The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 25, 1912, Image 4

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That's What the Forced Sale is Doing.
Just think of buying a $15.00 All-Wool Felt Mattress for $7.50. This is less than manufac
turer's cost and everything else going at the same rate. Think of buying a $25.00 Dining Room
Table, any finish, from six to ten foot, at $15.00, cheaper ones at the same discount.
We still have a complete line of Library Tables, Buffets, China Cabinets, Dining Chairs, Beds, Rugs,
Rockers, Kitchen Cabinets, Bed Springs, Couches, Sewing Machines, Pictures, Shades, Ladies' Writing
Desk, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Dressing Tables, Davenports in fact, everything in the Furniture Line
and it must all go, regardless of price.
"Oh! You June Bride!" don't overlook this grand opportunity of going to Housekeeping. We still
have several Car Loads left and its yours for less than wholesale prices.
Although we have already put out several Car Loads during this Forced Sale, don't be disap
pointed, for we still are able to suit you in anything in the Furniture Line.
Don't overlook the fact that we are also including in this Sale our entire lines of Ranges, such as
the Majestic, Pensular and several others, at 10 to 50 Per Cent Discount
Just, drop in and we will convince you that we mean business and sell goods Just as Advertised. Sale continues
until we are entirely closed out of the Furniture Business.
Don't forget to ask for the chance on the Quick Meal, Blue Enameled Steel
Range. One With every Dollar Purchased or every Dollar paid on account.
You furnish the girl and we'll furnish the house at less than Wholesale. Let us show you.
Ginn, White &. Schatz.
710 W Wm
., Make it a
3Big Ben Christmas
on the farm
Big Ben's big, round, smiling
face is as jolly as that of old
'Santa Claus himself.
Get one for each member of the
family, ono for the farm hands.
'Sneak him in while they sleep.
Let him wake them Christmas
morning. No Christmas bells
wero ever more merry than Big
' Ben's tuneful call.
Big Ben is not an ordinary
alarm clock. Ho is a splendid
timekeeper for all day use.
;. He's.sturdy, well set and long
Mile's easy to read, easy to wind
.and pleasing to hear.
,1 havo some in my window.
Drop in and look at them, next
time you drive to town.
Jeweler and Optician.
Graduate Dentist.
Offico over tho McDonald J
Stato Bank.
? Local and Personal.
Washing wanted nt 121 East 11th St:
Misses Chappoli and Marcott wero
Sunday visitors in Brady.
John Ozelelua, of the Dixon store,
spent Sunday in Sidney.
Davo Day will go to Potter tomorrow
to attend the wedding of friend.
Frederick Huxoll, tho young son of
Mrs,. Fred Huxoll, is Beriousiy ill.
Mis'sMary McGovern went to Paxton
Saturday morning to visit friends for
fiovorldl days.
J. W. Vanderhoof hna hnnn III nt hln
home in tho first ward for several daya.
Mrs. Luecr. of Loxincton. was n
guest at the Lierk homo on Sunday.
Dick Cox hns niirphnsnil n fvn nmi-
senger Overland from Miner Hinman.
Herbert Chonov. nf CMoncm la
visitinir his uunt Mrs. Hnttio Farrinc.
Mrs. Wm. Huddartt nnil Hon loft Inst
night for a protracted visit in California
Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk ("Vilrnr nf S11H1.
erland. are visitim? frinnds in town thin
James Flvnn loft Sundav nftnmnnn
for Excelsior Springs to spend two
Mrs. A. J. Frnzier and dnuchtor
went to Sutherland Saturday to visit
Misa Hnttio HfltfiplH rntnrnnrl Sntuv-
day evening from a visit with relatives
in Paxton.
Mrs. Herman LeDlnvt loft Rntnrrin
morning for Grand Island to spend sev
eral days.
The Homo MisRinnnrv snointw will
meet with Mrs. E W. Crane Friday
Mrs. Sam Dickerson, of Sutherland,
came down yesterday to spend tho day
with friends.
Mist Tillln Tlllvnll loft vnlfnnliiv
morning for Hershey to viBit relatives
for ten days.
Arthur A lion rotnmnH verrHn.r
morning from n week's visit inFarnnm
wun relatives.
Miss May Walker is ontertnining tho
members of the Snturdny Bridge Club
this afternoon.
Mrs. Nels CliriBtianson went to
Hershoy yesterday morning to spend a
week with friends.
Mrs. Joseph Murphy left the last of
tho week for Wianer, Neb., to spend a
week with friends.
Mrs. Alexander, of Hustings, left
Sunday nfter visiting her brother Elmer
Hill for ton days.
Gua S. Huffman loft yesterday
morning for Omaha to spend n week or
longer on busiduss.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll returned
Sunday evening from their 'honeymoon
moon 'trip to Denver.
