The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 21, 1912, Image 8

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A Solemn Dance,
Tlicy havo a singular kind o dnnco
conducted on tho greens of country vll
Inges In Russia. Tho dancers stand
apart, n knot of young ( men hero, n,
knot of maidens there, each box by it
Bclf nnd silent ns n crowd of mutes. A
piper breaks into a tunc; a youth pulls
off his cap and challenges his girl with
n vraic nnd bow. If tho girl is willing,
ho waves her handkerchief in token of
assent Tho youth advances, takes a
corner of the handkerchief in his hand
nnd lends his lassie round nnd round.
No word is spoken and no laugh Is
heard. Stiff with cords nnd ricli with
braids,, tho girl moves henvily by her
self, going round and round and never
allowing her partner to touch her hand.
Tho pipo goes droning ou for hours in
tho snino sad key and measure, and
tho prizo of merit in this "circling," as
tho danco is called, is given by specta
tors to tho lassie who in nil that sum
mer revelry has novcr spoken nnd nev
er smiled.
Seeing Distances.
About 200 miles in every direction is
tho distance n man can see when stand
ing on u clear day on tho peak of tho
highest mountain say at a height of
20,008 feet, or a littlo over flvo miles
nbovo tho lovel of the sea. An ob
server must bo at a height of 0,007
foot nbovo sea level to seo objects at a
dlstnnco of n hundred miles. Tho dis
tnnco In miles nt which an object upon
tho Burface of tho earth is visible is
equal o tho square root of ouo and
ono-half times tho height of tho ob
server in feet above sea lovel. Somo'
nllowanco has to bo mado for tho ef
fect of atmospheric refraction, but as
tho refraction varies at different heights
and Is affected by tho various states of
tho weather no precisely accurato fig
ures for general purposes can bo given.
Probably from ono-fourtccnth to one
tenth of tho distanco given by tho
formula would hnvo to bo deducted
owing to tho refraction of tho atmos
phere. "Long Live tho King."
Tho expression "Tho king is dead,
long Hvo tho king," indlcntcs tho auto
matic succession of ruling sovereigns
thut tho moment a king dies his suc
cessor becomes king without nny fur
ther formality. It is bclloved to havo
had its origin at tho denth of Louis
XIV. of France. In Tardoo's "Llfo of
Louis XIV." is tho following account
of tho announcement of tho death of
that monarch:
"Tho death of Louis XIV. was an
nounced by tho captain of tho body
guurd from a window of tho stnto
npartment. liaising Ids truncheon
abovo his head, ho broke it in tho cen
ter nnd, throwing ' tho pieces among
. tho crowd, exclaimed in n loud voice,
Lo rol ost mortl' (tho icing Li dead).
Then, seizing another staff, ho nour
ished It in tho air as ho shouted, 'Vivo
hi roll' (Long livo tho klug)." Now
York Times.
Primitive Screws,
Scrows nro still made In India just
as they wcro mado originally, by wind
ing two boft wires together around a
mandrel. Tho wlros nro then carefully
soparnted, and ono of them is soldered
into a tubo or nut, while tho other Is
soldered to a short rod. All tho silver
smiths make their scrows in this way,
aud thoy nro all left handed, for they
aro wound over and over by tho right
hand. Scrow bolts nnd scvow presses
wero introduced by Europeans, and
for many years all tho cotton export
ed from 'Iudin was compressed by a
massive screw of wood, turned round
by cattlo yoked to a long lover. This
screw may still bo found in remoto dis
tricts. It Is cut entirely by hand and
is sot out by winding two ropes around
tho hand dressed ben in to givo tho
pitch. Eastern JJnglnpering.
DIokens and a Faco Ache,
Dickons wanted to bo un actor before
ho was an author. IIo would havo
been but for a faco acho. When ho
was a .lad and a lawyer's clerk ho had
nttnlned a trial of his power of ropro-
'duelng "character and oddity" beforo
Mathews and Charles1 Komblo. But a
. faco acho kept him at homo, and soon
nfter ho "mado a great splash" as a
newspaper reporter. Thereafter ho re
produced "character and oddity' on pa
per Instead of the stage.
