The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 07, 1912, Image 3

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Our photograph show3 one of the
New York Woman Chooses Odd
Receives Calls and Makes Visits Like
Any Physician, With All Book
Lovers as Clientele At-
tends Great Libraries.
New York. Miss Janet C. Lewis
has taken up a work which, In all
probability, Is the most novel profes
sion In the country. ShG is a book
doctor. That is literal, for she re
ceives her calls and attends her pa
tients In much the same fashion as
any other doctor. The diseases to
which she ministers are various, and
only too well known to librarians who
have to deal with old and valuable
bookB. The chief of these Is dry rot
or disintegration, duo to various
Tho uso of sulphuric acid In tan
ning, may be an excellent preventive
for worms, but, on tho other hand,
leather so treated soon loses Its natur
al oil.
The present conditions In nearly all
libraries do not tend to preserve old
and valuable bindings. Direct sun
shine is one of tho most potent factors
in disintegration, as are also gas and,
to a lessoj degree, electricity. Tho
best way "to secure good, fresh ven
tilation and a proper supply of light,
while barring the sunlight, Is to have
the windows and globes of the lights
tinted red, green or yellow. Green
gives tho best results.
Glass fronts, MIsb Lewis says, are
not advisable, Blnce they prevent the
free circulation of air, which Is es
sential for proper ventilation. Ex
cessive dampness 1b bb much to be
shunned by the librarian as excess of
stacking room.
Miss Lewis uses in her work an old
preparation which Is based on a secret
formula willed to her by an old Ger
man librarian, a great friend of hers,
who died a few years ago. To this
recipe she added certain lubricants
with whoso properties she waB con-
Railway Policeman Orders Engineer
to Pursue Thief and Makes n
Capture After a Fight.
Oakland, Cal. Pressing into serv
ice a switch engine, J. J. O'Connor,
state railway policeman, pursued a
burglar along the rails on the Oakland
mole, caught up with the man after
a four blocks' chase, engaged him In
a hand to hand encounter and finally
subdued and arrested him. Tho pris
oner Is Ed Itensen, and he 1b in Jail
charged with petty larceny.
The capture was made lato last
night O'Connor noticed Rensen and
another man removing about one nun
dred feet of lead pipe from a freight
car at the Oakland mole. He ordered
the men to halt, but they took to their
heels and ran down tho footpath along,
tho rails. O'Connor followed, but the
men wore too fleet for him.
Seeing that he had no chance or
capturing them on foot, ho ran over
to a train which was being switched
about and ordered tho engino driver
to assist him. Tho train started aftor
tho burglars with O'Connor in the en
gino cab. When tho engino was
abreast of the fugitives O'Connor
Jumped off. Ho sought to arrest Hen
sen, but the latter fought. O'Connor
was the stronger In tho Bcufflo and
downed and handcuffed his man. In
the moantlmo the other man disap
peared In tho darkness.
Exonerated for Death.
Springfield, Ohio. A Jury acquitted
Pearl Elder, white, charged with man
slaughter for the killing of James San
ford, a negro, alleged paramour of El
der's mother, September 28, 1910.
immense locu chambers of the I'anama canal at Mirallores nearly com
versant and evolved her present prep
aration. It is of the consistency of
vaseline or petrolatum, and almost
black in color. Tho original recipe
had been handed down from father to
son in a family of book lovers and li
brarians, and previous to coming Into
the hands of Miss Lewis had been
used effectively In various European
Miss Lewis started her work some
eight years ago, and since then has
treated most of tho great New York
libraries with success, including In
her long list tho New York Dar asso
ciation, tho Avery library at Columbia
university, tho private collection of
J. P. Morgan and tho library of tho
Metropolitan museum. In addition to
being a book doctor, Miss Lewis Is a
practical llibrarian, having been In
charge of the Richard Hunt collection
for many years beforo taking up her
present work. She finds that she can
no longer continue her work unaided
and now has a corps of assistants
book lovers as she is herself, whom
sho chooses with tho utmost caro and
who have becomo very expert In the
Missouri Lecturer Declares Vanity Is
Basis for Much of Our
Kansas City, Mo. Tho whole gain
of modern civilization In science, In
dustry and tho art of living has been
more than lost by tho waste in the
ceaseless pursuit of fashion, nccordtng
to assertions by Prof. H. J. Daven
port In one of tho series of lectures of
tho University of Missouri extension
"There Is no cure for poverty when
all surplus energy is dissipated In
show," declared Professor Davenport.
