I t. a ;i i t SCENES AND INCIDENTS AMONG DELEGATES k (Bt y y S - :: TJNL? iiuusxmpn M. . wCwx-w (ANTAMUZ or 3y M.Hdskbth PrichAbdXP.G.S. ZZ? COPYffGrr BY XMWAY COMPM? 4 IRSTof all, contompiato for a moment tho bcoiio upon which tho ovonts I am about to narrate took placo: Tho pam pas of Patagonia, limitless IcaguoB of harsh grass, of thorn, of gTanlto pobblo and of black baaaltla rock. Upon tho Atlantic rim of those mighty plains a fow sheep and cuttlo farms oxlst, a few sottlomonts such ns Santa Cruz and Gal- legos; In tho far Interior a fow Tehuolcho Indians lead tholr nomadic life. Otherwise the pnmpas throughout nil their enormous extont nro given over to bird nnd boast, utid upon them Is carried out a perpetual wurfnro. Hugo condors, measuring as much ns eleven feet ncrosH their wings, hawk-llko cbitnnngos and coranchos, pumas, hoary dogs, Magellan wolves, carrion-caters nnd creatures of prey exist in almost inconceivable numbers. Traveling through this country, ono Is forced to rcallzo tho strugglo for life. Let tho campor loavo his brldlo upon tho ground for tho night and all tho leathern parts of It will havo been devoured by morning. This Is tho work of tho hoary dogs or tho Mngollan wolves. It is easy for a murderer to get rid of all trnco of his victim upon tho pampas. A shot at twilight. a body lying stripped of its clothes, nnd two hourB aftor dawn thero will be nothing snvo a fow bones to toll that tho deed has boon dono. Ascenslo Ilrunol, tho wild man of Santa Cruz, was by 'birth a wlas, but in very enrly years his parents emigrated to Argontina, nnd whllo still a young man ho broke away from them, nnd with his brother, whom I know but whoso namo I forgot, worked his way south until ho came at last to tho Sunta Cruz province of Patagonia. Hero for somo years ho nnd his brothor, whom wo will call Henri, worked ob pcones, cattlohordlng nnd sheep-tending, but, growing In tlmo wenry of tho unoxclting nature of their calling, nt length sot up ns tamers df horBes. Now a horse-tamer In Patagonia cnrrlos on his buolnoss by trnvoling' from cstuncia to cstnncln. When he arrlveB nl u placo whoro tho owner has somd horses which bo wants broken, tho tamer camps and ro mains until ho haB flnishod his con tract. Tho business ABcetialo nnd Ilonrl pursued for a long period. Asennnln was n marvelous rider, and his sorvlcos and thoBO of, his brother woro lr consldorablo request all over tho south. So somo months nnd oven years wont by during which many hundreds of animals passed through' tho hands of the nrunolB, and thoy beenmo tho owners of a comparatively largo troop of horses. Asconalo, though a savage and merciless rldor, novor during nil this tlmo gnvo n gllmpBo of tho ferocity which underlay lila character. At length the two brothers happened, In tho natural com so of their nomadic profession, to como to tho cstnncln thia lino word may 'mean anything from a large residence to a mud hovel with a roof of tin of a fnrmor who had recently Bottled In tho country and who was tho husband of n very pretty wife, a dark beauty of, It was rumorod, a rather uncortain tompor Thq farmer gave tho brothers a horse-breaking contract and for aomo weeks nil wont well. Ono oVbtiing when tho farmer, tired from a long day In tho saddlo, had Just como home, Ascenslo lirunol entered, and having, It la anid, put him off his guard by making somo alinplo llttlo request, murdered him In cold blood. Tho actual details of this, Asconsio'B first, mur der nro hard to como by. Henri, whom 1 mot near Ultima Casa, novor told tho snmo Btory twlco running, nnd tho only other wltnoBs, tho wlfo of tho murdered man, passed through Bomo terrlblo cxporlonccs and I nover hoard her authentic story. Tho main fact'romalns: Asco'nBio murdered tho farmor in order that ho might carry off his wlfo, which he did, besides driving tho whole stock, tho cnttlo, shoop nnd horses of tho dead man, Into tho heart of the wilderness. Hero for n tlmo, the two brothers dwolt with iho unhappy woman, until nt last Ascenslo quar rclod with Honrl. It waB not for tho first tlmo, and Honrl went to sleep, thinking It would havo nil passed over In tho morning. Ho waB wakened at dawn by a voico shouting to him, and