The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 18, 1912, Image 3

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Wife of King Haakon of Norway
Is Tired of Court Life.
m; 1
FOR the first time since the creation of tho two now American cardinals by the popo, the thrco cardinals ot the
United States met recently at a session ot the board of trustees of the Catholic University of America. At that
time tlio accompanying photograph was taken. Cardinal Gibbons 1b In tho center, with Cardinal O'Connell on
the right and Cardinal Farley on tho left.
Man Held for Experiments
Carnegie Institute.
Harvard Student Gives Details of Prof.
Levanzin's Experience Man Placed
In Alr-Tlght Box for 33 Days
Without Food.
Boston. Details of tho scientific
starving of Prof. Agostino Levanzln at
the nutrition laboratory of tho Car
negie Institute in Roxbury, conducted
by Prof. Francis Sano Denedict, and
which have been suppressed for days,
were made public by M. F. Tufts, a
senior at tho Harvard denial school
and a former subject.
That Professor Lavanzin was virtu
ally a prisoner during tho thirty-three
days of his fast and that during a part
of tho tlmo ho was kept in a zinc air
tight coflln with his mouth sealed and
breathing air fed him by tubes in his
nostrils, is alleged.
That students working their way
through collego and anxious to earn a
little money are placed In tubs filled
with ice water and floating ice to
Btudy tho action of extremo cold upon
the body Is charged.
Students are fed Btrange diets to
boo what tho stomach will stand and
what It will refuse, it Is said, and vi
visection of dogs in a most repulsive
form is practiced.
The purpose of the laboratory is to
secure data that will be of valuo to
humanity, and particularly thp scien
tific importance of food and tho lack
of it.
Tuft's story, In pa,rt, is as follows:
"A largo part of the time Professor
Levanzln remained in the calorimeter
room. This room 13 a perfoctly air
tight chamber. Ho was laid down on
a cpuch. His mouth was sealed. Into
hlB nostrils were Inserted rubber tubes
connecting with a series of Jars and a
motor, completing tho circuit. These
Many Former Midshipmen of U. S.
School Remember Unhappy Hours
Upon It.
Annapolis, Md. The old sailing
frigate Santeo is reported to bo past
Bavlng, badly aleak and Bunk in the
mud horo. If it is found that she
must be broken up where sho lies,
there will hardly be another vigorous
protest like that by Oliver Wendell
Holmes, which saved the Constitution.
Tho conditions aro in no way alike,
and yet It Is probable that on no other
ship havo so largo a proportion ot
tho officers of the navy served as on
tho old Santee, which was long In
commlSBlon as a disciplinary adjunct
to the naval academy, as well as for
practico In sailormanshlp and smooth
bore gunnery.
Sho belonged to tho Civil war period
and is said to havo been a beautiful
ship of her type, nor motlvo power
being wind and sails. But her long
record as a placo for discipline of the
middles who failed in strict observ
ance of tho countless regulations nt
Annapolis was not of a- kind to appear
strongly to tho affectionate remem
brance of tho graduates of the acad
emy or to arouflo tho onthuslasm of
tbo civilian.
Tho Santeo will pass with brief
newspaper notices only, and with it
tho English languagos, bb spokon at
Annapolis, Will probably lose a word.
Tho Santoes will bo remembered as
one of the Confederate trlbos of tho
Sioux, and there will continue to bo
discipline at tho naval acadomy, but
presumably no untidy, careless or re
" fractory "middy" will over again be
"santcei1 "
Jars were filled with chemicals, which
removed from the air ho had
breathed tho carbon dioxide and mois
ture. Then oxygen -was lot Into it.
The weight of tho carbon dloxido and
moisture was ascertained and care
fully recorded. And tho amount of
oxygen consumed by tho subject was
also, measured."
When a Few Hours Old It Phophe
cles End of World In Novem
ber, Then Dies.
