The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 21, 1912, Image 8

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Serai -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mall in advance. . .
One Year by Carrier in advance.
Kntercd at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofllce as Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1912.
Omsha Good Roads Car.
Tho Omnha Rood roads car, enrouto
to Salt Lake City, arrival shortly after
eleven o'clock Wednesday, having been
met at Maxwell and escorteJ into town
by several local cars loaded with good
roads boosters. The men composing
tho Omaha boostorsaro H. E. Fredrick
son, chairman of tho country roads
committee, James C. Dahlman, mayor
of Omaha, G. E. Ilaverstick, president
Omaha commercial club, J. M. Guild,
commissioner of tho same organization,
George McBridc, Douglas county high
way commissioner, w. A. DuUoru, an
attorney, and E. L. Emory, president
of tho Wyoming highway commission.
Upon arrival of the party at the cor
nor of Dowey and Sixth, a large crowd
quickly gathered, and Mayor Patterson
introduced Mayor Dahlman, who spoke
for fifteen minutes, telling of the ob
ject of the trip, tho importance of
having good roads, and the desire of
thopcoplo of tho Platte valley to have
this valley selected as the official trans
continental route. The object of this
trip of the Omaha men is to arrouse
interest in the making of good roads
and the proper marking of tho route.
The present work of these good roads
boosters is of particular importance.
inasmuch as A. L. Westgaard, repre
senting tho official AAA book, is to
follow during the first part of July,
along this samo tour on tho first leg of
a triple trans-continental tour, in wnich
an tne roaus will be inspected ana
mapped, and roports made as to their
condition. If, through the efforts of the
local authorities, and Good Roads
Boosters, this Platte Valloy trans-continental
routo is well posted with signs,
nnd woll improved, Mr. Westgaard will,
no doubt, report this as tho best of the
three routes which ho proposos to
traverse. In this event, much of tho
trans-continental touring which
promises to bo particularly hoavy during
tho San Francisco Exposition, will bo
directed across tho entire length of No
braska: tho benefits of such general
traffic being far more extensive than
one would imagine without making some
analysis of tho subject. It will not onlv
mean that thousands upon thousands' of
dollars will bo spent by these tourists
in travelling across our stnto, but tho
beautiful fnrmH, modern improvements,
up-to-date towns and excellent roads
will be heralded from one end of
America to another.
Following tho address by Mayor
Dahlman, the visitors were taken to the
Ritnor House whore dinner was served,
plateB being laid for fifty. The dinors,
Other than tho Omaha men, were com
posed of local men, nnd several Her
shoy boosters who came here to escort
tho car to Sutherland. When the
good meal was disposed of. Mayor
rauorson introduced several of tho
visitors who mode short nddreases.
At 1:30 tho party loft for Horshoy,
accompanied, by several well loaded local
Tho Blx-cvlindor car which tho nnrtv
used, has nn interesting history. It
was built by the Chnlmera Motor Com
pany in 1910. and has been driven a
total of 40,000 miles by their engineering
department, including a run as tho
Official Press Car for tho last Glidden
tour. They havo turned this car over
to Mr. Fredrickson with instructional
drive it hard, nnd thoroughly test its
construction. Mr. Fredrickson hopes
to averago 160 miles por day during tho
t next three months, putting it through
nil sorts of roads and giving tho car a
most through tost.
Ezra Meeker in Town.
Ezra Meeker, with his long white
hair, yet bearing his eighty-two years
with considerable sprightline3s, nrrivod
in North Platto Tuesday evening driv
ing an ox team attached to tho original
typo of tho prairie schooner. This is
Mr. Meoker's second nnd last overland
transcontinental trip, and his mission is
to croato interest in the $100,000 bill
now in congress to provide for suitable
monumontB nnd markers of the old
Oregon trail.
This trail was laid out during the rush
to tho gold fields of California, and
traces of it may still bo pointed out by
old residonts ulong tha way.
This week mnrks the sixtieth anniver
sary of tho first time this trail was
traveled by this quaint old man who
passed through what is now North
I'latto on May 25, 1852. At that time
ho traveled in a "nrnirlo scoonnr"
drawn by oxon, tho trip being made
In that mannor of travel most in
voguo and moat practical at that time.
Now ho is covering the same ground in
the same manner, not because the
prairie schooner and oxen present tho
most luxurious moans of modern transit,
but because it protrays to tho modern
settlor and tho newer generation the
means by which tho road to the groat
west was first opened.
Attention Contractors.