aaw at onco that during tho night AbcoiisIo had driven away all tho horseB and had also removed tho iwoman. i Ascenslo then said ho had decided to part com pany with his brothor for good and all, that nt first It had boon In his mind to kill him In his Bleop, but for their mother's snko ho had ro lcntcd. Ho ndded that ho had shifted tho horses and stock to n safe distance, and that If Ilonrl fol lowed ho would unhosltatlngly shoot him down. Ho then rode away without more words. Ab Honrl had nolthor horso nor weapons ho did not follow. Indeed all his efforts woro directed toward getting out of tho wlldornosa allvo Living chiefly upon berries, ho wandered for many duya. flnnlly to arrive, an emaciated wreck, at tho eatnncla of an Argentlno hordsman Tho lattor tomlod him and, when ho wna recovered, gnvo him aufllclont provision to tnko him to tho nearest settlement, whoro ho duly arrived Povcd Innocent of tho murder hl brother had committed, he went bnck to tho llfo of n peon and shophord, aud so ho passes out of tills history for , good. , Tho next act In tho drama opens with tho ar rival in (ho coast settlement nt Puntu Arenas of tho woman whom Asccnalo hud forced to accompany him Into tho wilderness She had a frightful talo of cruolty to relate, culminating In n fortuuato scnpe It appears that Ascenslo hnd become aubjoct to fllH of passion bo frightful that thoy woro akin to madness, nnd Indeod madness of a kind had al ready declared Itsolf In him. " Tho TehuolchoB of Patagonia hold tho woll-kuown lMillof, common to many brunches of tho Indian . race, that when thoy dlo thoy pass to tho Happy Hunting OroundB, On tho grnvo of a warrior thoy Blay his dogs and horses; within It thoy place saddlo, knife and food, und for nlno nights ' tey kindle groat fires, by tho light of which tho. - ,XMvMEsioL - VJBISv 7 v - amEM&m a Somebody durlnR the courso of an inter view nhvays thinks to ask that crazy nucitlon; "How do you expect to put in your time, Mrs. So. and So, whllo you are attending Hie convention?" And the Interviewed usually tries to frame up somo elaborate reply. The ques tion was duly put up to Mrs. William E. Uornh, wife of the sonntor from Iditlio, on her arrival, and right off tho bat she said: "The first thins I mean to do is to straighten up this room. I thought I'd try to make It look ns if a woman ever Baw it. You never saw such n. looking 'place as It was when I got In. Papers papers everywhere; and books! I'm al ways afraid to move ono far, for If I do Mr Dorah can't find it. "I was In California and ho telegraphed me to come to be with him. Well, I haven't seen 1dm but about ten minutes. I think le forgot I was here. Ho went down to tho barber shop this morning nnd I wont down to meet him for breakfast. Wo catno together in Peacock alley, and I don't think ho recognized me. I stepped up to him and ho looked nt mo as much as to say, 'Where havo I seen her be fore?' " Deserted Wives Retaliate. Much dissatisfaction Is expressed by tho wives of politicians here assombled for the convention because thyo haven't seen their husbands for two weeks. 'What do you think of such nnd such a. measure, Mrs. Hcyward?" asked Borne one of tho pretty young women In her big suite overlooking the lake. "Gracious me, I haven't seen my hus band slnco that came up. Don't come to me for nny news of tho convention. When I hear It It will be stale Indeed." In retaliation tho women havo Insti tuted what might bo mildly called a boy 'cott. They havo appropriated tho ma chine rented by the politicians for their stny In Chicago and have scattered to tho four winds. Mrs. William Hayward, In tho temporary family car, took her small son. Leland. to the South Shore country club for the day and evening. Mrs. Vic tor Itosewater went on a sightseeing tour from 9 In tho morning until well bond dinner time. The latest seen of David Mulvane he was wondering wildly where his wife was. Mrs. Joseph Keallng went out Into tho suburbs "where she would havo some one to talk to It was lonely to be alone In a big ohtcl." Mrs. Joseph DIvon nnd her largo family had no complaint to offer and remained "on the Job." She and the little Dlxons, Including tho 2-year-old Betty and Mary