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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1912)
r- I ' pl'tiiaA iMii rnxxnsmtsssasssxBR- ? n-irrrTTTTinrT. miiiiii 1 11111111,1 11 ww 1 iiimmuiwim L I Radical Reductions in Ail Departments in Order to Effect A QUICK AND ABSOLUTE I jjl J ' Disposal of All Summer Goods. I HI) 'All Styles and Ssses in Skirts at .Substantial Savings Smart styles made of choicest fabrics may be secured during this sale at a mere fractidn of their real worth: For example ' We have divided our stock into five lots and will put every 3kirt in the stock on Bale including white serges. Lot 1 including many skirts that sell for $0.50, none les3 than $5 values Lot 2 Newest styles in nice light mix tures, worth double the price Lot 3 High grade cloths in a great variety of patterns .". Lot 4 Skirts that you would think- cheap at $9 and $10 S2.48 $3.48 $4.48 $5.98 Lot 5 All of our very finest skirts, no matter what the price all in one lot priced qj 1 n Midssummer finds us with a larger stock on hand than we ought to have at this season of the yean Nothing wrong with the goods. But in our early spring enthusiasm we overestimated the probable demand. Then came the unseasonable spring and summer weather, materially reducing the volume of business we might otherwise have reasonably expected. So it happens that now, when it is time for us to plan our fall purchases, we find our shelves and counters filled with thousands of dollars worth of summer goods which must be moved promptly, even though considerable loss of profit result. We never allow goods to accummulate from one season to another. It is for this reason that we hold this Drastic Price Lowering July Clearance Sale an occasion for quick action, decisive stock reducing and small or no profits. Help us to accomplish our task and we will help you to some of the most remarkable bargains ever placed at your disposal. Re member the summer is not yet half over. You'll want and need many of these splendid summer goods long before the summer comes to an end. Buy them now. Have the use of them now and still save almost as much as you spend. Sale Will Commence Saturday Morning, July 13th, When the Doors Open Promptly at 7:30 a. m., and Continue until August 2st. Best selection will be insured by attending promptly. Below are listed items which command the attention of every thrifty person. Yet this list is only a small part of the story. These Waists Must go Therefore These Reductions Notwithstanding that there is good three or four months service in these Summer waists, we imigt speed them ulong with the aid of the folio wing big reductions ' Lot 1 In this lot are waists that havo sold readily as high as $1.,"0 odd ones thrown into 0110 in' lotat 4"C Lot 2- -Fine waists in all kinds of stvles. if von want somoming nice nut not expensive, see these, nriced at , 69c you Lot 3 In this lot you cun find most anything are loouing ior, nice snappy styles lino ma- no , terinl, price OC Lot 4 Still finer qualities, the kind you will feel re nice enougn lor any Kinu ot wear, priced at S1-.29 Lots 5, (5 and 7 aro mado up from our very niceBt materials, in heautiful styles high neck and short sleeves, high neck and long sleeves, dutch neck and short sleeves, peplum styles, etc., no matter what your taste you will be nblo to gratify it from these lots, priced at $1.0Q, $1.98 in "! , 3Z.4o ft V 1) Save on Season's Smartest Suits. Here are fashionable moiels, dependable lafabrics, correct colors and patterns. Extraordinary low clearance prices now rule. We have divided all our suits into two lots pricing all our $35, $25 and $20 suits including white serges at..'