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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1912)
m&nim w"i(iih t: iag5SSaaas5as3i35SgassMas?fiaagayafagaa2a I fl The Leader's May Sale. vPWTffWt&TWT Trrm'W?m'" '-SfJSrar K WW" i The May Sale which was inaugurated by The Leader May 1st, is proving a winner,, aud' the hundreds of patrons who have taken advantage of the discounts offered for cash purchases are more than pleased. Twenty per cent ' discount on seasonable and reliable merchandise is not to be considered lightly; it is a saving of twenty cents on each dollar: Aud in some instances the discount is more than twenty per cent. Loolpat these prices: 15-cent French Gingham, the best mode, per yd., !0g White and Colored Handkerchiefs for .Men 4c 5 5 -cent Silk Mulle in all shades, per yard 29c All our Best Prints at this sale, per yard, 5c Misses' and Children's ready made dresses worth up to $2.00 69c Ladies1 20-cent Fast Black Hose Per Pair 9c Broken sizes Men s Hats worth,up to $3.00 $1.39 Men's Caps 50 cent quality 19c All-Wool Ingrain Carpets sold up to 85c per yd 42c Boys' and Girl's 25c Bicycle Hose at this sale Men's Work Shirts good ones 39c Ladies' white Shirt Waist worth up to $1.50 39c Ladies' Last year's Short Coats worth up to $12.00 $1.98 One hundred Ladies' dress skirts worth up to $10, choice $4.98 All sizes Mens Dress Shirts regular price $1.00 Mens' Overalls good weight 47c Laces worth up to 15c per yard at 3c 600 Pairs Ladies' Oxfords and Shoes worth up to $5.00 $1.89 One Lot of Children's Oxfords Sizes from 8i to 11J, Worth up to $3.00, One lot of Mens Shoes worth up to $5.00 $2.19 $1.00 Quality Boys' Waists at this sale 39c $1.19 Misses' and Boys' Oxfords StoT " worth up to $3.00, One Lot of Men's Spring Underwear worth up to 75c 39c 25 Dozen Men's Spring Underwear worth up to 50 cents 19c Don't delay taking advantage of this great sale; it is a money saving opportunity for yon. i North Platte, Neb.. 9 J. PIZER, Prop. CUl p- ' Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira I. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year by Mail In ndvuaco $1.23 Ono Year by Carrior in advance. . . i . . .$1.50 Entered at North Platte, NebrnBkn, Post ofllco as Socond Class Matter. TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1912. rncca should bo abolished, becausu the American people arc too far advanced longer to bo restricted by church rules. The bishops any this is a matter to be left to tho peoplo to judge for them selves. This recommendation on the pnrtof tho bishops is certainly a modern viow. If you think it wrong to play cards or dance, don't do it; if you think there is no harm, enjoy thoso pleasures. These paasngca-at-arms botweon Itoosevolt andTaftaro certainly making campaign thunder for tho democrats. As a family rowlfurnishes food for tho goasipersMSO does this factional fight In tho republican party furnish meat for the democratic press and spell binders. It'a time to'call a halt. About one-half thejvotors of Lincoln county voted at the late primuries, the othor half were not'tsufflclcntly inter ested to tako time to go to tho polls. So long as this indifference exists, it cannot bo said that primary elections arc a success, or that tho candidato who receives tho highest ' vote is really tho choice of tho peoplo. Perhaps through timo thejvoter can bo educated an thnt he will takeltho same intorest in a nominating primary that ho does in tho election. Tho not gain In, tho membership of tho Methodist church last year was 55,000, or two por cent. This umall gain has led tho church dignitaries to got on their thinking caps. ,That ihoro is something wrong somewhere is evident Perhaps an investigation will prove that men of modem viows will not affiliate with a church organization that maintains tho samo rules that existed fifty yoars ago. Church organizations, like business men