The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 10, 1912, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mall in advance. . . .... .$1.25
One Year by Carrier In advance $1.M
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ollico us Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1912.
The tax commissioner of tho Union
Pacific makes the clnim that the land
through which that road pasties is as
sessed at one-tenth its actual value! in
stead of one-fifth. This may be true
in some counties, hut not in Lincoln
county. In some instances tho value
placed on our land is higher than it is
The renewed proposal to limit a presi
dent of the United Stateg to one term
of b!x years is meeting with favor
among all classes. Eventually this
chango in the constitution will be made
nnd then wo shnll get rid of one-third
of the presidential campaigns that as a
rule disrupt business and maKe tno
man of means cautious of his invest
ments. Omaha held its first election Tuesday
under tho commission form of govern
ment and the "on tho square" "candi
dates, headed by Mayor Jim Dnhlman,
hod a decisive victory over tho citizen's
union. This olection verifies the state
ment that Mayor Dnhlman can secure
in Omahn anything for tho asking all
tho good citizens may not bo back of
him but "the boyB" aro certainly with
him all the time.
Among tho attendants at tho Episco-
Eal convocation this week was Rev. Dr.
haw, rector of St. Peter's church in
Chicago, a large and wealthy parish.
In connection with his church he has a
theatre in which homo talent and pic
ture shows aro produced, adancinghnll,
gymnasium, pool and card h&ll, library,
natatorium and other rooms of nmuso
ment. As a result of these amusement
features the members of tho church,
both old and young, are provided with
clean entertainment with pure environ
ments and do not need seek question
able resorts.
Willium J. Hryan, who has been
making a tour of Ohio opposing Har
mon, mudo the statement that Harmon's
friends triod to purchase tho votes of
delegates from Ohio to tho national
convention In Denvor, in 1008, who had
been instructed for the Nebraskan. Ho
said he had obtained a letter as evidence
that Harmon was favored by Wall
street and that ho had heard it stated
aa early as February in 1908 that Har
mon hoped to be tho Wall street candi
date for tho presidency that year. Ho
Is prepared to state thnt as late as
Juno in 1908 friends hoped to nominate
Hnrmon in Denvor, notwithstanding
that two-thirds of tho delegates wore
instructed for ISryan. "His friends
tried to purchase delegates in Ohio who
bad been instructed for me," said
Local and Personal.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Chamberlain and
son, of Denver, who spent tho last
weok with relatives in town, went
homo Tuesday afternoon.
Tho Dogrco of Honor social club were
ontortained on Tuesday nftornoon by
Mosdomes Anderson, Porkins and Jonos
at tho homo of tho former.
Ralph Alden, Will Cunningham, Jay
Smith, Duvo Ryun and Jumus Lambert
will leuvo today to take part in the
district track meet at Hastings.
Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Rector returned.
Wednesday morning from Pino Bluffs
whoro they wore called last weok by
tho death of tho latter'H motlior.
Henry Guinn, of Gundy, who has
been confined in tho county jail since
January 31st for bootlegging in Gandv,
was tried thero last week and acquitted.
Henry G. Frey and Jessio P. Dcmpsoy
of Moorcfiold wore married Wednesday
afternoon by Judgo Grant in tho pres
ence of Nellio Stinott and Ralph
Sheriff Salisbury went to Lincoln
yestorday nftor A. H. Tumor who
passed a bogus chock on Mr. Lylo last
week in payment for a horso which ho
District Mnnagor Wilson of the Ne
braska Tolophono Co., spont sovernl
days here this week transacting busi
ness with Manager Brown, of tho
telephone company.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gnvin, of Clin
ton, In., wont thru to Call forniu yester
day to spend several weekB. Enrouto
homo they will visit thoir cousins Mr,
nnd Mrs. P. A. Norton.
Miss Helen Minslmll loft lust ovoning
for Kearney to attend tho graduation
of hor sinter Miss Hazel at tho Konrnoy
normal. Enrouto homo mho will visit
friends in Gothenburg.
Ray E. Long and Bort Wuddell, who
bnvo been employed in district Foreman
Berry's office for several months, will
Joiive today for Cheyenne, where they
have accepted positions.
The Hondy.Ogier gnrago will roeoive
another shipment or eight Ford curs
Within tho next fnw ilnvn ulv trm-l..
nnd two run-a-bouty, all but ono of
which have been sold in advance.
Dr,V-IiUCftS cl tho fl"t of tho
week for Omnha ami Lincoln. Ho will
attend tho Htate medical meeting in tho
latter plnco and enrouto homo will por
form several operations at Sholton.