Sealed bids will bo received at Archi
tect Reynolds' office un to 0 p. m,
Monday, June 21, 1912, for the erection
of tho super-structure (all of building
nbovo foundation including carpenter
work in basement) of tho proposed
Baptist Church buildlnir. ' '
Bluo prints and specifications may bo
had at Mr. Reynolds' office by Thurs
day ovoning, Juno 20, 1912.
Building to bo completed by Novem
ber 15, 1912.
Bids must be accompanied by certified
check made to First Baptist church of
North PJatto for tho sum of $150.00.
said checks to bo returned when award
is made.
HJght reserved to reject any and all
Building committee of First Baptist
Mrs. L. E. Butler and daughter
i Amanda who recently went toChoyenno
spent yestorday here with friends while
enrouto to Kentucky to spend the summer.
Married at High Noon.
A wedding marked by its simplicity
occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wlnkleman at high noon Wed
nesday when their oldest daughter
Fdith became the bride of John Carroll.
The marriage vows were taken in the
comer of the parlor where pink and
white roses and ferns were used in
abundance. Rev. McDaid officiated.
Tho bride's gown was a pale bluo messa
line with trimmings of lace and gold
beads. She held n large boquetof brides
roses and fern leaves. Her attendant
was Miss Fern Perkins who wore a
white embroidered dress and carried
pink roses. Sollie Ward stood with the
groom. Mendleshon's wedding march
was played by Miss May Winters. After
tho congratulations n buffet lunch was
nerved in wh ch tho color scheme of
nlnk and white predominated. Misses
Carroll. Winkleman and Winters as
sisted in serving. The young couple loft
on the afternoon train for Denver to
spend their honeymoon after which they
will receive their friends at 2nd and
Locust streets.
Mrs. Carroll has resided here for a
number of vears and is considered by
all who know her to bo a very amiable
bright and charitable young lady. For
several years sne nas Deen empioyca as
teacher in rural schools and proved a
favorite with pupils and patrons. The
groom during nis short residence in the
city has gained the friendship of all
with whom he came in contact. He holds
a position in Foreman Berry s office and
is trust worthy employee. The(r many
friends wish them happiness.
F. W. Lowis. of Crawford, was
married last week to Miss Spoonor, of
Iowa. Mr. Lowis is general agent for
the International Harvester Company
and has frequently visited his cousin
Mac Westfall and transacted business
in town, being woll known among the
comorcial men.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Junde 11, 1912.
Board of equalization met for six
days and compared values on various
properties In different precincts.
Juno 15. 1912.
Board of county commissioners met
Pursuant to adjournment. Present
treitz, White and county clerk.
Bond of Omaha Structural Steel
Works is hereby approved and contract
entered into for a GO ft steel span
bridgo across Moran canyon.
Claim of James Bechan, overseer
dlst 27, allowed on said dist for road
work for 100.00
Whereupon tho boatd adjourns to
Juno 17th, 1912.
Board of equalization met samo as
yesterday. Present Streitz. White.
Bacon and county clerk, continued com
paring values of different precincts and
took recess to Juno 17th, 1912.
June 17, 1912.
Board of county commissioners met
in regular session. Present Streitz,
Roberts and county clerk.
A N Durbin. co treasurer, you are
hereby authorized to correct tho 1911
tax list as to WJ NWJ, sec 13, twn 9,
rge 30 nnd SJ, NE J, sec 14, twn 9, rge
30 from 600.00 to 250.00
Whereupon board adjourns to June
18th, 1912.
Juno 18, 1912.
Board of equalization met . same as
yestorday present full board and county
clerk, continued comparing values and
takes recess until tomorrow Juno 18,
Board of county commissioners mot
pursuant to adjournment pursuant.
Present Streitz, Roberts, White and
county clerk
Claim of W. R. Weakly for cash to
bo used in road dist 24 allowed on said
dist for 50.00
Books of W. R, Weakly for the year
of 1911 as overseer of dist 24 audited
and find duo said Weakly tho Bum of 2.50
which is hereby allowed on said dist nnd
settlement made with him
A N Durbin. co treasurer, you are
hereby authorized to refund to A W
Home tho sum of G.74 taxes paid under
protest, for the reason that property
was not in his possesion April l, 1911
Whereupon board adjourns to Juno
19, 1912
Summer Tourist Round-Trip Fares
to the Pacific Coast
From North Platte to
fornia and North Pacific
Pnintci .