A Surprlce.
Rector (on his way to church, meet
ing a gamekeeper) Como, my good
fellow, how is it I novcr seo you nt
church? Gamekeeper Well, sir, I dou't
wish to mnko your congregation small
er. Hector (puzxled) I don't seo how
you could. Gnmekeopcr Well, sir, you
see, if 1 en mo to church tho rest of tho
parish would go poaching. London
A Matter of Change.
"What u chungo a woman can mnko
In n man's life I" sighed tho vory youug
. "Right you nre, my boy," Blghcd tho
scanty haired man who had been up
against tho matrimonial gnmo for
many yoars, "and whjit a lot of chnugo
Bho requires whilo doing it!"
A Time Limit.
"I think I'll go and got a drink
"Oh, darling, you know you Bworo
off for n yearl"
'"Teg, but two years .elapse- between
this pet nnd tho next" London Tat
lcr. , -
Mualoal Criticism,
Tho Musician nang it, Bill, don't
you raill20v that ono of your shoos
equeaks In a B fiat and tho other la O
major? Llfo.
4lfnorance of one's: mlsfortunea la
clear gain. Euripides.
Where Starlings Drlng Ruin.
Jn "Quiet Dnj-B In Spain," tho nu
thor, C. B. Luffman, describes tho rav
ages of tho starlings In n hacienda do
voted to raising muacntcl raisins near
"Dogs and goats aro very fond of
grapes nnd nro only kept off them by
rural guards, but tho greatest enemy
of nil is tho starling. This bird tiles
over from Africa in such millions ns
literally to darken tho earth. When
ever they camp for tho night they
leave a desert. Every partlclo of fruit,
leaf, tender shoot nnd piece of soft
bark vanishes. As tho saying is,
'Many crops spell various fortunes; ono
crop of starlings spells ruin.' Tho
blowing of a southern wind and the
sound of wings in tho air produces
panic, mon'B faces blanch with terror.
In despair, bells aro rilng, guus fired,
torches lighted, and donkeys, mules
and horses nro gnlloped up and down
and round nbout to scaro 'los blchos'
tho beasts as they aro termed."
, Thumb Prints.
In tho Argentine Republic tho identi
fication cards of policemen, coachmen,
cab drivers, commissionaires nnd serv
ants havo since 1800 borno their finger
prints. Upon nil passports nnd bnnk
receipts for deposits tho imprint of tho
thumb must bo mado nt tho tlnio of do
livery. In Roumanla since 1903 tho
thumb print has been substituted for
the cross mado instead of slgnnturo by
persons who cannot write. In tho Phil
ippine Islnnds those who cannot write
nro not obliged to bo identified by wit
nesses nt savings banks, but havo to
make their mark with their thumb.
Tho samo system has boon used in
the banks of Bengal for fifty years. In
Franco to put nn end to tho fraud of
enlistment, desertion and re-enlistment
for tho bounty paid in tho Foreign Le
gion, every man's finger prints nro tak
en nnd kept on flic.
The First Railway Gauge.
An Interesting story was told by ono
of Georgo Stephenson's biographers ro
latlng how tho great engineer enmo to
allopt tho four foot eight and a half
inch gnugo for his railways. Somo
tlmo previous to tho building of his
Nowcnstlo and Cnrllslo railway Ste
phenson had an opportunity of inspect
ing sonic portion of an old Roman wnll,
through which tho chariots used to
bo driven. Deep ruts mado by tho
chariot wheels wero still visible, and
on measuring theso ho found their
dlstnnco apart to bo as near as possible
four feet eight and n half laches. Ste
phenson thereupon enmo to tho conclu
sion that if n world power llko tho
Romans hnd mado such uso of tho
measure for Its chariots ho could not
bo wrong in adopting those measure
ments ns a rule for his railway.
Fogs Bewilder Birds.
