The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 10, 1912, Image 5

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    To Introduce Our
New Line of Clocks
We Will
Sell on
(This Week.
One to a Customer
A regular $i AJarm Clock
49 Cents.
Also see our Specials at
, $3 75, $4.75 and $6.00,
DIXON, The Jeweler,
U. P. Watch Inspector.
Z Graduate Dentist. 3
Office over the McDonuld J
State Bank.
Local and Personal
Miss Amanda Solms, of North Platte,
is in the city for a week's visit with
her sister, Mrs. John Muhl, of West
Koenig street. Grand Island Indepen
dent. Wanted A good girl for general
housework. Inquire of Mrs. Fred
Marti, 121 West 4th St. 29-2
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of Los
Angeles, arrived at noon Wednesday to
visit the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Goldsmith who reside on the Meyers
The Baptist congregation has sold to
Andy Yost the corner east of the par
sonage in the 1000 block on west Fourth
street for a consideration of eight hun
dred dollars. Mr. Yost will erect a res
idence thereon in the near future.
Keith Neville has sold the fire-charred
building in the rear of the Rexall drug
store and it will be removed. Mr.
Neville will erect a building on the site
as soon as demands for addition store
rooms justifies.
Have you seen the new English
serges, cotton suiting with all the ap
pearances of wool. Prices 15 cents and
25 cents per yard, at Tramp's.
George L. Baker, of Los Angeles,
secretary of the district council Ho. 12
of Blacksmiths spent Tuesday in town
and addressed the strikers meeting
that evening. While here he was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Elias.
For Rent The Breternitz ranch 10
miles north of town. Can give pos
session at once. For particulars phone
Black 134.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hamer, of Buch
anan precinct, were in town a couple
of days this week visiting friends and
transacting business. Mr. Hamer was
so unfortunate as to lose twelve head
of cattle out of a herd of one hundred
during the cold weather, although ho
had plenty feed.
Stacker, mower and sweep. For sale
cheap. Inquire at Seeley's, So. Maple
Mrs. Elmer Burke pleasantly enter
tertaindd the Nevita club Wednesday
afternoon. Two guessing contest were
the principal feature of amusement and
prizes were awarded to Mesdames
Roland Batie, Edmund Dickey. En-
joyable refreshments were served.
Minnr T-Tinman went to Hastings the
early part of the week and drove up a I
3G-Chalmer cars whicn lie naa soiu to
Henry Doebke, who lives on the north
side. It is a fine looking car. Mr. Hin
man will go to Hastings tomorrow and
bring up the six-cylinder seven Passen
ger Chalmers he sold to Henry Walte
math. MesdamesFred Garlow and L. W.
Waker entertained the Saturday aitcr
noon bridge club and their gentlemen
at cards Tuesday evening. A nicely
prepared two course lunch added to the
enjoyment of the evening. Misses
Fern and Lucille Griffin of Denver
were guests of the club.
For Sale Cheap-ANewHomesewing
machine in good condition. 215 West
5th St., or phone 194.
Mrs. E. F. Seeberger entertained
twenty-five ladies Wednesday in honor
of Mr. Seeberger's mother Mrs. New
man, who celebrated her eightieth
birthdav. The ladies spent the day
in needlework and social conversation.
A number of pretty gifts and boquets
-of cnt ilowers were showered on the
honored guest. A dainty two course
lunch was served.
Henderson corsets in all new designs
. for all proportions of figures at Tramp s.
The board of education met the first
of the week at which Dr. N. McCabe
and O. E. Elder were inducted into
tfieir places and Nels Rasmussen and
Edgar Schiller, who were recently
elected to serve as new members were
oicn nrlrlpfl tn the board. An election
of officers resulted in E. T. Tramp
being elected president, Edgar Schiller
vice-president and A. F. Streitz sec
retary. The G. A. R. cpmmitteo held a meet
ing Tuesday evening and made pre
liminary arrangements for the obser
ance of Memorial Day, May 30th. The
customary memorial service will be
held at the Keith theatre Sunday even
ing, May 2Gth, the minister who will
deliver the sermon as not been selected.
On Memdrial day the afternoon servipea
be held at the cemetery, instead of in
doors as has been the custom hereto
fore. The full program of the day will
be published in these columns later.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Inquire of Mrs. H. C. Brock,
714 west Fourth street.