Wanted A girl for general houso
work. Apply to Mrs. Geo. B. Dent,
020 West Fourth street.
Attorney Muldoon has roturnud from
Chicago wnero he went to attend the
republican convention.
Miss Amelia Aboe, of Manknto,
Kan., who visited her sister Mrs. Andy
Yost, has returned home.
Frank Hahler, who graduated from
the business college at Spaulding last
week, has returned home.
Miss Florence TdfHnim rutin ta nttnn.1-
ing school in Denver, came home last
week to visit the homo folks.
Mrs. Florin Muchlinski and daughter
returned the last of the week from n
two weeks' visit In Hershey.
Forty-five teachers took examina
tlons at tho county superintendent's
office Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Will YateB and children re
turned yesterday morning from a visit
with relatives in Sutherland.
Mrs. R. GuslofF, of Evanston, who
visited her sister Mr. James Flynn
last week, went home Sunday.
The Indian card club will meet to
morrow afternoon with Mrs. W. H.
Munger at 514 west Fourth street.
Tho G. F. S. will be the guests of
Misseo Margaret Craigio and Bessie
Graham at the parish houso tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dixon and daugh
ter Harriet left in their car for Denver
Sunday to spend a week or longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Meston have re
turned from a two weeks' visit in
HaBtings, making tho trip by auto.
John Sales, of Ogalalln, who came
down last week to attend the wedding
of his daughter, went homo Thursday.
Messrs. Jeff Selmnn, Jr., of Cleve
land, and Jnck Sinykin. of Chicago,
spent tho week end nt the Pizer home.
"Wanted Woman cook in restaurant,
will pny well for right woman. Address
orinquiro R. J. Clark. Box 255, Brady,
Neb.' tf
Miss Emily Allen, of Omaha, whohas
been visiting Mrs. Frank Buchanan for
two weeks', went home yesterday morn
ing. Robert Mahoney, of Sidney, who
formerly worked in the railroad sur
veyor's office here, spent yesterday in
in town.
Misa Kate Lyons, who had been
visiting tho Nolan family for several
weeks, left for her home in Wood River
Dean Burnett, director of the state
agricultural school nt Lincoln, wns n
visitor at tho experimental sub-station
Elmer Seilor and sister Monn, of
Carroll, la., who have been visiting
their undo F. C. Pielsticker, left Sun
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fowler loft
tho first of the week for an extended
visit in Excelsior Springs and other
oastern cities.
Charles Temple left Saturday for
Omaha and Lincoln to spend a week or
longer with his family who aro visiting
relatives there.
John H. Day, who has been employed
in Allinnce for several weeks, came
homo Saturday to spend several days
with his family. . '
Mrs. Victor VonGoctz, Sr., returned
Saturday afternoon from an extended
visit with her dnughtors in Lebanon,
Kans,, and Omaha.
Mrs. Ohlson and daughter Dora, of
Loup City, terminated a visit with Mrs.
Otto Weil yesterday and left for Grand
Island to visit relatives.
Bishop Beecher, who is chaplain of tho
state militia company at Kearney, stood
socond in marksmanship in the rifle
range shoot conducted last week.
Ed Puthoif, a former North Platto
railroad man, hns arrived in Sidney
from Reno. Nev.. whom ho rind n lnrr
crushed by the caving in of a mine. Ho
was taken to a hosmtal at Snn
Francisco following tho accident, where
two different operations wero performed.
Miss Hazel Lierk, who is holding a
position as stenographer in Lexington,
spent Saturday and Sunday with the
home folks.
In removing the telephone poles from
Dewey and intersecting streets a de
cided improvement has been made in
the appearance of our main thorough
fares. Mrs. Dye and daughter Nell Dye, of
Salina, Kans., arrived here Saturday to
visit Mr. and Mrs. Will Maloney and
attend the Maloney-Horrigan wedding
At the state convention of Eagles,
held at Grand Island last week, Dr.
A. J. Ames, of this city, was elected
stato chaplain. The Doctor attended
the convention.
Father Thomas Conway, of Cheyenne,
a former pastor of St. Patrick's church,
visited the Austin and Ell families yes
terday while enrouto to Europe to spend
several months.
Miss Alice Stuart came up from
Grand Island to spend Saturday and
ounuay wun relatives. Misa Stuart is
employed as district stenographer for
the telephone company there
Genuine doublo bristle ideal hair
brush for $1.00. Rincker Book and Drug
Mrs. J. L. Bigger and son William,
of Oakland, Cal., terminated a pleasant
visit with her uncle P. A. Norton and
wife Saturday and left for eastern
points to visit relatives.
