The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 17, 1912, Image 3

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Groom your cows.
The silo i3 a tlmo saver.
Attend to tho horso'a fooL
Grow strawberries for homo uso.
Lot tho young calvcj havo plenty or
Wo cannot longor'ralso paying ap
ple crops unless wo spray.
Seed grain of all kinds Is scarco
and high priced again this spring.
The cleanly dairyman keep the dirt
out of the milk rather than strains it
Whale oil soap may bo used to de
stroy lice, scale, Insects and mealy
bugs. Clover and grass seed always do
best when they can be started to early
Profltablo beef production' In tho fu
ture means that better gains must
bo made.
In a gallon of 30 per cent, cream
thoro are two and one-half pounds of
butter fat.
When butter refuses to "gather" tho
cream may be too sour or tha temper
ature too low.
Lack of thorough cleansing of tho
separator is one cause of flavor in
butter being off.
It Is a good plan to give a cow a
bucket of scalded bran as tho first
feed after calving.
The shoo should fit tho foot. Don't
lot the blacksmith cut bars or frogs,
to mako the horse's foot fit the shoe.
Field mice been at the young trees?
If tho bark Is knawed to tho wood the
trees may bo saved by bridge graft
ing. Satisfactory results wero obtained
last year at the Kansas Agricultural
college from tho use of Kaffir as si
lage. Potash, as a constituent of fertiliz
ers, exists In a number of forms, but
chiefly as chloride or muriate and as
After starling to shod their hair In
spring cows are very sensitive to sud
den cold snaps. That Is when stabling
pays at night.
Clover and grass seed may bo
grown and a good stand secured, on
oat ground during the la3t of April
and tho first of May.
Narrow doors In tho sheep barns
aro a mighty poor thing. Broken
down hips and early dropped lambs
aro some of the results.
A colt wants to be kept eating and
growing and oxercislng, and anything
but fattening, as long as he has a
tlmo nsslgned him by nature to grow.
Anr kind of fruit tree will dlo
when planted In ground that Is all
the time saturated with water. Tho
tllo ditch is a necessity in somo
Early peas may be followed by cel
ery or cabbago or potatoes, followed
by late beans or corn, thoreby get
ting sovoral crops from tho same
ground each year.
A horso must havo feet and legs bo
sido weight to bo any good at heavy
work. Flat bono in the cannons and
large, round feet should bo looked for
in picking horses.
Just now Is tho time to get tho start
of tho llco and a good first move Is to
thoroughly clean out the hen house
then squirt somo kerosene around
pretty lively over tho walls, roosts,
and nest boxes.
Young mares will sometimes refuse
to allow their foal3 to nurse at first.
The mare may bo tied In tho stall and
the colt helped to milk. As soon as It
has sucked each teat tho mother will
usually allow it to continue.
A good liniment for all kinds of
swellings on dairy cows, ns well as on
all other farm animals is mado by
mixing equal parts of turpentine,
sweot oil and spirits of camphor. Ap
ply liberally and frequently to tho
swollen parts.
If your stablo floor Is or plank nncl
In need of repairing, the laying or a
thin coat of cement over tbo old and
then putting a now layer of planks on
it will servo to mako tho floor water
tight and at tho same time, to pro
vent dry rot.
Plgs relish potatoes.
Cut back climbing roses.
Caro for tho farrowing sow.
Treat tho young hollers gently.
Groom your horses well and prevent
skin diseases.
The dairyman can raise hogs cheap
er than any ono olse.
Old and mnny young trees aro In
feBtod with tho woolly aphis.
Keeping tho flngqrnalls cut may
savo both milk and mortification.
Korosono emulsion will kill plant
llco moro effectively than hellebore
Thero is a big difference between
a butterfly and a fly in tho butter.
Bo Biiro tho little pigs havo a nice
dry placo to strotch out in tho warm
Milk fover might often bo prevented
by a little attention to thoicow beforo
Remember thnt your orchard, espe
cially the young trees, need gocd
Tho throe important elements of
plant food aro nitrogen, phosphorus
and potassium.
