The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 07, 1912, Image 7

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    .3 '
jAl i
When a child Bulks drowsily, or Is
fretful, it is usunlly duo to somo slight
JUordor of the digestive organs, and a
mild laxatlvo is very qften all that Is
necessary to rcstoro cheerfulness and
buoyancy of spirits.
In cases where the use of a gcntlo,
effective laxative stimulant Is indi
cated, many of the host rhysiclans aro
now prescribing Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin. This preparation Is admitted
ly tho perfect laxative, being mild, yet
positive in Its action on the bowels,
and far preferablo to violent cathart
ics and purgative waters. It is very
pleasant to tho tasto and Is an Ideal
remedy to regulato and strengthen tho
stomach, liver and bowels. Its easy,
natural action makes It especially de
sirable In tho case of children, a doso
at bed-timo being sure to have tho do
Blred result next morning, with no at
tendant unpleasantness or discomfort.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sold
by druggists evorywhero in GOc and
$1.00 bottles. If you have never tried
this splendid remedy, write to Dr. W.
B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Mon
tlcello, 111., for a sample. Ho will bo
very glad to send a trial bottle with
out any expense to you whatever.
Convenient Code.
Prank I. Cobb used to be a reporter
in Detroit and know intimately a for
mer governor of tho state of Michi
gan, who was renowned among other
things for his ability as a free-hand
One night Cobb was dining with
tho ex-governor and his family. A
messenger enmo In to toll tho host
that ono of his pet political schemes
had Just ben defeated through the
bungling of a lieutenant. Tho old
man ripped out a string of dark blue
"Now, pa," said his wife, "you prom
ised mo you would qulto cursing."
"Marie," said tho ex-governor, "I'm
not cussing this is Just tho way I
talk!" Philadelphia Saturday Even
ing Post
A Quarter Century
Before the public. Over Five Million Free
Samples given away each year. The con
stant and increasing bales from samples
proves the genuine merit of Allen's Foot
Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shaken
into the shoes for Tired, Aching, Swollen
Tender feet. Sample free. Address, Allen
B. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y.
Accounted For. i
"Tho boy has tho aviation fever."
"That accounts for tho rise in his
Talent In the kitchen and a balanco
In tho bank should form a combina
tion for generating domestic bliss.
ni,KS chhei) in o to i days
YcrardruirKlst will refund monoj If PAZO OINT.
MENT falls to euro any case of Itcblntj, Itllnd,
UlHirflng or Protruding l'lles In 6 lo 14 days. 600.
Nothing disappoints somo women
more than to find that a scandal isn't
fter all.
Pure, blood Is essential to Good Health,
Garliekl Tea dispels impurities, cleanses th
system, and eradicates disease.
Outwardly most people arc cheerful
givers, but bow about tho feeling in
Bido? Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, BoftcnB the gunia, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle.
Beginning a proper name with a
Email letter is a capital offense.
LEWIS Single Binder, straight Be
many smokers prefer them to 10c cigars.
Tho man who argues with his wife
is ono kind of an Idiot
(lild Up
The System
la the stomach
Are tho bowels
Is tho blood
I will tone, strengthen and invig
orate the entire system and
make you well again.
Fffr 20TH CEr;
mi STYLl
STYL12 870
Mado of good quality
Btoum shrunk coutll
that will not stretch.
Automatic Honing,
tvnrmntod not to
broaU for n year.
Bones constructed with
a patented nntomntlc
system that rItcs a
sliding tnoTement In
brndlng, distributing
the strain, and
malting them Im
possible to break.
or sent direct l.CU
V xorAt MMttr of mly TriS
TTEMPTS on the llfo of King Victor Emmanuel of Italy only servo to nccentuato tho popularity of thnt ruler
and of his family, ns haB been
shots, Insists that he alone was concerned in tho attempt to kill tho king,
Girl Member of Royal Family Re
turns to Denmark.
Long Search for Child Left Alone In
U. S. by Death of Parents Is Con
cluded Bogus Uncle Who Asked
Ransom Traced by Sleuths.
Now York. To ho roturned to lov
ing and devoted relatives, members of
the royal family of Denmark, at Co
penhagen, after a search for her.
whereabouts that has cost hundreds of
dollars and has covered three coun
tries and a period of nearly six years,
is tho good fortuno of Hella Jorgen
sen. While on the passenger list of
the Hannover as "Miss," tho young
lady 1b but 12 years of ago, and in
the last seven years sho has experi
enced hardships that seldom befall the
lot of chlldron.v and still rarer chil
dren of the royal blood.
