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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1912)
And you know it that the man without a watch is like a ship at sea without a compass. Better come in to day and get the watch you ought to have. We have a full assortment for the business man as well as for the school boy and the society women. We are the U. P. watch inspector. That counts for much. DIXON, THE JEWELER. ateflMt66SISMtt i DR. 0. II. CRCSSLER. S 0 2 Graduate Denlisl. S e Office over the McDonald State Bank. Local and Personal. Misses Irene and Mario Stuart will entertain the G. F. S. this evening.' George Grady, of Grand Island, spent Sunday as the guest of local relatives. Have you tried the new acorn sanitary fountain at Rincker Book and Drug Co Attorney. Albert Muldoon returned yesterday from a business visit in Sid ney, Mr. and Mrs. Wells, of Gandy, are among the out of town people here this week. The Indian Card Club will meet with Mrs. J. B. Hayes Wednesday after noon. Bugicide for Bed Bugs, a large bottle for 25c. Stone Drug Co. Architect Bert Reynolds left yester day 'for Sutherland to transact business for a few days. James Baker left yesterday morning for Portland, Ind., to spend several months with relatives. Your choice of Pattern and Trimmed Hats worth up.tolS at $1.48 each this week at Parlor Millinery. Miss Ancelina Herrod returned Sun day from a three weeks' visit with rela tives and friends in Paxten. Gideon Winkleman returned last evening from Fremont where he spent the week end with relatives. Mrs. C.0. Norton and son Oliver, of Kearney, visited Will Adair on Sunday returning home that evening. Keep out the Flies Screen doors and screen wire cloth at liersney's, corner 5th' and Locust, Phone 1."). Miss Julia Nolen returned yesterday afternoon from Wood River where she visited relatives for two weeks. Mrs. Walter Crook and baby who have baen visitingin Carroll, la., foramonth past are expected home Thursday. JamesFlynn left Sunday evening for Omaha to spend a week or more taking treatments for his injured hand. C. E. Fuller, general superintendent of Motive Power of the Union Pacific, spent yesterday here on business. W. H. McDonald, Dr. Walter Crook, Cash Austin.'W. J. O'Connor and Geo. Coates spent Sunday in Sutherland. Mrs. HenryJBreternitz left yesterday morning for the eastern part of tho state to visit relatives for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tetro, of Brady, came up the last of the week to visit Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Baker for a few days. Misses Blanche McGaig and Pearl Spangler returned Sunday from Ogalalla after spending several days with rela tives. Mrs. Chas. CarlyleanJson, of Lander, Wyo., came Saturday evening to visit her sister Mrs.lHarry Murrin, for sev eral days. Mrs. W. H. C. Woodhurst returned Saturday evening from Sutherland where she visited her sister Mrs. Clarence Tollifson. Detroit Vapor Stoves, best gasoline Btoye on the market, self generating at reduced prices at Hershey's corner5th and Locust Sts., phono 15. Mrs. William Jeffers and Miss Eileen Keliher, of Cheyenne, who have been visiting Mrs. Edwina Schatz for several days, returned home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Norton and daughter, of Denver, arrived Saturday vening to visit the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Norton for some time. ' .'(.. Master Denver Grieson entertained a dozen small friends Saturday afternoon it being jjiio, fifth birth anniversary. The young host received a number of pretty gifts. Enjoyable games were played and refreshments served. Decrease in Cattle. Compared with tho' assessors' re turns of 1910 the returns of 1912 show a decrease of eighteen thousand head of cattle in Lincoln county. The decrease from 1910 to 1911 was'io,000 head, and from 1911 to 1912 the decrease 8,000 head. Two reasons aro assigned for decrease, the principnl'one being shortage of pasture and tho high price of hay and grain whjch practically forced the growers to diminish their herds; the second reason the price of range cattle reached a point where- tho cattlemen could afford to sell their young cattle. This decreaso in cattlo has caused a noticeable decrease in tho personal assessment roll of the county. wns the the Mrs. A. S. Coates has been quite ill for several days past. Wanted Girl for general housework. Inquire of Mrs. Joseph Stone. William Mathers left at noon yester day for Kearney to spend several days on business. The Presbyterian aid society will meet with Mrs, A. J. Salisbury Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Brooks and mother Mrs. Diamond of Hershey, spent yesterday with local friends. Your choice of Pattern and Trimmed Hats worth up to $15 at $1.48 each this week at Parlor Millinery. Joseph B. Hayes went to Omaha Sunday evening to transact business for a week or longer. Mrs. Serena Chrfstianson will sail Thursday for her home in Denmark to remain indefinitely. After visiting with Miss Eva Baker for a week," Miss Ruth Eels, of Brady, returned home Sunday moaning. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Lonergan, Mr. and Mrs. Will Landgraf and Mrs. Love visited friends in Sutherland Sunday. Wanted Woman cook in restaurant will pay well for right woman. Address orinquire R. J. Clark, Box 255, Brady, Neb. . tf Mrs. Sam Throckmorton returned yesterday afternoon from a two weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Romane. Carl O'Neil, formerly of this city re turned to his home near Sutherland the last of the week after visiting local friends. Misses Helen Bonner and Lena Mc Grew rendered instrumental solos during the chappel period at the normal yesterday morning. Oliver Heigh, of Council Bluffs, is acting as salesman here for Grone weg & Schwentgen during the absence of George Freed. airs. i. u. juutonuerger, wno nas been the guest of her daughter Mrs. Cal Lowell in Chicago for several weeks, will return tomorrow evening. Mrs. Roy Miner, of Cheyenne,' is visiting relatives and friends in town, having arrived the last of the week. Mrs. Miner was formerly Miss Evelyn Post of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Donald, of the Donald & Porter company, of Grand Island, spent the first of the week with local friends while enroute to Denver by nuto. Lost A small gold cross and tan ribbon rosette. Return to this office. Mrs. Charles Murrin and children, of Sterling, Colo., arrived hero Sunday to visit her mother Mrs. Facka and aunt Mrs. Joseph Donegan for three weeks. Mrs. Murrin was formerly Miss Eliza beth Facka of this city. The entertainment given at the Bap tist church last eyening with Mr. Wm. Smith and Mrs. Enid Smith as princi pals was very fine. The readings, solos, impersonatipns and pantomine numbers were well rendered and greatly ehjoyed by the large and appreciative audience. Floyd Pichardson's ball team crossed bats with Ed. Peters nine at the Athletic Park Sunday afternoon. Tho former won with a scoro of 11 to 9. Batteries were Richardson and Bob McWilliams, Peters' and Will Dolson. About fifty witnessed the game. Six hits were made by the former team and ton by the latter. Edward Margoleth a young man twenty-two yenrs of age was taken to the hospital for the insane at Inglesidc, yesterday morning by Sheriff Salisbury. For some time past his actions were such that it was thought unsafe to leave him at large and two weeks ago he become worse. While not violent his condition at times would subject him to bodily harm, thereforo ho was taken to the county jail Friday and tried Saturday afternoon before he board of insanity who decided to have him cared for at Ingleside. ' North Platte Chautauqua Program. Sunday, July 14 Afternoon, concert by Philharmonic Orchestra; evening, lecture by Thomas Brooks Flotcher, "Tragedies of the Unprepared." Monday, July 15 Afternoon, lecture recital by Sydney Landon, "Man's Peculiarities;" evening, entertainment by Edward Reno, (magician) "Evolution of tho Magician'8 Wand." Tuesday, July 16 Afternoon, concert Chicago Ladies Orchestra; evening, Impersonations in costume by Sidney Landon, "Uncle Sam's Family." Wednesday, July 17 Afternoon, lec ture by Hon. J. L., McBricn, "The Dawn of a New Era;" evening, illus trated lecture by Henry E). Joy, "The Dawn of Plenty." ; Thursday July 18-rX'fternoon, lecture by Sylvester A. LorigJ. '(Lightning and Toothpicks;" evening'lecturc by Cnrl D. Thompson of Milwaukee, "Problems of Government." Friday, July 19 Afternoon, lecture Sylvester .A. Long, "Drop It;" evening, concert by tho Wagner-Shnnk Opera Quintette. Saturday, July 20 Afternoon, lecture by Clinton Howard, "Adam and Eve and the Baby;" evening, Illustrated lecture by Bosanta Bonarjee, "Social Life of the Hindus" Sunday, July 21 Aftdrnoon, lecture by Bishop Tihen. (subject not an nounced); evening, lecture by Hon. Harris R. Cooley of Cleveland, "Con serva'ion of Human Life." Every day: Professor Chas H. Miller and daughter and the Chautau qua Chorus. Every dny but Sunday North Platte Military Band, Florence Norton in cooking demonstrations, Grace Parlette in story telling for the children. C. F. Temple, President, Wilson Tout, .Secretary, M. E. Scott, Treasurer, Lawrence Carpenter, Ground Supt. Ice. Pure distilled water ice can now bo secured. We are prepared tomakednily delivery to all parts of the city. Distilled water ice is manufactured under the most snnitary conditions and absolutely pure and clean. This pure ice costs no more thnn.gther kinds, last longer in the refrigerator nnd is more satisfactory every way. Phone us your order. Price 50 cents it'100 pounds. E. T. KELlHERiJco Company. armen Bringf us in Your Sweet Cream We are paying 30c per lb. Butter Fat test -for Pure Sweet Cream. DICKEY'S Confectionery. i Big Snap in Dwellings. We are offering one or more of tho cottages on East Fourth street north of the 1st ward school and only three blocks from the high school at very low price and easy terms. Buchanan & Patterson. A Merchant of Brady came into our store the other day and purchased 2,000 cigars for his trade. Though he is a new customer, it didn't require any talking to sell him the goods; he knew the name of J. F. Schmalzried on a cigar box means quality; a well made cigar from the best brands of tobacco. Certain brands of our cigars have been on tho market for twenty-fivo years if they were not good, smokers would have declined years ago to buy them. They have been tested by critical smoker and not found wanting in any particular. J. F. SCHMALZRIED, NIGHT LETTERGRAM. "-e 46 CH. A; 202 N. L. 4," Extra Count Everytiiino. ' Memphis, Tenn., July 4, 1912. Paul H. Bruske, StudebakerCorpn, Detroit. Mich. Suulebakcr Day in Memphis, wins three out of four: First, five mile free for all, Studebaker Flanders, Gibbs driving, first, time G:09i; Studebaker-Flanders, Dunnivnn driving, second; time 0:1( ;. defeating R. C. II. and Hupmbbilc, second race ten miles 30 H.P nnd under, Studebaker-Flanders, ".