The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 09, 1912, Image 8

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Seiiii-Weekly Tribune
Ira l! Bare, Krlitor and Publubrr.
Ono Year by Mail In advance $1.25
Odo Year by Carrier in advance $1.00
KntoreJ at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
odico as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY. JULY 9. 1912.
"Whether there will bo n third party
organized in Missouri," said Governor
Hadley on his return homo, "I do not
know. I know, however, there is no
occasion for any such organization, ns
the republican party in Missouri is a
thoroughly progreBSivo organization nnd
and will so continue. I have no inten
tion of taking any part in the formation
of a third party."
United States Senator La Follotto in
a printed arllcle Friday nskscd Colonel
Roosevelt for the second time to publish
his expense account, or else "a candid
statement of his reasons for thus
spurning one of the basic principles of
public morality and political decency."
When La Follotto made public a state
ment of his campaign receipts during
the Ohio primary contest he called upon
Roosevelt to do likewise. Thoro has
been no response.
A campaign along novel lines has been
sketched in bare outlino by Colonel
Roosevelt. As the candidate of the
new progressive party for the presi
dency, Colonel Roosevelt intenos to
make un appeal largely to the farmer
and the wago worker on the ground
that neither the democratic nor the re
publican party is attempting seriously
t in this campaign to deal with the funda
mental economic and social conditions
which confront the country. It is
from the farmor and wage earnor,
Colonel Roosevelt feels, that ho has ob
tained his Btrongth in the past. It is to
4 thorn that he intends to appeal now.
Senator Cummins of Iowa, Jirogres
sivo republican candidnto for presidon-
( 'tial nomination at tho Chjcago conven
tion, lias formally declared against
tho new party movement led by Theo
, dore Roosovolt and announced his
allegiance to the old party. In so doing
Mr. Cummins declared that bosses
could not bo escaped by organization of
new parties. He pointed out that dis
disappointment or individual dishonesty
, cannot bo n foundation of a now party.
John P. Capers of Iowa, South
Carolina member of tho republican
national committee who supported Cplo
nol Roosevelt for the presidential nomi
nation at Chicago, also formally an
nounced bin intention to support Presi
dent Tnft's candidacy.
Governor Aldrich Misquoted.
Governor Aldrich who was quoted by
tho Linpoln correspondents as having
so far forgotton himself ns to roforto
.the president pf tho United States, In a
pulpit address, as a "yellow dog," de
clares, In u signed statement in The
, Bee that:
I never publicly said a disrespectful
woixj concerning President Tat t, nor
r applied to him any .unfriendly epithet
and furthermore. I never will. This
statement imputed to mo and "head
lines of this article .have no basis of
fact whatever and nothimr wnk on' this
occasion said by mo that could' be in
ferred in tho remotest degree ns re
' ferring'to President Taft.
The Situation in Nebraska.
Nobraska republicans may as woll
( face the situation that confronts ihem.
With Woodrow yilson as the demo
cratic standard bearer, nnd William
Jennings Bryan professing complete
satisfaction with both platform and
nominees, tho democrats may bo ex
pected to rally their forces in this state
without serious division. For tho re
publicans of Nebraska to divide while
the democrats are united (and wo may
bo certain that tho democrats will
omit nothing to foment discord , within
tho republican fold), would bo invita.
tion to dofcat and loss, not only of tho
electoral vote, but of all the ofllces on
the ticket down the line. If tho re
publicans of Nobraska are not ready to
go out of business, nnd turp control
over to tho democrats for an indefinite
period, cool and far-scoing heads will
have to dovise ways and means to
adjust difference hold tho forces to
gether nnd Bolidfy the ranks for a fight
against the ancient enemy. Omaha
In the Name of the People.
Some funny things are dono in
name and in behalf of tho people.