..., , All of our suits that have sold for $18, $15 and $13.50 we have put in one lot at , , Women's Coats at Substantial Savings. All of our best styles in fancy cloth coat garments that have sold all season for $20, $18 and $15 comprise this lot at '. .". $12.48 $7.48 All of our medium priced coats that have sold at $12 and $10 and yi)l, be in one lot at., , One lot of Junior Coats suitable for girls from 13 to 17 years old shoe top lengths made from fancy woolens all at one price. , S9.98 $7.48 $3.48 $1.98 $4.98 . .98c Deep Reductions on Dainty Dresses. Ladies White Serge'Dresses, made in the seasons latest models from fine all wool serges, workmanship is of the very' best, $13.50, $12 and $10 models at '- 07 n one price ,, P,4o Ladies Silk Dresses made in beautiful styles' some bordered foulards in (jQ no noveity patterns none of this lot are worth less than $15.00 all at one price ".VO Ladies Silk Dresses made from Massaline and Chiffon Taffeta new styles &ri 1 q nicely made all $12 and $10 values in one lotat. iw.t pl 45 Ladies 34 and 30 inch Spring Jackets made from mixed cloths Ladies Jackets mado from white whip cord 3G inches Jong, garments havo sold for $15 price to close -.-.; One lot Childrens Jackets made from fancy woolen cloth sizes 8 to 14 years. A bargain at '. . Substantial Savings on Smart, Servic cable Shoes. New shoes, comfortable shoes, stylish shoes at following out-of-the-ordinary savings: One lot about 100 pairs of tan, blacK, white and wine colored oxfords and pumps run m.Iy Iri.nrow w,idths a""1 sizes up to 5 and 5J all nre fine shoos that havo sold from $2.00 to $4.00 a pair most of them at $3.50 and $4.00. If you have small no feet hero is your chance. All go at one price VoC One lot Ladies Oxfords and Pumps in nil kinds of leathers, all nice fine shoes & 4 in nenrly all $3.00 and $3.50 grades, this lot priced at 1 ,4o One lot Ladies Oxfords and Pumps made from gun metal, patent and suedo t no leathers. All sizes and styles regular $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 lines all at. . . . $ ,V O All of our best grade Ladies Walk Over Oxfords in $-1.00 grades, the finest m n lino to be founu in the city, all go through this sale at Di).2" A11 ,Vf, tlio newest styles in Ladies $3.50 grade of Walk Over Oxfords including r. nt White Neubuck, Tan and patent leathers all priced at .hi,. 7 One lot Misses Pumps in one strap stylo patent leather good year welt, one i mn of tho classiest styles in our line. Regular $2.50 grade S y m:... n.,,l ru:i.i n..r i 1 n ... ...... ,. ... .. f uusai.-a.uiu Kiiuutciia uAiuius unu lumps sizes nj to z. ah newest nnu best styles regular $2. 00 and $1.75 qualities all in one lotat Children Oxford and Pumps sizes 8J to 11 all new styles and a good assortment of sizes in each. Regular $1.50 and $175 shoes priced to close qujckly. . . , One lot Misses and Childrens' Oxfords and Pumps odd lot, all sizes but splen did bargains at Boys' Oxford odd lots in good quality leathers only a few pairs left you should come early to get these at , Men's Oxlords, a few odd sizes in different styles regular $2.50 and $3.50 grade nil in one lot to close at One lot Men's Walk Over Oxfords $4.00 lino priced nt 7 Men's Walk Over Oxfords button stylo gun metal and tan leatfiors Dope last $4.00 grade $1.48 $1.29 98c $1.29 $1.29 2.48 2.98 m H m mm V p2 -p Muslin Underwear Children Drawers made from good q muslin, sizes up to 12 year oC Ladies Chemise, nicely made, good -jn muslin, G5c quality JC Ladies Gowns slip over style, nic.e grade of, cambric, nicely trimmed with n good lace and embroidery, $1. values "C Colored Slips nicely made extra j nice quality, regular $3. grade o 1 I V Ladies White Underskirts, mado in nice styles from good cambric, trimmed n with four rows of Lace Insertion. J) 1 , J" Ladies Muslin Drawers made from j n good grade muslin, 5 inch ruffle. I "C