4 ,J,lI,3
From North Platte
rrom worth lJlatte to Cali
fornia and North Pacific coast
DOint1? . .
r"1""' '
From North Platte
lornia, one-way
Pacific Coast Points
ui-iuu vui' wuno
Standard Road o! the West
New and Direct Routo to Yellowstone National Pnrk.
Protected byJAutomatic Electric Block Safety Signals Excel-
icui uining v,nrs on all, trains,
For additional information and Illustrated California and Pacific
Northwest book, call on or address
F. E. BULLARD, Agent.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at my office at
Gandy up until 4 o'clock June '25th, for
the erection of a pressed brick and tile
store building 48x70, two stories.
Plans on file at my office and at the
office of the architect Bert Reynolds of
North Platte.
(Sgd.) Dr. H. L. McLeay.
Newspaper Announcement.
There never was such a time in the
history of this country for newspaper
reading, and it is important to read a
paper of impartial views one that is
free from any office-seeking or office
holding influences. The important
thing to a great newspaper like The
Lincoln State Journal is to get trial
readers, as it has no trouble holding
them bv its aualitv. The cheapest way
to get new readers is to make a spacial
price, which we now do only $2 for
thi dailv and Sunday nannr until Janu
ary 1, 1913 much less than the regular
price. At that time the paper will stop
coming unless you order it continued
and pay in advance for it. You really
cannot afford to bo without this capital
city paper when you can secure it at
such a price. Send $2 to the Lincoln
State Journal todoy and the paper will
come to you regularly the remainder of
this year. It will be a lively year, too.
Notice To Owners of Dogs.
Under the city ordinances it is the
duty of the chief of police to kill any
dog which he may find running at large
on which the license tax has not been
paid for the current year beginning May
1st, 1912, and a license tag attached to
the collar of said dog. Tho license tags
for male dog costs $1.00 and for female
dog $3.00. License tags are now ready
at my office. C. F. Temple,
City Clerk. 38-7
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, as.
In tho County Court, June 13th. 1912.
In the matter of the estate of Hans J Hansen,
On reading and Ming the petition of Anna F.
Hansen, praying that the instrument, filed on
the 13th day of June, 1912, and purporting to be
the last will and testament cf the said deceased.
may be proved, approved, probated, allowed and
recorded as the last will and testament of the
aid Hans J. Hansen, deceased, and that the
execution of said instrument may be committed
and the administration of said estate may be
granted to herself as executrix
Ordered, That July 9th, 1912, at 9 o'clock a, m.
is assalgncd for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may appear at a
county court to lie held in and for said county,
and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should
not bo granted. A copy of this order to bo pub
lished in tho North Piatte Tribune, a legal cml
weokly newspaper of said county for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said date of hcarfnr.
JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
Notice la hereby given that Articles I, IV, VI.
VIII and VII of the Articles of Incorporation of
North Platte Gas and Electric Company have
been amended to read respectively as follows.
The name of this corporation shall bo "North
Platte Electric Company."
Tho amount of capital stock of this corporation
hall bo one hundred thousand dollars ($100,(100.00)
divided Into one thousand shares of the par alue
of ono hundred dollars ($100.00) each, to bo fully
paid when iaaucd and to be. non-assessable. All
of said capital stock shall bo subscribed and .paid
for, cither In cash or In property, at tho com
mencement of the buainesa of said corporation.
The blithest amount of Indebtedness w hlch this
corporation may at any tlmo subject Itself shall
not exceed a aum equal to two-thirds of Its paid
up capital stock.
The airairs of the corporation shall bo managed
by a board of five (5) directors elected by the
stockholders fiom among their number. Tho
board of directors shall elect or uppolnt a presi
dent, vice-president, secretary and treasurer,
and such otherollicers as may be subscribed by the
by-laws. Ono person may hold more than one
olllco when tho duties thereof do not conflict.
The board of dinctcrs shall have power to
adopt by-laws for the management and control
of thelfalrs of tho corporation, not Inconsistent
witn law, aim to amend, add to or repeal the
samo at pleasure. .-
These articles mny be amended by an affirma
tive majority vote of tho capital stock at any
regular onnunl meeting of the stockholders, or nt
any special meeting duly call id in accordance
with tho liy-lnws of the corporation for that
In witness whereof, we. the nmlf rutu-no ! npW
holders and directors of said company have here
unto sei our nanus mis am uuy or iviav. mz
L. W. Walker
Tickets on sale to California Juno
12 to 20; final return limit August
31; August 29 to September 5; tlnal
return limit uctooer Hi.