Just after tho Chicago bolt and fol
lowing the Orchestra hall convention,
Gilford Pinchot, millionaire; George
W. Perkins, formerly right bower of
J. Piorpont Morgan, who slipped the
Tennesso multimillionaire; R. R. Mc
Cormick, head of the harvester trust,
ancl n roW others of the same kind of
' proletariat, got to gether and soemnly
' resolved to udopt the bandanna hand
erchlqf aseir third-party badge be
causo it is a "common people's emblem,
Then we saw on Thursday that Per
kins and Munsdy had gone over from
New York to Oyster Bay to confer with
the party of the first part of the third
party relative to starting off said third
party in an auspicious manner.
Also over at Baltimore we saw Tom
Taggart, Boss Murphy, Boss Sullivan
and their like, all voting against nomi
nating a candidnto representing tho
These things in behalf of the great
common people. Frtmont Tribune.
Disastrous Fire at Sutherland.
Sutherland suffered a disasterous fire
early Sunday morning in which five
business houses nnd a livery barn were
burned, entailing a loss of at least
$25,000. The point at which tho firo
started has not been determined as
when first discovered by tho night op
erator at tho depot it had reached such
headway on two of the buildings that
it could not be told in which the fire
originated. Four of tho buildings were
one-story frame and burned rapidly, so
fast in fact that no attempt was made
to remove goods from any of tho stores,
and tho efforts of the people wore di
rected towards saving adjoining prorjj
The losers were: C. B. Wood hard
ware, Miss Martin millinery, A. B.
Yates Clothing, Dave Love furniture,
Wm. Garman groceries and Leo Caso
livery barn. The livery barn was sep
nrated from tho other buildings by the
Burklund block forty-four feet wide
and two stoiies high, but the flying
embers were carried over this latter
building and set the barn on fire. The
building occupied by Wood was a one
story brick, tho walls of which hro
standing, of tho tho other buildings not
a visage remains.
Characteristic of their push and
energy, the fire sufferers announce that
they will rebuild at once and continue
Local and Personal!
The citv will mnnfc nf. tht
I Ibrary this evening.
Will Craigie will leave Wednesday for
Paxton to spend a week with relatives.
Mirh rrn finrrlnon will Innvn Wnrl.
nesdav for Dickens to snend 'sovnrnl
Mr. nnd Mr .Tnqorih C'Vnnn nt
Gothenburc. visited town' friends Inst.
MJRq Ponrl TfnnnfT urnnf n Drrnlfilln
Knturdnv mnrnlno- in vlqlr frlnnrfa fnr
several days.
Miss Hazel Rork resigned her posi
tion nt tho North rnnilv kltchnn
Saturday evening.
Mrs. John Lincoln left Saturday
morning for Gothenburg to visit rela
tives for soveral days.
Mrs. George Coates returned Friday
everting from Grand Island whero she
visited friends for ten days.
Miss Graco Adams, of Julesburg, re
turned homo Saturday evening after a
pleasant visit at tho Day homo.
A baby boy of regular weight wa3
born last night to Mr. nnu Mrs. G. R.
Smith in tho south part of town.
Mr. C. Gahagen, of Gibbon, loft Sat
urday morning ufter visiting tho
Rinckor family for several days.
Mrs. Geo. Hogg who had been Visit
ing frionds in town for a week, loft
Saturday for hor homo in Lincoln.
Miss Mnyboll Smith, of Gothenburg,
returned homo Saturday after visiting
her brother Jess Smith for several days
Miss Esther Linburg, who had been
visiting Miss Tryon Winklcmnn and
other girl friends, returned to Sidney
Suturday evening.
Mrs. Charles Garrison left Saturday
morning for Gothenburg to spend a fow
days after which sho will leavo for
Chamberlain, S. D., to remain definitely.
Aftor spending two montjis with her
barents, Mr. and Mrs. Vnn Trot, Mrs.
Grancr and daughter left Saturday
afternoon for hor homo in Marysville,
Having sold my home at C20 ens
Third street, I offer for sale all my
household goods including lawn hose
nnd mower, as wc expect to leave North
Platte about August 1st.