It is n curious thing that, though
human beings aro utterly bewildered
in a denso fog, most animals find tholr
wny through it without much diffi
culty. A horse will trot nloug in Its
right direction as though tho air wero
perfectly clear, and not only that but
ivlll tako tho right turning at tho right
moment if It is at all accustomed to
tho road. A human being would take
any turning but tho right one. Birds,
on tho other hand, nro utterly bewil
dered by fogs. Pigeons, for Instance,
will r.omnln motionless all day long,
half asleep, huddled up In their pigeon
houses. Chickens and poultry 6f all
Jduds won't stir all tho tlmo a heavy
fog is about Birds of all kinds, as a
matter of fact seem holpless during
foggy wcathor. Pearson's.
Snow Garlands.
Curious ropes of snow that form
on window bulges, trco branches, etc.,
at a tomperaturo near freezing point
havo been brought to uotlco by Dr.
Karl Knssnor ns "snow garlands."
Ono of those ropes photographed on
tho building of tho Meteorological In
stitute la Berlin wnB four Inches in
thickness and was suspended by tho
two ends, tho dlstnnco botweon tho
points of support being thrco nnd
thrce-qunrtcrs foot aud tho vertical
sng about ono nnd ono-hnlf Inches.
Tho snow on tho littlo projection of
tho wall, it is supposed, was warmed
by tho heat of tho building, when tho
mlddlo Bllppod down and, behm thus
removed from tho source, of heat,
frozo again.
Ho Told Her.
A mlddlo aged governess on arriving
at n uew situation was formally lnt-n-duced
to tho family, aud the next iihh
lug "Mnster Tom," tho hor-- o" !"'
family, Bald to her, "Miss l" ur. i:t
you Leghorn or Cochin-Chlnnl" "Wlfjf
do you nsk such an oxtraordlnnry que
tlon?" Bho asked.
"Because," answered tho boy, "I henv.l
dad any to mummy nftor you loft the
room last night that you wero no long
er a chicken."
A prominent English clergyman once
congratulated nn old lady on her brav
ery in flghtiug her way to church
ognlnst n terrible tompost but received
tho .disconcerting reply, "My husbaud
gots so crossgralnod after meals that I
havo to get out of his way, so I might
as well go to church."
Used to It.
"Why, man, you havo no senso of
humor. When I first heard thnt Joke
X laughed till my Bides etched."
"So did L"-Chrlstlnn Advocate.
Deeds and Motives.
Lot tho motlvo bo In tho deed and
not In tho ovent Bo not onp whoso
motlvo for action ia tho hope of ro-waroV-Kroeshna.
Wo llko to givo in the sunlight and
to recclvo In tho dark. Scnn,
The Tribut of tho Powhatans.
What Is perhaps tho most Interesting
ceremony to bo witnessed in tho Unit
ed States takes placo at tho stnto capl
tol st Richmond on Feb. 10 of each
yenr. It consists of tho delivery of the
annual tribute of tho Pamunkey river
Indians, representing n surviving tribe
of tho Powhat-m nntlon, to tho gov
emor of Virginia. The manner of tho
presentation of tho tribute is simple
Tho chief and tho head men of the
tribe upon tho appointed day appear at
tho cnpltol bearing baskets of ducks
and fish and lay tho baskets at the feet
of tho governor. Tho few and simple
words which nro spoken nro traditional
and do not vary. Originally the trib
ute consisted of venison, ducks and
fish, each of tho finest and represent
ing tho dominion of tho stnto of Vir
ginia over tho animals of tho forest
tho birds of tho air and the' fish of the
waters, but tho gtato law establishing
a closed season for deer now prevents
tho Indians from Including venison In
the tribute. Harper's.
Bock's Narrow Escape.
David Beck, tho celebrated portrait
painter and pupil of Van Dyck, whilo
traveling through Germany was sud
denly taken ill nnd to all appearances
died and was laid out a corpse. Ills
servants, sitting around tho bed, griev
ed heartily for tho loss of so good n
master and, as grief Is thirsty, drank
as heartily at the same time. One of
them, becoming moro befuddled than
tho rest then addressed bis compan
ions thus: "Our master when allvo
was fond of his glass. Let us out of
gratitude, then, give him ono now he
Is dead." AssenMvns given. Tho head
of tho dead palnfcr was raised up and'
some wlno poured down or spilled
about tho fragrance or Bplrlt of which
caused Beck to open his eyes, upon
which tho servant, who, being drunk,
half forgetting his mnstor was dead,
forced down tho remainder of tho
glass. Tho painter gradually, revived
and thus escaped a llvlpg Interment '
To Escape Gold Bricks.