Thomasvlllo, Ga. According to re
ports rocclvcd here tho negroes
around Pelham, over It Mitchell coun
ty, aro much stirred up over an Infant
phenomenon which, It is said, spoke
when only a few hours old, and
among other things predicted tho end
of tho world. i
Several negroes hero havo received
letters from friends in Pelham telling
of this child, which, they afllrm, turn
ed and spoko to its mother when it
had ben born only eight hours. Tho
child, so tho story goes, told Its moth
er that it would die in two hours and
sho would dlo In four hours nnd tho
world would como to an end in nix
months. Mother and child are both
said to havo departed this life on
schedule time, and now tho colored
population havo no doubt whatever
that tho remainder of tho prophecy
will bo fulfilled.
Another portion of tho prophecy
which tho ,child Is nlleged to havo ut
tered nnd which showed that it pos
sessed a voico of wisdom wns that it
would rain "off and on" until the end
of tho world. As tho showers In this
section havo undoubtedly been of that
character of late and are liable to
continue so, thoro is no difficulty In
rectifying tho truth of the utterance,
which is of course held up as a con
firmation of the whole matter.
Kisses Go Astray
Husband Receives Letter Intend
ed for His Wife.
Charles G. Bostwick Intercepts Con
signment of Superheated Oscula
tion From Ardent Admirer of
His Spouse.
Kansas City, Mo. Forty-seven su
perheated kisses sent by mall by Wal
ter J. Klncaid to Mrs. Mary E. Bost
wick in 1898 and received by Charles
G. Bostwick, husband of tho consignee,
are still burning In Bostwick's mem
ory. Bostwick tells of the mall order os
culation in his answer and cross-petition
filed in tho circuit court recent
ly against the divorce petition of Mrs.
Bostwick. Prior to receiving tho let
ter in Wilmington, Ind., Bostwick sur
prised Mrs. Bostwick and Klncaid in
her room, sitting unnecessarily close
to each other. When ho arrived, he
said, Klncaid departed. That was in
Seymour, Ind.
Going to tho post office In Wilming
ton a few days later, he says, ho found
a letter for Mrs. Bostwick and opened
It. Tho forty-sovon crosses marked
at tho end of an epistle beginning
"My Dearest" might havo been meant
to designate cars, bushels, tons or
only individual kisses, according to
tho mood of tho writer, but, at host,
Bostwick was peeved. Also tho lat
ter referred to somo pictures and
Bostwick mado a tour of inspection
through his wlfo'a trunk, whero ho dis
covered a number of pictures of Kln
Causes Much Trouble for Cincinnati
Bachelor Doctor, Grocers and
Many Others.
Cincinnati. Mysterious telephone
messages which have caused annoy
ance and ludicrous predlcamentB to
Dr. Thomas Dickens, other doctors
and various grocers in this city were
cleared up In probate court recently,
when Miss Bertha Helda, thirty-three,
a cook, was committed to Longviow
Hospital for tho Insane.
Four years ago Doctor Dickson was
an interne at tho Jowlsh hospital and
operated on Miss Heida. Ho said a
mouth after that sho began telephon
ing him and continued her mania for
thp phono up to this time. Ho tcstl
Md that Miss Hcida would call up
grocery stores nnd other concerns, im
personating tho doctor, nnd order
large quantities of groceries, cooking
utensils nnd other goods, for which he,
a bachelor, had no use.
At one time a delivery man depos
ited a washing machine at his oillco
door. Then followed a case or seltzer
water and largo orders of household
goods. The' climax came when a manu
facturer of monuments called at his
ofilco and insisted on measuring tho
persecuted one for a monument block.
President G. L. Cain of National
League Seeks Merit Pledge From
Two Big Parties.
Washington. Plans for an organi
zation of government employes to em
brace all arms of tho government serv
Ico in all parts of tho country aro be
ing formulated by George L. Cain of
Lynn, Mass., president of the Na
tional Leaguo of Government Em
ployes. Mr, Cain is in this city nr.
ranging to havo a delegation appeal
to tho Republican and Democratic na
tional conventions to incorporate it)
their platforms pledges as to tho fu
turo administration of tho civil service.
caid and Mrs. Bostwick in numerous
Bostwick declares that when ho
complained to his wife about it she
hit him over tho head with a skillet
and left him. Aftor a reconciliation
ho complained because sho stayed out
at night and slept lato In the morning,
and again they separated.
Bostwick is district manager of tho
Fodernl Casualty company and lives
at 2G20 East Eighth atroct Tho
wife's petition charges drunkenness.