Mrs. J. S. Fnpknnr nnrl nn nf flentwl
Island, who vinitpil Mi- nii1 Mra
Ed. Ogier this week while enroute to
California, left Saturday morning. Mr.
in tho the Western Union office.
TedJ Mann, of the, Plnttsmouth
Journal, J. Johnson of St. Joe, Harry
Reese and Judgo Fred Wnrron of this
city who wero schoolmates nt Platts
mouth twenty-six years ago hold a re
union dinner at the Palace Cafe Sun
day. This is tho first mooting of tho
four since that time and proved a
pleasant one to all.
Last ovoning the fifty dollar prize
offered by tho Pnt theatre management
for selling the gieatest number of
tickets In tho past month wns awarded
to Jittlo Miss Francis Doiph, sho bavini
sold over 1C00, Mrs. Elmer Helegsen
was awarded the second prize, Miss
Cre Diener third and Mrs. Mary
Carroll was given the season ticket to
The Pat.
This is the Wav Draft & CnnAman
adjust their Insurance Losses: This
is to show that the Germnnin Fir In.
surance Co. has this dav settled mv
fire loss in full and to my entire satis
faction and it "leases me in rorrnm.
mend said company and its agents,
oratt & Ooodman, for promptness in
settling said loss in such a satisfactory
July 5, 1912 James Babbitt.
Tho new dopot has been painted and
plastered and will be ready for occu
pancy in n few days. This depot has a
ladies' nnd gontlomen's waiting room
one on each sido of tho ticket office.
There is a largo freight room on tho
west which will accomodate n lnrge
amount of freight. The depot is a
building that Ogalalla can justly fool
proud pf. Considering the sizo of the
town, it is a much finer structure than
is generally built -Ogalalla News.
For Sale.
Five Double Standard Polled Hereford
Bui Calves 10 to 1G months old good
quality. Call at our ranch or address
Slutta & Couse, Seneca, Nebr., or seo
J. W. Slutts for the next four weeks
at 123 W. 11th North Platte, Nebr. 47-4
In tho County Oourt of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, July ti , 1U12.
In the matter or the estate of Hans J.
Hansen, deceased.
Nottco U lioroby g(von, that tho creditors
of said docoatted will moot tho Execu
trix of said estate, before tho County Judge
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county
court room In Bald county.on tho 13th day of
A uc, IM2, and on tho 13th day of Feb,
1913, at 0 o'clock a. m. each day. for the pur
pose of presenting thclrclalmti for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year for tho Executrix to
settlo said estate from tho 0th day of
July, 1H12. A copy of this order to Ik) pub
lished lu the North Platte. Tribune a legal
Homlwcnkly nuwspaper publ'shod til said
county for four successive woeks prior to
said dato Of hearlnir. Aug 13. 1912.
J0-4 .10UN OHANT. County Judco
Notice to Bidders.
Pumping Engine.
Juno 28, 1912.
Sealed bids will be received nt the
offic of the city clerk of the city of
North Platte. Nebraska, up until 5 p.
m. of the 10th day of July, 1912, for the
furnishing and installing of a 2,000,000
gallon steam pumping engine, nlso a
3,000,000 gallon steam pumping engine.
Bidders must submit their own plans
and general drawings of their pump,
together with a certified check made
payable to the treasurer of said city,
for 5 per cent of the amount of tho bid.
For further information address the
city clerk.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids or to accept any bids
which my bo most advantageous to tho
city. T. C. Pattekson,
Attest: C. F. Temple
City Clerk.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
In the district court of Lincoln county
JohnM. Stewart, plaintiff, vs Isaac
Deardorf, et al, defendants.