"Fashion today Is a compound of fool
ish pride and foolish flunKeylsm. If
the social leaders have chosen a new
costume or a new trick aklmbolng
their arms or of drawling their words
all tho social small fry must take the
cue therefrom. A part of the life of
Brave Diver Saves the Ship
Goes Under Water Amid Sharks
to Fix Propeller.
Boards Up a Hole Made In Boat by
Storm In the Gulf of Mexico and
Enables British Vessel to
Reach Its Port.
San Francisco. One of the most re
markable feats ever performed by a
diver Is related by tho offices and
crew of tho British sloop of war
Shearwater, which Is undergoing re
pairs at the Union Iron works. J. P.
LIngane, a young Irish shipwright,
boarded up tho propeller well while
tho vessel was' rolling In heavy seas
and so enabled her to make tho voy
age to this port.
Tho Shearwater was cruising off the
coast of Mexico wen in a storm she
lost her propeller. Resort was Imme
diately had to her sails, but It was
found that steering was almost Im
possible, because tho big arch or well
under the stern in which the propeller
had revolved made tho rudder's work
Ineffectual. Tho olflcers decided that
If they were to bring tho ship to port
this well must be boarded up,
Llngano wns sent down to do tho
work. Though hampered by his heavy
diving suit and by tho weight of wa
ter, he was nblo to adjust himself to
Iho bad rolling of the Bhlp and to
handle tho heavy timbers that were
passed to him. Ho fastened the boards
so securely that they had only shifted
In one placo when tho Shearwater
tho best of ub is Eet aB a burnt offer
ing for vanity.
"So long as our desires fix them-,
selves in the gratillcatlon of vnnlty wo
shall find thnt all our possessions are;
dead sea fruit and our life Is wear!-)
Cleveland Officials Have Unique Plan
to Cut the High Cost of
' Living. '
Cleveland, O. Fish at B cents a
pound. That Is to bo the cost of the'
lake catch to tho consumer In Cleve-j
land. Plans for the formation of ai
company to use tho city docks and
sheds and, in return for that privilege,
guarantee n maximum price of 6
cents a iound for fish, have been com
pleted, and tho llrst consignment,,
1.B00 pounds, was landed and sold.
Tho fish enterprise is one of several
launched In Cleveland with a view to
curtailing the cost of living. The',
women's clubs, as well as tho city'
council, are interested. A monster pa
rado of women, headed by the fcltyj
council, descended upon the Central
market with banners displayed calling
for cheaper vegetables and produce.
Mayor I3aker and Mayo? Shank of In
dianapolis addressed the women.
Another cheaper living plan that Is
being worked out contemplates the
utilization of vacant city lots for gar
dening by neighboring residents.
California Priest and Astronomer Re
discovers Phenomenon on East
ern Limb of Solar Ball.
San Jose, Cal. The great spot dis
covered on the eastern limb of the
sun February 18, and by which the ob
servatory of Santa Clara college has
forecast weather disturbances up to
May 1, was rediscovered on the east
ern limb and photographed by Rev. J.
S. Ricard, S. J.
The present disturbance was pre
dicted during tho month of February.
"Sun spots nre Infallible Indicators
of the coming of storms on tho Pacific
coast," says Father Ricard, "and from
hero over tho United States."
reached this port, even though she had
been battered by heavy Boas on tho
way. Naval men have given high'
praise to the young man for what ho
did and a special report on it has been
sent to tho Rrltish admiralty.
A trial to the nerves of the young
diver while ho was at work was the
presence of several sharks, which at
tlmeB swam close to him. Armed men
on the warship, however, kept them
from attacking him.
Clad In Gym Costume, Overalls and
Jumper, Miss Ruth Kenny Watch-
es Sinking of Piers.
Kansas City, Mo. Miss Ruth Ken
ney, teacher of mathematics In tho
Rosedalo high school, descended tho
narrow, muddy ludder to tho bottom
of the pneumatic caisson which Is be
ing used to build the foundation for
tho James street bridge In Kansas
City, Kan., and remained half nn hour
thirty feet below tho bed of the Knw
Miss Kenney wore her gymnasium
costume and over that a pair of over
alls and Jumper, Just like tho "mud
hogs" who work down In the sllmo at
the base of tho piers.