Colfax Encampment No. 23 I. O. O.
F. will confer tho Royul Purple degreo
on Bovornl candidates on Friday oveing
of this week. All members uro urged
to bo present Lunch ruin or shine.
. V Baxter, former superintendent
of tho Nobrasku division of tho Union
Pacific, has resigned his position with
the Illinois Central to accent thn nmi.
dency of tho Alaska Steamship Co.
Attorney Harry Goodall, of Ogalnlla,
transacted business and visited friends
In town yesterday Ho uys business
in picking up in his town, and that it
is one of the best abiding places on
Mothers Day Next Sunday.
M.tvt Qnnrlmr ittll ln '.Tnra, Tin u ' !
nnd it will be observed throughout th
country ns such. Forty governors imd
hundreds of mayors have issued proc
lamations endowing the observance of
tliu day, nnd in tliousanda of 'churches
"Mother" willbe the theme of sermons.
The flower of the day is tho carnntion
whito for tho mother dead, red for
the mother living. It is a pretty -sentiment
for man's nest friend.
The Union Pacific Right-of-Way.
Tn' lower house of congress on Mon
day passed the Norris bill validating
tho title of farmers to the disputed land
along tho Union Pacific. The bill gives
the railroad company a right-of-wny of
200 feet instead of 400 feet as claimed
by the company. The bill has been in
troduced in the senate and it is believed
that it will pnsfl that body. With the
passago of the bill hundreds of farmers
and property owners in many towns
will be mude glad.
A Woman Finds All Her Energy and
Ambition Slipping Away.
North Platte women know how the
aches and pains that often como when
tho kidneys fail make life a bur
den. Backache, hip pains, headaches,
dizzy spoils, distressing urinary troubles,
arc frequent indications of weak kid
neys and should bo checked in time.
Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kidneys
only. They attack kidney diseases by
striking nt tho cause. Here's proof of
their merit in a North Platte woman's
Mrs. Mary Hollenbeck, 520 E. 11th
St., North Platto, Nebr., says: In a
statement endorsing Doan'B Kidney
Pills given in August, 1907, I told how
several years previous, I hod suffered
from a severo ache in the small of my
back. I arose in tho morning feeling
stiff and lumc and it required a long
time for me to straighten. The kidney
secretions also annoyed me greatly.
Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from Mc
Donoll & Graves' Drug store (now
Schiller & Co's. drug store), .proved
beneficial and no other remedy 1 have
over taken has given mo more relief. I
do not know how I could ever get with
out Doan's Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
conts. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
Now York, solo agents for tho United
Remember tho name Doan's and
tnke no other.
It Is contrary to tho city ordinances
for any person to deposit in tho streets
or ulloys any ashes, manure, grnsa or
othor refuse, and I have been instructed
by tho city council to see thnt thoso
ordinances nro enforced. Property
owners nnd residents will very much
oblige mo by complying with these
ordinances. W. B. SALisnuiiY,
Street Commissioner.
Room nnd Board Wanted.
All those who can furnish rooms qr
room nnd board, for Junior Normal
students, plense send their names and
street numbors to County Supt. Miss
Chnppoll, stating how many they can
accomodate. 27-4
Di Afield redfield,
Physicians nnd Surgeons.
JOE U. HEDI'IELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
Medically Examined Maseour.
I'hyslcnl Culture, Form Hovclopment.
Alxlumunnl Reduction. Itcoplrutory
and Swcodlah Movement.
Homo Treatment.
Hionu 637 2M E 3rd St.
We make n specialty of
Dairy Products and can
furnish the best in large
or small quantities direct
from our own Dairy Farm
every morning,
Phone your order in
and it will be delivered.
Doolittle Bakery.
In smoking our cigars, first bocnuso
thoy nro made of tho best lenf tobacco,
second becuaso thoy nro hnnd-mndo
and lust because we put hotter tobacco
in our nickle cigar than soma manu
facturers do in ton-centers. Wo know
wo make a good cigar; hundred of
smokers in North Platto know it. but
hundreds of others ought to know it.
Patronizo homo industry.
mm .PSwRWr
Me refer those who, .have not
Banked wtth as to those who
A Rational linnlc must conduct its business
nocordlnu; to tho Inws luid clown by the UXITJ5D
S'lATJiSGOVliRXAUSXT nt Washington, culled
the Rational Jiunlclng Act. licstrlction for tho
safety oT dejiositors uro embodied in this law, and
the U, S. Treasury Department, through its Simile
JSxnminors, investigates Rational Jinnies I'ogu
luvly, Jicsidcs, thoro nro men oF ohnmotcr nnd l'inan
oinl responsibility behind our buulc.
