The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 09, 1912, Image 4

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Grand Sale of Summer Goods
Began Saturday, July 6th.
We must move all our Summer Merchandise, regardless of price. A great sacrifice of highest
grade goods in town, at prices that will insure their speedy sale. Get our prices before buying, it will
pay' you. A few articles are listed below, but we have many more not listed.
' . v.
Mens1, Suits m aW the neio novelties, as luell as the staples in blues and blacks, at prices that will astonish
yoxl. They are all wool and pure worsted. The style and workmanship unsurpassed.
Straw Hats, in Panama and the Braids, at less than half price. The straw hat season having just begun,
this is the time to get an up-to-date hat at less than manufacturer's cost.
All our Oxford Shoes, in patent leather and calf, in black and tan at ONE-HALF PRICE,
t - .
The stock is complete with everything for men to wear, and we must reduce it at once. The
season is just on. You need the merchandise. Now is the chance to get it at prices that will not be
again offered in the memory of man.
' fyf cDonald State Bank Building.
North Platte, Nebraska.
it &&
ejr-UjJ I X.' J9 No
Let us examine vour eyes and fit you correctly, you
will be surprised what a comfort they are. I lave "you
'tried the Kryptok for reading- and distance. Let us
show you.
CLINTON Registered Optometrist,
attending the
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
First National Hank
Local and Personal
Miss Eunice Arthur, of Grand Islam,
who visited Miss Ruth Streltz, has re
turned home.
Ideal Hair Brushes G5c
3 Stone 'Drug
B'i A. Wilson returned the laatof tho
week from a business trip In the cast
rnart of tho stato. '
Miss Ressena.tJerdcnsen wont to
Goring tho last of tho week to Bpend a
few'days with friends.
GW. Hannah, of Somerset, trans
acbjd business in town"Saturday and
inaje The Tribune a call.
Mn, Cook and sonlRowland, of Ord,
came Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Jercy Bowehlforjtw'ojw'eeks.
MIm Reed, of- Ogalalla, left for
.Kearney Saturday afternoon after
spending aweek withMiss Mario
Miss Elinor McCarty.of Ogalallu, who
visited Misa Mario Martini Inst week
loft for homo on Saturday.
Misses Bessie (iruhnm and Tillie
Kosbau will goto Gothenburg tomorrow
to spend n day or two with friends,
Miss Hernico Nelson, of Sidney, who
visited Miss Myrtle Beoler lust week,
left for homo Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Richards
left Siiturdny evening f Denver to
spend a couple of weeks with relntives.
Miss Alice Cunningham returned Sat
urday morning from Omaha after a
two weeks' visit with relatives In that
Lost A diamond brooch between tho
Edwards home on w.est-lthand the First
National bank. Liberal reward offered
by Mrs. Charles Edwards.
A Chautauqua committee of ten stock
holders has been appointed to select
their assistants and begin a canvas of
tho four wards to sell tickets. They
will begin their work this week.
A social dance was held last ovoning
at the Wilcox ranch west of town by a
score of local young people All pre
sent had a good time and thoroughly
enjoyed the nice lunch which was served.
Salisbury is
state sheriffs' association this week.
Genuine double bristle ideal hair
brush for $1.00. Rincker Book and Drug
Fred Fillion left Sunday evening for
Sutherlin, Oro., to spend several weeks
with friends.
Mrs. Bruce Brown, who has been
quite ill for some time from the effects
of nn operation, is reported much
Miss Frankio Baker, of Holbrook.
who had been the guest of her cousin
MissJBomice Hughes for three woks,
loft yesterday morning.
Mrs. Frank Mnrtln is visiting friends
in Sterling, Col., having left Saturday
afternoon. She will continue hor visit
for a week or ten days.
Tho La Tu Soxtus Club and their
gentlemen friends held a pleasant out
ing at Curtis Lake Friday. A basket
lunch was enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Morley, of
Hastings, wont homo yesterday morn
ing after nn extended visit with their
daughter Mrs. Bruce Brown.
Mrs. Rosencrnns and daughter
Dorethy, ofj Cozod, who had been
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilbert
for ten days, left yesterday morning.
Miss Evolyn Dlener entertained a
dozen or more of her young friends
Saturday afternoon in honor of her
twelfth birthday. A number of plens
nnt games woro played and a nice lunch
served. Tho young hostess received
many pretty gifts.
Sheriff McDaniels, of Sidney, went
through Saturday night with two
prisoners for tho penitentiary. They
woro George Vrornan, sentenced to live
to fifteen years for assaulting a little
girl, and Ed Reardon sentenced to one
(to ton years. These men wero given
sentences last week by Judge Grimes.
Sunday Harry Dixon and family re
turned from their trip to Denver, Colo
rado Springs and pleasure resorts in tho
mountains near these places. The en
tire trip was mado in Mr. Dixon's E.
M. F. 30 which registered 1500 miles
tor the trip. They did a great deal of
driving in the mountains and had no
difficulty whatever with tho car during
tho entire trip.
Why Pay Rent.
If you aro tired paying rent drop in
and see us and we will show you how
to make the money you now pay for
rent pay or a home.
Wo have a number of closo in prop
ositions from $1000.00 up to $6000.00,
every one abargain.
Buchanan & Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blalock returned
the last of the week from a short visit
in Grand Island.
Mrs. Jane Mitchell, of Lexington,
who visited Mrs. M. V. Mitchell Inst
week, has returned home.