She had been told by tho foreman
Just .how to take a full breath and
slowly exhale, to as not to be affected
by tho air pressure,
"Often I have read how theso piers
aro Bunk," she said, "but 1 nover had
an opportunity before to Inspect ono
In couruo of construction."
New Jersey Leads In Advanced Legis
lation Designed to Check Spread
of Tuberculosis.
What is designated by tho National
Association for tho Study and Preven
tion of Tuberculosis as tho most ad
vanced legislation in tho campaign
against tuberculosis that has been
enacted by nny Btato In tho United
States, if not by any country In tho
world, Is found in a bill recently
passed by tho Now Jersey legislature
and signed by Governor Wilson. Tho
now law provides that tuberculosis
pntlcnts who rcfuso to obey tho regu
lations laid down by tho stato board
of health concerning tho prevention of
their disease, and thus becomo a men
ace to tho health of thoso with whom
they assoclato shall bo coinpulsorlly
segregated by order of tho courts, In
Institutions provided for this purpose.
If Buch n patient refuses to obey tho
rules anu regulations of tho Institu
tion In which ho Is plnced, ho may "bo
Isolated or separated from other per
sons and restrained from leaving tho
Institution." Tho law further pro
vides that nil couutlos In tho Btato
of New Jersqy sliull within six months
from April 1st mako provision In spe
cial Institutions for tho caro of all
persons having tuberculosis In thoso
counties. Tho stnto treasurer will sub
sidize each county to tho extent of
$3.00 a week for each person main
tained in theso institutions, except
thoso who aro ablo to pay for the cost
of maintenance.
"When my baby was six months old,
his body was complotoly covered with
largo sores that seemed to Itch and
burn, and causo terrlblo suffering.
Tho eruption began in pimples which
would open and run, making largo
sores. His hair camo out arid finger
nails fell off, and tho Bores woro over
tho entire body, causing Httlo or no
Bleep for baby or myself. Great scaba
would come off when I removed his
"Wo tried a great many remedies,
but nothing would help him, till a
friend Induced mo to try tho Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment I used tho Cutl
cura Soap and Ointment but a short
timo beforo I could see that ho was
improving, and In six wocks' timo ho
was entirely cured. Ho had suffered
about six weeks beforo wo tried tho
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment, although
wo had tried sovoral other things, and
doctors, too. I think tho Cutlcura Rom
edles will do all that is claimed for
them, and a great deal more."
(Signed) Mrs. Noblo Tubman, Dodson,
Mont., Jan. 28, 1911. Although Cutl
cura Soap and Ointment are sold by
druggists and dealers overywhero, a
sample of each, with 32-pngo book,
will bo mailed free on application to
"Cutlcura," Dent. L, Boston.
Time Files.
When tho blind woman who plays
tho accordion saw tho genial looking
man stop to read her placard, she
nuickened her tune In tho expecta
tion that he wns going to glvo her
porno money, but ho gave advlco In
stead. Said he: "Have you road that sign
of yours lately?"
She said sho had not.
"Well," said he, "you'd hotter, and
then havo It edited. It is dated six
years ago and says you havo six small
children dependent upon your efforts
with this Instrument for support Six
years works wonders In children, and
thoy imiBt bo pretty lusty youngsters
by this timo. Change that dato to
Ought to Be Satisfied.
Aunt Oeulah's besetting sin was
housecleanlng. Sho elenned In season
and out of season, causing tho fam
ily much worry when sweeping
brought on an attack of lumbago or
carrying out ashes gave her tho grip.
One day her patient sister protested.
"Why don't you lot tho maid do
(hoso things?" sho aBked.
"She's bo careless' groaned Aunt
Reulah; "I'd rather havo the pain
than tho duBt I'd rather havo tho
Then tho Smart Little Boy Jumped
Into tho conversation. "Well, you'vo
got the pain," ho remarked, "what aro
you kicking about?"
Before Publication.
"Patsy, bring mo a paper when you
como to work In tho morning," a wo
man who lived at tho edgo of a vil
lage told hor man of all work when
ho went homo at night "Now, don't
forget It," she added.
"No, ma'am," said Patsy, "I won't.
I might forgot it if I loft It until morn
ing, bo I'll got It tonight."