Tho restoration of Holla to her peo
ple In Denmark is interesting' to a de
gree, and is only mado possible
through the excellent work In tho
child's behalf carried on by Proba
toin Officer W. Q. Leeman of Dallas
and members of the Presbyterian mis
sion board of that city. Mr. Leeman
brought tho girl to Galveston ono Sat
urday, delivered her to Vice-Consul
Hans Ouldman, representative at
this port of tho government of Den
mark, and then saw her safely aboard
tho Hannover In charge of Mrs. Busch
feld. X
In 1900 August Jogensen was ap
pointed by tho government of Don
mark as royal Danish consul to Rome,
Italy, nnd, accompanied by his wife,
Adolphine II. Jorgcnscn, took up his
post Immediately. While they were
in Rome tho child, Hella Charlotte,
was born. In 1904 tho father and
mother, accompanied by the child,
went to Mexico City, Mexico, pre
sumably on official business. A fow
months later, la tho year 1905, Mr.
Jorgensen died very suddenly. Mrs.
Jorgensen died a few days later. Hol
la, left an orphan, was taken Into tho
family of Mr. nnd Mr3. Munch Lessen,
fellow countrymen.
So far as could bo ascertained, Mr.
and Mrs. Lesson know nothing of tho
James Shcwan Preparing to Float
North, Structure 450 Feet Long
Taken During War.
New York. James Shewan, a con
tractor of this city, left New York for
Pensacola, Fla., to make arrange
ments for towing north ono of tho
largest floating dry docks In this coun
try. Mr. Shewan already owns Bevcn
or eight huge flontlng dry docks and
tho new ono will bo added to this
Built in 1897 at a cost of $500,000,
tho dry dock was one of tho prizes
captured by tho American forces at
Havana during tho Spanish war. It is
450 feet long nnd Is capable of ac
commodating vessels of 12.000 tons.
Mr Shewan purchased It at auction
in Washington.
Kansan, Who Doesn't "Double Up"
Boys In Hotel Rooms, Startles
Denver Clerk.
mm ii ,
Denver, Colo, Two by two. fourteen
youths, ranging In ngo from C to 1C
yeaiB, filed Into tho lobby of a local
hotel. A etout man following them
approached tho desk.
"All mine," ho said to tho clerk,
"nnd thero are thirteen moro hack In
Goodlnnd, Kan."
Ho wroto "Nathan Alexander" on
tho register.
"Single rooms and fifteen of them,"
said Aloxandor. "I never doubled them
up yet and I don't preposo to do It
"That will bo $ 30," replied the clerk.
shown by tho latest attack mado on him.
family connection, excopt that' tho
Jorgensens were qf Royal blood. Short
ly after they had taken tho child, a
man appeared upon tho scene who
claimed to bo a brothor of Mr. Jorgen
sen and uncle of tho child. - Ho de
manded that Hella bo given into his
custody, to return to her people at
Copenhagen, nnd they could do noth
ing but comply.
It would appear, from tho Informa
tion possessed by thoso since Inter
ested in the case, that the man claim
ing to bo tho girl's uncle was an Im
postor. He is said to hao demanded
a certain amount of money from tho
Jorgensen family In Denmark for tho
return of the child. Later tho amount
was Increased. Detectives wore put
on tho caso and tho chase, covering
more than five years and carried on In
Mexico, Italy and the United States,
was never successfully ended by tho
Sho will bo met at Bremen by her
mother's sister, and tho years of her
llfo thnt have been filled with suffer
ing will henceforth bo transformed to
hnppy ones .
Walls of Former Home of Levi C.
Weir of New York Have Odd
New York. Tho salo at auction
hero of tho house formerly owned by
tho lato Levi C. Weir, president of
tho Adams Express company, has
brought to public notice what Is per
haps tho most uniquely decorated
room In New York city. It was the
bath and dressing room used by Mr.
Weir, and It3 strangeness lies In-the
fact that Its wallB aro papered with
stock certificates, representing a total
par value of more than a million dol
lars. Mr. Weir, It Is said, found ho had a
largo collection of such papers, the
only value of which was their decora
tive appearance. They were flno ex
amples of the engravers' nrt, and were
printed In many colors. Tho gaudiest
'ones, tho red and green nnd pink nnd
bluo certificates, wont to ihako tho
Tribute to Abraham Lincoln
Tablet Was Sent From Rome In 1865
If Stone Cannot Be Found He
Suggests Another Be Shipped
for One Lost In Wreck.
