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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1912)
1 CHICAGO BOYS WHO SANG BEFORE THE POPE f3 t - urn &wmm In M 1 t &' L 1j2U( JxbzJ?Tlk '' - A ROUSING welcome Is planned for the members of the Pauliot boys' choir Finn, now returning to Chicago from abroad where they sang before the carried off tho first heftoro in competition at Philadelphia. As a result It was at Paris. Thoro In competition with COO choirs that numbered the best talent In the United States was not only repeated, but the Chicago boys became the CROW SAVED LIFE Rooster Is Instrumental Averting Child's Death, in fiut for His Act Woman Would Not Have Observed Two Little Ones Running Toward Pond In Cleveland. I Cleveland. A cantankerous rooster .that crowed and complained whenever ny one entered the yard that ho con sidered his own saved tho life of llt tlo Alex Galoskey, four, when ho fell into tho Cleveland-Akron Bag com pnnys' pond at tho foot of East Thlrty-ceventh-stroet. Had it not been for the rooster Mrs. Jrf)uis Busser would not have seen the itwo little children who rnn through .her yard and down the hill to the bank of tho pond early in tho afternoon. Mrs. Busser looked out of the window1 when she heard the rooster expressing his displeasure and saw tho Galoskey child, with six-year-old Johnny Zglenl ki, running through tho yard. Shespoko to her husband, Louis, about them and he looked In their di rection from time to time. He was sitting on the back porch putting his shoes on when ho looked the last time and saw tho elder of tho boys running MP tho hil. The smaller one was no where in sight. Surprised, he looked again toward tho pond and saw a tiny hand appear above tho surface of tho (water. Ho sent his son Frank, fifteen, on the run to call help from tho mill, thinking that tho men could get to the pond from tho mill quicker than he could. An instant later tho hand ap peared again with another hand be sido It. I Busser saw ho must act Instantly, so he ran shoeless down tho hill, leaped over the fenco that surrounded the pond and jumped into the water. 'A moment later ho had the baby In his arms. 1 Busser and his wife laid the baby, unconscious and apparently Head, on a tench and rolled tho water out of ARE AID IN SAVING FORESTS Pupils By Reading and Distributing State's Circulars Do Good Work In Preserving Woods. Harrisburg, Pa. As a result of the distribution of forest fire circulars by ,tho Pennsylvania Conservation asso ciation and other bodies ongaged in jtho good work, together with a more ifavorablo season, thoro have been fewer forost fires up to date In this state during tho present yenr than have over been known for tho snme period. Early in April tho organizations In tho state interested In conservation, ,wlth the assistance of tho stato de partments of education and forestry, began tho distribution of 1,000,000 circulars relating to tho prevention of forest fires. Tho distribution waa principally through tho public school system of tho state, although tho stato forestry department, heads of the parochial schools, the Boy Scouts and other public service associations as sisted materially in the distribution. On account of tho rural Bchool closing early In the spring only 700,000 of the circulars wore distributed; but tho remaining 300,000 will bo distributed to tho rural schools when they open In 'the fall, and chlldron may read how to holp prevent the fall fires, j Tho forest fire circular has brought homo to tho children, their parents 'and teachers an important lesson in auch a way that a general interest has eon aroused all over tho Btato for the preservation of tho forests from destruction by fires. It Is estimated that many i thousands., of dollars havo been saved to tho stato this spring as a result of thiu campaign. him. After half an hour of work the child began to show signs of life and his rescuers put him to bed. They had no idea whoso baby he was. for tho houso and on the way mot tho Mrs. Minnio Spettlguo of Croton avenue S. E., in whoso charge tho Galoskey boy had been left while tho mother went out to work, heard ho had been drowned and that tho body was at tho Busser home. Sho started boy's mother, who was returning from