The defendants J. Q. Adams, first
and full namo unknown, and
Adams his wife, first and full name un
known, Joseph H. Boan and Bean
his wife first and full name unknown,
Harry D. Copeland and Emma Amelia
Copeland, his wife, Fred G. Babcock
and Babcock, his wife, first and
real name unknown, William G. Parker
and Parker his wife, first and real
name unknown, Frank M. Hawkins and
Chloe M. Hawkins his wife, Coke W.
Ballard and Nannie G. Ballard his wife,
R. H. Davis, first and full name un
known and Davis his wife, firstand
full name unknown and Georgo D. Leach
and Bertha B. Lend), his wife, nnd Walter
M Cowell will take notice that on the
22nd drfy of August, 1911. John M.
Stewart, tho plaintiff, filed his petition
in tho district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, against the above named de
fendants, except R. H. Davis, firstand
full name unknown nnd Davis his
wife, first and full name unknown,
George D. Leach and Bertha B. Leach
his wife and Walter M. Cowoll who
were subsequently on June 24th, 1912,
by order of court made parties defen
dant to said action, and Isaac Dear
dorf, Edith L. Deardorf, the Grand
Dry Goods Company, David F. DeTar,
J. Q. Adams, first and real name un
known and Adams his wife, first
and real name unknown,, Joseph H.
Bean and Bean his wife, first and
real namo unknown, John Buck1, Stella
A. Dowd and James L. Dowd,' R. F.
Swanson, first and real nnmc upknown,
Harry D. Copelnnd and Emma Amelia
Copeland, his1 wife, William E. .A. Aul
and Anna Aul his wife, Frank M.
Hawkins and Chloe M. Hnwkins his
wife. That subsequently thereto on
June 24, 1912, R. H. Davis, first and
real name unknown nnd Davis his
wife, first and real name unknown,
Nannie G. Ballard, Lottie Swanson,
John Therkelsen and Carrie G. Therkel
son his wife, George D. Loach and
Bertha B. Lench, Thomas B. Heskett
and Walter M. Cowell were made
parties defendant by order of cntVk
The object and prayer of saidpetition
are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex
ecuted by the defendants Isac Deardorf
and Edith L. Denrdorf to David F. De
Tar and assigned to tho plaintiff upon
tho followingdescribed premises, .to-wit:
All of sections twenty-nine (29), twenty
seven (27), twenty-five (25) thirty-five
(35), thirty-three (33), thirty-qne (31)
and south hnlf of southeast quarter (S
i S E i) of twenty-six (2G) northeast
quarter (NE i) of thirty-four (34) all
in township sixteen (10) rnnge twonty
nino (29), northeast quarter nnd south
west quarter (N E J and S W ) of sec
tion thirty (30) nnd .north half and
southeast quarter (N i and S E J) of
section thirty-one (31) township sixteen
(10) range twenty-eight (28), all of
section seven (7). fivo (5), three (3).
one (1) , and northwest quarter (N W
J) Boction two (2) all in township
fifteen (15), rango twenty-nino (29).
All of sectionone (1) in township fifteen
(15), rango thirty (30), north half of
north hnlf and south half of south half
and southeast quarter (S E J) of north
east quarter (N E J) and northeast
quarter of southeast quarter (N 13 of
S E J) and northwest quarter of tho
southwest quarter (N W i of S W J)
and southwest quarter of northwest
quarter (S W 1 of N W J) of section
thirty (30), township sixteen (10),
range twenty-nino (29), all in Lincoln
county, Nebraska, containing eight
thousand seven hundred twenty acres
(8720) moro or loss according to govern
ment survey. Subject to ono first mort
gage of eighteen thousand dollars($18,
000,00), to secure the payment of a
promissory note dated December 1st,
1910, for the sum of forty-five hundred
dollars ($4500.00) and due and payable
on the 1st day of December, 191l; or on
default of payment of interest when
duo at option of mortagageo which
option mortgagee has exercised by
reason of tho interest due June 1, 1911
being unpaid; that there is now dtie nnd
unpaid upon said noto and mortg ige tho
sum of forty-five hundred dollars
($4500.00) with interest from December
1st. 1910, nt six percent per annums for
which sum the plaintiff prays for a
decree of foreclosure and sale of said
You arc required to answer said
petition on or boforo tho 19th day of
August, 1912.