Mrs. M. C. Harrington, daughter
nuiyuuii, ui icnver, wwr visueu
relatives here, left the last of the
week for a six weeks' visit with rel
atives in New York City and the New
England states.
Mrs. Frank Jackson entertained a
number of ladies Saturday afternoon at
a prenuptial kitchen shower for Miss
Hazel Huntington. A pleasant afternoon
wns spent by nil and refreshments were
very enjoyable.
Have you tried tho new acorn sanitary
fountain at Rincker Book and Drug Co.
Tom Henley, who made a trip to
Gothenburg in his car Sunday, says
corn and wheat in tht east part of this
county nnd around Gothenburg looks
fine and is not apparently suffering for
lack of rain.
The North Platte military band gave
tho first open air concert of tho season
in the court yard Friday evening. The
program consisted of the popular muBic
of the day and wns enjoyed by several
hundred people.
Thnnks to tho courtesy of the Ne
braska telephone company. North Platte
peoplo wero furnished with bulletins of
the Chicago convention last week. This
week similar service will be given dur
ing the sessions of the Baltimore con
vention. Ice.
Pure distilled water ice can now be
secured. We are nrenared tomnko dnilv
delivery to all parts of the city.
Distilled water ice is manufactured
under the most sanitary conditions and
absolutely pure and clean. This pure ice
costs no more than other kinds, last
longer In the refrigerator and is more
sntlnfactorv evorv wov. Plinna no vnnr
order. Price 50 cents a 100 pounds.
u. i. KELiHER ice Company.
A dozen young ladies chaperoned by
Mrs. Warren Hogg held n pleasant pic
nic at Lamplaugh's lake Sundny. A
number of snap shots were taken and
a delicious lunch served.
J. H. Fonda came home from Sterling
tmiuruy wiieru ne went to report to the
committee of the B. of L. E. in regard
to the National Convention which he
attended in Harrisburg, Pa.
A score or more automobiles loaded
with Fourth of July boosters will make
a run to Maxwell thiB evening where
they will advertiso North Platte's big
celebration. The party will leave about
five o clock and take supper in the
village to our east.
xA'u81 A"u,ble Kinley, a former
North Platte girl, was married at Great
rails. Mont.. Inst, woolr tn nnn..l.l nt
Butler, a prominent ranphman of that
secuun. r or several years past the
bride has been living at Ft. Shaw.
Mont. x '
Miss Florence Iddings has returned
from Denver where she successfully
passed an examination for entrance to
BrynMawr college, located in a suburb
of Philadelphia and which she will at
tend this fall for a four years' course.
The examination at Denver prove J a
difficult one, but Miss Iddings passed
with creditable markings.
fhere is more timber in Lincol county
than some of its residents are aware.
The Maxwell Telepost says: The saw
yers who have finished up work for
Fred Ericsson cut 700 feet of lumber
ut of one tree. They said it was the
largest tree they have sawed in the
state. He had 31,000 feet of lumber
and about 125 cords of wood.
Fob Trade.
A fine 20 acre fruit farm in Lake
CoOregon, and residence lot in Lake
view. This is all clear and will stand
irrigation. Will trade for house vacant
lots or automobile. B. F. Wilcoxnn,
North Platte, Nebr., Gen. Del.
E. H, Spicer, cashier of tho Shelbn
National Bonk, skipped Friday after
having fleeced the bank of $15,000 or
$20,000 through the medium of forged
notes. Bank Examiner Nicholson
started an examination of the bank
Friday and coming across tho notes,
called upon Spicer for an explanation.
On the pretext of bringing in the sup
posed men who had giyen the notes,
Spicer left the bank and in going out
picked up a package containing $500.
He then jumped into his automobile,
drove 117 miles to Lincoln whore he
arrived just in time to get aboard a
tram for the east.
Owners of Vacant Lots.
All owners of vacant lots are required
under the city ordinances to cut the
weeds on such lots on or before July 3d.
Lot owners not complying with this
notice are notified that if the work
ia not done by auch data it will be per
formed by the city and the cost assessed
against the property,
W. B. Salisbury,
Street Commissioner.
I H' House of Good Show In I
When in North Platte.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Graduate Dentist.
Telephone Red 45G E05H Dewey St.
North Datte. Nebraska.
The Man With a Bank Book
Enjoys many favors accorded by a bank to its
Establishes a valuable acquaintance at bank
m Establishes a credit, which is the best kind of
business insurance.
Makes his payments by checks, saving time,
trouble, and possible losses,
Contributes to the working capital of the com
munity, Enjoys a prosperity which he helps to create.
Open an an Account Here and
Enjoy These Privileges.
McDonald State Bank,
nwuin -W IK, WfctSKASKA.