The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 04, 1912, Image 7

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Fashion Innovation Is Here
I in the Directoire Parasol
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y ;-n WJ T&f
'-J Irl- k" mMi --WAX -
riioto. Conirlcht. by Underwood & Underwood.
t The handlo of the parasol suggests the canes carried by the men. The
style evidently was originated to carry out this Idea. Fundamentally,
though, It Is of the Directolro period. The parasol Is of white silk with
a broad black velvet band and silk fringe. "When folded up, it can bo car-.
ried liko a cane.
Dainty Dress
Grey voile with a silk stripe made
up over satin forms this dainty dress.
It has the skirt just eased into the
waist-band and faced up at the foot
by a piece of the material, which is
piped at tho top with cerise satin.
Tho bodico also has a lace yoko
piped and trimmed on the shoulders
with buttons nnd loops, these also
trim the over-sleeves, while the under
ones are of the lace. , Black satin rib
bon encircles tho waist, bows and
ends are arranged at tho left sldo of
Materials required: 3 yards voilo
40 Inches wide, 3 yards satin 40
Inches wide, yard cerise satin on
the cross, yard lace 18 inches wide,
2 yards satin ribbon.
For the Young Girl's Eye.
I Thero Is nothing more beautiful
than simplicity of character. It is
honest, frank and attractive. How
different is affection! The simple
minded are always natural; they are
at the samo time original. The af
fected are never natural. As for orig
inality, if they over had it, they have
crushed It out and burled it from sight
utterly. Be yourself. To attempt to
be anybody else Is worse than folly.
It Is Impossible to attain it. A genu
ine cent 1b worth more than a counter
felt dollar, and the smalleBt person
.who is real, 1b worth more than the
biggest fraud in existence. Let tho
fabric of your character, though eyer
co humble, be at least real.
N. Y.
Most Elaborate and Expensive Is
That In Uee In Parisian
Table linen in Paris today Is of the
most elaborate and expensive descrip
tion. Teacloths nre made almost en
tirely of lace composed of squares
with Insertions of finest embroidery,
and serviettes and napkins must also
match tho cloth. Another expenslvo
habit is to have all tho crystals In
colored Bohemian cut glass to match
the hue of the hostess' afternoon
At a recent reception given by a
society leader harmony of color wa3
very successtully carried out. Plates,
glasses and decanters were of pink
cut crystal, while tho lady of the house
wore a tcagown of rosecolored nious
selino de sole. Tho color scheme was
also preserved in tho flowers on the
table, and long-stemmed pink roses
were everywhere about tho room.
A wealthy host tho other day, ac
cording to the Crl de Paris, prepared
a surprise for his guests by an elab
orate "sea fantasy" built up as a ta
ble center, with Bhrimps and tiny eels
swimming about in tho miniature
Modistes Have Achieved Really Ex
quisite Effects With the
Materials This Season.
The subtlety of tho color harmonies
of fabrics, combined with multi-colored
embroideries of tho evening
gowns, are quite sensatioual this sea
son. Take, for Instance, two shades
of soft gray chiffon marquisette. It
Is wonderful what effect can bo creat
ed by tho graceful draping. Then an
emerald green tulle over Jeweled em
broidered satin, which was shown at
a recent exhibition, had a suggestion
of Titnnla's gossamer draperies. An
other gown suggestive of mystery and
the East was in snpphiro-bluo nlnon,
opening over a sldo panel of embroid
ered Parma violet silk.
A regal white satin and diamond
evening gown, with narrow laco
trimmed train, which had a black note
in the velvet how at tho waist and tall
feather headdress, was very striking.
Novel and Useful Clock.
Among curious clock novelties is tho
shadow boudoir clock. With It thero
is no need of getting up to strike a
light or turn on tho bulb, All that Is
necessary Is to touch a button and tho
time is flashed on tho wall, after tho
same fashion that signs are flashed on
the sidewalk. When the owner of the
clock goes to bed ho turns a night dial
to the coiling and when he presses a
bulb tho electric light reflects from
the dial through the lens and appears,
giving tho correct time in shadow on
tho celling.