Dated this Cth day of July 1912.
John M. Stewart,
By William E. Shuroan, Mockett and
Peterson his Attorn'oys. j9-4
Graduat Dtntlit.
Telephone Red 450 605K Dewey St.
North Flatty. Nebraska.
Notice o Contractors.
Concrete Dam and Headgates
Hershey. Nebraska.
Scaled proposals will bo received by
the Board of, Directors of tho Platto
Valley Irrigation District of Hershey,
Nebraska, until 12 o'clock noon, on the
30th day of July, 1912, for tho con
struction or ono concrete head
gate, ono sluice gate, about GC0
lineal feot of concrete dam and about
1800 lineal feet of earth dam in the
North Platto river. Bids will be re
ceived for the concrete work and em
bankment separately.
Plans and specifications may be seen
nt the office of W. H. Jenkins, Secre
tary, Hqrshoy, Nebr., Adna Dobson,
consulting engineer, Lincoln, Nebr,,
Robt. II. Willis", engineer, Bridgeport,
Nebraska. Th6 Board reserves and has
the right to rfctjept'or reject any pro
posals to contract; with othr than the
lowest bidder1, dr to reject ?11 proposals
and advertise., nfrnin. as in its best
judgment may be for the intercsto of
the district.
Bonds sntlafnctorj to board in nmount
and sureties Will be required or those
to whom contracts may be awarded.
Surety company' bonds aro preferred.
A certified check made payable to the
order of the secretary of the Platto
Valley Irrigation District to the amount
of $1000 mustbo deposited by tho bidder
for tho general contract nnd accompany
his bid as a guarantee that in case the
contract is awnrded him, he will, within
seven days after award, execute the
contract. Bida must be sealed and ad
dress to H. W. Jenkins Secretary, Her
shey, Nebr., pndYhorked on tho outside
of the enclosing, envelope "proposals
for concrete dnrn.'nnd head works.'
Dated July 3rd, 1912.
W- H. Jenkins
'. y Secretary.
SoilalNo, 07.W,
Dopartmcntof tho Interior,
U. 8. Land Office at North Platte. Neb.
June 2.Hh. 1912.
Notice Is horobr Riven that Frank M.
Welch, of North I'latte, Nob., who, on. Oct.
Slut. 1008. made H. K. No. 07S8. for lot 4. sec. 4
two. IS nro. 31 and noK. neJ nw H,
wJJ swW. wM nw!. Pec34,Townshlp 13, north
Haneo St. W. of tho 0th Principal Morldlan.
has filed notice of Intention tomako final threo
year proof to establish claim to tho land
above described, before tho Register and Re
ceiver at North Platto. Neb., on tho 15th day
of Au ir. 1812.
Claimant naraot at wltnousos: Clyde C,
Master. Orllii h. Watklns. Thomas 1 Zim
merman, nnd Ldus Uoflor all of Ntirth
Platto. Neb.
J2-0 .T. K. Evans. Register.
Notice of Election.