Rome, Italy. Engineer Fcrdlnando
Qlrardl has revived an interesting epi
sode In conectlon with the project of
gathering at Hardin county, Kentucky,
a musoum of memories and mementos
to Abraham Lincoln. Engineer Glr
ardl, who is a passlonnte Btudent of
tho Rome which Is passing, has ro
called thnt tho news of tho death of
Abraham Lincoln produced such an
Impression In Rome thnt It was do
cldod to express tho nympnthy of tho
Eternal city in the most solemn way
At thnt time, nenr cho railway sta
tion, the Agger, or permanent fortifi
cations, built by Scrvlus Tulllus, was
coming to light. Tho Agger Is a hug
embankment about 120 feet wide and
25 high, tho lower courses of tho struc
ture being gigantic blocks of icpper
colored stone, hold together by strong
clamps of Iron, nnd tho upper courfecs
of smaller blocks of volcanic pumlco
The Roman thought that nothing
could express their feelings In n moro
oloquont manner than sending ono of
these blocks, with a marble slab and
inscription to Abrnham Lincoln. Tho
approprlatenoss of tho Idea was ndded
to by tho similarity of tho deaths of
tho two great men, Servlus Tulllus
and Abraham Lincoln; tho former al
io havlnc been murdered. Tho In
Antonio D'Albn, who llrcd tho
but several othor arrests havo been
Bronx Director Also Telle How Other
Colors Affect Reptiles of
Now York. A report or a scries ot
"snake studios" mado at tbo Bronx
zoological gardens hero shows flint
snakes can bo appealed to by colors,
which aro found to hnvo u marked In
fluence on tho moods of tho reptiles.
Tho emotions inspired aro thus cata
logued: Red, dollght; baby bluo, plenBure;
yellow, contentment; navy bluo,
ecstasy; brown, irritation; green, an
ger; black, Indifference; purple, vnn
lty. Tho report by Curntor Dltmnrs ex
plains further:
"Color Influences upon animals aro
not rare. Tho red flag, or courso, ex
cites tho bull to anger. With tho
snako thero In Just tho opposlto ef
fect, and It Is red that gives dollght,
while green excites to nngor."
As to tho effect of music on snakes,
Mr. Dltmnrs explains that, contrary
to the general belief, snakes do not
actually hear music, and havo no
sense of melody. They receive tho
sensation of tho vibrations through
tho tip of the tongue, and, liko wire
less Instruments, become "tuned up"
and often swing their heads In sym
pathy, which lends to tho supposition
they aro bentlng time.
Vessel Wallows In Storm While Thou
sands Cases Are Whirled by
Rail on Waves.
Boston. To seo a thousand cases
of champagne go drifting by and to
bo unablo to savo any of It, was tho
experience of tho officers nnd crow of
the steamer Francisco, which arrived
from Hull, England.
Tho champagne was In Iron-strapped
cases and appeared to be part of tho
cargo of somo btenmer which had re
cently foundered.
Tho Francisco wnB fighting her way
along through a heavy galo and tho
big seas wore breaking over tho decks
when the champagne was sighted. Ono
of the sailors was walking along tho
deck when a big wave broko In front
of him. From tho vory crest of tho
wave he packed off a bottle which had
broken loose from ono of the cnscB.
scription bore tho dato of Juno 20,
Tho block wns sent to Mr. Stlol
mnnn, then American consul at Leg
horn, who forwarded it on tho British
stcamor Uhla, which through a
strange coincidence wns commanded
by Cnpt. Lincoln, and which snlled for
tho United States Aug. 4, 1805.
A year passed without anything bo
lug heard of It. It was only much
later that It was posslblo to learn
thnt tho Uhla encountered stormy
wenthor and went nshoro near Ber
muda, where ship and cargo wore sold
nt auction and tho precious stono was
abandoned on tho nhoro.
Engineer Gliardl now raises hl3
voece so that that stono, rendered
moro precious tluough thoso vicissi
tudes, should bo sought, nnd If Impos
sible to find, another hhould bo taken
from tho Agger, given tho samo In
scription and sent (o Hardin county,
so thnt tho trlhuto of Roino to tho mnr
tyred president should not bo lacking
Suffers From "Glrlltls."
Springfield, Mabs. "Glrlltls" Is tho
specific complaint suffered by tho Rov.