Ho YOUJZ bunking with
The First National Bank,
The largest JSnnlc in "Western Rcbraslca.
Stoughton and Fort Smith Wagons John Deere
Plows, Samson and ""Aermoter Wind Mills, Pums,
Pipes and WU. Material, of all kinds, Pittsburg
Electric veld Fencing, Barb Wire, Nails and Hard
ware, Monarch Malleable Ranges, Detroit Vapor
Stoves and Perfection Oil Stoves, Sharpless Cream
Separators, Queen Jncubators and Chick Food,
Farm and Garden Seeds.
Cor. 5th and Locust
Climbed "THE" hill south of town.
30 Horse Power, Sliding Gear Transmission,
S Passenger, Fully Equipped.
505 Dewey Street.
Beatrice Cream Separator
1 mSBIml V IS
IE" North Pla j
Short Orders a
Drop in the next time and have a trial
of the most up-to-date place in the city
Opposite Depot
Phone IS
500 to 1,000 .lbs.
capacity per hour from
$50 to $75
Highest Market Price Paid for
Poultry Leader Incu
bators and Brooders at
Factory' Prices.
Specialty With Us.
Frozen from water pumped from
n good depth, and the lake has
been re-cemento.d thus insuring
the best nnd purest ice possible
to obtain.
Price 50 Cents
Per 100 Lbs.
Wo solicit your orders and insure
prompt delivery.
Mf--- ti'
f Phvsir.inn nnd Surnenn
v Office over McDonald Bank.
StlMtfr' j-frfrfl.
Serial No. 031S1.
Department of tho Interior,
U. S. Land Ollico at North Platto. Nob.
Mar. 4. 1012.
Notice Is horobr irlven that Harry
Madison, oi North I'latto. Nob., who. on Fub.
12,lSHi7,malo homestead entry No. 22010, serial
No. 03181 for VM. NM NEU. and SM SEW.
Section 20, TownshlD 10 N. Raniro 31,
31 W. of the Oth Principal Morldlab. has
filed notice of Intention to make final tlvo
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
above (Inscribed, before tho Koglstor and Re
ceiver at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho 25th
dar of Juno, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: Sidney
Hollenbeck. John Welliver, Hugh Gaunt,
Jacob Meyers, all ot North Platto,' Nob.
m7-fl J. E. Evans. Keirlater.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, SS.
In tho County Court
In the matter of tho estate of Ashbol
D. Hall, deceased.
On readme and flllntc tho petition of Marlon
II Evans praying that tho administration of
said estate may bo granted to herself
as administratrix.
Ordered. That May 28th. 1912, at 0 o'clock
a.m., Is assigned for hearing said potltlon
when all persons Interested In said matter
may appear at a county court to bo hell In
and for said county, and show cause, why
tho prayer of petitioner should not be
granted; and that notice of tho pendency of
said potltlon and tho hearing thoreof, bo
given to all parsons interested In said matter
by publishing a copv of this order In the
North Platto Semi-Weekly Tilbune, a legal
weekly newspaper printed In said county for
three successive, weeks prior to said day of
Dated MayO. 1912.
tnl-3 John Grant. County Judgo
State of Nebraska. Lincoln county, ss.
In tho county court.
In the matter of tho ctato of Sophia
I), Hall, deceased.
On reading anil tiling the petition of Mar
lon H. Evans praying that administration of
eald estate may bo granted to herself as ad
ministratrix. Ordered, That May 28th. 1912. at 0
o'clock a. m. Is assigned for hearing said
potltlon when all persons Interested In said
mattor may appear at a county court,
to be held In and for said county
and show cause, why the prayer of potl
oncr ehoud not bo gran tad; awl that notice
of tho pendency of said prlUIon and tho
hearing thereof bo given to all persons Inter
ested In said matter by puhll&hlng a copy of
this order Id tho North Plafo Tribune, a
legal semi-weakly newspaper printed In said
county, for threo successive weeks, prior to
said day of hearlnv.
Dated May Oth. 1912.
m-3 John Quant. County Judgo.
In the County Court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska. April 10. 1912.
In tho matter of the estate, of Katlo
Hendy, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given, that tho creditors
of said docottsod will inoet tho Adminis
trator of mild estate Ixiforo tho County Judo
of Lincoln county, Nebraska. t tli county
court room In said county, on tho 20th day of
May, 191.', and on tho 20th day of Nov.