A man or n woman with funds to In
vest should mnko It a primary principle
to first consult an experienced banking
bouse of established reputation. Tho
first step in tho prudent Investment of
your money is tho selection of your
banking house. You should chooso n
banker not only willing but competent
to servo your every need one with tho
requlslto patlenco nnd sympathy to
study your investment problem from
all angles, to make your problem his
problem. Few Investors realize that
within the past few years thero has
sprung up a now guild in tho banking
business, bnnkcrs whoso business runs
well over 100,000,000 annually nnd
whoso success is largely duo to the
faithful and thoughtful attention given
each serious inquiry or roquost for ad
vice. If you can save and invest $100
or moro each year you can commund
tho best finnnclnl brains In America.
Charles E. Morrill In Leslie's.
An Astronomer's Wit.
Professor Adams of Cambridge uni
versity, England, who discovered tho
planet Neptune, was a distinguished
proof that a man may havo his head
among tho clouds nnd' still keep n
ready wit for mundano occasions. At
a dinner of tho Philosophical society,
runs n contribution to tho Cornhlll
Magazine, one of tho company was
concluding an after dinner speech
nbout tho nctlvltlcs of tho society for
tho past year. IIo pointed to tho book
of tho proceedings lying on tho table
near him, adding:
''But of nil tho proceedings this year,
gentlemen, you will agree with me
that ono of tho best is this waving
his hand at tho assembled diners phil
osophical proceeding."
"Illustrated with plates " flashed out
Professor Adams to his neighbor at
tho table.
A Left Handed Compliment.
"Ma," said littlo Harry, "I'll tell you
what you ought to do."
"What dear?" his mother asked.
"You ought to go over to live in somo
country whero tho peoplo aro "Moham
medans." "What on earth ever put such a
thought as that into your dear bend,
" 'Cause over thero they think all fat
women aro beautiful."
"narry, If you daro to open your
mouth again this eveulng you w.lll be
sent to bed with nothing to eatl" Chi
cago Record-Herald. '
More Exactly Statod.
Jamie, having como Into tho posses
sion of considerable wealth through
tho death of relatives, was thus ad
dressed by ono of tho neighbors:
"Aye, Jamie, It was a guid thing for
you that your rich freens wuur born
"Wool," said Jamie, "I'm nao bho
suro aboot .that, buf it vas a guid
tldng that they deo'd aforo me." Lon
don Tit-Blts.
A Good Scheme.
Husband Why do you scold tho
butcher? It isn't his fault thnt tho
meat comes to tho tablo all dried up.
Scold tho cook. Wife I don't daro to,
but I'm in hopes that If I keep on
scolding tho butcher he'll get mad and
como around and scold tho cook.
Newman I mot your wlfo today for
tho first tlmo, nnd, for ono thing, I
found sho was outspoken. Ilenpcck
You surprlso mol By whom? Phila
delphia Press. ,
Puffed Up.
Post--Thinks he's tho wholo thing,
doesn't ho? rurker WcIL I'd hardly
go as far aa that, but-ha certainly con;
alders himself a quorum. Smart Set
with all their luxuries never had any
thing equal to the shower bath of to
day. That's ono reason you are
lucky to live in this age.
in your house you are missing some
thing Caesar would have givin a for
tune for. Better have us put one in.
It will bo worth more than its cost to
Shop Phone 3G9.. Res. Phone 683
217 East Sixth Street.
l ' House of Good ShowlH I
When in North Plallc.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon ntzrau u'ciock.
,nnnMm wr
' Doctors Ames & Ames, (j
Physicians and Surgeons, SI
i; Office over Stone Drug Co. Je
9 Phones I Offke 273 g
v rnones pn,in-n 073 A
-mm - - WIfWIFlPM VVW
i DR. W. F. CROOK, K
Graduate Northwestern University. t.
' Office over McDonald State Bank
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
s Special attention given to confine- 5
B znonts and children's diseases, J
Offlco Phono 183 Res. Phono 283
Offlco McDonald State Hank Bld'tr
Use No Other Brand.
