The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 21, 1912, Image 7

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, W
Bluo Balloons.
In cnso you ever fool tempted to buy
a balloon don't buy a bluo one Red
ohm ato tho best Thoro Is a Bclcntlflc
reason why. According to tho re
searches of M. Keynaud, caoutchouc la
strongly attracted by tho ultra violet
rays from tho mercury vapor lamp
with a quartz tube, which Is a power
ful Bourco of such rays. This fact has
a practical bearing in connection with
balloon envolopes, which nro treated
with caoutchouc. Aeronauts nro fa
miliar with the discovery that tho en
velopes suffer during nscouslons, .nud
this Is explained by tho greater effect
of ultra violet rays nt high nltltudes.
Experiment had nlready led to using
yellow coloring matter on tho envel
opes nnd red balloons nro sometimes
seen, but never blue or violet M.
Iteynnud considers that red Is tho best
color to use, as It not only absorbs tho
ultra violet rays, but also tho blue
rays, nnd theso last nro likely to share
In tho bad action of the sun's rays upon
balloons. Now York "World.
He's Still Running,
A gontlomnn In n Manchester restau
rant tho other day thought bo would
hnvo n Joko with tho waiter and asked
him if ho had ever seen a snusago roll.
"Say," said tho waiter, "I havo not
only seen n snusago roll, but I havo
seen a biscuit box, n tnblo spoon, a
chimney sweep, n chain link, a noso
gay, a camera slide, a garden fence, a
sword flsb, a wall flower." But when
ho got to a "flro escape," tho gentleman
thought It was high tiino for him to
escnpo too.
As ho wont tho waiter wont with
him, saying, "A trap turn, a cako walk,
n mountain climb, a sky lark, a Honey
comb, a hnlf crown"
But by this timo tho gentleman Joker
was half way down tho street in a
dazed condition. London Ideas.
Rook Salt Discovered by Accident.
The great rock salt deposits of Louis
iana were discovered by accident in
May, 18G2. Salt was very scarco at
that time, and tho proprietor of tho
Island's salt works, John Marsh Avery,
determined to' profit by it With this
end in view ho commenced to deepen
his wells. lOno negro workmnn, after
going down Bixteen feel, cawo to Mr.
Avery with tho new3 that ho had
struck a sunken log, and could pro
ceed no further. Mr. Avery investigat
ed and found, not a log, but tho great
rock salt dopbslt that has made Louis
iana famous throughout tho country.
Tho discovery did not como altogether
as n surprise, as Thomassy had pre
dicted that a great rock salt deposit
would ono day bo discovered in eaoh of
tho flvo Gulf Islands, nnd perhaps in
other portions of tho state. Since tho
closo of tho wnr, rock salt has been
nn Important contributing factor in tho
mineral wealth of the state. Nationnl
Tho Wagon Wheel Paradox.
A very interesting paradox is tho ono
concerning nn ordinary wagon wheel,
.which is Bolld nnd rigid, yet, when fas
'tened on its nxlo on a wagon, when tho
wagon moves part of tho circumfer
ence of tho wheel which is in contact
with the ground is for an instant nt
absolute rest, while tho point directly
perpendicular to it is flying along at a
high rato of speed. Tho two points
horizontal with tho center of the wheel
are traveling pretty fast, but only half
as fast as tho topmost point, nnd as
tho up going horizontal point Increases
in speed tho down going ono slows up
until it is at rest for a moment when
In contact with tho ground. Yet the
wheel is one solid piece and there are
only two points going at tho same rato
of speed at the same time. Yet if tho
wheel is taken off tho axle and rolled
down an Incline every point of the cir
cumference moves at tho same rato of
The county board of equalization will
be in session twenty days commencing
Tuesday, Juno 11th, 1912, for the pur
pose of equalizing the valuations of real
and personal property. 29-8
"Don't sneer at tho Ghlneso literati
nnd tho ancient Chlncso literature."