Tickets on sale to I North Pacific
Cnflllt PnlntB .Tlinrt 5t in fi final
return limit July 27. Juno 27 to
July 6; final return limit August
27. July 11-12: tlnal return limit
September 11. October 12. H and
IS; final return limit Nov. 15,
Tickets on sale Juno
.10 6; final
return limit July 27. June 12 to
20; final return limit August 31.
June 27 to Julv K; tlnnl rlnm limit
August 27. July 11-12; final return
September S; final return limit
October 81. October 12. U andl5;
final return limit November lB.BTg
Tickets on sale Juno 1 toScptem-
berSO: final return llmlt!:o-tnl.r
. TickeUonealoJunel toSeptcmbcr
..,., ,i,,ni ,.,, ii.i, ri.,.," .,
v. .. a.u... .1.1,,. vk.uw. at.
Li d Vv4U Till, l J
3 IrPSrsDr
Cattle Pastured.
Wanted 200 head of cattle to pasture
for summer. Good and water;
free from green heads and mosquitoes.
Address W. C. Edis, North Platte,
Neb. ' , . 3G-8
We Want You to Know it.
We prove it at our own risk
Sensible, direct-acting, widely recom
mended by men who know what they
are doing. Guaranteed to doit9 work
to put red into tho-blood, zest into the
muscles, that healthy look into the com
plexion, steadineSB into tho nerves,
vigor into the entire system in fact,
to use a homely phrase, guaranteed to
put "meat on your bones."
We mean Rexall Celery and Iron
Tonic. We want you to know about this
splendid remedy, this norvc-food and
flesh-builder. Rexall Celery and Iron
Tonic gets right'On ho seat of trouble
in many cases of mental and physical
fatigue, sleeplessness, irritation, los3of
appetite, nervous oxhaUstion, impover
ished blood and general debility. It
doubtless has saved many a man and
woman from long periods of sickness.
These are strong statements, but no
stronger than our faith in Rexall Celery
and Iron Tonic, and no stronger than
our guarantee. You risk nothing in let
tine this remedv'rjrc-ve its worth tovou.
because we will refundtyour money if it
doesn't give satisfaction. Costs a dollar.
Sold in this community only atour store.
Tho Rexall Store. SfjlliLLER & Co.
- T
Plans fof New Plumbing
may bo wisely entrusted to us. When
we install your plumbing not only is
the initial cost for strictly high-class,
reliable plumbing lessened, but
Repair Bills
are practically cut in two. We use only
the best materials and expert, thorough
workmanship. It costs us more, but; it
satisfies our customers;
Shop Phone 369. Res. Phono G83
217 East Sixth Street.
Office phone 241, Res. phono 217
L . C . DRflST,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte', ' Nebraska.
McDonald Bank, building.
We make specialty of
Dairy Products and can
furnish the best in large
or small quantities direct
from our 'own Dairy farm
every morning,
Phone your order in
and it will be delivered.
DooKttle Bakery,
Frozen from water pumped from
a good depth, and the lako has
been re-cemented thus insuring
the best and purest ice possible
to obtain.
Price 50 Cents
Per 10Q Lbs.
We solicit your orders and insure
prompt delivery.
In smoking our cigars, hrst becnuso
thoy nro mnda of thy best lenf tobacco,
second bocuaso they arc hand-mude
and last because wo put'better tobacco
in our nickle cigar than some manu
facturers do in ten-centors. Wo know
we make a good cigar; hundred of
smokors in North Platto know it, but
hundreds of others ought to know it.
Patronize home industry.
Di edfield edfield,
PhyBiclansjand Surgeons.
JOE B. HEDFIELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
, . Hospital . .
44 44444fc-.44-4J
fiFO. I). nFNT.
, . -T
Physicion and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
) Office 130
f Residence 116
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
Special attention given to confine
ments and children's diseases,
pffice Phone 183 Res. Phone 283
Ofllce McDonald Stato Hank Bid 'g
Order of Hearing.
In the county court of Lincoln county,
In the matter of the estate of Annis
A. Carter, deceased.
On reading and riling the verified pe
tition of Alice R. Chapman, praying
that the regular administration of said
estate be dispensed with, and that the
court render a final decree naming the
sole heirs at law of the said Annis A.
Cartor, deceased, as provided by sec
tions 5202, 5203, 5204, 5205 and 5206 of
Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for the
state of Nebraska for the year 1911.
Ordered, that the said petition be
heard on Julv 11. 1912. at 9 o'clock a.
m., when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at the county court
to be held in and for said county, in
the court house in the city of North
Nebraska, Neb., and show cause, if any
there be, why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not be granted.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
this 13th day of June, 1912.