Flavors cake, frosting, candies,
creams, etc.
35c Bottle
makes 2 gallons of Syrup without
boiling better than Maple.
For Sale by all Grocers.
We make a specialty of
Dairy Products and can
furnish the best in large
or small quantities direct
from our own Dairy Farm
every -morning,
Phone your order in
and it will be delivered.
Doolittle Bakery.
In smoking our cigars, first because
thoy nre made of tho best leaf tobacco,
second becuaao thoy nro hand-made
nnd last because wo put better tobacco
in our nickie cigar than somo manu
facturers do in ten-centers. We know
wo mako a good cigar; hundred of
smckors in North Platto know it, but
hundreds of others ought to know it.
Patronize homo industry.
Estray Notice.
Taken up as an estray by tho under
signed on tho Sturges ranch nine milos
northwest of North Platte, on or about
Feby. 17, 1912, brown mare, weight
800, about two years old, Bmall star in
forehead: also on or aboutMay 1st, 1912,
three mules, -two year old, one horso
and two mares; no brands distinguish
able. Owner of above animals call,
prove property, pay charges and take
same away. H. L. Gaunt,
frmoiJlifr-HrM 1A.
Frozen from water pumped from
a good depth, and tho lake has
been re-cemented thus insuring
the best and purest ice possible
to obtain.
Price 50 Cents
Per 100 Lbs.
We solicit your orders and insure
prompt delivery.
I Physicion and Surgeon,
fr Offlco over McDonald Bank, fc
Phones l Offlco 130
J Phones Reaidenco 115
, Serial No. 03181.
Department of tho Interior,
U. S. Land OQlce at North Platte. Neb.
, , . Mar. 4. 1012.
Nptlco Is hereby elvon that Harry
Madison, or North Platte. Neb., who, on Fob.
12.1907.mado homestead entry No. 2J848, serial
No, 03181 for WH.NVS NE4. and SK SEW.
Section 20, Township 10 N, Kango 3-
31 W. of tho 6th Principal Meridian, has
filed notlco of Intention to mako final five
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
abpvo described, beore tho Keglstor and Ko
celvor at North Platto. Nebraska, on tho 25tb
day of Juno, 1812.
Claimant names as witnesses: Sidney
Ilollenbeck, John Wolllver, Hueh Gaunt.
Jacob Meyers, all ot North Platte, Neb.
n7-0 j. e. Evans, lleelstor.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, SS.
In the County Court.
T,1?, W m"er of tho estate of Ashbol
B. nail, deceased.
On reading and flllmr the petition of Marlon
H. Evans praying that tho administration of
said estato may bo granted to herself
as administratrix.
Ordered, That May 28th, 1912; at 9 o'clock
a.m.. Is assigned for hearing said petition
when all persons lntorostod In said matter
may appear at a county court to be holi In
and for said county, and show cause why
the prayer of petitioner should not bo
granted; and that notlco of tho pendency of
said petition and tho hearing thereof, be
given to all persons Interested In said matter
by publishing a copv of this order In the
North l'latte Semi-Weekly Tribune, a legal
weekly newspaper printed in said county for
three successive weeks, prior to said day of
Dated May 6. 1912.
m7-3 John Ghaut, County Judge.
In tho County Court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska. AprlJ 10, 1912.
In the inattut ot the estate of Katie
Hcndy. deceased.
Notice Is hereby given, that tho creditors
of said deceased will meet the Admlnls
tratorof said ostate.boforo tho County Judgo
of Lincoln county, Nobraska. at tho county
court room In said county, on tho 20th day of
flay. 1912. and on tho 20th day of Nov.