work. When tho two women arrived at the Busser homo they found Alex sitting up In bed and blinking happily and devouring raw eggs. FOOLED BY VOODOO DOCTOR Woman at Atlantic City Claims He Made Her Believe She Was Horizontal. Atlantic City, N. J. One of tho strangest cases ever brought to tho at tention of the police, Involving a clev or negro, who claims to bo a voodoo doctor, was brought to light through tho arrest of Timothy Minnot, a West Indian. Minnot was arrested on tho chargo of witchcraft and fraudulent practices, preferred by Rose Miner, from whom ho Is said to have ob tained ?50, and the talo told by the woman was almost beyond belief. Hearing of tho curative powers of Minnot, she told the police that sho visited the man at his ofllces, 1721 Arctic avenue, in an effort to bring about a euro of an ailment from which she had long suffered. Sho was told by Minnot that, because of a spell cast upon her by an enemy, sho wns traveling through life in a horizontal rather than a perpendic ular position, and so great was the persuasive powers of tho "healer" that ho convinced tho woman of tho truth of hi3 assertions. Ho demanded $50 for his treatment and this his victim borrowed from a relative. When sho made tho pay ment Minnot provided her with a pil low upon which she must sleep, gavo Long Aeroplane Flight Three British Blrdmen May Attempt to Make Record Trip of 4,500 Miles. London. From London to India by air is tho daring scheme which It la proposed to carry out this year. An advisory council has been formed In London for tho purpopo of making tho necessary preliminary arrangements, and Mr. Ernest Esdalle, a prominent Anglo-Indian, 13 acting as secretary. It Is expected that at least three British avlutors will participate In tho attempt, which will bo mado about next September. "The feat," said Mr. Esdalle, "Is not as imposslblo nB It appdars, and I say with confidence that the flight will be accomplished this year. "Wo aro already negotiating with several British aviators, and our plana aro already woll advanced. The route is fairly clear as far as Vienna, and nftor that the aviators will follow the courso of tho Danube, as far as Nlkc uoll, and go ovor the Shinka Pass to Adrlanoplo. "From Constantinople the Abatolla railway will bo followed to Bozantl, and the route afterward lies via Tar sus, Adana, Aleppo, Bagdad, the Eu phrates and Tigris, to Bushlro, along the coast of tho Persian Gulf of Bunda AbbaB, and thence along tho Arabian sea of Karachi, whicji is tho first point that can be touchod in India. "Tho dlstnnco, roughly speaking, la about 4,500 miles, and somo tlmo be fore tho flight takes placo wo shall havo established posts nnd petrol sta tions, I am going over the route ray- and tholr leader, Father J. W. Pope Plus X. The Paulist choir selected to rcpresont this country cf the kind In Europe, the victory rago of musical Europe. her powders with instructions to burn them at stated Intervals and charms which ho recommondod sho should wear, and repeated prayers which Bhu was instructed to offer. MUSIC IS AID TO THIEVES Phonograph Drowns Noises Burglart Mako In Pillaging Home In Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Strains of mu sic from a talking machine early in tho morning were taken advantage of by burglars to cover up tho noise made by their entrance Into tho homo of P. H. Ware, 211C Nicollet avenue. Loot valued at nearly $100 was'takon whilo occupants of tho premlsos, all unconscious of what was going on, sat and listened to tho songs that ema nated from tho machine. Members of tho Ware family had been to a railway station to m,oot a midnight train. When they returned to their homo they set tho talking ma chine going. Mrs. Ware said that twlco while tho songs wero being played sho heard scratching noises In other jiarts of tho house, but thought nothing of it. Soon tho family retired. Philip Ware, four years old, who had been asleep In tho bedroom whilo tho music was being played, missed part of his clothing. Tho garments wero found under a window, whero tho burglnrs had placed them as a mat to prevent tho leaving of tracks. Then Mrs. Ware missed two pocketbooks of alligator and seal, ono worth $18 and tho other $10. In ono pocketbook there were $10 in