The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 14, 1912, Image 1

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    -ii Hlfltorloal BuoUt?
No. 40
v Alt
nrrmm- J..lL"rerf .
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stuart will leave
early next week for Aurora, III., to
spend several weeks with relatives.
Mrs. Home and daughter Irma will
leave Sunday evening for Long Beach,
Cal., to spend the summer months.
Mrs. Henry Gilfoil and daughter
Violet leave Sunday for Long Beach,
Calif., to visit the Doolittle family.
Mr. an i Mrs. Arthur McNamara, who
has been making a tour of the world,
are expected to reach North Platte next
Mrs. A. H. McMullen will entertain
the Coterie ladies at cards at her home
on west 9th street on Tuesday after
noon. Mr3. George KanofT, of Grand Island,
is visiting ner mother Mrs. Rosa
Nichols, naving arrived Wednesday
The engine, fixtures and shafting of
the alfalfa meal mill at Hershey was
sold at sheriff's sale yesterday to M.
F. Dial for $303.00.
Weather Forecast: Fair tonight and
Saturday, warmer tonight. Highest
temperature yesterday 87; a year ago
91. Lowest temperate last night 55; a
year ago 59.
For Rent 5 room cottage, west 6th
and Lincoln Avenue. Phone black 229.
A temperance lecture will be given
at the tent at the corner of Locust and
First streets next Monday evening. The
subject will be "The Finished Product
of the Saloon."
Miss Mary Tighe assisted by Misses
Ella Sheedy, Bessie Smith and Alma
Tillion will entertain the Catholic Girls'
club at a prcnuptial shower Monday
evening for Miss Mae McWilliams.
A special containing C. W. Gates and
party passed west yesterday morning.
Engineer Schwaiger covered the 137
from Grand Island in 145 minutes
and Engineer Morns averaged a mile a
minute between here and Julesburg.
The Gates party were enrouto to Colo
rado Springs.
North Platte, June 14, 1912.
Dear Friend:
You asked me to let you know where
I purchased that lovely wedding gift. I
always trade at Clinton's, 511 Dewey
street. They guarantee their goods
and their prices are right.
Yours, etc.,
P. APA PaybiLl.
The Best Ever.
Grand Island, Neb., June 14, 1912.
Manager Stamp, Keith Theatre, North
Platte, Neb.
I consider "The Flirting Princess"
best musical show ever here.
Henry Bartenback,
Manager Opera House.
W. R. Maloney who attended the
Undertakers Convention at Omaha this
week returned today.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ottman came
in frbm the east last evening and are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schatz.
The former was a resident of this city
six years ago.
W. S. Trites, who conducted the
Daily Telegraph automobile contest,
stopped over in town last evening while
enrouto to Ft. Collins where he will
manage a similar contest.
The J. D. Club held a very enjoyable
meeting at the Westenfeld home last
evening where they were the guests of
Miss Tillie Huxoll. Elaborate re
freshments were served at the close.
While working with his father's gang
of carpenters at one of the ice houses
yesterday, Eber Murphy was struck in
the left eye by a flying spike, which
lacerated the ball. It is believed, how
ever, that the sight will not be lost.
Miss Elizabeth Weinberger entertain
ed the joung ladies kensington club at
a prenuptial shower Wednesday even
ing for Miss Mae McWilliams. The
shower vas a generous one and con
tained many useful articles. A nice
lunch closed a pleasant evening.
The Gates special, which went
through yesterday morning, covered the
586 miles between Omaha and Denver
in 664 minutes. Taking out the de
layed time at terminals, slow downs
through towns and for other causes, the
speed attained at times reached seventy
miles an hour.
Sunday, June 16th, will be Children's
Day at the Methodist church. The
Sunday school has prepared a program
to be given at 10:30 in the morning and
this service will take the place of Sun
day school and preaching. The annual
collection for education will be taken
at this time. Parents and friends are
invited. Enworth League at 7 p. m.,
public worship at 8 p. m.
New stocks of groceries or dry goods
to exchange for renl property. Write
for full particulars. U.S. Investment
Co., 339 New York Life Bldg., Kansas
City, Mo. ' 40-4
Will be Here Tomorrow.
Owing to estrayed sample trunks M.
E. Berkenfield, representing the
Opognauer company, failed to arrive
Wednesday, but he will be nt The
Leader tomorrow with a fall line of
dresses in cloths, velvets and chiffons.
This will be a great opportunity for
ladies to make selections of fall suits
and dresses. Call and look over the line.
Will Visit North Platte.
A large number of representatives
of the South Omaha stock exchange
I will visit North Platte June 23d. These
stock buyers will attend the stock
f rowers' association meetingat Alliance
uno 20, 21st and 22d, and will make
a trip down the North Platte valley,
arriving here on the afternoon of Juno
23rd and remain with us until the mid
night train.
Securing Attractions.
The Fourth of July committee met
last evening and considered a number
proffered attractions for the Fourth of
July which had been received by mall.