Tho speaker was the Ohlneso consul
general in San Francisco. Ho contin
ued: "Our ancient Chinese literature Is
wise. Take, for example, ouo of Its
epigrams on marriage. Could anything
.bo wiser than this:
" 'Marriage Is liko a besieged city
those without nil want to get in, nnd
thoso within all want to get out.' "
A Mean Insinuation.
It was at ono of tho famous "frol
ics" given by tho Lambs. Mr. Charles
Frohmau had inodo an extremely neat
and npproprlato speech. Thero was
loud applause nt Us finish, and then,
"Author, author!" cried Mr. Augustus
Thomas, standing up on his chair.
Bacon Money will do almost any
thing. Egbert It won't tako a blot from
your escutcheon.
"Perhaps not, but It will buy a lot
more escutcheons." Yonkers Statesman.
Waves and Surf,
Long and oscillatory waves run by
gravity, tho first agitating tho water to
nearly tho same amount nt all depths,
whilo tho chief disturbance duo to tho
latter confines itself to tho upper lay
ers of tho water. Theso oscillatory
waves, tho most typical cxainplo of
which is perhaps furnished by tho
"swell," or regular rolling waves
which continue to run in deep water
after a storm, will break on n shelving
shoro when their height is nbout equal
to the depth of water. When tho depth
Is sufficient to nllow tho oscillations to
proceed unimpeded no progressive mo
tion uuies pmco, cucu cumiim uuiuk
kept in its place by tho pressure of
surrounding columns. If, however
free oscillation Is prevented, ns by tho
interposition of n rock or by tho shelv
ing of tho shore, the columns in tho
deep wntor nro not balanced by thoso
in tho shallower, nnd thus they ncqulro
a progressive motlou and form "break
ers." For this reason waves always
break against tho shore, whatever is
tho direction of tho wind.
One Was Enough.
Hub You say I'vo only ono fault
Well, if that's all, I can't be such a
bad husband. Wife William, a quar
ter with a hole in it has only ono fnnlt,
but what uso is it? Boston Transcript
Repression and Suppression.
Mnud-ack Rawkins sang up at our
house last night. Alice Did he let
himself out? Maud No; father show
ed him tho door quick. Boston Tran
script. A Game Loser,
"He's a game loser, isn't he?'
"I should say he Is I Ho doesn't seem
to care what his wlfo and children
havo to go without." Detroit Freo
For Sale or Trade
for farm land, young cattle, milch cows
or sheep on a dollar basis. Two of the
finest and best bred trotting stallions in
Illlinois, a few brood mares, young colts
and sucking colts. Any one interested
can get any information wanted by ad
dressing me through tho editor of this
psper. D. J. McDonald.
Aurora, 111.
Short Orders a Specialty With Us.
Drop in the next time and have a trial
of the most up-to-date place in the city
Opposite Depot
cs5v 5at eX?A "brAtt-Aj . Jj-rr-'Vw 3
a:w H
When a New Perfection
Comes in at the Door
Heat and Dirt Fly Out
at the Window.
What would it mean to you to have
heat and dirt banished from your kitchen
this Bummer to be free from the blazing
range, free from ashes and soot?
jfflew IferSction.
rj i -i ?m irnr.n h w.i.'. i m
Oil Cook-stove
With the New Perfection Oven, the New Perfection
Store i the most complete cooking device on the market.
It is jutt m quick end handy, too, for washing and ironing.
This Stove
saves Time
It saves Labor
It saves Fuel
It saves YOU
Madr with 1 , 2 and 3 bum
era,, with long, enameled, tur.
quoiiebluechimneTi, Hand.
naitlr finished throughout.
The 2- and 3-burner atore
can be had with or without a
cabinet top, which ii fitted with
drop thtrrf , towel racks, etc
All dealers carry the New
Perfection Stove. Free Cool
Rook with ererjritove. Cook.