Pittsburg Perfect Electric Weld
Woven Wire Fencing. The best at
i The Lutheran Brotherhood will meet
with Mr. and Mrs. George Scharmann
Thursday evening of this week.
Miss Lillian Ritner, who is attending
the Kearney Normal, enme up Friday
evening to spend the week ond wih rel
atives. Keep the chickens in or out Poultry
fencing at Hershey's.
Misses Irma Huffman and Marie Mc
Cabe left yesterday morning for Oma
ha to spend a week with friends there.
Mrs. Wood Whito left Saturday for
Grand Island to visit her parents Mr.
and Mrs. T. M. Hainline for several
Mrs. Maude Ruland, of Denver, ar
rived the last of tho week to -visit her
sister Mrs. Frank Lawrence for some
Mrs, O. R. Robinson expects to leave
the last of the week for Nampa, Ida.,
tb spend several months with her
mother Mrs. Otten.
Miss Arleigh Moore, who resigned
her position at the Muldoon & Gibbs
office last week, left Saturday for
Greeley to reside.
Mrs. Anna McLano left for her home
in Cozad the last of tho week after
visiting her sons Chnrles and Martin
McLano for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Schwniger
and daughter Theo left Friday evening
for Chicago where the latter will enter
a music conservatory.
Mrs. E. P. McGrow of .Hastings,
who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
James Louden for a week, returned
homo yesterday morning.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Bonner were
called to Kansas City Saturday by tho
illness of their son Doll who will bo
operated upon for an abcess of the ear.
Mrs. John Day and daughter Elva
left' Saturday evening for Alliance
to visit Mr. Day who Is em
ployed there. They will be absont two
J., S. Davis Auto Co. has just sold a
Model 29 Bulck touring car to J. W.
Wilson. Mr. Wilson has left with his
.car for tho eastern part of the state
where his family will join him and the
party will continue on east to points in
Contract for Baptist Church.
The contract for the erection of the
Baptist church at the coVner of Locust
and Fourth streets has been awarded
to Howard McMichael and J. E. Pile,
the latter to construct the foundation
wnlls and full basement floor, tho for
mer the church proper. The total cost
of the building will be somewhat over
ten thousand dollars. The construc
tion will be hallow tile with stucco
covering. The building will be nearly
square with but little ornamentation.
Junior Normal Notes.
The fifth week of the Junior Normal
is gone and only three weeks remain of
this summer's session. Only two stu
dents have dropped out of the enroll
ment since the beginning. Two new
students entered last week.
A trip to tho Experimental station is
planned for one day this week.
Since the good rains of this week the
day of the picnic is set for the first of
the week .
Four of the faculty men aro married.
Each of the four is father of two
children, and in each case one is a boy
nnd one is a girl.
This is probably tho only summer
school in the country which has among
its students two sisters who aro
Brothers. Their names are Helen and
Pearl Brothers. They are from Logan
The students aro interested ' in tho
coming conference of county superin
tendents which is to be held in North
Platte during the session of tho Chau
tauqua and Junior Normal. All of tho
county superintendents of the west and
central western part of the state have
been invited.
After July 15th, 1912, every dog
runninc at lame upon the streets of
North Platto without license tag will
be killed. If you love, your dog, get
busy. "William Otten,
Chief of Police.
Julius Pizer and W. H. McDonald
transacted business in Ogalalla tho last
of the week.
Miss Clara Kane has returned from
Chicago where she visited her father
and other relatives.
Mrs. John McGown left Saturday
afternoon for Kearney to spend a week
or longer with relatives.
W. J . Hunting, of Carson City, for
merly principal of the local high school
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
James Louden whilo enroute to the
National Educational Association at
Chautauqua Notes.
Lawrence Carpenter has been secured
for grounds superintendent and will
have headquarters at the Chautauqua
grounds beginnig this week. Orders for
tents for camping may be given to him
or to the secretary.
Ed Dickev took his now lnnnrlrv
delivery wagon and filled it with Chau
tauqua advertising and made the trip to
Hershey and Sutherland one dav' last
week. He pasted fence strins all nloncr
the way and made it known that North
Platte is to have a Chautauqua.
CompleteTprogram for the Chautau
qua willlbe in the second number of the
Chautauqua Herald. Detailed nrorrram
will be in the third number. If vou do
not get a Chautauqua Herald send word
to the secretary by mail or phone and
he will see that you get the copies a
they are out.
The administration tent on the crnnncls
will be headquarters for three officials,
the secretary, treasurer1 and grounds
superintendent. Not all of these
officials will be there all of tho time but
usually they can bejlocatedby inquiring
"Camping during the week is a pleas
ure and surely does away with the
burden of going back and forth when
the distance is great. A number of our
best families aro planning to spend the
week on tho grounds.
Associations, lodges and societies are
invited to hold picnics on the grounds
at any time. The same offer is made
to all socioties that was mado last year.
Serve supper on the grounds without
cost.fSee the secretary.
Claude Delaney, of Northport, trans
actedbusiness in town the last of the
Miss Tryone Winkleman went to
Sidney Saturday evening to visit friends
for several days.
Miss Cassio Miller left Saturday morn
ing tor Scotts Bluffs to spend a part of
her summer vacation with relatives.
Miss Pauline Mitroze, of Denver,
arrived here from Grand Island Satur
day afternoon and will visit Miss Mayme
Pizer for a fortnight
lH House of Good Show FH I
When in North Piaffe. '
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 5:30 O'clock.
I . -4
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