must adjust thom- selveH to changed condiUona-anu tneso ruloa can be changed without tho church losing any of tho influences for good. - The board of bishops, in their annual report to the general conference of tho Methodist church in session at Minnea polis recommend that tho rule prohibi ting dancing, card playing, gambling and going to theatr. circuses and horse Commissioners' Proceedings. April 30, 1912 Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Present Stroitz, Roberts, White and county clerk. A potition for liquor license in tho villngo of Dickons, in tho name of Jnmes Lewis & Co. being filed, and a romonstranco having been filed against tho issuing of said licenso, tho board sets May 9th, 1912, as a day for tho hearing of said matter Tho following resolution was pnssed by tho board to wit: Whereas Bird wood precinct, Lincoln county, Nobr., has on tho 9th day of April 1912, voted $15,000 of Birdwood precinct bridgo bonds for tho purposo of building a bridgo across the North Platte river at or near section lino between sections 4, 5, 8 and 9, T 11, R 33 according to law: Therefore belt resolved by the board of county commissioners of Lincoln county, Nobr., being in lawful session, that wo heroby make application to tho state of Nebraskn to furnish one half of tho cost of construction of said bridgo according to section 90, chapter 78 of the statutes of tho state of Nebraska, and we fnrther pledge tho county of Lincoln in tho state of Nebraska and guarantee ono half of tho cost of con struction of said bridge and fill. Said bridge to be 800 feot long with necos sary fill according to tho plans furnished by tho stato engineer. Total cost not to exceed $3.0,000. Claim of U P R R for freight on road grader is horeby allowed on general for 10.71 Claim of W A Stearns allowed on road district No 31 for ploughing fire guards 24.00 Claim of S. S. Filbert for road work in Diet 47 allowed on commissioner's Dist. No 8 for 76.00 Bids for bridge across Moran canyon as per advertisement were opened and tabulated with the following result: Structural Steel Works, Omaha, Neb., GO ft low truss steel bridgo 950.00 Concrete work per cubic yard G.50 Western Contractors' Supply Co., Omaha, Neb., GO ft low truss steel bridge 1068.00 Concrete work per cubic yard G.75 Monarch Engineering Co., Falls City, Nob., GJ) ft low truss bridgo 1137.00 Concreto work per cubic yard 9.00 The Omaha Structural Steel Works, of Omaha Neb., being the lowest bid ders, tho contract is hereby awarded to them upon their furnishing u bond in tho sum of 500.00 for tho propor ful filling of said contract. Bids for the caro of tho county poor for ono year as per advertisement were oponcd and tabulated and contract nwarded to Mrs. Emma Pulver and county attorney is hereby authorized to draw contract and bond according to law. A N Durbin, county treasurer, you are horeby authorized to refund poll tax of N II Trego for tho year 1911 for tho reason that samo was paid in McPher son Co. Wheroupon tho board adjourns until May lsU ' May 1st, 1912 Board met pursuant to a'djournmont. Present Stroitz, Whito and county clerk. Following claims were allowed on the bridge fund, to wit: E C Hostettor, work on Maxwell bridgo 109.55 Georgo Hoover, work on Sutherland bridgo ucross south river 72.50 Cnrl Lunk'-vitz, work on Sutherlard bridgo acro33 north river 20.00 Tho following claims wore allowed on tho difforont road district funds to wit: C G Clark, Dist. No 51 100.00 A F Danielson, Dist. No 8 75.00 Fred Ridingor. Dist. No 30 150.00 Wallace Quinn, Dist. No 49 200.00 II C Cohn, Dist. No. 15 100.00 Wm Dymond, Dist. No 4 200.00 Fred Marqultt, Dist No 9 100.00 John J Ginapp, Dist. NolG 100.00 Henry Linnemeyor, Dist. No 21, 200.00 Joseph McGce, Dist. No 33 150.00 John W Kilmor, Dist. No 36 40.00 S O Hathaway Dist. No 42 46.25 W J Thomas, Dist. No 1 100.00 Wm Pittman, Dist No 31 160.00 Following