John Ellis, according to his wife, who
Is suing for n divorce "Ho would
spend two hours ovory day on dolling
up," sho testified.
Shakespeare Is Censored.
Flushing, L I. Such words as "Oh,
hell!" and "Damn" which nppoar In
Shakospearo'B "Merchant of Vonlco,"
need not bo rend by girls In tho eighth
grado, according to school officials'
Thoso who nro Wondering why tho
number of Americans going to Canada
year by year Increases in tho rates
thnt it docs, would not bo so surprised
wero they to accompany ono of tho
numerous excursions that nro being
run under tho nuspices of the Govern
ment from sevcrnl of tho etntes, and
rernaln with tho settler until ho goto
onto tho frco homesteads, which, ns
stated by Speaker Champ Clark, in tho
U. S. sennto tho other day, comprises
1C0 ncres of tho most fcrtllo soil nnd
with remarkably easy settlement con
ditions. Then watch tho results,
whether it bo on thlB freo homestead
of 1C0 acres or on land which ho may
purchase at from $1C. to $20. per ncro, .
fully ns good as tho $100. nnd $150.
per acre land of his najo state, nnd
which his means will iRt permit his
purchasing. On tho pnrt of the mem
bers of tho U. S. Senate nnd Congress I
there Is nothing but pralso for Canada.
Canadian laws and Canadian lands nl
though tho reasonable dcslro Is shown
In their remarks, that they pass legis
lation, (which is very praiseworthy)
that will make tho land laws of tho
United States much easier.
It Is tho success of tho American
settler In Canada that attracts others,
nnd when experiences such ns tho fol
lowing aro related to tho friend "back
homo" Is It nny wonder thnt Increased
interest Is aroused and a determina
tion arrived at, to participate In tho
now-found way up In Cnnnda that
means wealth and health and all that
accompanies It.
William Johnston, who formerly
lived nt Alexandria, Minn., settled In
tho Alberg District nenr Bnttlo River
nnd In writing to ono of tho Canadian
Government agents, located In tho
United States Bays: "Wo havo had no
failures of crops during our nine years
in Cnnnda. I threshed 1208 buBhcls of
wheat and 1083 bushels of onts In 1911,
off my 1C0 ncres. This is a beautiful
country. I keep six good work horses
and milk seven cows, getting good
prices for butter and eggs. Wo get
ot;r coal for $2.00 per ton at tho mlno,
nljout ono mllo from tho farm. Am
about one. nnd a hnlf mlleB from n lino
school. Ab for the cold -weather it is
much mlldor hero than In Minnesota,
whero I lived for 21 years. Our well
Is 35 feet deep and wo havo flno wa
ter. Wild laud Is selling for $18.
lo $25. per acre. Improved farms aro
much higher. I am well satisfied with
the country, nnd would not sell unless
I got a big price, as wo hnvo all dono
well here."
Good reasons to account for tho
number going to Canada.
Hicks They toll mo that nil tho Bin
glo foreign noblemen aro vory much
Dicks Why bo?
HIckB So many American million
aires have lost their fortunes lately.
Itched So He Could Not Sleep
"On July 27, 1900, wo left Boston for
a trip to England and Ireland, taking
baby with us. After being In Ireland
a few dayB a nasty rash camo out all
ovor his body. Wo took him to a. doc
tor who gave ub medlclno for hlra.
Tho troublo started In tho form of a
rash and was all over baby's body,
head and face, at different times. It
irritated, and ho would scratch It with
all his might. Tho consequence was
It doveloped into sores, nnd wo woro
afraid It would leavo nasty scars on
bin faco.
"When wo reached England wo took
baby to another doctor, who said his
condition was duo to chnngo of food
and cllmnto, nnd gavo moro medlclno.
Tho rash got no better, nnd It used to
Itch and burn at night so had that tho
child could not sleep. Ho was com
pletely covered with It at dlfforont
times. It wnB at this time thnt my
mother advised us to try Cutleurn
Soap and Ointment. After using Cut!
cura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment for
afjout nlno months tho places disap
peared. Thero nro not any scars, or
othor kind of disfigurement, nnd baby
is completely cured by tho Cutlcura
Soap nnd Ointment. Wo havo no fur
ther troublo with baby's skin. Noth
ing Btoppcd tho Itching, nnd allowed
hnby to Bloop but Cutlcura Soap and
Cutlcura Ointment." (Signed) Mrs.