Alfalfa Is tho most wonderful of all
cultivated plants, and the oldest ono
known to history.
There is no germ slayer better than
an ounco of carbolic acid added to a
pail of whitewash.
Ono of tho chief advantages of feed
ing live stock on tho farm is tho
maintenance of soil fertility.
It will take good farming to keep
up and increase toll fertility without
purchasing feed grown outside.
Teach tho children to respect tho
dragon fly. This friend or ours kills
flics and many other obnoxious in
sects. If dusty hay is fed, sprinkle with
water, and It will save tho horse
much annoyance; but better not feed
It at all.
A box of ashes under a clump of
shrubbery will bo greatly appreciated
by tho hens In warm weather.
It is as impossible to estimate tho
productiveness and value of a cow as
It is to guess the exact number of
bushels of corn a certain field will
The right kind of a farm garden
will keep tho family during garden
season with tho help of tho hens. It
won't tako many hens for this help,
A good crop for tho orchard would
bo cowpeas wide strips sown between
the rows of trees. This would mako
good early bay and is also good for
the soil.
While sheep will eat grain and any
kind of grass and some kinds ot
weeds, they are, after all, dainty
feeders, and tho feed must be abso
lutely clean.
If you intend to raise sheep for wool
buy rams and owes that aro bred
for wool, and do not make tho mis
take of mixing mutton types with
wool types.
Tho young pigs often become crook
ed In tho legs, If kept on tho hard
floor too long, and this means that
tho pig. If a good breed, loses much
of Its valuo.
Weighing milk at stated Intervals
not only tells the owner which are
his profitable cows, and which aro
robbers, but It stimulates rivalry be
tween tho milkers.
Alfalfa growB best on a deep, sandy'
loam underlaid by a loose and per
meable subsoil. It will not grow If
there Is an excess of water In tho
soil. The land must be well drained.
English farmers do not hesitate to
pny as high as $100 for a pure bred
sire ram. Do you Imagine they would
do this If they could get Just as good
results from a scrub at one-tenth tho
The high producing dairy cow is an
'animal that follows In the wake of
civilization. She never goos ahead.
' Conditions must bo suitable be
fore sho can bo of any valuo to tho
If strawberry plants aro dried out
when rccolved by express do not water
them, for water on the foliage will
quickly cause the crown to rot. Dip
tho roots In tepid water nnd lay them
In a cool cellar for a few hours.
Four ounces of sulphate of potas
sium to a gallon of water makes a
good solution tor killing lice on horses.
Benzlno is also beneficial. Both ap
plications should bo rubbed in twice,
a week apart, In, order to do tho work
Box stalls are safer for fattening
horses in than single stalls, but tho
' dlffercnco In cost Is hardly worth
i while, for with ordinary caro horses
can bo fattened to Just as good a.d-
vantage when tied In slnglo stalls as
when confined In box stalls.
Squad of Dirty Street Urchins Were
Fed In White House by Lincoln's
Son, Despite Cook.
Iloth the steward and tho cook had
remonstrated with "Master Tad" up
on bringing Into the kitchen of tho
White llouso "such squads of poor,
dirty, hungry street urchins to bo fed,"
and at last Peter said that Mrs. Lin
coln must be told, sas Wide Awako
Tail flow into n rage, ran upstairs to
sec his mother himself, and on finding
her out. rp-rched t.:u place for his
busy father.
Meanwhile, the small objects of his
charity waited at tho lower door
for Peter had absolutely refused to lot
them "atop Inside."
The Indignant boy spied his father
Just crossing the yard with bowed
head, eyes to tho ground, talking earn
estly to'Mr. Seward as they walked to
the department of state together. He
cried out to him at once:
"Father, father! Can't 1 bring these
poor, cold, hungry boys homo with mo
whenever 1 want to? Isn't It our
By this time Tad had his father by
the hand, who stopped to listen to the
frantic appeal.