Book abo given to anyone
arndua 5 cents tp cover mail,
ing cost,
Tho' Influence of Flowers,
Centuries ago grcnt, elitbornto books
wero written nbout flowers, nnd the
kinds oven then were many nud some
of tho forms were marvelous. Wor
ship nnd pralso hnvo centered nbout
flowers nnd gnrlnnds rntlicr than nbout
tho fruits thnt wo eat This marks
them to hnvo been considered ns of
tho higher things. All holy nud great
occasions need them If tho occasions
nro complete. Not n soul but responds
to blossoms oven though he knows It
not. No soul passes a Illy In blow, nn
npplo orchard In May, a clover field
swept with red or n good gnrden lying
nt his feet, but thnt some mere reflec
tion of It enters into his mind nnd
lodges Itself In somo nexus of tho
brain. It would bo difficult for nny
man to Imagine a flowerless world, nnd
If ho conjured It In his drenm ho would
find himself sitting In oomo onsls of
greenery nnd bloom. Flower Maga
zine. No Parallels In Nature.
Tho wise men say thero nro no paral
lels In nature, thnt no ono thing In tho
wide universe exactly mates nnd
matches nny other one thing, thnt each
cloud has differed from ovcry other
cloud form iiUnny hour of the day nnd
night or day or yesterday, nnd so on
bnck through tho forgotten centuries,
and no two leaves In form, color or
texturo lift the snnie faces to tho sun
on nny day of tho millions of" years;
that no wnvo on nny bench curves nnd
falls as1 any wnvo hns curved and fal
len before, not slnco tills plnnet cooled.
And so It is with tho whirls nnd tho
crystals of driving snow, with tho sand
;ind splash of rain nud so, too, with tho
flight of birds, tho dash and tumble of
tho restless brook nnd tho ronr of law
less thunder and tho cry of birds. P.
Ilopklnson Smith.
Trying a Joke.
Somo years ago In a North Carolina
court, Judgo Bhlpp presiding, tho trial
of n causo had been protracted till near
midnight. Tho Jury wero tired nnd
sleepy nnd showed flagging attention.
WHIIo Murchlson, who was addressing
tho Jury, thought to nrouso them, so ho
said, "Gentlemen, I will tell you an
anecdote." Instantly tho Judgo, tho
Jury nud tho fow spectntors pricked
up their cars and wero all attention, ns
Murchlson was ndmlrablo in that line,
hnd a fund of anecdotes nnd no ono
could tell them better. But ho soon
proceeded to toll ono of tho dullest,
prosiest and most pointless Jokes pos
sible. Everybody looked disappointed.
Tho Judgo, leaning over, snld In nn un
mtstakablo tono of disappointment,
"Mr. Murchlson, I don't soo tho point
of that Joke." "Nor I either," replied
tho witty counsel. "But your honor
told It to mo on our way down hcrt
and ns I thought tho lack of npprecla
tlon must bo duo to my obtusencss I
concluded to glvo tho Joko n trial by
Remarkable Feats of Strength.
Louis do' Boufllors, who lived In tho
sixteenth century, could break n bar
of Iron with his hands. Tho strong
est man could not tnko from him n ball
which ho hold between hts thumb and
first finger. Whllo standing up, with
no support whatever, four strong sol
diers could not tnovo him. Ho remain
ed ns firm as n rock. Sometimes ho
amused himself by taking on his shoul
ders his own horse, fully hnrncBsed,
nnd with thnt heavy load ho prome
naded tho public squnro, to tho great
delight of tho inhabitants. At about
tho snmo timo Ihoro lived a Spnnlnrd
nnmod riedro, who could break tho
strongest handcuffs that could bo put
around his wrists. ITo folded his arms
on his chest, nnd ten men pulling in
different directions with ropos could
not unfold them. Augustus II., elector
of Saxony, was n man of great strength.
Ho could carry a man in his open
The Puppy's Fault.