claims wero allowed on the general fund, to wit: O H Thoelecke, salary as highway commissioner 100.00 O A Bacon, salary ns county assessor 1st quarter 1912 and expenses to Lin coln 175.00 T F Watts, salary as deputy sheriff for April 75.00 A J Salisbury, salary as sheriff for April 125.00 Cleo R Chappell, salary as supt for April 133.33 C W Yost office expenses for April 1G.28 A E McConnell, trees for court house yard 24.00 Jos Wilson, salary as janitor and cash items 6G.40 Jos Wilson, cash advanced for labor setting out trees 25.65 Following claims wero allowed on commissioner's district No 3, Wm Smith, cash to be used in Dist. No 22 100.00; Wm J Shinkle, grading road No 353 270.00 A N Durbin, county trpasurer, you aro hereby directed to deduct the as sessed valuo of lot 2 block 109 from the tax of Catherine Simons for the reason she did not own samo during tho year 1911. Whereupon tho board adjourns to May 2, 1912. Mny 2. 1912 Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Prosont Stroitz, White nnd county clerk. The following claims, wero allowed on tho general fund to wit: Monarch Typewriter Co, for type writer supplies 91.00 DuPont Powder Co, 30 ft of fuse and caps 3.G2 A E Huntington repairs at court house 13. G5 C S Everly services state vb Jensen 7.00 Jos Fillon plumbing work at jail and court house 3 claims 49.40 W W Scott, Beatrice, Nob, casket for Luetta Graves 25.00 Carl Shaoffer plans for vault 10.00 North Platte Telephone Co, phono rent county offices Feb and March 39.50 North Platte Telophono Co, phono rent county offices May 21.30 North Platto Telephone Co, phone rent county hospital June 1, 1911, to April 1, 1912 23.20 Alex Richards, digging and hauling trees for court house yard 30.00 Sophia Anderson, care of Emma An derson April 30.40 Sophia Anderson care Lucinda Clark April 1 to April 29, 4 weeks 20.00 Leona Pierson, balance on road dam ages road 33-1, as per agreement 100.00 to be paid on receipt of deed. F A Rasmussen, printing 88.42 E J Eames, printing G6.17 C. S. Sawyer, hauling dynamite 1.00 Geo W Brown, mdse for county poor 7.55 A J Salisbury, jailers fees first quar ter 1912 13G.50 A J Salisbury, services state vs An- way 24.80 A J Salisbury office expense 1st qr 1912 24.61 Allowed on bridgo fund as follows: C F Iddings Co., lumber 540.00 Fred Ouimette, watching bridge G.00 J C McGowan, watching bridge 9.00 Elmer Martin, bridge work 14.00 Wm Dymond, bridge work Hershey bridge 32.00 John Bruce, bridge work Hershey bridge 9.00 Ray Berry bridge work Hershey bridgo 9.00 H W Green bridge work Hershey bridgo 7.00 Hay Moore bridge worK Hershey bridge 5.40 H Hazen bridge work Hershey bridge 12.00 Ware & Laing, blacksmith work 6.90 Allowed on road fund as follows: Wm Smith, work to be done in road Dist. 22 100.00 Whereupon board adjourns to May 9th. Notice. It is contrary to the citv ordinances for any persbn to deposit in the streets or alleys any ashes, manure, grass or other refuse, and I have been instructed by the city council to see that these ordinances are enforced. Property owners and residents will very much oblige me by complying with these ordinances. w. B. Salisbury, Street Commissioner. Di redfield Infield, Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDHELD. Surgeon. JOE II. KEDF1ELD. Phyalcian. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . . Hospital . . PHONE C42. OUR AIM Is to promote the interests of our customers; do all we can to mnko their dealings agreeable and profitable; and contribute to their enterprises our conservative co-operation, foresight and timely counsel. For J.he benefit of parties going away on Summer vacations we have for sale TRAVELER'S CHECKS in all Denominations. Make This Bank Your Bank. McDonald State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. chas. Mcdonald, President w. h. Mcdonald, Caibier and Vice-Prot. s V Jt 1 r J i '$?' ajrfwftfce-1-!--"'"