The Interclass Field and Track
Meet was held at the Athletic Park
Friday afternoon, James F. Keefe
acting ns referee of the meet. The
Junior class won with 41 points, fresh
man class 37 points, seniors with 12,
sophomes with 2. Five high school
records were broken and the muddy
condition of the track prevented more
from being broken. The program con
sisted of eleven events, the star play
of the day being the hammer throw of
107 feet 10 inches by Cyril Donegan.
Cottage cheese, eggs and butter for
sale by Mrs. Hershey, 117 west Fifth
near Locust, phone 380.
Mr. W. W. Scott has returned to
North Platte, having spent the wint r
with relatives and friends in eastern
Nebraska and Iowa. Mr. Scott has de
voted his life to Sunday school mission
ary work. He is planning his summer
and fall work in this field, and any one
knowing of a neighborhood or school
district with out an organized Sunday
school should conler with Air. bcott,
North Platte general delivery. Mr.
Scott's work is undenominational and
independent of any organization.
The report of librarian for
the month of April shows that during
the month there were circulated 701
adult books and 577 children's book, a
total of 1278. During the time since
the opening of the library 4G0 bor
rower's cards have been issued. There
are 800 volumes in the library and this
number is being added to daily. The
interest manifested in the library is
very gratifiying to the board and the,
are making every effort to get sue
books as are needed and desirod.
For Sale Gentle pony, saddle and
bridle, suitablo for boy.
The Episcopal parish house has been
completely remodeled and the ground
floor will be used by the ladies' guild as
a meeting place and forholding suppers,
etc., for which purposes it is now well
suited. A room has also been provided
for the Girls' Friendly Society. The
second floor will be used by the men
and boys of the parish, one room being
furnished with a billiard table, another
as a reading room and a third as a
lounging room, the whole making very
comfortable quarters.
Pictorial Review Patterns, the most
reliable, stylish patterns of today.
E. T. Tramp.
At a meeting of the school board held
this week the following instructors
were elected for the local schools next
year: Supt. Wilson Tout, Principals E.
R. Schutz, of high school, Emma Smith,
of Lincoln school, Laura Murray, of
Washington school, Sylvia Watts, Cen
tral school, and Thea Hansen, of east
end school. E. A. Garlichs, musical
director. Gladys Welsh, Edith Patter
son, Eileen Gantt, Lucretia Davis,
Jennie Rudolph and E. H. Flowers in
structors in high school. The board ad
journed until next week when the
teachers for the ward schools wi'l be
elected and assigned to their grades.
After Supper No 3 is Dated for Next Saturday Night.
Three is a lucky number and thrice lucky will be the shoppers who are on hand at 7 o'clock on Saturday
night. We have made these weekly After Supper Sales the greatest trade bringing1 event that this town or store
has ever known. The reason is clear.
We are giving After Supper Sale buyers the biggest plums in the shape of merchandise values that were
ever picked in this store or any other in town.
Keep your eyes on the clock, and be here promptly at 7 o'clock Saturday night.
We have prepared liberal quantities of each one of these great specials, but the rush is, liable to clean most
of them up before closing time. First come, first served, is the rule.
Men's fine Suspenders made from
extra quality fancy webs with
fine buckles and trimmings
regular $1.00 values rn
After supper price 0C
Men's Negligee Shirts made with
the new style soft or outing
collars french or turned black
cuffs most stores ask you $1.25
for these. After supper nn
price, VC
Childrens' Hose n fine ribbed good
wearing, the fast black regular
15c quality. After supper n
price yC
Ladies Gowns made slip over
style from good material nicely
trimmed with embroidery or lace
$1.00 quality. After n
supper price 0C
Lace Curtains made from good
cable not with border of broad
insertion and edge trimmed with
heavy lace, regular $1.50 grade
After Supper price n
per pair p 1 1 "
Infant shoos turned soles sizes
2 to 5. After Supper
Ladies Tan Oxfords, button and
lace, nice snappy stylos, regular
$3.50 quality After rr sn
Supper price tpZ.OV
LndicsIGun Metal Oxfords, mado
on new lasts, regular $3.00
grade. After supper a
price J.i"
Wilcox Department Store.
Makes Proposition to City.
According to the books of the North
Platte Waterworks Co. the city is in
debted to the company in the sum of
$7,400 for back hydrant rental and in
terest thereon. At the meeting of the
council Tuesday evening J. C. Adams,
of Pittsburg, representing the company,
made an offer to accept $0,000 in full of
the account, making this reduction, he
said, to save costs of going into court
to sccurj judgment. The proposition
was discussed by the council and then
referred to the city attorney, who will
render an opinion at a future meeting
of the council.