Ladies Muslin, Combinations, good muslin, nicely trimmed, with lace $1.00 rn quality yC Ladies Chemise made from fine cambrics, nicely trimmed, regular $1.25and n $1.00 grades VC There will also be other items out on sale from our Muslin Underwear Department. Dry Goods Pilgrim Prints per yd ".C Percales double fold, light and dark jjl colors, while the lot lasts 02C Heavy Linen Crash, an extra good w 1 15c quality, nil linen ! I 1 2C Dross Gingham, fine imported scotch gin hams, the best 25c cloth we ever j n had, July price 1 "C Dress Gingham, a few pieces of one of the best known domestic brands, mado q to retail at 10c, sale price oC Bleached Table Linen, 72 inch, good woight all linen cloth, our host n i $1. quality, sale price OdC 1.79 1.48 1.29 3.79 Wash Dresses. Ladies White Dresses trimmed (jr in withcluney lace nice material. oZ.45 Liauies Oingham uresses some styles have sold up to 3.50.. Ladies Gingham Dresses odd lot have sold at 2.00 and 2.50.. One lot Ladies Gingham House Dressed made of good material All our $5.00 and $0.00 wash Dresses will go in one lot at Wash Goods. All of regulnr 10c line of printed batistes and lawns will be placed r in one lot and priced J3C All thin goods in liner cloths that sell in a regular way atl2Jc you will find in this lot at, ..... , j C High grade batistes and dimities in a good selection of patterns, all our regular 15c cloths priced this sale at 1UC All 20 and 25c printed goods including flaxons, linen tissues, etc., all r go at IOC Diiinna silk voiles, Auoka embroidered voilps, Regent De Luxe, etc., high grade 35c cloths in a nice so- -l lection of colors ZZ'C Fine striped silk voiles tistjues etc., tho very high grade wash goods, -j -j regular 50c values 60C Men's Furnishings. Mens Straw Hats, a great variety of styles none of which have sold for less than $1.00 and from that to fin $3, fine sailors, allgoatone price VC Mens Fine Shirts, a good variety of patterns from our well known rrfl $1.00 lino, priced at "C Mens Fine Shirts high grade tho regular spi.DU quality you will need Hall a dozen of these priced forquick action at 98c Mens Underwear fair quality and drawers, nicely made, each Mens Athletic Shirts, no sleeves, buttons, tne tlnng lor hot weather shirts 1 9c no 19C 9c Mqiis fine Shirts and Drawer in ribbed or mesh style of fabrics, they 7 ft won't last long nt 0 JQ, Mens Union Suits, goodqunlity, -eguIar $1.00 grade of a well known ldvor tised brand, certainly a bar- n Bin 69C Mens Work Shirts, standard j() goods, good patterns and cloths. J C Hosiery and Underwear. Ladies' Hose, forty gauge yarn, color 0 black, per pair qQ, Ladies' gnuzo lisle hose mndo with double H010 unu neei, wine rcintorceu garter top, coiora uincK, tan nnU white, price Childrens' hose 1 and 1 rib, made t 4 from good yarns all sizes f C Boys and Girls' Hose, both light and heavy weight, colors black and tan, a hose you will appreciate the qual- t ity of, per pair I C Chidrens' Waist Union Suits mado with taped buttons, our regular 50c -n quality, July price jyQ, Ladies' Gauze Vests, regular 10c r. values, Balo price Ladies Gauge Vests, finer yarn and better made, regular 15c quality. Ladies' Gnuzo Vests, finor qunlity, reguar 25c number, sale price... One lot Ladies' Vests, fine- lisle threrid, several numbers that have sold at 50c, while they last ,K)C Ladies Union Suits, we are overstocked on nigh grade goods and offer you $1.75 grade for $1.25 and $1.50 quality at 98C Millinery at Bargain Prices. Miss Whittakcr will close the summer season on August 1st, and bo away from town until tho opening of the fall season. From now until August 1st, you can buy stylish millinery at prices that will lot you have that extra summer hat you wanted. 7c lie 19c kVV,JV t till $1.29 IK jmm ; ' : ' im