191., atu o'clock a. m. each day. for tho pur
pose of presenting thelrclaltns for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
arp allowed for creditors to present thoir
claims and ono year for the Administrator to
settle said estate, from tho Iflth day of
April. 1912, A copy of this order to bo pub
lished in tho North Platte Tribune a semi
weekly newspaper of said county for four
successive weeks prior to said day of
a23- JOnN GRANT. County Judgo
In the county court of Lincoln County, Nd
braska. April 16. 1912,
In the matter of tho estate of Christian Mar
quette, deceased.
Notlco is hereby dven, that tho creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of
said catnte, before the County Judgo of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, at the countv court room. In
said county, on the 20th day of May, 1912. and on
tho 20th day of November, 1912. nt 9 o'clock a. m.
each day, for the purposo of presenting their
claims, for examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Six months aro allowed for the creditors
to present their claims, and one year for the ad
ministrator to settle said estate, from the 16th
day of April, 1912. A notice of this order to ho
published in the North Platte Tribune, a semi
weekly now spaper of so'd county for four suc
cessive weekB prior to said day of hearing.
a23-4 JOHN GRANT, County Judgy
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by P. II.
Sullivan, justice of tho peace in and
for North Platte, Nebraska, in favor of
the McDonald State bank, n corpora
tion, and against Wnltor Goyer and to
me directed, I will on the 25th day of
May, 1912, nt tho county jail in North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska,
offer for cosh at public auction tho
following described property:
7 boxes of cigars, f pair of pants, 1
cap, 3 flannel shirts, 2 pairs of cook
trousers, 1 pair of over shoes, 1 whito
hat, 1 sweater, 1 coat and vest, 1 razor,
1 razor hone, 1 gun cleaner rod. 2 cook
coats, 2 shirtssl trunk, ns tho property
of the said defendant, Walter Geyer.
uateu at worm riatte, Neb., April
30th, 1912.
A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
Nhtice is hereby gi( ,. ) ' trttcd
m.y, May Mth, 1912. ?tctt"AiocK p. m.,
I will sell to tho high6ivk.Jderfc-2.ash
at public auction at tho county j .i in
the city of North Platte, Lincoln coun
ty. Neb., tho following goods nnd chat
tels, to-wit:
Ono bay mure about five years old,
weight about 1150 pounds,
Ono black mare about seven years old,
woight about 1200;
which said goods and chattels were lev
ied upon by me, A. J. Salisbury, sheriff
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon nn
execution issued out of and under the
seal of tho county court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon a judgment
rendered ana uocKeteu in snia court
in favor of John S. Twinem and against
Albort Beach.
Dated at North Platte, Neb., this 2d
day of May, 1912.
A. J. Salisbury.
Sheriff of Lincoln county, Neb.
uociors Ames & Ames,
Yi Physicians and Surgeons, i)
U Office over Stono Drug Co. f
H Phono f.OfllCP273 J
A I hones f Residence 273 Si
Referee's Sale.
NntlPP ? burohv mvrni thnt hr trlfftiu
of an order f sale issued to me by tho
district court of Lincoln county, Ne-
urusita, on me jsuin any oi uec, lull,
in nn nction therein pending, wherein
Olivers Hhristlnn nrul nnvii V. Mnriln
nre plaintiffs nnd Clnudo H. Reed.
-I I . I ft n .
uisu luiuwn us vj. it. iteeu, is de
fendant, and nlso an additional and
and supplemental order issued to mo by
the district court of Lincoln county,
XUtMaLn . V. 114-U .1 f A Ti
m-uiuonu, uu km: .mil uuy oi April,
1912. in snid netinn. T will nn tlm Bfl,
dav of Jtinn. 1012. nf. thn hmip nf 1
o'clock p. m. of said day at the east
iront uoor oi me court nouse in the
citV of North Plnttn. T.inrnln nmindt
Nc'brnskn, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder, the following described
num. luwit: aiib ease one-unit nnu the
south-west qunrter of section twenty
five in townshin fiffuon nnt-tVinf -o.,
tlurty-three west of the 6th P. M. ; nnd
uisu uu oi section twenty-nine and tho
west one-half and tho north-east quar
ter of section thirty in township fif
teen north of rnnge thirty-two west of
tho 6th P. M.: all in Lincoln county,
Nebraska; also sixteen school land
leases, mndn hv tho atntn nf Vnkraoim
on the 14th day of August, 1897, for a
iciui ui Lwuiity-uve years, irom Jan.