"Can't 1 give tl'eni a good warm
dinner today? They're just as hun
gry as beasts, and two of 'cm aro boys
of a soldier, too! and, father, I'm go
ing to discharge Peter tills minute if
ho doesn't get out the meat and chick
ens and pies and all the things wo
had left yesterday. Say, mayn't 1?
Isn't It our kitchen, father?"
'ocretary Soward was shaking with
laughter. Mr. Lincoln turned to him
with a twinkle.
"Seward, advise with mo. This case
requires diplomacy."
Mr. Seward patted Tad on the back
and said ho must be careful not to run
tho government Into debt, and the pros
Idem took Tad's little brown hands In
his own big one, and with a droll smile
bid him to "run along homo and feed
the boys," and added:
"Toll Peter that you aro really re
quired to obey tho Bible by getting in
the maimed and tho blind) and that
he must he a bettor Christian than he
In leas than an hour, Mr. Seward
said, they passed tluough the yard on
their way to the cabinet meeting, and
no less than ten small boys wore sit
ting with Tad on tho lower stops,
cracking nuts and having a "state din
ner." Mr. Lincoln remarked that the
"kitchen was ours."
Found In Alexai.drin Century Before
Christian Era, According to
Hunter of Curious.
A hunter of the curious tolls us
that slot machines, very fur from be
ing a modern Invention, were found In
Alexandria, a century beforo the Chris-
Ancient Slot Machines,
tlan era, says the Springfield Repub
lican. According to a historian of that
time, thero was In existenco a sacri
ficial vessel from which water would
flow only when money was dropped In
tho slot. Now wo want to know
whether the ancients had chewing
Turned the 8ubject.
Eddie, who has been punished for
eating green ap'pleB, is again In tho
garden, Indulging his nppetlto for the
forbidden fruit, when papa approaches
silently, and stands frowning down
upon him. Eddie hangs his head, with
the half-eaten apple In his little fist
thrust behind him. Then, suddenly,
the trembling lip stiffens, ho looks
up Into tho stern face, with a guile
less famlle, and pipes: "Papa, Is
drecn apple plo made out of tur
rants?" Hard on the Pioneer.
"Now, Johnnie," said the teacher,
"tell mo what' an engineer Is?"
"Ho is a man that works an en
gine." replied .lohnnlo.
"Correct," said tho teacher. "Now,
Tommy, can you tell mo what a pi
oneer Is?"
"Yos, sir," nnswnrod Tommy; "no's
a man thnt works a piano."
One on Willie Smith.
Mother "What? Smoking again?
Why don't you try lo be like Willie
Smith? He never smokes." Jlmmte
"If it male mo as sick ns It does blm
1 wouldn't neltter"
Apparatus Invented by Brooklyn Man
Whose Mechanism Is Controllable
by Skill and Chance.
In describing an apparatus Invented
by D. J. Ilebon o! Ilrooklyn, N. Y tho
Scientific American snys:
The engraving Is a perspective view
showing tho gamo apparatus complete
Tho Invention rolatos to an npparatua
whose mechanlEm is controllnblo part
ly by skill and partly by chance for
playing an Indoor gaino having moro
or loss nnalogy to basoball. it com
prises parts representing a baseball
Game Apparatus.
diamond or Held, and various bases
disposed about the same, tho parts
being disposed so that the b.illa may
be rolled from base to base, and vari
ous other provlslops being made for
"strikes," "balls," "homo runs," "baso
hits," mid "putting out." Tho appa
ratus further comprises moans where
by a ball (representing a player)
roaches n base, It may havo tho ef
fect of liberating other tails lodged
(upon other bases nntl located moro or
less distant from the ball which lib
orates them.
Knife Is Made to Leap Up and Make
Half-Circle, Falling Into De-
canter Requires Practice.
Hero Is a very good trick which may
be perfoimec" by boys after a good
deal of practice. Take a water de
canter and placo it on tho side of tho
tnble so that It rests on the very edge
(see illustration). Then tnkean ordi
nary dessert knlfo and placo (ho
rounded end of It between tho tnblo
and the decanter, pushing It about tho
quarter of an Inch under the decanter,
or just far enough to make the knlfo
stick out horizontally. When all Is
rendy, strike a sharp blow with tho
finger beneath the handle of tho knlfo.