John Grant,
County Judge.
order of hearing
State of Nebraska. Lincoln County, S. S.
In the County Court.
In the Matter of the Estato of Claus
Erickson, deceased.
Ort reading and filing the petition of Edward
C. Erickson, praying that administration of said
estate may be granted to him as administrator.
Ordered, That June 11, A, D., 1912. at 9 o'clock
a. m. is assigned for hearing said petition, when
ail persons Interested in said matter may appear
at a county court to be held in and for said coun
ty, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner
nould not be in-anted: and that notice of pen
dency of said petition and the hearing thereof
be given to all persons Interested In said matter
by publishing a copy of this order In the North
frjaite iriuune, a semi-wreKiy newspaper pruiieu
in said county for three successive weeks prior
to said day of hearing.
Dated May 21, miis.
mll-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
Notice of Referee's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance to a decree rendered by the dis
trict court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
in an action to partition the real estate
hereinafter described, in which said
action William H. Evans was plaintiff
and Gladys Nettie Roschie and Rein
hardt J. Roschie were defendants, and
in pursuance of an order of tho court in
said case confirming the report of the
referee, that said land could not be
partioned in kind, the undersigned re
feWe will on the 10th day of July,
1912, at2 o'clock p. m.Bell the following
described real estateto wit: the south
west quarter (SWi) of section nine,
township (12) north of range twenty
Bix (26), west of the 6th p. m. in Lin
coln county, Nebraska, at the east
front door of the court house in North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to
the highest bidder; terms of said sale
being cash.
James G. Mothersead,
Sheriff s Sale.
liy virtue of an order of sale issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
connty, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said court
wherein McDonald State Bank is plain
tiff and Frances Basta, et al, are de
fendants, and to me directed, I will on
thn 22nd dav of June. 1912. at 1 o'clock
p. m., at the east front door of the
court house in North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash, to
satisfy said decree, interests and costs,
the following described property, Jo-wit:
Lot two (2) block four (4) in Trus
tee's Addition to the city of North
Platte, Lincoln county Nebr.
Datqd North Platte, Nebr., May 20,
1912. . .
m6-5 A. J. SALISBURY, Snenit.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, SS.
In tho County Court. . ,
in the matter or :bo estate of Irank
Griffith, deceasod. m ,
On readlne and flllnir the petition of Frank
Orliritb, Jr. praylnir that the administration
of said estato may bo wanted to himself
as admlnlstratror.
Ordered. That July 2nd, 1912. at 0 o'clock
a. in,, Is asslenod for hearing said petition
when all persons interested In said matter
may appear at a county court to bo holi In
aud for said county, aud slmw causo why
the prayor of petitioner si uld not bo
cranted: and that notice of Urn pendency of
said petition and tho hearing thereof, bo
k'lveu to all persons interested In said matter
by publishing a copy of this order In tlto
North l'latto Semi-Weekly Tribune, a leual
newspaper printed In said county for
tureo successive weeus, prior to nald day of
Dated Juno 10. 1012.
JU-S John Quant. County Judiro
In tho County Court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. May i. Wit ....
In tho matter of tho estato of Axhbcl
R.Hall, deceased.
Notice ts hereby clvon. that tho creditors
of said deceased will meet tho Administra
trix of said estate, boforo tho County JudKO
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county
court room In said county, on tho 2nd day of
July, UU8, and on tho 2nd day of Jan.
1812, at 0 o'clock a. m. each day. for tho, pur
pose of presontlin? thnlrclaims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
are allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year fortho Administratrix to
sottlo said estate, from tho 23th day of
May. lOlt A copy of this order to bo pub
lished In the North Platte Tribune a leeal
semi weekly newspaper of said county for four
successive weeks prior to July 2nd 1912,
j3- JOHN GRANT, County Judge
' kikhniirannfiftrkAriK
uociors Ames & Ames,
7 . M
Physicians and burgeons,
Ofllce over Stone Drug Co.
Office 273
f Residence 273
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtuo of an order of salo issued
from the district court of Lincoln
county, Neb., upon a decree of fore
closure, rendered in said court wherein
James S. Gilbert is plaintiff, and Holly
H. Ashton, et. al., are defendants, and
to me directed I will on the 22d day of
July, 1912, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. at the
east front door of the court house in
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebr.,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree,
interests and costs, the following de
scribed property to wit: east
half of northwest qr (ej nwj) nnd
west half of northeast qr (wnej) sec
tion thirty-five (35), township sixteen
(16), range thirty-two (32), Lincoln
county, Nebr.