Joe. who Is 5, entertained a reporter for more than an hour. It was extraordinar ily fine entertainment, too, and led to tho formulation of an axiom. "Simpler Is It to manage a presidential campaign than to bring up ono Mary Joe." Envies Chicago Policemen. "I can't think of anything that I would like to do more than to bo a policeman In Chicago," Mrs. Sarah I-'. Bond of Oklahoma City, whoro she has been po llco matron, patrolman nnd deputy sheriff nnd had n. uniform, too, mado this wish from a fund of experience. Sho Is hero to nttend the Republican national conven tion, tnough not a delogate. Sho fears that tho proposed suffrago plank will never bo nailed on tho platform. "Wo havo to get suffrago,' sell Insisted. 'It's tho first wedgo for redemption." Mrs. Bond has been pollco matron and deputy sheriff In Oklnhoma City threo times. Tho first tlmo was when It was a fierce young town. "Then they hnd nlnety-threo saloons, and killed their man dally," she said. "The Republican party ought to know," said Mrs. Bond, "that tho party that gives women tho votes Is tho coming par ty." Governor Stubbs Stumped. Governor Stubbs was remarking on tho serious nature of tho crlmo of delegate stealing, 'Why, don't you know that It's an bad ns stealing horses," said tho governor. 'Delegates or horses. It's all one.' "But don't you know that It was Col onel Roosevelt who Invented tho steamer roller" asked tho man addressed. t'Don't you kno wthat he took all tho delegates In sight that way?" Kor a motnont Governor Stubbs seemed at a losd for an answer. -. "No. I don't," ho nnally said. "This la my first convention." Green and Orange Decorations. "An Irishman picked It!" That's tho never-fnlllng exclamation when a Republican convention delegate enters the holy of holies where the na tlonal committee sits. By "It" ho means tho color schome. Green walls, green matting, green furni ture, green palms and ferns aro scon, and last, but by no means least, tho greon bound lists of contests. All but the celling. That's orange. "That son of Erin must have como from the north country," was tho caustic com ment mado by one Irish delegate. "Tho Idea of picking green nnd orangol" ghost may find his way upon his long tinrk Jour noy. Aftor that thoy light no more Area, aB they consider that thd dend man haa had tlmo to finish his Journey. Whether Aacenslo grow deranged suddenly or whothor It was a Blow and gradual process, no ono can over know, yet tho fact remains that ho camo to bcliovo In tho religion of tho Indians with somo variations and startling effects of hla own. Believing, ns ho did, that death was only a road by which man passed into a longer nnd more enduring, though not neccasarily an eternal life, ho conceived tho Idea of building up a fortune for himself In that futuro life. In Asccnslo's diseased brain thero aroso tho idea that whatever ho slow In this world would bo his property in tho next. On that point ho was a mnninc; on all others, perfectly Bane. Now beg.nn tho sorles of thofts which mado Brunei's namo known from tho Rio Negro to tho Magellan atraita. Ono aftor another ho raided tho horso farms near tho const, drovo away bb much of tho stock aB ho could,, nnd, shaking off his pursuers in every instanco, escaped into tho wildest parts of tho pampas, So for a long time, for years Indeed, Ascenslo Brunei, tho Wild Man of Santa Cruz, lived his llfo boyond tho reach of tho Bhort arm of the Ar gentlno law. ComaBarloa hunted him, various Juocoa do Paz declaimed about him, and tho garri son of cavalry In Chubut "bolted their beef, and started again on tho track of the thief." And then suddenly, ono morning, tho news flew acroBs tho countrysldo that tho Wild Man had been cap tured. It was true. Tho way of It was as fol lows: In tho very heart of Patagonia, upon the banks of a rlvor called the Mayo, lived, and lndocd etlll live, a trlbo of Tehuelcho Indians, tho tallost and perhaps tho strongest people on earth. They are hunters and horso-breeders, wonderful rldora nnd good men. Thoy worship horsemanship and have a number of atrango rltoa which thoy practlco at tho birth of a man child In order to lnsuro thnt ho shall turn out a good ildor Into tho nature of those rltea