An enthusiastic feminist is enter
taining friends by reading tho lines
which Sheridan Indited to tho puppy
with a cnnlster tied to Its tall. Lord
Ersklue, It appears, had likened wives
to thnt same cnulstcr, nnd, Lady Ers
kino being Justly nnnoyed by tho re
mark, Sheridan dashed off tho follow
ing Impromptu:
Lord Ersklnc, rtt woman presutnlns to
Called a wlfo a tin canister tied to one's
And fair Lady Ann whllo tho subject he
carries on
Seems hurt at his lordshlp'B degrading
But whoreforo degrading, considered
A canister's polished and useful and
And should dirt Us original purity hide,
That's tho fault of tho puppy to whom It
Is tied.
An Expensive Luxury.
Richard Harding Davis, who knows
South Amerlcn intimately, told nt n
luncheon tit tho Philadelphia clubJa
South American story.
"Tho Florida In Buenos Aires," ho
snld, "Is very elegnnt nnd chnrmlng,
but in tho past tho young men were
too prone to nccost tho beautiful wom
en shopping nnd promenudlng there.
Accordingly n lnw was passed which
imposed a flno of $50 on any ono who
should dnro tb accost or annoy in tho
slightest degree any lady in Buenos
Mr. Dnvls pnused.
"Slnco tho passage of that law," ho
said solemnly, "tho Florida hns become
(luito safe, but when n beautiful wo
man walks In it tho young men hover
near her, murmuring In low nnd ardent
tones, 'I wish I hnd $50.' "
A Happy Paraphraso.
Tho retort courteous In the para
phrase ingenious 1ms seldom had better
Illustration than In tho story that after
tho signing of the trenty of Berlin llerr
von KIderlcn-Wacchter presented M.
Jules Carabori, with whom ho had ne
gotiated tho treaty, n photograph bear
ing tho Inscription, To my amiable
friend and terrible enemy." To which
M. Cambou responded by presenting
hl3 photograph Inscribed, "To my tcrrl
blo friend and mumble enemy."
Not the Right Kind.
A young bachelor who was besot by
n sewing mnchlno agent told tho latter
thnt his machine would not answer his
"Why," said tho agent, with voluhlo
praise, "It Is tho best on tho market In
every respect."
"That may bo," replied tho supposed
customer, "but tho, sewing machine I
am looking for. must i hnvo flaxen hair
nnd bluo eyes."-New York Journal.
Might Do Worse.
"What's tho trouble, old mnn? You
look worried."
"I nm. My son wnnts to start a
chicken farm."
"Ob, well, try to throwlt off! no
tntght bo wanting to buy or sell stuff
on margins." Chicago Record-Herald.
. Improving.
' "She went crazy over bridge."
"Sad, very end!"
"Oh, no grent hnrm dono. Her fam
ily placed her in a fashlonnblo sani
tarium, nnd she's playing a bettor
game than over now.' Washington
Hard to Choose.
Walkor Hike Do lady glmmo a ploco
of angel cako and a pair of shoes.
Toddlo AwnWhich aro ycr going" t
eat Chicago News.
Instead of "wishing" for a million
dollars to give a friend give him tho
$5 you havo. Howe's Monthly.
Flying Pow.ers of Birds.
The rato nt which somo birds enn
migrate under favorable conditions Is
extraordinary, and as ono listens to
their plaintive cries coming from tho
darkness overhead It Is difficult to "re
alize that In a few hours theso snmo
birds may bo within tho arctic circlo
nnd n little later mny bo even crossing
tho polo itself. Less Is known
of tho actual dates of tho departure
of tho migratory birds In autumn than
of thoso of their nrrlval earlier In tho
year, and this for obvious reasons.
Tho way In which our most charming
songsters silently skull: out o tho
country In tho autumn Is very differ
ent from that In which thoy mnko
their triumphal entry In the spring',
when every wood nnd copso resounds
with their melodies. Windsor Magazine.
Mrs, Washington's Gowns.