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Kyollcmcdr. NoBmartlnK J'eela
Fine Actn yulckly. Try It for lied, Wtak,
Watery Kycs and Granulated Kyellds. Illus
trated Hook in each J'ackaRe. Mtirluti la
compounded by our Ucullsts not a "Patent Med-
icino out in successful rnysiclaus' JTao
tlce for many years, Now dedicated to tho Tub
llo and sold by llrugitlsts at 2to and Wo porllotile.
Murine 15 yo rJulro In Aseptlo Tubes, 26u and Wo,
Murine- Eyo Romody Co., Chlongo
Ha Knows.
Willie Paw, what doe3 discretion
Paw Plcklnt; out a Btnall man
when you aro looking for troublo.
And ninny a married woman thinks
it's up to her to assort her Indepen
dence by abusing her husband.
Tho hot air treatment for financial
lls is seldom a curative.
Color more kockIs brighter and faster colorsthan
dye any garment without ripping apart. Writo
- --.-
World's Puro
"We all havo our enemlos, you
"But wo can't all buy automobiles
to run 'em down."
How Old Was He?
In n country school tho boys of a
certain grado wero devoted to their
teacher, n young lndy of many charms
Ono Httlo follow of rather uncertain
ago was constantly proving his devo
tion by little acts of kindness, which
did not cscnpo tho notlco of the teach
er. Coming up to him ono dny sho
put an arm about his shoulders and
said: "I bellcvo I will kiss you for
bolng so good to me, but how old ore
"Oh, that's all right," ho said, "1
am old enough to enjoy it" Mack'B
National Monthly.
Tho Paxton Toilet Co. of Boston,
JUnBS,, will send a largo trial box of
Paxtlno Antiseptic, a delightful cleans
ing nnd germicidal toilet preparation,
to any woman, free, upon request
"That child actor has a part which
fits llko a glove."
"Yes sort of kid glove."
Every woman Is sorry for some oth
er woman becauEO of what her hus
band told her about tho othor woman's
Smokers enn tnsto fho rich mellow
quality In LEWIS' Single- Binder cigur.
Extra good tobacco.
Stnylng at homo Is a virtue few
people try to cultivate
Garfield Tea keeps tuo liver normal. Drink
before retiring.
Don't tax your frlendB overmuch
when you try to make a touch.
Hi lit lili1 " IS i
Do not sap the eprinfis of life by nogleot of tho human mechanism, by otlowtnil
tho accumulation of polsoni in tho system. An imitation of Nature's method ot
restoring waste of tlssuo und impoverishment of the blood and nervous strength Is
to take an alterative glycerin extract (without alcohol) of Golden Seal and Oregon'
grape root, Dloodroot, Stone and Mandrake root with Cherrybark. Over 40 yean
ago Dr. Pierce gave to tho publio this remedy, which he called Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. He found it would help the blood in taking up the proper cle'
ments from food, help the liver into aotivity, thereby throwing out tho poisons Iron
the blood and vitalizing the whole system as well as allaying aad soothing a cough
No one ever takes cold unless constipated, or exhausted, and having, what wo
V f
then In Rood boaiuu
S2.50 $3.00 S3.SO 8c S4.00
W. L. DOUGLAS $4.50 & $5.00
WORK CObTINC $7.00 TO $8.00
Wear W. L. Douglas Shoes. You
can save money because they are more
economical and satisfactory in style, fib
and wear than any other makes. W L.
Douglas name and price stamped on
the bottom guarantees full value and
protects the wearer against high prices
andinferiorshoes. Insistupon having the
genuine W. L. Douglas shoes. n7u.u.u".
If jnur dealrr cannot surplyw. U Douglas shors, write W. U
Doualti, llroiklon. Muss, for cataloir Hhocs sent everywhere
dellTtrj charges prepaid. lcut Color JCytltli uied.
r m-- i i i
any othcrdye. One 10c package colors all fibers. They dye In cold water better than any other dye. You cart
for free booklet How to Dye, Bleach and M1 Colore. MONROE UHUG COMPANY, Qulncy, III
9 Xl 'Pttrn wnnJff nt rnl-
inc powders Calumet
Wonderful in its raisinc
powers its umtormity,
its never failing results, its
Wonderful in its economy.
It costs less than the high-price
trust brands, but it is worth as
much. It costs a trifle more than
the cheap and biff can kinds-
is worth more. But proves its
economy in the baking.
Use CALUMET tho Modern
Baking Powder.