wo need not go. Thoy are very cruol. I merely mention thorn that you may understand what a task the Wild Man sot himself when ho decided to stenl n hun dred mnrcs from men such ns theso poorioss rld ora, trained In every phnso of horsemanship, much of whoBo lives la Bpont in sonrchlng for strayed horses and who can rldo a hundred miles a day without fatlguo. It nppuora that tho herd of maros that Ascenslo atolo woro feeding In a voga or marsh thnt Btrotchea on the southom banks of tho Mayo. No ono was watching thorn, and, ns thoy woro woll uaod to tholr paaturago, It seemed unlikely that thoy would stray. Therefore, when shortly after dawn an Indian lad came galloping to tho toldos with the nowB that tho narea hnd disappeared, tho men of tho tribe woro soon on horseback nnd rid ing upon tholr trail. Haul on (he trail tho Indians rodo nil day, and before sunset they were nware of a man clad In sklus driving the mnros boforo him. Swiftly somo of tho pursuers closed In on him, whllo others rodo to cut him off by a canndon or rift, in tho pampas which luy acrosB his path. Hnd it not -beon for thla canndon tho Wild Man would uovor. In all probability, havo been taken. Ab It was, ho galloped down tho shcor wall of it, hut only to find hlniBolf cut off by tho IndlnnB who hnd heed detached 'from tho main body by tho caclquo for tho purpose Hiding In upon hltn tho IndlnnB flung their heavy bolcnndores tho Tohuelcho weapon of threo rnwhldo thongs, each weighted at tho end with a hall of stone which entnnglod tho logs of tho Wild Man's horso and brought It crashing toba ground. On tho ground tho Indiana captured tho Wild Man, snarling and biting They dla ot slny tho Wild Man, but bound him upon a horso and conveyed hlra over threo hun dred mllea of pampas to Gallegos, whore, they handed him over to the authorities in duo form. Ho wns thrown into prison and tho Indians de parted for their wildernesa homo onco more. In the Argentine Republic thero Is no capital punishment, so that after his trial, tho sentence that would bo passed upon tho Wild Man waa cer tain penal servitude for llfo. But It never camo to a trial, for It was not long before the warders of tho prison awoko ono morn ing to find their prisoner gone. He had cut his way out through thp walla of wood, Btolen a horso that had been tied by somo Into vialtor boforo tho door of a house In the main street, ridden through tho night until, at dawn, ho found him solf fnr out mfon tho pampas. All along this belt of country from Gallegos to Santa Cruz are scattered farms set nlong the coast at frequont Intervals. The Wild Man turned north and, on tho second day of his escape, caught a stole a horse from ono of these farms and . rodo on up the coast. While tho ordinary traveler dismisses tho horso which has borne him gallantly and well with a pat and a kind word, the Wild Man, each tlmo he procured a fresh mount, re turned to his tired nnd weary beast and killed It. And then ono night, before tho Indians had even heard of his escape from Jail, once more ho raided tholr mares and drovo away a great troop of them. His intention doubtlesB was to get them to some sultabio spot and thore kill them, thereby gratifying his own peculiar and bloody-minded beliefs, and at the same tlmo re venging himself upon the Indians. The Instant they discovered their loss the Indians rode on the trail of the mares, but thla, tlmo Ascenslo drove them like a madman, as indeed he was. Tho sun waB already falling toward tho weal when they spied him at last. He waa nearly naked, for ho had flung away tho clothes which had been supplied to him id the jail, and waa mounted upon a gigantic horse. A3 he rode, he uttered a cry of a lion, and the fronzled and terrified mnros galloped wildly In front of him. Tho sun aank and tho chnse continued. Ono by ono tho Tehuolchoa dropped away until nt last tho Wild Man and a single Indian alone remnlned. Now tho moon was In tho sky and by Its light tho Indian Baw tho Wild Mnn slacken his paco and, with fentures convulsed with rngo and hate, turn at bay. Tho Indian grew afraid and paused. They looked at each other for a moment and then the Wild Man laughed aloud and, turning his great yellow horse, rode