To raise whatever sum agreed upon
it will be necessary to levy a special
One on John Davy.
Engineer John Davy Cox, of North
Platte, was seated in front of the
Palace Cafe, yesterday afternoon, with
Harry Bowers and in this repose his
feet were crossed, his hat was off and
just as he was about to wine the pers
piration off his forehead, he had un
consciously taken the correct attiude
of a tramp, the right hand holding the
hat horizontally; when along came
L,ouie L.uenan and dropped a nicKel in
it. John Davy looked up and as soon
as he found out who it was ho went
over to Louie's place and spent the
nickel. Grand Island Independent.
A Unique Service.
On Wedesday night a large number
of people assembled in the Baptist
church building for a special service.
A program ending with the burning of
a momjage was carried out. Joy anu
enthusiasm marked the whole pro
gram and at the end the peoplo stood
up and sang "Praise God from whom
all blessing flow" while the pastor as
sisted by one of the deacons applied the
match and the mortgage went up in
flame and smoke.
On May 1st, 1909, the church bought
the property known as the Unitarian
corner trivinir a mortgage, besides an
initial payment, for two thousand five
hundreddollars, covering a period ot six
yenrd. The mortgage had still to run
two years, but recent real Oitnte deals
enablod the church to cancel the mort
gage at this time, hence 'tho burning.
The church is now entirely out of debt,
with propertuy valued at ten thousand
dollars, and a fair sum of money as a
starter towards the new church edifice.
The erection of tho latter will begin
probably within n few weeks, as negoti
ations are now on for tho immediate
removal of the old hall from the cor
ner adjoining the new federal building.
The Lutheran mission band will meet
this afternoon at the parish house.
Mrs. P. H. McEvoy went to Ogalalla
yesterday to visit relatives for a few
Fritz Hanlon left the first of the
week with the Cole Bros, bill posters to
work during the summer.
A. Kunkle, a prosperous farmer of
the southeast part of the county, wa3
in town Wednesday and while here
traded his Buick car in on tl)e purchase
of a new Ford.
L. L. Zook is spending this week at
the Experimental station demonstrating
corn breeding.
For Rent Five room cottage on west
0th and Lincoln. Phone 229.
The young son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Brown was knocked down by an
automobile Wednesduy evening and re
ceived a number of bruises about the
head and arms which will confine him to
the house for several days.
Estrayed - From Maxwell on April 23,
dark brown maro, bald face, wt. 950,
branded R F on left shoulder, nlso black
maro colt, a sorrel and a bay gelding
colt. Ten dollars reward for informa
tion leading to recovery of same. David
Norris, Maxwell.
4.- liw w,
Choice Dwelling For Sale.
One of tho handsomest six room
cottages on the north side. All newly
painted inside and out. New porches.
New outbuildings. New plumbing, in
cluding toilet connected with sewer,
city water and electric lights. Can bo
bought at reasonable price and terms
made to suit purchaser.
28-4 Buchanan & Patterson.
To Ice Consumers ,
I will handle ice this season, and re
spectfully solicit your patronage. I
thank nil customers for their trade
last season and trust my service and
the quality of ice was such as to de
serve your patronage for the coming
season. Ice 50c per 100 lbs.
20-8 Joseph Spies.
Is to promote the interests of our customers; do all wo
can to mako their dealings agreeable and profitable;
and contribute to their enterprises our conservative
co-operation, foresight and timely counsel. For the
benefit of parties going away on Summer vacations
we havo for sale
TRAVELER'S CHECKS In all Denominations.
Make This Bank Your Bank.
McDonald State Bank,
chas. Mcdonald,
w. h. Mcdonald,
Cashier and Vice-Prest.
Will Exhibit Afternoon and Night in
North Platte
Tuesday, May 14,
3 Rings. 2 Elevated Stages. Roman Hippodrome. 41
Clowns. Huge Aerial Enclave. Acres of Canvas.
Colossal Double Menagerie. Suberb Trained Ani
mal Exhibit. 1,000 Men, Women and Horses.
We Never Disappoint. Never Change
Name. Never Deceive.
$1,000,000 Free Street Parade.
and Death-Defying, Dare Devil Act on the Show
Grounds After the Parade,