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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1912)
I! T.: 1 i '-Is Isaf- 1 t if n) i : ?. ' ' '.) iv4'i f t K 'r ;, ) :tt " f .mvsH n.-W n; II1MWIIIMIIII' T tami immerci iiiiu ii;l the General P TIT , ,w, niWilnrinwrlBTrJiTWiTKnririr)rir'?rTV"lT'rnTriTTIIllIi;rr imwiwi Hllllli I I I II RHHHMHMHMtsaBMraai tmmummmmaamamBammmmmitammwaaimmami icvacrrarrjniinni jrrTiTiiiririjjiF-rriTriTii.T!ia..T;jgriaTTiTn;iMjiTii-Ti MURUUSSSSUJUUMB jTTyyyTriayiiiiiMijryittCTWTii'i'avTnT'i Hear, Oh! Hear Ye, And Hearken Unto My Words, We Are SHORT ON CASH AND L.QNG ON GOODS ence we "will offer for CASH the Largest and Mosi.!omplete Stock of Men's and Boys s ijf&9 naici imjLJ vhjto, v3,Diu,JEjC3 ano. aan oiner wearaoies in North Platte at the Greatest Record Breaking Prices- We Defy any and all Competition., v nusT HAVE M ONEY 30-00 and 27-50 suits SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS and 22 and 18' 1 1350 and and 15 12 1 1500 12-50 1000 7. . 1 lot Men's Suits, former price 15.00 and 13.50 at 4. ( ( ' 7.50 at v. All Roys long pant Suits 13.50 .and-12.00. go for 7S " l lot Boys long pant Suits 6.50 to.iOffQiyilLgoat 35 t . Boys Knee Pants, at. from. ; '. :- . :lto 1-2 off i. ", PANTS Worth from 2$c to 75c$ will o in this sale at 10c per pair Our entire Pant Stock including The Dutchess. All bought, this spring not an old one in the bunch. Prices j"rom$i. 25 to $0.00 per pair 25 per cent olt. Wl-i.. hi ii I "" """ All Dress Straw Hats including Panamas 50 per cent off All Men and Boys Harvest Hats, 88 1 8 per cent off All Me,n and Boys Fur and Felt Hats, worth from 1.00 to $8.00, at a discount of i, fa and off All Stetson Hats 25 per cent off t One Lot Caps worth 50c 75c and 1.00 at 25c' each SHOES $5.50, 0.00 and 0.50 ITauan Shoes . :. . 1J? . One Lot l 50 and 5.00 SlToe.8 '. ' One Lot 8 50 and 4.00 Shoes $8.75 2.75 2.50 Underwear ': X Our Underwear stoclt is new and complete in every detail. Union Suitsall kinds, also two-piece Under wear upon which we will give a good and liberal dis count, less than cost. ; One lot Mens Union Suits. 89ciEach v.. : One lot Mens Shirts and. "Drawers l&cEach 'nu Gloves v.'A s The best line in North Platte, including the -famous Hansen Gloves One-Fifth off excepting Canvas Gloves Shirts The largest and most varied stock of Mens and Boys Shirts iu Western Nebraska, comprising the well known makers such as Manhattan, Ferguson, McKinneyand other well known brands of recent purchases and desir able patterns No old left over at such greatly reduced prices as will force you to buy. Z. . One Lot Mens 75c Shirts at 45c Bach. One Lot Boys 5oc Shirts at 29c Each. ft? ALLT! UN AND 4 OH In fact our Entire Stock Departments and Details which are too numerous to mention will do in this Sale.' Nothing will be reserved except made to measure and Stylepluss Clothes. This sale will be an Opportunity for the Buying Public and will be conducted on honest and re liable methods. Absolutely bonifidc in every particular. No marking up of Prices or Jusgdlind of Merchandise, but strictly on the square. A cut price sale at this store is for a purpose and means a loss to us. But a quick income, of ready money and a quick disposition of our doods. To you it means a Bid Saving. The opportunity is yours, make the most of i We will pay a forfeit of $1000.00 for proof that we fail to do as we advertise. Quality of Merchandise and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sale Begins Saturday, July 18-Closes Saturday, July 27 . THE STAR LOTHING I pill Vkflr HV vh Hhr SEE VAN, THE CLOTHING MAN N orth Platte, Nebraska WTTT-WWMT.I . f I 'I J I r it -i ft P run J