assignment by the North Platte Telephone Company to tho Ne braska Telephone Company of all rights and franchises conferred upon tho North Platte Telephono Company by the aforesaid ordinance be and the same is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed." The polling places for said election shnll be: in the First ward at the hose house in said ward; in the Second ward in the commissioners' room on the second floor of the court house in said ward; in tho Third ward at the hoso house in said ward, and in the Fourth ward at the hose house in said ward. The ballots to'bo issued at said elec tion shall havo printed thereon: For the resolution passed by tne city council of the city of North Platte, May 22nd, 1912, approving, ratifying and confirming the sale of tho rights and tho franchises of the North Platte Telephone Company to tho Nebraska Telphone uompnny. Against the resolution passed by the city council of tho city of North Plntte, May 22nd, 1912, approving, ratifying and confirming tho salo of tho rights and tho franchises of the North Platto Telephono Company to tho Nebraska Telephone Company. Those voting in favor of the resolu tion of tho city council shall mark their ballots with a cross opposite tno para graph beginning: "For tho resolution passed by tho city council," and thoso voting against said resolution shall mark their ballots with n cross opposite tho paragraph beginning: "Against the resolution passed by the city council." Said election shall be opened at 9 o'clock a. m. and remain open until 7 o'clock p. m. of said state. Copies of above resolution and or dinance can be obtained at the city clerk's office. In witness where I have hereunto subscribed my name this first day of July, luiz. UIIAS. JP. TEMPLE, (Seal) Citv Clerk. We make a specialty of Dairy Products and can furnish the best in large or small quantities direct from our own Dairy Farm every morning, Phone your ordar in and it will be dolivered. Doolittle Bakery. PURE WATER ICE. Frozen from wntor pumped from a good depth, and tho lake has been re-cemented thus insuring tho best and purest ice possible to obtain. Price 50 Cents Per 100 Lbs. We solicit your orders and insure prompt delivery. L. W. EDIS. Notice te Non-Reiideat DefBaats. In the district court of Lincoln county Nebraska. John M. Stewait, plaintiff, vs Isaac Deardorf, et al, defendants. The defendants J. Q. Adams, first and full namo unknown, and Adams his wife, first and full name un known, Joseph H. Bean -and Bean his wife first and full name unknown, Harry D. Copcland and Emma Amelia Copeland, his wife, Fred G. Babcock and Babcock, his wife, first 8,nd real name unknown, William G. Pajrker and Parker hia wifo, first and real name unknown, Frank M. Hawkins nnd Chloe M. Hawkins his wife, Coke W. Ballard and Nannie G. Ballard his wife, R. H. Davis, first and fulli name un known and Davis his wife',' first and full name unknown and George D. Leads and Bertha B. Loach, his wifo.and Walter M Cowell will take notieo that on the 22nd day of August, 1911, John H. Stewart, tho plaintiff, filed his petition in. tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against the above named de fendants, except R. H. Davis, first and full name unknown and Davis his wife, first and full name unknown, George D. Leach and Bertha'B. Leach his wife and Walter M. Cowell who were subsequently on June 24th," 1912, by order of court made parties defen dant to said action, and Isaac Dear dorf, Edith L. Deardorf. tho Grand Dry Goods Company, David F. DeTar, J. Q. Adams, first and real name un known and Adams his wife, first and real name unknown, Joseph II. Bean and Bean his wife, first and real nnme unknown, John Buck, Stella A. Dowd and James L. Dowd, R. F. Swanson, first and real name unknown. Harry D. Copeland and Emma Amelia Copeland, his wife, William E. A. An! and Anna Aul his wife. Frank M. Hawkins and Chloe M. Hawkins his wife. That subsequently thereto on June 24, 1912. R. II. Davis, first and real nnme unknown nnu Davis nis wifo, first and real name unknown, Nannie G. Ballard, Lottie Swanson, John Therkelson and Carrie C. Therkel sen his wife, George D. Leach and Bertha B. Leacb, Thomas B, Heskett and Walter M. Cowell wore made parties defendant by order of court. The object and prayer of said petition are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex ecuted by the defendants Isac Deardorf and Edith L. Deardorf to.Dnvid F. De Tar nnd assigned to tho pjnintiff upon the following described promises, to-wit: All of sections twcntyrnine(29), twenty seven (27), twenty-five (25) thirty-five (35), thirty-thrco (33); thirty-ono (31) and south naif of southeast quarter. (S 1 S E J) of twenty-six (20) northeast quarter (N E J) of thirty-four (34) all in township sixteen (16) range twenty nine (29), northeBBt quarter and south west quarter (N E J and S W 1) of sec tion thirty (SO) and north half and southeast quarter (N J nnd S E i) of section thirty-one (31) township sixteen (1G) range twenty-eight (28), all of section seven (7). five (5), three (3). one (1), and northwest quarter (N W J) section two (2) nil in township fifteen (15), range twenty-nine (ZU). AU of section one (1) in township fifteen (15), range thirty (30), north half of north half and south half of south half and southeast quarter (S E J) of north east quarter (N E 1) and northeast qunrter of southeast quarter (N E J of a E i) and northwest quarter of the southwest quarter (N W J of S W J nnd southwest quarter of northwest quarter (S Wi of N W i) of section thirty (30), township sixteen (16), range twenty-nine (29), all in Lincoln county, Nebraska, containing eight thousand seven hundred twenty acres (8720) more or leis according to govern ment survey. Subject to ono first mort gage of eighteen thousand dollars ($18, 000.00), to socuro the payment of a promissory note dated December 1st. 1910, for the sum of forty-five hundred dollars ($4500.00) und due and payable on tho 1st day or December, 1911; or on default of payment of interest when due at option of mortagageo which option mortgagee has exercised by reason of the interest due June 1, 1911 being unpaid; that there is now due and unpaid upon said noto and mortgage the sum of forty-flvo hundred dollars ($-1500.00) with interest from December 1st, 1910, at six percent per annums for which sum tho plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and salo of said premises. You are required to answer said potltion on or before the 19th day of August, 1912. Dated this 6th day of July 1912. JOHN M. STEWART, Plantiff, By William E. Shuman, Mockett and Peterson hla Attorneys. J9-4