-Gibbs driving, first, time 12:01 defeating Cadillac, Chalmers and Everett, third race 40 HP cars and under, Studebaker-Flanders, Dunnivnn driving, first, time 11:48; defeating National 40 und Chalmers, entered both in fifty mile free for all against Palmer Singer 90, Everitt, Cadillac, Chalmers, National 40 and R. C. H.; Studebaker-Flanders, Gibbs driving, passed Palmer Singer on 8th mile, Palmer Sing er forced Gibbs through fence on 9th, Palmer Singer out on tenth burs ted crank case, other Studebaker-Flanders. Dunnivan driving, finished second after changing tires twice, Studebaker Flanders made best time on track of all cars entered. Gibbs not hurt and car only slightly damaged. Studebaker Corpn., of Ala., B. R. Peterson, Mgr. Phono Dlk 027 J. L. BURKE, Local Dealer. While Traveling It is unsafe to carry large sums of money on the person. You can procure ' at this bank American Bankers Association Travelers' Checks in denominations of $10, $20 and $50, which can be cashed as needed in all parts of the world. We also have safety deposit boxes in which you can place your valuable papers for a very small rental charge of $1.00 and up per year. Call and see us. cDooald State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. I i n i Im i ' Is Always on Duty Is the Axiom of the Bell Booth. Cities and towns everywhere are united by Bell Telephone. In towns not large enough to support an exchange, a Long Distance Booth will generally be found. Just as individuals in your locality use the telephone for mutual convenience, so dis tant cities are served and ad vanced by long distance Bell Telephone service. Telephone Convenience far Excoeds Itu Cost. Nebraska Telephone Co, Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere. J ,1!' IS sa New days demand new methods. The store of yesterday can't compete with the store of tq-day. An expense-reducing and efficiency increasing Ford delivery car is the best evidence you can furnish your trade that yours is not a store of yesterday. Moro than 75,000 new Fords into service this season proof that they must be right, Three passenger Roadster $590 five passenger touring car $G90 delivering car $700 f. o. b. Detroit, with all equip ment. Catalogue from Ford Motor Company, Mich higan and Fourteenth street or from Detroit. HENDY-OGIER GARAGE, Agent, North Platte, Neb. It Won't Leak when we are through with it After wo have made a joint in n pipe its ' perfect. Our work all through is tho same. Perfect Plumbing dono by perfect workmen is whnt wins and keops us our customers. No mnt tor whether it's new or old work, wo do it satisfactorily. Wo wnrrant it so, to make you safe. Prices low.' R. F. STUART,. Shop Phone 3G9. Res. Phone ' G&3 217 East Sixth Street. Co mm To North Platte. United Doctor Specialists Will be at the Timmer- man Hotel " i Wednesday, July "24th. One Day Only. The United Doctors, licensed by the Stnto of Nebraska for the treatmentpf deformities and all nervous nnd chror Ic disease of men woman and children, offer to all who call on this trip, con sultntiqn, examination, advice free making no charge whatever, oxcepttho actual cost of medicine. All that is asked in return for theso valuable ser vices is that overy person treated will state tho result obtained to thoirfriends and thus prove to the sick and afflicted ' in overy city nnd locality, that at last treatments have been discovered that are reasonably sure and certain in their effect. n These doctors are considered by many former patients among Amoricn's lead-' ing stomnch and nerve specialists and aro experts in the treatment of chronic disease, and so grent end wonderful have been their result that in mnny cases it is hard indeed to find the divid ing line between skill and miracle. Diseases of the stomach, .intestines, liver, blood, skin, nervous, heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder.rhcumatism, jcintica' diabetis, bed-wetting, leg ulcers, weak lungs nnd those afflicted with long standing, deep-seated, chronic diseases, that have baffled tho skill of tho family physicians, should not fail to call. If you aro troubled with Piles you should bo sure to call. Don't wait for more serious complications to tell you ' ofdnngers of this cruel disense, act now. Tho United Doctors hnve cured cases whero doctors and even operation have utterly failed. A cure in the most severe case is practically certain. According to their Byst'em no moro operations for nppendicitiB, gall stones, tumors, goiter or certain forms of cancer. They were among the first in America to earn the name of "Blood less Surgeons," by doing away with the knife, with blood and with all pain. If you have kidney or bladder trouble bring a two ounco bottle of your urine. Deafness often has been cured in sixty days. REMEMBER this free OFFER is for this trip today. Married ladies must come wjth . their husbands'and minors with their parents. ii .