It Is hor second attempt to dlvorco
Large Increase of Executions in Ken
tucky Since the Introduction of
the Electric Device.
Frankfort, Ky. Substitution of tho
death chair for tho gallows in Ken
tucky has been followed by nn in
creased perccntago of convictions In
flist degree murder casos, according
to stato officials. Thero aro now 13
prisoners In the Eddyvlllo peniten
tiary nwaiting execution, tho largest
number ever assembled thero at ono
Under tho old system of hanging
prisoners tho sheriff of tho county in
which conviction was secured was
compelled to executo tho prisoners.
Thoy disliked this duty and somo of
them used their influence to promote
public sentlmont ngnlnst tho death
penalty. Nearly always tho sheriff's
indorsement was found on nn applica
tion for commutation of sentence
Her Highness Would Gladly Surren
der Title, Wealth and Attentions
to Again Live the Simple
Llfo In England.
Chrlatlansand Norway. Incomo
$200,000 n year. Everybody says
"Your majesty." Power to do as sho
pleases. A husband who Is dovotod to
her". A son who is growing up full of
lifo and spirits, yet a model of what
a Bon and n futuro monarch ought to
bo. Subjects universally ndorlng her.
And, withal, Queen Maud of Norway
Isn't Batlsllod. Sho is content with
or husband, Norway's King Haakon
VII., nnd alio Is rejoiced over hor son,
tho Crown Prlnco Olnf.
But sho doesn't care for tho $200,000
a year Norway grants to monarchs;
sho'd rather havo tho $40,000 buo used
to skimp along on and bo poor. Sho
ia tired of being her mnjesty, and
would infinitely prefer being a prln
cess, poor nt that, says a writer. Sho
would welcome her carllor llfo, whon
sho was picked on by a mother-in-law
and whero can woman find n moro
malign fato? Sho Is willing enough
thnt tho Norgcginn people Bhnll adoro
hor; but sho would delight In exchang
ing hor coach of Btato for tho top of n
London omnibus, with Norway forget
ting all about her.
So there, enthroned by a wholo na
tion's dollborato choico, victorious
over all misfortuno nfter ycarB of
harsh subjoction, is a queon who ro
sembles no other queen alive, and a
woman who is homesick for tho very
things which millions of other -women
aro breaking their necks and their
husbands backs to get away from.
Sho has had hor grandeurs now for
half a dozen years, and tho longer
they havo been thrust upon hor tho
sicker sho grows ot them.
"I Bometimca get tired of being
royal, especially when I am looked at
and wondered over llko ono of tho
Tussaud waxworks. I often think how
glorious it must bo to bo ablo to Jump
on tho top of a bus nnd havo a day
out. I think I shnll Bomo day."
That was what sho said soon after
aho was crownel as Norway's chosen
queen. Sho thinks It moro emphatical
ly now; sho is chronically tired of be
ing wondered at, and chronically hun
gry to Jump on top of a bus nnd havo
a day out. Sho said so only tho other
day in other words.
If sho could only abandon her solemn
throne; only go to her old homo in
England and live thero in pcaco and
quiet, rearing her boy, now some nlno
years old, to bo a simple gentleman;
Street In Quaint Old Chrlotlanla.
If sho could only enjoy hor outdoor
lifo as sho used to, without any ono
noticing hor nnd with her husband at
her sldo, to bo called Carl instead ol
Sho calls bim that anyway; but sb
wants to hear evorybody clso speak
of him by tho familiar name, and she
longs to boar hersolf called Harry by
tho voices of hor own family, as she
used to bo whon her father, King Ed
ward, was alivo and was skimping out
a few thousand pounds a year from
his royal Incomo to keep her from bo
Ing too hard up over in Denmark.
Sho is difforont from bcr mother
Queon Alexnndra, who has been mov
ing heaven and earth to retain some
vestiges of tbo royal authority sho
wielded beforo Queon Mary so morel
lessly relocated her to dowagershlp
and obscurity. 8ho Is different from
Queen Amelia of Portugal, who braved
assassination to bold her tottering
tbrono for tho sako of Manuel, tho one
fiontho assassin left to her; different
from Italy's queen, who nssumed a
throno in tho faco of royal contempt
nnd popular dissatisfaction, and fought
her battlo for respect nnd obedience
through years of suspicion and unkind
criticism; different from almost all
other queens, who havo lived and, hav
ing onco reigned, havo abandoned tha
royal promlnenco and prerogatives
only at tho bayonet point and cvon
then If wo recollect, Mario Antoinette
remained resolved to wait for tho guillotine.