slowly to the west, whllo tho Indian returned to his companions, whom he rejoined on tho following day. Near tin Cordillera of tho Andes an adven turous Gorman sottlor had squatted with hla fam ily, and had built himself a small houso or hut Ono, night tho German was awakonod by a knock ing at th'o door and opened It to find a man clad In skins facing him. The man nppenrod to bo emaciated and was certnlnly of tho most extraordinary appearance, his whole face being blackened by an aimosi continuous growth of hair Tho man demanded food, whereupon tho Ger mnn Invited him to enter nnd. taking a frying pan, commonced to cook some meat. As ho bent ovor tho llro tho Wild Man, with senseless nnd brutnl cruolty, shot him through tho back and, helping himself to various provisions, loft tho houso nnd the dead man lying In It. Tho news of this crjmo nnd 6f others, which followed closo upon it, aroused tho wholo dis trict. Nolthor man nor woman could feel safe whllo the Wild Man lived, and nt last a body of armed Bottlers ran tho criminal to earth in a houso which he had entered for purposes of plunder. He never left that houso allvo, but fell on tho threshold tlddlcd with bullets, yet not be foro he hnd loft hU mark upon more than ono of his assatlauta. Thayer's Mountain Lion. A new ono has bene uncovered about Colonel Edward Thayer of Indianapolis, nsslstant sergeant at arms nt tho Coli seum. The colonel hnd a near adventure with a near mountain lion, and, tnko It from him, It was a thriller. "Colonel Ed" has a bungalow In Ari zona. Ho started for tho woodhouso ono evening to get a back log for his fire. Hero's tho rest of the story' as he tells It: "When I got to the shanty I started to feel around for tho lock on tho thing. I put my hand on something that was nllve. Every hair on my head stood straight up and I don't know now why I didn't let loso a yell that could bo heard In Maine. "I thought of mountain lions first then panthers, wildcats, wolves and In fact ev erything In tho wild west chased ttself through my mind. I scuttled back to tho house without the log and couldn't rest all night. "Next morning I went out to soe whnt kind of tracks that monster had left. Thp tracks were there. So was tho monster. It was on Innocent llttlo burro that had crowded closo to tho shed out of tho rain." Study In Headgear. Anjbody Interested In tho sort of head gear that may bo found In tho ring about tho Congress hotel headquarters will find an Interesting study In examining the thatch coverings that adorn tho heads that bob about thore in tho courso of a day. Colonel New wears a broad soft hat I that bespeakB tho Importance of tho posl- f ,tn l. I,. nnt..n(.tnr (1, h a TMf(3,int Ttin UUII ilU IB ULWlipjIlth ' .w--.v ..." ment. Nobody could miss him If told to look for that hat. Governor Stubbs may bo found beneath a funny little white felt hat tluit Is not at all llko the sort of cov ering ono would expect to find protecting a state executive There aro at least twenty Texan som breros, each having exactly tho same kind of a little strap around them and tho same kind of a brown and be-mus-tached faco beneath them. Also, there Is Colonel Younger, from Alabama, whoso hat looks as belligerent as Its own er. It falls off every tlmo ho opens his mouth, which Is about as often as any self-respecting person would deslro to lose his hat. Looking for Taft Money. The corpulent man who looks llko Taft. talks Roosevelt and exhibits monoy In peck measure lots Is Major Thomas Dun- phy of Topeka. Kan. Ho took tils stand in me miuaiu i mo Congress hotel lobby and began offering to wager money on Roosevelt's chances of nomination. He wanted to bet any figure, from $1 up to $50,000. Major Dunphy Isn't a delegate to tho convention. Ho simply Is a Roosevelt advocate at large. "I'd like to bet this roll on Colonod Roosevelt's chances of being nominated nnd elected." said the major, exhibiting tho Interior of a pocket that might have been n section of a subtreasury. Tho Interviewer suggested that he might be prevailed upon to take n little If tho bet .was broken up Into car faro lots. "Say, this Is no Joking matter," said the Indignant Roosevelt man, 'I came all tho way from Topeka