1U12. at D o'clock a. m. each day. for tho pur
pose of presenting thelrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Six months
are allowed for creditors to present tholr
nlAlmu Ann Wnn v.aam .. t.n ,,..i ...
settle' said estate, from tho 10th day of
"w"i ""; vuiiyui imsorueno do pud
llshed In tho North Platte Tribune a somt
wt'okly newspaper of said county for four
successlvo weeks prior to said day of
aSM JOHN ORANT. County Judge
In the county court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska April 16, 1312,
In tlm mntta. nf llitf.atn,. a? M. .(...- If
quette. deceased.
notice is hereby given, that the creditors of
said estate, before the County Judge of Lincoln
wuidj, iicutuaivu, uk mu uouniy court room, in
said county, on the 20th day of May, 1912, and on
..w .ww, ytujf ui JlUVUIilUCr, !!. UIVO CIOCK R. 111.
each day, for the -purpose of presenting their
claims, for examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Six months nro allowed for the creditors
to present their claims, and one year for the ad
ministrator to settle said estate, from the 16th
day of April, 1912. A notlco of this order to bo
mill Ituknrl l .1. A XT .1- n,-... mll .
uuii.iiiaj iii uiu jnurui x-iuue inuune, a Bemi-
n.ntj uvnojiujiiT ui ni'u cuuniy lor lour suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing.
tMt junn uitAixr, county juugp
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by P. H.
Sullivan, justice of the peace in and
for North Platte, Nebraska, in favor of
the McDonald State bank, a corpora
tion, and against Walter Geyer and to
me directed, I will on the 25th day of
May, 1912, at the county jail in North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska,
offer for cash at public auction the
following described property:
7 boxes of cigars, 5 pair of pants, 1
cap, 3 flannel shirts, 2 pairs of cook
trousers, 1 pair of over shoes, 1 white
hat, 1 sweater, 1 coat and vest, 1 razor,
1 razor hone, 1 gun cleaner rod, 2 cook
coats, 2 shirts, 1 trunk, as the property
of the said defendant, Walter Geyer.
Dated at North Platte, Neb., April
30th, 1912.
A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
Sheriff s Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said court
wherein Union Realty and Trust Com
pany is plaintiff and Peter E. Burnett
is defendant, nnd to me directed, I will
on tho 8th day of June, 1912, at 2o'clock
P. M., at tho east front dbor of the court
house in North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for ensh, to satisfy said
decree, interests and costs, the follow
ing described property, to wit:
AH of the northwest quarter of sec
tion fourteen (14), town thirteen (13)
north of range thirty-threo (33) west
of tho Gth p m in Lincoln county, Nebr.
Dated North Platte, 2eb., May 2,
A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from the district court of Lincoln
county, Neb., upon n decree of fore
closure rendered In said court wherein
the American Investment nnd Trust
Company, u corporation, is plaintiff
nnd Victor A. Palm, et al nre defend
ants and to me directed I will
on the 5th day of June, 1912, at
2 o'clock p. m., at tho east front door
of tho court house in North Platto,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to tho highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said decree, interest and
costs, tho following described proporty
towit: The woat half of section nine
(9), township sixteen (1G), rango
(31), Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated at North Flatte, Nebraska,
April 30th, 1912.
A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
Di qedfield edfield,
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE B. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
, . Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
Office phono 241. Res. phone 217
L. C. DROST, "
Osteopathic Physician.'
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Referee s Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order af sale issued to me by tho
district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, on tho 20th day of Dec, 1911,
in nn action therein pending, wherein
Olivers Christian and David E. Martin
are plaintiffs and Claude H. Reed,
also known as C. H. Reed, is de
fendnntr and also an additional and
and supplemental order issued to me by
the district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, on the 11th day of April,
1912, in said action, I will on fhe 8th
day of June, 1912, at' tho hour of 1
o'clock p. m. of said day at the east
front door of the court house in the
city of .North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, soil at public auction, to the
highest bidder, the following described
land, towit: The east one-half and the
South-west quarter of section' twenty
five in township fifteen, nortH of range
thirty-three west of the Gth P.M.': and
also all of section twenty-nine and tho
west one-half and the north-east quar
ter of section thirty in township fif
teen north of range thirty-two west of
the Gth P. M. : all in Lincoln county,
Nebraska; also sixteen school land
leases, made by tho state of Nebraska,
on the 14th day of August, 1897 for a
term of twenty-five years, from Jan.