If tho right force Is ghen to tho blow,
tho knife will lenp up nnd make a
half-circle In the nlr In tho direction
of tho mouth of tho decanter, Into
which it will fall, handle downward.'
ir rightly domrt It requires a good
deal of practice to accomplish tho
feat, and when practicing It Is well to'
use a large-mouthed decunter till you
are sure of your blow. After you have'
become expert at tho trick you can,
toss the knife into a medium mouthed
bottle with ease. While practicing,
cover the tnble and your lap with
heavy cloth so as to protect both from
tho sharp edge of the knlfo should It
fall wide of the mark.
Dolling Things Soft,
Thero are many things, such as
eggs, that can -be boiled hard, and oth
er things that can be boiled soft, and
one of them Is the potnto.
Tito potato belongs to a class ot
foods called starchy, becntise It Is al
most entirely composed of grains of
starch, These grains are contained In
n stiff woody hort of covering, which
will not expand, ns It Is not elastic. If
tbo potato were left In tho ground, It
would need this starch for Its future
existence, but when it is dug up and
boiled something happens to tho
The hot water soaks through the
hard woody covering and gets to the
grains of starch, which Immediately
begin to expand, and as the hard cov
ering cannot expand with It, there Is
nothing for It but to burst, nnd by
the tlmo all the hard part of tho potato
has been bmken up In thiw way nnd a
quantity of water has been absorbed
the potato Is quite fcoft.
Knew It Was Wrong.
The ParsonHow did you get that,
black eye, Tommy?
Tommy Fighting.
Tbo Parson I'm t-orry to hear that.
Don't you know thnt It Is wrong to
Tointnj Yos, sir. Thai's what I
told your kid when ho licked mo yes
terday, Small Coy's Interpretation.
"I waB much mortified today to havo
Gerald say to me .beforo company:
Shut up, ma.'" "How discouraging! "
"I havo dono my host to teach tho boy
to any: 'Mamma, pray bo quiet." when
he desires mo to ccaao speaking, but
If upoms 1 havo labored In vain. What
am I to do?"
talWJl'Wm"1" iii , ' 1
Tho Jnpancso logation In Pokln
gavo n dinner tho othor day In honor of
Charles W. Eliot, president cmoritus
of Harvard university. In welcoming
tho scholar, Koklchl Mlzuno, chnrgo
d'affaires, said:
' "Dr. Eliot ns presldont of Harvard
uutvorsity rendered remarkabto serv
ices to Japan by helping to cducuto
mnny of tho Jnpnnoso statesmen, who
regenerated tholr country, il nm glad
to know that an enthusiastic recep
tion Is awaiting him in Japan, and 1
am glad that ho Is going by way ot
Mnnchutla and Korea. Ho thus will
seo things as thoy actually aro. In
my four yours of consular sorvlco in
America I heard ndvorso criticisms ot
tho Japanese activities and enter
prises In Manchuria and Korea.
"These criticisms wero based on
misunderstandings and mlsreprcsontn-
tloiis. Wo wolcomo criticism, but wo
deslro it to bo based on facts nnd
figures. I do not think any oin has
tho right to criticise Jnpancso activities simply bocnuso thoy aro Japanese.
Tho visit of an impartial observer like Dr. Eliot must result In tho removal
of tho American pcoplo's misunderstandings of our activities in Manchuria
nnd Korea. Suggestions and criticisms nro most wolcomo. Japan's national
ulm and Ideal Is to unlto tho two vnst streams of oriental and occidental
civilizations, thus contributing to tho wolfnro of humanity.
"Lot us drink to Dr. Eliot, tho sngo or Cambridge, America's grand old
In responding Dr. Eliot said In part, speaking for tho Carncgio Founda
tion: "Tho Carnegie Foundation does not contemplate n sudden disarmament.