Motorists' Lunch Box.
A toy trunk makes an Inexpensive
and practical lunch box for motorists.
It will hold enough for several meals,
and tho tray can bo used for napkins
and small silver.
Opposition to Frats
WASHINGTON. Twenty-flvo states
nro represented in a crusade
which tho lawmakers and school au
thorities of tho country are waging
against the high school fraternities,
according to tho United States bureau
of education. Of these, 13 states hnvo
passed legislative enactments hostilo
to tho secret orders, while the school
boardB of important cities in the other
12 states have adopted like measures
within their own jurisdiction.
All states having laws on the sub
ject provido n penalty of suspension
or expulsion from school for nil thoso
who join theso orders. Tho most
drastio laws were passed by Iowa,
Minnesota and Nebraska, whoso legis
latures mado It a misdemeanor for
any one even to solicit members to
theso organizations: Michigan and
Ohio mado It a misdemeanor for a
school officer to fall or refuse to carry
out tho anti-high school fraternity law.
Other stutes which prohibit these or
ders are California, Indiana, Kansas,
Mississippi, Oregon and Vermont.
Massachusetts empowers the Boston
school committee to deal with the se
cret society problem in Its bwn way,
while Washington glvetf the samo lat
jsecH ro (s&rff IawayXS&
( CARS FOH ftV&Zl (&VfiS
Intruder in Girl's
AWAKENED by a cold hand on her
bare ankle, Mildred Bromwell,
eleven years old, turned over In bed
the other morning shortly after three
o'clock and whispered to her sister
Louise, fifteen years old:
"There's como ono in tho room,
Louise, for I can feel their hand on
my ankle."
"Be quiet," cautioned Louise, in a
low tone. "I can smell whisky,"
Louise raised herself to a Bitting
posture, and by a dim light which
camo through the window from a
lamp in tho alley in the rear of tho
house saw the face of a negro look
ing directly into her eyes. So close
was tho dark face that tho girl could
smell tho odor of alcohol in his breath.
Louise saw the man was sitting in
a chair beside tho bed, and
while she gazed at htm, fascinated
with fright, he left the chnlr, got
down on the floor on his hands nnd
knees and started crawling from tho
room. Before he reached tho door
Louiso aroused the household with
screams, aided by Mildred.
Their father, James E. Brownwell,
was awakened. As ho left hlB bed ho
grabbed two revolvers nnd started to
the aid of his daughters, who were In
the rear room on the second floor of
T is announced by the Unltejl States
bureau of education that to ac
quaint the hurried traveler with tho
glories, culture and progress of Spain,
tho Spanish government has establish
ed a holiday lecture and travel courEO
for-tho especial benefit of foreigners.
Tho course is separated Into two di
visions. The first part, which Is under
the management of Prof. Ramon Me
nendez Fldal, will afford tho foreigner
an opportunity to acquaint himself
with tho fundamental ideas of tho
Bpnnlsh culture. Tho second part of
tho course consists of excursions to
public, historical, architectural and art
monuments, under tho conduct of
scholars whoso demonstrations, ac
cording to Senor Don Juan Rlano y
Qayangos, tho Spanish minister "can
not but bo incomparably superior to
thoso offered by profes!onal guides."
Tho cqurso will bo held In Madrid as
Chinese Sending Many Fake Antiques
RICH Americans nro being fooled on
Chincso antiques, according to
tips sent to -Washington by United
States consuls at Hongkong and other
Far East ports. Since the revolution
began thero has been a craze In Amer
ica and Europe for souvenirs, and tho
fad has been fed on tho stories that
royal and other Chinese palaces were
being looted.