Margaret Guiin, 29 Burroll St., Rox
bury, Mass., March 12, 1911.
Although Cutlcura Soap nnd Oint
ment aro sold everywhere a sample
of each, with 32-page book, will bo
mailed frco on application to Cutl
cura," Dept. L. Boston.
"Ho hasn't much head."
"That's n fnct; if ho woro standing
upon It you could say that he had no
visible means of support"
Tells How Sick She Was And
What Saved Her From
An Operation
Upper Sandusky.Ohio. " Thrco yearn
ago 1 was married and went to house
keeping. I was not
fooling well and
could hardly drag
myself along. I had
such tired feelings,
my back ached, my
sides ached, I had
bladder trouble aw
fully bad, and I could
notcatorsleep. I had
headaches, too, and
became almost a nor-
vous wreck. My doc
tor told mo to go to a hospital. I did
not liko that idea very well, so, when I
saw your advertisement in a paper, I
wrote to you for advice, and havo dono as
you told mo. I havo taken Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vcgetablo Colmpound and
Liver Pills, and now I havo my health.
" If Bick and ailing women would only
know enough to tako your medicine, they
would getrclief." Mrs.BENJ.H.STANS
behy, Route 6, Box 18, Upper Sandusky,
If you have mysterious pains, irregu
larity, backache, oxtremo nervousness,
inflammation, ulcoration or displace
ment, don't wait too long, but try Lydia
E. Pinkhnm'a Vegotahlo Compound now.
For thirty years Lydln E. Pinkham's
Vegotahlo Compound, mado from roots
and herbs, lias been tho standard remedy
for female ills, and such unquestionable,
testimony na tho above proves tho valua
of this famous remedy and should give
every ono confidence.
Supply Cleaned Up.
"Goln' flshln' next Bummer?" asked
tho man who tolls tall storlcB.
"No," replied Mr. Growchcr, "IC
you caught all tho flsh you snld you
caught last summer, there won't b
nny uso of going fishing next sum
mer." A splendid nnd highly recommonded
remedy for tired, weak, Inflamed eyes,
nnd granulated eyelids, Is Paxtlno An
tiseptic, at druggists, 25c a box or sent
postpaid on receipt of price by Tha
Pnxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass.
Midnight Scare.
Knlckor Did your wifo henr a bur
glary In tho collar7
Bockcr No, she heard a burglar
ctto In tho collaretto.
Colo's Carbollsalve quickly relieves and
cures burning. Itching and torturing skim
discuses. It instantly stopa the pain oC
burns. Cures without scars. 25a and 60a
by druggists. For freo Brimple write ta
J. W. Colo & Co.. Black Rlvor Falls, Wav
It would savo pcoplo a lot of troubla
If they could ho born with their wis
dom teeth already cut.
to cum: a cor.rt in onis day
Tako 1.AXAT1VH 11HOMO . Qulnlno Tahletjl
imiL'suturpiunii money ii ii i&ub t euro.
UUUVK'a blgnuluro ! uu cacti box. Jc.
It's easier for a man to maka monoy
if ho Isn't on speaking terms with hla
"I'lnk Eye" In Kpldomlo In the Hprlng.
Try Murine Eye llrraedy tor Reliable Kellef.
A man isn't necessarily worthless
becauso his neighbor Is worth moro.
To ovcrcomo constipation and resultant
ills, take Uariluld Tea, a pure liorb laxative.
Thero aro times when wo should b
thankful for what we fall to got.
Until You Get
After The Causo
Nothing moro dis
couraging than a
constant backache.
Lamo when you
awako. Pains pierce
you when you bend
or lift. It's hard to
work, or to rest
You sleep poorly
nnd noxt day is tho
samo old story.
That backacho In
dicates bad kidneys
and calls for somo
goodkldnoy remedy,
Nono so well rec
ommended nsDoan's-
Kidney Pills. Grate
ful testimony Is
convincing proof.
Here's AnoUier.p-
Tvntanl fnsp Tciisastoni"
Mrs. D. K. Jeffcrs, Colfax, Wash.,
says: "For two weeks I had to bo
propped up In bed nnd I lost 60
pounds In weight. I wan in a torrl
bio condition, in fact, I camo very
near dying: As a last resort I bo
gan using Doan's Kidney Pills.
Slnco then I havo gained back my
lost weight and feel wonderfully
fi.n.1 ldri cdt.Iopo fur PHBK Iwoklrt to DH. I.K CLEOQ
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 15-1912. '
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