cash, a gold chain, a locket mado of a fraternity pin, a check book and a photograph of Mr. Ware, taken when ho was four years old. Tho burglars had entered through tho window and taken tho articles from a dresser in tho room In which tho llttlo boy slept. III Health Caused rastor's Suicide. East Liberty, O. Continual brood ing over his own nnd his wife's ill health caused Rev. Alonzo Skldmore, a Christian minister, to ccmmlt sui cide recently. He was found dead in his room, hanging to a bedpost, having mado a rope of pieces of a shirt. self by motor car to make tho neces sary arrangements. "I have approached a number of British aviators on tho BUbJect, and I hnve got quite as tunny as I require at the moment. Wo wnnt tho wholo thing to be all British, tho machines as well. "It is impossible to say how long tho flight may take, but a start will not bo mado until after tho monsoon season 1b over at tho end of Septem ber. Wo mean to leavo nothing what ever to chance." LARIAT SAVES MAN'S LIFE Harrds Only Above the Surface of the Water Are Roped and the Rest la Easy. Santa Monica, Cal. Tho most pern liar rescuo of a drowning man ever ef fected along the bay shore was that of Nicholas Cook. Ho is a workman on a pier and fell into the sea, to gether with a heavy Iron wheelbar row. His feet became entangled In tho barrow and It held him undor, with only IiIb hands protruding from tho breakers. He wnved frantlcnlly and attracted the attention of Arthur WllMos, nnother workman, who waa formerly n cowboy. Wildes snatched up a long rope, tied It In a nooso nnd lassoed the' hands. So accurato was his aim that at tho first cast his noose slipped up on tho wrists and tightened and Cook wns drawn to safety. Tho Wheelbarrow camo up with hua. Tiny Shop Spikes Wheel of Commerce to st.cr1-W ilsb stsSsJ WW JV 32S3 CHICAGO. "Tho march of com inerco" from time to tlmo has pur sued divers courses to obviate a halt, or tho semblance of n halt, but It has fallen to tho lot of ono of Chicago's largo wholosalo concerns to employ, probably for tho first time, a courso which la marching nrouud, undor and over tho threatening obstacle. Tho obstacle encountered by ex panding commerce In this lnstanco is the person of John P. Walsh nnd his little hardwnro store, located midway between North Canal street and tho Ohleago river, on tho south sido of West Lako street. A Ab a nlmon-puro ndhoront to stand pntlsm John Walsh has completely eclipsed tho lato originator of that term. Now, John Walsh Is not clinging to tho policies of any particular political cotorio, but la standing pat firmly in his llttlo shop, which is a lono re maining section of a onco fairly largo building. His legal or moral right to stand firm on tho privileges of his five-year sstfi3wt VWVVWWVMWVMWVMM Poodle Cause of INNEAPOLIS, MINN. Ono llttlo whlto French poodle nttacked a Minneapolis policeman tho other night. Tho policeman shot tho poodlo. Tho poodle's mistress nttacked tho policeman. A riot call was put In for tho police When tho din of battle subsided, tho poodle's mjstress nnd ono man wore under arrest for disorderly conduct, nnd tho poodlo lay dead In tho street and tho policeman was ileelng undor cover of dnrkness to his homo and a wholo pair of trousers. Tho poodle, cause of all the trouble, was "Snoozlums," pet of Mrs. Bertha Forslund. Tho policeman who was at tacked and who shot "Snbozlums" was Pollco Driver David Molbouff, nnd tho man whoso championship of tho poo dlo resulted In his own arrest gavo tho nume of Robert Bonsman nt cen tral station. Policeman Melbouff, who Is driver nt tho South Sido station, was riding homo on a bicycle at 10 p. m. Accord ing to his story tho poodlo ran from tho walk nnd seized him by tho leg of the trousors. It was at this stago of tho conflict, according to Pollcomnn Melbouff, I when ho was complete master of tho flold, that Mrs. Forslund nppoared on tho scene. Uncle Tom Bloodhounds Are Eaters ST. LOUIS. Four large hounds, pos sessed of nppetltos commensurate with tholr slzo, aro perplexing William U. Halhert, of Bellovlllo, public ad ministrator of St. Clair county, Illi nois. Tho dogs formerly belonged to an "Uncle Tom's Cabin" show owned by E. C. Chunn, who died In Enst St. Louis several months ago, and Hal