Dated at North Platte, Nebr., June
17th, 1912.
A. J. Salisbury,
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of salo issued
from the district court of Lincoln,
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said CQurt
wherein, James S. Gilbert is plaintiff
and Rollings Coppoch, et al., are do
fendants and to me directed, I will on
the 22d day of July, 1912, at 1 o'clock
p. m. at tho east front door of the
court house, in North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebr., sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash to satisfy
said decree, interests and co3ts the fol
lowing described property to-wit: all of
section twenty-seven (27) township six
teen (16) north of range thirty-two (32)
Lincoln county, Neb.
Dated at North Platte, Neb., June 17,
1912. A. J. Salisbury,
Sheriff s Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said court
wherein McDonald State Bank is
plaintiff and Frances Basta, et al., are
defendants, and to me directed, I will
on the 22nd day of June, 1912, at 2:30
o'clock, P. M., at the east front door
of the court house in North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy -said decree, interests and
costs, the following described property,
to-wit: Lot one (1) in block four (4) in
Trustee's addition to the city of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nob.
Dated North Platte, Neb., May 20th,
1912. A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
Digging Waterworks Trenches.
May 31, 1912.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the City Clerk of the City of
North Platte, Nebraska, up until 5:00p.
m. of the 25th day of June, 1912, for the
furnishing of all tools and labor for the
following work, unloading and hauling
approximately 194 tons caat iron water
pipe, 6000 lbs special, 21 hydrants, 7
valves, 12500 lbs lead, 400 lbs hemp, dig
ging and backfilling approximately
12000 feet waterworks trench, laying
approximately 12000 feet water pipe and
setting valves and hydrants.
Bids may be made on the whole or
any distinct part and may be so awarded.
Biddinc blanks, snecifications. etc.. can
be obtained at the office of the City
A certified check for 2 per cent of
bid must accompany each bid as a
guarantee that successful bidder will
enter into contract with the city for the
said work within fifteen days after
notice of nward.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids, to change the
plan or scope of the work and to call
for new bids or changed plans.
Engineers estimate of cost $2,579.29.
(Sgd) Thos. C. Patterson,
Attest: Chas. F. Temple,
City Clerk.
Extension of Waterworks.
Notice to Bidders.
North Platte. Neb., May 31, 1912
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the city clerk of the city of
North Platte, Nebr., up until 5 o'clock
p. m. of the 25th day of June, 1912, for
furnishing f. o. b. North Platte for the
following approximate quantity of
29 tons 4 inch cast iron water pipe,
weight 32 lbs. per foot.
162 tons 6 inch cast iron water pipe,
weight 34 lbs. per foot.
9 tons 8 inch cast iron water pipe,
weight 47 lbs. per foot.
6000 lbs special castings.
21 hydrants to connect water pipe, 4
foot deep with 4 inch inlet.
7-6 inch hub end gate valves.
12500 lbs. lead.
400 lbs. hemp,
Bid3 will be received upon the whole
or upon any distinct part and may be so
Each bidder must be accompanied by
a certificate check for the sum of 5 per
cont of the amount bid made payable to
the city treasurer of the city of North
Platte, as a guarantee that tne success
ful bidder will enter into a contract
within fifteen days after notice of the
award of tho contract.
Bidding blanks and specification enn
bo obtained from the city clerk of the
city of North Platto, Nebr.
The city reaerves tho right' to reject
any or all bids, to change the plan or
scope of the work nnd to call for new
bids on such changed plans.
Engineers estimate of cost $8,140.28.
T. C. Patterson, Mayor.
niteBt: biiAa, r. ikmple, uity Unrk.
In the county court of Lincoln County. Ne
braslta. May 28.1912. '
in tho matter of tho estate of Sophia Hall,
Notlco is hereby riven, that the creditors of
said deceased will meet tbo administrator of
said estate, before the County iJudgo of Lincoln
connty, Nebraska, at tho county court room in
said county, on the 2nd day of July, 1912, and on
tho 2nd day of January, 1913, at 9 o'clock n. m
each day. for the purposo of presenting their
claims, for examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Six months nro allowed fur tho Creditors
to present their claims, and one .year ior tho ad
ministrator to settle said estate, from tho 28th
da wIff' u, A cS5'y of JM ord to be
published In the North Platte Tribune, a leiral
semi-weekly newspaper of said county for four
successive weeks prior to July 2nd 1912.
J3-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judit
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