Tho chjef Imitations aro in porce
lains and brass, ancient Chinese nnd
Japanese armor and weapons, old
Corean carved chests and old carved
furniture. Seven lnrgo new shops
dealing exclusively in fnkes havo been
opened in the last year in tho prin
cipal shopping thoroughfaro of Hong
kong, Thero are now regular auction
sales of bogus porcelains. Similar im
itations of ancient brasses and
bronzes, ivories, lacquers nnd other
art objects irro Bold. Tho tourists
aro cheated even when they go to buy
modern oriental art goods. Tbo
in High Schools
itude to tbo school boards of Its lnrgor
Tho moro important cities whoso
school boards have passed regula
tions restricting or forbidding high
Bchool fratomfllcs, aro Denver, Mori
den,, Covington, No Or
leans, Lci.-oll, Waltham, Worcester,
Kansas City, Mo.; St. Josoph, Butte,
Okhlahomn City, Reading, Snlt Lako
City, MadlBon, Mllwnukeo, Ilaclno nnd
Superior. Tho commonest penalties
nro suspension, expulsion, or debar
ment from school athletic or other
Tho United States bureau of educa
tion's report also cites somo of tho
moro Important court decisions, every
ono of which upholds tho school au
thorities In denllng rigorously with
tho high school fraternity, on tho
ground that tho measures so taken
are authorized as a part of tho school
board's discretionary powers. Most
courts cited, however, will not nllow
tho offending pupllB to bo bnrred from
classroom exercises, although they can
bo barred from participating In nil
athletic or other contests.
"Tho high school society will very
likely never win such a placo In tho
American educational system as that
now occupied by tho college fraterni
ty," said William B. Hood of tho edu
cation bureau's division of school ad
ministration. "Thoro Is no such need
for a high school fraternity; Indeed,'
among Its most Insistent opponents
are many collego fraternity men."
Room Is Routed
their homo at 1622 Fifteenth street,
Tho negro ran downstairs, with
Bromwell, clad only In pajamas, snap
ping his revolvers as ho pursued.
Bromwell had center-flro cartridges In
his rim-flro revolvers, and no explo
sion followed tho snapping of the
hammers. Tho negro opened the front
door, ran down a flight of Iron steps
nnd started across the lawn. Again
Bromwell pulled tho trigger and this
time thero was nn explosion.
When tho report rang out tho fu
gitive jumped high In th air as
though ho had been struck nnd de
veloped xemarkablo speed. Tho
neighborhood was aroused, windows
flow open, nnd shouts filled tho air.
Tho Intruder fled around a corner Into
Corcoran street, and after running
half a block, with Bromwell, barefoot,
In hot pursuit, tho negro disappeared
In an alley.
Tourist Courses
a headquarters from Juno 15 to July
24. Thoso who enroll nro expected to
hnvo somo knowledge of Spanish,
Tho lectures will give especial otr
tentlon to tho Spnnlsh epic, to tho
lyric as developed in various prov
inces, to the picaresquo and regional
novel and to Cervnntes. Other lec
tures will dea"l with tho relations of
the Spanish language to the French
and Italian; with Iberian, Moznrablc
and "Mudejnr" art and with tho po
litical and social llfo of Spain in tho
nineteenth century. Thero will also
bo two Illustrated lectures surveying
Spanish art.
Each of tho lectures on Spanish lit
erature will bo followed by an hour
of practical work on the text. Thero
will also bo n spcclnl class of Castil
Ian phonetics and dally conversation
Tho principal museums of Madrid,
especially tho Prado, the Modern Art
mueeum, the Archaeological museum
and tho Royal Armory, will bo visited,
while excursions will bo taken to To
ledo, EscorinI, Avlla and Segovia.
These trips will bo In tho charge of
Dr. Manuel Cosslo and Dr. Manuel
Gomez Mereno, two authorities on
their subjects.
bronzes nre base alloys; tho silver is
pewter; tho silk is filled with pow
dered clay.