General Washington woro'nt his in
auguration n full suit of fine cloth, tho
handiwork of his own household. At
n ball glvon In Now Jersey In honor
of Mrs. Washington sho wore n "slm
plo russet gown" nnd white hnndkor
chlef nbout her neck. On ono occnslon
she gnvo tho best proof of her success
In domestic manufactures by tho ex
hibition of two of her dresses, which
wero composed of cotton, Htrlped with
silk and entirely homemade. Tho silk
stripes In the fnbrlc wero woven from
tho ravellngs of brown silk stockings
and old crimson chair covers.
Musical Note.
"What's tho matter over thero In tho
horn part?" asked Dr. Strauss nt n re
hearsal. "I'm sorry, Dr. Strauss," replied tho
horn player, "but I can not play tJfils
passago on tho horn. It mny bo all
right on tho plnno, but"
"Don't worry yourself," nnswered
tho composer-conductor. "It Is equally
Impossible on tho piano." Musical
Business Courtesy,
Llttlo Willie Say, pa, what Is busi
ness courtesy? Pa Thero nro two
kinds of business courtesy, my son.
Ono Is tho kind extended to peoplo
who pay ensh, nnd tho othor Is extend
ed to peoplo who don't. London An
swers. Observant Youngster,
"Oracle, did you learn auythlng new
it school today?"
"Sure! I found out how I could eat
an npplo without tho teacher secln'
mo do It" Chlcngo Tribune-
Delicate Flattery.
SIUcub Wbnt do you consider tho
most delicate form of flattery? Cynl
cub Telling a married man ho doesn't
look it Philadelphia Jtocord.
Ho who wishes to eocuro the good of
others has Already secured his own.
Minor Hinman
Docs not pay commissions to in
fluence trade; therefore, should
you be recommended to buy at
Hinman's, you may depend upon
this recommendation as being en
tirely disinterested.
We handle quality goods at
right prices and recommend
Stoughton and Fort Smith Wagons John Deere
Plows, Samson and Aermoter Wind Mills, Pums,
Pipes and Well Material of all kinds, Pittsburg
Electric weld Fencing, Barb Wire, Nails and Hard
ware, Monarch Malleable Ranges, Detroit Vapor
Stoves and Perfection , Oil Stoves, Sharpless Cream
Separators, Queen Incubators and Chick Food,
Farm and Garden Seeds.
Cor. 5th and Locust
Phone 15
Beatrice Cream Separator
500 to 1,000 lbs.
capacity per hour from
50 to $75
Highest Market Prico Paid for
H II E1 " M I
I jfiE&k $
B i TsBr
IIP JSSSS u outry Leader Incu- I
aQBriB l bors and Brooders at I
'IbEsbsLH r Factory Prices. I
Jm J simon bros., I
m North Platte, Neb. I
Ti ' iftt
t it ( if i
No salesmen needed
Here's one article that's good enough
to be its own best salesman. If you'll cover one
of your buildings with Peerless Prepared Roofing, you'll find
yourself tejling Brown, Smith, Robinson and the rest of 'cm,
how little it cost in the first place compared to other roofs you've
used how w t was to lay nnd how, from tho day you put Peer
less on, right up to tho minute you'ro telling about It, you've never
...... ... ppuu uuo ICU ten , repairs, inat's wjint wo menn when
wo auy, ro salesmen needed." Uurt sell Peerless Pr
Prepared Roofing
because it recommend itself.
You can t go wrong when you see the Peerless
mark on a roll of roofing. There's n ,'doubh guarantee, the manu
facturers, and our own, on every roll that leaves our door. When
you buy Peerless Roofing, you're purchasing years of wear and
absolute freedom from repair expense. Tho mlnuto you foel as U vnuv. rmt
settlns: moneys worth, say so and wo glvv . youjEur money bkik to a j&.
Come in and ask us why you should
use Peerless Roofing. We'll Mow you.
For Sale by W. W. Birge.
v. "