It is the intention of tho committee
to put on a number of features that
have not heretofore been a part of a
The committee will meet again in a
day or two and definitely decide upon
the attractions to be secured.
Flag Day Exercises.
Today is Flag Day and appropriate
exercises will be held at 2:30 p. m. at
tho high school auditorium under the
auspices of the W. R. C, G. A. R.,
Elks and K. of C, to which everybody
is invited. The program will be:
Song Battle Hymn of the Republic
Patriotic Scripture Reading Rev. Porter
Flatr Day Sljrnificance Mayor Patterson
Presentation of Fair to Hlsh School by Elks.
John E, Evans
Song Elk Quartette
Oration The March of tho Flag. . . .Roy M. Ames
Reading Old Glory Helen Bird
Oration Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Helen Johnson
Flag Exercises
Flag Bearer Robert Hoagland
Flag History Clara Sorenson
Hats Off-Tho Flag Is Passing By
Zclla Dorram
Your Flag and My Flag Eva Hoagland
Song The Star Spangled Banner
Address Loyalty to the Flag Jas. Kcefe
Representing Knights of Columbus
Song America
$50.00 Reward.
I will pay fifty dollars for information
that will secure conviction of the party
who stole a small pig from my farm
nearO'Fallon,s about two weeks ago?
V. W. BlRGE. .
"1 J V
& lUWl
u My
my t W
v& ' $ f ii if
"Fashion Form"
HFNinFR'SONl" The Henderson Fashion Form Corset
f In n to
i "in"
fashion Form;
Fashion Formj
" Corsets
Proper Corsetin
The election of your corset demands care and atten
tion. You must be properly corseted if you want to look
stylish and be comfortable and healthy.
There is no uncertainty how you will look, or how
comfortable you will be. if you wear a Henderson Corset.
These Corsets are individually designed in all the
required style for all proportions of women.
You can shape your figure easily and hygienically to
slender fashionable lines.
Henderson Corsets gives the rounded, natural bust
effects; the extra length below waist line including soft
skirt extension over hips and abdomen.
Proportions the figure to a youthful, stylish contour.
See our Henderson models and note our very moderate
E. T. Tramps Dry Goods Dept.
am. hum 5
. &&
Were You at the After Supper Sale Last
Saturday Night?
No well, we're sorry; you missed some good things, but there's another
budget of great bargains for After Supper Sale No. 8, due to begin at seven '
o'clock Saturday night, and not a single one of them can be boqght before. Our
bargain hunter has been busy this week and he tells us he has got hold of some
of the very choicest values that were ever picked up for After Supper selling, and
when we saw the goods and prices we agreed with him. Nothing can go on sale
at the After Supper event unless it is of exceptional value in every respect.
Bargain buyers will be on hand early as usual,
Ladies' White Dresses, assorted styles i nr
values up to $9, After Supper Price54.l
Ladies' Waists, fine quality embroid
eries, thebestof workmanship, values
up to $3.00, After Supper c rjr
Price $l.y
Children's Hose Supporters, made from
silk elastic, in light colors, After
Men's Fine Shirts in Rood styles taken
from our regular $1 line After Supperyn
price I VC
Men's Fine Shirts, extra grade cloth,
selected from our regular $1.50rf n
line, After Supper Price p I . I 7
Men's Walk Over Shoes, tan russia
radium calf leather, on one of them - n
late lasts, After Supper price pJ.U
Men's Walk Over Shoes, radium
calf gun metal leather, button-) rv
styles, After Supper Price 'O.OV
Ladies' Oxfords, tan nnd patent
leather, sizes run smnll, from 3 to 5
on rather narrow last, all $3 nndnj in
$3.50 grades After Supper Price. . .$ L)
Wilcox Department Store.
Our Cut Glass and Silverware Cases are bristling
with new and attractive articles that make use
ful and desirable gifts. Our new line of clocks is
worthy of your attention. We invite your
DIXON, The Jeweler.
Prescription Druggists
Klrst -Door North of
Vint National Dank
KH'K'f B w l tt B "B rMftl "B B B B K B wt B B B E B B 1 B K B K K W B '
Local and Personal.
Sherwood Woodhurst has accepted a
position with the Electric Light Co.
Mesdames Marcott, Trotter nnd Ejavis,
of Brady, visited friends in town Wed
nesday. Mrs. John McGownnleft at noon yes
terday for Kearney to spend a week
with her sister.
Miss Mamie Walters has been elected
to teach the fifth and sixth grades in
the Sutherland schools.
Mrs. Florin Muchlinski nnd baby are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickerson
in Hershey this week.
Mrs. P. H. Lonergan and son J. D.
left the first of the week for Callaway
to visit relatives and friends.
Mrs. George Hower, of Sidney, nr
rived here yesterday to visit with her
mother Mrs. William Morris.
Harley Greeson will return today
from the State University to spend his
vacation at the parental home.
William Stack, Jr., returned last
eAening from Lincoln, where he spent
several days with relatives.