Silk goods, according to Consul An
derson at Hongkong, nro being adul
terated to nn extent nnd in a way
never allowed before, and Japaneso
and Chinese goodB supposed to bo
made from native-worked Japaneso or
Chinese silks aro partly of American
cotton. Silk hosiery Is sold which Is
not only not all silk, but Is undersized
nnd otherwise unwearablo. Ivories nro
of bono or other Imitation. Embroid
ered screens nro mado of tho flimsiest
materials glued to last but a day.
vo Q--
iissrjijmEgTi.. Bi"n'Mfi!U
II IS!hW5 Oaken Bucket
WWmtm ir ccar Punty""no 8UC'1 water k
ll-cHfctfll - nowadays. Bring back the old M
SiiBSJwf fay8 with a glass of
iwfewy if
It makes one think of everything that's pure and whole
tomc and delightful. Bright, sparkling, teeming with
palate joy it's your soda fountain old oaken bucket.
Fvpin Oar new booklet, telllnf el Coca-CoU
-- vindication it Cbaiunooc, (of the ikla(.
Demand the Genuine nude bj
you see an
ftrrow think
of Coca-Cola.
Pecrease In Death Rate From Tubercu
losis Means Saving of 27,000
1 Ives In Ten Years.
In the decade from 1901 to 1910, tho
denth rate from tuberculosis In tho
United Stntcs declined from 190.9 for
each 100,000 persons living to 1C0.3, a
decrease of 1S.7 per cent., while tho
general death rate, Including all cases
of death, declined only one-half ns fast,
or at tho rate of 9.7 per cent., from
1655.0 to 1G95.8, according to figures
given out by tho National Assoslntlon
for tho' Study and Prevention of Tu
berculosis. Tho figures aro based on
data abstracted from tjio reports of
tho United States bureau of tho con?
bub, and cover tho registration area
of this country. According to tho
statement, tho tuberculosis death rate
has declined steadily since 1904, when
It was 201.C. On tho other hand, tho
genernl denth rate shows a fluctuation
downwnrd In general trend, but not ns
steady as tho tuberculosis rnto. Tho
docllno in tho tuberculosis death rato
In tho Inst ten years incanB a saving
of 27,000 lives at tho present time.
"My son waB about three weeks old
when I noticed a breaklng-out on his
cheeks, from which a watery bud
stanco oozed. A short time after, his
arms, shoulders and breast broke out
also, and in a fow dnys beenmo a solid
scab. I becamo alarmed, and called
our family physician who at onco pro
nounced tho dlscaso eczema. Tho lit
tle fellow was under treatment for
about thrco months. By tho end of
that time, ho seemed no better. I be
camo discouraged. I dropped tho doc
tor's treatment, and commenced tho
uso of Cutlcurn Soap nnd Ointment,
nnd in a fow days noticed a marked
change. Tho eruption on his cheeks
was nlmoBt hcnlcd, and his shouldors,
nrms and brenst wcro decidedly bet
ter. When ho wns about Bovcn monthu
old, nil traco of the eczema wns gone.
"During his teething period, his
head and fnco wcro broken out In
bolls which I cured with Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment. Surely he must
havo been a great sufferer. During
tho time of teething and from tho tlmo
I dropped the, doctor's treatment, I
used tho Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura
Ointment, nothing else, and when two
years old ho waB tho plcturo of health.
His complexion was soft and beauti
ful, and his head a mass of silky curls.
I had been nfrald that ho would ncvor
bo well, and I feel that I owo a great
deal to the Cutlcura Remedies,"
(Signed) Mrs. Mary W. IlamBey, 224
E. Jackson St., Colorado Springs, Col.,
Sept. 24, 1910. Although Cutlcura
Soap nnd Ointment aro sold by drug
gists and dealers everywhere, a sam
ple of each, with 82-pago book.'Wlll bo
mailed frco on application to "Cutl
cura," Dept. L, Doston.
To Revive House Plants.