To the electors of the city of North
Platte, Nebraska:
Notice is hereby given that on tho
6th day of August, 1912, in the city of
North Platte, Nebraska, an election
will be held at which the approval or
disapproval of the following resolution
of the city council of the city of Nortb
Platte, ' Nebraska, passed May 22d,
1912, shall be submitted, said resol
ution being as f6llows:
"Whereas, on or about the 1st day
of Mar. A. D., 1897, this council passed
an ordinance conferring certain rights
and franchises upon tho North Platte
Telephone Company, and
Whereas, said North Platte Telephone
Company desires to assign and sell said
franchise and rights to the Nebraska
Telephone C6mpany, and
Whereas, it would be to the benefit
of the people to "bnve tho telephone
exchange located Mn this city become
and be a part of, the telephone system
owned and operated by the Nebraska
Telephone Company,
Now, Therefore, be it resolved that
the sale and Assignment by the North
PIntte Telephone Company to the Ne
braska Telephone Company of all rights
and franchise conferred upon the
North Platto Telephone Company by
the aforesaid ' ordinance be and the
samo is hereby approved, ratified and
confirmed." ' '
The polling places for aaid election
shall be: in the First ward at the hoso
house in said ward; in tho Second wnrd
in the commissioners' room on tbo
second floor of tho court house in said
ward; in the Third ward at the hose
house in said ward, and in the Fourth
wnrd at the hoso house in said ward.
Tho ballots to be issued at said elec
tion shall have printed thereon:
For the resolution passed by the city
council of the city of North Plutte,
May 22nd, 1912, approving, ratifying
and confirming the sale of the rights
and the franchises of tho North Platte
Telephone Company to tho Nebraska
Telphone Company.
Against tho resolution passed by the
city councii of the city of North Platte,
May 22nd, 1912, approving, ratifying
nnd confirming the sale of the rights
and the franchises of the North Platto
Telephone Company to the Nebraska
Telephone Company.
Thoso voting- in favor of the resolu
tion of the city council shall mark their
ballots with A cross opposite tho para
graph beginning:
"For tho resolution passed by the
city council," and thoso voting against
said resolutidn shall mark their ballots
with a cross opposite the paragraph
"Against tho resolution passed by
tho city council."
Said election shall be opened at 9
o'clock a. m. and remain open until 7
o'clock p. m. of said state.
Copies of above resolution and or
dinance can bo obtained at tho city
clerk's office.
In witness where I have hereunto
subscribed my name this first day of
July, 1912. '
Ciias. F. Temple,
, (Seal) City Clerk.
Frozen from water pumped from
a good depth, and tho lake has
been re-cemented thus insuring
t(e best nnd purest ice possible
to' obtain.
Price 50 Cents
Per 100 Lbs.
Wo solicit your orders nnd insure
prompt delivery.
DP?, (edfield fydfield,
Physlclaasjand Surgeons.
JOE U. REDF1ELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
, . Hospital . .
rilONE 642.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
Office 130
j Residence 115
kfliflf IMMrt1rKt-l!r fr-JJilMt
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
S Special attention elven to conflno- 9
2 ments and children's diseases, e
e Olllco Phone 183 Res. Phono 283 a
g Ofllco McDonald Stato Rank JlldV J
Olfice phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
We make a specialty of
Dairy Products and can
furnish the best in large
or small quantities direct
from our own Dairy Farm
every morning,
Phode your order in
and it will be delivered.
Doolittle Bakery.
Steam Boilers.
June 28th, 1912.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the city clerk of the city
of North Platte, Nebraska, up until 5
p. m. of the 9th day of July, 1912, for
the furnishing of the following mach
inery and material f. o. b. cars, North
Platte, Nebraska, in accordance with
the specifications on file in the office of
said city clerk.
2-80 H. P. horizontal return tubular
boilers and fixtures, GO inches in dia
moter by 16ft. in length, with domes',
designed for a working pressure of 125
pounds of steam.
1 open feed water heater of 150 H.
P. capacity.
Breeching of sufficient size to accom
odate three boiler of the above size.
All bids must bo made upon the
printed forms obtainable at the office
of tho city clerk, be enclosed in a
sealed envelope endorsed "Proposals
for Steam Boilers" on the outside and
addressed to the city clerk and must
be a accompanied by a certified check
for 5 per cent of tne amount of tho
bid made payable to the citv treasurer
pf the city of Nprth Platte, Nebraska,
as a guarantee that tho successlul
bidder will enter into n contract with
the city with good and sufficient bonds
within fifteen (15) days from notice of
Specifications and bidding blanks can
be obtained at the office of the city
Tho c'ty reserves right to reject any
or all bids.