Until tho nations have somo guaranty against sudden lnvnsions or tho cutting
off of food supplies nrmlcs and navies will bo necessary. Tho Foundation
exists for tho studying and gathering of nccurato Information on tho forces
promoting penco. Tho majority of Americans do not sympnthlzo with 111 In
formed nnd jingoistic newspapers. Accurato and rollablo information ab6ut
forolgn countries la needed. Tho Foundation hopes for tho establishment of
nn international court which can, If necessary, enforco its decisions by armed
WWira W
States on questions which aro doomed by tho directorate to bo ot nn.Ionul
Importance No matters of purely local Interest will bo within tho scope ot
tho Interest of this new organization, and tho dlroctors stnto that "tho power
and lnlluenco of the now body will bo plnced behind nny proposition when a
substantial majority of tho commorclal associations of tho United State3 havo
shown themselves to bo In ngreoment."
Tho directors wero authorized to npply tor a lodoral incorporation lor
the organization.
Tho artlclo attacking tho crown ,
prince lor neglect of military duties,
which 1b attracting great nttontlon,
'being reproduced In many lending
newspapers, appeared originally In
Der Tuermor, a monthly rovlow, ac
cording to n Ilerlln dispatch. It was
'written by Herr Ouenther von Vlo
(brogge, a retired ofllcor. ,
Tho nrtlclo observes Hint up to tho
time when tho kaiser nppolntcd his
heir to tho colonelcy of tho famous
Death's Head hussars at Danzig last
September tho crown prlnco had never
done any military service worth men
tioning. It was hoped thnt tho com
mand would at last fill tho prlnco, in
whoso veins the blood of so many
wufilors flowed, with genuine en
thuslasm for tho profession of arms.
"Up to the present, however," con
tinues tho article, "tho hopes aroused
by tho transfer to Danzig havo re
malned unfulfilled. Tho crown prlnco
Is nbsont far loo much on leavo. In
deed, ono might nsk when ho is at tho head of his regiment at all,
"Immediately after his appointment the august young gentleman went
traveling for four weeks, principally to hunt. Soon after his return wo anvr
him lu Ilerlln; sometimes In tho retchstng, where ho attended tho Morocco
debates; sometimes at the flying grounds."
as "St r 1 J
tho establishment of Mongolia aB nn independent buffer state nnd crMfiso tho
go eminent strongly for Us conciliatory atMtudo toward C'H-.i
Harry A. Wheeler of the Union
Trust company and ox-president of tho
Chicago Association of Commerce, has
boon unanimously elected president ot
tho Nntlonnl Chamber ot Commerce.
This commltteo consists of twenty
flvo members from all sections of tho
United States, and will bo tho gov
erning body of tho association, having
chnrco ot practically all executive
Under tho organization tho National
Chnmbor of Commerco of tho United
States will consist ot moro than (10"
delegates from commprclnl organiza
tions of every character, including
chambers ot commorco, boards of
trades, commercial clubs, merchants
nnd manuafcturers associations, and
natlonnl associations ropFesonting bov
oral commorclal interests.
Tho by-laws of tho now organization
provide for methods ot disclosing
through a system of referendum, tho
commercial opinion ot tho United
It Is stated In high official circles
thnt Russia does not contomplnte tbo
annexation of Mongolia and does not
even deslro to seo it established as a
buffer state. On tho contrary, Russia
feels thnt Chinese suzerainty Is best
for the Mongols, who nro unnecus
tomed to self government nud are Ig
norant of statecraft.
For Russia to assist Mongolia In a
war for Indepomlenco would bo fool
ish, ns It would nllennto from tho om
plro the sympathies of tho young Chi
nese republic, nntugonlzo tho other
powers and necessitate stronger meas
ures Inter on. Ofilcinls who havo tho
czar's confidence say that should China
succeed In making an arrangement
whereby the Mongols would bo satis
Had, RtiBsla would not object to Mon
golia's joining the republic.
While tho foregoing Is undoubtedly
tho Rusalnn government's attitude, It
must bo remembered that tho Itu
blan press and tho military party fcor