At all Grocers.
Ask for
..K. "
Ifotho SSfRfc
goodness fi&ftVi
of this root
tonic properties that
make it so creat a favorite.
OasBsciafamaxssBsalloas. Kyooriro-
SfsonrscslptolSSs. ritaittlTSBliaama.
Wrilm for Premium Pawxlo.
265 N. Broad St.. Philadelphia Pa.
Ureal Opportunity
vnr wail for ilia am rami to became
your innoriianeor jirEinnon 10
prupura ior your xuinio
Sirospcmana inaopen
Innco, A ureal oppor
I tnnliy awaits you In
lor Alberta, who re Ton
nn secure nFrcellonie- L
s trad a r un r land at rea-
souauio prices.
How's ihoTime
not a yearfroranow,
when land Trill bo high,
nr. Tim liftillta secured
thonhnmlitnt vruim of
Wliont, Outs und . Hurler,
un wll us cutllo railing, uro
cnntlnir a bH'iuIt advnnco In
fitlco. HoTcrninent returns nhow
hat the iiuuilinr of nettlert
n IVosti-rn (,'itnniln from
tho II, 8. nnii UU or emit
inrRor In 10X0 Hum tlio
nrnvlonn yenr.
Many furiiierfl liuvo jmlil
for their IhikI nut or tho
proceed or onocroo. -,,
l'roo iloniofitoiKlH of 000
acre nml iro-iiititlon of
DUO tier en ut Kll.OOuniicre.
l'lno clliuata. cotxl Hcliooli,
oxcclloiit rullwuy fnrllltleat
low freight rules; wood, tn
tar und lumber ouslly b-
VoYpn'mphlet "I.nt Bout Went,"
particulars as to sultablo locaUon
nnd low nettlors' rnte, apply to
Hnpt of Immigration, Ottawa,
Cuu., or to Canadian (Jot t Agent,
Room 4 Bm Bids. Omaha, Ktb.
riwi wrl t to the agent nearest y oo
well located, level 24 ft. lots that aro rlcht tn llni
with deTolopmnnls for only fl(X)Vn terms of 111
cash, balance (10 per month without Interest ot
contract for dood. I bolleTO theso lots will double
In valuo In six months. Can you afford to pas 01
opportunity when It knocks-'at your doorl Wrlti
today, don t wait. Koforencea furnished on request,
1). L. llarrcll. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
It soils for Sto u pint. You can mako It for (Oca
gallon. This and othor valuablo recipes for 11.00
E.V.WILSON, 047 13th St., Das MolnoB.loi
-"- in the Kauious 1-uko llasld. 116 per aero am
Dp, easy terms. Tho best Kraln producing district Id
America. Kitremely mild winters, uool samraonk
Uood neighbors, llcnuilful mountain, scenery,
l'lonty tif coal and wood. Bend fordesorlptlTecIN
cular. llroodflew Land Company, Hillings, lion
A comolete system of book koeplns. Hopnrrloosknowl,
edao necessary, rockotilee. to cents. Agents wanted,
fiend MONEY AFTBE YOU GET IT, or return book,
OAMrKlICIJAOO..UK.UearboraIlt., Chicago, HI.
W&5 PLk
tot iJttitHU from
call mal-nutrition, which is attended with impoverished blood
and exhaustion of nerve force. The "Discovery" Is an all
round tonio which restores tone to the blood, nerves sad
heart by imitating Nature's methods of restoring! wasto
of tissue, and feeding the nerves, heart and lungs on rich
red blood.
i .
"1 suffered from pain under 'my rlirht 'shoulder Uado also a veryi
severe cough," wrltoa MM. W. DoiiN, of New llrookland, 8. C to VrJ
Jl. V. Tierce. Buffalo, N. Y. 'Had four dlflerent doctors and none did
tne any eood. Soma said I had consumption, others said I would turns
to have an operation. I was bedridden, unable to alt up for six months
and was nothing but a live skeleton. You advised mo to take Dr.
Fierce s Goldon Medical Discovery and Dr. rlerce's Pleasant l'ellets.
When I hod taken ono bottle of the 'Discovery I could ait up for on
hour at a, time, and when I had taken three bottles I could' do my
cooking and tend to the children. I took fourteen bottles in all end was
My weight is now 1C7 pounds.
1 i ill m
if''''Sss' 'A.