Engineer's estimate of cost is
T. C
City Clerk.
Attest: Chas,
Order of Hearing.
In tho county court of Lincoln county,
In the matter of the estato of Annis
A. Carter, deceased.
On reading and filing the verified pe
tition of Alice R. Chapman, praying
that the regular administration of said
estato be dispensed with, and that the
court ronder a final decree naming the
sole heirs at law of the said Annis A.
Carter, deceased, as provided by sec
tions 5202, 5203, 5204. 5205 and 5206 of
Cobboy's Annotated Statutes for the
state of Nebraska for the year 1911.
Ordered, that the said petition be
heard on July 11, 1912, at 9 o'clock a.
m., when all persons interested in said
matter may appoarat the county court
to be held in and for said county, in
the court house in the city of North
Nebraska. Neb., and show cause, if any
there be, why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not bo granted.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
this 13th day of June, 1912.
John Grant,
County Judge.
Sheriff s Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from tbo district court of Lincoln
county, Neb., upon a decree of fore
closure, rendered in said court wherein
James S. Gilbert is plaintiff, and Holly
H. Ashton, et. al., are defendants, and
to mo directed I will on the 22d day of
July, 1912, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. at the
east front door of the court house in
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebr.,
sell at public auction to tho highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree,
interests and costs, the following de
scribed property to wit: east
half of northwest qr (ej nwj) and
west half of northeast qr (wXnel) sec
tion thirty-five (35), township Bixteen
(16), range thirty-two (32), Lincoln
county, Nebr.
Dated at North Platte, Nebr., June
17th, 1912.
A. J. Salisbury,
ES. g
Doctors Ames & Ames, T
Physicians and Surgeons, )
:i J
V Office over Stono Drug Co.
Phones Residence 273
t 401 4m-m r"
rw TjrMf
Notice of Referee's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance to a decree rendered by tho dis
trict court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
in an action to partition the real estate
hereinafter described, in which said
action William H. Evans was plaintiff
and Gladys Nettie Roschio and Rein
bardt J. Roschie were defendants, and
in pursuance of an order of the court in
said case confirming tho report of the
referee, that said land could not be
pardoned in kind, the undersigned re
feree will qn tho 10th day of July,
1912, at 2 o'clock p. m. sell the following
described real estate, to wit: tho south
west Quarter (SWi) of section nine.
township (12) north of range twenty
six (26), west of the 6th p. m. in Lin
coln county, Nebraska, at the east
front door of the court house in North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to
the highest bidder; terms of said sale
being cash.
James G. Mothersead,
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from the district court of Lincoln,
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said court
wherein, James S. Gilbert is plaintiff
and Rollings Coppoch, et al., aro de
fendants and to me directed, I will on
the 22d day of July, 1912, at 1 o'clock
p. m. at the east front door of the
court house, in North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebr., sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash to satisfy
said decree, interests and costs the fol
lowing described property to-wit: all of
section twenty-seven (27) township six
teen (16) north of range thirty-two (32)
Lincoln county, Neb.
Dated at North Platte, Neb., June 17,
1912. A. J. Salisbury,
order of hearing on original pro
bate OF WILL.
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, in,
In the County Court. June 13th, 1912.
In the matter of the estate of Hans J Hansen,
On reading and flllns- the petition of Anna F.
Hansen, praylnir that tho Instrument, Hied en
the 13th day of June, 1012, and purporting to he
the last will and testament cf the said deceased,
may be proved, approved, probated, allowed and
recorded as tho last will and testament of the
Baid Hans J. 'Hansen, deceased, nnd that the
execution of said instrument may bo committed
and the administration of said estate may bo
granted to herself as executrix.
Ordered, That July 9th, 1912. at 9 o'clock a, m.