hert says they rapidly are eating up nil that Is left of tho estate. Tho hounds, each ono of which stands a few hnndB Bhortcr than a small pony, rnmo by their nppotltcs honestly, It would seem. For years they chased tho eluslvo Eliza across tho papier macho Ice, always Just a trifle too far behind to sink their teeth In tho persecuted young womnn. After the show was closed they cried for Eliza for a while, but later signi fied they would bo satisfied with plain, r iiii"iVftii i iiiiiViVWiJuiAAj Frisco Laborers Find a Wine Cellar SAN FRANCISCO. That men may drink chnmpngno on a Bteam beer salary lias received convincing proof. Around tho ruins of tho Orand Hotel nt Stovonson and Now Montgomery Btrects were a lot of $2-a-day laborers tho other day who wero nursing as sorted "heads," but who were very happy just tho snme. During tho work of clearing tho ruins an old rock crusher that stood on the lot was toppled over undor tho lustructionB of the foreman. Tho foro inan, tho day being hot, then ndjourn ed to n nenrby buffet to quench hl3 thirst. When ho returned to tho field ho found that every man Jack of hla laborers had disappeared. Their coats were still hanging around on fences and tho foromnn wns puzzled, not having reason to believe thero had been a walk-out, until tho sound of popping corks, coming from tho near distance, mingled with gUBty laughter, attracted hla attention to where tho rock crusher hnd stood. leaso of tho 25x40 foot bIiop Is disput ed by no ono, although a mammoth building now In tho courso of con struction must have tho fow feet occu pied by Walsh's shop if tho northern face of tho structure, when completed is to prosont an unbroken front. "Perhaps they thought I would tnko an afternoon off, tlo my leaso up with pretty pink ribbon anil carry It ovor to thorn on a silver tray, decorate? with Amorlcan Beauty roses." "Woll, you seo how badly they wora mistaken. I'll havo no truck with them. I'm horo to stick. I'vo my lease nnd ll runs for trhreo years yot." Tho entlro area, bounded by Weal Randolph, North Canal and West Laka streets, nnd ono of tho present build lugs of the concern, with tho excop tion or Walsh's llttlo Btoro, was in readiness for tho construction work to bo b'ogun. And Walsh steadfastly Ignored all arguments. As o last expedient, tho uniques plan of allowing the now Btructuro to rear Its stool girders ovor tho very roof of tho llttlo store, excavating tho basement, and erecting walls on throo sides, wub rosorted to, Now Walsh 1b being bullded around on all sides, top and bottom, except tho front, which will remain hla very own, freo and unchallenged, until thq expiration ,of tho lease, and "tho march of commcrco" goes on unhalt-ed. Death and Arrests "You havo killed my pot. You lmvo killed my baby, 'Snoozlums,'" tho woman Is said to havo shriokod as sho stopped over tho body of tho fall on poodle and toward tho policeman, who, busy with tho trousers which had been torn, waa somowhnt at a disadvantage "I didn't want to hit tho womnn," said Policeman Molbouff, "so 1 Just hold her off." About this tlmo, according to Mel bouff, Robert Bronsman took a hand In tho fray. This mado things easier for Melbouff for. Bronsman was not a woman. Tho battlo raged merrily. In tiro meantime neighbors, hearing tho barks of "Snoozlums," tho shot, tho screams of tho woman, had turned In riot cnlls for tho pollco. Leaving "Snoozlums" whero ho lny in tho street tho pollco took tho man and woman In tho patrol wagon and to central station, whero charges of disorderly conduct woro placed against both. ordinary beef, or something bettor. When Halbort first camo into pos session of tho dogs tho rest of tho os tato of tho onc-tlmo owner of tho show was Intact, and ho oven could afford to buy porterhouso for tho animals If thoy insisted on having it. Halbort hadn't had chargo of tho estate long, however, when tho dend owner's fath er,.!.' C. Chunn, filed a claim for tho personal cffoctB of his- son. Thoso personal effects consisted of a passcn gor coach and scenery and other para phernalia necessary to tho show. Halbert fought tho giving up of tho pasbengor couch with tho idea that if tho worst camo to tho worst ho could houso tho hounds In it nnd ship hem from plnco to placo