MM '
Its superiority is unquestioned
Its fame world-wide
Its -use a protection and a
' guarantee against alum food
Alum baking powders arc classed by physicians detri
mental to health.
Many consumers use alum baking powders unaware.
They are allured to the danger by the cry of cheapness,
by fake tests and exhibitions and false and flippant adver
tisements in the newspapers. Alum baking powders do
not make a "pure, wholesome and delicious food" any
more than two and two make ten.
If you wish to avoid a danger to your food,
and decline to buy or use any baking powder that ia not
plainly designated as a cream of tartar powder
The Only Way.
An older whllo baptizing converts at
a rovival mooting advanced with a
wiry, sharp-eyed old chap into tho
water. Ho asked tho usual question,
wb.atb.or thoro was any renson why
tho ordinance of baptism should not
bo administered. After n pauso a tall,
powerful-looking man who was looking
quietly on remarked:
"Elder, I don't want to interforo In
yor -business, but I want to say that
this 1b an old sinner you havo got hold
of, and thnt ono clip won't do him any
good; you'll havo' to anchor him out in
deop water over night." Llfo.
A very Buccossful remedy for polvlo
-catarrh Is hot douches of Paxtlno An
tiseptic, at druggists, 25c a box or sont
postpaid on recolpt of prico by Tho
Paxton Toilet, Co., Boston, Mass.
Slightly Puzzled.
"Say, pa?"
"What Is it?"
"Which union doos a Jack of all
trades belong to?"
Cole's Cnrliollsnlvo
Ilelleres and euros Itching, torturing dis
ease of the slcln and mucous membrane.
A superior Tils Cure, 25 and 50 ceuts, by
druggist. For free, sample write to J, W.
Cole A Co., Ulaclc Hirer Vails, Wis.
Somo pcoplo away up in tbo social
scale aro really too light to bring tho
scalo down. K-
Red Cross liall Blue trill wash double as
many clothes as any other blue. Don't put
your money Into any other.
We all like to see a man who Is up
and doing, providing ho isn't doing us.
A vanished thirst a cool
sure waythe only way is
Ideally dellcJ us pure as purity crisp and sparkling as frost.
Fl-fO 0df ncw booMcti telling of Coo-CoU
'rladksilonslCbutiooogStforiliesiklof. Wtrnwrer
H-J Dcnund the Genuine umiJebr ro0,t!i2
THE COCA-COLA CO., Atlanta, ca. Cf cio
What Sho Wanta.
"I want you to build mo a fashion
ablo homo."
"Havo you any spocia ideas as to
tho stylo of houso you want?" asked,
tho architect.
"Not exactly. I want ono of thoacv
modem places. You know tho kind 1
moan ono with a living room too big
to keep warm, and a kitchen too small
to cook in." Dotrolt Froo Press.
A Hint
Knlckor Did you explain baseball
to your girl?
Dockor Yes; oho Bald sho under
stood all about diamonds.
Mnny a llttlo dog has to bark loudly
to keop up bio courage; and wo won
der it our too Bolf-asoortlvo friends
aren't somotlmos doing th6 sains
Mm. Wrnslow'a Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens the sums, reduces Inflamma
tion, allays paln.ourss wind colic, 85c a bottle.
Whon a man boasts about what a
misorable sinner ho used to bo, the
dovil laughs In his alcove.
Red Cross Bull Blue, nil blue, best bluing
value In the whole world, makes the luun
dress smile.
If every Ho in tho world wore
nailed thoro wouldn't bo enough nails
left to build houses with.
The old friend Is better than the new.
Garfield Tea Is not only old but tried and
found true. Made of puro wliolosomo Herbs.
No amount of culture will mako a
man stop snoring in his sloop.
fe RoadTto Conifort
body and a refreshed one; the
via a glass or bottle of