Lee Cowmnn, age 21, and Cora Dis
tarow, age 10, of this city, were granted
liconse to wed Tuesday by Judge Grant.
H. Hupfer went to Grand Island yes
terday to bring up his engine which has
tieen undergoing repairs in the shops
Ratine, the newest dress materials on
the markot. shown in all the best colors
at 25 cents per yard. E. T. TllAMP.
Mrs. William Tanner arrived today
from Lexington to visit her parents
ftlr. nnu mrs. rranK ueumonu anu at
tend the Flirting Princess.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Town, of Dos
Moines, who are enrouto woat on their
honeymoon trip, visited tho former's
uncle Alex Fenwick and wife yesterday.
The Pat Theatre management have
began a ticket selling contest for one
month, the first prize of which will be
fifty dollars toward a trip to tno moun
tains. Ice.
Pure distilled water ice can now bo
secured. Wo are prepared to make daily
delivery to all parts of tho city.
Distilled water ice is manufactured
under the most sanitary conditions and
absolutely pure and clean. This pure ice
costs no more than other kinds, last
Jonger In tho refrigerator and is more
satisfactory every way. Phono us your
order. Price 50 cents a 100 pounds.
E. T. Keuher Ice Company.
Thomas Baggett
morning for Hershey.
left yesterday
Arthur Barraclough began work for
the Electric Light Company Inst Mon
day, Cloyd McKinloy, of Lexington,
visited his sister Miss Alfa McKinloy
and uncle Mac Westfall Tuesday.
Miss Flossie Abercombio, of Brndy,
has been chosen to teach the inter
mediate grade at O'Fallons.
Heushel Jones, of Gothenburor. nnd
Ella Chuver, of Cozad, were united in
marriage Wednesday afternoon by
Judge Grant.
We cordially invite you to visit our
corset department and exnmine tho
various Henderson models.
E. T. Tkami'.
The Twentieth Century club will hold
a kensington at the home of Mrs.
Lester alker on Tuesday afternoon.
All members are requested to attend
and bring a friend.
M. K. Neville left last evening for
Chicago to sponll n fw days after
which ho will nttend the Grand Ameri
can Hnndicnp shoot at Springfield.
From thore he will go to Charlostown,
W. Va.t where his family is visiting
and expects to be absent a month.
For Rent Five room cottage on
east, 6th St. Inquiro 200 west 4th.
A successful ice cream social was
held at the home of Mrs. N. McCabe
yesterday for the Altar society fund of
St. Patrick's church. Assisting in
serving wero Mcsdurnes Frank Dorran,
John Murray, James Fitzpatrick, Jos.
Fillion nnd C. K. Martini.
North Platte, June 14, 1012.
wear iTienu:
As per my promise to you, I looked
up the address you wanted. My ring
was bought at Clinton's Jewelry Store,
511 Dewey street, and am sure you will
bo pleased if you trade thore.
Very truly,
A Junk BniDE.
The Indinn Card club was the guests
of Mrs. Charies Herrod Wednesday
afternoon. The highest score was
made by Miss Hanna Kelihcr and she
wus nwarded tho silver fork. Mrs. E.
F. Seeberger received the consolation
emblem. A two course lunch was
served after the card games. Assist
ing Mrs. Herrod were Mesdames E. J.
Vnnderhoof, Albert Schatz and Joseph
Getting Ready for Chautauqua.
The board of directors of the North
Platte Chautauqua held a meeting
Tuesday evening and nppointed com
mittees to look nfter the different
phases of tho work. Ample tent accom
modations nnd GOO chairs have been
ordered, arrangements are being made
for the issuance of tho Chautauqua
Herald, tho advertising sheet, and tho
talent which has been secured is except
ionally fine. Tickot prices are: Adult
senson?2.50. child's spason $1.25, season
lamnj; ticket $a.uu, adult single admis
sion 2d cents, child's single admission
15 cents.
Monday nnd Tuosday June 1G and 17th,
I offer your unrestricted choice of any
woman's trimmed lint' in my depart
ment formerly sold $8, $10, $12, and
$15. Clcaranco sale price $-1.98.
Wilcox Dept. Store.
Mrs. Charles Perkins returned this
week from a visit with friends nt
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ncale Turpio hnvo re
turned from a visit with tho latter'B
parents in Meringo, la. r. v, '.
ThoJ. S.Davis Auto Co. has'Tusfc
sold a model 35 Buick touring car fully
equipped to Wm. A. Sowlo, .whov lives
south of this city.
While cranking an automobile Wed
nesday evening John Oestrich of the
uorryberrynnd Forbes Company broke
one of tho bones in his right wrist.
' Airdome.
To - Night
and Sa
Automatic' Moving Company
Showing in motion pictures the
exit of the furniture from tho
house. Interesting and funny.
The Reformation o Kid
How He Papered the Room
Introducing Marshall P. Wilder,
tho famous entertainer and" fun
Houtei and rooms, storage
and sate deposit boxes.
Bratt & Goodman.
Italian Trovatore Trio,
Comedy Singing Artists.
10c. and 15c.