that thoy might "board around" on their relntlvea. Ho lost tho Biilt, however, and found him solf tho mortified possoBsor of tho dogs, which, nftor tho manner of tholr kind, lost no tlmo in signifying thoy would bo pleased to sit down to a good meal. So far theyAhavo cost him moro than $100, and none of them bus In dicated ho is ready to get old and dlo or quit eating Just becauso tho novelty has worn off. Ho hurried over thero to discover his entlro crew sitting around tho floor of tho wine ccllnr that had been ex posed, drinking tho cream of tho cholco stock, of liquors that had made tho old Grand hotel bar famous. After tho wreck of tho hotel In 190C no ono gavo a thought to tho wlno collar and tho stock of old wines, assuming that tho Btock had been ruined. Colonel Klrkpntrlck of tho Palaco, when advised of tho find nnd asked what disposition ho wanted mado of tho wlnea, said: "Lot tho laborers dispose of it. Tho wlno 13 theirs by right of discovery." SlW HEN it's meal timtp and your appetite is keen and you try to think of some tasty things to cat don't tax your mind don't fret and fume. Order $Pk Vienna Sausage Hot or cold, they are scrvablc in a jiffy, and equal the imported kind in taste and flavor. Once you have learned their real quality you will always want them. Always Buy Libby's Don't accept a substitute. Libby's Foods present a wide assortment, all the acme o quality and reasonable in price. At Every Grocer Libfoy, McNeill & Libby umcago a Libby's WASN'T A FIVE O'CLOCK TEA Class One of Chess Fanatics Properly Objected to Qarrulousness of His Opponent. Two elderly chess fanatics woro ab sorbed In a gamo at tho Mechanics' instltuto in San Francisco rccontly. Both woro exports and rigid follow era of all tho rules of tho gamo, writ ton nnd otherwise. For nearly five hours neither had spoken a word. Backward and forward, moving and countormovlng, tho gamo swung, with no porcoptiblo advantago to elthor player. Finally ono of tho old fol lows mado n fatul break. Quick as a flash his opponent moved his knight into position and softly murmured, "Check!" Tho other playor, making no effort to conceal his displeasure, ro3o front tho gamo. "What's tho matter?" demanded hit friend. "Going to quit?" "I certainly nm. I'll bo hanged if can play chess with a darned old chat' terboxl" Saturday Evening Post. At the End of the 8pat. Hubby You know, dcnrcBt, that you aro my star. Wlfey Do you mean a aky star or a stago star? Huby Oh-or-why? Wlfoy Becauso if you mean tho lat ter, I want to tell you that your star doosn't bandlo as much money as an ordinary soubrotto. Tho man who has something to sell is always an optimist. DUBIOUS About Her Husband Would 8ay. A Mich, woman tried Postum be causo coffco disagreed with her and her husband. Toa la Just as harm ful as coffco because it contains caf feine the same drug found la cof fco. Sho writes: "My husband was eick for thro years vlth catarrh of tho bladder, and palpitation of the heart, caused by coffco. Wan unablo' to work at all and Id bed part of the tlmo, "I bad stomach troublo, was weal and fretful so I could not attend to my housework both of ua using cof fco all the tlmo and not realizing i was harmful. : ''Ono morning, tho grocor'a wif said sho bellevod coffeo was tbo causa of our troublo and advised Postum. I took it Iwmo .rather dubious what my husband would say ho was fond, ol coffeo. "But I tonic coffoo right off tho tabh and wo havnn't used a cup of it slnco You should .have seen tho chango is us, nnd now my husband never com plains of hoatt pulpltatlon any more. My stomach troublo went away In tw weekB after I began Poatum. My chll dren lovo It, and It does them good, which can't bo said of coffoo. "A lady visited ua who was UBuallj half sick. I told ber I'd mako her a cup of PoBtum. Sho said It was taste less stuff, but sho watched mo make it, boiling It thoroughly for 1G minutes, and when done, sho said it was splen did. Long boiling brings out tho fla vor and food quality." Name given by Postum Co., Battlo Creok, Mich. Look in pkgs. for tho famous llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wcllvlllo." Ever rend the above letter? A uerr ono nppenra from time to time. Tbey ore genuine) true, uud full of Itumaa intercut. W