1st, 1898, for the following state school
lands, to-wit: all of section thirty-six
in township fifteen, north of range
thirty-three, we3t of Gth P.'M.Jn Lin
coln county, Nebraska, and of tho in
terests created by said leases in said
land, and the improvements thereon,
each of said leases covering fortyacres
of said section thirty-six; all of the
above described real estate, and school
land leases will bo offered for sale in
quarter section tracts, and at the
same time all of the above described
real estate and school land leases will
be offered for sale as one tract, and
the bid or bids will be accepted which
will amount to the greater sum.
The terms of said sale will be one
fourth cash on day of sale; the balance
on March 1st, 1913, on which date the
premises will be conveyed and deliv
ered to the purchaser or purchasers.
Dated this 27th dav of April, 1912.
W. T. WlLCOX, Referee.
Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss
In tho county court.
In i tho matter of the estato of Carl E.
Shaffer, deceased.
On reading and tiling tho petition of AV. II.
Mungor. Jr.. praying- that administration of
said estato may bo granted to himself as
Ordered, That .Tune 4. 1012. A. D. at 0
o clock a. m. Is assigned for hearing said
petition whon all persons Interested In said
matter mayappoar at a county coyrt to bo
hold In and for said county and show cause
why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo
granted; and that notice of the pendency of
said potltlon and tho hearing thereof bo
given to all persons Interested In said mat
tor by publishing a copy of this order In tho
?orth Platto Tribune a semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county, for three suc
coslvo weeks," prior to said duy of hearing.
Dated May. 11. 1912. John Chant.
"4-B County Judgo ,
By virtuo of an order of sale Issued from tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said
court whereim Clarence M. Allison is plaintiff
and Funda Dolgarn ot. al., aro defendants, and
to me directed, I will on tho 15th day of Juno, 1912,
at 2 o clck, p. m.. at tho east front door of tho
court house In North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash to satisfy said decree. Interest and costs,
the following described property to-wit: East
one-half (L.H) section thirth-ono (31), and tho
north half (N. H section thirty-two (32), township
ten (10), range thirty-four (34), west of tho Gth
V. M in Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb., May 13th. 1012.
A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
state of Nobraska. Lincoln county, ss.
In tho county court.
tt1", i1"5 nttor of tho estato of Sophia
Hall, deceahed.
On reading and filing the potltlon of Mar--Ion
II. Evans praying that administration of
said estato may bo granted to herself as ad
ministratrix. T
Ordered, That May 28th. 1012, at I)
o clock Tv m Is assigned for hoaxing said
petition when all persons Interested In said
matter may appear at a county court,
to bo held In and for said j county
anc, show causo why tho prayer of potl
onor shoud not bo granted; and that notlco
pt tho pondency of said pelltlon and tho
hearing thereof be given to all porsons Inter
ested In said mattor by publishing a copy of
this order in tho North Plattu Tribune, a
legal semi-weekly newspaper printed In said
county, for three successlvo wooks, prior to
said day of hoarluv
Dated May 0th, 1012.
m7-3 John Ghant. County Judge.
Notice. -
Carl Halbing will take notice that on
the 29th day of April, 1912, P. H. Sulli
van, Justice of tho Peace, North Platto
precinct No. 1, in and for Lincoln
county, Nebraska, issued an order of
attachment for the sum of $72.50 in an
action now ponding before him, wherein
Bror Martenson is plaintiff and Carl
Halbing is defendant; that property
consisting of money in tho hands of tho
Union Pacific Railroad Company, a cor
poration, has been attached under said
order. Said cause was continued to tho
14th day of June, 1912, at 2 o'clock P.
Dated this 11th day of May, 1912.
Bror Martenson, Plaintiff
By Muldoon & Gibbs, his attorneys.
To John Marks: You aro hereby noti
fied that on tho 29th day of Jan., 1912
Susie Marks filed her petition against
you in tho district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska; tho object and prayer
of which aro to obtain a divorce from
you on tho grounds that you, said de
fendant, have without provocation been
sJait?Pf f6"10 cruelty towards
plaintiff, nnd that you, said defendant,
have wantonly and cruelly failed- and
neglected to support said plaintiff.
You are required to arfswer said pe
"tion on or before tho 24th day of June,
1912. Susie Marks.
! f
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