nnd I am going to find some barker of tho president with sand enough to take It." So he stuniped away In high dudgeon. Keallng Picked the Winner. Taft headquarters at tho Congress hotel resolved Itself Into a baseball grandstand nnd 'tho occupants devoted themselves to watching an International contest on tho lake front. A team of Italians from the Gault court district clashed with n picked nine from tho West Side. Numerous bets Hew back nnd forth between spectators of the game and excitement ran high when tho gamo neared an end. After It was all over and the bets wCre paid Joseph Keallng had amassed n largo Btack of Taft buttons and emblems. He says ho can pick a winner In tho national contest Just as easily as he did In the ball game. PRINCE KALANIANAOLE , - -1. - Y " I H 1A1 P W ' j7 rMBKa rxamwL. . - vsz ".'-' r '4 Rsrrjs?? yri ' ,''.,.J.'i One of the Interesting figures in the Republican convention crowds In Chi cago Is J. Kuhlo Kalanalanole, the del egate In congress from Hawaii, who l popularly known as "Prince 'Cupid." He will represent Hawaii In the convention. Hat-ln-the-Rlng Button Adopted. The hat-ln-the-rlng button now worn by Roosevelt adherents ha been adopted by Senator Joseph M. Dixon, manager of tho Roosovelt campaign, as tho official Roose velt emblem. Tho Inventor of the button, . M Jonos sf Muskogee, Okla., has followed Colonel Roosovelt through twenty-one states sell Ing the button nnd Is said to be making a fortune at it Teddy Hats In Drinks. "Rough Rider" features In the campaign received an ndded attraction at tho Con gress hotel In tho shape of a "Teddy Hat" made of orange peel, which was placed In all drinks served In the Pom pelan room during tho evening. 'Look at tho Teddy hat' In the lemonade," said one of the Taft followers as ho fished tho orange poel from thodrlnk. "I guess they will give us 'Teddy hats' In our bread and butter next." No "Photos for Niedrlnghaus. Thomns K. Niedrlnghaus of Missouri haa a great antipathy for photographers In general and newspaper photographers in particular. "No, sir, I will not stand for my photo graph," ho Bald to a group of pleading photographers. 'Photos aro worse than sketches nnd anybody knows I don't want one of them. What's that? Been snapped whllo I was talking to you? Say, let ma out of here. You're too many for me." Remembers to Boom Alaska, The one nnd only genuine Alaska boos ter Is In town. He Is Oliver Perry Hub bard of tho territory, and he radiates Alaska pralso wherever he goes. Ho says he has un ambitions to hunt or do any thing else that will deplete Alnska of any of her attiactlons, either for tho sports man or the business man. "When a man gets up In the morning snd sees the tracks of dozens of bears around his front yard he loses his de sire to go bear hunting," said Mr Hub bard. "V havo the greatest country In the world In Alaska, aud while I am hero particularly as a delegate I am afraid I hhnll lose some of my Interest In this i ampalgn If I see a chance to boost Alaska." Selects His Own Portfolio. The secretary of agriculture has already been picked. No others need apply. G. R, Werner of Brewstor. Kan., Is to ho tho man. He also says ho Is tho only man that can 111! the placo. "I am confident that Colonel Roosovelt will bo nominated," he said, 'and after ho Is I shall tako the stump for him. My work will havo a telling effect. When I go out for a man It meuns iv whole lot to him. It Is not going to cost mo nnytlilng, for the common people, I am confident, will be willing to pay all my expenses, for thoy will want mo in the cabinet. There Is no one cen fill tho placo and do It right except me." Unfair Minister. "Why did you and that young minis ter quarrel?" asked tho friend. "He was nico enough In many ways, but ho was so 'horribly Jealous nnd un fair," sayB tho fair 'damsel to whom tho eyoung divine had been paying serious attention. "JenloiiB, pel Imps and naturnlly," smiles tho friend "uRt unfair?" "Yes, Every time I would make an engagement for a moonlight walk or an afternoon stroll with somo other man he would pray for rain." n-i t r" ! f - f i '.'. fit ,' D i v- mammae tf.H&frfiSni, sjfaL- iimtVmil iy WKrHiv4-, m.H-it n ih"r.fil M jl.TriH-4-JHW ! w