Is assulgncd for hearing said petition, when nil
persons Interested In said matter' may appear at a
county court to be held in and for" Bnhl county,
nnd show cause why the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted. A copy of thiB order to bo pub
lished in the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi
weekly newspaper of said county for three buc
cessive weeks prior to said date of hearing,
' JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
In the matter of tho estate of Carl E. ShaeiTer,
deceased. ''-
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, Juno 18th, 1912. - Jr
Notico is hereby given, that the creditors of
said deceased will meet tho administrator of said
estate, Iwforo the county judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court room. In said coun
ty, on tha 23d day of July. 1912, and on the
23d day of Jan. 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day,
for the purpoBeof presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment ond allowance. Six
months are allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and one year for the administrator to
settle said estate, from the 15th day of June.
1912. A copy of this or"dcr to published in the
North Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper,
published in said county for four successive"
weeks prior to said date.
J25-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
Notico Ib hereby given that Articles I, IV, VI,
VIII and VII of the Articles of Incorporation of
North Platte Gas nnd Electric Company hnve
been amended to read rcspeeth cly as follows:
The name of this corporation shall bo "North
Platte Electric Company."
Tho amount of capital stock of this corporation
snau no one nunureu thousand dollars tJlOO.OOO.OO)
divided into one thousand shares of tho par value
of one hundred dollars ($100.00) each, to bo fully
paid when Issued and to be non-assessable. All
of said capital stock shall be subscribed nnd paid
for, either in cash or in property, at the com
mencement of the business of said corporation.
The highest amount of indebtedness which this
corporation may at any time subject itself shall
not exceed a sum equal to two-thirds of its paid
up capital stock.
The nlfairs of the corporation shall be managed
by a board of five (5) directors elected by the
stockholders from among their number. Tho
board of directors shall elect or appoint a presi
dent, vice-president, secretary and treasurer,
and such other oliicers as may bo subscribed by the
by-laws. One person may hold more than one
ollico when the duties thereof do not conflict.
Tho board of directors shall have power to
adopt by-laws for the management and control
of the alTairs of the corporation, not Inconsistent
with law, and to amend, add to or repeal the
samo at pleasure.
These articles may be amended by an affirma
tive majority vote of the capital stock at any
regular annual meeting of the stockholders, or at
any Bpecial meeting duly called in accordance
with the by-laws of tho corporation for that
In witness whereof, we, tho undersigned stock
holders and directors of said company ha vo here
unto set our hands this 31st day of May, 1912.
L. W.Walkeu.
State of 'Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
In tho county court.
In tbo mattr of the estate of Max
Elnstoin, deceased.
On rcadlnir and filing tho petition of F. E.
Rullard, praying that administration of
said estato may bo granted to lilmsolf as
Ordored, That July 10. 1812. A. D. at 0
o'clock a. in. Is assigned for hearing alrt
petition whon all porsonw Interested In said
matter may appear at a county court to bo
hold In and for said county and show causo
why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo
granted; and that notice of tho pondonuy of
said petition and the hearing thereof bo
given to all persons Interested In said mat-
tflr hv nnlillfchlni? a ntnv nf thl rtr1n In tun
North Platte TrlbunB a seiul-nvHkjy news- (.
crxslvo weoks, prior to said day of hearing.
Dated Juno 21, l'JI2. John Quant.
J25-3 County TudgoJ
In the matter of the estate of Claus Erlckson,
deceased. i
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne-
orasKa, June la. iviz.
Notico Is hereby given, that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of said
estate, before the county judge of Lincoln county.
Nebraska, at tne county court room,, In said
county, on the 23d day of July. 1912, and on the
23d day of Jan. 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day,
for the purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and one year for the administrator to
settle said estate, from the 15th day of June,
1912. A copy of this order to be published In the
North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper
published In said county for four successive
weeks prior to said date.
J26-4 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
iMJiftlWi Mwiwar .w n -