1st, 1898, for the following state school
lands, to-wit: all of section thirty-six
in township fifteen, north of range
uiiiiy-iiiree, west oi om r. ui. m Lin
coln county, Nebraska, and of the in
terests crentpri hv ntlffl lonaoo in ooi.1
land, and the improvements thereon,
each of said leases covering forty-acres
of said section thirty-six; all of the
above described real estate and school
land leases will be offered for sale in
quarter section tracts, and nt the
snme time all of the above described
real estate nnd nrhnnl lnnrl lnnono ,..:n
be offered for sale as one tract, and
tne ma or mas win ne accepted which
will amount to the greater sum.
ine terms ot said sale will be one
fourth cash on dav of salo? tlio hnlnn..-
on March 1st, 1913, on which date the
nremises will hn ronvouo nnA ,lnt;,.
ered to the purchaser or purchasers.
uateu tnis zan day ot April, 1912.
W. T. Wilcox, Referee.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from the district court of Lincoln
county, Neb., upon a decree of fore
closure rendered in said court wherein
the American Investment and Trust
Company, n corporation, is plaintiff
nnd Victor A. Palm, et al are defend
ants and to me directed I will
on the 5th day of June, 19,12, at
2 o'clock p.m., at the east front door
of the court house in North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said decree, interest and
costs, the following described property
towit: The west half of section nine
(9), township sixteen (16), range
(31), Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated at North Platte, Nebrsnka.
April 30th, 1912.
A. J. Salisbury. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of nn order of sale issued
from the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure renrinrcrl in on!,l .,.,t
wherein Union Realty and Trust Com
pany is piainuu nnu feter IS. Burnett
is defendant, and to me directed, I will
on the 8th day of June, 1912, at 2 o'clock
P. M.f at the east front door of the court
house in North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for rnsli tn cn;f,, r.:.i
decree, interests and costs, the follow
ing ueseriueu property, to wit:
All of tho northwest quarter of sec
tion fourteen (14), town thirteen (13)
north of range thirty-three (33) west
of the 6th p m in Lincoln county, Nebr
Dated North Platte, Neb., May 2,
A. J. Salisbury. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Ssle. ,
By virtue of a decree rendered in the
district court in and for Lincoln county.
Nebraska, on the 24th day of April
1912, in an action in which James T
Feeney is plaintiff, nnd Jnmes W. Hunt
and Henry Lindbeck are defendants,
which decree ordered me as sheriff of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, to tnke pos
session of the property hereinafter des
cribed and further ordered that upon
tho failure of the said James W. Hunt
to pny to the plaintiff tho sum of one
thousand six hundred eighty dollars and
sixty-three cents ($1680.63), with seven
per cent interest from date and costs
of this suit taxed at two-hundred
rwi9n "-?i? 2m fo,rty-five cents
(5212.45) within 5 days from the date
of said decree, I should sell the said
property as upon execution nnd brinir
tho proceeds into court.
And whereas I have complied with
the order of mud mnrt on.i i. ..-,.
possession of the property below des-
5 Vt j.,,"! auu u nines w.
Hunt has not paid said sum.
Now, therefore, I will, on the 18th
d? 3,a19!2- at the hur fl
o clock P M., of said day. at the stock
yards m the east part of tho city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras
ka. sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash to satisfy said decree
and the amount due thereon in the ag
gregate, being the sum of one-thousand
six hundred eighty dollars and
sixty-thrce cents (1680.63). and two
hundred twelve dollars and fortv-fiv..
cents (212.45), and accruing costs, the
following described personal property
to-wit: fclfcjf
1 dark bay mare, 6 yrs. old, wt. 1200
2 bay mare colts, 2 yrs. old. wt. 600
lbs., each;
ib! lack mare colt' 2 yrs 0ld' wt C0
1 Lay golding, 6 yrs. old, wt. 1200 lba
1 bay mare 6 yrs. old, wt 1200 lbs'-'
IbJ gray gelding, 0 yrs. old, wt. 1200
1 pay gelding, 4 yrs. old, wt 1300
yra. old. wtiann ik.
1 bay mare, 10 yrs. old, wt 1100 lbs.
1 black mare 4 yrs. old, wt 1200 lbs
1 bay mare, 4 yrs. old. wt 1400 lbs '
i tee,din'i5yr8' ?id' wt 1400 bs
1 b ack mare, 7 yrs. old, wt 1200 lbs
1 black mare, 9 yra. old, wt 1300 lhV
A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
- : . -. wwv iWa,