Charcoal and a 6rnnll quantity of
potash mixed to a fine powder and
fed to tho roots twice a week for a
few weeks will rovlvo a drooping or
dying house plant. This seems to
act as a tonic and hno been tried sev
eral times with good effect. In less
than n month's tlmo tho plant will
tnko on new life and flourish vigorous
ly If all the necessary elements aro
not out of the soil.
Their Happiness.
"How about that newly-married
deaf muto couple next door to you?
Do they seem happy?" "Unspeak
ably." Koston Transcript.
If you cannot afford lOo clijarn, smolce
LEWIS' Slnglo Binder straight Bo inndo
nf extra quality tobacco.
Tho term reverend wns first applied
to a clergyman In 1G57.
Garfield Ten Is admittedly tho simplest and
bckt rcinedyor conulpatlou.
London is tho healthiest capital of
Pomade feline
A choice dressing and preservative for tho hair. Highly
refined; delicately perfumed,
Checks dandruff and keeps scalp In healthy oonditlon
Pomade Vasellno Is put up In attractho bottles and In
collapsible tubes. Iutlst on Toraudu VASELINE.
If your dealer does not catry It, write us.
We will Kino I glkil to Mncl jrnu frea lllnntnited booklet. S pp., drvcrlb
lu(j ottiti' choir "Vucllo" pretiaratloiu for toilet and Umllr u,
Addrt Dpv E.
Chesebrough Manufacturing
17 SUU Street
S2j mg&Mmi
CCtRWJ Bamca
"Winks Do you know tho motto ofl
Jupiter FIuvIub, tho god of rain?
Jinks No; what' is it?
Winks Watch mo soak 'om;
The Negative.
Tho Questioner Dut really, Mr,
Smith, if, as you sny, you know I
didn't lovo you, I don't sco why you
expected mo to mnrry you?
The Rejected Well, I know you're
frightfully modern nnd cosmopolitan,
nnd nil that sort of thing, don't you
know; and so, of courso, I thought I
should como in on tho "marriage de
convenanco" ramp. Tho Sketch.
Important to Mothers
Eiamlno carefully every bottlo ofl
CASTORIA, a safo and sure remedy for
Infants and children, nnd see that it
Ttnn rn iYin
Signature of (Jffi&M
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's. Caatoriai
In Pompeii.
"Look at all this smashed earthen
warol" exclaimed tho tourist.
"Things wcro protty generally Bhat
tered," replied the guldo.
"I should say sol A volcanlo orup
Hon la worso than a hired girl,"
Cole's Carbollanlvo quickly relieves nnd
cures burning, ltchlngr and torturing akin
diseases. It Inbtnntly stops tho pain of
burnt). Cures without scars. 2&a and 60o
by dnifTKlstH. For free nnmplo wrlto to
J. W. Colo & Co.. Black Itlver Falls, Wis.
Paw Knows Everything.
Wlllio Paw, what Is a family cir
cle? Paw A wedding ring, my aon.
ilr. Wfnaiowa Soothing Byrep tor Children
teething, softens the guma, reduces Inflamma
tion, allays pain, circa -wind colic, S6a . bottle.
There may be crumbs of comfort in
knowing that some people cast their
bread upon tho water.
The most stubborn eottlvencss yields,
gently and naturally, to the persuasive aotlon
of Garfield Tea.
Agriculture supports nearly 19,000,
000 of the Inhabitants of the German
Ask for
... . "-ft Y- .
It-sino .
of this root
beer as well as
its tonic nrotier-
tles that rooko It
so great a favorite.
On ptckifa m4 8 kUloni. If
yorrocr tia't mpplfrd, w will
mill jroa piektft ea rlpl !
tie. fliut girt hu BUS.
Writa for pnmiam puimU.
8'n1 ! ll.u .nvfloM fur PltkK bookl.t la Oil. LB OLIBt
pntt 30 with hone and buggy to toll stock
condition umdors. l74icriiiontb. Address
lluotu 2, lltO I'urnatn btrect, Oiuaha, Nab,
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 22-1912.
WBf Os(sotriritfi
tfew York